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Current trends in
natural preservatives
for fresh sausage
Celia J. Hugo*and Arno Hugo
Department of Microbial, Biochemical and Food
Biotechnology, University of the Free State, PO Box
339, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa (Tel.: D27 (0)
51 4012692; fax: D27 (0)51 4019335; e-mail: hugocj@
Natural preservatives from bacteria, plants and animals
currently in use in fresh sausage manufacture were investi-
gated. Bacteriocins and organic acids from bacterial origins
showed good antimicrobial activities against pathogens.
Plant-derived antimicrobials could increase the shelf-life of
fresh sausages and in some cases also decrease lipid oxidation
and decrease colour loss. Chitosan was the only animal-
derived antimicrobial investigated and also increased shelf
life of fresh sausages. It was evident that the natural antimicro-
bials would perform even better in combination with other
natural antimicrobials, or lowered levels of synthetic antimi-
crobials or other hurdles such as specific packaging material.
Sausages are products manufactured from fresh commi-
nuted meats from different meat species, such as pork,
beef, chicken, fish and buffalo (Raju, Shamasundar, &
Udupa, 2003; Sachindra, Sakhare, Yashoda, & Rao, 2005;
Sallam, Ishioroshi, & Samejima, 2004). The comminuted
meats are then modified by various processing technologies
and stuffed in a casing to yield specific sensory and storage
characteristics (Savic, 1985). Preservatives are commonly
used to enhance their quality, shelf life and safety
(Sultana et al., 2014).
Fresh sausages are highly perishable products since it is
manufactured from fresh ground meat, is favourable for
microbial growth of spoilage and pathogenic organisms,
has a high fat content favourable for lipid oxidation, is
stored in oxygen semi-permeable packaging and is kept at
refrigeration temperatures. These products, therefore,
need to be preserved to maintain the quality of the products.
The antimicrobial and/or antioxidant preservatives
currently employed in these products are chemicals, e.g.
sulphur dioxide (SO
) as antimicrobial and colour preserva-
tive (Romans, William, Carloson, Greaser, & Jones, 2001)
and/or synthetic antioxidants such as butylated hydroxyto-
luene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and propyl
gallate (Kim, Cho, & Han, 2013).
The synthetic preservatives have many advantages but
have come under the scrutiny of consumers. These preser-
vatives include nitrates, benzoates, sulfites, sorbates, form-
aldehyde and others pay possess life-threatening side
effects (Sultana et al., 2014). Gunnison, Jacobsen, and
Schwartz (1987) have stated that the use of sulphite as a
preservative can trigger different allergic reactions in sul-
phite hypersensitive consumers. Symptoms such as asthma,
urticaria, abdominal pains, nausea, diarrhoea, seizures and
anaphylactic shock resulting in death have been recorded.
Antioxidants such as BHT and BHA are associated with
possible carcinogenic effects although their use has been
restricted (Kim et al., 2013). These health dangers have re-
sulted in the need and demand by consumers for using nat-
ural preservatives (Ba~
on, D
ıaz, Rodr
ıguez, Garrido, &
Price, 2007).
The research on natural preservatives included investiga-
tions of the antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics of
compounds derived from microbial, plant and animal sour-
ces (Dillon & Board, 1994). Plant derived preservatives
(grape, rosemary extract, etc.) and animal derived preserva-
tives (e.g., chitosan from fish) have been shown to have
antioxidant and antimicrobial properties (Ba~
on et al.,
2007). Some plant extract products, e.g. rosemary, even
have health benefits such as liver protective and anti-
tumour activities (Balentine, Crandall, O’Bryan, Duong,
& Pohlman, 2006).
The aims of this review were to give a definition and
classification of sausages and fresh sausages and illustrate
the factors influencing the quality of fresh sausages. The
chemical antimicrobials and antioxidants traditionally
used for fresh sausage preservation will be mentioned. Nat-
ural antimicrobials and/or antioxidants from microbial-,
plant- and animal-derived compounds and its use in fresh
* Corresponding author.
0924-2244/Ó2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
sausages will then be discussed in terms of mode of action,
safety and applications.
Classification of sausage products
Because sausage manufacturing has been practiced
before recorded history, it is not certain how and when the
first sausage was produced (Savic, 1985). The word
“sausage”, however, is derived from saussiche (Old Norman
French), sals
ıcia (Late Latin) or from salsus (Latin) which
means “salted” (Harper, 2001e2014). According to Rust
(1987) the preparation of sausages began with a simple pro-
cess of salting and drying meats which aided in the preser-
vation of the sausages. Flavourings and spices were added
to improve the flavour of the product. The product was
then stuffed in a container, namely the gastrointestinal tract
of animals, to make the product more convenient to eat.
Sausages are defined as comminuted seasoned meats,
stuffed into casings, and may be smoked, cured, fermented
and heated. A wide variety of sausages products can be pro-
duced by altering the meat formulation, processing temper-
ature, types of casings and the particle size of the casings
(Savic, 1985). A classification of sausages based on charac-
teristics, is given in Table 1. This review will, however,
focus only on fresh sausages.
Fresh sausages
According to the Food Safety and Inspection Service
(FSIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA-FSIS, 2014), fresh sausages are a coarse or finely
comminuted (reduced to minute particles) meat food product
prepared from one or more kinds of meat, or meat and meat
byproducts (e.g., heart, kidney, liver). They may contain not
more than 3% water of the total ingredients in the product.
Fresh sausages are usually seasoned, frequently cured, and
may contain binders and extenders (e.g., wheat flour, non-
fat dry milk). They must be refrigerated and thoroughly
cooked before eating. Although plenty of varieties of fresh
sausages do exist, the content of the most known varieties
is illustrated in Table 2.
Factors influencing the quality of fresh sausages
The quality of fresh sausages is of major importance
since the shelf-life of the products depends on this aspect.
Spoilage of food involves a complex process and excessive
amounts of food may be lost, which results in high eco-
nomic losses or even pose health hazards (Al-Sheddy, Al-
Dagal, & Bazaraa, 1999; Liu, Yang, & Li, 2006).
Spoilage of fresh sausages may result in changes in the
sensory (colour, odour, flavour, texture) characteristics of
the product which may be unacceptable for consumers.
