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On correlation between urban development, land subsidence and flooding phenomena in Jakarta


Abstract and Figures

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of about 10.2 million people, inhabiting an area of about 660 square-km. It is located within a deltaic plain and passes by 13 natural and artificial rivers. In the last three decades, urban development of Jakarta has grown very rapidly in the sectors of industry, trade, transportation, real estate and many others, which has caused several negative environmental impacts. In turns Jakarta is then prone toward a few natural hazards mainly land subsidence and flooding. In general, based on geodetic measurement methods (e.g. Leveling, GPS surveys, and InSAR), conducted since 1982 up to 2014, it is obtained that land subsidence in Jakarta exhibits spatial and temporal variations, with the typical rates of about 3 to 10 cm year−1 . In general, the impacts of land subsidence in Jakarta can be seen in the forms of cracking of permanent constructions and roads, changes in river canal and drain flow systems, wider expansion of coastal and/or inland flooding areas, and malfunction of drainage system. Several areas along the coast of Jakarta already have experienced tidal flooding during high tide periods. These coastal flooding usually occurs in the areas with relatively large subsidence rates. Subsidence in the areas along the rivers which are flowing throughout Jakarta will also worsen the impacts of riverine flooding. The changes in river canal and drain flow systems and malfunction of drainage system due to land subsidence will also aggravate the flooding. Land subsidence will have direct and indirect affects with the flooding in Jakarta, both in coastal or inland areas.
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Proc. IAHS, 370, 15–20, 2015
© Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Open Access
Changes in Flood Risk and Perception in Catchments and Cities (HS01 – IUGG2015)
On correlation between urban development, land
subsidence and flooding phenomena in Jakarta
H. Z. Abidin, H. Andreas, I. Gumilar, and I. R. R. Wibowo
Geodesy Research Group, Institute of Technology Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia
Correspondence to: H. Z. Abidin (
Received: 11 March 2015 – Accepted: 11 March 2015 – Published: 11 June 2015
Abstract. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of about 10.2 million people, inhabiting an
area of about 660 square-km. It is located within a deltaic plain and passes by 13 natural and artificial rivers.
In the last three decades, urban development of Jakarta has grown very rapidly in the sectors of industry, trade,
transportation, real estate and many others, which has caused several negative environmental impacts. In turns
Jakarta is then prone toward a few natural hazards mainly land subsidence and flooding. In general, based on
geodetic measurement methods (e.g. Leveling, GPS surveys, and InSAR), conducted since 1982 up to 2014,it is
obtained that land subsidence in Jakarta exhibits spatial and temporal variations, with the typical rates of about
3 to 10cmyear1. In general, the impacts of land subsidence in Jakarta can be seen in the forms of cracking of
permanent constructions and roads, changes in river canal and drain flow systems, wider expansion of coastal
and/or inland flooding areas, and malfunction of drainage system. Several areas along the coast of Jakarta already
have experienced tidal flooding during high tide periods. These coastal flooding usually occurs in the areas
with relatively large subsidence rates. Subsidence in the areas along the rivers which are flowing throughout
Jakarta will also worsen the impacts of riverine flooding. The changes in river canal and drain flow systems and
malfunction of drainage system due to land subsidence will also aggravate the flooding. Land subsidence will
have direct and indirect affects with the flooding in Jakarta, both in coastal or inland areas.
1 Introduction
Land subsidence can geometrically defined as the downward
displacement of the land surface relative to certain refer-
ence surface, such as mean sea level (MSL), geoid or ref-
erence ellipsoid. It is natural-anthropogenic hazard affecting
quite many large urban areas (cities) in the world, including
Jakarta, the capital city in Indonesia. Jakarta has a popula-
tion of about 10.2 million people in 2013, inhabiting an area
of about 660 square-km. It is located on the lowland area in
the northern coast of West Java, centered at the coordinates of
about 6150S and +106500E (see Fig. 1). Topographically,
the area of Jakarta has slopes ranging between 0 and 2in
the northern and central parts, between 0 and 5in the south-
ern part, and its southern-most area has an altitude of about
50m above mean sea level. There are also 13 rivers flow-
ing through Jakarta, which form the main drainage system of
Jakarta. According to Rimbama and Suparan (1999), there
are five main landforms of Jakarta, namely: alluvial land-
forms (southern part), landforms of marine-origin (northern
part adjacent to the coastline), beach ridge landforms (north-
west and northeast parts), swamp and mangrove swamp land-
forms (coastal fringe), and former channels (perpendicular to
the coastline).
