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Analysis of Resource Use Efficiency in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Production in Kogi State, Nigeria



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Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension,
Economics & Sociology
6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
ISSN: 2320-7027
SCIENCEDOMAIN international
Analysis of Resource Use Efficiency in Tomato
(Solanum lycopersicum) Production in Kogi State,
S. J. Ibitoye
, U. M. Shaibu
and B. Omole
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author SJI design the study, wrote the
proposal, performed the data analyses and wrote the first and final draft of the manuscript. Authors
UMS and BO managed the literature searches and participated in data collection and processing.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2015/18112
Jamal Alrusheidat, Assistant and Consultant to Director General for Extension Education, Director of Extension Education
Department, National Centre for Agricultural Research and Extension (NCARE), Amman, Jordan.
Anonymous, Graduate School of Yamagata University, Japan.
Guillermo R. Pratta, Department of Biology, National University of Rosario, Argentina.
HAB. TAKÁCS-GYÖRGY Katalin, Károly Róbert College, Hungary.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 4
April 2015
Accepted 24
April 2015
Published 25
May 2015
The study was on resource use efficiency among tomato farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. The data
were collected from 240 tomato farmers through purposive sampling in 2014. Questionnaire design
was the instrument used for data collection. Data collected were analysed through the use of simple
descriptive statistics, OLS regression analysis and efficiency ratio. The result of the study showed
that majority of tomato farmers in the State were married males with an average family size of 7
members. Farmers’ educational status, farming experience, contact with extension workers, and
farm size were positively related and significant at 1% in influencing the output of tomato produced
in the State. Resources such as pesticide, labour, years spent in school, quantity of seed and farm
size were positively and significantly related to tomato output in Kogi State. Quantity of pesticide,
seed and fertilizer were over utilized while labour and farm size were underutilized. It is
recommended that government should implement policies that will facilitate the efficient utilization of
agricultural resources among tomato farmers in Kogi State.
Original Research Article
Ibitoye et al.; AJAEES, 6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
Keywords: Tomato; farmers; resources; efficiency; production.
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the
most popular and widely grown fruit in the world
including Africa [1,2]. It is native to South
America [3], but was introduced into West Africa
by Portuguese traders and freed slaves from
West Indies [4]. It is the second most important
vegetable worldwide, in terms of the amount of
vitamins and minerals it contributes to the diet
[5]. Genetic evidence shows that the progenitors
of tomatoes were herbaceous green plants with
small green fruit and a centre of diversity in the
high lands of Peru [6]. Tomato is the edible, often
red fruit/berry of the Nightshade (Solanum
lycopersicum) commonly known as a tomato
According to a press release by the Central Bank
of Nigeria in 2013 [7], an annual total area of one
million hectares is reportedly used for tomato
cultivation in Nigeria while it makes up about 18
percent of the average daily consumption of
vegetables in homes. Nigeria is ranked second
largest producer of tomato in Africa and
fourteenth largest in the world, producing 1.51
million metric tonnes of tomato annually valued
at N87 billion at an average of 25-30 tonnes per
hectare under rainfed production, Central Bank
of Nigeria [7].
Tomato is grown and eaten all over the world. It
is used in diverse ways, including raw in salads,
and processed into tomato soup. Unripe green
tomatoes can also be breaded and fried. Tomato
juice is sold as a drink. The fruit is preserved by
drying, often in the sun, and sold either in bags,
baskets or in jars with oil. Tomato is rich in
vitamins [8], minerals and lycopene, an excellent
antioxidant [2] that helps to reduce the risk of
prostate and breast cancer [9].
Tomato production requires a high level of
management, large labour and capital inputs and
close attention to detail. Tomato production is
subject to the variations that occur in weather,
which may result in severe crop damage and
losses [10]. Labour requirements for production,
harvesting, grading, packaging and transporting
are very intense. Erdogan [11] confirms that
tomato production is labour intensive and bulk of
production is mostly supported by small family
Major tomato producers in Kogi State are small
scale farmers who could hardly produce enough
to meet the demand of consumers. Tomato
produced in the State is done mostly during the
dry season, that is, October to May. The period
between July to September is severe tomato
scarce period because of high incidence of pests
and disease associated with growing tomato;
general crop management and shifting of tomato
producers to production of grain crops [12].
These critical supply elements drive high
demand for fresh tomatoes, causes inflation of
fresh tomato price, opens market for unhygienic
sun-dried tomato as well as clearance for
imported fresh tomatoes from neighbouring
The failure of tomato farms to meet demand in
Kogi State has raised concern over the ability of
these farms to increase tomato output. In view of
the growing demand for tomato in Kogi State,
improving the efficiency of resource use would
be the key to increased tomato production in the
State. Thus, for the State to thrive in tomato
production, it needs to achieve a high level of
efficiency which is essential for competitiveness
and profitability. It is against this background that
this study intends to carry out the technical
efficiency of resource use among tomato farmers
as well as the factors influencing the output of
tomato in Kogi State, Nigeria.
This study was carried out in Kogi State, Nigeria
which is located in the central region of Nigeria. It
is popularly called the Confluence State due to
the fact that the confluence of River Niger and
River Benue is at it’s headquarter in Lokoja.
Lokoja, the State headquarter is the first
administrative capital of modern day-Nigeria. The
State lies between latitude 6
N and 8
longitude 5
E and 7
E. Kogi State has a
population of about 3,278,487 people [13]. The
State has land area of about 30,354.74 square
kilometers. Out of this total area, the State has 2
Million hectares of cultivable land but only about
0.5 Million hectares are under cultivation, (Kogi
State Economic Empowerment and Development
Strategy (KOSEEDS), [14]).
