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Determination of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics in Industrial Wastewater by High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography and Thin-Layer Chromatography-Densitometric Methods


Abstract and Figures

Two methods were described for the simultaneous determination of ciprofloxacin HCl (CIP) and moxifloxacin HCl (MOX) in their binary mixture present in industrial wastewater. A solid-phase extraction procedure (SPE) based on retention on HLB OASIS cartridges and elution with a mixture of methanol-water in acidic medium was preformed, and then both fluoroquinolones were separated using two chromatographic methods. The first method was based on high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of the two drugs on reversed-phase Zorbax C18 column. The mobile phase consisted of monobasic potassium phosphate (50 mM, pH 2.5, adjusted with phosphoric acid) and acetonitrile (80:20, v/v). Flow rate was 1 mL min-1. Quantitation was achieved with ultraviolet (UV) detection at 278 nm. Linearity was found to be over the concentration range of 1-50 μg mL-1 for both CIP and MOX. The second method was based on the thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) separation of the two drugs followed by densitometric measurements of their bands at 278 nm. The separation was carried out on silica gel 60 F254 plates, using methanol, ammonia, and methylene chloride (55:35:20, v/v) as a developing system. The linearity was found to be in the range of 0.25-2.5 μg band -1 for both CIP and MOX. Both methods were optimized and validated as per International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. Separation was developed on spiked water samples and checked on process wastewaters of industrial origin after SPE sample pretreatment.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Journal of Planar Chromatography 27 (2014) 4, 287–293 DOI: 10.1556/JPC.27.2014.4.9 287
0933-4173/$ 20.00 © Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
Two methods were described for the simultaneous determination of
ciprofloxacin HCl (CIP) and moxifloxacin HCl (MOX) in their bina-
ry mixture present in industrial wastewater. A solid-phase extrac-
tion procedure (SPE) based on retention on HLB OASIS cartridges
and elution with a mixture of methanol–water in acidic medium was
preformed, and then both fluoroquinolones were separated using
two chromatographic methods. The first method was based on high-
performance liquid chromatographic separation of the two drugs
on reversed-phase Zorbax C18 column. The mobile phase consisted
of monobasic potassium phosphate (50 mM, pH 2.5, adjusted with
phosphoric acid) and acetonitrile (80:20, v/v). Flow rate was 1 mL
. Quantitation was achieved with ultraviolet (UV) detection at
278 nm. Linearity was found to be over the concentration range of
1–50 µg mL
for both CIP and MOX. The second method was based
on the thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) separation of the two
drugs followed by densitometric measurements of their bands at
278 nm. The separation was carried out on silica gel 60 F
using methanol, ammonia, and methylene chloride (55:35:20, v/v) as
a developing system. The linearity was found to be in the range of
0.25–2.5 µg band
for both CIP and MOX. Both methods were opti-
mized and validated as per International Conference on Har -
monization (ICH) guidelines. Separation was developed on spiked
water samples and checked on process wastewaters of industrial ori-
gin after SPE sample pretreatment.
1 Introduction
Pharmaceutical compounds are widespread contaminants of the
aquatic environment. Since traditionally they have not been
viewed as environmental contaminants, the study of their pres-
ence in the environment is in some ways a new area of research
which has taken in recent years. Our current knowledge indi-
cates that residues of pharmaceuticals at trace quantities are
widely spread in aquatic systems [1]. Antibiotics constitute a
large group of pharmaceuticals, which are widely administered
in human and veterinary medicine. The extensive use of these
antibiotics may result in their presence in the environment.
Antibiotics are believed to be of greatest concern among all
pharmaceuticals due to the potential risk of antibiotic resistance.
Studies in the United States of America and Europe have detect-
ed antibiotic resistant bacteria in drinking water supplies [2, 3].
According to previous studies and publications, one of the most
prevalent groups of antibiotics found in the environment, and
particularly in surface waters, is that of the widely used, highly
potent fluoroquinolones (FQs) [4–6]. Administered FQs are
largely excreted as unchanged compounds in urine, and conse-
quently discharged into hospital sewage or municipal waste-
water. Despite lots of studies with positive detection of antibi-
otics and other pharmaceuticals in soils and environmental
waters and despite of their negative effects on human health,
there is no defined limit value for the occurrence of these pollu-
tants in soils or natural waters.
Therefore, more monitoring and surveillance studies are needed
at local level to determine exactly how the antibiotics make their
way into public waterways and to obtain a better understanding
of the transport and environmental fate of antibiotics.
Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CIP) [1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-
dihydro-4-oxo-7-(1-piperazinyl)-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid]
and moxifloxacin hydrochloride (MOX) [1-cyclopropyl-7-
4-oxo-quinolone-3-carboxylic acid] are fluoroquinolone anti -
bacterial agents which are active against a wide range of bacte-
ria. Their chemical structures are shown in Figure 1.
Different methods are available for the determination of the
selected FQs, CIP and MOX in environmental water samples.
Water samples are analyzed after solid-phase extraction, by
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultravio-
let (UV) detection [7], fluorescence detection (FD) [8, 9], mass
[10] spectrometric [11], tandem mass spectrometric detection
[12], high-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) with
diode-array detection (DAD) fluorescence and mass spectrome-
F.I. Khattab and S.M. Riad, Analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Cairo University, Kasr-El Aini Street, 11562 Cairo, Egypt; and
H. Salem and H.T. Elbalkiny, Analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), 11787
6th October City, Egypt.
Determination of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics in Industrial
Wastewater by High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography and
Thin-Layer Chromatography–Densitometric Methods
Fatma I. Khattab, Hesham Salem, Safaa M. Riad, and Heba T. Elbalkiny*
Key Words
Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride
Moxifloxacin hydrochloride
High-performance liquid chromatography
Thin-layer chromatography–densitometry
Industrial wastewater
try detection [13–15], UPLC tandem mass spectrometry
[16–18], and capillary electrophoresis [19].
The aim of this work was to develop simple, accurate, and sen-
sitive HPLC and TLC–densitometric methods for the simultane-
ous determination of the selected FQs, CIP, and MOX in indus-
trial wastewater.
