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The Impact of Interior Plants in University Classrooms on Student Course Performance and on Student Perceptions of the Course and Instructor


Abstract and Figures

The main objective of this research was to investigate the impact of plants within a university classroom setting on course performance and on student perceptions of the course and instructor. The study was designed to include a minimum of two classes of the same coursework taught by the same professor in the same room during one semester. Three sets of two classes each and 385 students were included within the study. Throughout the semester, the experimental class of students was treated by including an assortment of tropical plants within the classroom. Plants were not present in the control classroom of the study. The official university course and instructor evaluation survey was administered at the end of the semester. Additionally, each student provided demographic data, including class rank, gender, and ethnicity. To measure course performance, the professor for each course reported each student's grade for the course. No statistically significant differences were found in comparisons of grades/student course performance (P = 0.192). However, statistically significant differences were found in comparisons of overall course and instructor evaluation scores of treatment and control groups (P = 0.065). Statistically significant differences were found in comparisons of the individual courses/classrooms between control and treatment groups on statements in subsections of the course and instructor evaluation survey, including the areas of "learning," "enthusiasm (of instructor)," and "organization (of instructor)." In these comparisons of the treatment and control groups, the differences that were most apparent were in students who had class in the classroom that was windowless and stark. The plants appeared to have the greatest impact on students in the room that was void of other natural elements.
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HORTSCIENCE 44(2):384–391. 2009.
The Impact of Interior Plants in
University Classrooms on Student
Course Performance and on
Student Perceptions of the Course
and Instructor
Jennifer S. Doxey
and Tina Marie Waliczek
Department of Agriculture, Texas State University, 601 University Drive,
San Marcos, TX 78666
Jayne M. Zajicek
Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX 77843-2133
Additional index words. interiorscape, human issues in horticulture, course evaluation,
instructor evaluation, academic responses, instructional ratings, houseplant
Abstract. The main objective of this research was to investigate the impact of plants
within a university classroom setting on course performance and on student perceptions
of the course and instructor. The study was designed to include a minimum of two classes
of the same coursework taught by the same professor in the same room during one
semester. Three sets of two classes each and 385 students were included within the study.
Throughout the semester, the experimental class of students was treated by including an
assortment of tropical plants within the classroom. Plants were not present in the control
classroom of the study. The official university course and instructor evaluation survey
was administered at the end of the semester. Additionally, each student provided
demographic data, including class rank, gender, and ethnicity. To measure course
performance, the professor for each course reported each student’s grade for the course.
No statistically significant differences were found in comparisons of grades/student
course performance (P= 0.192). However, statistically significant differences were found
in comparisons of overall course and instructor evaluation scores of treatment and control
groups (P= 0.065). Statistically significant differences were found in comparisons of the
individual courses/classrooms between control and treatment groups on statements in
subsections of the course and instructor evaluation survey, including the areas of
‘learning,’’ ‘‘enthusiasm (of instructor),’’ and ‘‘organization (of instructor).’’ In these
comparisons of the treatment and control groups, the differences that were most
apparent were in students who had class in the classroom that was windowless and
stark. The plants appeared to have the greatest impact on students in the room that was
void of other natural elements.
In the 1700s, interior plants were consid-
ered to be capable of suffocating a person
while they slept. Still, people kept plants in
their homes despite the warnings (Gowan,
1987), demonstrating an inherent desire for
plants. Today, an urbanized lifestyle has led
to people spending 80% or more of their time
in indoor settings (Fjeld et al., 1998). Many
individuals and businesses continue to en-
hance their homes or offices with interior
plants (Dravigne et al., 2008). Research has
suggested that interior plants may offer some
psychological and restorative values such as
reduced tension (Ulrich et al., 1991), better
coping mechanisms (Lohr and Pearson-
Mims, 2000), and increased ability for con-
centration and attention (Taylor et al., 2001).
A recent study found that employees in
offices with plants rated their job satisfaction
more positively when compared with em-
ployees in offices with no plants present
(Dravigne et al., 2008). Research has found
that interior plants can reduce eye irritation
and stress, motivate employees, improve
concentration, and even reduce air impurities
(Vitiello, 2001). Plants appeared to have a
positive effect on headaches and fatigue and
hoarseness; even dry facial skin was reported
with less incidence when plants were intro-
duced to offices (Fjeld et al., 1998; Laviana
et al., 1983).
The benefits of interior plants have been
shown to positively impact stress and pro-
ductivity. Reaction time on the computer
improved by 12% and a lower systolic blood
pressure was measured when plants were
placed in a computer laboratory along with
people’s reports of experiencing greater atten-
tiveness (Lohr et al., 1996). On one survey of
office employees and facilities managers,
only 10% of respondents thought that their
offices could be improved with plants, yet
60% of office workers liked having plants
around their desk. This was interesting in that
it was a higher percentage than the 50% who
rated the necessity of good technology as a
priority (Vitiello, 2001).
Research has focused on the types of interior
environments that promote good teaching and
learning (Think, 2003) and found that atten-
tion paid to the factors of ‘‘light, acoustics,
ventilation and ergonomics all contribute to a
positive experience for faculty and students’’
(p. 2). Windows that provided natural lighting
were important (Think, 2003), and rooms
with access to only artificial light have been
associated with ‘‘building sickness’’ (Robert-
son et al., 1989), which can lead to work-
related headaches and lethargy. Although the
subject of student and instructor preference in
classroom attributes is limited, one study
found that professors and students rated pos-
itive physical characteristics in classrooms
similarly (Douglas and Gifford, 2001).
Results found that classrooms with seating
arranged to promote interaction among stu-
dents, views of outdoor areas, and comfort-
able seating were preferred by both students
and faculty (Douglas and Gifford, 2001).
Using a survey of students (Dinsmore,
2003), a middle school teacher studied the
perceived effects of plants, lighting, and
music on students’ behaviors while in the
classroom. When asked if these three varia-
bles affected their learning, 43% of students
responded positively to the presence of plants
saying it created a more comfortable atmo-
sphere (Dinsmore, 2003). These numbers sup-
ported the teacher’s personal observations.
Research in schools has found that plants
benefit the classroom aesthetically and pro-
vide oxygen while absorbing toxins (Hart,
1999). In children with attention deficit dis-
order (ADD), more severe ADD symptoms
were seen in children when the interior
classroom environment was windowless and
void of natural elements (Taylor et al., 2001).