A purposive sampling technique was used to
select eight Local Government Areas (LGAs)
from the four agricultural zones. The eight LGAs
selected were: Kabba-Bunu, Ijumu, Bassa,
Ibitoye et al.; AJAEES, 6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
Omala, Ankpa, Lokoja, Ajaokuta and Olamaboro.
These LGAs were purposively selected based on
their level of involvement in tomato production.
The survey was carried out in 2014. Two
communities from each of the LGAs were
randomly selected to give a total of sixteen
communities used for the study. Fifteen tomato
farmers were randomly selected from each of the
sixteen communities to give a total of 240
respondents used for the study. Structured
questionnaire was administered to the selected
tomato farmers from the selected communities.
The study used descriptive statistics, multiple
regression analysis and efficiency ratio to
analyse the data. The Multiple Regression and
Efficiency Ratio models were specified as
2.1 Multiple Regression Analysis
For this study, three functional forms were tested
on the primary data collected, but the Cobb-
Douglas function was chosen based on the R
value of the estimated coefficients, number of
significant variables and conformity with the a
priori expectation. The Cobb-Douglas production
function investigated in this study is expressed
mathematically as;
Y=f (X
Y=f (X
Y= Output (kg), β
= Intercept (kg), β= Marginal
effect of X
on Y, X
= Sex (1 = Females, 0 =
Males), X
= Age of Respondents (years), X
Farming experience (years), X
= Educational
status (years), X
= Household size (number), X
Access to extension (Number of contacts), X
Farm size (hectares) and e
= Error term.
It is expected that the value of each of the
variables, that is, b
– b
will be positively related
to the output of tomato in the area. By
implication, the higher the quantity of these
variables, the higher the output of tomato.
2.2 Efficiency Ratio
Efficiency ratio was used to determine the
efficiency of resources used in tomato
production. The estimated coefficients of the
relevant independent variables were used to
compute the Marginal Value Products (MVP) and
their corresponding Marginal Factor Costs
(MFC). The equation is
r = MVP
Where r = efficiency ratio
MVP = Marginal Value Product of variable input
MFC = Marginal Factor Cost
The value of MVP was computed using the
regression coefficient of each input and the price
of the output was expressed as stated below:
= b
× P
= price per unit of output
= regression coefficient of input i (i = 1, 2, .....n)
= Marginal Value Product of input
The prevailing market price of inputs was used
as the Marginal Factor Cost (MFC) [15].
The values of the ratios are interpreted thus:
i. If r < 1, means that the resource in
question was over-utilized-therefore, if the
quantity of such input is increased, profit
will increase.
ii. If r > 1, means that the resource was
under-utilized. If the quantity of such input
is decreased, profit will increase.
iii. If r = 1, it means that the resource was
being efficiently utilized.
3.1 Socio-Economic Characteristics of
Tomato Farmers in Kogi State
The distribution of respondents according to age
revealed that majority (82.5%) were in the age
range of 41-60 years. 9.6% of the respondents
were above 60 years of age while 7.9% were
within the age range of 21-40 years (Table 1).
The mean age was 51 years. This implies
increased productivity and technical efficiency
among tomato farmers in the area since majority
of the farmers are still in their active and
productive age. This agrees with the findings of
[16] who found that tomato production was
dominated by adults who were between the age
range of 40-60 years of age and attributed it to
labour requirement in tomato production.
Majority (72.1%) of the respondents were male
while 27.9% were female. This implies that
tomato production in the study area was
Ibitoye et al.; AJAEES, 6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
dominated by men. 27.9% involvement of
females in tomato production indicated that
women were also in the business but to a smaller
extent. This is in line with studies by [16] and [17]
who reported that males dominated tomato
production in Adamawa and Niger States
Distribution of respondents according to marital
status revealed that majority (76.7%) of the
respondents was married, 11.7% were single,
7.1% were widowed, and 4.6% of the
respondents were divorced. This implies that
apart from been a major source of income to the
family, majority of the tomato farmers produce
tomato most likely to cater for their family needs.
The table further revealed that half (50%) of the
respondents had no formal education. 28.3% of
the respondents attended primary school. 15.4%
attended secondary school at both junior and
senior secondary level, while 6.3% of the
respondents attended tertiary institutions. This
implies that about half (50%) of the sampled
farmers do not know how to read and write while
another 50% can read and write. The low level of
education of the farmers could affect their
adoption of appropriate technology. This agrees
with the findings of [18] and [19] who reported
relatively high level of illiteracy among small
scale farmers in Rivers and Ogun States
Result on major occupation of the respondents
showed that most (61.7%) of the tomato farmers
were into full-time farming on an average farm
size of 1.3 hectares. 19.5% combined civil
service work with tomato production, while 11.7%
and 7.1% of the respondents combined tomato
production with artisan and trading respectively.
This implies that the agricultural sector serves as
source of employment and income to many
households in the area. This finding is consistent
with [20] who posited that the agricultural sector
of Nigeria economy contributes significantly to
rural employment, food security, provision of
industrial and raw materials.