As the megapolitan city, Jakarta has a very rapid urban
development in the sectors of industry, trade, transportation,
real estate, and many others (Firman, 1999, 2004; Hudalah
et al., 2013). Several negative environmental problems have
been introduced by this exponentially increased urban devel-
opment (Firman and Dharmapatni, 1994; Hudalah and Fir-
man, 2012), such as: extensive conversion of agricultural ar-
eas into residential and industrial areas, significant distur-
bance to ecological and hydrological functions of the up-
land of Jakarta area and river catchment areas, and increase
in groundwater extraction due to development of industrial
activities and the high population increase. These negative
impacts will contribute to land subsidence phenomena in
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences.
16 H. Z. Abidin et al.: Urban development, land subsidence and flooding phenomena in Jakarta
Figure 1. Location of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.
Figure 2. Urban development and land subsidence relation in
Jakarta (Abidin et al., 2011).
several places in Jakarta, and the resulted land subsidence
will also then affect the urban development plan and process
(Abidin et al., 2011), as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Land subsidence in Jakarta has been observed using sev-
eral geodetic techniques and has been widely reported for
many years (Rismianto and Mak, 1993; Murdohardono and
Sudarsono, 1998; Purnomo et al., 1999; Rajiyowiryono,
1999; Abidin et al., 2001, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013;
Koudogbo et al., 2012; Ng et al., 2012; Chaussard et al.,
2013). According to those studies, land subsidence in Jakarta
has spatial and temporal variations with typical rates of
about 3 to 10 cmyear1. Several locations however, can have
higher rates at certain time period and location.
Jakarta has historically experienced many flooding, es-
pecially during the rainy season, both riverine and coastal
flooding (Caljouw and Nas, 2005; Texier, 2008; Hurford and
Leito, 2010). Major flooding that have been reported was in
1654, 1699 (caused mainly by Salak volcano eruption), 1711,
1714, 1854, 1873, 1918, 1942, 1976, 1979, 1996, 2002,
2007, 2008, 2013, and 2014. Flooding in Jakarta is usually
occured during the rainy season (December to February),
and caused by several factors that are directly and indirectly
working together. These natural, human and environmental
factors of flooding are quite numerous, such as: high rainfall
Table 1. Observed land subsidence rates in Jakarta; after Abidin et
al. (2001, 2011, 2013). .
Subsidence Observation
No. Method Rates (cmyear1) Period
Min–Max Typical
1 Leveling Surveys 1–9 3–7 1982–1991
1–25 3–10 1991–1997
2 GPS Surveys 1–28 4–10 1997–2011
3 InSAR 1–12 3–10 2006–2010
intensity (2000–4000mmyear1) during the rainy seasons;
13 rivers which are flowing to the sea through lowland topog-
raphy; high tides and sea level rise; rapid urban development
and population growth; uncontrolled land use changes and
environmental degradation in the upstream areas and along
the rivers; dense illegal settlements along the rivers; direct
waste dumping into the rivers by the peoples; poor drainage
and sewerage systems; and land subsidence phenomena.
Land subsidence in urban area should theoretically have
spatial relation with flooding in certain location. This paper
investigates the spatial correlation between land subsidence
and flooding phenomena in Jakarta, although still in qualita-
tive manner.
2 Land Subsidence Characteristics in Jakarta
Land subsidence rates in Jakarta has been estimated using
several geodetic methods, such as Leveling, GPS survey, In-
SAR, Microgravity, and Geometric-Historic. In general, land
subsidence in Jakarta has a spatial and temporal variation,
with the typical rates between 3 to 10 cmyear1, as shown in
Fig. 3 and Table 1. The observed subsidence rates along the
coastal areas of Jakarta are relatively larger than the inland
areas, although the rates along the coastal zone of Jakarta it-
self have spatial variation. The more detail characteristics of
land subsidence in Jakarta can be seen in (Abidin et al., 2001,
2004, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013; Ng et al., 2012, Chaussard et
al., 2013).
Land subsidence in Jakarta can be caused by the combina-
tion of the following factors, namely: excessive groundwater
extraction, natural consolidation of alluvium soil, load of in-
frastructures and constructions, and tectonic activities (Mur-
dohardono and Sudarsono, 1998; Rismianto and Mak, 1993;
Harsolumakso, 2001; Hutasoit, 2001). Considering the spa-
tial variation of land subsidence rates in Jakarta area, then it
can be expected that the contribution of each factor on the
subsidence at each location also has spatial variation. Tec-
tonic activities seem to be the least dominant factor, while
excessive groundwater extraction is considered to be one of
dominant factor for causing land subsidence in Jakarta.
