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Systemic Resilience of Complex Urban Systems

  • Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute
  • Urban Morphology Institute


Two key paradigms emerge out of the variety of urban forms: certain cities resemble trees, others leaves. The structural difference between a tree and a leaf is huge: one is open, the other closed. Trees are entirely disconnected on a given scale: even if two twigs are spatially close, if they do not belong to the same branch, to go from one to the other implies moving down and then up all the hierarchy of branches. Leaves on the contrary are entirely connected on intermediary scales. The veins of a leaf are disconnected on the two larger scales but entirely connected on the two or three following intermediary scales before presenting tiny tree-like structures on the finest capillary scales. Deltas are leaves not trees. Neither galaxies nor whirlpools are trees. We will see in this paper that historical cities, like leaves, deltas, galaxies, lungs, brains and vein systems are all fractal structures, multiply connected and complex on all scales. These structures display the same degree of complexity and connectivity, regardless of the magnification scale on which we observe them. We say that these structures are scale free. Mathematical fractal forms are often generated recursively by applying again and again the same generator to an initiator. The iteration creates an arborescence. But scale free structure is not synonymous with a recursive tree-like structure. The fractal structure of the leaf is much more complex than that of the tree by its multiconnectivity on three or more intermediary levels. In contrast, trees in the virgin forest, even when they seem to be entangled, horizontal, and rhizomic, have branches that are not interconnected to form a lattice. As we will see, the history of urban planning has evolved from leaf-like to tree-like patterns, with a consequent loss of efficiency and resilience. Indeed, in a closed foliar path structure, the formation of cycles enables internal complexification and flow fluctuations due to the possibility of flow transfers, as is the case of historical cities. One of the central demonstrations in this paper is that an urban system’s structural resilience is highest when it is configured according to a scale free structure for its parts and for its connections. The spatial distribution and the intensity of connections in such a structure obeys a Pareto distribution – that is, an inverse power law found throughout the organization of living organisms and economic systems. The scale relationships between the different hierarchic levels of an arborescence, a leaf, and the blood and oxygen circulation systems in our bodies obey such a mathematical law. It states the frequency of an element’s appearance and the span of a connection based on its hierarchic level: the smaller an element is, the more often it will be encountered in the system; the bigger an element is the rarer it will be. This fundamental law defines in itself the manner in which living organisms and things should be organized to optimize their access to energy, the use that they make of it, and their resilience
TeMA Journal of
Land Use, Mobility and Environment
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Published by
Laboratorio Territorio Mobilità e Ambiente - TeMALab
Dipartimento di Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Publised on line with OJS Open Journal System by Centro di Ateneo per le
Biblioteche of University of Naples Federico II on the servers of Centro di Ateneo
per i Sistemi Informativi of University of Naples Federico II
Direttore responsabile: Rocco Papa
print ISSN 1970-9889
on line ISSN 1970-9870
Registrazione: Cancelleria del Tribunale di Napoli, n° 6, 29/01/2008
Editorials correspondence, including books for review, should be sent to
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TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment offers researches, applications and contributions with a unified approach to
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Domains include: engineering, planning, modeling, behavior, economics, geography, regional science, sociology, architecture and
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Rocco Papa, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Luca Bertolini, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
Virgilio Bettini, Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy
Dino Borri, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Enrique Calderon, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Roberto Camagni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Robert Leonardi, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Raffaella Nanetti, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, United States
Agostino Nuzzolo, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Rocco Papa, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Agostino Nuzzolo, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Enrique Calderon, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Luca Bertolini, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
Romano Fistola, Dept. of Engineering - University of Sannio - Italy, Italy
Adriana Galderisi, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Carmela Gargiulo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Giuseppe Mazzeo, CNR - Istituito per gli Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo, Italy
Rosaria Battarra, CNR - Istituito per gli Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo, Italy
Daniela Cerrone, TeMALab, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Andrea Ceudech, TeMALab, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Rosa Anna La Rocca, TeMALab, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Enrica Papa, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Stefania Gatta, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
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Valentina Pinto, Floriana Zucaro
Journal of
Land Use, Mobility and Environment
TeMA 2 (2012) 55-68
print ISSN 1970-9889, e- ISSN 1970-9870
DOI: 10.6092/1970-9870/918
review paper. received 07 June 2012, accepted 23 July 2012
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial License 3.0
Two key paradigms emerge out of the variety of
urban forms: cert ain cit ies resemble trees, others
leaves. The structural difference betw een a tree and
a leaf is huge: one is open, the other closed. Tr ees
are entirely disconnect ed on a given scale: even if
tw o tw igs are spatially close, if they do not belong to
the same branch, to go from one t o the ot her
implies m oving down and t hen up all t he hierarchy
of branches. Leaves on the contrary are entirely
connect ed on inter mediary scales. The veins of a
leaf are disconnected on t he two larger scales but
entirely connected on the t wo or three follow ing
intermediary scales before presenting t iny t ree-like
structures on the f inest capillary scales.
Urban system’s structural resilience is highest when
it is configur ed according to a scale f ree struct ure
for its part s and for its connections. The spatial
distribution and the intensity of connections in such
a struct ure obeys a scale-free distr ibution. I t stat es
the frequency of an elem ent ’s appearance and t he
span of a connect ion based on its hier archic level:
the smaller an element is, the more oft en it w ill be
encountered in the system; the bigger an element is
the rarer it will be. This fundamental law defines in
itself the m anner in which living organisms and
things should be organized to optimize their access
to energy, t he use that t hey make of it , and their
resilience. The history of urban planning has evolved
from leaf-like to t ree-like patterns, with a
consequent loss of efficiency and resilience.
Urban resilience, Complex systems, Scale hierarchy,
Urban systemic
Urban Morphology Lab
CSTB, Paris
e-mail: (1) (2)
S. Salat, L. Bourdic – Systemic resilience of complex urban systems
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Historical cities had the capacity to absorb successive transformations without losing their essential
structure. In Paris, deemed capital of the 19th century by Walter Benjamin, no more than half of the
buildings predating 1900 subsist within its historical boundaries and yet t he cit y has managed to maintain its
character thanks t o the tenacious hold of t he structure creat ed by Baron Haussmann. In the historical
European cit y, t he extremely complex substrat e, t he subdivisions and the street grid can be traced back to
the Middle Ages and sometimes even t o the Roman Empire ( Salat, 2011) . The capacity of the city to retain
its identity despit e changes has vanished from t he modernist city, since it has lost it s distinctive character
and its transformative power. The capacity to survive disasters and even t o rise out of its ashes, like Lisbon
after the 1755 earthquake, London after the Great Fire in 1666, Kyoto after the fires in the Middle Ages,
Tokyo after the 1923 earthquake, is what we call urban resilience – a complex concept related to the
permanence of a memory at once social, symbolic and mat erial. The vast maj ority of historical cit ies is
resilient and has managed to survive t he cent uries, often out lasting the civilizations t hat gave rise t o them.
Can modernist cities survive? Will they withstand the t est of time like Rome and the great many cities that
the Romans founded around the Mediterranean? Will they even manage to survive t he century and hold out
against the grow ing risks linked to climat e change?
