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Effect of Silica Fume on Workability and Compressive Strength of OPC Concrete


Abstract and Figures

Silica fume is a by product resulting from the reduction of high – purity quartz with coal or coke and wood chips in an electric arc furnace during the production of silicon metal or silicon alloys. Silica fume is known to improve the mechanical characteristics of concrete. The principle physical effect of silica fume in concrete is that of filler, which because of its fineness can fit into space between cement grains in the same way that sand fills the space between particles of coarse aggregates and cement grains fill the space between sand grains. As for chemical reaction of silica fume, because of high surface area and high content of amorphous silica in silica fume, this highly active pozzolan reacts more quickly than ordinary pozzolans. The use of silica fume in concrete has engineering potential and economic advantage. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigations carried out to find the suitability of silica fume in production of concrete. It is observed that the optimum dose of silica fume is 5% (by weight), when used as part replacement of OPC. The silica fume inclusion increases the workability and strength of concrete considerably.
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J. Environ. Nanotechnol.
Volume 3, No.3 pp. 32-35
ISSN (Print): 2279-0748
ISSN (Online): 2319-5541
doi: 10.13074/jent.2014.09.143086
* Vikas Srivastava Tel.: +919415369170
Effect of Silica Fume on Workability and Compressive Strength of
OPC Concrete
Vikas Srivastava
, Rakesh Kumar
, V. C. Agarwal
and P. K. Mehta
Civil Engg. Department, SHIATS (Formerly AAI-DU), Allahabad, India
Civil Engg. Department, MNNIT, Allahabad, India
Civil Engg. Department, SHIATS (Formerly AAI-DU), Allahabad, India
Civil Engg. Department, MNNIT, Allahabad, India
Received: 08.05.2014 Accepted: 19.08.2014
Silica fume is a by product resulting from the reduction of high purity quartz with coal or coke
and wood chips in an electric arc furnace during the production of silicon metal or silicon alloys. Silica
fume is known to improve the mechanical characteristics of concrete. The principle physical effect of
silica fume in concrete is that of filler, which because of its fineness can fit into space between cement
grains in the same way that sand fills the space between particles of coarse aggregates and cement grains
fill the space between sand grains. As for chemical reaction of silica fume, because of high surface area
and high content of amorphous silica in silica fume, this highly active pozzolan reacts more quickly than
ordinary pozzolans. The use of silica fume in concrete has engineering potential and economic
advantage. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigations carried out to find the
suitability of silica fume in production of concrete. It is observed that the optimum dose of silica fume is
5% (by weight), when used as part replacement of OPC. The silica fume inclusion increases the
workability and strength of concrete considerably.
Keywords: Silica fume; pozzolan; compressive strength; OPC.
By addition of some pozzolanic materials, the
various properties of concrerte viz, workability,
durability, strength, resistance to cracks and
permeability can be improved. Many modern concrete
mixes are modified with addition of admixtures,
which improve the microstructure as well as decrease
the calcium hydroxide concentration by consuming it
through a pozzolanic reaction. The subsequent
modification of the microstructure of cement
composites improves the mechanical properties,
durability and increases the service-life properties.
When fine pozzolana particles are dissipated in the
paste, they generate a large number of nucleation sites
for the precipitation of the hydration products.
Therefore, this mechanism makes paste more
homogeneous. This is due to the reaction between the
amorphous silica of the pozzolanic and calcium
hydroxide, produced during the cement hydration
reactions (Sabir et al., 2001, Antonovich and Goberis,
2003, Rojas and Cabrea, 2002).
In addition, the physical effect of the fine
grains allows dense packing within the cement and
reduces the wall effect in the transition zone between
the paste and aggregate. This weaker zone is
strengthened due to the higher bond development
between these two phases, improving the concrete
microstructure and properties. In general, the
pozzolanic effect depends not only on the pozzolanic
reaction, but also on the physical or filler effect of the
smaller particles in the mixture. Therefore, the
addition of pozzolans to OPC increases its mechanical
strength and durability as compared to the referral
paste, because of the interface reinforcement. The
physical action of the pozzolanas provides a denser,
more homogeneous and uniform paste. Silica fume is
a by product resulting from the reduction of high
purity quartz with coal or coke and wood chips in an
Vikas Srivastava et al. / J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Vol. 3(3), 32
-35, 2014
tric arc furnace during the production of silicon
metal or silicon alloys. Silica fume is known to
improve both the mechanical characteristics and
durability of concrete. The principle physical effect of
silica fume in concrete is that of filler, which because
of its fineness can fit into space between cement
grains in the same way that sand fills the space
between particles of coarse aggregates and cement
grains fill the space between sand grains. As for
chemical reaction of silica fume, because of high
surface area and high content of amorphous silica in
silica fume, this highly active pozzolan reacts more
quickly than ordinary pozzolans.
The use of silica fume in concrete has
engineering potential and economic advantage. It is
reported by most researchers
(Gafoori and Hamidou,
2007, Yogendran et al., 1987, Khayat et al., 1997,
Ramakrishnan and Srinivasan, 1982, Bayasi, 1993)
that workability is reduced on silica fume inclusion
however Kadri and Dual reported increase in
workability on replacement of cement by silica fume.
