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... Kesimpulan penelitian antara lain bahwa untuk variabel dependen Risiko Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), variabel independen Kurs, SBI, Indeks Dow Jones, dan Nikkei signifikan mempengaruhi, sedangkan inflasi tidak signifikan mempengaruhi. Muhajir (2008) menganalisis Jakarta Islamic Indeks (JII) dengan menggunakan Analisis Kointegrasi dan Vector Error Correction Model. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antara dua indeks yang bergerak pararel secara bersamaan, namun dengan kriteria yang berbeda satu yaitu Jakarta Islamic Indeks yang memegang prinsip Syariah, sedangkan yang lain adalah Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG). ...
... Dari hasil analisis IRF tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pergerakan IHSG dan sektor riil menujukkan arah yang sama dengan JII. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan salah satu temuan Prio (2010) dan Sriwardani (2008), tetapi bertentangan dengan temuan Muhajir (2008) tentang hubungan jangka pendek dengan IHSG. Suku bunga SIBOR meskipun kecil, tetapi direspon oleh JII pada 3 bulan pertama, hal tersebut bertentangan dengan temuan Untoro (2008), tetapi mendukung penelitian Merancia (2009) adanya pengaruh shock regional terhadap kondisi JII. ...
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Capital markets can be a leading indicator for the economy. Shariah Index has taken place in the process of Islamization of capital markets at once is Islamic capital market development. The purpose of this study to (1) know the description of the dynamics of JII, JCI, Index of Industrial Production, and SIBOR, (2) evaluate the response to shocks Jakarta Islamic Index stock index, the Index of Industrial Production, and SIBOR. Analysis using Vector Autoregression. VAR is built with consideration to minimize the theoretical approach capable of capturing economic phenomena. Description JII and JCI showed a similar pattern, the Index of Industrial Production has an increasing trend, while SIBOR fluctuates and tends to fall. Shocks that occurred in the JII, JCI and the Index of Industrial Production will be responded positively by JII, while the shocks that occurred in SIBOR will respond in the opposite direction.
... Temuan ini memiliki hasil yang berbeda dari beberapa penelitian yang diungkap oleh Saiti & Masih (2016), Wibowo (2017), Yusuf, et al (2018), Mardatillah & Satibi (2018), dan Muhajir (2008) bahwa indeks saham konvensional mengalami kointegrasi dengan indeks saham syariah. Namun ada beberapa kesamaan dalam penelitian dalam hasil penelitian yang diteliti oleh Saiti (2014) dan Majdoub, et al (2016) ditemukan adanya beberapa indeks saham yang tidak mengalami kointegrasi. ...
Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah analisis big data dengan penerapan data mining menggunakan teknik klastering pada indeks harga saham sektoral di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji kemiripan dari pola pergerakan harga saham atau pattern recognition. Data yang digunakan yaitu return harian yang di transformasi dengan atribut yang sesuai yaitu harian, mingguan dan bulanan, tiga bulanan dan enam bulanan. Data diperolah dari masing-masing 10 indeks saham pada setiap sektor pada bursa-bursa efek tersebut pada tahun 2021 dengan fokus pembahasan pada sektor agro and marine industry. Teknik yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah teknik klastering K-means. Hasil dari klasterisasi perusahaan sektor agro-marine yang terdaftar pada bursa efek Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura terbagi dalam 4 klaster. Berdsarkan hasil dari analisis elbow method. Klaster 3 menjadi klaster yang memiliki anggota perusahaan dengan performa yang paling baik. Terdapat 25 perusahaan dalam klaster 4, 12 perusahaan pada klaster 3, 2 perusahaan klaster 2 dan hanya satu perusahaan pada klaster 1.
ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis rasio keuangan terhadap profitabilitas Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode vector error correction model dengan mengunakan data times series triwulan periode tahun Desember 2000 – September 2014. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ROA, CAR, BOPO, NPF dan FDR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada hasil VECM jangka pendek CAR dan NPF tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas BMI, sedangkan BOPO dan FDR berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas BMI. Artinya jika keduanya naik sebesar 1% maka profitabilitas BMI akan menurun sebesar 2.4% dan 2.2%. Hasil VECM jangka panjang menunjukkan bahwa CAR tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas bank. BOPO berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas bank, jika terjadi kenaikan BOPO sebesar satu persen maka profitabilitas BMI akan menurun sebesar 2.7%. NPF berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas BMI, jika terjadi kenaikan NPF sebesar satu persen maka profitabilitas BMI akan menurun sebesar 4.1%. FDR berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas BMI, jika terjadi kenaikan FDR sebesar satu persen, maka profitabilitas BMI akan menurun sebesar 5.4% setiap triwulannya.Kata Kunci : ROA, CAR, BOPO, NPF, FDR, VECM dan ProfitabilitasABSTRACT: This study aims to examine and analyze financial ratios on profitability of Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Vector error correction model used in this study, by using the times series data is quarterly period of December 2000 - September 2014. The variables used in this study are ROA, CAR, ROA, NPF and FDR. The results showed the results of short-term are CAR and NPF insignificant effect on the profitability of BMI, while ROA and FDR significant negative effect on profitability BMI. If there is an increase in ROA and NPF amounting to one percent of the profitability BMI will decrease by 2.4% and 2.2%. However the long-term results showed that the CAR is insignificant effect on the profitability of banks. BOPO a significant negative effect on the profitability of banks, if there is an increase of one percent BOPO profitability BMI will decrease by 2.7%. NPF and significant negative effect on the profitability of BMI, if there is an increase of one percent NPF profitability BMI will decrease by 4.1%. FDR and significant negative effect on the profitability of BMI, if there is an increase of one per cent FDR, then the BMI profitability will decline by 5.4% on a quarterly basis.Keywords: ROA, CAR, BOPO, NPF, FDR, VECM dan Profitability
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This study aims to examine the stock market cointegration between Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Malaysian Stock Exchange (Bursa Malaysia) and Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX). The weekly stock indexes covering January 2013 to December 2018 are analyzed using the Johansen testing approach with the Vectorautoregresiv (VAR) framework. This study uses a pair-case and multivariate manner. The results show that multivariate analysis does not show any cointegration between Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Singapore Stock Exchange. However, cointegration exists between the Malaysian and Singapore capital markets. These results confirm that the same results of bivariate analysis do not always support multivariate testing.
Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis Hubungan Jangka Panjang antara Jakarta Islamic Indeks (JII) yang terdapat di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan Suku Bungan yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia dengan menggunakan Analisis KointegrasiTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interdependensi dan hubungan jangka panjang antara saham syariah dengan suku bunga konvensional. Topic ini menarik karena dua alasan yaitu untuk mengetahui aspek independensi dan diversifikasi. Independensi maksudnya adalah apakah saham syariah benar-benar terhadap telah independent terhadap factor-faktor yang mengandung unsur yang haram, di samping itu juga untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat kemungkinan untuk melakukan diversifikasi antara kedua variable tersebut.Variable dalam penelitian ini adalah data harga saham syariah dan data suku bunga konvensional. Sebagai representasi dari harga saham syariah adalah JII dan sebagai representasi suku bunga konvensional diambil data dari SBI.Berdasarkan hasil olah data yang dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa antara kedua variabel yang diuji tidak mempunyai hubungan dalam jangka panjang (kointegrasi). Karena 2 variabel yang diuji adalah JII, yang merupakan representasi dari saham syariah, dan SBI, yang merupakan representasi dari tingkat bunga konvensional maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan dalam jangka panjang antara kedua variabel tersebut.
During the period of January to July 2008, the establishment of corporate sukuk has reached 12,5 % from a total is suance of corporate bonds or at Rp. 1,62 trillion. This amount has exceeded the total sukuk issuance during 2007 which amounted to Rp. 1.03 trillion. In fact skim ijarah (rents) in value is prospective for the I’ssuer intends to issue Islamic bonds. Although ijarah Islamic bond appeared after 2 years of Islamic bonds mudarobah.. Performance and risks faced by companies in influenced by internal and external factors. Financial report is one tool to report the position of the company at a particular point in time during one period. The value of the financial statements lies in the report can be used to evaluated company’s current performance and predict future from the stand point of management, financial statement analysis will be useful to help anticipate the future and as starting point for planning steps that will improve company performance in the future. The research objective was to see the influence of the company’s financial performance against the Islamic bond lease. Research sites are in PT Kustodian sentral efek Indonesian. This research is a type of quantitative research. <br /
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Buku yang diberi judul “Manajemen Keuangan Internasional” ini disusun guna memberikan uraian mengenai lingkup keuangan dan bisnis internasional serta aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhinya. Bagaimana manajer keuangan harus memahami mengenai apa bisnis internasional itu dan mengukur apakah pemanfaatan pasar luar negeri lebih menguntungkan, dengan memperhitungkan seperti: inflasi, suku bunga, dan pergerakan nilai tukar.