These changes may be brought about by proteolysis, lipol-
ysis and lipid oxidation in the absence of micro-organisms.
Microbial growth is, however, by far the most important
factor causing spoilage of fresh products (Zhou, Xu, &
Liu, 2010).
Microbial composition
Meat in general is an ideal growth medium for a wide
range of microorganisms (Mathenjwa, Hugo, Bothma, &
Hugo, 2012; Russo, Ercolini, Mauriello, & Villani, 2006;
Zhang, Kong, Xiong, & Sun, 2009). Aerobic colony counts
may range from 1.5 10
e2.1 10
cfu/g for fresh
Table 1. Sausage classification (adapted from Savic, 1985).
Classification Characteristics Examples
Raw sausages
Fresh Made from fresh comminuted, uncured, non-smoked meats.
Must be refrigerated prior to heating by the consumer.
Breakfast sausage (USA), boerewors
(South Africa), bratwurst (Germany),
merguez (North Africa), siskonmakkara
Fermented Made from comminuted, cured or uncured, fermented and
often smoked meats. Not heat-processed.
(quickly fermented)
Stuffed in medium- and large-diameter artificial casings.
“Tangy” flavour produced by fermentation. Length of smoking
and fermentation depends on type but rarely exceeds a few days.
Improved stability of stored refrigerated.
Variety of summer sausages, cervelats,
mettwursts, Lebanon bologna (USA)
(slowly fermented)
Different types of salamis, dro
(South Africa, not fermented)
Heat-processed sausages
Smoked precooked Mostly comminuted, cured, non-fermented. Final cooking
before consumption
Chinese pork sausages, kielbasa
Emulsion-type Made from comminuted well-homogenized cured meats,
fat, water and seasoning. Usually smoked, slightly cooked.
Ready-to-eat product.
Frankfurters, wieners, bologna,
Cooked Made from previously comminuted cooked fresh or
cured raw materials. Final cooking after stuffing. With or without
smoking. Ready-to-eat product.
Liver sausage, Braunschweiger
13C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
Table 2. Content of the major fresh sausage varieties produced world-wide.
Variety Meat Fat Other ingredients Casing Reference
Breakfast sausage
(United States
of America)
Meat and meat by products
of multiple species. May
contain mechanically-separated
product up to 20% of the
meat portion.
Not more than 50%
by weight
Salt, pepper, sage. Binders
and extenders up to 3.5%.
Paprika not permitted.
USDA-FSIS (1999, 2014),http://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Breakfast_sausage, accessed
on 25/11/2014
Fresh pork sausage
Pork, no pork by products Not more than 50%
by weight
Salt, pepper. Flavouring:
either sage and sugar, or
sage, chilli and ginger.
Paprika, binders or
extenders not permitted.
Narrow (26e28 mm)
pig casing
USDA-FSIS (1999, 2014), Savic (1985)
Fresh beef sausage
Beef, no beef by products.
May contain mechanically-
separated beef up to 20%
of the meat portion.
Not more than 30%
by weight
Salt, pepper, red pepper,
chilli, ginger, cardamom,
fenugreek, sugar. Paprika,
binders or extenders
not permitted.
Sheep or goat. Narrow
(16e18 mm),
(18e22 mm), medium
(20e22 mm) and wide
(22e24 mm)
USDA-FSIS (1999, 2014), Savic (1985)
Whole hog sausage
Can use meat parts from
entire hog, including
muscle by-products like
tongue and heart, in
proportions consistent with
the natural animal.
Not more than 50%
by weight
USDA-FSIS (1999, 2014)
Italian sausage (Italy) At least 85% pork meat.
May contain mechanically-
separated pork up to 20% of
the meat portion.
Not more than 35%
of finished product
Salt, pepper, fennel
and/or anise. Optional:
spices (including paprika),
flavourings, red or green
peppers, onions, garlic,
parsley, sugar, dextrose
and corn syrup.
USDA-FSIS (1999, 2014)
(South Africa)
At least 90% meat of the
bovine, ovine, porcine or
caprine species. No by-products
or mechanically separated meat
are permitted
Not more than 30%
by weight
Salt (1e5%), pepper.
Vinegar, herbs, spices
(coriander, nutmeg,
allspice, etc.), harmless
flavourants, cereal products
or starch, permitted food
Natural animal casings Rust, 1987; Romans et al., 2001;
(accessed on 6/11/2014)
(North Africa)
Made from mutton or beef
or a mixture of both
Salt, pepper. Sumac for tartness
and paprika, cayenne pepper
or harissa for red colour
Lamb casing
sausage-recipes/merguez (accessed
on 06/11/2014)
Mainly pork and veal, but also
pork and beef
Salt, pepper, marjoram, caraway,
nutmeg, ginger, white of eggs
32e36 mm hog casings
sausage-recipes/bratwurst (accessed
on 25/11/2014)
14 C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
sausage to 1.4 10
e3.1 10
cfu/g for frozen sausage
(Farber, Malcolm, Weiss, & Johnston, 1988) and yeast
counts varying from 5.0 10
e4.7 10
cfu/g for fresh
sausages (Dalton, Board, & Davenport, 1984; Dillon &
Board, 1994). The genera involved in spoilage of fresh
meats and sausages were discussed by Cocolin et al.
(2004); Coma (2008); Crowley et al. (2005); Dalton et al.
(1984); Dillon and Board (1994); Huffman (2002), and
Olofsson, Ahrn
e, and Molin (2007).
A number of pathogens are associated with ground beef
(Eisel, Linton, & Muriana, 1997; Farber et al., 1988;
Huffman, 2002; Hussain, Mahmood, Akhtar, & Khan,
2007; Little, Richardson, Owen, de Pinna, & Threlfall,
2008; Mrema, Mpuchane, & Gashe, 2006; Nortj
Vorster, Greebe, & Steyn, 1999; Vorster, Greebe, &
e, 1994). According to the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA-FSIS, 1999), sausage makers should
ensure that their products are not contaminated by patho-
gens such as Listeria,Escherichia coli O157, Salmonella,
Trichinae and Staphylococcus enterotoxin.