It is also reported (Gafoori and Hamidou, 2007,
Yogendran, 1987, Khayat, 1997, Ramakrishnan and
Srinivasan, 1982, Kadri and Dual, 1998) that
compressive strength is increased upto optimum
replacement level of silica fume. Strength of silica
fume concrete is affected by several factors viz. type
of cement, quality and proportion of silica fume and
curing temperature. The main contribution of silica
fume to concrete strength development at normal
curing temperature takes place from about 3 to 28
days. The contribution of silica fume to strength
development after 28 days is minimal (Sakr, 2006).
Bhanja and Sengupta (2003) reported that
inclusion of silica fume in the range of 5 25%
increases compressive strength in the range of 6.25
29.85% for water cement ratio between 0.26 - 0.42.
Sakr, 2006 reported that at 15% silica fume content
gravel concrete, barite concrete and ilmenite concrete
showed increased compressive strength by 23.33%,
23.07% and 23.52% respectively at 7 days, 21.34%,
20% and 22.58% respectively at 28 days, 16.5%,
18.7% and 22% respectively at 56 days and 18%,
7.14% and 22.80% respectively at 90 days.Dual and
Kadri (1998) reported that at 10% replacement level
compressive strength increased in the range of about
10 17 % at different water cement ratio(0.25-0.45).
Khayat et al (1997) reported that at 7.5% replacement
level compressive strength increased in the range of
about 10 17 % at different water cement ratio (w/c).
Babu and Prakash (1995)
reported that concrete with
silica fume even upto 40% replacement show strength
higher than that of the control concrete. The
improvements in strength at the different percentages
of replacement of replacement at any water cement
ratio were also varying over a wide range. Khan and
Ayers (1995)
reported 67% increase in compressive
strength at 10% replacement level and 0.38 w/c.
Cong et. al(1992) reported that concrete
containing silica fume as a partial replacement of
cement exhibits an increased compressive strength in
large part because of the improved strength of its
cement paste constituent. Slaniska and Lamacska
(1991) reported that at different replacement level of
cement by silica fume (3.75 10.25%) increase in
compressive strength in the range of about 12% - 57%
is observed. Detwiler and Mehta (1989) reported that
silica fume concrete showed improved compressive
strength in the range of 11.56% - 18.89%than the
conventional concrete at different water cement ratio.
In the present study an experimental
programme was conducted to investigate the
suitability of silica fume as partial replacement of
cement and its effect on the compressive strength and
workability of concrete. The referral concrete M
was made using 43 grade OPC (Birla) and the other
mixes were prepared by replacing part of OPC with
silica fume. The replacement levels were 5%, 10%,
15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (by weight). This paper
presents the results of this investigation.
For the present investigation, the coarse
aggregate of size 12.5 mm and down from Bharatkup
quarry was used. The sieve analysis of the aggregates
was carried out and the same distribution / FM was
maintained throughout the experiment. The important
properties of the coarse aggregate were: Fineness
Modulus = 6.29; Flakiness index = 20% (< 40% Ok
BS 882-1992); Elongation Index = 7%; Moisture
content = 0.52% (<2% Ok); Crushing value = 18.2%
(<30 Ok); Specific gravity = 2.72 (2.6-2.8).
The fine aggregate used in the investigation
was ‘Jamuna’ sand. The properties of fine aggregate
found as per IS-383 were: Fineness Modulus = 2.5;
Moisture content = 0.52% (<2% Ok); Specific gravity
= 2.54. The gradation of fine aggregate (Zone III) was
maintained throughout the experiment.
Silica fume for the present investigation was
obtained from M/s ELCOM Enterprises, Mumbai. The
silica fume was sieved and the fraction passing 10
IS sieve was used in the experiments. The physical
and chemical properties of silica fume viz-a-viz, OPC
are presented in table 1. The binder used in the present
investigation was 43 grade OPC (Birla). The
properties of cement were determined in accordance
with IS 8112: 1989 were: Fineness = 6.8% (<10%
Vikas Srivastava et al. / J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Vol. 3(3), 32-35, 2014
Ok); Consistency = 31%; Initial Setting Time = 60
minutes (>30 minutes Ok) ; Final Setting Time = 480
minute (<600 minutes Ok).
Table 1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Silica
Specific gravity
Mean grain size
Specific area
Light to
Chemical compositions (%)
Silicon dioxide
Aluminium oxide
Iron oxide (Fe
Calcium oxide
Magnesium oxide
Sodium oxide
Potassium oxide
Loss on ignition
For the present investigation, mix design for
grade of concrete (Target strength = 31.6 MPa)
was carried out using the above coarse aggregate, fine
aggregate, and the binder. The proportion of the
materials by weight was 1:1.89:2.17:0.48 (Cement:
Fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate: Water). To
investigate the effect of silica fume inclusion (as part
replacement of cement), 100 mm cubes were cast for
referral and other mixes having variable silica fume
content. The cement was replaced by silica fume at the
rate of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35% (by weight). The
workability (Slump value) and the compressive
strength of different mixes were tested at 7 and 28
days as per the procedure laid down in IS: 516 - 1981.
The results obtained from the above investigation are
presented below.
The compressive strength of the cubes at
different ages and different silica fume content are
presented in Fig - 1. The slump values and compaction
factor of the different mixes are presented in table - 2.