The impacts of land subsidence in Jakarta can be seen in
several forms, such as of cracking of building and infrastruc-
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H. Z. Abidin et al.: Urban development, land subsidence and flooding phenomena in Jakarta 17
Figure 3. Temporal and spatial variations of land subsidence in
Jakarta: (top) Box-and-Whisker plots of land subsidence rates as de-
rived by leveling surveys from 1982 to 1997 (Abidin et al., 2011);
(bottom) land subsidence magnitudes as derived by GPS surveys
from 1998 to 2014 (Wibowo, 2014).
tures, “sinking” of houses and buildings, changes in river
canal and drain flow systems, wider expansion of coastal
and/or inland flooding areas, malfunction of drainage system,
and increased inland sea water intrusion. In the coastal ar-
eas of Jakarta, which have relatively higher subsidence rates
(Abidin et al., 2010, 2011), the collateral impact in the form
of coastal flooding during high tides is even more damaging.
This repeated coastal flooding not just deteriorates the func-
tion of building and infrastructures, but also badly influences
the quality of living environment and life (e.g. health and san-
itation condition) in the affected areas (Abidin et al., 2011). It
is now accepted that potential losses due to land subsidence
Figure 4. Impacts of land subsidence on flooding phenomena.
in Jakarta are actually quite significant (Ward et al., 2011;
Viets, 2010). In this case, the development and maintenance
costs of building and infrastructures in the affected areas are
usually higher than the normal situation. The related social
and environmental costs due to direct and indirect impacts of
land subsidence are also significant.
3 Impacts of Land Subsidence on Flooding
Phenomena In Jakarta
On-going land subsidence in several areas of Jakarta will
have spatial relation with repeated flooding during the rainy
seasons in certain areas. Land subsidence in flooding prone
area will theoretically lead to expanded coverage and deeper
water depth of flooded (inundated) areas, as illustrated in
Fig. 4. In coastal areas affected by land subsidence, sea level
rise and high tide will usually worsen the situation. More-
over, changes of water flow pattern in drainage, canal and
river systems passing the subsidence area, may also affect
flooding system in the respected area.
Since 2000 up to now, at least there are four major flood-
ing in Jakarta, namely on 26 January–1 February 2002, 4–
14 February 2007, 15–24 January 2013, and 15–27 Jan-
uary 2014. If the land subsidence affected areas as derived by
Leveling, GPS and InSAR are compared with the flooded ar-
eas in Jakarta during the 2000, 2007 and 2013 major flooding
(see Figs. 5 to 7), it can be realized that there are some spatial
correlations between land subsidence and flooding affected
areas. Several flooded areas are spatially coincided with the
subsidence affected areas; while several flooded areas along
the rivers do not show spatial correlation with subsidence
phenomena. It should be noted in Fig. 6 that, the water depths
in the flooded areas during 2007 flooding are also spatially
coincided with magnitudes of land subsidence in the period Proc. IAHS, 370, 15–20, 2015
18 H. Z. Abidin et al.: Urban development, land subsidence and flooding phenomena in Jakarta
Figure 5. Spatial correlation between leveling-derived land subsidence (1982–1997) and flooding area in Jakarta (2002).
Figure 6. Spatial correlation between GPS-derived land subsidence (2000–2011) and flooding area in Jakarta (2007).
of 2000 to 2011. However, more quantitative picture of this
correlation still needs to be elaborated and modeled.
4 Closing remarks
Although land subsidence phenomena in Jakarta has been
studied since 1980s, the detail characteristics and mecha-
nisms of land subsidence in Jakarta, both in spatial and tem-
poral domains, are still not yet fully established. It is how-
ever understood that there is a strong linkage between land
subsidence and urban development process in Jakarta. Land
subsidence itself will theoretically have direct and indirect
affects with the flooding in Jakarta, both in coastal or inland
In general, from this study it can be concluded that quali-
tatively there is certain spatial correlation between land sub-
sidences affected areas with flooded (inundated) areas in
Jakarta. The exact mechanism of the two phenomena relation
is however still not yet fully revealed; and more quantitative
picture of this correlation still needs to be figured out. In this
regard, several activities are required, such as: detail mapping
of the spatial and temporal rates and impacts of land subsi-
dence, detail mapping of flooded (inundated) area during the
flooding events, and detail flood risk modelling for Jakarta.