A study of university students found that
recovery from stress was shown to be greater
for those who had plants present during
testing (Russell and Uzzell, 1999).
This research supports that ‘‘A premium
should be placed on ensuring that all teaching
environments provide the best possible con-
ditions to stimulate learning. The teaching
environment affects how students rate their
course experience, and often affects the com-
fort level of not only the students, but also the
instructor within the classroom’’ (Think,
2003). Studies have shown that interior nat-
ural elements are important environmental
factors for universities that can cause stu-
dents to feel more comfortable, stimulating
social interaction and more time spent on
campus (Wiers-Jenssen et al., 2002).
The purpose of this study was to determine
if interior plants in university classrooms had
Received for publication 20 Oct. 2008. Accepted
for publication 18 Dec. 2008.
Graduate student.
Associate Professor.
To whom reprint requests should be addressed;
an impact on student course performance and
on student perceptions of the course and the
Materials and Methods
Study site. The study took place at a southern
university with an enrollment of 28,000
students at the time of the study. The main
campus has 225 buildings with some dating
back to the origin of the campus in 1903 and
some new buildings and classrooms that were
built in recent years to accommodate the
growing enrollment. The student enrollment is
diverse with a minority student population of
over 30%.
Instructors and courses. At the beginning
of the spring semester, instructors were se-
lected from the course catalog who met the
criteria of teaching the same course in the
same room with the same course material to
two or more separate groups of students.
These instructors were invited to participate
in the study. Instructors were offered free
weekly floral designs delivered to their office
throughout the semester as an incentive to
participate in the study. Three professors
agreed to participate. One taught two sections
of an introductory psychology course. Another
professor taught two sections of a sophomore-
level psychology course, and the third taught
two sections of an introductory sociology
course. All instructors held doctorates in the
fields in which they were teaching, and all
taught courses in the department for at least 3
All six classes were offered during the
morning hours, and for uniformity within the
study, all control classes met first. However,
treatment and control classes for each in-
structor did not necessarily meet on the same
weekdays, although for each course, they all
met for the same amount of time (50 min or
1 h 15 min).
Enrollment in the treatment and control
classes for each course was not controlled
and varied somewhat between groups. The
introductory psychology course included 57
students in the treatment group and 37 students
in the control group, whereas the sophomore-
level psychology course included 45 students
in the treatment group and 44 students in the
control group. The introductory sociology
course included 97 students in the treatment
group and 104 students in the control group.
Therefore, because the classes and instructors
were not randomly chosen or assigned, results
of the study may not be generalized to the
overall population.
Plants. An assortment of plants was used
in each classroom with the logistics of the
room taken into consideration. Larger plants
used included Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
(Areca Palm), Ficus elastica (Rubber Tree),
and Dracaena marginata (Dragon Plant). For
hanging plants, Chlorophytum comosum
(Spider Plant), Hedera helix (English Ivy),
and Peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber
Tree Peperomia) were used. An assortment
of foliage of various colors, sizes, and tex-
tures such as Spathiphyllum wallisii ‘Mauna
Loa’ (Peace Lily), small Kalanchoe bloss-
feldiana (Kalanchoe), and Epipremnum aur-
eum (Pothos) were used interchangeably.
Classrooms and plant placement. All
classes met within two buildings on campus.
In all classrooms, focus was given to the front
of the classroom for plant placement (Figs. 1
and 2), although an attempt was made to
place other plants in appropriate spots around
the classroom because visibility of the plants
could have been limited for some students
given their seating location. Student seating
was not assigned, and students had the option
in all classes of sitting in any available seat
throughout the semester. The introductory
psychology course met in a classroom on
the second floor of the Psychology Building
and seated 80 students. The room received
morning sunlight through a wall of windows
that faced south and had a view of large trees
that grew directly outside. Spacious areas
within the room allowed for ample opportunity
Fig. 1. Photographs of each of the treatment classrooms included in the study of the impact of interior plants in university classrooms on student course
performance and on perceptions of the course and instructor. The room in Aseated 80 students, whereas the room in Bseated 60 students. The auditorium in C
seated 121 students.
to place a variety of greenery throughout the
classroom (Fig. 1A).
The sophomore-level psychology course
classroom was a third floor classroom in the
Psychology Building (Fig. 1B). The room had
windows facing north that viewed the tops of
trees. The classroom was cramped with fur-
niture and media equipment crowded aisles.
A drape dangled from a window during a
portion of the semester and often the drapes
hid much of the window view of the trees
outside. One to three plants were hung in the
front or on the side of the room from the
ceiling tiles. Larger plants were also placed on
the floor and table surfaces in the front of the
classroom. The main entranceway into the
classroom was at the back of the classroom, so
a floor plant was often strategically placed to
be seen as students entered the room (Fig.
1B). The room held seating for 60 students.
The introductory sociology course class-
room was a modern but stark, windowless
auditorium with limited floor space. The
room seated over 100 students. Three to four
larger-sized plants were placed on the floor in
the front of the classroom on the right and on
the left side of the room where they would not
interfere with instruction but could be viewed
by students (Fig. 1C).
Plants were placed and removed quickly
and anonymously between classes. Students
in the treatment and control groups were not
informed of the study and its objectives.
When plants showed stress, they were re-
placed with healthier specimens.
Course and instructor evaluation instru-
mentation. A consent form was distributed
and collected that allowed for students to
volunteer anonymous information for the
research, and the research was approved by
the university Internal Review Board. Stu-
dents were offered a packet of seeds or a
candy bar as an incentive to participate in the
study. Professors provided all students with a
code number to use when responding instead
of their name so that all information provided
remained anonymous.
Surveys were distributed in each treat-
ment and control classroom during the last
2 weeks of the semester by the researchers.