Table 2. Variation of Slump and Compaction
Factor of different Mixes
level (%)
0 (Referral)
Fig 1 reveals that optimum replacement level
of cement by silica fume is 5%. At 5% replacement
level the strength of silica fume concrete improved by
12.5% and 18.18% at 7 days and 28 days respectively
as compared to the referral concrete. At all other
replacement levels the strength of silica fume concrete
is lower than the referral concrete, however, the
workability is marginally improved at all replacement
levels. It is reported in the literature that inclusion of
silica fume (5 40%) increases the strength in the
range of 6.25 67%. In our research work in which
silica fume was included between 5 35%, the
increase in strength is observed by 18.18%. The
strength improvement due to silica fume incorporation
in concrete occurs due to chemical and physical
processes, the chemical effect due to the pozzolanic
activity and the physical effect due to the microfiller
action. However, decrease in strength is due to the
reason that silica fume added in excess of that required
for pozzolanic and filler actions results in replacement
of primary binder, that is cement, and hence reduction
in strength.
Fig. 1: Variation of compressive strength with
replacement level of OPC by silica fume.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
R e pla c e m e nt L evel (%)
C om pres s ive S treng th (MP a)
7 D ays
28 Days
Vikas Srivastava et al. / J. Environ. Nanotechnol., Vol. 3(3), 32
-35, 2014
The following conclusions are derived on the
use of silica fume in concrete making.
1. The optimum replacement level of
cement by silica fume is found to be 5%
by weight.
2. There is a significant improvement in the
compressive strength of concrete using
silica fume at both 7 and 28 days as
compared to the referral concrete.
3. The workability in case of silica fume
concrete is marginally improved.
4. Beyond optimum silica fume level the
strength decreases but the workability
Authors of this paper express their sincere
appreciation to the M/s Elkem Enterprises, Mumbai
and Mr. S. Singh of MNNIT, Allahabad for his
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... Silica fume (SF), a valuable by-product of silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloy production, has gained significant recognition for its beneficial effects on geopolymer properties. It is widely employed in the geopolymer industry to enhance workability and mechanical strength [21]. The incorporation of silica fume into the production of high-strength concrete (HSC) plays a crucial role in improving the bond between cement paste and aggregates, particularly at the interface, which is typically the weakest region within the concrete matrix [8, 9, and 10]. ...
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Abstract This study examines the mechanical properties of Class C fly ash-based geopolymer mortar to optimize its use. Using Taguchi's experimental design methodology, compressive and flexural strength tests were conducted to determine the ideal mix ratios. An L16 orthogonal array with five factors and four levels was used to assess the effects of sodium hydroxide concentration (10, 12, 14, and 16 M), alkaline solution-to-binder ratio, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio, water to geopolymer solids ratio, and aggregate percentage. Samples were cured at room temperature for 28 days. Results showed that the highest compressive strength (20.52 MPa) was achieved with alkaline solution-to-binder ratio = 0.3, water-to-geopolymer solids ratio = 0.35, sodium silicate-to sodium hydroxide ratio = 1.75, and aggregate percentage = 0.60, while the lowest (2.64 MPa) occurred with alkaline solution-to-binder ratio = 0.3, water to geopolymer solids ratio = 0.55, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio = 2.5, and aggregate percentage = 0.65. Similarly, the highest flexural strength (4.69 MPa) was noted with alkaline solution-to-binder ratio = 0.3, water-to-geopolymer solids ratio = 0.35, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio = 1.75, and aggregate percentage = 0.60, and the lowest (0.57 MPa) with alkaline solution-to-binder ratio = 0.3, water to geopolymer solids ratio = 0.55, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio = 2.5, and aggregate percentage = 0.65. The optimal parameters for maximum compressive strength were water-to-geopolymer solids ratio = 0.35, molarity = 10 M, alkaline solution-to-binder ratio = 0.40, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio = 2.0, and aggregate percentage = 0.70. For flexural strength, the optimal levels were water to geopolymer solids ratio = 0.35, molarity = 10 M, alkaline solution-to-binder ratio = 0.40, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio = 1.75, and aggregate percentage = 0.70.
... Conversely, pumice improved workability but decreased compressive strength. Srivastava et al. [11] recommended 5% silica fume replacement, augmenting both workability and strength. Aghabaglou and Ramyar [8] investigated fly ash as a replacement for both cement and fine aggregates, observing reduced strength with increased cement replacement but higher strength when replacing fine aggregates. ...
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The current study explores the optimization of roller compacted concrete (RCC) aiming at achieving zero-slump concrete. The RCC, composed of cementitious materials, sand, dense graded aggregates, and water, is primarily employed for pavements and various industrial applications. In this study, different RCC formulations were developed by replacing ordinary Portland cement (OPC) with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) at varying percentages (0%, 20%, 40%, and 50%). The investigation involved determining the optimal water content for each mix through comprehensive compaction tests at different replacement levels. The focus was on analysing the enhancement in the strength properties of RCC mixes with GGBS. The results indicate that RCC compositions incorporating GGBS exhibit lower early-age strength as compared to conventional OPC concrete. However, the strength of GGBS-modified mixes exhibits improvement over time, ultimately surpassing the compressive strength of normal OPC concrete. Notably, the test outcomes indicate that the strength properties of RCC mixes blended with GGBS increase significantly up to a 40% replacement level of OPC with GGBS.