The intrinsic factors affecting bacterial growth, and
therefore the spoilage potential of fresh sausage products,
include pH, which should not be less than 5.5 (Cocolin
et al., 2004; Romans et al.,2001); nutrient availability; wa-
ter activity which is equal to, or higher than 0.97 (Cocolin
et al., 2004; Romans et al., 2001; Thomas, Anjaneyulu, &
Kondaiah, 2008); and oxidation/reduction potential.
The extrinsic factors include temperature where fresh
sausages are usually stored at or below 4 C before con-
sumption (Cocolin et al., 2004; Rust, 1987); particle sur-
face area where grinding of the meat increases the
spoilage characteristics; gaseous environment and pack-
aging material (Cannon et al., 1995; Romans et al., 2001).
Free radicals
Apart from microbial spoilage, lipid oxidation or oxida-
tive rancidity is the second most known spoilage factor of
fresh meat and fresh meat products. The grinding of meat
disrupts the integrity of muscle membranes and exposes
the lipid membranes to metal ions, which facilitates interac-
tions between prooxidants and unsaturated fatty acids (Kim
et al., 2013). Lipid oxidation therefore depends on light and
oxygen access, the chemical composition of the meat, stor-
age temperature and technological processes (e.g., grinding).
This will have a negative effect on the quality of the meat
leading to changes in sensory (colour, texture and flavour)
and nutritional quality (Shah, Bosco, & Mir, 2014).
Fresh meat cuts and meat products owe their bright red
colour to the presence of oxymyoglobin. During chilled
storage, this red colour is lost due to exposure to high levels
of oxygen. The red oxymyoglobin is then transformed to
the brown-coloured metmyoglobin (Kim et al., 2013).
Conventional chemical preservation of fresh sausages
Lipid oxidation and microbial growth during storage can
be reduced by applying antioxidant and antimicrobial
agents to the meat products, leading to a retardation of
spoilage, extension of shelf-life, and maintenance of quality
and safety (Kim et al., 2013). Many preservatives used for
this goal, are chemicals.
The most commonly used preservative in fresh sausages,
is currently still sulphur dioxide (SO
). It is usually added
in the sulphite salt form as sodium metabisulphite
(Varnam & Sutherland, 1995) and expressed as part per
million (ppm) or mg/kg SO
(Gould & Russell, 2003).
The antimicrobial effect of the sulphite salts is exerted
through the undissociated SO
molecule. The degree of
dissociation is dependant on the pH value and is reduced
under acidic conditions. Even though the pH of meat
(5.2e5.7) has a negative effect on the antimicrobial activity
of the sulphite salts, it is still sufficiently powerful to act as
an antimicrobial (Varnam & Sutherland, 1995). Another
factor that may have an influence on the effectiveness of
is the presence of carbonyl compounds (keto- or
aldehyde-groups) that bind with it. Thus for SO
to be
effective, not only must the substrate be acidic, but fairly
free of oxygen and sulphite binding compounds (Carr,
Davies, & Sparks, 1976).
Bacteria are much more sensitive to SO
than yeasts and
moulds. The bisulphites have lower activity than SO
against yeasts, and sulphites have none. Metabisulphite is
more effective against Gram-negative bacteria, especially
Pseudomonas. However, activity against fermentative
Gram-negative bacteria, e.g. the Enterobacteriaceae (Enter-
obacter, Citrobacter, Klebsiella), is less marked possibly
due to adaptation amongst members of this family to this
preservative. Brochothrix thermosphacta, the dominating
spoilage bacteria in British fresh sausages, is also relatively
resistant to sulphite (Varnam & Sutherland, 1995).
The antimicrobial effect of sulphite on fresh pork
sausage was illustrated by Dyett and Shelley (1966).The
results suggested that sausages containing a sulphite con-
centration greater or equal to 450 mg/kg had a lower aero-
bic count. The study also showed that the presence of
400e500 mg/kg SO
in minced meat had a negative effect
on the growth of Gram-negative bacteria even at tempera-
tures as high as 22 C and inhibited the growth of patho-
genic organisms such as Staph. aureus and Salmonella
Typhimurium. Therefore, most fresh sausages are by law
preserved by these concentrations of SO
Originally, research indicated that humans are reason-
ably tolerant to sulphur dioxide and, unless damaging doses
are given, can recover unaffected. Recently, however, cases
concerning the sensitivity of asthmatics to sulphur dioxide
have been reported (Ba~
on et al., 2007). Some of these
were life threatening or fatal, due to seizures and anaphy-
lactic shock. It may cause headaches, nausea, and diarrhoea
in some humans (Gunnison et al., 1987). Since some SO
liberated as gas during cooking, this could give rise to res-
piratory problems, mostly in asthmatic people, thiamine
15C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
absorption deficiency and disruption of carbohydrate meta-
bolism, particularly in individuals who have an allergic re-
action to SO
. The toxic effect is, however, variable in
humans and persons may tolerate different levels (Ba~
et al., 2007).
To reduce lipid oxidation in meat products, several syn-
thetic antioxidant preservatives, such as butylated hydroxyl
toluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), tert-
butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and propyl gallate (PG), are
typically used to protect foods from lipid oxidation
spoilage. Antioxidant use in food products is controlled
by regulatory laws of a country or international standards.
In general, the use of synthetic antioxidants is restricted
due to possible carcinogenic effects (Kim et al., 2013).
The mode of action for antioxidants can be by: scavenging
radicals; breaking chain reactions; decomposing peroxides;
decreasing localized oxygen concentrations; and binding
chain initiating catalysts (Shah et al., 2014).
Sulphur dioxide (SO
) has been used in sausages not
only as an antimicrobial but also to improve or maintain
the colour of the sausages (Dyett & Shelley, 1966;
Romans et al., 2001).
Natural antimicrobial and antioxidant preservatives
for fresh sausages
Chemical additives and preservatives are usually
avoided due to possible allergic reactions in sensitive con-
sumers of preserved food. The other major reason, however,
is because consumers in general are nowadays more aware
of the safety of any additives to food and are demanding
natural products (Gyawali & Ibrahim, 2014). Researchers
all over the world are therefore investigating a variety of
safer and natural preservatives as alternatives to chemical
and synthetic preservatives. In fresh meat and especially
fresh sausage production, the alternative preservatives can
be broadly divided into microbial-derived compounds,
plant-derived compounds and animal-derived compounds.
