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Tomasz Prauzner. Analysis of the Results of the Pedagogical Research and Eeg in the Aspect
of Effective Modern Teaching Aids in the Technical Education © Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2015
Tomasz Prauzner
Institute of Technological and Safety Education,
Jan Długosz University, Częstochowa, Poland
Abstract. The development of computer technology is reflected in among other things, the
development of modern didactics. Current pedagogy and media education, as a fast
developing discipline of general pedagogy, is a topic of a number of studies. Applying the
modern multimedia aids at various stages and in various types of education is considered as
an indispensable element of modern didactics, due to new opportunities the modern media
offers. The paper deals with didactic innovations based on research conducted within
pedagogy on the observable social changes induced by development in information
technology. The main objective of the paper is to address the issue how to apply modern
technology and research findings on the functioning of the brain in order to improve the
effectiveness of the learning process. The paper presents only the results of a pilot study,
which can be used as a basis for further research using medical equipment for analyzing EEG
brain waves for didactic purposes.
Keywords: IT, computer simulation, neurodidactics, multimedia, media education, didactics,
information society.
The ability to operate personal computers and related IT devices is an
indispensible skill in modern information society. For the young generation to
develop the skill, they are to be regularly and permanently exposed to the latest
achievements in technology. That is why it is vital to popularize the idea of
information technology in the school in various forms and at various levels of
education, from kindergarten to university. The development of computer
technology is reflected, among others, in the development of modern didactics.
It has to be noted that the education programmes and curricula, although
developed by outstanding specialists, may become outdated before they actually
reach the classroom. The publishing of textbooks may take even years so that
teachers are often rightly concerned about the validity and currency of the
textbook content. Sometimes, in the pursuit of their individual interests, students
get updated about the latest scientific and technological findings by surfing the
Internet. (Freedman, 2011; Gerhard, 2011) On the one hand, it is a positive
phenomenon, on the other hand it makes educators think how to keep teaching
curricula updated. This, in turn, implies further questions: how to pass on the
knowledge by means of modern and more attractive teaching aids? The main
purpose of the didactic process is to transfer as much knowledge as possible, in
the most effective and fastest way, activating the learner to perform tasks
individually and thereby raising his/her interest in the subject, helping to acquire
the knowledge permanently. Like other subjects of academic research, didactics
also follows the changes in the social environment and its range of interest
concerns meeting current requirements in the field of education. (Carr, 2012)
A young person should be able to face a new role and challenges of living
in an information society, the role based on the recent developments in
electronics and information technology. Education is this area has to be a multi-
stage process starting as early as possible and offering a chance of learning how
to use modern technology in the process of education and later in work. A
widely known model of the didactic activity relations between teachers and
students T-S (Fig.1) does not sufficiently reflect the reactions between the
Figure 1. The model of the didactic activity relations between
teachers and students (T-S)
A current model of presented relations should be undoubtedly enriched by
the additional subjects that take part in the given process. One of the elements is
the didactic material (DM) and didactic computer programme (DCP). The above
presented plane model which consists of two basic subjects: a teacher (T) and
students (S) transforms into the spatial system represented by the Fig. 2. The
given model can be called the new model or otherwise heuristic-ergonomic
At the deeper graphic analysis, this model also interprets power of the
connection of each elements (apexes). Their value represents a length of a vector
or their mutual system (the resultant). The didactic tetrahedron shows the
didactic space with an undefined number of possible didactic situations. Each of
the situations can be materialized inside by four vectors led out of every apex of
the tetrahedron - the pole. The location of particular didactic situation intensifies
the interconnections, which allows to the univocal presentation of the correlation
of each subjects. (Barski, 1998; Prauzner, 2010)
Figure 2. The model of the didactic activity relations T-S-DM-DCP - the didactic
Institute of Technological and Safety Education offers full-time and part-
time studies for future engineers of the following specializations: Management
of Health and Safety and Occupational and Environmental Safety. Three-term
post-graduate courses Education for Safety are intended especially for teachers
who gain knowledge necessary for teaching such subjects as Education for
Safety, Pro-health Education, or Civil Protection. At present the OHS education
is conducted in line with current trends in teaching methodology and forms of
communication. Classes take place in laboratories and classrooms equipped with
multimedia facilities. Field activities organized in companies and civil service
institutions are also considered to be attractive. The instructors are highly
qualified specialists dealing with various domains of safety. They conduct
lectures, classes, field activities and laboratory classes using advanced didactic
aids. Due to technological new solutions simulation programs more and more in
reality are copying reality of phenomena. During teaching for electrical
engineering laboratory practical exercises are conducted with the measurement
of the parameter inductive sensors. The operation of these sensors can also be
simulated in specialized programs and the results compared with actual
measurements. Inductive sensors are widely used as magnetic field sensors for
threat detection and alarm systems (Ptak & Borowik, 2012; Ptak & Prauzner,
2013). The operation of these sensors can also be simulated in specialized
programs and the results compared with actual measurements.(Janiczek & Ptak,
2007; Prauzner & Ptak, 2014)
This method consists in giving appropriate incentives stimulating, being
aimed possibly to all senses into the way as most faithful copying the reality of
the happening occurrence. The components of a computer simulation, then, are
as follows: the system in which relations between objects hold and the physical
and mathematical models being the basis of computer simulation by the user.