2 Experimental
2.1 Apparatus
2.1.1 For HPLC Method
HPLC Agilent 1200 series, vacuum degasser, thermostated col-
umn compartment G1316A/G1316B, multiple wavelength
detector, quaternary pump (Germany), and chromatographic
column of Zorbax ODS (4.6 cm × 250 mm, 5 μm) were used.
2.1.2 For TLC–Densitometric Method
CAMAG (Muttenz, Switzerland) TLC instrumental set-up con-
sisting of sample applicator Linomat V, 100-µL syringe
(Hamilton, Switzerland) and TLC Scanner III operated by
winCATS software (V 3.15, CAMAG, Switzerland) were used.
Precoated silica gel 60 F
plate (20 × 10 cm
) (Fluka Chemie,
Buchs, Switzerland) with 200 µm thickness was employed.
A UV lamp – short wavelength 278 nm was employed for detec-
tion of bands.
2.1.3 Solid-Phase Extraction
SPE apparatus consisted of a 12-port vacuum manifold with
drying attachment and 12 large volume samplers.
2.2 Material
2.2.1 Samples
Ciprofloxacin HCl and moxifloxacin HCl powders were kindly
supplied by the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Industrial Company
(EPICO, Egypt) and El-Rowad Company (RIPC, Egypt),
respectively, and their percentage purities were found to be
100.1 ± 0.95 and 99.99 ± 0.58, respectively, according to official
British Pharmacopoeia (BP) methods [20].
2.2.2 Chemicals
Acetonitrile, methanol, and water of HPLC grade; methylene
chloride and ammonia of analytical grade; potassium dihydro-
gen orthophosphate; and orthophosphoric and ultra-pure sulfu-
ric acids were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
Sodium chloride and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
disodium salt were obtained from El Nasr Company (Cairo,
Membrane filters 0.45 µm from Teknokroma (Barcelona, Spain)
were used. The cartridges used for SPE were Oasis HLB (6cc
200 mg) (Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA).
2.3 Standard Solutions
2.3.1 Stock Solutions
CIP and MOX were prepared by dissolving 100 mg of each
powder in 100 mL of distilled water, forming a solution with a
final concentration (1 mg mL
2.3.2 Working Solutions
Working solutions of both CIP and MOX were freshly prepared
by dilution from their stock solutions with mobile phase to
obtain a concentration of 100 μg mL
for CIP and MOX for
HPLC method and diluting with distilled water to obtain con-
centration of 250 μg mL
for TLC–densitometric method.
2.4 Procedure
2.4.1 Collection and Preparation of Samples
A total of six wastewater samples were collected from pharma-
ceutical industries at different sites as shown in Table 1 and
placed in 2-L amber glass bottles. Water samples were cen-
trifuged at 4500 rpm for 5 min to remove possible solid materi-
al and stored in the dark at 4°C [14, 21]. Fluoroquinolones were
concentrated from water samples by solid-phase extraction
2.4.2 Extraction and Clean-Up (SPE Procedure)
After adjustment of the pH to 4.0 with sulfuric acid (1 M) and
addition of 186 mg of EDTA dipotassium salt, 1 L of the sample
was percolated through the Oasis HLB 6 cc (200 mg) cartridge.
The cartridge was previously conditioned with 5 mL of
methanol and 4 mL of ultrapure water. The washing step was
performed with ultrapure water at pH 4.0. Then the cartridge
was eluted with 4 mL of methanol. This eluate was evaporated
to dryness under a gentle stream of nitrogen and the residue was
redissolved in 0.5 mL of mobile phase, and filtered through
0.45 μm Millipore membrane filter (Billerica, MA). The injec-
Determination of FQ Antibiotics in Industrial Wastewater by HPLC and TLC–Densitometry
288 Journal of Planar Chromatography 27 (2014) 4
Table 1
Location of wastewater collection areas.
Samples Location
Industrial wastewater 1, 2 Pharmaceutical company located in
Obour city
Industrial wastewater 3, 4 Pharmaceutical company located in
10th of Ramadan city
Industrial wastewater 5 Pharmaceutical company located in
El Sawah
Industrial wastewater 6 Pharmaceutical company located in
October city
Figure 1
The chemical structures of (a) CIP and (b) MOX.
tion volume of eluate was 20 µL in case of HPLC while dis-
solved in methanol in case of TLC–densitometry.
Because of the zwitterionic nature of FQs, SPE of their analytes
is expected to be strongly pH-dependent. HLB can be used in
both acidic and in basic solutions. For these considerations,
samples were usually acidified to pH 3 to reduce biological
activity, cartridges conditioning and sample loading were done
at pH 3 [22–25].
2.4.3 HPLC Method Chromatographic Conditions
Chromatographic separation of the binary mixture was per-
formed using an isocratic elution of a mobile phase consisting of
sodium dihydrogen phosphate (50 mM, pH 2.5, adjusted with
phosphoric acid) and acetonitrile (80:20, v/v). The mobile phase
was filtered through 0.45-µm membrane filter and degassed for
30 min in an ultrasonic bath prior to its use. The mobile phase
was pumped through C18 column at a flow rate of 1 mL min
Analyses were performed at ambient temperature, and detection
was carried out at 278 nm. The injection volume was 20 µL. System Suitability
Twenty microliters of the working solutions were injected. The
system suitability parameters, retention time, tailing factor, the-
oretical plate count (N), height of theoretical plate (HETP), sep-
aration of eluted peaks (resolution), and column capacity were
calculated and compared to the reference United States
Pharmacopeia (USP) guidelines [26]. Construction of Calibration Curves
Aliquot volumes (0.1–5 mL) of CIP and MOX working
solutions (100 μg mL
) were transferred separately into 10-mL
measuring flasks, diluted to the volume with the mobile phase.
Twenty microliters of these solutions were injected in triplicate
into the HPLC system. The chromatographic conditions were
applied, and the chromatograms were recorded. Calibration
curves relating to the peak areas ×10
of CIP and MOX versus
their concentration were plotted, and the corresponding regres-
sion equation was calculated.