Microbial-derived compounds
Many microorganisms, especially the lactic acid bacteria
(LAB), have the ability to produce antimicrobials to
improve their competitiveness. The compounds produced
by these bacteria have historically long been used to pre-
serve food. These compounds are small-molecular-mass
organic molecules, which are divided into proteins (mainly
bacteriocins) and non-proteins which include organic acids
(lactic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, acetic acid, etc.),
hydrogen peroxide, diacetyl and other compounds (Sun,
Li, Song, & Zhu, 2011). The application of microbial-
derived compounds in the manufacture of fresh sausages
is depicted in Table 3.
Bacteriocins are the most known antimicrobial peptides
produced by lactic acid bacteria. In bacterial metabolism
the bacteriocins are synthesized and secreted by the ribo-
some into the environment. Bacteriocins are known to be
more effective against Gram-positive bacteria (e.g. Listeria
monocytogenes) than Gram-negative ones due to the pres-
ence of the protective outer membrane on the cell mem-
brane of Gram-negative bacteria (Sun et al., 2011).
Bacteriocin production is a natural process during
fermentation of foods. It may, however, be added to foods
in the form of concentrated preservative preparations,
shelf-life extenders or additives. According to Sun et al.
(2011), the bacteriocins can help to reduce the addition of
chemical preservatives in the food industry as well as the
intensity of heat treatments. Many bacteriocins are active
against endospore-forming bacteria and may, therefore, be
applied as another hurdle in combination with other
Table 3. Application of microbial-derived natural preservatives in fresh sausage products.
Microbial preservative Produced from Activity against Product tested Reference
Lacticin 3147 Lactococcus lactis
subsp. lactis
Listeria innocua,Clostridium
perfringens, Salmonella Kentucky
Fresh pork sausage Scannell, Ross, Hill, and
Arendt (2000)
Reuterin Lactobacillus reuteri Listeria monocytogenes,
Salmonella spp.
Bratwurst-style fresh
sausage in Turkey
¸an and Cakmakc
¸i (2002)
Organic acids
Citric acid
(sodium citrate)
Salmonella Kentucky Fresh pork sausage Scannell, Hill, Buckley, and
Arendt (1997)
Acetic acid and
sodium lactate mixture
Total plate count (SR)
Lipid oxidation [
Colour loss [
Fresh Italian pork sausage Crist et al. (2014)
Sodium lactate and
sodium acetate mixture
Total aerobic count Merguez sausage Ayachi et al. (2007)
[’, increased; SR, significant reduction.
16 C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
preservation hurdles (G
alvez, Abriouel, Lucas, Jos
e, &
Burgos, 2011). The food composition, interaction of bacte-
riocins with food components, bacteriocin stability, pH and
storage temperature may, however, influence the effective-
ness of bacteriocins (Sun et al., 2011). It is recommended
that the activity of any bacteriocin should be confirmed
through applied studies in food model systems after
in vitro studies have been performed.
Nisin is a heat-stable bacteriocin produced by Lactococ-
cus lactis subsp. lactis and is the only antimicrobial that is
approved for use in more than 50 countries world-wide
(Gyawali & Ibrahim, 2014). Organisms that are inhibited
by nisin include Gram-positive (Staph. aureus, M. luteus)
and spore forming bacteria (Bacillus cereus and Clos-
tridium)(Davies et al., 1999; Rajendran, Nagappan, &
Ramamurthy, 2013). The cytoplasmic membrane of these
bacteria is permeated by nisin, causing leakage of intracel-
lular metabolites and disrupting the membrane potential
(Lucera, Costa, Conte, & Del Nobile, 2012). Since nisin
is ineffective against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi,
its use and application as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial
is restricted (Juneja, Dwivedi, & Yan, 2012). Nisin has
not yet been evaluated in fresh sausages although studies
have been performed on vacuum-packaged fresh beef
which showed L. monocytogenes reduction (Zhang &
Mustapha, 1999). Other studies on cured meat products
have been discussed by Juneja et al. (2012).
Lacticin is another bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus
lactis subsp. lactis. Since the organism producing this bacte-
riocin has GRAS status, the use of this bacteriocin food pro-
duction is also regarded safe (Fallico McAuliffe, Ross,
Fitzgerald, & Hill, 2011). A study by Scannell, Ross, Hill,
and Arendt (2000) on the keeping quality of fresh pork
sausage found that lacticin and nisin performed better
against Gram-positive organisms than sodium metabisul-
phite. The combination of organic acids with either of these
bacteriocins enhanced their antimicrobial activity against
Listeria innocua and Salmonella Kentucky and was even
more effective against Clostridium perfringens. This study
also suggested that lacticin combined with sodium lactate
or sodium citrate can be used as an alternative preservative
of fresh pork sausage since it gave lower total aerobic plate
counts throughout storage than sodium metabisulphite.
Pediocin is produced by Pediococcus acidilactici or P.
pentosaceus and has been shown to be effective against L.
monocytogenes and other Gram-positive pathogens on
meat surfaces (Coma, 2008; Siragusa, Cutter, & Willett,
1999). Pediocin has GRAS status in certain food applica-
tions (Juneja et al., 2012). Research on some meat products
indicated that pediocins (especially pediocin PA-1), could
be more effective than nisin especially when used in com-
bination with nisin, lysoszyme, organic acids, sodium do-
decyl sulphate or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA). Pediocin has not yet been evaluated in fresh sau-
sages. A study has been performed on fresh chicken to con-
trol L. monocytogenes (Juneja et al., 2012).
Reuterin (b-hydroxypropionaldehyde) is produced by
Lactobacillus reuteri and has a broadspectrum antimicro-
bial activity towards food pathogens and spoilage organ-
isms and has GRAS status. The bio-preservative effect of
reuterin originates from its high resistance to heat, proteo-
lytic and lipolytic enzymes, as well as good solubility in
water. It is stable over a wide range of pH values
(Gyawali & Ibrahim, 2014). Reuterin has a higher antimi-
crobial effect on Gram-negative than on Gram-positive
pathogens. The application of reuterin in a fresh sausage
model system is indicated in Table 3. Furthermore, a study
by El-Ziney, van den Tempel, Debevere, and Jakobsen
(1999) on ground pork found that reuterin at 100 AU/g
reduced E. coli O157:H7 by 5 log cfu/g after 1 day storage
at 4 C while L. monocytogenes was reduced by 3 log cfu/g
after 7 days of storage. It is speculated that reuterin causes
oxidative stress response by modifying the thiol groups in
proteins and small molecules (Langa, van den Tempel,
Debevere, & Jakobsen, 2013).