Fig. 1 Haussmannian Paris
The question is all the more important insofar as the fragility of modern cities is struct ural: they have
exposed themselves more to risks by becoming more and more artificial and incorporating energies t hat are
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hard t o predict and control. This paper aim s introducing urban resilience through t he prism of history and
progressively shift to a more dynamic understanding of t his concept, using analyt ical insight s from complex
systems theory.
In cutting them selves off from nature, cities have become fragile. I ndeed, they have internalized the most
destructive dynamics of nature wit hout learning how to regulate them. I f nat ural elements are not
incorporated int o the planning and construction of cit ies, t hey risk collapse.
The mat erial met abolism of cities is founded on the redeployment of the energy of nature t hrough the
construct ion of hybrids. The infrastructures of m odern cit ies combine human dynamics and natural forces in
ways that transform nature and change societ y. This phenomenon, verifiable in all cities since t he birt h of
the urban world five thousand years ago, has become a predominant fact or in modern cities. The
redeployment of t he forces of nature provides the energy for processes in which complex physical hybrids
(motors, telecommunications, heating, lighting, water distribution systems, air-conditioning, et c.) and
complex social structures (governments, national and t ransnat ional companies, universities, etc.) are built
out of simpler components. The I ndustrial Revolution developed such hybrids on an unprecedented scale
and they relied on massive injections of energy, mainly from fossil fuels.
Massive flows of energy from nature can travel across these hybrids in catastrophic ways, breaking them
down int o simpler element. Indeed, in t hese hybrid construct ions, natural forces do not lose t heir potential
autonomy. Despite human efforts, hybrids corrode, rot, explode, etc. But t here is worse. These hybrids of
nature and artifice exist in a much wider context of forces over which human beings have no control, like fire
or ice storms, earthquakes, and floods. Modern technological hybrids, like dams, that oppose the resistance
of a human art ifact t o the colossal pressure of masses of wat er, are much more fragile in the face of nat ural
forces than older technologies, like the floating houses in the Mekong Delta that went with the movement of
the water instead of resisting it . I n both cases, t here is a hybridization of the natural and the artificial, but
tradit ional technologies construct with nat ure, whereas modern technologies construct against nature for the
purpose of harnessing its forces.
Ecology was long dominated by a paradigm of stability but now we know that all natural systems are
unstable. Nat ure’s unpredictable character is not a temporary state in t he construction of human knowledge;
it is a fundamental feat ure of nat ure, as t heories of chaos and dynamical systems have demonstrated. Cities
exist in a vortex of continually changing dynamic energy flows that we call nature. One fundamental reason
for the fragility of hybrids built by human beings is t hat they are informed by a simple mechanical logic
whereas nature is organized in a much more complex way. The fragility today comes from the coexistence of
two very different levels of complexity within a single hybrid construction. Consequently the complexity of
urban systems must be enhanced t o approximat e the complexit y of natural systems.
Living systems, because they developed and became more complex over four billion years of evolution,
serve as the best model for t he conception of a complex system that can enduringly survive the biological
conditions of our planet. Local ecosystems in part icular tell us much about the optimal organization for
maintaining life in a particular region of the planet. We can look at living systems to understand how to
design sustainable buildings, district s, cities and regions.
Evolution permitted t he survival of species t hrough constant transformations. We can thus find a functional
order in nat ure without an architect or planner. Adaptation via incremental changes can lead to great
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transformations and great formal diversity. Evolut ion involves a combination of continuity and change that
occurs in response to the environment. I t allow s us to understand why organisms differ and yet are
connect ed over time and space (Dawkins, 1986).
Can evolutionary theories be applied to cities? Despit e evident differences between t he evolut ion of living
organisms and the development of cit ies, t here are some commonalit ies. Cities can be classified by type.
They change over time and the t ypes also change even as they maintain great stability. Emerging schemes,
however, are never simple. The global scheme of the city emerges from its agreement with local orders. A
complex order is created from t he evolut ion of the small scale and it s influence on higher scales.
The evolutionist perspective can help us understand why the crisis of cities is so profound. Never w ere cit ies
confronted with such massive changes on such vast scales in so little t im e. Thus we may be witnessing a
radical break in an evolutionary process thousands of years old and even an end to the history of cities.
Cities are t he physical human creations that have persisted over the longest period of time, more than two
thousand years insofar as the Greek and Roman cities are concerned. The historical city was a “ standard
ideal” but never the sterile repetition of a model. Cities of Roman origin share certain qualities and elements
that derive from common principles rat her than from a rigid preconceived plan. Historical cities were
changing organisms, all dif ferent. Over time, the city grew and became more complex in its own right. I t
came to incorporate conscious and unconscious memories, traces of forgotten rituals and forms along with
original patt erns that remained embedded in its construction. The destruct ion of its memory is the worst
crime t hat can be committ ed against a city. To deprive a city of its memory is to destroy its identity and its
singularity, to shatt er t he distinctive lines of its development, and eradicate its identity and its values. The
city of Florence is a concrete reality,” writes Aldo Rossi. “But the memory of Florence and its image are
loaded with values that ref lect other experiences. In addition, t he universal value of its experience can never
completely explain that special something that makes Florence Florence.” (Rossi, 1981)
By replacing the organic morphogenesis of cit ies by normative plans abstractly projected ont o areas relieved
of the weight of culture and history, Le Corbusier’s modernism replaced t he infinit e variety of the human
world with the serial character of mechanical production. Normative processes did not form historical cities.
They are not the stat ic product of such rational plans as Lucio Costa’s for Brasilia. They are t he outgrowt h of
creative evolution.
Time, temporality, and durat ion – all have a decisive impact. We have forgott en the virtues of a slow pace.
The long t erm and the gradual spread of information in a fragment ed world creat ed the diversity of Western
cities. A rich mant le of cities with complex pat t erns covered both sides of the Mediterranean at a time w hen
centralized China had already developed a more homogenous urban system. I n contrast to the European
complexit y and variety, the city patt erns of urban America, which were planned at a time when information
spread more rapidly, are more homogenous, ordered as they are by an omnipresent obsession with grids.
One cannot simply opt for uniformity or variety as a mat ter of choices in urban design; they are the product
of political centralization versus fragmentat ion, and cultural homogeneity versus diversity.
However, no mat ter how many dif ferent forms a city went through, its initial founding phase will be the most
tenacious attribute of its morphology. Take a cit y like Bath in England. The street plans laid down by the
Romans at the time of its foundation have survived thousands of years, despite periods of destruction and
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adversity. And even though the buildings of Turin t oday reflect the Baroque designs of t he Piedmont kings,
its inhabit ants are still walking in the footsteps of the Romans on the same streets.
The cities of Magna Græcia are still standing around the Mediterranean. The mosques of I stanbul took over
the great concave spaces of Byzantine churches. Nation-states pass while cit ies remain. Soon you will have
forgot t en the world and soon the world will have forgotten you, Marcus Aurelius famously remarked but his
Rome is still present in Fellini’s Rome. And although Rome may be et ernal, w ho believes in the eternity of
Italy? (Vance, 1990)
But is t his still true t oday? Satellite images show us the inexorable dilut ion of the form of cities. At what
point will the age-old balance of Dutch cit ies, as Vermeer and Peter de Hooch knew them, be destroyed by
the massive emergence of t he conurbation of Randstad? The slab blocks of the modern housing projects can
be seen from the tower of Delft’s Neue Kerke and Vermeer’s famous view of Delft, still visible only fift een
years ago, is now disfigured.