In this detail flood risk modelling, the direct and indirect
impacts of urban development and land subsidence, should
be properly taken into account besides the prime movers fac-
tors of flooding in Jakarta as illustrated in Fig. 8. Research
related to quantitative relation between land subsidence and
flooding phenomena in Jakarta is now undergoing.
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Figure 7. Spatial correlation between InSAR-derived land subsidence (2007–2011) and flooding area in Jakarta (2013).
Figure 8. Flood risk modeling which incorporates land subsidence
phenomena in Jakarta.
Acknowledgements. Land subsidence study in Jakarta has been
conducted since 1997 using several research grants from Ministry
of Science, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia, from
the Provincial Government of Jakarta, and from ITB Research pro-
grams. The GPS surveys were conducted by the Geodesy Research
Group of ITB, the Geospatial Agency of Indonesia, and the staffs
and students from the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics En-
gineering of ITB.
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Proc. IAHS, 370, 15–20, 2015
... Penurunan muka tanah (land subsidence) dapat didefinisikan sebagai perpindahan tanah ke arah bawah yang relatif terhadap referensi permukaan seperti batas muka air laut, geoid, atau lapisan ellipsoid (Abidin, 2015). Terdapat tiga faktor yang menjadi penyebab penurunan muka air tanah yaitu faktor alami yang terjadi karena adanya faktor geologi, faktor pengambilan air tanah (Groundwater Extraction) yang dilakukan untuk kebutuhan manusia dan faktor massa bangunan yang menyebabkan lapisan dibawahnya mengalami pemampatan. ...
... Terdapat tiga faktor yang menjadi penyebab penurunan muka air tanah yaitu faktor alami yang terjadi karena adanya faktor geologi, faktor pengambilan air tanah (Groundwater Extraction) yang dilakukan untuk kebutuhan manusia dan faktor massa bangunan yang menyebabkan lapisan dibawahnya mengalami pemampatan. Pada umumnya, penurunan muka tanah di Jakarta bervariasi dengan tingkat rata-rata 3-10 cm per tahun (Abidin, 2015). Dikutip dari Kompas (2016) laju penurunan muka tanah di Jakarta meningkat dari 5 sampai dengan 6 cm menjadi 10 sampai dengan 11 cm per tahunnya, dan beberapa titik penurunan muka tanah di Jakarta Utara mencapai 26 sampai dengan 32 cm per tahun. ...
Full-text available
Background: Climate change and global warming result in an increase in sea level, an increase in sea level can inundate coastal areas which are usually called tidal floods. Tidal floods can be exacerbated by land subsidence in coastal areas caused by the density of urban populations who have high needs which causes high groundwater exploitation and the large number of buildings with heavy masses that press on the ground surface. North Jakarta has lower land subsidence compared to the coastal areas of the North Coast of Java Island, this is caused by several factors such as groundwater extraction and building mass for the needs of urban communities. This research aims to 1) Analyze the phenomenon of land subsidence and tidal floods, 2) Identify the impact of the phenomenon of land subsidence and tidal floods 3) Analyze the forms of community adaptation to land subsidence and tidal floods. Methods: The method used in this research is a qualitative method which is analyzed descriptively, the data obtained in this research uses literature studies from several previous researchers related to this research. Findings: Land subsidence occurs in urban areas due to the high demand of the community for water and infrastructure. Conclusion: Land subsidence results in tidal floods which cause impacts that disrupt human activities such as damage to buildings and damaged facilities and infrastructure and spread the seeds of disease to coastal communities. When the tidal flood phenomenon occurred, the people of North Jakarta had to adapt in various ways, such as installing embankments at the front of their houses, raising floors, supplying clean water and creating natural embankments, namely planting mangroves on the beach.
... Land subsidence is a global geological phenomenon with manifold causes [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. It of structural damage [7], [8] as well as indirect environmental consequences as a result of the accelerated relative sea level rise, like an increased vulnerability of the affected area to salinization of water resources [9], [10], flooding [11], [12], [13], erosion [14] and permanent inundation. Latter problems particularly concern coastal areas, such as sinking river deltas. ...