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The growing consumption of natural resources to meet the needs of road construction has become a significant challenge to environmental sustainability. Additionally, the increase in industrial by-products has raised global concerns due to their environmental impacts. The utilization of industrial by-products in asphalt mixtures offers an effective solution for promoting sustainable practices. The objective of this article is to conduct a bibliometric analysis and citation-based review to characterize and analyze the scientific literature on the use of steel slag aggregates, copper slag, phosphorus slag, bottom ash, fly ash, red mud, silica fume, and foundry sand in asphalt mixtures. Another aim is to identify research gaps and propose recommendations for future studies. The bibliometric analysis was conducted using VOSviewer software version 1.6.18, focusing on authors, co-authorship, bibliographic coupling, and countries. A total of 909 articles were selected for the bibliometric analysis. The findings indicate that more effort is needed to expand the application of industrial by-products in asphalt mixtures. Furthermore, these by-products should be utilized in different types of asphalt mixtures. The incorporation of industrial by-products into asphalt mixes also requires field validation and further laboratory investigations, particularly concerning aging and moisture resistance. In addition, the effects of chemical reactions involving industrial by-products on the long-term performance of asphalt layers should be evaluated. Finally, this article encourages engineers and researchers to intensify their efforts in utilizing industrial by-products for environmental sustainability.
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This paper reports most optimized mix derived from the roller compacted concrete (RCC) using ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) as the partial cement replacing materials in the context of possible utilization of RCC in the construction of rigid pavements in the rural part of the country, especially subjected to low vehicular traffic volume. In the current study, various RCC mix compositions were developed by substituting ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) for ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in varied percentages (0%, 20%, 40%, and 50%) and assessed for mechanical (strength) properties. All the three GGBS blended mix compositions are found to give early age compressive strength more than 20 MPa and 28 days compressive strength more than 30 MPa. Further, they are found to have split tensile strength in the range of 2.8-4.1 MPa. Moreover, they are found to yield the flexural strength more than 3.8 MPa. All the three mixes are found to comply with the requirements of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and the flexural strengths as prescribed by Indian Roads Congress Specification and American Concrete Institute Standards for possible utilization in the construction of rigid pavements in the rural parts of the developing country like India. Further, the strength values of the GGBS blended mixes increases from 20% to 40% and decreases thereafter, at the higher GGBS contents such as 50%. In view of this, the RCC mix composition with 40% GGBS contents can be regarded as the most optimal mix to be used in the construction of rigid pavements in rural part of the country.
In the article, the authors considered the prerequisites for the use of polyurethane glue in masonry made of cellular concrete blocks for housing construction, formulated theoretical hypotheses of the dependence of masonry made of cellular concrete blocks on the thickness and material of the seam during compression, presented the results of experimental studies of the resistance of masonry walls made of cellular concrete blocks to short-term central compression, established the dependence of the change in the compressive strength of masonry on the thickness and material of the seam. The test results were evaluated by comparing the destructive forces for samples with joints made of cement-sand mortar with a thickness of 5 mm and samples with joints made of polyurethane glue with a thickness of 3 mm. It was found that the strength properties of masonry change when the material of the masonry seam and its thickness change, in the most indicative series of tests, the strength increase was about 19%. At the same time, the nature of the destruction has not changed – it is fragile, due to the excessive opening of vertical main cracks in the stone and partially in the seams. The deformability of the masonry did not change, the maximum deformations for samples with polyurethane glue and cement-sand mortar turned out to be identical. The applicability of polyurethane adhesives as an analogue of classical mortar joints for masonry walls has been proven.
To address the environmental impact of greenhouse gases in cement production, incorporating cement substitute materials is crucial. However, the slow degradation of discarded tires poses environmental challenges, making burial or incineration unsustainable. This study explores the integration of discarded tires as crumb rubber in concrete and the use of silica fume as a cement substitute. Experimental methods, coupled with neuro-fuzzy systems, were employed to predict the mechanical properties of the resulting modified concretes. In the experimental approach, silica fume replaced cement at weight percentages of 0%, 10%, 12%, and 15%, while crumb rubber substituted sand at volume percentages of 0%, 10%, and 25%. Compressive and flexural strengths were evaluated at 7, 28, and 90 days, with tensile strength assessed at 28 days. The neuro-fuzzy system utilized six inputs, including cement, gravel, sand, silica fume, water-cement ratio, and sample age, to forecast tensile and compressive strength in silica fume-containing concrete. Similarly, six inputs, including cement, gravel, sand, crumb rubber, water-cement ratio, and sample age, were used to predict flexural and compressive strength in rubber-containing concrete. The findings reveal that the inclusion of silica fume enhances the mechanical properties of concrete, while the introduction of crumb rubber diminishes these properties. Specifically, a quantitative analysis demonstrates the positive impact of silica fume on strength and the contrasting effect of crumb rubber. The neuro-fuzzy system exhibits remarkable accuracy in predicting both tensile and compressive strength for silica fume-containing concrete and flexural and compressive strength for rubber-containing concrete.