Cities have changed more in the past twenty years than they had in t wo thousand years before. Their
evolution can be described in ten processes:
1. Phases of evolution are connect ed more to the f unctional life of t he cit y than to chronological time.
2. Even though the city changes over t ime, certain physical features like t he netw ork of street s or the
urban fabric are remarkably unchanging. The cit y can be deformed, somet imes impoverished like
the center of Boston, but without ever totally shedding its past. This is why t he blank slate
approach to urban planning that destroys the city or razes whole districts brutally int errupts and
damages the city’s evolution.
3. Whereas forms tend to persist, functions change.
4. The capacity t o have different successive funct ions fulfilled by the same forms or by gradually
modified forms is the adaptation that characterizes historical cities.
5. The adaptation is not only a matt er of the city’s physical structures. It is a process of continually
adjusting form and funct ion – a matter of mutual transformat ion rather t han the primacy of
functions over f orms. The fundamental persistence of adaptation is the basis of the evolution and
continuity of cit ies.
6. Throughout history cities have spread out in continuous processes in which changes of scale and
size gave rise to int egrated wholes. After the Second World War, modernism caused an explosion
of the urban form and huge breaks in scale before the phenomenon of urban sprawl came to dilut e
the form and dissolve the scale in endless repetition.
7. Morphological dynamism was one of the characteristic t raits of historical cities until serial spraw ling
cities put an end to the creative moment um of most cit ies and destroyed the cont inuit y of their
8. The dynamics of historical cities made forms and activities converge, while modernism and urban
sprawl separated the two.
9. The historical city increased its complexity and connectivit y as it grew, whereas the morphology of
the modernist city was simplified and it s connectivity was reduced by a factor of twenty w hen
measured with t he help of graph t heory.
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The evolving nature of cities is linked not only to forms and f unctions but also to a key third element:
connect ivity.
An analysis of resilience has t o be based on the forms, f unctions and connections. The connections are no
doubt the most fundamental element for creating a living and sustainable city. Some periods are dominat ed
by the creation of new forms, functions or connections while others are characterized by the persistence of
existing pat t erns ( Tannier, 2009). We have witnessed over the last thirty years the destruction of historical
urban forms or t heir dilution in vast formless agglomerat ions, along with t he destruction of connections
(divided by two in t he historical cent er of Boston), the erasure of forms and t he segregation of functions.
The accelerated urbanization of the planet is paradoxically a huge anti-urban production.
The study of city plans affords valuable indications as to their t ype and level of connectivity. Not withstanding
differences between periods and civilizations, historical cities display relative unity insofar as connectivity is
concerned a unity with which modernism made a radical break. We can analyze the resilience of an urban
form by looking at t he role of the street. The cit y is born in a precise place but it is the street t hat gives it
life. The association of t he destiny of the city with communication art eries becomes a fundamental principle
of development. ( Rossi, 1981)
The urban land is at once a fact of nature and a product of civilization. It is linked to the urban composition
where each element must be the most faithful expression of the life of this collect ive organism, which is t he
city. According to Aldo Rossi, “at t he basis of t his organism that is the city is the persistence of the plan.”
(Rossi, 1981) The concepts of persistence and of memory are essential t o the resilience of cities. Rapid,
brutal t ransformations of urban fabrics destroy the continuity and resilience of cities. Persistence is in fact
the generator of t he plan. The urban structure is a material structure formed of streets, monuments, and so
on, but it is also a structure that internalizes continually changing social forces along with t he forces of
nature, subject to the unpredictability of det erministic chaos. Amid transformations, and sometimes amid
catastrophic breaks, what persists is the urban fact. What constit utes an urban fact par excellence is t he
capacity to subsist within a totality in transformat ion. The functions, single or plural, t hat the city fulfils over
time are only tem porary mom ents in the reality of its structure. Resilient living cities maintain their axes of
development; they preserve the placement of their arteries; they grow while continuing to conform to an
orientation and a sense determined by older facts whose memory has often been erased.
To survive a city has to be able to evolve in a continuous met amorphosis and adapt to new needs, which
necessarily implies deformations to it s init ial plan. The evolution of cit ies shows that successful urban
developments are based on an interaction between urban planning and processes of self-organization that
make the overly regular aspects of t he initial organization more complex. In addition, the original form of the
founded city must be able to deform successfully. The capacity of urban structures to last over time depends
on the complexit y of their organization, the intricacy of their network, t he richness of their connectivity, and
the creation of a fract al order of the same level of complexit y on several very distinct scales. A city can be
said t o be resilient if the idea of its form is maint ained through successive met amorphoses but not fixed for
all eternity in an unchanging order. Cities like Turin, Florence or Rome survived the centuries and different
civilizations. Wit h each metam orphosis enough of their different successive forms was maintained to keep
their memory alive w hile leaving their future open.
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The fundament al notion that defines t he stability of physical systems is that states are only stable if minor
pert urbations reinforce rather t han destroy them. Dynamically stable urban stat es are those t hat display an
enormous number of geometric and functional connections on different scales. When some connections are
cut, others are created. These connect ive forces act on urban morphology to generate unique cit ies every
time and transform them following singular trajectories. The process is exactly the opposite of the utopian or
imaginary orders that architects try t o impose on cities and that offer few connections. Huge quantit ies of
energy are needed in such imaginary orders to maintain the urban system in a stable state. Modernist cities,
wit h forms imposed from the outside, obstruct the emergence of connections whereas the continuous
creation of connections in historical cit ies favored their evolution and hence their survival. Traditional
buildings, because of their connective forces, have a stabilizing impact on the urban fabric and system.
Modernist buildings do not connect into the urban fabric. They have a destabilizing impact and fail t o creat e
a human environment. Indeed modernist architects tried t o reverse the laws of urban growth by working
wit h large-scale elements. The brutal j uxtaposition of vast homogeneous zones made of a repetition of very
big object s hinders the appearance of emerging properties.
Emerging properties are propert ies that were not integrated into the initial conception of the system . For a
property to emerge on a big scale, small scales need to exist t o support it . Each scale support s t he higher
scales in the hierarchy. The fact that a system has emergent properties is what allows it to repair and
stabilize itself and to evolve. We cannot understand emergent propert ies by breaking down the system and
analyzing its parts. Emergent properties are analogous to t he human brain (Edelman & Tononi, 2000). The
three conditions needed for emergence to appear in a system are: a high connectivit y, the presence of a
mechanism that creates new connections and a sufficiently low degree of cont rol, since less control im plies
more emergence and vice versa.
A fundamental attribute shared by resilient living cit ies is a high degree of organized complexity. The
geometric assemblage of element s constitutes a series of organized wholes on each successive scale and
across the progression of scales. This fractal harmony is what distinguishes a coherent urban m orphology
from the repetitive serial din of modernist non-compositions. Urban morphology is fract al by nature.