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In a long run perspective, the aim of this research is to analyze the impact of the inflating-policy on the employment growth, and the agriculture investment. From a short run perspective, the aim covers (1) the identification of agriculture price instability on certain economic blocks, (2) the analysis of inflation behavior in the agriculture sector and its causality both to output price and input prices and the causality within the input prices. We apply the Vector Error Correction Model, Johansen Cointegration Test, and Granger Causality Test on a monthly series data from 1993:01 to 2002:12. The result shows the production and capital inagriculture sector are responsive to the output price change. This inflating the output price will effectively help to generate the output and a new investment in this sector. However, as the price shock can be a source of instability, the government should be careful to apply this price inflating policy. In addition, to solve the unemployment problem in agriculture sector, the government should apply the cost strategy, such as input price subsidy policy. JEL: C32, C52, O13, Q11, Q18 Keyword: Employment, Investasi, Agriculture,Johansen, Cointegration Vector Error Correction Model, Causality Test
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The Dow Jones Islamic market index -US (DJIMI) tracks the stocks of corporations compatible with Islamic law. A parallel and unrestricted counterpart of DJIMI is the Wilshire 5000 Index (W5000) which tracks the price performance of the largest 5000 US companies. Of that index, approximately 75% of the companies fail to meet the Islamic criteria, leaving only approximately 700 companies as potential candidates for inclusion in the DJIMI. Using cointegration techniques we place the DJIMI under analytical scrutiny and ask (1) how has this selection restriction affected the performance of Islamic investments represented by the DJIM index? (2) is the DJIM index less diversified than the DJW index? (3) if so, to what extent has the limited diversification affected its risk and return? (4) and finally, what dynamic correlation and long-term relationship exist between the two indexes over time.
We consider a nonstationary vector autoregressive process which is integrated of order 1, and generated by i.i.d. Gaussian errors. We then derive the maximum likelihood estimator of the space of cointegration vectors and the likelihood ratio test of the hypothesis that it has a given number of dimensions. Further we test linear hypotheses about the cointegration vectors.The asymptotic distribution of these test statistics are found and the first is described by a natural multivariate version of the usual test for unit root in an autoregressive process, and the other is a χ2 test.
The paper considers three separate but related topics. (i) What is the relationship between causation and co-integration? If a pair of I(1) series are co-integration, there must be causation in at least one direction. An implication is that some tests of causation based on different series may have missed one source of causation. (ii) Is there a need for a definition of ‘instantaneous causation’ in a decision science? It is argued that no such definition is required. (iii) Can causality tests be used for policy evaluation? It is suggested that these tests are useful, but that they should be evaluated with care.
Since Indonesia has two different type of banking system (shariah and interest rate system) debtor or investor can chose appropriate system for their investment. When monetary instrument became tightening (high interest rate) so instrument from shariah system will substituted it. This situation arises because of nature from shariah instrument (revenue sharing) that flexible for price volatility. The other circumstances are revenue sharing can reduce inflation because with this system possibility to make equal growth among monetary sectors and real sectors appears. Such phenomenon like that will be investigate by VAR methodologies. Result from forecast error variance decompositions indices that shariah transmission mechanism move from one-month SBI (sertipikat bank indonesia) interest rate to inter-bank rate and finally affect shariah share. Proportion of shariah share shock to CPI inflation are small even that the shock remains (have new equilibrium) within CPI inflation. It proves by IRF (Impulse Response Function) from shariah share to CPI inflation.
This paper gives a systematic application of maximum likelihood inference concerning cointegration vectors in non-stationary vector valued autoregressive time series models with Gaussian errors, where the model includes a constant term and seasonal dummies. The hypothesis of cointegration is given a simple parametric form in terms of cointegration vectors and their weights. The relation between the constant term and a linear trend in the non-stationary part of the process is discussed and related to the weights. Tests for the presence of cointegration vectors, both with and without a linear trend in the non-stationary part of the process are derived. Then estimates and tests under linear restrictions on the cointegration vectors and their weights are given. The methods are illustrated by data from the Danish and the Finnish economy on the demand for money. Copyright 1990 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
The relationship between cointegration and error correction models, first suggested by Granger, is here extended and used to develop estimation procedures, tests, and empirical examples. A vector of time series is said to be cointegrated with cointegrating vector a if each element is stationary only after differencing while linear combinations a8xt are themselves stationary. A representation theorem connects the moving average , autoregressive, and error correction representations for cointegrated systems. A simple but asymptotically efficient two-step estimator is proposed and applied. Tests for cointegration are suggested and examined by Monte Carlo simulation. A series of examples are presented. Copyright 1987 by The Econometric Society.
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