The concrete compressive strength is essential for the design and durability of concrete infrastructure. Silica fume (SF), as a cementitious material, has been shown to improve the durability and mechanical properties of concrete. This study aims to predict the compressive strength of concrete containing SF by dual-objective optimization to determine the best balance between accurate prediction and model simplicity. A comprehensive dataset of 2995 concrete samples containing SF was collected from 36 peer-reviewed studies ranging from 5% to 30% by cement weight. Input variables included curing time, SF content, water-to-cement ratio, aggregates, superplasticizer levels, and slump characteristics in the modeling process. The gray wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm was applied to create a model that balances parsimony with an acceptable error threshold. A determination coefficient (R2) of 0.973 demonstrated that the CatBoost algorithm emerged as a superior predictive tool within the boosting ensemble context. A sensitivity analysis confirmed the robustness of the model, identifying curing time as the predominant influence on the compressive strength of SF-containing concrete. To further enhance the applicability of this research, the authors proposed a web application that facilitates users to estimate the compressive strength using the optimized CatBoost algorithm by following the link:
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Within the scope of the thesis, an experimental study was conducted to evaluate the performance of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete (GPC) piles, taking into account different environmental conditions. To obtain GPC concrete, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) were used together as an alkaline liquid. F class fly ash - blast furnace slag and C class fly ash - silica fume additives were used together in the preliminary experiments to obtain GPC concrete prepared using natural sand and natural crushed stone. The molarity of the mixtures was chosen between 10-16M in the experiments. According to the preliminary test results, C-class fly ash and silica fume were used in the formation of GPC concretes within the scope of the study. Using L16 Taguchi design, different parameters (Molarity (M), Alkaline activator solution/binder ratio (AA/B), Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio (SS/SH), Aggregate rate ratio in the mixture (G), and Water / Geopolymer solid ratio (Water/GK) and levels by preparing small-scale geopolymer (KKÖ) samples; Uniaxial compressive test, flexural strength test, freeze-thaw cycles, and compressive strength tests were performed on the samples exposed to salt resistance. The same experiments were carried out on large-scale geopolymer (BKÖ) samples for suitable designs and optimum design. Pile loading tests were carried out on GPC piles and cement-based model test piles (55mm diameter, 400-600m length) were prepared for optimum design. In addition, SEM and XRD analyses were performed for the samples taken. According to the experimental study results, the highest strengths were obtained for the L1 design, and the smallest strengths were obtained for the L13 design in the KKÖ samples. The compressive strengths of the KKÖ samples in the L1 design and the BKÖ samples in the L13 design were found to be higher. Geopolymer samples gained early strength due to the calcium (Ca) content since C-class fly ash was used within the scope of the study. According to the uniaxial compressive strength tests performed on KKÖ samples, the most effective factor on the compressive strength was the Water / GK ratio. According to the results of S/N analysis; As the water/GK ratio and the molarity increase, the strength decreases. Max. Optimum levels for compressive strength were found water/GK=0.35, M=10, AA/B=0.40, SS/SH=2.0, and G=0.70. 7 and 28 days uniaxial compressive strengths of 25.85 MPa and 28.61 MPa were obtained in BKÖ samples (Lopt) prepared for optimum design, which show that piles with strengths close to cement-based concrete can be produced. The most effective parameter of flexural strength was Molarity. According to the results of the S/N analysis; max. optimum levels for compressive strength were M=12, AA/B=0.40, SS/SH=1.75, G=0.60, and Water/GK=0.35. While the high-strength samples were exposed to freeze-thaw cycles, the strength loss was low, but the low-strength samples in the cyclic condition had a high-strength loss after the freeze-thaw cycle. In general, the resistance and stability of GPC concrete samples against the freeze-thaw effect are high, which is associated with the reduction of micropores by silica fume in the structure of the geopolymer. The most effective parameter on the strengths after freeze-thaw cycles was the Water/GK ratio. According to the results of the S/N analysis; max. Optimum levels for compressive strength are Water/GK=0.35, AA/B=0.40, M=10, SS/SH=2.25, and G=0.60. BKÖ geopolymer samples remained more stable than KKÖ samples in terms of both strength and mass loss under the effect of freeze-thaw cycles. For the L13 design, which did not provide sufficient performance in KKÖ samples, sufficient performance was provided in BKÖ samples. Mass losses in KKÖ geopolymer samples exposed to salt attack with 5% NaCl solution vary between 3.2-5.3%. In some of the samples exposed to salt attack, strength loss and some increase in strength were observed. While the most effective parameter on GPC concrete strengths under salt attack was the SS/SH ratio. According to the results of the S/N analysis; max. Optimum levels for compressive strength were obtained as SS/SH=1.75, M=10, AA/B=0.40, Water/GK=0.35, and G=0.70. Mass losses in BKO geopolymer samples remained insignificant. The images obtained in the SEM analyses showed that as a result of the complete reactions between alkaline solutions and fly ash, a compact and dense matrix structure was observed in GPC concrete in most designs (L1, L2, L15, and Lopt), and the images were in the direction of confirming the uniaxial compressive strength results. XRD diffraction patterns are important in that they indicate that the Ca component in Class C fly ash is important in the geopolymerization process and that Gismondine (C-A-S-H) and Calcium Silicate Hydrates (C-S-H) are formed at low Water/GK ratios. In the pile loading tests carried out on 2 pieces of GPC concrete with diameters of D=55 mm, lengths of L=400 mm and L=600 mm, and 2 pieces of cement-based piles in a medium compact sand soil prepared with relative density Dr = 50.28% in the tank; While the end bearing resistances were close to each other in both pile types, the environmental friction resistance of GPC concrete piles was higher. While the environmental friction resistance in GPC piles constituted approximately 40% of the total final bearing capacity, the environmental friction resistance in cement-based piles constituted approximately 30% of the total final bearing capacity. The ultimate bearing capacity of GPC piles has been obtained and it has been determined that they can be used as a good alternative to cement-based piles. With the thesis study, the high compressive strength of GPC concrete piles, their early strength gain, freeze-thaw cycles, and high resistance to salt resistance are important in terms of showing that this type of piles can be used especially in environments where adverse environmental conditions are effective.
