First report on the occurrence of free-living marine Nematode Oncholaimellus brevicauda Timm 1969 (Oncholaimidae: Enoplida) from India
Abstract and Figures
Occurrence of free-living marine Nematode Oncholaimellus brevicauda Timm, 1969 is recorded with morphological description of both male and female for the first time from India. Genus is characterized by a massive right subventrolateral tooth and transverse band in buccal cavity. Species is different from the other Indian species of same genus in having long spicules with two-waved upward directing end part in male and short tail with spinneret at the tail end. © 2014, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). All rights reserved.
Figures - uploaded by Anil Mohapatra
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All figure content in this area was uploaded by Anil Mohapatra
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... Rushikulya, Devi and Gahirmata. Datta et al. (2014) made a new record of a nematode species Oncholaimellus brevicauda from sediments of Talsari. Baliarsingh et al. (2015) reported a first record of Desmoscolex falcatus (nematode: Adenphorea: Desmoscolecida: Desmoscolecidae) from Rushikulya estuary, Odisha, India. ...
In any marine system, meiofauna plays a key role in the functioning of the food web and sustain important ecological processes. Benthic research has long been carried out both in spatial and temporal scale on the distribution, species diversity, community structure and abundance. Very few works have been reported on meiofauna along Odisha coast during last few decades. The present work is aimed to review how much work has actually made along Odisha Coast, East Coast of India during last few decades. Aktualny stan wiedzy na temat mejofauny wybrzeża Odisha (Indie) Słowa kluczowe mejofauna, słonawa woda morska, przegląd, Odisha, Indie Streszczenie W każdym systemie morskim mejofauna odgrywa kluczową rolę w funkcjonowaniu sieci pokarmowej, odpowiadając za wiele ważnych procesów ekologicznych. Mimo prowadzenia od dawna szeroko zakrojonych badań bentosu w zakresie zmian rozmieszczenia, różnorodności gatunkowej, struktury społeczności i liczebności, niewiele wiadomo na temat mejofauny wschodniego wybrzeża Indii. W artykule przedstawiono stan wiedzy na temat mejofauny wybrzeża Odisha z ostatnich kilku dekad.
... Sinha et al. [77] discovered free-living marine nematode Anoplostoma macrospiculum from Indian coast after independence. Some research studies undertaken by Datta et al. [79], Datta et al. [80][81][82], Jacob et al. [83][84][85] have been able to describe some free-living marine nematodes in recent time from North-East coast, West coast and around Andaman sea of India respectively. ...
Relating biological patterns to the physical environment is increasingly explored in current period of global biodiversity crisis and attempts to identify ecological status. Free-living marine nematodes (FMN) were proposed as ecological indicators, although often under approaches based on developing synthetic indexes of environmental quality, contextually neglecting the crucial issue of their spatial and temporal variability in abundance and diversity, and its relationship with environmental drivers. This study, carried out on the north-eastern coast of India as a region subject to various anthropogenic activities, assessed the patterns of FMN structure, richness, equitability, trophic guilds, life strategy and morphological traits at three sites, three times over 1 year, two beach levels and three sediment layers upto 15 cm deep. Nematode patterns were then related to the amount of sand, silt and clay, organic carbon, and salinity. Each FMN characteristic was largely variable in time and space, being organic carbon and salinity the environmental variables most correlated to such patterns. Monitoring designs suited to capture such variability are recommended to improve the use of FMN as bioindicators. Just relying on unidirectional data to define environmental status is questioned, while it is proposed to consider the Effect of Positional Constraints when assessing ecosystem health.