2.4.4 TLC–Densitometric Method Chromatographic Conditions
TLC aluminum sheets, 20 × 10 cm, precoated with 0.25 mm sil-
ica gel 60 F
were used. The samples were applied as bands
(band width: 6 mm, bands were spaced 1 cm apart from each
other and 1.5 cm from the bottom edge of the plate). Linear
ascending development was done in a chromatographic tank
previously saturated with methylene chloride–methanol–ammo-
nia (55:35:20, v/v) for 1 h at room temperature to a distance of
approximately 8 cm from the lower edge. The developed plates
were air dried and scanned at 278 nm on CAMAG TLC Scanner
3 operated in the absorbance mode, with deuterium lamp as a
source of radiation; the slit dimension was kept at 3 mm ×
0.45 mm, and 20 mm s
scanning speed was employed. System Suitability
Parameters including resolution (R
) and peak symmetry were
calculated and compared to the reference USP guidelines
[26]. Construction of Calibration Curves
Aliquots (1–10 mL) of CIP and MOX working solution (250 µg
) equivalent to 250–2500 µg were accurately transferred
into a series of 10-mL volumetric flasks, and the volumes were
made up to the mark with distilled water to give final concentra-
tions of 25–250 µg mL
. Aliquots (10 µL) of each concentration
equivalent to 0.2 –2.5 µg were applied to the TLC plates as
bands. Calibration curves relating to the peak areas ×10
of CIP
and MOX versus their concentration were plotted, and the cor-
responding regression equations were calculated.
2.4.5 Assay of Laboratory-Prepared Mixtures
Different aliquots of the drugs were accurately transferred from
their working solutions and mixed to prepare solutions of differ-
ent ratios. The chromatographic conditions of both methods
were adopted for each laboratory-prepared mixture, and the con-
centrations of each drug were calculated from the corresponding
regression equation. Each concentration was conducted from the
average of three experiments.
2.4.5 Spiked Water Samples
Samples of pure water spiked with different concentration of
CIP and MOX were treated with previous SPE procedure, then
the adopted chromatographic conditions were applied, and the
recovery of each drug was calculated.
3 Results and Discussion
The aim of this work was to develop two simple chromato-
graphic methods for the simultaneous determination of CIP and
MOX in industrial wastewater. In both methods, we overcome
the problem of the interference of impurities by choosing the
proper clean-up procedure and mobile phase.
3.1 HPLC Method
Improved resolution of both components was achieved using a
mobile phase composed of sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer
adjusted at pH 2.5 with orthophosphoric acid and acetonitrile
(80:20, v/v).
To optimize the HPLC method, it was necessary to test the
effect of different variables. In order to separate the two drugs
from each other. Two types of stationary phases were tried
(Zorbax C8 and Zorbax SB-C18 columns), but the latter
showed a more suitable resolution. Several ratios of buffer
solution and acetonitrile were checked. Increasing the ratio of
acetonitrile slightly caused some broadening for both peaks.
Using methanol instead of acetonitrile was not successful for
the separation of CIP and MOX. The pH of the mobile phase is
a major factor influencing the chromatographic behavior of
FQs; thus, different PHs were examined. Best peak shape and
adequate separation of the two drugs were obtained by a final
composition of sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer adjusted
at pH 2.5 with orthophosphoric acid and acetonitrile 80:20
(v/v) as shown in Figure 2.
The calibration curves for both drugs were constructed between
peak area × 10
at 278 nm versus the corresponding concentra-
Determination of FQ Antibiotics in Industrial Wastewater by HPLC and TLC–Densitometry
Journal of Planar Chromatography 27 (2014) 4 289
tion for both drugs, and linear relationships were obtained in the
range of 1–50 µg mL
and for both CIP and MOX.
The parameters of system suitability of this method were com-
pared to reference values [27]. The results are listed in Table 2.
Results obtained by applying the HPLC procedure showed that
the method is valid for the simultaneous determination of CIP
and MOX in the presence of each other in the laboratory-pre-
pared mixtures with mean percentage recovery of 100.63 ± 0.57
and 100.9 ± 0.5 for CIP and MOX, respectively (Table 3).
3.2 TLC–Densitometric Method
The TLC–densitometric method offers a simple way for direct
separation on TLC plate, followed by measuring the optical den-
sity of the separated bands of CIP and MOX at 278 nm.
Studying the optimum parameters for maximum separation was
carried out by trying different developing systems with different
ratios, but complete separation of both drugs was achieved by
using methanol, ammonia, and methylene chloride (55:35:20, v/v)
as a mobile phase, which gave good resolution, sharp, and sym-
metrical peaks. Different scanning wavelengths were tried; on
using 278 nm, the separated peaks were more sharp and symmet-
rical with minimum noise. The R
values were as follows: CIP
(0.43 ± 0.02) and MOX (0.54 ± 0.02) as shown in Figure 3a.
The parameters of system suitability of the TLC–densitometric
method were compared to reference values [26]. The results are
listed in Table 2.
The calibration curves were constructed by plotting the integrat-
ed peak area ×10
at 278 nm versus the corresponding concen-
tration of both drugs. Linear relationships were obtained in the
range of 0.25–2.5 μg band
for both CIP and MOX.
Results obtained by applying the TLC–densitometric procedure
showed that the method was valid for the simultaneous determina-
tion of CIP and MOX in the presence of each other in the laborato-
ry-prepared mixtures, with mean percentage recoveries of 100.5 ±
0.64 and100.46 ± 0.73 for CIP and MOX, respectively (Table 3).
3.3 SPE
When an analyte is present at low concentration in complex
environmental samples, such as wastewaters, extraction and
preconcentration must precede chromatographic analysis. In
this work, solid-phase extraction with HLB extraction cartridges
was used for sample preparation. The extraction recoveries of
the analysts were estimated using spiked water samples.
Antibiotics were extracted from water adjusted at pH 4.0. They
were eluted from the disks with methanol. The spiked samples
were extracted in triplicate and analyzed by HPLC–UV and
TLC–densitometry as shown in Figures 2b and 3b, respectively.