Modernist cit ies, on t he other hand, are incapable of generating urban coherence. Geometric coherence is an
indispensable quality insofar as it connects the city through forms across all scales. It is crucial to t he vitality
of the urban fabric.
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Fig. 2 The map of Roma drawn by Giambattista Nolli in 1748 (details)
In a fractal morphological field like the one we have j ust described the position and even the form of each
element are influenced by its interaction on different scales with all ot her elements. When the result of all
these interactions creat es a form, it is neither symmetrical nor fixed. I t displays a degree of plasticity that
allows it to evolve. Evolution is only possible if the large scale is correctly defined on the basis of a great
many connections obeying a hierarchy of scale.
The structure of the connections is what matters and not the nature of the component s. I n a multiply
connect ed, living organic structure, t he smaller components can be changed without affecting the overall
structure. Building the whole from t he parts in an organic way leaves room for evolution. Arriving at the
part s, on the other hand, in a rigid way start ing from t he whole creates struct ures t hat cannot evolve. I n
concret e terms, modifying the w hole once it has been established involves destroying a great many
components on very different scales. It is, to the cont rary, very easy to modify smaller components, like the
arrangement of rooms in a house or the nature of buildings along a street. The streets themselves
part icipate in the structure of t he whole and display remarkable permanence over time.
According to Nikos Salingaros (Salingaros, 1998), the idea underlying the resilience of fractal street patt erns
is very simple: a complex city is a network of paths t hat are topologically deformable. This is particularly
evident in Tokyo and Kyoto where, despite differences in form in one case very regular, in t he ot her,
curved, labyrinthine and deformed by t he topography the topological structure of the graph of the two
cities is identical and translates a fundamental anthropological dim ension of Japanese society. I n the same
way, to be resilient, the urban form must be deformable and display a high degree of plasticity. I t must be
capable of accompanying the t orsion, extensions and compressions of paths without tearing. To be
deformable, the urban fabric must be strongly connected into the smaller scales and weakly connected int o
the large scale. This is also a characteristic of the Japanese city with its multiplicity of short-range
connect ions and average distances betw een intersections of around 50 meters in Tokyo as in Kyoto.
Connectivity on all scales following the inverse power law produces urban coherence. Tokyo and Kyoto are
thus part icularly coherent cit ies because they display a great number of small connections.
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The multiplicity of connections enhances the resilience of a city and its possibilities of evolution, change and
adaptation. In fact, the more connect ions there are, t he more likely they are to be redundant. Thus, if the
connect ions are cut, as they were for example during the successive fires in Kyot o, t he cit y can continue to
exist even as it changes. Districts can be reborn from their ashes, sometimes after centuries. They persist
simultaneously t he same and different, like Rome’s Forma Urbis that cont inued to exist in Renaissance Rome
and has survived in contemporary Rome.
Salingaros demonstrates that complex cities are those whose network displays a large degree of
redundancy. I f there are a great number of ways of getting from one point of the city to another passing
through different nodes, then cut ting a connection bet ween two nodes will not keep the network from
Multiple connectivity also presents many functional advantages. Too many connections of the same type in a
single channel can overload the channel’s capacity. We can see this in overly hierarchical systems with the
problem of collectors that gather the t raffic from lower-level paths. On the other hand, connections of a wide
variety of types create a less hierarchical network but one t hat is connect ed in a much more diversified way
and this prevents t he saturation of a single channel or gridlock caused by congestion at an unavoidable
node. The different networks, on different scales, need not coincide. If t hey do, net work saturation will t ake
place faster. A good example of a resilient network is the Tokyo metro, which consists in multiple
superimposed and intertwined net works.
How are we t o approach new urban proj ects in ways that embeds cities in the long term, and factors in the
constraints we are facing in a finite world and the risks of climate change? Cities will have t o reinforce their
efficiency and resilience to meet t hese changes. They will have to be more efficient in their use of material
and energy resources to reduce their ecological footprint and their climate impact. They will also have to
rediscover the resilience of historical cities, in order t o withstand climatic and natural shocks, and to absorb
fluctuations in their environment, which will increase in number and int ensity as the Earth’s atmosphere
We will show that for an urban fabric to be efficient and resilient, it must be structured in a complex way,
strongly connected in t he manner of a leaf, and hierarchized in a f ractal way according to the Pareto scale-
free distribution.
In a seminal paper, Herbert A. Simon (1962) introduced the topic of complexit y architecture with a parable
that has since largely influenced complexity sciences. He told the story of t wo highly regarded watchmakers,
who constantly had to pick up t he phone to answer client s. One of the two fine watch businesses, run by
Hora, prospered, w hile the other, run by Tempus went bankrupt.
The tw o watchmakers had to construct wat ches out of 1000 parts each. Tempus’ watch was designed so
that if he had partly assembled it and had to put it dow n to answer the phone, it immediately fell to pieces.
The more clients he had, the more they phoned him, the more difficult it became to have enough time to
finish a watch. On the contrary, Hora’s watch were designed so that he could put t ogether subassemblies of
about ten elements each, t hen put together ten of those subassemblies into a larger subassembly, and so
on. Whereas a phone call caused Tempus work to fall entirely into pieces, it only causes Hora a
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subassembly to fall into pieces. No need t o argue further that the probability for Hora to finish a w atch is
much higher than for Tempus.
This parable was meant by Herbert A. Simon to highlight the role of hierarchy within complex systems: a
complex system made up of coherent subassemblies has a great er abilit y to evolve and adapt quickly. And
as we will see later in this paper, adaptability has crucial implications on resilience ability.
Historical cities, over the course of t heir long history, were slowly transformed by incremental phenomena of
destruction and reconstruction of the urban fabric. Structures that were not resilient enough were
eliminat ed. And so historical cities have come down to us with extraordinary capacities of efficiency and
resilience. I n a process of ongoing, spont aneous self-organization t o adapt their forms to fluctuations in their
environment, historical cities acquired t he capacit y to absorb fluctuations by reinforcing their structure and
order, and becoming more complex and richer as a result of t he changes t hat take place in them.
Fig. 3 A free scale network (left) and the Parisian street network (right)
Scale hierarchic structures optimize urban flows and are also vit al in giving cities the resilience that they are
lacking today. The more structured and complex the city, the more readily it can be nurtured by the
pert urbations t o which it is subjected, absorbing them without lett ing them upset t he stability of it s
structure. And it is in assimilating the fluctuations and t ensions t hat it complexifies and absorbs t hem all the
more easily. Hence, t here is an ongoing dialogue between the city’s capacities of resilience and the
constraints to w hich it is subj ected, between t he fluct uations f rom the outside environm ent and it s
resistance t o these fluctuations.