Tez çalışması kapsamında uçucu kül esaslı oluşturulan geopolimer beton (GPC) kazıkların performansının farklı çevresel koşulların da dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmesi amacıyla deneysel bir çalışma yürütülmüştür. GPC beton elde etmek için alkali sıvı olarak sodyum hidroksit (NaOH) ve sodyum silikat (Na2SiO3) birlikte kullanılmıştır. Doğal kum ve doğal kırmataş kullanılarak hazırlanan GPC beton elde edebilmek için yapılan ön deneylerde F sınıfı uçucu kül – yüksek fırın cürufu ve C sınıfı uçucu kül - silis dumanı katkıları birlikte kullanılmıştır. Deneylerde karışımların Molaritesi 10-16M arasında seçilmiştir. Ön deney sonuçlarına göre çalışma kapsamında GPC betonlarının oluşturulmasında C sınıfı uçucu kül ile silis dumanı kullanılmıştır. L16 Taguchi tasarımı kullanılarak farklı parametreler (Molarite (M), Alkali aktivatör çözeltisi / bağlayıcı oranı (AA/B), Na2SiO3/NaOH oranı (SS/SH), Karışımdaki agrega oranı (G) ve Su / Geopolimer katı oranı (Su/GK)) ve seviyeleri için küçük ölçekli geopolimer (KKÖ) numuneler hazırlanarak; Tek eksenli basınç deneyi, eğilme dayanımı deneyi, donma-çözülme çevrimleri ve tuz direncine maruz numuneler üzerinde basınç dayanım deneyleri uygulanmıştır. Uygun tasarımlar ve optimum tasarım için büyük ölçekli geopolimer (BKÖ) numuneler üzerinde de aynı deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Optimum tasarım için hazırlanan GPC kazık ve çimento esaslı model deney kazıkları (55mm çaplı, 400-600m uzunluklu) üzerinde kazık yükleme deneyleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca alınan numuneler için SEM ve XRD analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneysel çalışma sonuçlarına göre KKÖ numunelerinde en büyük dayanımlar L1 Nolu tasarım, en küçük dayanımlar L13 Nolu tasarım için elde edilmiştir. L1 Nolu tasarımda KKÖ numunelerin, L13 Nolu tasarımda BKÖ numunelerin basınç dayanımları fazla bulunmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında C sınıfı uçucu kül kullanıldığı için kalsiyum (Ca) içeriğinden dolayı Geopolimer numuneler erken dayanım kazanmıştır. KKÖ numuneler üzerinde yapılan Tek eksenli basınç dayanımı deneylerine göre dayanım üzerinde en etkili faktör Su / GK oranı olmuştur. S/N analizi sonuçlarına göre; Su/GK oranı ve Molarite arttıkça dayanım azalmaktadır. Max. dayanım için optimum seviyeler S/GK=0.35, M=10, AA/B = 0.40, SS/SH=2.0 ve G=0.70 bulunmuştur. Optimum tasarım için hazırlanan BKÖ numunelerinde (Lopt) 7 ve 28 günlük Tek eksenli basınç dayanımları 25.85 MPa ve 28.61 MPa elde edilmiştir ki, bu değerler çimento esaslı betona yakın dayanımlara sahip kazıkların üretilebileceğini göstermektedir. Eğilme dayanımı üzerinde en etkili parametre Molarite olmuştur. S/N analizi sonuçlarına göre; max. dayanım için optimum seviyeler M=12, AA/B=0.40, SS/SH=1.75, G=0.60 ve Su/GK=0.35 olmuştur. Yüksek dayanımlı numuneler donma – çözülme çevrimlerine maruz kaldıklarında dayanım kaybı az olurken, çevrimsiz durumda düşük dyanımlı numunelerde donma-çözülme çevrimi sonrasında da dayanım kaybı fazla olmuştur. Genel olarak GPC beton numunelerinin donma-çözülme etkisine karşı direnci ve stabilitesi yüksek olup, bu durum geopolimerin yapısındaki silis dumanının mikro gözenekleri azaltması ile ilişkilidir. Donma-çözülme çevrimleri sonrasında dayanımlar üzerinde en etkili parametre Su/GK oranı olmuştur. S/N analizi sonuçlarına göre; max. dayanım için optimum seviyeler Su/GK=0.35, AA/B=0.40, M=10, SS/SH=2.25 ve G=0.60 şeklindedir. BKÖ geopolimer numuneler donma-çözülme çevrimleri etkisi altında hem dayanım hem de kütle kaybı anlamında KKÖ numunelere göre daha stabil kalmıştır. KKÖ numunelerinde yeterli performansı sağlamayan L13 tasarımı için BKÖ numunelerde yeterli performans sağlanmıştır. %5 Nacl çözeltisi ile tuz saldırısına maruz bırakılan KKÖ geopolimer numunelerdeki kütle kayıpları %3.2-5.3 arasında değişmektedir. Tuz saldırısına maruz bırakılan numunelerin bir kısmında dayanım kaybı bir kısmında ise dayanımlarda artışlar gerçekleşmiştir. Tuz saldırısı altında GPC beton dayanımları üzerindeki en etkili parametre SS/SH oranı olurken,. S/N analizi sonuçlarına göre; max. dayanım için optimum seviyeler SS/SH=1.75, M=10, AA/B=0.40, Su/GK=0.35 ve G=0.70 olarak elde edilmiştir. BKÖ geopolimer numunelerinde kütle kayıpları önemsiz düzeyde