About 73.3% of the respondents had above 30
years of tomato farming experience. 13.8% had
21-30 years of experience, 8.7% had 1-10 years
of tomato farming experience, while 4.2% of the
sampled respondents had between 11-20 years
of farming experience. The average farming
experience was 37 years. The high level of
experience among tomato farmers in the area
may increase their level of efficiency, because
the more experienced a farmer is, the more
efficient he is supposed to become and vice
versa. The finding supports the findings of [21],
who reported a positive and significant
relationship between farming experience and
technical efficiency among Fadama farmers in
Adamawa State.
About 95.8% of tomato farmers in the area
cultivated tomato on an area of 3 hectares and
below. Only 4.2% of the respondents had a farm
land of above 3 hectares for tomato production.
The mean farm size was 1.5 hectares. This
implies that tomato production in the study area
is still at the subsistence level. The small area of
farm land may also be attributed to the
perishable nature of tomato. This confirms the
result of separate studies carried out by [22] and
[23] who reported that the average number of
hectares cultivated per farmer was found to be
about 1.5 hectares.
Household size of most respondents ranged from
7-12 members (37.5 percent), above 12
members (32.5 percent) and to those with less
than 6 members (30 percent). The mean
household size was about 7 members per
household. It is expected that members of the
household will serve as source of labour on the
farm. The range of household size is lower when
compared with what is obtainable in the Northern
part of the country, which recorded an average
size of 13 members per household [24]. The
average household size of 7 is the same with the
national average of 7 and slightly lower than the
findings of [25] who found a higher level of labour
availability with an average of 8 members per
household. Orebiyi et al. [26] have also reported
that large family size may mean more family
expenses and fewer funds for agricultural
activities. The mean household size also could
characterize moderate dependency ratio in
Nigeria (Udo, 1999 in [27]).
About 51.3% of tomato farmers in the study area
had annual income of N 50 000 - N 100 000 from
tomato production, 22.5% of the respondents
had below N 50 000, 13.3% had above N 150
000 annually from tomato production, while
12.9% of the sampled respondents had between
N 100 000 N 150 000 from tomato production.
The average income of the respondents from
tomato production was N 74 590. This implies
that tomato production in the study area is still at
the subsistence level. Mikloda [28] associated
low income with poverty. Also, according to [29],
over 90% of the country’s food supply comes
from the agricultural population who are
smallholder farmers.
Ibitoye et al.; AJAEES, 6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
Table 1. Distribution of respondents according to socio-economic characteristics
Socio-economic indicators Frequency
Percentage Mean/Mode
A. Age (years)
Above 60
51 years
B. Sex
C. Marital status
D. Educational status
No formal education
Primary education
Secondary education
Tertiary education
No formal education
E. Major occupation
Civil service
F. Farming experience (years)
Above 30
31 years
G. Farm size (hectares)
Less than 1
Above 3
1.3 hectares
H. Family size (Number)
Above 12
7 members
I. Level of Income (Naira)
Below 50 000
50 000 – 100 000
100 001 – 150 000
Above 150 000
89, 000
Source: Field survey, 2014
Ibitoye et al.; AJAEES, 6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
3.2 Effect of Socio-Economic Characteris-
tics on Tomato Output in Kogi State
The regression analysis on the effect of socio-
economic variables on the output of tomato in the
study area is presented in Table 2.
Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation
technique was used to determine the effect of
socio-economic characteristics on tomato output
in the study area. Three functional forms such as
linear, semi-log and double-log were fitted into
the model.
After some econometric considerations such as
number of significant variables, F ratio and R
value, the double-log functional form was
selected as the lead equation.
The regression result indicated an R
value of
0.740 meaning that 74 percent of the variability in
the model was explained while the remaining 26
percent could be attributed to error terms and
omitted variables. The F-ratio was 132.38 at 1
percent significance which means that the
independent variables jointly explained the
dependent variable.
Table 2 indicated that years spent in school,
extension contact, and farm size were significant
socio-economic variables influencing the output
of tomato production in the study area. Number
of years spent in school (X
) was found to be
positively related to the output of tomato and
significant at 1 percent. This implies that an
increase in the number of years spent in school
increases the output of tomato. The higher the
level of education, the more enlightened a farmer
becomes in adopting new innovation with its
multiplier effect on increased output. Education is
believed to increase the ability to perceive,
interpret and react to new events and improves
farmers’ managerial skills. This agrees with [30]
who reported that formal education has helped
farmers to obtain useful information from
bulletins, agricultural newsletters and other print
media sources of information. Sani et al. [31]
underscore the importance of the individual
farmer to know how to seek for and apply
information on improved farm practices.
The coefficient of extension contact (X
) was
found to be positive and significant at 1 percent.
This implies that an increase in extension contact
increases the output from tomato production.
Otunaiya and Akinleye [32] confirmed that
contact with extension workers will increase the
likelihood that a farmer will adopt improved
maize technologies and this will lead to
increased maize output. Also, [17] found a
positive relationship between extension contact
and the output of irrigated tomato in Niger State.
Table 2. Regression results for effect of socio-economic variables on tomato output
Variables Linear Semi-Log Double-Log
Farming Experience
Years Spent in School
Household size
No. of Extension contacts
Farm size
Source: Computed from field survey, 2014
Note: Figures in parentheses are t–values.
denote 5 and 1 percent level of significance respectively
Ibitoye et al.; AJAEES, 6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
The regression result also shows that the
coefficient of farm size (X
) was positive and
significant at 1 percent. This implies that a unit
increase in the hectares of farm land for tomato
will lead to an increase in the output of tomato,
ceteris paribus. This corroborates [17] who
reported a positive relationship between farm
size and irrigated tomato output at 1 percent
level of significance.