The combination of bacteriocins with other compounds
usually results in better antimicrobial activities. Nisin mol-
ecules alone, for example, usually interact with food com-
ponents in raw meats, limiting its activity. It also has poor
solubility at close to neutral pH. However, a combination
with other hurdles such as organic acids, lysozyme, chela-
tors, vacuum packaging or MAP, improved its effectivity
against B. thermosphacta, E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocy-
togenes (G
alvez et al., 2011).
Other bacteriocins (e.g. sakacins, carnobacteriocins, bifi-
docins, lactococcins or pentocins) have not yet been evalu-
ated in fresh sausages. On raw meats or poultry meats,
however, they showed variable antimicrobial effects against
pathogenic and spoilage bacteria (G
alvez et al., 2011).
Organic acids
The organic acids are natural antimicrobials produced
during lactic acid fermentation and have generally recog-
nized as safe (GRAS) status for meat products. Application
of these acids on meat surfaces, mainly by spraying or dip-
ping, is a well-known and widely-used practice. Many
studies, as indicated by Mani-L
opez, Garc
ıa, and L
Malo (2012), have tested the efficacy of organic acids.
Organic acids, however, may have negative impacts on
colour and flavour and it is recommended that sensory
studies should always be applied when an organic acid is
evaluated for possible use as natural antimicrobials in
meat and meat products. Another limiting factor in using
organic acids in fresh meat products is that some acids
(e.g. citric acid) need low pH for optimum antimicrobial ac-
tivity (Mani-L
opez et al., 2012).
According to Mani-L
opez et al. (2012) acetic acid, ace-
tates, diacetates and dehydroacetic acid have effectivity as
antimicrobials against yeasts and bacteria in dairy products
and meat and meat products. Lactic acid and lactates are
effective against bacteria in meat and meat products and
fermented foods while sodium propionate is effective
17C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
against moulds in meat products. An in vitro study by
nez, Fern
andez, Bernardo, and L
opez (2010)
indicated that acetic acid is the best antimicrobial against
Salmonella Typhimurium with a decreasing order of effec-
tivity of other organic acids as follows:
acetic >lactic >citric >hydrochloric.
The applications of organic acids in fresh sausage model
systems are given in Table 3. According to G
alvez et al.
(2011), organic acids and salts in conjunction with bacterio-
cins result in increased inactivation of bacteria and inhibi-
tion of growth as well as increased solubility and activity
of bacteriocin molecules. Ayachi, Daoudi, and
Benkerroum (2007) reported that the addition of a mixture
of organic acids (sodium lactate 90% and sodium acetate
10%) at different concentrations (from 0 to 20 g/kg) on
Merguez sausages significantly reduced microbial cell
loads during storage at 8 C. A study by Crist et al.
(2014) indicated that vinegar and sodium lactate mixtures
increased shelf life by reducing total plate counts, however,
lipid oxidation and colour loss increased over time. This
study recommended that antioxidants such as BHA/BHT
should be used in combination with sodium lactate or vin-
egar/sodium lactate mixtures to prevent colour degradation
and rancidity.
Plant-derived compounds
Extracts from fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices are
rich sources of essential oils. The FDA (2014) has recently
published a revised list of plants and generally recognizes
the essential oils, oleoresins and extractives of these plants
as safe. The essential oils (EOs) of leaves (e.g., oregano,
rosemary, thyme, sage, basil, marjoram); flowers or buds
(e.g., clove); bulbs (e.g., onion, garlic); seeds (e.g., parsley,
caraway, nutmeg, fennel); rhizomes (e.g., asafoetida); fruits
(e.g., pepper, cardamom) or other parts (e.g. bark) of plants
are responsible for the antimicrobial (Tiwari, Valdramis,
Bourke, & Cullen, 2011) and antioxidant (Shah et al.,
2014) activities by plants. These EOs have also been used
extensively in foods as flavouring agents and/or for their
medicinal properties since the earliest recorded history
(Tiwari et al., 2011).
The addition of EOs to foods may result in either de-
stroying microbial cells or in inhibiting the production of
secondary metabolites such as mycotoxins (Tiwari et al.,
2011). In general, the EOs are more inhibitory against
Gram-positive than Gram-negative bacteria (Busatta
et al., 2008; Oussalah, Callet, Saucier, & Lacroix, 2007),
however, some EOs from oregano, clove, cinnamon, citral
and thyme are effective against both groups. The antimicro-
bial activity of EO’s are mainly ascribed to the phenolic
compounds, terpenes, aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes, ke-
tones, acids and isoflavonoids. The principle constituents
from these compounds responsible for the antimicrobial ef-
fect include carvacrol, thymol, citral, eugenol and their pre-
cursors (Tiwari et al., 2011). The phenolic compounds are
the most abundant and important phytochemicals. They
exhibit antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflam-
matory and cardio-protective properties by acting as
reducing agents, hydrogen donors, oxygen quenchers and
metal chelators (Mariem et al., 2014).
The efficacy of EOs is dependant on factors such as the
chemical structure of their components, the concentration,
interactions with the food matrix, matching the antimicro-
bial spectrum of activity with the target microorganism(s)
and the method of application (Tiwari et al., 2011). The
combination of EOs with other natural antimicrobials or
even other chemical preservatives also shows positive
A large number of antimicrobial and antioxidant studies
on a variety of plant-derived compounds were performed
on fresh meat and fresh meat products, especially ground
meat and patties. These studies are summarized in excellent
reviews (Hygreeva, Pandey, & Radhakrishna, 2014;
Jayasena & Jo, 2013; Shah et al., 2014). The antimicrobials
and antioxidants mentioned in these reviews could also be
evaluated in fresh sausages. Other studies not listed by
these reviews include Capsicum annuum extract in minced
beef meat (Careaga et al., 2003), Ghardaq (Nitraria retusa)
extract in beef patties (Mariem et al., 2014), olive leaf,
blueberry and Zizyphus jujuba extracts in meatballs (G
& Bor, 2012) and makampom (Phyllanthus emblica L.)
extract in raw ground pork (Nanasombat et al., 2012).