The recovered amount was calculated as peak area. Extraction
recoveries for all investigated antibiotics are given in Table 4.
4 Method Validation
Method validation was performed with all the proposed methods
as follows:
4.1 Range and Linearity
The linearity of both methods was evaluated by processing a
minimum of 6-point calibration curves on three different days.
Determination of FQ Antibiotics in Industrial Wastewater by HPLC and TLC–Densitometry
290 Journal of Planar Chromatography 27 (2014) 4
Figure 2
HPLC chromatogram of (a) laboratory-prepared mixture showing the
separation of CIP at (t
= 2.296 min) and MOX at (t
= 5.311 min) using
the applied chromatographic conditions, (b) the determination of CIP
and MOX in spiked wastewater after solid-phase extraction using the
applied chromatographic conditions, and (c) the determination of
MOX in wastewater sample.
Table 2
Statistical analysis of parameters required for system suitability of HPLC and TLC–spectrodensitometric methods.
Parameter RP-HPLC method TLC–densitometric method Reference value [25, 27]
(RP-HPLC) 2.2 5.32 (0.43 ± 0.02) (0.54 ± 0.02) t
> 1 (HPLC)
N(column 7096 13,960 N> 2000
efficiency) Increases with efficiency
of the separation
HETP 0.002 0.001 The smaller the value,
(height equivalent the higher the column
to theoretical plates) efficiency
T(tailing factor) 1.03 0.89 1 1 T< 2
T= 1 for symmetric peak
(experimental 7.3 1.66 R
> 1.5
The corresponding concentration ranges, calibration equations,
and other statistical parameters for both methods are listed in
Table 5.
4.2 Limits of Detection and Quantification
The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ)
were calculated, respectively, for both drugs using the proposed
methods with a ratio of 3.3 and 10 standard deviations of the
blank and the slope of the calibration line (Table 5).
4.3 Accuracy
To study the accuracy of the proposed methods, procedures
under study of linearity, for both drugs using the proposed meth-
ods, were repeated three times for the determination of five dif-
ferent concentrations of pure CIP and MOX. The accuracy
expressed as percentage recoveries is shown in Table 5. Good
accuracy of the developed methods was indicated by the results
4.4 Precision
The precision of the proposed methods, expressed as RSD, was
determined by the analysis of three different concentrations of
pure CIP and MOX within the linearity range. The intra-day pre-
cision was assessed from the results of three replicate analyses
of three pure samples CIP and MOX on a single day. The inter-
day precision was determined from the same samples analyzed
on three consecutive days. The results of intra-day and inter-day
precisions are illustrated in Table 5.
4.5 Specificity
Specificity was ascertained by analyzing different mixtures con-
taining both drugs in different ratios as listed in Table 3. The
separated drugs in the prepared mixtures were confirmed by
comparing their retention times and/or R
values to those of stan-
dard solutions and the increase in peak response after spiking of
standards in tested wastewater. Other parameters such as resolu-
tion, capacity factor, and selectivity for the separated spots and
peaks were calculated.
Determination of FQ Antibiotics in Industrial Wastewater by HPLC and TLC–Densitometry
Journal of Planar Chromatography 27 (2014) 4 291
Table 3
Determination of CIP and MOX in laboratory-prepared mixtures by applying the proposed methods.
Mix- Ratio RP-HPLC method TLC–densitometric method
No. Taken Found Recovery % Taken Found Recovery % Taken Found Recovery % Taken Found Recovery %
(μg mL
) (μg mL
) (μg mL
) (μg mL
) (μg mL
) (μg mL
) (μg mL
) (μg mL
1 1:1 2 2.01 100.54 2 1.99 99.54 0.8 0.803 100.32 0.8 0.798 99.77
2 1:2 2 1.99 99.69 4 4.03 100.69 0.4 0.404 100.98 0.8 0.797 99.65
3 1:3 1 1.01 100.80 3 2.99 99.66 0.2 0.203 101.43 1.6 1.610 100.63
4 1:5 1 1.01 101.18 5 5.00 100.01 0.2 0.201 100.32 1 1.009 100.93
5 2:1 4 4.04 100.93 2 2.01 100.59 1.2 1.197 99.76 0.6 0.608 101.32
Mean ± SD 100.63 ± 0.57 100.9 ± 0.5 100.5 ± 0.64 100.46 ± 0.73
Figure 3
TLC chromatogram of (a) (1) laboratory-prepared mixture of 0. 5
μg band
of CIP and (2) 0.25 μg band
MOX using methylene chlo-
ride–methanol–ammonia (55:35:20, v/v) as developing system, (b)
spiked wastewater after solid-phase extraction of (1) 0.75 μg band
CIP and (2) 2.75 μg band
MOX, and (c) wastewater sample showing
the detection of MOX at R
value of 0.48.
4.6 Robustness
For HPLC method, the robustness was investigated by the
analysis of samples under a variety of experimental conditions,
such as small changes in the pH (3.0–3.5) of the buffer in the
mobile phase. The effect on retention time and peak parameters
was studied. It was found that the method was robust when the
mobile phase ratio was varied. During these investigations, the
retention times were modified; however, the areas and peaks
symmetry were conserved.
For TLC–densitometric method, the robustness was investigated
by the analysis of samples under a variety of experimental condi-
tions, such as small changes in proportions of different compo-
Determination of FQ Antibiotics in Industrial Wastewater by HPLC and TLC–Densitometry
292 Journal of Planar Chromatography 27 (2014) 4
Table 4
Mean percent recoveries of FQs in spiked water using the proposed chromatographic methods.
Fluoroquinolones For HPLC method For TLC–densitometric method
Spiked level (mg mL
) Recovery % Spiked level (mg mL
) Recovery %
CIP 2.5 (LOQ) 87.1 0.35 (LOQ) 81.6
50 92.2 2.5 89.3
MOX 2.5 (LOQ) 89.5 0.3 (LOQ) 79.6
50 91.1 2.5 91.5
Table 5
Assay parameters and validation sheet for the proposed chromatographic methods.