The resilience of a city is int rinsically linked to it s self-organizing capacities. But self-organization is inevitably
lodged in time, and the long span of natural fluctuations is not t hat of contemporary cities; t he lat t er are
designed and built very rapidly by authoritarian, rigid forms of urban planning to accommodat e an ever
growing number of rural migrants irresistibly at tract ed to cities. These cities are designed nearly
instantaneously in emerging countries, without t he time and distance needed to evaluate the quality of their
interactions wit h the environment, the adaptat ion of their forms to the f lows that run through them, and the
systemic ef ficiency t hat det ermines their resilience. These are cit ies that are expected to survive for
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centuries but the long span of their existence is almost never t aken into consideration when they are
Alongside these long fluctuations, whose effect s over cent uries are somet imes impercept ible, there are
short -term, even catastrophic fluctuations, which are becoming more frequent today, with their share of
deaths and destruct ions. Cities were always subjected to them. Cases in point are the Great Fire of London
in 1666 and the earthquake in Lisbon that out raged Voltaire so. But London and Lisbon both managed to live
through these disasters and maintain their form, whereas contemporary cities are more and more vulnerable
to earthquakes, droughts, f loods, and natural and energy crises. They are vulnerable, to begin w it h, due to
their low efficiency, and t heir voracity in energy and resources. They are also vulnerable because they are
not adapted to their sites, to the environm ent they inhabit all in t he same way and which, from one day to
the next, may violently remind t hem of its existence and its identity, like the Chao Phraya delt a int o which
Bangkok is inexorably sinking. Finally, t hey are vulnerable because of the disordered uniformity of t heir
urban fabric, its absence of hierarchized structure, of identity based on the complexif icat ions of a long
history t hat forges a city’s capacities of resilience.
Following Simon’s parable (1962), the resilience of scale hierarchic structures is linked to their power to
complexify so as to absorb fluctuat ions, to t ransform t he currents of t he waves of history and time into a
construct ive rather than a destructive force. Urban resilience can be understood as the robustness of urban
structures and netw orks against random failures. Such failures might be small-scale failures (local transport
network disruption, local energy supply disrupt ion, etc.) or large-scale ones. According to Buhl et al. (2004,
2006), t he resilience of a netw ork its robustness – can be evaluated by studying how fragmented t he
structure becomes as an increasing fraction of nodes is removed. The network fragmentation is usually
measured by the fraction of nodes contained by the largest connected component (Buhl, et al., 2004) . The
move removal can be chosen either randomly or selectively. According to Albert et al. (2000) and Holme et
al. (2002) real networks clearly deviat e from t he prediction made for random graphs. Moreover, several real
networks have proved t o be highly resilient to random node removal and highly vulnerable t o selective node
removal. Although they might not be the unique ones (Newman, 2002; Dunne, et al., 2002), scale-free
networks do exhibit this specific feature (Albert, et al., 2000).
Counteracting the vulnerability of contemporary cities requires a real paradigm reversal, and a shift from a
mono-scale conception to a scale hierarchic conception of cities. Only scale hierarchic structures in t he case
of flow networks can secure optimal efficiency and resilience, while limiting the propagation of local
pert urbations. But another parameter is j ust as fundamental for t he capacities of resilience of cities, and that
is the fine-grained connectivity of their subjacent structures. This parameter entails pushing our thinking
beyond the tree-like structures prescribed by simple thermodynamic considerations.
An arborescence is a highly hierarchic structure, and this hierarchization is precisely w hat causes it s
efficiency ( Salat & Bourdic, 2011) . This then is the first element we are seeking for the sustainable structure
of the urban system: a strong scale hierarchy ensuring system efficiency. However, the connectivity of a t ree
is low: between two point s t here is only one possible path. And connectivity is an essential param eter of
cities. For a city to be connected, it must be struct ured not like a tree but like a leaf.
A series of connections whose int ensity obeys a Pareto distributionscale hierarchic - increases resilience by
preventing rapid and catastrophic fluctuat ions from spreading quickly through the system and disorganizing
it. There should be few long-range connect ions and these connections should be weak to prevent the spread
of disrupt ing fluctuations. Indeed, weak connections are what allow the fluctuat ions to be absorbed. On the
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other hand, a great many strong short -range connect ions ensure the system’s deformability. I f efficiency is
linked to the arborescence of elements, resilience seems to be linked to a more abstract arborescence, that
of the system of connections between elements the int ensities of which should also obey a Pareto
As Alexander has noted (Alexander, 1965), one can readily see that street net works are not structured like
trees: small streets are more often linked to one another or to several higher level streets, which is not the
case in a tree structure. In fact, t he underlying struct ure of these networks is w hat is called a “ semilattice”.
A striking image of this type of structure is the system of veins on the leaves of most deciduous trees. Their
leaves manifest a remarkable exception to the many tree-like systems observed elsewhere in nature. They
display t he same scale hierarchy, which proves again the universality of the Pareto distribution, but the
midsize veins and the venules connect to one anot her, like the street s of a city, and so the connectivity is
much stronger than in a t ree-like structure.
The multiple connectivit y and scale hierarchy that leaves and cit ies have in common enhance both their
efficiency and their resilience.
Firstly, the loops that these struct ures contain, as Francis Corson has demonstrat ed, (Corson, 2010) manage
variable flows more efficiently. The t ree structure is most efficient when it comes to distributing stationary
flows. But one of t he characteristic feat ures of urban flow s is their extreme variability, both in time and in
space. The semilat tice structure absorbs these variations by distribut ing flows along different possible paths.
This is impossible in a tree-like structure, where there is only one path between two points.
Secondly, the semilattice structure imparts greater resilience to a network. When a branch of a tree is cut,
all those t hat grew from it will die t oo. In a leaf, if a vein is interrupted, the redundancy of t he netw ork will
allow the flow to get around the interruption via secondary paths, so that it will only be partly slowed down
by the degradation of the network. This is why cit ies structured like leaves are more resilient. Just imagine
that a path is blocked by an accident: the flow is simply deviated ont o ot her paths t o irrigate t he far side of
the perturbat ion. A part of the leaf’s network can be amputated and the leaf will go on living and converting
light energy into nut rient s. Thanks t o the dilatation symmetry or the scale invariance linked to the Pareto
distribution, nat ure has provided for redundancy on all scales to ensure the permanence of it s structures.
The simultaneous existence of small and big nervures having the same function contains a natural
redundancy for living organisms that answers the objective of efficiency and resilience with an economy of
We have discussed the t heoret ical underpinnings of what a sustainable and resilient city should be. This is a
concept ual framework, governed by fractal geometry for spatial planning, t he power law for distributions,
and leaf structures for connect ions. The scale relationships between the different hierarchic levels of an
arborescence, a leaf, and the blood and oxygen circulation systems in our bodies obey such a mathematical
law. It states the frequency of an element’s appearance and the span of a connection based on it s hierarchic
level: the smaller an element is, t he more often it w ill be encountered in the system; the bigger an element
is the rarer it will be. This fundamental law defines in itself the manner in which living organisms and things
should be organized to optimize their access to energy, the use that they make of it, and t heir resilience.
City planning t oday has lost all its complexity and hierarchy of scale. I t has become so simplistic,
mechanical, and functional t hat its structural ineff iciency causes an enormous waste of energy. It should
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possess the qualities that history has conferred upon cit ies: complex, connect ed, and structured according t o
scale hierarchies based on the Pareto distribut ion.
To reach these high levels of connectivity, complexity and scale hierarchy that make t he efficiency and the
resilience of historical urban fabrics, a set of innovative tools based on the science of complexity has to be
settled. It is meant t o be applied to the design of new cit ies, but also to the restructuring of hastily built
cities, denatured by the ideas of modernism, mechanical bodies completely disconnected from t he time of
historical, organic cities.