The applications of plant-derived compounds in fresh
sausage studies are depicted in Table 4. A study on boere-
wors investigated the preservative effect of citrus seed
extract (Citrox). Although the shelf life increased, lipid
oxidation decreased and red colour loss was slower with
the addition of Citrox, the sensory attributes were nega-
tively affected (Van Schalkwyk, Hugo, Hugo, & Bothma,
2013). Laurus nobilis essential oil was evaluated in a fresh
Tuscan sausage stored at 7 C for 14 days (Da Silveira
et al., 2014). The shelf life increased and low levels of
rancidity were reported. Although the sensory characteris-
tics were affected, it was acceptable by consumers.
Plant-derived compounds may be used in conjunction
with lowered levels of chemical preservatives. In a study
on boerewors, rosemary in combination with chitosan and
lowered levels of SO
, increased the shelf life and red
colour of the product (Mathenjwa et al., 2012). A study
on Green tea and grape seed extract combined with low
levels of SO
in raw beef patties increased shelf life,
decreased lipid oxidation and decreased colour loss
on et al., 2007). The natural preservatives may also
be used in conjunction with different packaging materials.
In a study on reduced pork back-fat sausages using thymol
combined with modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), the
shelf life was extended (Table 4;Mastromatteo, Incoronato,
Conte, & Del Nobile, 2011).
Animal-derived compounds
Natural preservative compounds derived from animals
which have shown effectiveness in fresh meat and meat
18 C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
products will be discussed in this section. Chitosan, lacto-
ferrin and lysozyme are the major animal-derived antimi-
crobials which will be discussed in this section. Since
studies on lactoferrin and lysozyme have not yet been per-
formed on fresh sausages, only the applications of chitosan
in fresh sausages are summarized in Table 5.
Chitosan is a deacetylated form of chitin and the second
most abundant biopolymer in the world after cellulose. It
consists of N-acetylglucosamine residues joined by
b(1e4) glycosidic links (Friedman & Juneja, 2011). It is
derived from the shell of crabs and shrimps and the cell
Table 4. Application of plant-derived natural preservatives in fresh sausages.
Preservative Activity against Product tested Quality attributes Reference
Garlic (fresh [F],
powder [P] or oil [O])
Aerobic plate count
(SR for F and P; NS for O)
Fresh chicken
Lipid oxidation Y, shelf life [Sallam et al. (2004)
Laurus nobilis
(bay leaf) essential oil
Psychrotrophic count (SR)
Total aerobic count (SR)
LAB count (SR)
Coliform count (SR)
Fresh Tuscan
Shelf life [, low oxidation levels,
sensory attributes affected but
still acceptable
Da Silveira et al. (2014)
Rosemary and ascorbic
acid mixture
Fresh pork
Red colour loss Y
Off-odour production Y
ınez, Cilla, Beltr
and Roncal
es (2007)
Rosemary, chitosan
and SO
Total bacteria count (SR)
Yeast and mould count (SR)
Coliform count (NS)
Enterobacteriaceae count (NS)
Boerewors Shelf life [
Red colour [
Mathenjwa et al. (2012)
Origanum marjorana E. coli (w2 LR) Fresh sausage Shelf life [, sensory properties Y
with increased concentration
Busatta et al. (2008)
Citrus seed extract
Total plate count (SR)
Coliform count (NS)
Yeast and mould count (SR)
Boerewors Shelf life [, lipid oxidation Y, red
colour loss Y, sensory properties Y
Van Schalkwyk et al. (2013)
Thymol combined
with MAP
Pseudomonas spp. (SR) Reduced pork
back-fat sausages
Shelf life [Mastromatteo et al. (2011)
LAB, lactic acid bacteria; [ and Y’, increase and decrease; LR, log reduction; SR, significant reduction; NS, no significant reduction.
Table 5. Application of chitosan as an animal-derived natural preservative in fresh sausage products.
Preservative Activity against Product tested Quality attributes Reference
Chitosan Total bacterial and yeast and
mould counts (SR)
Coliform and Enterobacteriaceae
counts (NS)
Boerewors Shelf life [Mathenjwa et al. (2012)
Chitosan, rosemary
and SO
Total bacterial and yeast and mould
counts (SR)
Coliform and Enterobacteriaceae
counts (NS)
Boerewors Shelf life [
Red colour [
Mathenjwa et al. (2012)
Chitosan in 0.9% saline
at pH 6.2
Saccharomyces ludwigii (Inh)
Lactobacillus viridescens and
Listeria innocua (Ina)
Native microflora (1e3 LR)
Skinless pork
Shelf life [Sagoo, Board, and Roller (2002)
Chitosan and rosemary
extract combination
Fresh pork
Shelf life [
Lipid oxidation Y
Georgantelis et al. (2007)
Chitosan (0.5% and 1%
combined with nitrites
(150 ppm)
Lactic acid bacteria (SR)
Brochothrix thermosphacta (SR)
Enterobacteriaceae and
Pseudomonas (SR)
Yeasts and moulds (SR)
Fresh pork
Shelf life [
Lipid oxidation Y
Soultos, Tzikas, Abrahim, Georgantelis,
and Ambrosiadis (2008)
[ and Y’, increase and decrease; LR, log reduction; SR, significant reduction; NS, no significant reduction; Inh, inhibition; Ina, inactivation.
19C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
wall of fungi (Gyawali & Ibrahim, 2014; Roller et al.,
2002). Although it is not generally regarded as a safe
(GRAS) compound, it is speculated that it will receive
GRAS status in the future (Zivanovic, Davis, & Golden,
Although chitosan exhibits antimicrobial activities
against a range of foodborne microorganisms
(Georgantelis, Ambrosiadis, Katikou, Blekas, &
Georgakis, 2007), it is more effective against Gram-
negative than Gram-positive bacteria (Friedman & Juneja,
2011). The antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of chito-
san are due to its ability to cause permeability of the cell
membranes, water-binding capacity and inhibition of
various enzymes (Coma, 2008; Georgantelis et al., 2007;
Helander, Nurmiaho-Lassila, Ahvenainen, Rhoades, & Rol-
ler, 2001; Kanatt, Chander, & Sharma, 2008).