kalmıştır. SEM analizlerinde elde edilen görüntüler alkali çözeltiler ve uçucu kül arasında tam olarak gerçekleşen reaksiyonlar sonucunda çoğu tasarımda (L1, L2, L15 ve Lopt) GPC betonda kompakt ve yoğun bir matris yapısı gözlendiğini ve görüntülerin Tek eksenli basınç dayanımı sonuçlarını doğrulayıcı yönde olduğunu göstermiştir. XRD kırınım desenleri, geopolimerizasyon sürecinde C sınıfı uçucu kül içerisindeki Ca bileşeninin önemli olduğunu ve düşük Su/GK oranlarında Gismondine (C-A-S-H) ve Kalsiyum Silikat Hidratların (C-S-H) oluştuğunu işaret etmesi açısından önemlidir. Tank içerisinde rölatif sıkılığı Dr = %50.28 olacak şekilde hazırlanmış orta sıkı kum zemin içerisinde çapları D=55 mm, uzunlukları L=400 mm ve L=600 mm olan 2 adet GPC beton ve 2 adet çimento esaslı kazık üzerinde yapılan kazık yükleme deneylerinde; her iki kazık türünde uç taşıma dirençleri birbirine yakınken, GPC beton kazıkların çevre sürtünme dirençleri daha yüksek elde edilmiştir. GPC kazıklarda çevresel sürtünme direnci toplam nihai taşıma gücünün yaklaşık %40’ını oluştururken, çimento esaslı kazıklarda çevresel sürtünme direnci toplam nihai taşıma gücünün yaklaşık %30’unu oluşturmuştur. GPC kazıkların nihai taşıma kapasitesi daha fazla elde edilmiş olup, çimento esaslı kazıklara iyi bir alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir. Tez çalışması ile GPC beton kazıkların basınç dayanımının yüksek olması, erken dayanım kazanmaları, donma-çözülme çevrimleri ve tuz direncine karşı göstermiş oldukları yüksek direnç özellikle olumsuz çevresel koşullarının etkili olduğu ortamlarda bu tip kazıkların kullanılabileceğini göstermesi açısından önemlidir.
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As the use of blended silica fume cement in commercial concrete construction increases, it is important to evaluate the influence of such types of cement on important characteristics of fresh and hardened concrete. The objective of this paper is to provide data about various properties of concrete made with the relatively new type of cement, a blended silica fume cement, and to compare them to values obtained with similar mixtures containing standard Canadian CSA Type 10 and Type 20 portland cements (similar to ASTM C 150 Type I and Type II cements). A total of 26 concrete mixtures typical af commonly used mixtures in the construction industry in Eastern Canada were evaluated. Half of the mixtures were air entrained and had water-cementitious materials ratios of 0.33 to 0.59. The remaining half af the mixtures were not air entrained and had water-cementitious materials ratios varying between 0.45 and 0.69. The mixtures were tested for consistency, air content, external bleeding, time of setting, temperature rise, compressive strength development, rapid chloride ion permeability, air-void system, freeze-thaw durability, and scaling resistance. Compared to similar concretes containing Type 10 and Type 20 cements, the use of blended silica fume cement was found to increase cohesiveness and strength, reduce permeability, and enhance scaling resistance. The relative beneficial effect of using the blended silica fume cement increased with the increase in water-cementitious materials ratio and the decrease in cement content.
The paper presents the results of an investigation to determine the performance characteristics of fiber reinforced concretes containing silicafume. The plastic concrete properties studied were slump, air content, unit weight, V-B time and temperature. The hardened concrete properties investigated were compressive strength, flexural strength, toughness index, tensile strength, pulse velocity, static modulus of elasticity, and absorption coefficient. These hardened concrete properties were compared at 3, 7 and 28 days.
Experimental results about the occurence of an optimum content of silica fume with regard to the compressive strength of concrete were discussed. To investigate the isolated effect of silica fume on concrete, the high-range water-reducing admixture (HRWRA) was kept constant. The compaction energy was also varied with the variation in silica fume content in the water-cementitous material ratio (w/cm). The results show that silica fume has a tremendous effect in improving the cement paste-aggregate transition zone.