Demographic data, including class rank
(freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), gen-
der, and ethnicity, were gathered. Questions
from the official university course evaluation
survey were used to collect information on
student perceptions of the course and the
instructor. Twenty-two questions covered the
categories of ‘‘learning,’‘enthusiasm,’’ ‘‘orga-
nization,’’ ‘‘individual rapport,’’‘‘examinations,’
‘‘assignments,’’ and ‘‘student and course charac-
teristics.’’ Students were instructed to rate each of
the 22 statements by choosing responses rated on
a Likert-type scale (Likert, 1967). The five re-
sponses were 5 = ‘‘strongly agree,’’ 4 = ‘‘agree,’
3 = ‘‘neutral,’’ 2 = ‘‘disagree,’’ and 1 = ‘‘strongly
disagree.’’ The reliability of the overall instru-
ment used for this study was determined using the
Cronbach’s alpha reliability test and was found to
be 0.84 for this study indicating suitable reliability
(Gall et al., 2006).
Course performance data. Course grade
was determined by the instructors of each
course and was reported to researchers by each
instructor. Course grade measured course
achievement on the traditional 4-point scale
The university involved in the study does not
use the plus and minus system of grading.
Scoring and data analysis. The section of
the instrument that measured student percep-
tions of the course and instructor were scored
by allocating 5 points for the most positive
answers and 1 point for most negative
answers given by each student on the Likert
scale (Likert, 1967). Responses were reverse-
coded when the most positive answer was
initially allocated the least amount of points.
Fig. 2. Photographs of each of the control classrooms included in the study of the impact of interior plants in university classrooms on student course performance
and on perceptions of the course and instructor. The room in Aseated 80 students, whereas the room in Bseated 60 students. The auditorium in Cseated 121
Therefore, with 22 questions in total, each
student earned a score that ranged from 22 to
110. Individual scores were tabulated by the
primary researcher for the study and entered
into a Microsoft Exceläspreadsheet (Seattle,
The data collected were analyzed using
the Statistical Package for the Social Scien-
ces (SPSS) for Windows Release 11.5ä
(Chicago, IL). Statistical procedures included
descriptive statistics, frequencies, and analy-
sis of variance tests to determine differences
between overall grades and scores, categories
of responses, individual statements, and indi-
vidual course comparisons. The a priori alpha
level was set at 0.10, which is considered
suitable for research in the social and behav-
ioral sciences (Bennett, 1995; Borg and Gall,
1989; Kaplan, 1987).
Results and Discussion
The control group included 48.1% (185)
of respondents, whereas the treatment group
included 51.9% (200) of the sample. Demo-
graphic background of the control and treat-
ment groups was compared and found to be
statistically similar for gender (P= 0.373),
ethnicity (P= 0.606), and overall university
grade point average (GPA; P= 0.730).
Statistically significant differences were
found in the area of class rank (freshman,
sophomore, junior, senior) (P= 0.097) with
the treatment group having more freshman
when compared with the control group
(34.5% versus 28.6%) and the control group
having more seniors when compared with the
treatment group (14.1% versus 8%). Num-
bers of sophomores were similar for the
treatment and control groups (36% versus
36.2%) as were percent juniors included in
each group (20% versus 19.5%). Past re-
search has found that seniors tend to rate
courses more positively when compared with
other class ranks (Frey et al., 1975); there-
fore, researchers were not concerned with the
control group having more seniors and fewer
freshman because it would not benefit the
treatment group in terms of biasing the
variables of interest.
The overall sample included 137 males
and 246 females (and two respondents who
did not report gender). Most students were
undergraduate freshmen or sophomores (67.8%)
and white (69.1%). Although this sample was
similar to the overall population of students at
the university, the sample was self-selected
by the volunteering instructors of the courses
and the students who agreed to participate in
the study and therefore may differ from the
overall target comparison population
(Frankel, 1983).
Course performance. The first objective
of the study was to compare final course
grades of students in classrooms that had
plant material present during instruction with
final course grades of students in classrooms
with no plant material present. Course per-
formance was analyzed by comparing grades
issued by the course instructors on a 4-point
scale. An analysis of variance compared the
treatment and control groups’ grades and no
statistically significant differences were
found (P= 0.192; Table 1). Therefore, when
looking at the overall sample of students,
plants did not appear to distract students nor
benefit them during instruction. Research has
found that plants may help to improve con-
centration (Taylor et al., 2001; Vitiello, 2001)
and task performance (Shibata and Suzuki,
2004), which would, in turn, improve grades.
However, these overall findings did not
appear to support these studies in compar-
isons of the overall sample.
Course and instructor evaluation scores.
An analysis of variance compared the treat-
ment and the control groups’ overall scores
concerning perceptions of the course and the
instructor and found statistically significant
differences (P= 0.065; Table 1). The treat-
ment group scores were 1.52 points higher
than the control group scores (82.13 versus
80.61). The range of scores was much nar-
rower for the treatment group with the min-
imum and maximum scores being 59 and 100
compared with the control group’s minimum
and maximum scores of 29 and 100. Research
findings in areas of office work have shown
that plants can improve perceptions of the
work environment (Dravigne et al., 2008;
Fjeld et al., 1998; Lohr et al., 1996). This
research supports other studies with under-
graduate students that found that mood was
improved in rooms that contained a plant
(Shibata and Suzuki, 2004).
Statements on the course and instructor
evaluation inventory were analyzed individ-
ually to see where differences were occurring
in how respondents answered. Of the 22
statements, 10 individual statements were
found to be statistically significantly different
between treatment and control groups (Table
2). All of the statistically significant state-
ments were rated more positively by students
in the treatment group. It was interesting to
note that all of the categories that related
directly to in-class learning had some, and
sometimes all of the statements showing sta-
tistically significantly differences, including
the categories of ‘‘learning,’’ ‘‘enthusiasm,’
‘organization,’’ and ‘‘student and course char-
acteristics.’’ Categories that had statements
that were less connected with daily in-class
situations, including ‘‘individual rapport,’
‘examinations,’’ and ‘‘assignments,’’ had no
statements that were statistically significantly
different in comparisons between the control
and treatment groups (Table 2).