Furthermore, the coefficient of sex, farming
experience, and household size were positive.
However, the relationships were statistically not
significant at the levels tested in this study. This
implies that an increase in these socio-economic
variables will lead to increased tomato output.
The result on farmers’ age shows a negative
relationship with a coefficient of -0.070. This
implies that the older a farmer, the less energetic
he becomes in carrying out farming operations
leading to decreased tomato output.
3.3 Effects of Resources Used on Tomato
The effect of resources used on tomato output in
Kogi State is presented in Table 3.
The efficiency indictor in Table 4 revealed that
pesticide, quantity of seed, and kg of fertilizer
has ratios that are less than unity. This means
that these variable inputs in tomato production
were over-utilized and increase in the supply of
these resources will increase tomato output. The
finding of this study on seed corroborates with
[17] who reported an efficiency ratio of -19.3 for
quantity of seed used in irrigated tomato
production in Niger State. Also, [33] found an
over-utilization of fertilizer, pesticide, and seed
with efficiency ratio of 0.08, -0.04, and 0.16
respectively for tomato production in Benue
Table 4 also shows that inputs such as labour
and farm size have an efficiency ratio of 1.2 and
15.2 respectively. This means that these inputs
were under-utilized in tomato production in the
area and a decrease in the supply of these
resources will increase the output of tomato
produced in the State. The result on farm size
agrees with [33] who found an efficiency ratio of
1.24 for farm size. The finding on labour agrees
with [17] who reported an efficiency ratio of 9.584
for labour. All the inputs were not utilized to
optimum economic advantage. A resource is said
to be optimally allocated if there is no significant
difference between the MVP and MFC, that is, if
the ratio of MVP to MFC = 1.
Table 3. Linear regression for the estimation of resource use efficiency in tomato production
Std. error
Quantity of seed
Years in school
Farm size
Farming experience
Household size
F value = 65.471
Prob >F = 0.000
= 0.694
Adjusted R
= 0.683
Source: Computed from field survey, 2014.
Table 4. Estimated resource use efficiency in tomato production in Kogi State
Farm inputs
Farm size
Source: Computed from field survey, 2014
Ibitoye et al.; AJAEES, 6(4): 220-229, 2015; Article no.AJAEES.2015.080
The study analysed resource use efficiency in
tomato production in Kogi State, Nigeria. The
OLS regression result revealed that pesticide,
labour, years spent in school, quantity of seed
and farm size were positively and significantly
related to tomato output in Kogi State. The
efficiency ratio result showed that quantity of
pesticide, seed and fertilizer were over utilized
while labour and farm size were underutilized.
The study further showed that all the inputs were
not utilized to optimum economic advantage. The
profit level of farmers can be increased if these
resources are efficiently allocated and utilized.
Also, farmers’ educational experience, contact
with extension workers, and farm size increased
tomato output in the State.
Based on the findings the following
recommendations were made:
1. Prices of inputs such as fertilizer, seed and
pesticide should be subsidized by
government. This will enable farmers
increase the use of these resources as
they were over-utilized in tomato
production in the study area.
2. There should be extension services that
will facilitate the efficient utilization of
agricultural resources among tomato
farmers in Kogi State. This will enhance
the output of tomato produced in the area
and achievement of optimum resource
3. Educational status had positive
relationship with tomato farmers’ output.
Therefore, policies that will enable the
farmers to improve on their education and
grant them increased access to credit
should be vigorously pursued for
increasing the farmers’ efficiency and
4. Tomato farmers in the area should be
encouraged to form cooperative societies
so as to enable them obtain loans from
commercial banks, agricultural banks, and
other financial institutions. This will enable
them purchase the needed inputs that will
increase tomato output in the area.
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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... Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is a widely cultivated vegetable in most regions of the world ranking second in importance in many countries (Ibeawuchi, 2015). It is native to South America but was introduced to West Africa by Portuguese traders and freed slaves from West Indies (Ibitoye et al 2015). It is the second most important vegetable worldwide in terms of quantity of vitamins and minerals it contributes to the diet. ...
... It is the second most important vegetable worldwide in terms of quantity of vitamins and minerals it contributes to the diet. Genetic evidence shows that the progenitors of tomatoes were herbaceous green plants with small green fruit and a centre of diversity in the high lands of Peru (Ibitoye et al 2015). Tomato is an edible, often red fruit/berry of the Nightshade (Solanum lycopersicum) commonly known as tomato plant (Ibitoye et al 2015). ...
... Genetic evidence shows that the progenitors of tomatoes were herbaceous green plants with small green fruit and a centre of diversity in the high lands of Peru (Ibitoye et al 2015). Tomato is an edible, often red fruit/berry of the Nightshade (Solanum lycopersicum) commonly known as tomato plant (Ibitoye et al 2015). Tomato farming is said to generates profits for the farmers and thus improve their living standards, create job opportunities in agriculture and agro-allied sectors thereby boosting the overall economy of the country. ...