Parameters TLC–densitometric method HPLC method
Wavelength (in nm) 278
Calibration range
0.25–2.5 1–50
0.110 0.101 0.849 0.843
0.335(8.375 µg L
) 0.305 (7.625 µg L
) 2.572 2.555
Slope 0.1314 0.092 0.0973 0. 0.016
Intercept 0.2588 0.1786 0.0013 0.0866
Mean %
100.45 99.89 98.87 100.34
% RSD 1.737 1.413 1.209 1.658
99.02/0.72 100.60/0.75 100.73/0.97 101.2/0.80
Intra-day precision
100.08/0.70 100.25/0.65 100.57/0.61 100.2/0.39
Inter-day precision
100.04/0.64 100.12/0.23 100.21/0.46 100.2/0.46
100.64/0.63 99.63/1.45 99.47/0.93 99.75/1.41
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.9995 0.9996 0.9999 0.9999
RP-HPLC methods: in (μg mL
); TLC–spectrodensitometric methods: in (μg band
Average of three experiments
Mean value/relative standard deviations (RSD) of three samples
Table 6
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in industrial wastewater samples by HPLC and TLC–densitometric methods (mg L
HPLC method TLC–densitometric method
W.W1 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
W.W2 N.D 11.25 N.D. 11.3 (0.452 µg band
W.W3 1.82 N.D. 1.8 (0.0728 µg band
) N.D.
W.W4 4.13 N.D. 3.92 (0.156 µg band
) N.D.
W.W5 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
W.W6 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
N.D. = not detected
nents by up to ±0.5% mainly of the organic parts of the mobile
phase. The effect on R
values and peak parameters was studied. It
was found that the method was robust when the mobile phase
ratio was varied. During these investigations, the R
values and
peak symmetry were of minor change; however, the areas were
conserved. The effects of robustness are shown in Table 5.
5 Application of Method
The developed and validated analytical method was applied to
the determination of the target drugs in wastewater samples
from different pharmaceutical industries; a total of six samples
of industrial wastewater were analyzed under the previous con-
ditions described.
Thousand milliliters of prefiltered and acidified (with sulfuric
acid (1 M), pH 4) wastewater samples were applied to Oasis
HLB cartridges. Analytes were eluted with 4 mL of methanol.
This eluate was evaporated to dryness under a gentle stream of
nitrogen, and the residue was redissolved in 0.5 mL of mobile
phase in case of HPLC and methanol in case of TLC–densito-
metric method. Chromatograms of industrial wastewater sam-
ples are shown in Figures 2c and 3c.
The procedures also were applied for industrial wastewater after
spiking with known concentration of both standards to check the
presence of either drug in concentration less than their LOQs.
Identification of target compounds was done by comparison of
values of pharmaceutical standards, and compounds in
wastewater samples; the results are stated in Table 6.
6 Conclusion
CIP and MOX were extracted and preconcentrated from spiked
water samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and quantitative-
ly determined by the two proposed methods. This procedure
resulted in good recoveries for the antibiotics used in this study.
Both proposed methods provided simple, accurate, and repro-
ducible quantitative analysis of both CIP and MOX in laborato-
ry-prepared mixtures and wastewater samples. The HPLC
method was more rapid and gave better resolution between both
drugs, thus lowering analysis time and providing high sensitivi-
ty and selectivity.
Also the TLC–densitometric method had the advantage over the
reported method of using a simpler developing system and was
applied for the quantitative estimation of the cited drugs [28].
The method was found to fulfil the validation requirements of
the analytical methodology for the determination of CIP and
MOX in industrial wastewater.
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Ms received: December 12, 2013
Accepted: April 11, 2014
Determination of FQ Antibiotics in Industrial Wastewater by HPLC and TLC–Densitometry
Journal of Planar Chromatography 27 (2014) 4 293
... Additionally, the toxicity, non-degradability, high solubility, and high mobility of heavy metals in water sources have raised serious concerns [6]. Heavy metals toxic properties can be attributed to a number of causes, including stable toxicity, environmental conditions that cause low-toxic compounds to become more toxic, accumulation in the food chain, non-biodegradability, and high toxicity even at low concentrations. ...
... Additionally, the brown and dark color are due to the presence of two substances in the sludge. The Cr (OH) 3 is responsible for the green color, the earthy brown color is associated with Cr (OH) 6 3À and the black sludge is due to the chromate precipitation as CrO 2 . ...
... TLC has been successfully used in segregating and determining various aromatic compounds, pharmaceuticals, etc., in both water bodies and waste water coupled with different detection methods (Li et al., 2011;Khattab et al., 2014;Pavlović et al., 2019). In case of the wastewater studies (Khattab et al., 2014;Pavlović et al., 2019), TLC in combination with densitometry were used to identify various compounds (at λ 254 and 278 nm) mainly due to the speed of analysis, simplicity in the instrumental arrangement, and usage as well as being low cost. ...
... TLC has been successfully used in segregating and determining various aromatic compounds, pharmaceuticals, etc., in both water bodies and waste water coupled with different detection methods (Li et al., 2011;Khattab et al., 2014;Pavlović et al., 2019). In case of the wastewater studies (Khattab et al., 2014;Pavlović et al., 2019), TLC in combination with densitometry were used to identify various compounds (at λ 254 and 278 nm) mainly due to the speed of analysis, simplicity in the instrumental arrangement, and usage as well as being low cost. Whereas, for on-site detection of organics and pharmaceuticals in water bodies (Li et al., 2011), TLC coupled with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, an extremely sensitive and exceptionally specific technique (Stiles et al., 2008), has been found to be quite efficient. ...
With increasing use of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), these compounds have made their ubiquitous presence in the environment. PPCPs are consumed by humans and through sewer, they find their way into wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Incomplete degradation of these compounds take place in WWTPs, and as a consequence, they get into surface water and groundwater systems. PPCPs are often termed as micropollutants or trace organics, as these compounds are present in the µg/L range in the environment. With advancements in detection technologies, transformation products of these compounds have also been identified and detected in the environment. PPCPs may pose a serious threat to aquatic life, having acute and chronic toxicity responses. Biological and chemical treatment technologies have shown their effectiveness in PPCPs remediation. However, complete mineralization of these compounds has not been obtained, and as a result, transformation compounds showing more toxicity than parent compounds are obtained. This puts a challenge and there is a need for evolving treatment technologies to obtain complete mineralization of these compounds.