All four statements in the category of
‘‘learning’’ showed statistically significant
differences (Table 2). Statistical significance
was found in mean score comparisons of the
treatment and control group responses to the
statement, ‘‘I found the course challenging
and stimulating’’ (P= 0.096; Table 2). Mean
scores for the treatment group were higher
than those for the control group (4.04 versus
3.93). Mean scores were also statistically
significantly higher for the treatment group
on the statement, ‘‘I have learned something I
consider valuable’’ (P= 0.094; 4.29 versus
4.18; Table 2). There were differences in
treatment group versus control group
responses to the statement, ‘‘My interest in
the subject has increased as a consequence of
this course’’ (P= 0.014; Table 2). More
students in the treatment group (8.5%)
responded as agreeing or strongly agreeing
to the statement when compared with the
respondents in the control group. Nearly 11%
(10.8%) of the control group disagreed or
strongly disagreed with the statement com-
pared with 2.5% negative responses from the
treatment group. Additionally, statistically
significant differences were found concern-
ing the ‘‘learning’’ statement, ‘‘I have learned
and understood the subject materials in this
course’’ (P= 0.038). The treatment group
more often agreed or strongly agreed (6.5%)
when compared with control group responses
(Table 2). In the control group, 3.9% of
students indicated ‘‘disagree’’ or ‘‘strongly
disagree’’ compared with 2.0% in the treat-
ment group who indicated only ‘‘disagree.’
Both statements in the ‘‘enthusiasm’
category were found to be statistically sig-
nificantly different in comparisons between
treatment and control group responses. Treat-
ment group mean scores showed more
positive responses on the statement, ‘‘Instruc-
tor’s style of presentations held my interest
during most of the class time’’ when com-
pared with control group mean scores (P=
0.059; 4.13 versus 3.96; Table 2). On the
‘‘enthusiasm’’ statement, ‘‘Instructor seemed
interested in teaching the course,’’ the treat-
ment group had 4% more responses as
‘agree’’ or ‘‘strongly agree’’ in comparison
with the control group’s responses on the same
Table 1. Analysis of variance comparisons of overall treatment and control groups’ instructor-issued end-
of-semester grade
and overall course and instructor evaluation scores
in the study of the impact of
interior plants in university classrooms on student course performance and on perceptions of the course
and instructor.
Participant group Sample size (no.) Mean
SD df F P
Course grade
Treatment 190 2.65 1.017 1 1.706 0.192
Control 176 2.51 0.985
Overall course and instructor evaluation scores
Treatment 200 82.13 8.063 1 3.428 0.065*
Control 185 80.61 10.120
Grades were issued on a traditional 4-point scale by instructor with A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0, and
F = 1.0.
Scores ranged from 22 to 110. Twenty-two statements were rated on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being the most
positive response and 1 being the most negative response.
Statistically significant at the 0.10 level.
Table 2. Analysis of variance comparing treatment and control groups’ individual statement response means
on the course and instructor evaluation instrument in
the study of the impact of interior plants in university classrooms on student course performance and on perceptions of the course and instructor.
Participant group Sample size (no.) Mean
SD df F P
I found the course challenging and stimulating.
Treatment 200 4.04 0.562 1 2.778 0.096*
Control 185 3.93 0.676
I have learned something I consider valuable.
Treatment 200 4.29 0.554 1 1.197 0.094*
Control 185 4.18 0.741
My interest in the subject has increased as a consequence of this course.
Treatment 200 4.10 0.780 1 6.154 0.014**
Control 185 3.87 0.992
I have learned and understood the subject materials in this course.
Treatment 200 4.18 0.610 1 4.318 0.038**
Control 184 4.04 0.723
Instructor’s style of presentations held my interest during most of the class time.
Treatment 200 4.13 0.858 1 3.583 0.059*
Control 185 3.96 0.881
Instructor seemed interested in teaching the course.
Treatment 200 4.64 0.531 1 5.929 0.015**
Control 185 4.49 0.700
Instructor’s explanations were clear.
Treatment 200 4.35 0.640 1 6.647 0.010**
Control 185 4.15 0.900
The assignments were carefully explained.
Treatment 199 4.29 0.684 1 2.556 0.111
Control 185 4.17 0.773
Instructor spoke clearly.
Treatment 200 4.51 0.558 1 7.024 0.008**
Control 185 4.34 0.728
Instructor spoke at a comfortable speed.
Treatment 200 4.39 0.685 1 1.027 0.312
Control 185 4.31 0.699
Individual rapport
Instructor made me feel welcome in seeking help/advice in or outside of class.
Treatment 200 4.21 0.810 1 0.430 0.512
Control 185 4.15 0.793
Instructor was adequately accessible to me during office hours or after class.
Treatment 200 3.94 0.818 1 0.899 0.344
Control 185 3.86 0.848
Instructor was helpful when I contacted her outside of class.
Treatment 192 3.76 0.855 1 0.393 0.531
Control 185 3.81 0.867
Feedback on examinations was useful to me.
Treatment 197 3.78 0.838 1 0.000 0.992
Control 184 3.78 0.866
Feedback on graded materials was useful to me.
Treatment 198 3.74 0.806 1 0.343 0.558
Control 183 3.79 0.858
Methods on evaluating student work were fair.
Treatment 198 4.21 0.639 1 0.058 0.809
Control 184 4.19 0.726
Examinations tested course content as emphasized by the instructor.
Treatment 198 4.30 0.681 1 0.797 0.373
Control 185 4.23 0.755
Examinations reflected course content covered.
Treatment 199 4.29 0.707 1 0.004 0.947
Control 185 4.29 0.765
Required readings were useful to me.
Treatment 200 3.69 0.882 1 1.030 0.311
Control 185 3.59 0.963
Required texts were useful to me.
Treatment 200 3.68 0.950 1 0.743 0.389
Control 184 3.59 1.041
Student and course characteristics
Level of interest in the subject before this course.
Treatment 200 2.98 0.961 1 2.834 0.093*
Control 184 2.81 1.020
Level of interest at this time.
Treatment 200 3.68 0.890 1 5.483 0.020**
Control 185 3.45 1.047
Statements were rated on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being the most positive response and 1 being the most negative response.
Statistically significant at the 0.10 level.
Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
statement (P= 0.015; Table 2). Only one
person (0.5%) of the 200 responses indicated a
negative ‘‘disagree’’ in the treatment group,
whereas three persons (1.6%) of the 185
control group responses indicated they dis-
agreed, two of those being ‘‘strongly dis-
agree’’ (P= 0.015; Table 2).