This investigation evaluates; 1) the influence of silica fume content on the strength and resistance to wear of 3-, 7-, 28-, and 91-day moist-cured concretes made with 0, 5,10,15, and 20% silica fume replacing a portion of the fine-aggregate; and 2) the influence of various combinations of curing schemes on the strength and resistance to abrasion of the selected fine aggregate-replaced silica fume concretes. A uniform cement factor of 385 kg/m3 (650 lb/yd3) and a constant water-cementitious material ratio (w/cm) of 0.325 are used in all trial mixtures. The fresh and bulk characteristics, such as slump, air content, time of setting, bleeding, unit weight, and compressive strength are obtained to characterize the selected matrixes. ASTM C 779, Procedure C, Ball Bearings, is used to evaluate the resistance to wear. The compressive strength and abrasion resistance of the fine aggregate-replaced silica fume concretes cured under a continuous moist-curing condition and various combinations of wet-dry curing cycles are compared. The relationships among depth of wear, compressive strength, percentage of silica fume content, and curing age are also studied. Laboratory test results conclude that both the compressive strength and resistance to wear peaked at 10% silica fume content. Silica fume incorporation in concrete by way of fine aggregate replacement did not alter the samples ' compressive strength when subjected to the various combinations of wet-dry curing cycles. When compared with continuous moist curing, the selected cycled wet-dry curing conditions caused a modest reduction in resistance to abrasion that varied with silica fume contents, curing cycles, and curing schedules. There was statistically a significant correlation between the dependent variable (depth of wear) and the independent variables (compressive strength, percentage of silica fume content, and curing age) for the samples aged under continuous moistcuring conditions.
Controversy exists as to why silica fume increases the strength of concrete when it is used as a partial replacement for cement. Some evidence supports the view that the increase in strength is due to an increase in the strength of the cement paste constituent of concrete. However, contradictory evidence shows no increase in the strength of cement paste, but substantial increases in concrete strength, when silica fume is used. The latter evidence is used to support the theory that silica fume strengthens concrete by strengthening the bond between cement paste and aggregate. This study is designed to explain the contradictory evidence and establish the role played by silica fume in controlling the strength of concrete and its constituent materials. These goals are accomplished using cement pastes, mortars, and concretes with water-cementitious material ratios ranging from 0.30 to 0.39. Mixes incorporate 1) no admixtures, 2) a superplasticizer only, or 3) silica fume and a superplasticizer. The research demonstrates that replacement of cement by silica fume and the addition of a superplasticizer increase the strength of cement paste. It also demonstrates that cement paste specimens, with or without silica fume, can exhibit reduced strength compared to other specimens with the same water-cementitious material ratio if the material segregates during fabrication, thus explaining some earlier experimental observations. The segregation of cement paste is caused by high superplasticizer dosages that do not cause segregation of concrete with the same water-cementitious material ratio. Concrete containing silica fume as a partial replacement for cement exhibits an increased compressive strength in large part because of the improved strength of its cement paste constituent. Changes in the paste-aggregate interface caused by silica fume appear to have little effect on the uniaxial compressive strength of concrete.
A study of various properties of silica fume concrete is reported. Various properties of silica fume concrete, including slump, air-content, compressive strength, flexural strength, permeability, and permeable void volume, were investigated, and the effect of the silica fume replacement ratio of cement is described. The effects of aggregate content and graduation water-binder (cement + silica fume), and superplasticizer dosage rate also are discussed. In this investigation, silica fume-binder rations ranged from 0.00 to 0.40 water-binder ratios from 0.41 to 0.47, aggregate-binder ratios from 1.0 to 4.0, and superplasticizer-binder ratios from 0.01 to 0.05.
The efficiency of silica fume in influencing the strength of highstrength concrete was studied at different water-cementitious ratios and dosages of silica fume. The results suggest that the optimum replacement of cement by silica fume in high-strength concrete 50 to 70 MPa (7500 to 10,500 psi) at 28 days is 15 percent. Furthermore, the effect of silica fume decreases with increasing cement content and decreasing water-cementitious ratios. At a cement content of 500 kg/m**3 (840 lb/yd**3) and a water-cementitious ratio of 0. 28, it was not possible to increase the strength of concrete using silica fume to replace cement. In addition, normal levels of air entrainment were required even in the highest strength mix to ensure adequate performance in rapid freeze-thaw testing.
Appropriate use of silica fume improves both the mechanical characteristics and durability of concrete. In this work, carbon black, which is physically similar to silica fume but is not pozzolanic, is used to evaluate the relative significance of physical and pozzolanic effects. Results show that at an age of days, the influence of silica fume on the compressive strength of concrete may be attributed mainly to physical effects. By the age of 28 days, both physical and chemical effects become significant. However, even at the age of 7 days, there is a difference in the resistance to subcritical crack growth in the cement paste-aggregate transition zone between silica fume and carbon black mixes.
The use of silica fume as a mineral admixture for the production of high strength high performance concretes is gaining importance in recent years. The present paper is an effort towards a better understanding of the efficiency of silica fume in concrete. It was observed from an evaluation of the data available in literature that the efficiency of SF in concrete was not a constant at all percentages of replacement. It was proposed that the “overall efficiency factor” of SF can be assessed in two separate parts, the “general efficiency factor” — a constant at all the percentages of I replacement and the “percentage efficiency factor” — varying with the replacement percentage. A comparison of the efficiencies obtained from the earlier data with studies on a “Lower Grade Silica Fume” in the laboratory show that the proposed values of efficiency are of lower bound and it is possible to achieve even higher efficiencies with proper mix proportioning.
In the previous paper [1] modifications of Abrams and Bolomey formulas well applicable to evaluate the influence of fly ash upon the strength of concrete were proposed. In the submitted paper we present the example of utilization of the general form of proposed modifications to evaluate the complex of experimental results reached in concretes with silica fume. Thus acquired empirical dependences can be further graphically elaborated into simple homograms which enable quick orientation and estimation of the influence of composition on the strength of a given sort of concretes with silica fume. Proposed modifications of Abrams and Bolomey formulas well show the non-linear influence of silica fume content upon the strength of concrete.