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The cost and returns of tomato production in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State were analysed in this study. The study utilized both purposive and random sampling techniques to extract a sample of 150 respondents from the study area. Primary data were used, data were collected through a structured questionnaire. Data were analysed with Descriptive Statistics, Gross Margin and Net Farm Income analyses. The results showed that mean age of the respondents was 40 years, majority (73.33%) were male, majority (60.67%) were married, most (43.33%) had secondary education, mean household size was 8 persons, mean farming experience was 27 years, majority (94.67%) were not members of farmers' association and majority (92.67%) were not visited by the extension agents. The study also revealed that the Gross Margin of tomato farming was N 766,027 while the Net Farm Income was N 524, 833.70, implying that tomato production in the study area was profitable. Both the benefit and operating cost ratios of 2.07 and 0.25 respectively proved the profitability of tomato farming in the study area. It was therefore recommended that tomato farmers should be sensitized to form tomato farmers' associations in the study area to enable them obtain micro-credits from commercial banks and other lending institutions at a regulated interest rate. Also, government should help to intensify extension activities to so as to boost the capacity of farmers which will in turn help to enhance their productivities.
... The resource use efficiency was calculated following the earlier studies, and using the following formula for its calculation (Ibitoye et al., 2015;Umar and Abdulkadir, 2015;Qamar et al., 2017 The value of MFC was the unit price of input being considered and can be expressed as: ...
... Use Efficiency ratio (if r =1, input is used efficiently) MVP= Marginal Value Product of a variable input MFC= Marginal Factor Cost (Price per unit input)The value of MVP was estimated using the regression coefficient of each input and the price of the output(Ibitoye et al., 2015;Umar and Abdulkadir, 2015;Qamar et al., 2017):MVP= MPP(Xi) X PyThe Py is the unit price of output. The MPP(Xi) is the regression coefficient of i th input and is expressed as: MPP(Xi) = dy/dxi = bi*( mean value of input being considered. ...
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Mushroom is a highly nutritious fungus that has gained popularity in Nepal as people’s eating habits have changed, expanding the scope of mushroom production in Nepal. To meet the increased demand of the consumer increase in mushroom production is essential. However, satisfactory production increment has not been observed in the country. Therefore, a study was conducted focusing on exploring the profitability of the mushroom enterprise, factors affecting the production, the efficiency of resources used, and problems faced by mushroom growers of Kathmandu Valley in 2019. Benefit-cost analysis, Cobb-Douglas production function, and indexing method were used in the study. The result showed that the mushroom enterprise was found to be profitable with a benefit-cost ratio of 1.49. Its profitability could be increased by reducing the production cost of certain input factors: firewood and labor. Similarly, the mushroom enterprise is at decreasing return (0.69) to scale, therefore adjustments on inputs- spawn firewood, plastic, and labor need to be considered to increase the profitability of the mushroom farming. The overutilized inputs- spawn, irrigation, and plastic use should be reduced while underutilized inputs- firewood, straw, plant protection, and labor use should be utilized efficiently to increase the productivity of the mushroom. Subsidy in spawn, straw, and equipment related to spawn production, maintenance of the quality of spawn, and effective monitoring of subsidy institutions at the ground level could encourage farmers to grow mushrooms, thereby leading to increased profitability of mushroom production.
... Besides, traditional markets are described by poorly developed information systems, high transaction costs and inadequate value adding activities [19]. This weakens the tomato value chain thus excluding smallholder farmers from accessing formal markets [27]. As a result, various market participants continue to exploit farmers by offering unreliable product prices at farm level [28]. ...
... This explains the growing interest in agricultural activities among the youth possibly due to high returns and increased problems of unemployment. These results coincided with Ibitoye SJ, et al. [27], but negated the findings of Matsane SH, et al. [40] who found that agricultural marketing in South Africa was dominated by the aging population. Further, the results revealed that 75.8 % of the respondents were males while only 24.2% were females. ...
The present study was conducted to analyze tomato market diversity among rural smallholder farmers in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Data was collected from rural smallholder farmers in Kirinyaga County, following a multi-stage sampling technique. Further the Simpson’s Diversity Index and Tobit regression model were applied for analysis. Results revealed that majority of the respondents sell the tomato produce in three channels. Higher prices were recorded for contract and wholesale markets while retail and direct markets reported the lowest produce prices. Tomato marketing experiences inefficiencies that lead to unprecedented inequalities. This is attributed to limited information on strategies to expand markets at farm level. Following the debate on market participation among farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, this study contributes to the existing literature through modelling proportional the available market channels and compute the magnitude of market expansion using Simpson’s Diversity Index. This articulates an opportunity to diversify further thus enabling farmers minimize risk of losses and explore existing markets.
... It might be due to the unawareness of people about family planning, lower educational standasrd or might be religious reason. A study conducted in Nigeria revealed that amongst the tomato farmers in Kogi State, the average family size was 7 [10] . The sex ratio is the ratio of males to females in a population. ...
... The socioeconomic traits of the local farm households are displayed in Tables 1 and 2. The average age (46.4) is quite similar to the 47-year-old national average. The life expectancy in Nigeria is 47-50 years, which indicates an aging population even though this suggests an economically viable population (76 percent of the farmers were under 51 years old) [Ibitoye et al., 2018]. The majority of farm households were led by men. ...