... In addition to the costly solvents and sophisticated devices. HPLC followed by UV/FL detection has been used in residual analysis to a petty degree [44], [45]. The __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Egypt. ...
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Two simple, rapid, low-cost, and provident chromatographic approaches were introduced and certified for the quantitative estimation of ciprofloxacin, indomethacin, and metronidazole residues in production wastewater samples. Preparation of the samples was made using a solid-phase extraction technique, and before analysis, it was carried out on bond Elut C18 packs. The first technique was TLC densitometric determination at 278 nm. The separation was carried out on TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) plates (silica gel 60 F254) as a stationary phase and ethyl acetate: methanol: dichloromethane: n-hexane: ammonia (33%) (3.6: 3: 6: 2: 1, by volume) as a mobile phase. The second method was high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The separation has been accomplished on Equisil BDS C18 column and UV (Ultra Violet) detection at 278 nm. Acetonitrile/phosphate buffer mixture of pH 3 (75:25; v/v) is the mobile phase, the pH was adjusted using o-phosphoric acid, which is adapted to a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The previously stated techniques have been confirmed according to ICH guidelines. The methods described were used to accurately assess the drug residues studied in laboratory-prepared mixtures and actual industrial waste-water samples to confirm that it is free from these drug residues so it can be recycled and used for irrigation and other purposes.
... Electrochemical methods were also reported for the determination of quinolones [13,14]. The reported HPTLC methods included the determination of MX in tablets [15], MX with other fluoroquinolone antibiotics in industrial wastewater [16], LV with ornidazole or cefpodoxime [17,18] and GM [19,20]; the reported HPLC methods involved the determination of MX [21][22][23], LV [24,25], MX by stability studies [26], LV in urine [27], and GM in pharmaceutical and biological matrices [28][29][30][31][32][33]. ...
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In this paper, novel green HPLC and HPTLC chromatographic methods were developed for the concurrent determination of moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, and gemifloxacin in bulk and pharmaceutical products. The green HPLC method was used on Thermo C18 (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 µm). By mixing ethanol and 20 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate (pH 5) in a ratio of 25:75, v/v, the mobile phase was created using isocratic elution. The flow rate was 1 mLmin−1. The studied antibiotics were separated well within 9.5 min. The green HPTLC method was used on coated HPTLC aluminum sheets with Silica gel 60 F254 using a mobile phase mixture of water: acetone: ammonia (8:1:1, v/v/v). Compact and well-resolved peaks were obtained under chamber-saturation circumstances for the standard fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Both methods were optimized individually, validated by ICH, and assessed using the Green analytical procedure index (GAPI). The methods were applied to pharmaceutical products and compared with the published methods for the determination of each of these antibiotics individually, using Student’s t-test. They can be used by quality-control laboratories in pharmaceutical factories as sensitive eco-friendly methods for the analysis of these drugs and for the detection of cross-contamination during manufacturing processes.
... The environmental analysis of MOX depends mainly on LC coupled to tandem mass spectrometry [29] and, to some extent, on LC with UV [30] or a fluorescence detector [31]. Before using LC, sample preparation and extraction should be performed to exclude the matrix effect and to pre-concentrate the analyte. ...
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In recent years, the use of ion-selective membranes in the sensing and assessment of environmental contaminants has become a critical goal. Using sodium tetraphenylborate (TPB) and phosphotungstic acid (PTA) as ion-pairing agents, two sensitive and selective sensors were manufactured to evaluate the electrochemical response of moxifloxacin hydrochloride (MOX). The optimal electrochemical behavior was attained by fine-tuning all assay parameters. The manufactured membranes’ performance was optimal in a pH range from 1.0 to 5.0 with a linearity between 1 × 10−6 M and 1 × 10−2 M. The MOX–TPB and MOX–PTA membrane electrodes have Nernstian slopes of 59.2 ± 0.60 mV/decade and 58.4 ± 0.50 mV/decade, respectively. The proposed method was used to determine MOX in its pure form as well as real pharmaceutical wastewater effluents. The fabricated electrodes were effectively applied for the sensitive and selective determination of MOX in actual wastewater effluents without the need for any pre-treatment processes.
... High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet/uorescence detection was also employed in residual analysis to a minor extent. 30,31 Nowadays, chemometric/multivariate spectrophotometric methods were recognized to be innovative and promising techniques in this eld. 32 As they have the advantage of being simple and cost-effective. ...
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Three eco-friendly and cost-effective analytical methods were developed and optimized for quantitative analysis of some veterinary drug residues in production wastewater samples. The studied drugs were ivermectin, rafoxanide and sulfadimidine. A solid-phase extraction procedure was employed using Bond Elut C18 cartridges, prior to analysis. The first method was a chemometric approach called multivariate curve resolution – alternating least squares (MCR-ALS). A calibration model was developed and several figures of merit (RMSEP, SEP, bias, RE%) were calculated. The second method was a thin layer chromatography followed by densitometric measurements at 245 nm. The separation was performed using silica gel 60 F254 plates and ethyl acetate : acetonitrile : toluene : ammonia (20 : 3 : 2 : 1, by volume) as a developing system. The third method was a high performance liquid chromatographic separation on HiQsil C18 HS column with UV detection at 245 nm. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile : methanol : water (60 : 25 : 15, by volume), with a flow rate of 1.5 mL min⁻¹. The proposed methods were validated according to ICH guidelines. The described procedures were applied to quantify the studied drug residues in synthetic and real industrial wastewater samples. The proposed methods were statistically compared with the official and the reported methods, showing no significant difference with respect to accuracy and precision at P = 0.05.
... The reported pK a values of ciprofloxacin are 5.76 (acidic) and 8.68 (basic). They are in their zwitterion form in neutral condition and in cationic form in acidic condition [21,22]. ...