Chitosan’s use as a food preservative has been limited
due to its insolubility at neutral and higher pH (Du, Zhao,
Dai, & Yang, 2009). However, a study by
Chantarasataporn et al. (2014) indicated that water-based
chitosan, in the forms of oligochitosan and nanowhisker
chitosan, significantly inhibited microbial activity and
extended the shelf life in raw minced pork meat (Table
5). Chitosan in combination with lowered levels of SO
and rosemary extract in a boerewors model system indi-
cated an increase in shelf life and red colour (Table 5;
Mathenjwa et al., 2012).
Lactoferrin (Lf) is an iron-binding glycoprotein isolated
from milk which has a wide range of antimicrobial activity
against bacteria (e.g., L. monocytogenes, E. coli, Klebsiella
and Carnobacterium) and viruses (Gyawali & Ibrahim,
2014). It has been approved in the USA for application in
meat products (Juneja et al., 2012; USDA-FSIS, 2010).
The mode of action is speculated to be either limiting mi-
crobial access to nutrients via iron chelation and/or destabi-
lizing the Gram-negative outer membrane (Gyawali &
Ibrahim, 2014).
A study on Turkish meatballs indicated that Lf and a
mixture of Lf and nisin increased the shelf life of the prod-
uct by significantly reducing the counts of the total aerobic
bacteria, coliforms, E. coli, total psychrophilic bacteria,
Pseudomonas spp. and yeasts and moulds (Colak,
Hampikyan, Bingol, & Aksu, 2008). No studies have
been performed on fresh sausages.
Lysozyme is a bacteriolytic enzyme. It is isolated from
mammalian milk and avian eggs and has GRAS status for
direct addition to foods (FDA, 1998). According to Juneja
et al. (2012) the white lysozyme from eggs has bacteriolytic
activity due to the hydrolysis of the b-1,4 linkage between
the N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetyl-glucosamine in the
peptidoglycan of the Gram-positive microbial cell wall.
Lysozyme has better effectivity against Gram-negative
bacteria when used in combination with detergents and che-
lators (e.g. EDTA), nisin and lactoferrin (Branen &
Davidson, 2004). Lysozyme is widely reported for its appli-
cation as a preservative for meat, meat products, fish, fish
products, milk and dairy products, and fruits and vegetables
(Gyawali & Ibrahim, 2014). However, literature is not
available on its use in fresh sausages.
In a study on minced meat using a combination of chito-
san and lysozyme, the shelf life of the product was increased
by inhibiting the growth of B. cereus,E. coli and Pseudo-
monas fluorescens while a significant reduction was noticed
in the Staph. aureus counts. This combination also decreased
lipid oxidation (Rao, Chander, & Sharma, 2008).
The combination of lysozyme with nisin and EDTA was
evaluated in ostrich patties. L. monocytogenes was signifi-
cantly reduced, the total viable count and lactic acid bacte-
ria count decreased by 1 log and 2 log, respectively, while
Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas were not affected.
Shelf life therefore increased, the colour of the product
was not affected while off-odours developed
(Mastromatteo, Lucera, Sinigaglia, & Corbo, 2010). A
lysozyme and nisin mixture also showed inhibition of B.
thermosphacta and a significant reduction of Carnobacte-
rium spp. in cores of lean and fat pork tissue (Nattress,
Yost, & Baker, 2001).
Possible other natural preservatives
Research on a few other natural preservatives has only
been evaluated in vitro, and has not yet been tested in
food preservation and/or applied in food systems. These
preservatives may find applications in fresh sausage preser-
vation in future. An example includes algae and mush-
rooms which have been reported to have antimicrobial,
antiviral, antioxidant, antifouling, anti-inflammatory, cyto-
toxic, antimitotic activities (references cited in Gyawali &
Ibrahim, 2014). Saponins are naturally occurring glycosides
in some plants which showed promising results as a broad-
spectrum antimicrobial (Juneja et al., 2012). Flavonoids are
bioactive pigment compounds in some plant parts and
showed broad-spectrum antimicrobial activities as well as
an antifungal preservative (Juneja et al., 2012).
Microbial-, plant- and animal-derived natural com-
pounds were investigated for their antimicrobial, antioxi-
dant and antibrowning properties in fresh sausages.
Lacticin and reuterin as bacteriocins and citric acid,
sodium lactate and sodium acetate as organic acids pro-
duced by microorganisms, have been evaluated in fresh
sausages and showed antimicrobial activity against Gram-
positive and Gram-negative pathogens.
The plant-derived compounds have been investigated
extensively since a vast range of these compounds show
excellent antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-browning ac-
tivities in meat products and fresh sausages. Chitosan is
the only animal-derived antimicrobial that has yet been
20 C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
evaluated in fresh sausages and showed increased shelf life
of these products.
It was evident that combinations of the natural antimi-
crobials with either other natural antimicrobials, or lowered
levels of synthetic/chemical antimicrobials, or with other
hurdles, such as specific packaging material, will enhance
the performance of all three types of antimicrobials dis-
cussed in this review.
A vast range of research has been performed on meat
and meat products. Many studies are however, in vitro
studies and need to be evaluated in food systems since com-
plex food matrices such as fresh sausages, may have an ef-
fect on the activity of the natural preservative. Also,
sensory studies should always form part of these studies
to ascertain consumer’s perception.
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23C.J. Hugo, A. Hugo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2015) 12e23
... The demand for meat also increased along with the high demand for sausages in the market. The Chairman of the Indonesian Meat Processing Industry Association and National Meat Processor Association stated that the income of the meat processing industry per day had a demand for chicken meat of 75 metric tons and an income range of one trillion Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) per year (Hugo & Hugo, 2015). ...
... White oyster mushrooms were chosen as the primary ingredient due to their meat-like texture and umami flavour profile (Giawa, 2023), while soy protein isolate was selected to enhance the protein content and improve the binding properties of the mixture (Gao et al., 2015). Additional ingredients common to sausage production were incorporated, including tapioca starch (5%) as a binder and texture enhancer (Mazumder et al., 2023), salt (1.5%) for flavour enhancement and preservation, sugar (0.5%) to balance flavours, white pepper (0.3%) and garlic powder (0.2%) for seasoning, and sodium tripolyphosphate (0.3%) to improve water retention and texture (Hugo & Hugo, 2015). ...