Two of four statements in the ‘‘organiza-
tion’’ category were found to be statistically
significant in comparisons of the treatment
and control group responses. The statement,
‘Instructor’s explanations were clear’’ had
statistically significant differences in com-
parisons of the treatment to the control group
responses (P= 0.010; Table 2). Over 5%
more of the treatment group responded pos-
itively to the statement, ‘‘The assignments
were carefully explained’’ when compared
with control group responses. Quantitative
response to ‘‘Instructor spoke clearly’’ was
4% more positive (P= 0.008) within the
treatment group (Table 2).
When rating statements concerning levels
of interest at the start of the course versus the
levels at the end of the course, statistically
significant differences were found in the
levels of interest students perceived they
had in the subject before the course began
(P= 0.093; Table 2) and at the time of the
course and instructor evaluation (P= 0.020;
Table 2). On both statements, the treatment
group rated the statements more positively
when compared with the control group.
However, the differences between groups
were much more evident on how students
rated their interest levels at the end of the
course with almost 9% more students in the
treatment group rating their interest levels as
‘high’’ or ‘‘very high’’ when compared with
the control group (58.5% in the treatment
group versus 50.3% in the control group).
These overall findings in comparisons of
individual statements are compatible with
research that found plants improve the class-
room aesthetically (Hart, 1999) and that 43%
of young students felt the presence of plants
creates a more comfortable learning environ-
ment (Dinsmore, 2003).
Individual classroom/course comparisons.
Researchers were interested in comparing
individual classrooms/courses. Demographic
comparisons were made before comparisons
and no differences were found in comparisons
of ethnicity (P= 0.338), class rank (P=
0.135), or GPA (P= 0.242). Statistically
significant differences were found in compar-
isons of gender with the sophomore-level
psychology course having more females
(76.1%) in comparison with the introductory
psychology course (61.7% female) or the
introductory sociology course (60.2% female)
(P= 0.028). The limitations these differences
presented in the data set were considered
during interpretation of the analysis.
When comparisons were made between
classrooms/courses of students, no differen-
ces were found in comparisons of treatment
and control groups of students in the intro-
ductory psychology course in the well-main-
tained second floor classroom in comparisons
of student course grades (P= 0.480) or in
comparisons of course and instructor evalu-
ation scores (P= 0.964). The introductory
psychology course met in a sunny classroom
with ample room for interior plants, win-
dows, and a view of trees. Window views of
green leaves on trees outside this classroom
may have influenced students and made the
influence of the plants in the classroom less
pronounced. This would support other re-
search stating that students preferred class-
rooms with views of the outdoors (Douglas
and Gifford, 2001).
Analysis of the treatment and control
group of students in the sophomore-level
psychology course in the third floor cramped
classroom revealed differences in distribu-
tion of course grades (P= 0.005; Table 3)
with treatment group grades averaging higher
when compared with the control group.
Grade distribution for the course revealed
21.9% more grades of ‘‘A’’ in the treatment
group when compared with the control group,
8.3% more grades of ‘‘B’’ in the treatment
group than in the control group, and 16.5%
more responses of ‘‘C’’ in the control group
when compared with the treatment group.
No statistically significant differences (P=
0.705) were found in the overall course and
instructor evaluation scores between the treat-
ment and control groups in the third floor
cramped classroom with windows. However,
in interviews with the professor of the soph-
omore-level psychology classes, she stated
that she felt attendance was better, class
participation was better, and class average
on most tests was higher in the class with
Window views in the sophomore-level
psychology classroom were often blocked
by dark drapes. The green view of the tops
of trees was not as lush and bright from the
third floor as were the views from the second
floor on the other side of the building in the
introductory psychology classroom. There-
fore, it is possible indoor plants may have had
a slightly greater effect on course grades in
the third floor classroom when compared
with the second floor classroom. Addition-
ally, although research indicates that gender
and grades are not necessarily correlated
(MeCornack and McLeod, 2005), it may be
important to note that this course and class-
room had a statistically significantly greater
number of females in comparison with the
other courses and classrooms that could have
impacted results.
There were no statistically significant
differences found in overall course grades
in comparisons of the treatment and control
groups of students enrolled in the introduc-
tory sociology class held in the large audito-
rium (P= 0.750). However, there were
differences in the overall course and instruc-
tor evaluation scores (P= 0.049; Table 3) and
several statistically significant differences in
comparisons of students’ responses to indi-
vidual statements on the course and instructor
evaluation instrument (Table 4). Statistically
significant differences were found on 12 of
the 22 survey questions, including all ques-
tions in the categories of ‘‘learning,’’ ‘‘enthu-
siasm,’’ and ‘‘organization’’ (Table 4). As
shown in previous comparisons of the overall
sample, those categories that were less influ-
enced by in-class interactions (‘‘individual
rapport,’’ ‘‘examinations,’’ and ‘‘assign-
ments’’) had nearly all statements lacking
statistically significant differences in com-
parisons of the treatment and control groups
(Table 4). Students in the treatment group did
rate the statement, ‘‘Required readings were
useful to me’’ more positively when com-
pared with the control group (P= 0.093;
Table 4) as well as their level of interest in the
course at the time of the evaluation as being
higher (P= 0.025; Table 4).
The introductory sociology class had no
windows, was modern and in good repair,
but stark. It seated 121 people in an audito-
rium-style room that was painted white.
Plants appeared to have contributed to the
comfort, attention, and concentration of stu-
dents in the stark, windowless auditorium
more than in the psychology classes, which
had windows and a view of trees with
green leaves. These results supported re-
search on worker productivity that found
that, in offices with plants, productivity and
attentiveness increased, whereas blood pres-
sure and mental fatigue decreased (Lohr
et al., 1996).
Instructor interviews. A brief interview
was conducted with each participating pro-
fessor to assess if plant material affected the
Table 3. Statistically significant analysis of variance comparisons of course grades
and overall course and
instructor evaluation scores
of treatment and control groups for the sophomore-level psychology class
and introductory sociology class in the study of the impact of interior plants in university classrooms on
student course performance and on perceptions of the course and instructor.
Participant group
Sample size
(no.) Mean
SD df F P
Sophomore-level psychology
Course grades
Treatment 44 3.14 0.795 1 8.353 0.005**
Control 39 2.62 0.847
Introductory sociology
Overall course and instructor evaluation scores
Treatment 97 80.78 8.502 1 3.914 0.049**
Control 104 78.25 9.574
Grades were issued on a traditional 4-point scale by instructor with A = 4.0, B = 3.0 ,C = 2.0, D = 1.0, and F = 1.0.