A computer simulation offers a highly reliable representation of conditions
obtaining in the real world as well as actions exerted upon the object examined.
Because of that, computer simulations are a viable alternative to analytical
methods, which may not always be applicable to solving problems of high
Methods of Research
Scientific studies have been carried out on the basis of two methods. The
first -in 2012/13 academic year the research conducted on the classical
methodology involving statistical analysis of teaching effects, e.g. grades
obtained by students of Technological and Safety Education - Jan Długosz
Academy in Częstochowa, Poland. I conducted the stage with 118 students
participating in the survey. In order to conduct the research, I separated from the
existing laboratory groups – the experimental groups, from both computer and
electro – electronic classes. In those groups I held classes personally, which
made it possible to introduce innovation into the course of classes and a
thorough evaluation of the learning progress. During this stage of research, I
introduced to the experimental group new didactic solutions, which were based
on new didactic measures with the use of multimedia techniques, especially
simulation programs based on: FEM (Finite Element Method), FDS (Fire
Dynamics Simulator), A* Search Algorithm and another technology. The
control group also participated in the research, without having any innovations
introduced. Computer simulations make it possible to visualize the teaching
process, facilitate reasoning and help students in performing tasks and
developing practical skills. The independent variables assumed in the study
were: the initial state of knowledge in the students before the experiment started,
the number of students under scrutiny and the didactic aids used in both groups
(transparencies, multimedia presentations, academic course books and computer
programmes). In the experimental group the classes were conducted in a
computer room, using individual computer stands with simulation software.
They started with a short presentation stating the aim of the class and explaining
how to use the simulation programme. The classes in the control group were
conducted in the traditional form, by giving instructions, presentations and using
a course book. Since the effectiveness of the didactic process is a complex issue
which can be interpreted by means of a number of factors, the study analyses
selected dependent variables on the basis of which it is possible to determine
this kind of effectiveness. These variables include:
a) Learning new information, or acquisition of new knowledge. The
indicator of which was assumed to be the number of particular grades
obtained in the final test by students in both groups. The data was used
as a basis for obtaining further statistics. It was also assumed that a
student’s activity in the class is a measure of knowledge acquisition.