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The influence of illness on agricultural productivity in Nigeria's rural districts of Kebbi state was examined in this study. The reason for this is that rural areas, which are strategically significant for the country's food security, are more vulnerable to health risks due to the subpar quality of health care, which is partially due to government neglect. The goals were to outline the socioeconomic traits of the rural farm households and pinpoint the region's current relationship between agricultural production and health. In order to obtain pertinent information about 263 rural households' farming operations and health concerns, a multistage random sample approach was used to choose them for questionnaire delivery. Production function analysis and descriptive statistics were used. According to the survey, there were an average of 6.5 people living in each family, and the heads of those households were 46.4 years old on average. Additionally, it was discovered that the average farm size was 1.43 hectares and the average number of years of formal schooling was 7.4. Additionally, the study found that diarrhea, typhoid fever, and malaria were the most common illnesses impacting farm families. As a result, there was an average 8.2-day decrease in the amount of time that could be spent working on the farm during an agricultural season. The production function analysis result showed that the number of days of farm work missed due to illness was negatively signed (0.09) and significant at 5%, while the elasticities of farm size (0.419), family size (0.099), labor (0.012), number of contacts with extension agents (0.018), and labor (0.012) and naira amount of credit accessed (0.25) were positively signed and significant at 1%, 10%, 1%, and 1%, respectively. The number of days that a household's farming activities are missed due to illness, according to the findings, may provide a clearer picture of how illness affects food security and agricultural output. To lower the frequency of disease infestation, more research and development efforts should be made in the areas of health care accessibility and provision in rural areas. Since the majority of illnesses found in the research area are actually related to hygiene and the environment, such initiatives should also entail providing the rural people with appropriate health and environmental education.
... The socioeconomic traits of the local farm households are displayed in Tables 1 and 2. The average age (46.4) is quite similar to the 47-year-old national average. The life expectancy in Nigeria is 47-50 years, which indicates an aging population even though this suggests an economically viable population (76 percent of the farmers were under 51 years old) [Ibitoye et al., 2018]. The majority of farm households were led by men. ...
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The influence of illness on agricultural productivity in Nigeria's rural districts of Kebbi state was examined in this study. The reason for this is that rural areas, which are strategically significant for the country's food security, are more vulnerable to health risks due to the subpar quality of health care, which is partially due to government neglect. The goals were to outline the socioeconomic traits of the rural farm households and pinpoint the region's current relationship between agricultural production and health. In order to obtain pertinent information about 263 rural households' farming operations and health concerns, a multistage random sample approach was used to choose them for questionnaire delivery. Production function analysis and descriptive statistics were used. According to the survey, there were an average of 6.5 people living in each family, and the heads of those households were 46.4 years old on average. Additionally, it was discovered that the average farm size was 1.43 hectares and the average number of years of formal schooling was 7.4. Additionally, the study found that diarrhea, typhoid fever, and malaria were the most common illnesses impacting farm families. As a result, there was an average 8.2-day decrease in the amount of time that could be spent working on the farm during an agricultural season. The production function analysis result showed that the number of days of farm work missed due to illness was negatively signed (0.09) and significant at 5%, while the elasticities of farm size (0.419), family size (0.099), labor (0.012), number of contacts with extension agents (0.018), and labor (0.012) and naira amount of credit accessed (0.25) were positively signed and significant at 1%, 10%, 1%, and 1%, respectively. The number of days that a household's farming activities are missed due to illness, according to the findings, may provide a clearer picture of how illness affects food security and agricultural output. To lower the frequency of disease infestation, more research and development efforts should be made in the areas of health care accessibility and provision in rural areas. Since the majority of illnesses found in the research area are actually related to hygiene and the environment, such initiatives should also entail providing the rural people with appropriate health and environmental education.
... The efficiency ratio for fertilizer showed a negative impact on gross returns. Over utilization of fertilizer was also explored in previous studies (Taru et al. 2008;Ibitoye et al. 2015). ...
"Social entrepreneurship has received a greater recognition now a days. It has become need of the hour for sustainable growth of the Indian Economy. This study identifies the opportunities and role of social entrepreneurship in reducing economic imbalances and achieving sustainable economic growth in India. Climate change and its consequences threaten the economic growth especially the agricultural sector. Unlike traditional corporate businesses, social entrepreneurship focuses on maximizing gains in social satisfaction, rather than maximizing profit gains. These enterprises are structured as both forprofit and not-for-profit entities. Social entrepreneurs have been calling for a better ecosystem in which their social ventures could exist and operate. This will help them formulate better strategies and achieve their dual objectives. Besides, Ethical element is important because leaders who are about to change the world must be trustworthy. Around 600 social enterprises in India affect 500 million lives, attracting over USD 9 billion in capital. India is the youngest start-up nation in the world with 72 per cent of the entrepreneurs less than 35 years old. Around 70% of the social enterprises work with individuals from socially and economically disadvantaged communities, 82% work with women, 31% work with people with disabilities, and 46% work with children. The study analysed various agricultural social enterprises in India, working to improve the productivity, market linkages, and farmers’ income besides addressing social, cultural, financial and environmental problems. Majority of the enterprises are clustered around Maharashtra and Karnataka, followed by Telangana, Delhi and Tamil Nadu. More than 50% of the social enterprises are focused on providing access to products and services."
... From this data, it can be inferred that farmers with small size farms do not engage in commercial level production as actively as farmers with large farm size. A similar result was found in tomato production by Ibitoye, Shaibu, & Omle (2015). But the result contradicts the findings of Bhandari (2006). ...
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Although there is a huge potential for vegetable production in Nawalpur district, its productivity has not been scaled up. Therefore, a study was conducted in Nawalpur district to assess the productivity and profitability of major vegetables. About a hundred farmers were selected purposefully for the household survey. Two summer season vegetables: tomato, cucumber, and two winter season vegetables: cauliflower, cabbage were selected as major vegetables. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel. Socio-demographic characteristics, cost, return of major vegetables, profitability, and factors affecting the productivity of each vegetable were studied. Vegetable farming was found to be a profitable enterprise as the B/C ratio for all four vegetables was greater than one and among four vegetables cucumber was found the most profitable one with the B/C ratio of 1.46. In cost of production, labor cost was found to be the significant one incurring more than 40% in all four vegetables. The Multiple Linear Regression Model revealed that experience has a significant and positive influence on the productivity of cucumber and cauliflower, application of fertilizer has a significant and positive influence on the productivity of tomato, cucumber, and cauliflower. Similarly, the price per unit of output and farm size under vegetable farming has a significant and positive relationship with the productivity of tomato and cabbage respectively. The incidence of diseases and pests was a major constraint of vegetable production in the study site.