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Serge Salat
Serge Salat is an architect , a graduat e of the École Polytechnique and t he ENA. He also earned one PhD in economics and
one in art history from EHESS. He is t he founding direct or of the Urban Morphology Laboratory. Serge Salat is the author
of more than 20 books on art and architecture. He has been a pr acticing architect and the project director of large
infrastructure projects such as inter nat ional airport s and TGV train stat ions. Presently Direct or of the Urban Morphology
Laboratory in Paris, he is gr ouping the research efforts on sustainable forms and met abolisms of cities of main French
National Research Centers such as CSTB, Universities, engineering schools, and urban planning agencies in the field of
energy, carbon and economic efficiency of urban forms. He is the author of tw o maj or books on urban morphology, as
well as numerous publications and communications. He is a member of the editorial board of several major int ernational
scientif ic journals.
Loeiz Bourdic
Loeiz Bourdic holds a Master in Engineering from the École Polyt echnique and a Master of Science in Environmental
Economics & Policy from Imperial College, London. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in economics at the Urban
Morphology Lab. He is studying t he links betw een urban morphology, urban complexit y, energy eff iciency and economic
value creat ion on the city scale. This theoretical research aims at applying result s f rom the complexit y theory (fract als,
complex systems) to urban analysis. He is also working on t he transposition of scientific findings int o assessment t ools for
urban policies.
... In this paper the authors attempt to explore the impacts of such urban transformations on a certain area of Baghdad, regarding two aspects in particular: resilience and vulnerability. It is believed that such transformations usually negatively impact the urban form [3], but there are many aspects to consider when making such judgments. For this reason, the paper takes on a scientific approach to measurably quantify the effect of these changes and compare the results with those of the traditional layout. ...
... Historical urban centers were capable of adapting to transformations without losing their original structure and identity [3]. Many historical cities in particular, have witnessed urban growth and urban sprawl, leading most of the time to the co-existence of modern and traditional urban layouts side by side which can consequently cause an immense transformation of their urban morphology. ...
... Regarding urban resilience, Salat explains that ''A city can be said to be resilient if the idea of its form is maintained through successive metamorphoses" in [3]. Any system's resilience reflects how fast it bounces back to its next required functionality after being affected by an unpredicted devastating natural or human event, hence it includes the potential to avoid impacts and risk management [10]. ...
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Many historical cities around the world have undergone morphological changes throughout time. Some of these changes have been beneficial for the modern nature of these cities and some have been of a negative impact, some have created challenges due to rapid urbanization leading to demoted urban communities. This paper presents an understanding of the transformed and disconnected urban morphology, caused by these alterations, through space syntax evaluation and analysis regarding two main indicators: vulnerability and resilience, on the morphological and structural levels of the traditional organic city in the specific studied area located in Al-Karkh, Baghdad (Haifa street and the surrounding historical layout). The study adopted an analysis using DepthMapX software, a software especially developed in space syntax theory. Quality of urban life can be evaluated by measuring the different values of various indicators, according to resilience and vulnerability, of the studied area over two different time periods, a historical phase and the current phase, showing the amount of transformation due to the development of Haifa street which currently runs through the historical area. The results showed that the transformation affected the bonds that connect the urban structure of the traditional layout, which in turn, affected the system’s resilience represented by the traditional alleys, streets, and squares which were once lively and filled with people and energy with high internal bonding values. The modern alterations led to increasing the vulnerability of the urban performance regarding the activity of people and the quality of urban life, which was indicated by registering low analytical values. However, the area showed rapid adaptation to the forced transformation on many levels due to the flexibility of the traditional form. In conclusion, the study indicated a balance between the elements of the vulnerability and resilience indicators in the historical area and the modern development it suffered which in a way reflects the city’s identity today and therefore achieving development on a holistic level.
... Gharai et al. (2018) implied that redundancy should be considered merely as pure redundancy (as is] … appropriately contained in a mixture of plots of different sizes". Additionally, Salat and Bourdic (2012a) argued that redundancy in the urban form also entails having multiple available paths through improved connectivity in the urban movement network. Salat and Bourdic (2012a) went on to say that urban patterns that resemble leaves in a semi-lattice structure have far more redundant paths compared to urban forms which resemble tree-like structures. ...
... Redundancy is a very broad concept with a multitude of potential elements to consider, thus, any attempt to measure redundancy may seem impossible or inadequate. However, according to Gharai et al. (2018: 25), implementable measures of redundancy in the city include identifying the multiplicity of alternative transit routes and urban services while Salat and Bourdic (2012a) argue that redundancy in the urban form is also related to having a multiplicity of available paths or route options available. ...
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Cities are one of humanity’s crowning achievements. However, as cities and regions grow, they become more interconnected and complex while adapting to an ever-changing social, political, and natural environment. More recently, cities have to deal with increasing uncertainty which is brought about by radical changes such as social, economic and political instability, climate change, environmental degradation and global health crises. Under such circumstances, urban planners and designers have realised that the current planning and design approaches are often inadequate to deal with the rapidly changing and increasingly complex environments (Hes and Du Plessis, 2015). In response to these challenges, resilience thinking has been proposed as an alternative paradigm to challenge the current ‘business and usual approach’ (Walker and Salt, 2006). Resilience thinking embraces uncertainty and encourages planning with and for change. Moreover, because of these qualities, urban resilience is rapidly being viewed as one of the critical factors to achieving the goals of sustainable urbanism (Salat, 2011; UN Habitat, 2016a). Consequently, the rate at which urban resilience concepts have been included in many plans, strategies and assessments has steadily been growing (Zhang and Li, 2018). However, despite the growing acceptance of urban resilience in the urban discourse (Coaffee and Lee, 2016), the spatial aspects of urban resilience have been neglected. More specifically, there is still very little understanding of how the physical form of cities impacts their overall capacity to adapt to change, and therefore, their potential resilience (Feliciotti, 2018; Garcia and Vale, 2017; Romice et al., 2020). In response to this gap in our knowledge, this study investigates the relationship between the urban form and the manifestation of resilience in cities through addressing four research objectives. First, this study explored how urban form impacts and contributes to the potential adaptive capacity of cities. Secondly, it sought to develop and test a methodological protocol that can describe and assess the potential spatial adaptive capacity of any location within a city. Third, through the application of the protocol on case studies, this study set out to extract a range of typologies that reflect the morphological traits most likely to improve a city’s spatial adaptive capacity. Fourth, using the created typologies, this study proposed a range of urban design principles to promote urban forms that can contribute to more spatially resilient urban settlements. To address these research objectives, six directives for spatial resilience, which contribute to the formation of spatial-morphological resilience, were derived from a review of urban resilience and urban design literature. Additionally, the conceptual relationships between the directives were explored using a conceptual framework. To operationalise the framework a Spatial Resilience Assessment (SRA) protocol was proposed. The SRA protocol included two sub-protocols which incorporated new and existing methods and metrics that are used to (a) assess, at multiple scales, the extent to which each spatial resilience directive is present for any location within a study area; (b) to evaluate the relative spatial adaptive potential of a location and (c) to extract the morphological typologies that are most likely to improve the potential spatial adaptive capacity of a study area. Through the application of the proposed SRA protocol in two case studies, Manhattan (NYC) and Hong Kong, this study not only identified which locations within each case study had higher spatial adaptive potential but was also able to extract the morphological qualities of the best performing areas though the creation of the spatial adaptive urban types for each case study. Through the application of the protocol, this study produced over 100 maps per case study as both a quantitative assessment of the quality of the adaptive potential of an area, but also as a means of visually exploring the physical manifestation of the concept of spatial resilience through the morphology of the city. The results from both case studies suggest that variation in the size, shape and configuration of the constituent elements of urban form can greatly impact the potential adaptive capacity of a location. In addition to geometric and configurational characteristics, the relative position of a location (plot or building) within the broader urban context also plays a role in the locations multi-scale adaptive potential within a city. The finding of this study were summarised into a set of spatial resilience urban design principles that, could be used to guide the development and transformation of urban settlements to be more spatially resilient.