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Abstract Background: The occurrence of emerging pollutants like pharmaceuticals and related compounds in the aquatic and terrestrial environments is of increasing concern. Ciprofoxacin is one of the pharmaceuticals which is active against a wide range of bacteria. The main objective of this research is to develop a simple method for the extraction and determination of ciprofoxacin residues in environmental water samples. Results: A salting-out assisted liquid–liquid extraction (SALLE) method for the determination of ciprofoxacin in water samples by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC–DAD) was developed. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 0.1–100 μg/L with coefcient of determination (r 2 ) of 0.9976. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantifcation (LOQ) of the method were 0.075 and 0.25 µg/L, respectively. The reproducibility in terms of relative standard deviation (% RSD) was less than 10%. The applicability of the developed method was investigated by analyzing tap water, bottled mineral water and waste water and demonstrated satisfactory recoveries in the ranges of 86.4–120%. Conclusion: The method ofered a number of features including wide linear range, good recovery, short analysis time, simple operation process and environmental friendly. The developed method can be utilized as an attractive alternative for the determination of ciprofoxacin residues in environmental water matrices. Keywords: Emerging pollutants, Pharmaceuticals, Ciprofoxacin, Salting-out assisted liquid–liquid extraction, Potable water, Wastewater, High performance liquid chromatography–diode array detector
... Unfortunately, wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are currently unable to completely remove most of these compounds [5,6]. This is the case of ciprofloxacin (CIP, Scheme 1), an antibiotic that belongs to the class of quinolones and is used to treat several bacterial infections in animals and humans [7]. Ciprofloxacin can be found in wastewater, due to improper disposal and incomplete metabolization of the drug in humans. ...
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Porous carbon materials derived from biopolymers are attractive sorbents for the removal of emerging pollutants from water, due to their high specific surface area, high porosity, tunable surface chemistry, and reasonable cost. However, carrageenan biopolymers were scarcely investigated as a carbon source to prepare porous carbon materials. Herein, hydrochars (HCs) and porous activated carbons (ACs) derived from natural occurring polysaccharides with variable sulfate content (κ-, ι- and λ-carrageenan) were prepared and investigated in the uptake of ciprofloxacin, which is an antibiotic detected in water sources and that poses serious hazards to public health. The materials were prepared using hydrothermal carbonization and subsequent chemical activation with KOH to increase the available surface area. The activated carbons were markedly microporous, presenting high specific surface area, up to 2800 m2/g. Activated carbons derived from κ- and λ-carrageenan showed high adsorption capacity (422 and 459 mg/g, respectively) for ciprofloxacin and fast adsorption kinetics, reaching the sorption equilibrium in approximately 5 min. These features place the ACs investigated here among the best systems reported in the literature for the removal of ciprofloxacin from water.
The persistence of antimicrobial drugs in the aquatic environment has raised critical concerns about their possible impact on drinkable water quality and human health. The Nile River is experiencing water...
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Environmental analytical studies show that trace concentrations of antibacterial agents (antibiotics) occur in hospital and municipal wastewaters and in the aquatic environment. Fluoroquinolones and macrolides, two important human-use antibiotic classes, were studied in detail. The results are discussed regarding input sources and behavior in wastewater treatment and rivers. The fluoroquinolones ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin are substantially eliminated in wastewater treatment (80–90%) by sorption transfer to sewage sludge. In digested sludges the fluoroquinolones occur at mg/kg levels. Ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin are further removed in the Glatt river by 66 and 48%, respectively. The most abundant macrolide clarithromycin was detected at 57 to 330 ng/l concentrations in treated wastewater effluents. Different compositions of the macrolides (clarithromycin and erythromycin-H2O) determined in treated effluents of three wastewater treatment plants can be explained by distinct consumption patterns, in one case due to an international airport located in the catchment area. Residual levels of clarithromycin in the Glatt river were up to 75 ng/l with no apparent removal in the river. These results provide important information on environmental exposures, which can be incorporated into environmental risk assessments of the particular chemicals.
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Fluoroquinolones are a relatively new group of chemotherapeutics used worldwide. They are approved for use as therapeutic agents and as feed additives in food producing animals in many countries. The misuse of these antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine has led to the loss of their efficacy and to the emergence of drug‐resistant bacteria. Therefore, there is a need for developing analytical methods to monitor the levels of fluoroquinolone residues in biological fluids and edible animal tissues. In this paper, the optimal conditions for thin‐layer chromatography (TLC) analysis of six veterinary fluoroquinolones, i.e., difloxacin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, sarafloxacin, enrofloxacin, and flumequine are established. Good separation was achieved using 2‐dimensional TLC on silica gel. Retention parameters for various chromatographic systems are compared. Chromatographic properties of four sorbents, i.e., plane silica gel and silica gel with bonded diol‐, amino‐, and cyanopropyl chains are discussed.
Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are among the most important antibacterial agents (synthetic antibiotics) used in human and veterinary medicine. An analytical method based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of nine FQs and the quinolone pipemidic acid in urban wastewater. Aqueous samples were extracted using mixed-phase cation-exchange disk cartridges that were subsequently eluted by ammonia solution in methanol. Recoveries were above 80% at an overall precision of better than 10%. Instrumental quantification limits varied between 150 and 450 pg injected. The presented method was successfully applied to quantify FQs in effluents of urban wastewater treatment plants. The two most abundant human-use FQs, ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin, occurred in primary and tertiary wastewater effluents at concentrations between 249 and 405 ng/L and from 45 to 120 ng/L, respectively. The identity of FQs in urban wastewater was confirmed by recording full fluorescence spectra and liquid chromatography directly coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. These results indicate that conventional environmental risk assessment overestimates FQ concentrations in surface waters by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude.