... Fast sinking coastal areas are especially concentrated in Southeast Asia, and in most cases characterized by rapidly growing populations, thus by significant increases in groundwater extraction and loading from construction activities [17], [18]. Prominent examples are Bangkok, Jakarta and the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), where rates of up to 12 cm/yr [7], [19], 10 cm/yr [11] and 6 cm/yr [20], [21], [22] have been reported. The latter are one order of magnitude larger than the regional sea level rise of about 3.3 mm/yr [23]. ...
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The Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) has been affected by environmental challenges for several decades, including coastal erosion and land subsidence. Subsidence rates of several cm/yr have been reported in parts of the delta, which are one order larger than the regional sea level rise of 3.3 mm/yr. The precise monitoring of subsidence with high spatial and temporal resolution is essential to understand its causes and associated risks, and to support the development and monitoring of countermeasures. Here, we present subsidence estimates between 2017 and 2022 derived from advanced Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) applied to Sentinel-1 data. The PSI approach fully integrates Temporary Persistent Scatterers, in order to derive the best possible Persistent Scatterer network for long time series. Furthermore, we adapted a method to optimally integrate reference points with known displacement to suppress spatially correlated nuisance (SCN) in the derived displacement time series. Due to a lack of a geodetic references, we built an infrastructural reference network based on large bridges with piled foundations of about 70 m depth, which are only affected by compaction in deeper soil layers. We compare the method with the standard referencing approach in PSI, and show that referencing to the selected reference bridges with our method enables to measure the largest part of the subsidence while reducing the SCN considerably. We find the highest subsidence rates of more than 7 cm/yr mainly in urban areas, and various kinds of temporal non-linearities.
... The emphasis on reclamation tends to prioritize economic growth over addressing ecological and social considerations, as demonstrated by the financial losses for marginalised people such as fishermen due to the reduction of fishing zones and the increased poverty rate in waterfront settlements (Mutia & Asteria, 2018;Patawari et al., 2022), and disrupt marine biota (Adharani et al., 2019;Faiqotul Mutia et al., 2019). Land reclamation in Jakarta has detrimental impacts, such as water crises, flooding, and land subsidence, leading to economic problems (Abidin et al., 2011(Abidin et al., , 2015Colven, 2023). The sinking of land in Jakarta can stem from four main factors: excessive withdrawal of groundwater, the weight of buildings and infrastructure, densely populated real estate development, the natural settling of alluvial soil, and tectonic movements. ...
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In many cities, coastal land reclamation (CLR) is viewed as essential due to the impacts of urbanisation and to address the challenges of land scarcity. However, these approaches often involve complex environmental concerns, technological challenges, and community conflict. This study aims to explore socio-spatial conflicts that occur across different levels of cities in Indonesia, considering their unique characteristics and differences in geography, population (homogeneous, mesogeneous, and heterogeneous), and city status (megapolitan and metropolitan). This research focuses on three cities in Indonesia that have proposed CLR solutions to urbanisation: Jakarta, Makassar, and Denpasar. Data were gathered through observations and a desktop literature review. These data were then qualitatively analyzed using the directed content analysis method with ATLAS.Ti software. The study underscores that political interests significantly influence discussions on land reclamation in heterogeneous cities. In contrast, mesogeneous cities are driven by economic and legal factors, while traditional customs and practices dominate homogeneous areas. Comprehending the issues surrounding reclamation will inform the priorities of government policies based on the area's context.
... Land subsidence in metropolitan cities is a growing concern due to increasing population, urban development, and groundwater demand (e.g., Abidin et al., 2015;Bateson et al., 2023;Fernández-Torres et al., 2023). This study aims to contribute to our understanding of subsidence in the Philippines by providing updated and easily accessible spatiotemporal deformation data of its highly urbanized cities, namely, the Greater Manila Area, Metro Cebu, Metro Davao, Metro Iloilo, and Legazpi City (Fig. 1). ...
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Land subsidence is recognized as one of the hazards that threaten Metro Manila, Philippines, and other major urban areas worldwide. It has become a significant global issue caused by excessive groundwater extraction, rapid urbanization, and natural sediment compaction, exacerbated by climate change through rising sea levels. This paper presents vertical ground motion rates in Philippine metropolitan cities using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series analysis from 2014 to 2020 through UK COMET’s LiCSAR products and the LiCSBAS package of Morishita et al. (2020). The results revealed a maximum subsidence rate of 109 mm/yr in Bulacan Province in Greater Manila. For the first time, this paper also presents ground motion estimates and the following maximum subsidence rates for other Philippine metropolitan cities: 11 mm/yr in Metro Cebu, 38 mm/yr in Metro Davao, 9 mm/yr in Metro Iloilo, and 29 mm/yr in Legazpi City. Areas with remarkably high subsidence rates are observed as circular to elliptical deformation features in vertical motion maps. Sinking areas mostly coincide with industrial and commercial complexes evident as a contiguous distribution of large and expansive man-made structures with distinct radar reflections. Monitoring this hazard is crucial as it increases the risk of floods, building and infrastructure damage, and economic loss, and exposes residents along the coast to worsening tidal incursions and storm surges due to climate change. InSAR is proposed here as a targeted, long-term deformation monitoring tool, especially related to groundwater usage.