Scores ranged from 22 to 110. Twenty-two statements were rated on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being the most
positive response and 1 being the most negative response.
Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
way they felt while conducting class as well
as their perception of the reaction and behav-
ior of the class toward the presence of plants.
A verbal interview was held with the pro-
fessor of introductory psychology. Written
interviews were received from the professors
of the sophomore-level psychology and intro-
ductory sociology classes.
The professor of the introductory psychol-
ogy course stated in an informal interview
that she very much enjoyed the presence of
plants in the classroom and felt the presence
of plants might, unconsciously, have an
effect on her presentation to the classroom.
This supports other research that indicated
that instructor mood could be improved by
the presence of plants (Shibata and Suzuki,
2004) or that instructors could perceive a
more comfortable learning environment
(Dinsmore, 2003) in the presence of plants.
Past research also indicates that plants can
help increase attentiveness or decrease men-
tal fatigue (Lohr et al., 1996).
Written interviews with the instructors of
the sophomore-level psychology course and
the introductory sociology course stated that
they did not notice plants during instruction,
although both instructors indicated they liked
plants. The introductory sociology professor
stated that class participation was higher in
the treatment classroom, but absences did not
seem to be affected. Other research states that
plants can trigger positive emotions (Isen,
1990), which may help to encourage discus-
sion in a classroom environment.
The sophomore-level psychology profes-
sor stated she felt attendance was better in the
class with plants, although she did not know
if it was the result of the plants or perhaps the
later time of day. The instructor also felt class
participation was better in the class with
plants, although she named a number of
variables unrelated to plants that might have
affected that participation. She noted that
class average on most tests was higher in
the class with plants, again adding that other
variables not related to plants could have
affected scores. However, if this observation
was true, it would support research findings
that plants can positively affect a person’s
emotional state (Ulrich, 1981), which bene-
fits cognitive functioning necessary for mem-
ory recall (Isen, 1990).
Results from the study found that interior
plants appeared to have the greatest impact
on students participating in the classroom
environment that had no other natural ele-
ments. Results also showed that interior
plants can be a suitable alternative in some
cases to architectural elements such as win-
dows. Research has found that passive en-
counters with nature can improve levels of
satisfaction with job and home life and can
affect mood and cognition (Kaplan and
Kaplan, 1989; Sheets and Manzer, 1991;
Shibata and Suzuki, 2004). This study supports
Table 4. Analysis of variance comparisons of treatment and control groups’ individual statement response means
from the course and instructor evaluation
instrument for students in the introductory sociology course in the study of the impact of interior plants in university classrooms on course performance and on
perceptions of the course and instructor.
Participant group Sample size (no.) Mean
SD df F P
I found the course challenging and stimulating.
Treatment 97 4.09 0.631 1 6.128 0.014**
Control 104 3.87 0.669
I have learned something I consider valuable.
Treatment 97 4.25 0.613 1 4.961 0.027**
Control 104 4.04 0.709
My interest in the subject has increased as a consequence of this course.
Treatment 97 4.07 0.820 1 5.759 0.017**
Control 104 3.75 1.059
I have learned and understood the subject materials in this course.
Treatment 97 4.18 0.595 1 4.075 0.045**
Control 103 3.98 0.754
Instructor style of presentations held my interest during most of the class time.
Treatment 97 4.07 0.927 1 4.486 0.035**
Control 104 3.80 0.907
Instructor seemed interested in teaching the course.
Treatment 97 4.62 0.567 1 8.778 0.003**
Control 104 4.35 0.721
Instructor’s explanations were clear.
Treatment 97 4.27 0.685 1 10.366 0.001**
Control 104 3.88 0.969
The assignments were carefully explained.
Treatment 96 4.22 0.714 1 6.272 0.013**
Control 104 3.96 0.736
Instructor spoke clearly.
Treatment 97 4.49 0.580 1 6.561 0.011**
Control 104 4.26 0.710
Instructor spoke at a comfortable speed.
Treatment 97 4.43 0.691 1 3.134 0.078*
Control 104 4.26 0.697
Required readings were useful to me.
Treatment 97 3.56 0.924 1 2.853 0.093*
Control 104 3.33 0.999
Student and course characteristics
Level of interest in the subject at this time.
Treatment 97 3.52 0.937 1 5.103 0.025**
Control 104 3.19 1.080
Statements were rated on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being the most positive response and 1 being the most negative response.
Statistically significant at the 0.10 level.
Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
other research showing that plants have value
beyond aesthetics in interior environments
(Dravigne et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2003; Lohr
and Pearson-Mims, 2000; Lohr et al., 1996;
Taylor et al., 2001), including promoting
positive feelings in university students. More
research should be conducted on the influ-
ence of plants on classroom instructors
because, in interviews, one professor noted
that she may have been unconsciously
affected by the presence of the plants in the
room. Because this factor was not specifically
measured in this research, the impact of the
plants on instructors’ teaching may be a
confounding factor in this research.
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... Previous research on restorative environments predominantly has concentrated on outdoor settings, with limited exploration of their applicability within compact residential units, such as studio apartments. Existing indoor environment studies primarily have centered on specific contexts, including offices (Hähn et al., 2021;Yin et al., 2019;Nieuwenhuis et al., 2014), hospital wards (Gao & Zhang, 2020), classrooms (van den Bogerd et al., 2020;Doxey et al., 2009), and working rooms (Yin et al., 2020;McSweeney et al., 2021;Kim et al., 2018). These investigations often underscore the importance of natural elements like indoor plants and outside views in fostering restorative effects. ...
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The shift in lifestyle due to urbanization and the recent pandemic has increased demand for small residential units suitable for remote work and longer stays. Restorative environments have gained importance within these spaces as they impact productivity, reduce fatigue, and alleviate stress. This study aims to identify effective restorative environments for small residential units, deepening our current understanding about contributions of interior design to personal well-being. Six virtual models combining Rectilinear and Curvilinear forms with Minimal, Natural, and Rustic styles were created. A total of 89 participants with lockdown or remote work experience evaluated these environments using VR devices and a PRS questionnaire. Results showed higher ratings for all virtual restorative environments compared to the non-restorative control design. The Rectilinear form with Minimal style and Curvilinear form with Natural style received the highest ratings. Surprisingly, nature analogues using curves and natural materials did not produce expected outcomes, highlighting the importance of integrating natural elements, considering individual preferences, and ensuring environmental coherence for enhanced restorative attributes. Creating an effective restorative environment extends beyond incorporating nature-based elements. These findings offer insights for designing residential spaces that boost well-being and productivity, especially in the context of remote work and extended stays in compact residential units.