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The main results found from this study showed us that there is positive growth rate in production and area covered under onion crop in India over the years from 1980 to 2020 but there is seen a very less rate of growth in case of productivity of onion. The farmers were mostly based on paddy in kharif season and very less of them occupied the role of a onion farmer in kharif season. The farmers were practicing the cultivation of onion in rabi season mostly in the selected villages. According to the study, the overall findings reveal that the cost of cultivation for onion for category I farmers (possessing land <1 ha) was pooled at Rs. 88580 and that for category II (possessing land >1 ha) was pooled at Rs. 92686.13 and the returns were Rs. 115071.35 and Rs. 120540.1 respectively in the selected blocks. The overall cost of cultivation and return value was calculated as Rs. 89720.86 and Rs. 116590.44 respectively. The B:C ratio was calculated as 1.3 for overall category I and category II farmers in the district. According to this study, the overall per hectare utilisation of resources such as human labour, bullock labour, manures, irrigation and plant protection were 72.88 days, 15.39 pair days, 221.11 quintals, 9515.00 rupees and 6416 rupees respectively. The Cobb-Douglas kind of production function was investigated in order to meet the investigation's aims. The Cobb-Douglas production function was utilized, with Y representing cotton yield as the dependent variable and X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 representing total human labour, farm power cost, manure cost, fertiliser cost, pesticide cost, and crop area as the independent variables. To meet the current investigation's aims, the Cobb- Douglas type of production function and functional analysis, as well as the tabular way of analysis, were applied. The main problems face by the onion farmers were determined y Garett’s ranking technique and were found to be fluctuation in market price, lack of good storage, high transportation cost etc. According to the analysis, using more human, bullock, seed, and plant protection could maximize the profitability of onion production as a whole. According to the findings, the farmers were not aware of the market demand and market information. Thus, they were selling the produce in a much cheaper rate. There should be co- operation between the government and the farmers for better pricing and for government procurement of the produce directly from the farmers for improving economic status of the farmers.
: A ergonomics a diverse range of production-limiting variables ranging from biophysical to agronomic restrictions, as well as socioeconomic and institutional barriers constrained tomato production. It is pertinent to note that Adoption of contemporary agricultural methods is required for optimal productivity under such limits. This study aims to analyze the effect of input intensification and cost efficiency on the productivity of irrigated tomato farmers in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The study used a cross sectional data of 268 irrigated tomato farmers for 2021 cropping season. Descriptive statistics, net farm income, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression, Tobit regression model and stochastic frontier cost function were used to analyze the data. The result established that with the net farm income of ₦401,331 ($994.43USD) and return on investment (1.91), tomato production is profitable. The result of OLS regression showed that normalized input intensification (-0.226) is statistically significant at 1% level of probability and is negatively inelastic. This revealed that the input intensification been adopted as a complete package in the study area had negative influence on productivity of tomato. The result of the Tobit model regression showed that the intensity of input use was significantly influenced by the coefficients of age of household head (-0.079), number of extension contact (0.661), farm size (11.257), and distance to input market (0.262). The result of the estimated stochastic frontier cost function showed that costs of labour (0.03), fertilizer (0.35), seed (0.08), agrochemicals (0.06), annual depreciation (0.36) and transportation (0.07) were statistically significant. The inefficiency variables that influenced the cost of the tomato farmers include farm size (0.47), educational status (0.22), access to credit (0.59) and distance to input market (-0.02). The study established that input intensification package adopted by tomato farmers requires modification to enhance tomato productivity in Kaduna state, Nigeria. There is urgent need for training of farmers by extension agent particularly on input intensification, adoption of modern innovations and technologies that could enhance increase output and income.
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Tomato (Lycopersicon exculentum L.) is a popular vegetable widely grown in the tropics, wthich is mainly attacked by Fusarium wilt incited by Fusarium oxysporum f sp. lycopersici. In this present scenario, ecofriendly alternative strategies such as use of fungi from rhizosphere and endophytic bacteria are being explored. Fungal antagonistic Trichoderma spp. are effective for the management of soil borne plant pathogens. Efficacy of various isolates of T.virens were evaluated under green house condition for efficacy in suppressing incidence of Fusarium wilt disease and promoting plant growth in tomato. Among the various isolates tested, native isolates of T.virens (Tv 1) increased the plant growth and highly inhibited the mycelial growth of the pathogen under in vitro condition. In green house studies seed treatment plus soil application of talc based formulation of T.virens (Tv 1) significantly reduced incidence of the diseases (54.66% more efficient than control), compared to the other isolates of T.virens. Expression of various defence related enzymes was found involved in the induction of systemic resistance against pathogen infection. Tomato plants treated with seed @ 4gkg-1 plus soil application of 4kg ha-1 of talc based formulation of T. virens (Tv 1) with challenge inoculation of Fusarium enhance the maximum induction of defense enzyme such as Peroxidase (PO), Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) and Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase (PAL) rather than the other isolates of T.virens. The enzyme activity increased from 7 th day of sampling and the maximum was observed on 14 th day of sampling and then it slightly decreased.