... Indonesia exemplifies this trend due to its geographical location, which exposes the country to various hazards that are increasing in frequency and severity amid climate change (Kusumastuti et al. 2014;Djalante and Garschagen 2017). The country's coastal cities, including the capital city of Jakarta, are highly exposed to coastal hazards such as coastal flooding due to storms and sea level rise, with subsidence reinforcing such problems (Abidin et al. 2015;Budiyono et al. 2015). The case of Jakarta illustrates how cities grapple with urbanization challenges, such as escalating population density, mounting pressure on physical and social infrastructure, informal settlements and poverty, all of which strain the city's development. ...
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Social protection is praised as a multipurpose instrument to protect the most vulnerable people and ensure socioeconomic development. Recently, this approach has also been recognized by climate scientists. Over the past few decades, Indonesia, a highly exposed and vulnerable country facing climate change, has increased its efforts to protect all marginalized and vulnerable groups. However, the high uncertainty of social and economic impacts triggered by climate and environmental change increases pressure on the social protection system, leading to a rising need for deeper and broader coverage, especially among the most vulnerable people. This paper argues that vulnerable groups have built their own systems to be socially protected, which we refer to as informal social protection (ISP). Given that there is little reference to these particular structures in the literature on social protection, this study aims to explore their relevance and potential challenges. Jakarta, a highly urbanized and vulnerable city, was used as a case study. The city is simultaneously challenged by the increasingly adverse impacts of climate change. Gaps in formal social protection (FSP) will be analysed using qualitative and quantitative data to assess how and to what extent the most vulnerable groups are protected and whether ISP structures can fill the identified gaps. The results show that ISP can function as a solution to protect marginalized and vulnerable groups; however, more information is needed to ensure security considering long-term developments and increased future uncertainties. HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS STUDY FSP coverage in Indonesia still has gaps due to unregistered target groups, such as the missing middle population and informal sector workers. The uncertainty of the social and economic impacts caused by climate change increases pressure on the social protection system, leading to a greater need for broader coverage. ISP provides vulnerable groups with flexibility, local specificity, mutual benefits and reciprocity, collective decision-making, social cohesion, and trust. ISP involves community-based adaptation and support from NGOs to enhance ISP and make it more adaptive. ISP supports vulnerable groups affected by the unintended consequences of adaptation measures implemented by the government.
... R1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 3 Coastal flooding is one of the major environmental concerns associated with land 36 subsidence. Regions worldwide, including the Netherland (Pauw et al., 2012), Venice in 37 Italy (Carbognin et al., 2010), Mekong Delta in Vietnam (Erban et al., 2014), the City of 38 Jakarta in Indonesia (Abidin et al., 2015), and China (Xue et al., 2005) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 4 upwards towards the surface (saline upconing), which contributes to an increased salinity 59 in near-surface groundwater. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 5 To investigate this issue, a numerical model will be used to integrate both surface and 82 subsurface flow dynamics based on fieldwork measurement. Our aim is to use numerical 83 modelling to gain insights into the impact of mitigating facilities on groundwater 84 salinization in the subsided areas with the pumping stations. ...
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Land subsidence in low-lying coastal regions results from geological and human factors, causing inundation during high tides. Mitigation measures, like pumping stations and ditch systems, aim to address this challenge. However, their impact on groundwater salinity near tidal rivers is understudied. Using a coupled surface-subsurface model, we investigate this issue in the lower Nabaki River region, Shirako Town, Japan. The simulation reveals adverse effects of pumping stations that induce intrusion of saline water from the tidal river into surrounding groundwater. While they are designed to prevent floods, these stations and ditches may inadvertently raise groundwater vulnerability to saltwater contamination. Despite 2D model limitations, it offers valuable insights into coastal groundwater dynamics and salinization. This study provides important information for policymakers and land managers to better understand the consequences of flood mitigation strategies on groundwater quality in vulnerable coastal areas.