... 162-163). A diversidade e a correlativa complexidade dos ambientes urbanos são fatores centrais para perceber as dinâmicas de integração e de segregação do espaço urbano (Salat et al., 2010), (Salat & Nowacki, 2011;Salat & Bourdic, 2012). Para mobilizar efeitos de integração socio-espacial é necessário: eliminar barreiras, promover conexões e alargar ligações (físicas, sociais, simbólicas, visuais, etc.) entre grupos e territórios; permitir processos dinâmicos concretizados em múltiplos níveis capazes de incluir um bairro em estruturas mais amplas (cidade, sistema urbano, região, país); de estabelecer conexões entre um grupo específico e as demais populações; e de ativar estratégias de inclusão estáveis e de longo prazo (assumindo que os efeitos mais robustos só serão visíveis em gerações futuras). ...
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A segregação socio-espacial é um fenómeno multidimensional. Manifesta-se na segregação residencial de comunidades que não podem escolher o local de residência (dimensão física), associada à falta de oportunidades proporcionadas pelos serviços de proximidade (segregação funcional). Ambas impõem impedâncias à participação e desencadeiam estigmatização simbólica através da construção de imaginários conflituosos sobre os 'outros' conduzindo a formas de segregação relacional. A segregação alimenta-se de múltiplas incompatibilidades (discriminação, diferenciação, marginalização, exclusão) entre as diferentes partes da cidade, criando ou amplificando disfuncionalidades. Neste artigo circunscrevem-se os fatores da segregação funcional, apresenta-se uma metodologia para avaliar a Segregação Funcional Persistente (SFP) e aplica-se essa metodologia a 120 bairros de arrendamento público incluídos no Atlas SIPA de Património (IHRU-SIPA, 2011), geridos pelo Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana. No final apresentam-se resultados sobre a intensidade e os efeitos da perenidade da SFP nestes bairros. Mesmo considerando que os aglomerados urbanos onde foram edificados se expandiram consideravelmente ao longo de 4 ou 5 décadas, a condição de isolamento permanece. Esta segregação funcional é visível na ausente ou exígua dotação de focos de vida comercial e social. São preponderantes as situações de marginalidade face à estrutura comercial e de serviços de proximida-de. Nos casos em que existem algumas das amenidades tratadas nesta análise, elas incidem sobre um número residual de bair-ros e, quando se manifestam, são pouco diversificadas. Estas comunidades acedem a amenidades de proximidade nos bairros que os envolvem. A segregação funcional destes bairros, associada às que lhe são correlativas, mantêm-se ao longo de gerações. Palavras-chave: segregação urbana, segregação residencial, segregação funcional, bairros de arrendamento público. Abstract Socio-spatial segregation is a multidimensional phenomenon. It manifests itself in the residential segregation of communities that cannot choose their place of residence (physical dimension), combined with the lack of opportunities provided by local services (functional segregation). Both impose impediments to participation and trigger symbolic stigmatization through the construction of conflicting imaginaries about the 'others', leading to forms of relational segregation. Segregation feeds on multiple incompatibilities (discrimination, differentiation, marginalization, exclusion) between different parts of the city, creating or exacerbating dysfunctionalities. This article focuses on the factors of functional segregation, it proposes a methodology for assessing Persistent Functional Segregation (PFS) and applies this methodology to 120 public rental neighborhoods included in the Atlas SIPA de Património (IHRU-SIPA, 2011). At the end, results are presented regarding the intensity and effects of the enduring nature of PFS in these neighborhoods. Even if we consider that the urban agglomerations where they were built have expanded substantially over 4 or 5 decades, the condition of isolation has remained. This functional segregation is visible in the absence or scarcity of commercial and social nodes. Situations of marginality are prevalent regarding the commercial structure and proximity services. Where some of the amenities dealt with in this analysis do exist, they affect a residual number of neighborhoods and, when they do appear, they are not very diversified. These communities have access to proximity amenities in the neighborhoods that surround them. The functional segregation of these neighborhoods, along with those that correlate with it, is perpetuated over generations.
... Patterns, which are the product of many bottom-up individual decisions, evolve through time and give rise to surprising emergent behavior at any crosssection [10]. Three conditions are required for emergence in a system: high connectivity, a mechanism that produces new connections, and an adequately low level of control, since less control signifies more emergence and vice versa [55]. ...
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Modern cities are complex adaptive systems in which there is a lot of dependency and interaction between the various stakeholders, components, and subsystems. The use of digital Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has opened up the vision of smart cities in which the city dwellers can have a better quality of life and the city can be better organized and managed. The deployment of ICT solutions, however, does not automatically or invariably improve the quality of living of the citizens. Analyzing cities as complex systems with various interacting sub-systems can help us understand urban dynamics and the fate of smart cities. We will be able to analyze various policy interventions and ascertain their effectiveness and anticipate potential unintended consequences. In this paper, we discuss how smart cities can be viewed through the lens of systems thinking and complex systems and provide a comprehensive review of related techniques and methods. Along with highlighting the science of cities in light of historic urban modeling and urban dynamics, we focus on shedding light on the smart city complex systems. Finally, we will describe the various challenges of smart cities, discuss the limitations of existing models, and identify promising future directions of work.
... There are some studies about desirable urban form and its relation with energy consumption. These show that desirable urban form consume 50-60% less energy than the others (Salat and Bourdic, 2012). Urban form is a spatial model that shapes by human activities in space and time (Sharifi, 2019). ...