b) Being active during the classes, that is the assessment of changes in
attitudes and behaviour of individuals when performing tasks. Here,
the observation of students’ behaviour by the class instructor and the
graphically represented data obtained from the EEG tests in the
experimental group were used as indicators. Using the QEEG to track
the brain waves of the particular frequencies makes it possible to
observe the activity of the particular brain regions when one is
learning. This can be directly equated with cognitive activity
occurring during classes. In EEG it is possible to analyse changes in
the potential generated by brain cells, i.e. the brain’s spontaneous
activity occurring in response to external complex stimuli coming
from the simulation programme. The results of the experiments were
thoroughly analysed by an EEG technician. It was found out that
under the influence of visual and auditory stimuli in the form of
animations, narratives, and solving the tasks included in the
simulation programme, the brain changes temporary frequency of
selected waves. This results in an observable change in the kind of
brain activity from relaxation (dormant state) to the state of full
concentration and alertness. The paper does not aim to link EEG
parameters with different teaching methods but it offers a reliable
method for examining the dependent variable in the experimental
The division of students into the control and experimental group differed as
far as the initial level of students’ knowledge and their average marks of
analyzed subjects were concerned. Due to the fact that marks from particular
subjects could have been subjective, I created the test concerning the basics of
computer science and electrotechnology in order to check their
knowledge.(Tab.1) The analysis of the results - made in a correct manner
showed the actual level of students’ knowledge. Groups with a lower average
marks were assigned to the experimental groups and students with higher
average marks to the control group. Due to the fact that the average marks did
not significantly differ from each other, it was possible to state that students
represented a similar state of knowledge. The group members were selected in
the way as stated, since the level of the input knowledge was clearly determined
and, in my opinion, it was not a factor which could affect the final assessment of
results obtained in both groups. Besides, selecting the group members of slightly
lower input level was motivated by the desire to compensate for the differences
among students and assist those whose academic performance may be
weaker.There exists a large correlation between the content of teaching subjects
and the ability to share it. It is essential to teach students the methods of
instruction and the manner to share the content, which requires not only
theoretical knowledge, but also practical knowledge in taking actions,
developing skills in choosing the work methods, communication with students,
and skills in establishing the cooperation. In order to evaluate whether the effect
of teaching in the control group and in the experimental group was comparable
or differed in the two groups, I conducted the final test. Poland has a grading
scale: 5-highest, 4, 3, 2-lowest. The results obtained gave me the possibility to
compare the marks in two groups. I used the method of the statistical analysis –
using a non-parametric test for independence chi-square distribution, for the
purpose of a closer analysis of the data and the indications whether the didactic
aids used in the experimental group had an essential influence on the level of
students’ knowledge. The analysis of the collected data consists in an attempt to
verify the hypothesis that two qualitative features in the population are
independent. Due to this method one can make sure, whether data contracted in
the many-divided board delivers a sufficient proof for the relation between the
two variables. The analysis of the results confirmed the hypothesis of the
research and induced me to formulate the present conclusions.
The second method - at the same time, the studies were performed on
selected students in experimental groups with medical equipment for analyzing
brain waves in EEG (electroencephalography), too. The presence of an EEG
rhythm indicates activity of individual neural cells at a certain location and
corresponds to electrical pulses forming rhythmic patterns of brain waves. For
each band of waves generated by the brain, a specific type of neurotransmitters
is produced, which affect the functioning of the organism. The measurements of
currents generated by neurons in the idle state show that the patterns recorded in
the stage of the experiment for different individuals are different. This is due to
the fact that various people have different abilities, disorders, or preferences. It
has to be noted that the present work is to be treated as a pilot study which has to
be followed by a more comprehensive research. Still, the results obtained appear
to be significant and interesting, particularly to pedagogues. Pedagogy, as a
science focused on the human being, often draws on the findings of medicine
and psychology. New interdisciplinary labels, such as neuropedagogy or
neurodidactics have attracted interest of pedagogues (Żylińska, 2013). The
objective that neurodidactics seeks to meet is to design a new brain-friendly
method of teaching and learning. Thus, from the viewpoint of the teacher’s
work, neurodidactics seems to be a very attractive and promising notion.
The presence of an EEG rhythm indicates activity of neural cells at a
certain location and corresponds to electrical pulses forming rhythmic patterns
of brain waves. For each band of waves generated by the brain, a specific type
of neurotransmitters is produced, which affect the functioning of the organism.
The best known neurotransmitters include adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine,
serotonin and endorphins. All the brain wave components are generated all the
time but some of them can be fostered at will and by systematic training. By
increasing the share of the desired wave bands, we automatically increase the
production of the neurotransmitters and affect the functioning of our organism,
boosting the activity of the brain regions which are the most important for
learning. Electromagnetic signals were recorded from electrodes located at
various places of the scalp and body such that they show the highest degree of
activity: analyzing colours, motion, shape, depth, visual associations, assessment
and making decisions, auditory perception, speech comprehension, object
recognition, object categorization, understanding symbols, abstract notions and
geometrical relations, meaning of words, identifying situations, working
memory, volition, temporal relations, control over a sequence of events,
planning, responses to external stimuli and simulations in the model of the
world. The participants, who volunteered to take part in the experiment, were
selected in a random way. It has to be noted that the tests are non-invasive and
do not have any negative influence on health. They were carried out in two
stages at the Biofeedback Experimental Lab at the Jan Długosz University in
Częstochowa. The stage consisted in analyzing the brains’ operation in the same
individuals during activities performed while working with a multimedia
computer programme. The programme exploits effects of simulating the
operation of digital systems.