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Coastal megacity like Shanghai is continuously challenged with natural-anthropogenic geo-environmental hazards and risks which possess high correlations between land subsidence (LS), socio-economic development, current and future underground space development (UUS). This research focuses on comprehensive evaluation geo-environmental risks and scenario spatial planning model towards economic impact (EI) resilience of UUS the context of large subsidence hazard prone coastal megacity. Newly established factors are used as indicators to understand the relations and scenario prediction by 2035. The cause-effect relations are analysed via structural equation modelling (SEM), spatiotemporal and scenario spatial modelling in ArcGIS platform based on the secondary big open multisource data. Spatiotemporal pattern basis between year 1960–2020 and urban planning growth theories, results indicate expansion of subsidence and UUS in parallel with economic impact from city centre to new five suburb districts by 2035 with prediction of 75% of areas in medium to high hazard risk assessment category areas. This research can be referred to coastal megacities with land subsidence issues for economic resilient multidisciplinary geo-environmental hazard management, UUS development and urban planning policies formulation.
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Buku ini terdiri dari 14 Bab yang membahas tentang: Bab 1 Konsep Dasar Mitigasi Bencana Bab 2 Jenis-Jenis Bencana dan Dampak Lingkungan Bab 3 Strategi Mitigasi Bencana Bab 4 Evaluasi Risiko Bencana Bab 5 Mitigasi Bencana Berbasis Komunitas Bab 6 Pengelolaan Bencana Alam dan Buatan Bab 7 Peran Pemerintah dan Masyarakat dalam Mitigasi Bencana Bab 8 Pemulihan Pasca Bencana Bab 9 Kelembagaan dan Regulasi Mitigasi Bencana Bab 10 Pendanaan Penanggulangan Bencana Bab 11 Manajemen Risiko Bencana Bab 12 Konservasi dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Bab 13 Peran Masyarakat dalam Mitigasi Bencana dan Lingkungan Bab 14 Isu-Isu Terkini Dalam Mitigasi Bencana Dan Lingkungan
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Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of about 9.6 million people, inhabiting an area of about 660 square-km. In the last three decades, urban development of Jakarta has grown very rapidly in the sectors of industry, trade, transportation, real estate, and many others. This exponentially increased urban development introduces several environmental problems. Land subsidence is one of them. The resulted land subsidence will also then affect the urban development plan and process. It has been reported for many years that several places in Jakarta are subsiding at different rates. The leveling surveys, GPS survey methods, and InSAR measurements have been used to study land subsidence in Jakarta, over the period of 1982–2010. In general, it was found that the land subsidence exhibits spatial and temporal variations, with the rates of about 1–15 cm/year. A few locations can have the subsidence rates up to about 20–28 cm/year. There are four different types of land subsidence that can be expected to occur in the Jakarta basin, namely: subsidence due to groundwater extraction, subsidence induced by the load of constructions (i.e., settlement of high compressibility soil), subsidence caused by natural consolidation of alluvial soil, and tectonic subsidence. It was found that the spatial and temporal variations of land subsidence depend on the corresponding variations of groundwater extraction, coupled with the characteristics of sedimentary layers and building loads above it. In general, there is strong relation between land subsidence and urban development activities in Jakarta.
Conference Paper
Land subsidence is a silent hazard that may occurs in large urban areas, and usually caused by combination of excessive groundwater extraction, natural consolidation of alluvium soil, load of constructions and tectonic activities. Geospatial information is useful for studying the characteristics, causes, impacts and cost of land subsidence. This paper concentrates on the roles of geospatial information for risk assessment of land subsidence in three large cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung and Semarang. Geodetic based results show that land subsidence rates in all three cities generally have spatial and temporal variations, and their magnitude is in average about 5-10 cm/year and can reach up to about 20 cm/year at certain locations and times. The impact of land subsidence can be seen already in the field in forms of the buildings and infrastructure cracking, the wider expansion of (coastal) flooding areas, and increased inland sea water intrusion. Land subsidence has a strong linkage with urban development process. Urban development increases the built-up areas, population, economic and industrial activities, and also groundwater extraction, which can then lead to land subsidence.