This work presents a comparison of three extraction techniques -ultrasound-assisted extraction (USE), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) - and evaluates their efficiency in the determination of quinolone antibiotics in sewage sludge samples. Extraction parameters for each technique were optimized using design of experiments, and the compounds were detected and quantified using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), operating in positive electrospray ionization (ESI) mode. The use of two selected reaction monitoring transitions for each compound allowed simultaneous quantification and identification in one run. Analytes were separated in less than 10min. Marbofloxacin and cincophen were used as surrogates for amphoteric and acid quinolones, respectively. The limits of detection (LODs) were between 2 and 5ngg(-1), and the limits of quantification (LOQs) were between 4 and 18ngg(-1) for the various analytes. The inter- and intra-day variability was <7%. Due to the absence of certified reference materials (CRMs), the method was validated using matrix-matched calibration and a recovery assay with spiked samples. Recovery rates were between 97.9% and 104.8%. Statistical comparison demonstrated no significant differences between the three extraction techniques. The methods were successfully applied for the determination of quinolones in sewage sludge samples collected from different wastewater treatments plants (WWTPs) located in the province of Granada (Spain). The analytical methods developed here may be useful for the development of more in-depth studies on the occurrence and fate of these commonly used pharmaceuticals in WWTPs and in the environment.
A simple, rapid, sensitive, accurate and reliable multiresidue method based on ultra performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS/MS) is developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of 13 quinolone derivatives in urban wastewaters. Themain parameters influencing the preliminary sample treatment and selective solid‐phase extraction procedure have been analyzed in order to optimize a suitable procedure for extraction of amphoteric and acidic quinolones in one single step.Matrix components of wastewater sampleswere significantly reduced and even eliminated. The mass spectrometric conditions in positive electrospray ionization (ESI) mode were individually optimized for each analyte to obtain maximum sensitivity in the Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM)mode. Selection of two specific fragmentation reactions for each compound allowed simultaneous quantification and identification in one run, ensuring a high specificity of themethod. The analytes were separated in less than 10 min. Marbofloxacin and cincophen were used as surrogates for amphoteric and acid quinolones, respectively. The limits of detection ranged from0.02 to 0.04 ng mL−1 and limits of quantification from0.07 to 0.15 ng mL−1,while inter‐ and intra‐day variabilities were b4%. Due to the absence of certified materials, the method was validated using matrix‐matched calibration and a recovery assay with spiked samples. Recovery rates ranged from98.5% to 103.9%. The method was satisfactorily applied for the determination of these antibiotics in wastewater samples collected from different wastewater treatments plants from the province of Granada (Spain). In addition, themethodwill be applied in further studies of the occurrence and fate of these commonly used antibiotics in sewage treatment plants and in aquatic environments.
A new ultra HPLC (UHPLC) method using both MS and fluorescence detection (FD) was developed for the determination of five fluoroquinolones in wastewaters. Systematic method development approach was compared with a conventional one. During the systematic approach, a possibility of automatic switching among four independent analytical columns of different chemistries has been used. Acidic as well as basic pH using ACN and methanol as organic modifiers was tested. The best separation of fluoroquinolones was obtained on phenyl analytical column at pH 10.5, which is a completely novel approach for separation of fluoroquinolones. Further, a new SPE procedure was developed for the sample preparation using basic pH as well. The sensitivity and selectivity of FD and MS detection were compared. FD at basic pH 10.5 demonstrated lower sensitivity than at acidic pH, which is conventionally performed. At basic pH, UHPLC-MS/MS was found about two orders of magnitude more sensitive than FD. Both methods were validated and subsequently UHPLC-FD method was used for the evaluation of stability of fluoroquinolones. UHPLC-MS/MS method was used for the analysis of wastewater samples. Norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin were detected in samples of influent and effluent from wastewater treatment plant. Ofloxacin was detected only in influent from wastewater treatment plant.
In the last years more and more often detections of antimicrobially active compounds (“antibiotics”) in surface waters have been reported. As a possible input pathway in most cases municipal sewage has been discussed. But as an input from the realm of agriculture is conceivable as well, in this study it should be investigated if an input can occur via the pathway application of liquid manure on fields with the subsequent mechanisms surface run‐off/interflow, leaching, and drift. For this purpose a series of surface waters, soils, and liquid manures from North Rhine‐Westphalia (Northwestern Germany) were sampled and analyzed for up to 29 compounds by HPLC‐MS/MS. In each of the surface waters antibiotics could be detected. The highest concentrations were found in samples from spring (300 ng/L of erythromycin). Some of the substances detected (e.g., tylosin), as well as characteristics in the landscape suggest an input from agriculture in some particular cases. In the investigation of different liquid manure samples by a fast immunoassay method sulfadimidine could be detected in the range of 1…2 mg/kg. Soil that had been fertilized with this liquid manure showed a content of sulfadimidine extractable by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) of 15 μg/kg dry weight even 7 months after the application. This indicates the high stability of some antibiotics in manure and soil.
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) can reach soil and aquatic environments through land application of wastewater effluent and agricultural runoff. The objective of this research was to assess the fate of PPCPs at field scale. PPCPs were measured systematically in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), and in soil and groundwater receiving treated effluent from the WWTP. A land application site in West Texas was used as the study site; it has received treated wastewater effluent from the WWTP for more than 70years in order to remove additional nutrients and irrigate non-edible crops. Target compounds (estrone, 17β-estradiol, estriol, 17α-ethynylestradiol, triclosan, caffeine, ibuprofen, and ciprofloxacin) in wastewater, sewage sludge, soil, and groundwater were determined using HPLC/UV with qualitative confirmatory analyses using GC/MS. Samples were collected quarterly over 12months for wastewater and sludge samples and over 9months for soil and groundwater samples. Results indicated that concentrations of PPCPs in wastewater influent, effluent, sludge solid phase, and sludge liquid phase were in the range of non-detected (ND)-183μg/L, ND-83μg/L, ND-19μg/g, and ND-50μg/L, respectively. Concentrations in soil and groundwater samples were in the range of ND-319ng/g and ND-1,745μg/L, respectively. GC/MS confirmation data were consistent with the results of HPLC/UV analyses. Overall, data indicate that PPCPs in the wastewater effluent from the WWTP transport both vertically and horizontally in the soil, and eventually reach groundwater following land application of the effluent. KeywordsPharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs)–Wastewater–Sludge–Groundwater–Land application–Soil contamination
Sample preparation is a very important and essential step in environmental analysis. This article presents an overview of extraction methods for environmental samples, focusing especially on pharmaceuticals as there is great concern about them as pollutants.