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Purpose This study identifies whether the hierarchy, development type, and city size have a crucial effect on resilience in ecological terms. Is there a desirable optimum urban form for resilience? The study aims to answer this question by comparing different types of macroform and density of some selected cities in Turkey. Design/Methodology/Approach Denizli, Muğla, and Gaziantep provinces are selected according to the comparability of their population size and urban forms in relation to the greenhouse gas emissions of each city. A retrospective causal comparison method was used in the study. Using the Corine Land Cover Classes program, the change of the artificial surfaces and the city structure between 1990 and 2018 were mapped and detailed graphics were created. Findings Findings show that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions originating from road transport in Muğla, which has a multi-centered form, were the highest. The surprising result is that Gaziantep has lower GHG emission rate than Denizli although its population is twice the latter. The emission rates of the housing and services sectors were compared with the household size. Gaziantep having the largest household size has the lowest emission rate in this sector. The paper suggests that a hierarchical urban system structure is essential for the resilience of the city to be able to organize itself more effectively, adapt to external changes faster, and create a stronger and more complex structure. City size is an important criterion for low infrastructure cost, efficient use of resources, and capacity to access capital of all kinds. Yet, this criterion may differ in the resilience of the city depending on several factors such as population, area size, and distribution of various urban functions. The development type, on the other hand, is highly effective on GHG emissions as the monocentric cities generate fewer emissions than the polycentric cities. Research Limitations/Implications The GHG reports created for the case areas consisted of different years and different analysis units. This limits the sectors to which cities can be compared. Originality/Value This article is a detailed and original study in terms of evaluating the resilience of Turkish cities with different morphologies.
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Building resilient and sustainable cities in the face of rising climate change is increasingly getting attention of the research community as well as decision-makers. Despite the sizable quantum of research encompassing various facets of urban resilience, the physical form of cities has received limited attention from researchers. One of the challenges encountered involves the generalization of these studies across diverse settings and heterogeneous contexts. This study investigates different tools and frameworks proposed for the assessment of urban form resilience. Furthermore, it explores the applicability of these frameworks within the specific context of the Global South. The literature analysis is based on attribute selection, study context, methodology, and resilience perspective. The findings reveal a degree of fragmentation in the selection of attributes, approaches, and perspectives within the literature concerning the assessment of urban form resilience. Divergent arguments exist concerning the impact of urban form attributes on urban resilience, notably regarding factors like density and city size. Furthermore, the research underscores the complexities associated with integrating these assessment frameworks into the unique urban morphology of cities in the Global South, characterized by the prevalence of informal development. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for researchers and planners in comprehending the relationship between resilience and urban morphology, enabling the application of these concepts for the assessment of urban form resilience, particularly in the context of the Global South.
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Building resilient and sustainable cities in the face of rising climate change have captured the attention of the research community as well as decision-makers. Despite the sizable quantum of research on different aspects of urban resilience, the physical form of cities has received little attention from researchers. Another difficulty lies in generalizing these studies in varying settings and heterogeneous contexts. This study investigates different tools and frameworks proposed for assessing urban form resilience. The literature analysis has been done based on attribute selection, study context, methodology, and resilience perspective. Additionally, the applicability of these frameworks in the context of the Global South has been investigated. The result shows fragmentation in the selection of attributes, approaches, and perspectives in the literature assessing urban form resilience. Also, there are conflicting arguments regarding the influence of urban form attributes on urban resilience, i.e., density and city size. Apart from that, the study highlights the complications of imbibing these assessment frameworks in the distinct urban morphology of cities of the Global South, where informal development prevails. This study can help researchers and planners understand the relationship between resilience and urban morphology and utilize these concepts for assessing urban form resilience, particularly in the context of the Global South.
Cities and neighbourhoods are changing rapidly. While rapid change is accepted, it is less clear how to understand and analyse change and steer it towards a more sustainable trajectory. This paper focuses on the transformation of a particular street in Mamelodi, situated in Pretoria (capital city of South Africa). Utilizing a resilience lens, we unpack the various cycles of adaptation evident in the street. Our analysis shows that the transformation of Tsweu Street broadly followed the phases of the adaptive cycle, namely rapid growth, conservation, release and reorganization and incorporated three dimensions of resilience, namely social or community, spatial and institutional resilience. We argue that resilience thinking offers a mechanism to understand and analyse change at various scales, including the street level and that this provides planners with a tool to work with change through the application of appropriate measures at the relevant time to maximize their impact.
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Role of Wind Flow Corridors in Promoting Resilience in Ancient Desert Cities (Case Study: City of Yazd). Neglecting basic urban ecological indicators leads to a reduction in resilience to changing environmental conditions. Ancient socio-ecological systems are the result of several millennia of interventions in the landscape and a valuable repository of successful and unsuccessful experiences that can act as a stimulus or deterrent to decisions in future planning processes. This study aims to deduce the ecological wisdom principles and rules governing wind flow corridors and to present structural-functional strategies in the ecological networks of ancient desert cities (Yazd as a case study) to promote resilience. The research method based on the analysis of the content reviews the importance of ecological corridors in promoting urban resilience, deduces the ecological wisdom principles, recognizes the ecological wisdom principles and rules governing wind flow networks with exploratory analysis in the city of Yazd, in three scales: macro (urban-suburban), mezzo (neighborhood) and micro (building). The results indicate that structural-functional patterns, positioning and orientation, proportions and geometric order, connections, texture, and color of construction materials, structural-functional diversity, and structural-functional composition in wind flow corridors and regeneration strategies based on ecological wisdom in access networks and urban corridors are important in creating ecological networks and promoting urban resilience.
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This paper surveys about 20 years of research dealing with the fractal city and its capacity regarding urban functioning. The first part of the paper gives some elements for defining the fractal city. Relation is made with other models that allow the generation of hierarchical spatial distributions. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the presentation of four fractal models of city and their properties, especially regarding their accessibility. In the third part of the paper, the question of the sustainability of the fractal city is tackled. The paper ends with some reflections about robustness and resilience of fractal urban forms.
The experience of geographical difference – that is, the recognition that spaces across the world differ from one another – lies at the heart of capitalist mod-ernity. While geographical difference is hardly unique to the modern age, it can be argued that the ability of populations to travel long distances, and thus to encounter otherness, has intensifi ed qualitatively during the capital-ist epoch. It continues to be enhanced in the early twenty-fi rst century, as worldwide fl ows of capital, trade, and migration acquire ever greater densities and speeds. Some commentators have claimed that, in our current moment of "global-ization," geographical differences are being annihilated as new information technologies, transnational corporate strategies, free-market politics, and cultural imperialism homogenize the landscapes of everyday life around the world. Most critical geographers reject such claims, arguing that late modern capitalism has been premised upon an intensifi cation of differences among places and territories, even as the mobility of capital, commodities, and populations is enhanced (Cox 1997; Lee and Wills 1997; Smith 1997). Struggles for a sense of place, for territorial rootedness, and for a unique geographical niche remain as intense as ever in a world of sometimes disturb-ing volatility (Massey 1994). Precisely as interconnections among dispersed spaces around the globe are thickened, geographical differences are becoming more rather than less profound, at once in everyday life and in the operation of social, political, and economic power. In short, spatial unevenness remains endemic to the contemporary global capitalist (dis)order (Smith 1997). During the past three decades, critical geographical scholarship has confronted the problem of geographical difference in a systematic, theoretic-ally refl exive way. The concept of uneven spatial development lies at the heart of such analyses.
A number of proposals have been advanced in recent years for the development of “general systems theory” which, abstracting from properties peculiar to physical, biological, or social systems, would be applicable to all of them. We might well feel that, while the goal is laudable, systems of such diverse kinds could hardly be expected to have any nontrivial properties in common. Metaphor and analogy can be helpful, or they can be misleading. All depends on whether the similarities the metaphor captures are significant or superficial.