Conference Paper
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and is home to approximately 10 million people on the coast of the Java Sea. The subsidence due to groundwater extraction, increased development, natural consolidation of soil and tectonics in Jakarta has been known since the early part of the 20th century. Evidence of land subsidence exists through monitoring with GPS, level surveys and preliminary InSAR investigations [1]. World Bank studies conservatively estimate land subsidence in Jakarta occurring at an average rate of 5 cm per year, and in some areas, over 1 meter was already observed. Recent studies of land subsidence found that while typical subsidence rates were 7.5-10 cm a year, in localized areas of North Jakarta subsidence in the range 15-25 cm a year was occurring, which if sustained, would result in them sinking to 4 to 5 meters below sea level by 2025. Land subsidence will require major interventions, including increased pumping, dikes and most likely introducing major infrastructure investment for sea defence [1]. With the increasing prevalence of Earth Observation (EO), the World Bank and the European Space Agency (ESA) have set up a partnership that aims at highlighting the potential of EO information to support the monitoring and management of World Bank projects. It in this framework that was defined the EOWorld projects [2]. Altamira Information, company specialized in ground motion monitoring, has managed one of those projects, focusing on the assessment of land subsidence in Jakarta.
We use interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) time-series analysis of ALOS L-band SAR data to resolve land subsidence in western Indonesia with high spatial and temporal resolution. The data reveal significant subsidence in nine areas, including six major cities, at rates up to 22 cm/year. Land subsidence is detected near Lhokseumawe, in Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, Blanakan, Pekalongan, Bungbulang, Semarang, and in the Sidoarjo regency. The fastest subsidence occurs in highly populated coastal areas particularly vulnerable to flooding.We correlate the observed subsidence with surface geology and land use. Despite the fact that subsidence is taking place in compressible deposits there is no clear correlation between subsidence and surface geology. In urban areas we find a correlation between rapid, patchy subsidence and industrial land use and elsewhere with agricultural land use. This suggests that the subsidence is primarily caused by ground water extraction for industrial and agricultural use, respectively. We also observe subsidence associated with exploitation of gas fields near Lhokseumawe and in the Sidoarjo regency. A continuation of these high rates of subsidence is likely to put much of the densely populated coastal areas below relative sea level within a few decades.
Industrial land development has become a key feature of urbanization in Greater Jakarta, one of the largest metropolitan areas in Southeast Asia. Following Suharto’s market oriented policy measures in the late 1980s, private developers have dominated the land development projects in Greater Jakarta. The article investigates the extent to which these private industrial centers have effectively reduced the domination of Jakarta in shaping the entire metropolitan structure. The analysis indicates that major suburban industrial centers have captured most of the manufacturing employment that has dispersed from Jakarta. The industrial centers have now increasingly specialized and diversified. It is likely that a polycentric metropolitan structure will emerge in the future. [Key words: deconcentration, industrial park, manufacturing, suburbanization, Jakarta.]
The extent to which land and new town development has reinforced spatial segregation in Jakarta Metropolitan Region (JMR) is discussed. The demand for new towns has been essentially generated by the need for security and fulfilling an exclusive life style, which because it is innovative, has been able to sell an image of the ‘new town’ as a symbol of ‘modernism.’ New town development has reinforced spatial segregation in three ways: First, it has polarized the middle and upper income groups, resulting in scattered pockets of exclusive residential areas. Second, within the new towns themselves, the upper middle and high class occupied exclusively designed areas with the highest security possible. Third, in several new towns, urban development management is carried out by the developers instead of by the city hall. The spatial segregation in JMR can be classified as ‘self segregation’ or ‘voluntary segregation.’ It will continue and is inevitable, a result of socio-economic and political conditions within the urban society as a whole.
The physical development of Jakarta Metropolitan Region, which is also known as Jabotabek, has recently been engineered by the growth of domestic and direct foreign investment, especially in the manufacturing sectors. This in turn has caused high population growth and induced the development of industrial areas, residential areas, commercial activities and infrastructure. However, this admirable development has created many negative externalities, notably environmental problems, such as conversion of prime agricultural land to industrial and residential uses and a worsening of the quality of water resources in the area. There have been many regulations, plans and programs at different levels, i.e. national, metropolitan, and local levels, launched to deal with the negative impacts of development in Jabotabek but as yet without great success. With this context in mind, Jabotabek Region should be developed within the framework of environmental management at metropolitan scale otherwise this region might soon collapse environmentally. There should also be a metropolitan authority working above the provinces or a central agency whose function is to coordinate the sectoral planning in Jakarta and the province of West Java, in which the Jabotabek Metropolitan Region is located.