... Coronado et al. [54] have also argued that having visual access to the outdoors through classroom windows can positively impact students' perception of healthy learning spaces. Additionally, the J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f incorporation of nature views and plants in classrooms has been reported to enhance visual creativity [179], and the presence of interior plants has demonstrated a positive impact on overall course evaluation, especially in classrooms lacking windows or other natural elements [180]. van den Bogerd et al. [181] found that students rate classrooms with indoor nature (e.g. ...
Given the emerging concern for student wellbeing in public health discourse, a question arises: What role do campus buildings play in shaping the overall wellbeing of students? Following the PRISMA guideline, this study reviews the current building science literature that explores the relationship between higher education learning environments, specifically classroom spaces, and the wellbeing of students. Our investigation reveals that the existing literature primarily frames student wellbeing in terms of individual comfort and health. While acknowledging the importance of these aspects, we emphasize the desirability of embracing wider social and collective dimensions from an interdisciplinary perspective. We also advocate for a departure from the traditional approach that focuses primarily on mitigating adverse environmental effects to one focused on net positive environmental and human benefits. Encompassing these two perspectives, this paper presents a holistic approach to better understand the wellbeing of both individuals and the communities within educational settings. This comprehensive perspective aims to highlight the diverse and collective dimensions influencing campus wellbeing, contributing to a regenerative pathway toward achieving net-positive design and sustainability in both human and environmental terms.
... Indoor plants are necessary luxuries; they are an inherent feature of contemporary design and play a vital function in modern living. Plants improve the aesthetics of our buildings and contribute to human psychological well-being (Doxey et al., 2009). Plants help our overall health by acting as pollutant absorbers (Kim et al., 2018). ...
Xeriscaping is the type of landscaping or gardening, which reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water or irrigation. It is promoted in regions which do not have accessible, plentiful, or reliable supply of fresh water, and is gaining acceptance in other regions as access to irrigation water is becoming limited. Xeriscaped landscapes can reduce water use upto 60% or more compared to regular landscapes. Green spaces are very important in maintaining the ecological balance, but due to climate change and other problems like decreased water “resources” the green spaces are being reduced in number so, xeriscaping is an alternative approach to increase the number of green spaces mainly in water scarcity areas. The aim of xeriscaping is to create a beautiful landscape in water�scare areas. Some areas use terms like water-conserving landscaping, drought�tolerant landscaping, and smart scaping instead of xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is a type of natural landscaping in which emphasis is given on the plant selection for water conservation. In areas with water scarcity or to reduce water usage, xeriscaping can be recommended which not only adds beautification but also serves as green spaces.
... Passive green walls remove gaseous pollutants using the same biological mechanisms as active green wall systems, however at a slower rate as they lack active air flow provided by mechanical systems (Torpy et al. 2017); this absence of mechanical systems allows for cheaper installation and maintenance. Passive systems also feature simpler space and infrastructure requirements within indoor environments, are more widely available and provide an aesthetic that is appealing in many modern buildings, along with subsidiary services such as their well-described positive effects on mental health and wellbeing (Doxey et al. 2009;Han and Ruan 2020). While previous studies on passive systems have demonstrated proof of concept for the removal of common indoor pollutants (Aydogan and Montoya 2011;Dela Cruz et al. 2014;Kim et al. 2014;Teiri et al. 2018;Wolverton and McDonald 1982), while the phytoremediation of several of the individual hydrocarbons that constitute gasoline vapour has been explored previously, there are few studies that have examined the phytoremediation of azeotropic VOC mixtures such as gasoline vapour, which would commonly be seen within in situ environments (Dela-Cruz et al. 2023). ...
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The capacity for indoor plants including green wall systems to remove specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is well documented in the literature; however under realistic settings, indoor occupants are exposed to a complex mixture of harmful compounds sourced from various emission sources. Gasoline vapour is one of the key sources of these emissions, with several studies demonstrating that indoor occupants in areas surrounding gasoline stations or with residentially attached garages are exposed to far higher concentrations of harmful VOCs. Here we assess the potential of a commercial small passive green wall system, commercially named the ‘LivePicture Go’ from Ambius P/L, Australia, to drawdown VOCs that comprise gasoline vapour, including total VOC (TVOC) removal and specific removal of individual speciated VOCs over time. An 8-h TVOC removal efficiency of 42.45% was achieved, along with the complete removal of eicosane, 1,2,3-trimethyl-benzene, and hexadecane. Further, the green wall also effectively reduced concentrations of a range of harmful benzene derivatives and other VOCs. These results demonstrate the potential of botanical systems to simultaneously remove a wide variety of VOCs, although future research is needed to improve upon and ensure efficiency of these systems over time and within practical applications.
... Peters and D'Penna analyse literature on the benefits of biophilic design specific to urban university campus settings and present recommendations for incorporating it into higher education spaces, such as the use of natural materials in classrooms. Doxey et al. (2009) carried out a controlled experiment to show that biophilic design that introduces plant life (i.e., indoor plants) into university classrooms promoted 'positive feelings ' (2009: 391) in students. Abdelaal and Soebarto reviewed literature to uncover a link between biophilic design and the fostering of innovation learning in higher education (2018). ...
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Where is the air in the design of learning futures? The Covid-19 pandemic and the unfolding climate crisis have rendered air as an explicit life support infrastructure of learning and as an agential force in design. As air becomes more contested and access to air is constricted, we need to design for atmospherically entangled learning futures. Existing discussion of atmospheres in educational literature focuses on their affective dimensions. We advocate for biometeorological dimensions of atmospheres to also be included by introducing air into the discourse around leaning futures. Addressing a networked learning context, we further ask, what constitutes digital air? By applying Peter Sloterdijk’s ontology of foams to educational situations, we develop ‘learning foams’ as a novel thought-image to aerate the existing concept of networked learning and provide a guide for thinking through atmospheric entanglements in education. We argue that being attuned to the air and atmospheres is necessary to design for breathable learning futures. Following Sloterdijk’s spatial and relational ontology, we show how the frame of learning foams surfaces the need for an atmospheric ethics of education that is centred on human and more-than-human relationality. We speculate on some emerging approaches to support this ethics, such as ‘planty’ pedagogies and more-than-human-centred design.