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The effect of potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) on tomato fruit quality during storage was evaluated. Fruit was dipped in 1 or 2% KHCO3 for 2 min or 3% KHCO3 for 4 min at 25°C. Control fruit was dipped in distilled water. Overall fruit deterioration, weight loss, firmness, total soluble solids and titratable acidity were measured. The effect of KHCO3 on the development of Botrytis cinerea was also analysed by measuring the mycelial growth development on potato glucose agar (PGA) emended with 0.5 to 3 % KHCO3. Tomato fruit dipped in 2% KHCO3 prevented the attack of B. cinerea for two weeks, maintaining fruit quality. However, a significant loss of firmness occurred. Treatment with 0.5 or 1% KHCO3 was insufficient to protect fruit against B. cinerea, whereas treatment with 3% KHCO3for 4 min decreased fruit quality. An in vitro treatment with 1% KHCO3 controlled B. cinerea by a fungistatic action.
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Ganoderma lucidum Karst and Ganoderma applanatum Pat., were collected from the wild, air dried, pulverized and screened for fungicidal activity using a popular rot fungus; Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., and as preservative of post-harvest tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. syn. Solanum lycopersicum) of the Northern variety. Sclerotia inoculums were dropped aseptically on PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) media with different concentrations of separately milled Ganoderma sporophore (0g/250ml, 0.50g/250ml, 1.00g/250ml, 1.50g/250ml, 2.00g/250ml). Each sclerotium inoculated on PDA media containing different concentrations of Ganoderma lucidum respectively, developed sparse mycelium growth of the rot fungus when compared with the control. Sclerotia growth inhibition was observed for PDA medium with 2.00g/250ml of G. applanatum. The tomato fruits preserved with powdered derivatives of G. lucidum and G. applanatum respectively on exposed plates at room temperature (29 ± 30°C) showed no improvement storage-life nor prevented early rot after 14 days when compared with the control.
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This study estimated the technical efficiency index and further examined the factors influencing technical efficiency for the sampled tomato farmers in Oyo State of Nigeria. The study made use of a cross-sectional data to obtain information from 150 tomato farmers in the four agricultural zones of Oyo State. The technical efficiency index ranged from 0.031 to 1.000 under both Constant Return to Scale (CRS) and Variable Return to Scale (VRS) specification. The mean technical efficiencies were 0.423 and 0.548 under CRS and VRS specification respectively. The scale efficiency range between 0.175 and 1.000 with a mean of 0.826. Of the 150 tomato farms, 26 show constant return to scale and 94 show increasing return to scale while 30 shows decreasing return to scale. This result shows that there is small scale inefficiency in the study area. There are excess use for all inputs especially for fertilizer, family and hired labour. The determinants of technical efficiency are education, experience, diversification, marital status and gender. Keywords: tomato; DEA; CRS; VRS; technical efficiency
Poverty is one of the most important phenomenal issues and unfinished tasks of this century. Poverty, though as old as the history of the world, has assumed multifarious dimensions in recent times; and has therefore attracted stentorian comments as well as several definitional essays. Like wealth, poverty is not shared equally around the world. Income poverty, like poverty, is also not equally shared. There is no gain saying that agricultural growth is a catalyst for broad based economic growth and development in most low-income countries and that economic growth is strongly linked to poverty reduction. Absurd as this may seem, the questions being asked are: Can agriculture reduce poverty? If so, how and under which conditions? Again even if poverty were viewed simply as an issue of material wealth, would it not be naïve to think that agriculture's contribution to reducing poverty should be restricted only to growing more food. Of several other countries in the sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria holds the unenviable record of having about 85 million of her 120 million people living in poverty. To control this scourge, several Nigerian governments have adopted and implemented various poverty alleviation programmers, dating back to the oil boom era of the 1970s and spanning up to the late 2002. Somewhat paradoxically, however, despite the large financial and material resources invested in the various initiatives, the number of the poor in both the rural and urban areas of Nigeria has continued to increase. Poverty is not only about income, but also about access to all basic needs. For this reason, simply growing more food will not reduce poverty. In considering the issue of poverty reduction and agriculture, agriculture should be seen simply as a means to an end, not an end in itself. In devising agriculture sector strategies for poverty alleviation in Nigeria, a combination of Growth First with Poverty First strategies could be most beneficial, but only if the wealth created by growth is channeled appropriately. A stable polity, restoration of public confidence in government and strong bottom-up transaction of the combined growth first and poverty first strategies, supported by progressive lateral transactions are inescapable prerequisites for the people, especially the poor, to participate in an accountable and transparent manner for successful reduction of poverty in Nigeria.
This study examines the resource use efficiency in rice production in the Lake Chad area of Borno State, Nigeria. Data for the study was collected from 100 rice farmers in four villages in the study area. The data collection was from August September of the 2005 cropping season. Multi-stage random sampling procedure was used in collecting the data. Production function analyses which incorporate the conventional neoclassical test of economic and technical efficiencies were used as the analytical technique. Findings revealed that the farmers were inefficient in the use of all the resources. Generally, however, inputs such as seed, land and fertilizer were under-utilized. The results show that there is need for making inputs such as fertilizer and improved seeds affordable and accessible to the farmers so as to improve efficiency. Also policies that encourage the creation of alternative employment opportunities to absorb the excess labour used in rice production in the area should be formulated.