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This study investigated the utilization of white oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) and soy protein isolate in developing vegetarian sausages. Two formulations were evaluated: a control (100% mushrooms) and an experimental (80% mushrooms, 20% soy protein isolate). Sensory assessment using a 5-point hedonic scale with 25 trained panellists revealed no significant differences (p > 0.05) in aroma, taste, texture, or colour between formulations. Chemical analysis indicated that the experimental sample showed a significant increase in protein content from 0.42% to 2.24%, though this still falls short of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 3820:2015) minimum requirement of 8% for sausages. Moisture, fat, and ash content were comparable between formulations and within SNI limits. Carbohydrate content was slightly lower in the experimental sausages but presumably exceeded the SNI minimum. Microbiological testing demonstrated that both formulations met safety standards, with total plate count, coliform count, and Salmonella levels well below the limits set by SNI 3820:2015. Cost estimation revealed that the vegetarian sausages had a lower selling price compared to traditional meat sausages, offering an economically viable alternative. This research highlights the potential of mushrooms and plant proteins in developing nutritious, safe, and cost-effective meat alternatives though further formulation improvements are needed to meet protein content standards for sausage products.
... To date, the extraction of natural proteins from nature for antimicrobial use has proven to be useful. For example, lactoferrin has antimicrobial activity against a variety of bacteria, including flesh-eating bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli [18]. Antimicrobial peptides from Litopenaeus vannamei inhibit the growth of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria [19]. ...
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Background: Bacterial infections are a major challenge in food processing and public health, and there is an urgent need to develop novel antimicrobial agents. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential mechanism and key components of Pinctada martensii antimicrobial proteins (Pm-Aps) to provide a theoretical basis for the development of novel antimicrobial agents. Methods: The researchers used Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VP) to stimulate Pinctada martensii, extracted the antimicrobial proteins, and analyzed their antimicrobial activities, potential mechanisms of action, and key components using proteomics. Results: The results showed that the antimicrobial activity of Pm-Aps, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects, was significantly enhanced after VP stimulation. This was associated with the upregulation of LAAO, CHDH, TLR2, ATG16L1, BAK, CLCA4, and CASP8 and the downregulation of MCM3, MCM5, DTYMK, PLK1, FBXO6, LPCAT3, GST, LAMTOR5, CYP17A, CTSA, and RRM1. It is hypothesized that these proteins may inhibit bacterial growth and multiplication by activating immune-related signaling pathways, inhibiting DNA replication and repair, and inducing apoptosis and autophagy. Furthermore, it was found that LAAO may be a key component of the antimicrobial action of Pm-Aps, killing bacteria by catalyzing the oxidation of amino acids to produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Conclusions: These results strongly suggest that Pm-Aps is an effective antimicrobial protein, and it is expected that new LAAO can be obtained from Pm-Aps.
... However, a major setback to their commercialization could be allergic concerns from some consumers and religious bodies. They are also known to have low solubility and higher pH (Hugo & Hugo, 2015). ...
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Deep-fried foods are popular for their aroma, color, texture, and flavor but can form potentially toxic compounds like 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, acrylamide, heterocyclic amines, trans fatty acids, and advanced glycation end products. Frequent consumption of these compounds can increase the risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers by exacerbating oxidative stress, inflammation, and tissue damage. Ensuring the safety of deep-fried foods and minimizing contaminants is crucial. Edible coatings, especially those with antioxidants, show promise in enhancing the quality and safety of fried foods. This review examines the chemistry of toxic compounds in deep-fried meat, discusses mitigation strategies, and evaluates novel technologies like gel-based coatings. These coatings, particularly protein-based ones, can reduce Maillard reaction products by competing with amino acids in meat, thus preserving quality and minimizing harmful compound formation.
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This study investigated the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, as well as the volatile compounds, of Lactobacillus bulgaricus (L. bulgaricus) postbiotics (at concentration of 150 and 300 mg/L) and their combination with chitosan coatings (0.5% and 1%) on sausage quality (with 100 ppm nitrite) during 40 days of cold storage. The results were compared to a control group, as well as to sausages containing commercial formulation (120 ppm) and reduced (100 ppm) levels of nitrite. To further assess the antimicrobial effects, it also inoculated E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus into the sausages in order to examine how the postbiotics and chitosan coatings impacted the growth of these foodborne pathogens during the 40-day cold storage period. The reults indicated that those containing 300 mg/L postbiotic and 1% chitosan generally met the desired condition for pH, moisture, fat, and total volatile base-nitrogen. These samples also showed the strongest inhibition of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria, mold and yeast. Notably, no E. coli or S. aureus were detected in any of the samples, indicating that the postbiotic and chitosan combination effectively inhibited the growth of these pathogens in sausages. The findings suggest that using chitosan coatings and L. bulgaricus postbiotic can enhance the quality of sausages, ultimately lowering the risk of contamination by harmful bacteria and improving overall food safety.
This study was performed to investigate the use of plant-based lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to reduce microbiological hazards in kimchi. Cell-free supernatants (CFS) from four LAB strains isolated from kimchi were tested for antimicrobial activity against five foodborne pathogens and two soft-rot pathogens. Each CFS showed antimicrobial activity against both foodborne and soft-rot pathogens. Washing salted kimchi cabbages inoculated with B. cereus with 5% CFS inhibited B. cereus to a greater extent than NaClO. The CFS from WiKim 83 and WiKim 87 exhibits inhibition rates of 25.09% and 24.21%, respectively, compared to the 19.19% rate of NaClO. Additionally, the CFS from WiKim 116 and WiKim 117 showed inhibition rates of 18.74% and 20.03%, respectively. Direct treatment of kimchi cabbage with soft-rot pathogens and CFS for five days inhibited the pathogens with similar efficacy to that of NaClO. To elucidate the antimicrobial activity mechanisms, pH neutralization, heat treatment, and organic acid analyses were performed. pH neutralization reduced the antimicrobial activity, whereas heat treatment did not, indicating that lactic, acetic, citric, and phenyllactic acids contribute to the thermal stability and antimicrobial properties of CFS. This study suggests that the four kimchi-derived LAB, which maintain a low pH through organic acid production, could be viable food preservatives capable of reducing biological hazards in kimchi.