Results of Research
Table 2. Population of students
Group Population %
control 73 61,8
experimental 45 38,2
sum 118 100
Table 3. Test χ
test value χ2 degrees of freedom The level of significance
61,2 df=2 p<0,001
Figure 3. Scheme two-dimensional: ESTIMATION – GROUPS
Control group Experimental group
4 and higher
Since the calculated χ2 = 61,2 is greater than the critical χ2 = 5,991 it can be
concluded that the variables are tied. We therefore reject the null hypothesis that
the features examined are independent and we assume the alternative hypothesis
that there is a significant relationship between the features.
The following recorded wave bands were analyzed:
THETA It is referred to as a gate to learning and memory, as it
accompanies creative processes and learning. It reduces stress,
enhances intuition and other super-sensory kinds of perception and
skills. It represents subjective emotional states of intuition, creativity,
fantasizing, imagery. The excess of THETA waves lowers
concentration, causes difficulties in focusing on the learning process
and deteriorates cognitive performance. Theta waves of the frequency
4-8 Hz are of crucial importance in memorising. These waves are
related to the activity of the limbic system responsible for
experiencing emotions. Strong emotions, especially positive ones
facilitate memorising but the optimal condition of the mind is
achieved with gamma waves being dominant.
BETA1 It is closely linked to inspiration and energy, accompanying
activity, logical and analytical thinking, intellectual involvement and
verbal communication. Beta waves of higher frequencies indicate
aggression or anxiety. It represents subjective emotional states of
alertness and concentration. Tasks are completed fast and with ease.
Neurons travel at a very high speed. One can fulfill ambitious aims
and reach for the top. New ideas emerge instantly.
GAMMA represents subjective emotional states of thinking,
integrative thinking and associative processes. Activities and
behaviour: processing information of high degree of difficulty,
combining various modalities and associations. Gamma waves are
believed to represent the most efficient mental effort and creative
The studies were carried out during the student's work with the simulation
Figure 4. The example: student's map of power of an EEG spectrum expressed in μV for
various frequencies (wave type-activity state) and power spectrum graphs.
Modern didactic aids helps develop students’ abilities by boosting the
following: learning, thinking, searching abilities, ability to act,
communication skills and co-operation.
A number of conducted researches has proved that the use of new didactic
measures undoubtedly has a positive impact on the didactic process. Of
course, it is difficult to mention only the positive values of the given
didactic aid, because there are some of the measures which have a negative
influence, although they should support this process. It is necessary to
carefully evaluate their usefulness, because often the novelty of a given aid
does not guarantee its usefulness. The introduction of didactic aids during
classes should be based on special evaluation by the person who conducts
classes. In many cases, the introduction of new aids, will not only make the
didactic process less attractive, but also will not arise the interest of
The presence of an EEG rhythm indicates that the brain is engaged in some
activity, in which millions of neurons can be participating in a
synchronized mode. The amplitude of the currents generated by neurons for
the various frequencies measured at various electrode locations increases as
a result of activating the brain lobes, which, as far as is known, are
responsible for specific human behavioural patterns and actions.
Using the EEG-based method makes it possible to assess an individual’s
input conditions, related to his/her aptitude for certain cognitive tasks and
possibly related to previously acquired skills.
It can be observed that the brain is active all the time, regardless whether it
is in idle state or engaged in intense work. Because of that, all stimuli
reaching the brain affect its operation, also by interfering with it. Taking
the effectiveness of learning into account, this means that the exterior
conditions accompanying learning should be appropriate and free from
signals which can potentially distract the mind from working on a task.
The effectiveness of learning depends not only on the time but also on the
depth of information processing. That means that the quality of learning
materials and the student’s involvement in the process of learning are
conducive to educational success. The simulation programme is rich in
didactic properties and stimulates practically all the brain areas, which was
observed in the majority of subjects.
During the experiments, some differences in brain activation were also
observed among the individuals, and the brain activity was not always fully
predictable. It has to be therefore concluded that simulation programmes
can be received differently by different people.
Using the experimental factor, i.e., the simulation programme significantly
boosted the activity of the particular brain regions, which was testified by
the recorded waveforms showing characteristic excitation of the brain
during the learning process.
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