... Under the established conditions, it became clear that the students who attended the lectures highly evaluated the lecturer's attitude toward the lectures and their enthusiasm for the lectures. 74 A study used offices in a variety of industries as a field to verify the effect of placing a small potted plant on each person's desk on their subjective evaluation of work and mood. 75 A comparison of the data before and after placing the pots over a period of 1 month revealed that subjective evaluations such as concentration and motivation for work, and conversation in the workplace significantly increased after placing them. ...
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Many interpersonal cognitions and behaviors, such as impression formation, communication, and cooperation, are controlled and performed while surrounded by the built environment. This study reviewed over 20 years of literature on the influence of visual environmental factors, particularly brightness, color, and depth, on interpersonal cognition and behavior. Twelve articles on brightness were extracted, showing that the effects of brightness varied significantly depending on individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, and interactional situations. Thirteen articles on color revealed that various factors such as age, gender, and interpersonal relationships are involved in the influence process. Eight articles that examined influences from depth (spaciousness and height) indicated that influences from depth are a highly complex process. Finally, the study has shown areas for further research, challenges to be overcome, and prospects. This study reviewed over 20 years of literature on the influence of visual environmental factors and on interpersonal cognition and behavior. Based on the results of the review, areas for further research, challenges to be overcome, and prospects for the future are also presented.
... Moreover, visible greenery, both outdoors and indoors, reduces stress and increases concentration (Duijn et al., 2011;Alker et al., 2014). Many people place plants indoors such as in the living area or their workspaces (Dravigne et al., 2008), where research and empirical studies demonstrated that potted plants could reduce physical discomfort, stress, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and mental health (Fjeld, 2000;Chang and Chen, 2005;Doxey et al., 2009;Han, 2018;Hall and Knuth, 2019;Han and Ruan, 2019). In a study, interior plants can lead to healthy and productive workplaces through decreased stress levels, enhanced attention capacity, and higher job satisfaction (Raanaas et al., 2011;Hartig et al., 2014;Gilchrist et al., 2015). ...
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The governments implemented social distancing and isolation with the spread of COVID-19. However, these ways efficiently prevent coronavirus transmission, but they caused unprecedented changes in most people’s day-to-day lives. One of the concerns is mental health, and many experts are concerned about the tsunami of mental illnesses during and after coronavirus. Being exposed to nature has an efficient role in mental health. Under pandemic conditions, people reduced their outdoor activities, but personal green spaces are still available. This research assessed the impact of these spaces as an alternative to public green spaces and their benefits during COVID-19 on mental health and generalized anxiety disorder. Accordingly, by designing an online self-administered questionnaire, a total of 700 residents of Tehran apartments were evaluated. A structural equation model was created. The results demonstrate that using personal green spaces has a negative correlation and significant impact on general mental health and generalized anxiety disorder. It also plays a more substantial role in reducing depression than its role in reducing anxiety among individuals. Therefore, maximum land use policies should be reviewed. Also, green spaces should be given more attention in post-COVID designs on a macro-scale to a small scale.
While surrounded by a built environment, various interpersonal cognitions and behaviors such as impression formation, communication, and cooperation are regulated and executed. It has become clear through many years of environmental psychology studies that the physical environment not only surrounds but also implicitly influences interpersonal cognition and behavior. This paper reviews the literature on the effects of visual environmental factors specifically brightness, color, and depth on interpersonal cognition and behavior in a little more than 20 years, clarifying the achievements and expansion of the research area, the challenges to be overcome, and the outlooks for the future directions.
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A job satisfaction survey was posted on the Internet and administered to office workers in Texas and the Midwest. The survey included questions regarding job satisfaction, physical work environments, the presence or absence of live interior plants and windows, environmental preferences of the office workers, and demographic information. Approximately 450 completed responses were included in the final sample. Data were analyzed to compare levels of job satisfaction of employees who worked in office spaces with live interior plants or window views of exterior green spaces and employees who worked in office environments without live plants or windows. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) were found regarding perceptions of overall life quality, overall perceptions of job satisfaction, and in the job satisfaction subcategories of "nature of work," "supervision," and "coworkers" among employees who worked in office spaces with live interior plants or window views and those employees who worked in office environments without live plants or windows. Findings indicated that individuals who worked in offices with plants and windows reported that they felt better about their job and the work they performed. This study also provided evidence that those employees who worked in offices that had plants or windows reported higher overall quality-of-life scores. Multivariate analysis of variance comparisons indicated that there were no statistically significant differences among the categories of "age," "ethnicity," "salary," "education levels," and "position" among employees who worked in offices with or without plants or window views. However, there were gender differences in comparisons of males in that male participants in offices with plants rated job satisfaction statements higher when compared with males working in offices with no plants. No differences were found in comparisons of female respondents.
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A well-known research report showed that being in a hospital room with a view of trees rather than a view of a building was linked to the use of fewer pain-reducing medications by patients recovering from surgery. The experiment reported here was designed to further examine the role of plants in pain perception. We found that more subjects were willing to keep a hand submerged in ice water for 5 min if they were in a room with plants present than if they were in a room without plants. This was found to be true even when the room without plants had other colorful objects that might help the subject focus on something other than the discomfort. Results from a room assessment survey confirmed that the room with colorful, nonplant objects was as interesting and colorful as the room with plants present, but the presence of plants was perceived as making the air in the room fresher.
Sixty-four subjects (32 men and 32 women) evaluated environmental quality and thermal comfort in a 2 − 2 design involving 2 temperature conditions, 20.0°C (68°F) and 25.6°C (78°F), within a climate controlled chamber that was either decorated with plants or was devoid of plants. The results showed that on a scale developed for measuring Occupied Space Quality, a higher rating accompanied the condition in which plants were used to enhance the environment than the condition in which no plants were used. The plants, however, did not affect the subjective thermal responses.