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124 (2015) © 2015 ScientificWebJournals (SWJ) Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 1(3): 116-124 (2015) E-ISSN 2149-0236 doi: 10.3153/JAEFR15012 Received: 31.01.2014 Accepted: 23.03.2015 Published online: 02.04.2015 Corresponding author: Karen AGHABABYAN, American University of Armenia, 40 Baghramian Ave, 0019 Yerevan, Armenia E-mail: Abstract: The narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) is an indigenous species in Armenia. In 1980s it was occasionally introduced in Lake Sevan where its population started to grow. There is a large scale fishery of the crayfish in the Lake, as its demand remains high. Industrial stock of crayfishes at the Lake monitored annually, shows statistically significant decline in the 2004-2011 period. This decline can be described by logarithmic model y = -577.5ln(x) + 2158, F = 50.27, P<0.001. The catch rate of crayfish net-boxes also shows logarithmic decline F = 9.27, P<0.05 in the 2004-2011 period. Since the net boxes are designed to catch the larger size crayfishes only, the decline indicates a decrease of average size among crayfish population. The female fertility does not show statistically significant correlation with the industrial stock of crayfish. It does, however, show negative correlation with the catch rate of the net boxes: rPearson = -0.686, P<0.05; ρSpearman = -0.647, P<0.05. The correlation can be explained as the big animals are actively removed through harvesting, while smaller animals are not captured; meanwhile the remaining smaller animals produce fewer eggs. Decline of crayfish stock cannot be explained by diseases and invasive species, but can be explained by overharvesting. Continuation of harvesting aimed at supplying the existing demand might result to population decline of more than 70% during next 17 years.
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(Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) AND ITS TRENDS
1American University of Armenia, 40 Baghramian Ave, 0019 Yerevan, Armenia
2Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydrobiology of NAS RA. 7 P.Sevak Str, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia
116 Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 1(3): 116-124
(2015) © 2015 ScientificWebJournals (SWJ)
Journal of
Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research
1(3): 116-124 (2015) E-ISSN 2149-0236 doi: 10.3153/JAEFR15012
Received: 31.01.2014
Accepted: 23.03.2015
Published online: 02.04.2015
Corresponding author:
Karen AGHABABYAN, American University of Armenia,
40 Baghramian Ave, 0019 Yerevan, Armenia
Abstract: The narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus
leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) is an indigenous
species in Armenia. In 1980s it was occasionally
introduced in Lake Sevan where its population started
to grow. There is a large scale fishery of the crayfish in
the Lake, as its demand remains high. Industrial stock
of crayfishes at the Lake monitored annually, shows
statistically significant decline in the 2004-2011 period.
This decline can be described by logarithmic model y =
-577.5ln(x) + 2158, F = 50.27, P<0.001. The catch rate
of crayfish net-boxes also shows logarithmic decline F
= 9.27, P<0.05 in the 2004-2011 period. Since the net
boxes are designed to catch the larger size crayfishes
only, the decline indicates a decrease of average size
among crayfish population. The female fertility does not
show statistically significant correlation with the
industrial stock of crayfish. It does, however, show
negative correlation with the catch rate of the net boxes:
rPearson = -0.686, P<0.05; ρSpearman = -0.647, P<0.05. The
correlation can be explained as the big animals are
actively removed through harvesting, while smaller
animals are not captured; meanwhile the remaining
smaller animals produce fewer eggs. Decline of crayfish
stock cannot be explained by diseases and invasive
species, but can be explained by overharvesting.
Continuation of harvesting aimed at supplying the
existing demand might result to population decline of
more than 70% during next 17 years.
Keywords: Narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus
leptodactylus, Abundance, Lake Sevan,
Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research Aghababyan et al., 1(3): 116-
124 (2015)
Journal abbreviation: J Aquacult Eng Fish Res
The narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus
leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) is an indigenous
species in Armenia that initially inhabited
freshwater habitats of Ararat Plain. Unlike
neighboring Turkey that hosts two freshwater
crayfishes (Güner
and Harlıoğlu 2009, Harlıoğlu and Güner 2007),
Armenia hosts only one species. In 1980s it was
occasionally introduced into Lake Sevan, and
fairly soon its population and distribution
throughout the Lake started to grow. The
narrowclawed crayfish is actively consumed in the
internal market of Armenia (e.g. over 300 tons
have been sold through various channels in internal
market in 2011) and starting in the late 1990’s they
began to be exported from Armenia. The export
volumes increased during the twelve year period,
2000-2011 from 20 tons per year to 1120 tons per
year (Statistical yearbook of Armenia 2008, 2012).
During this period the main exported crayfishes
stock came from Lake Sevan while a much smaller
portion was supplied by the aquatic habitats of
Ararat Plain and other water reservoirs in the
country. Meanwhile the data collected by N.
Badalyan (2012), in the period of 2004-2011
suggest decrease of the industrial stock of narrow-
clawed crayfishes in Lake Sevan. In comparison to
2004, when the industrial stock was estimated at
1800 tons, they have decreased by 52% in 2011 to
about 860 tons. At current, there is reason to
assume that in the mid-term the situation with
Sevan trout might be repeated, which means that
the population of narrowclawed crayfish may
decline to a level making self-reproduction nearly
At the same time, dozens of studies conducted on
various crayfish species show that they are
critically essential component in lake ecosystems.
Being mainly polytrophic organisms, crayfishes
are key consumers and transformers of energy
between various components of ecosystems, as
they utilize representatives of all trophic levels
(Dorn and Wojdak 2004, Momot et al. 1978,
Momot 1995, Nyström et al., 1996). Crayfishes
can be an essential element in lakes with low
productivity of phytoplankton, since in these lakes
the detritus and the submerged vegetation
(consumed by crayfishes) are the main source of
energy. When functioning as a main predator of
benthos animals, crayfishes are supporting
stability of a wide range of plant-animal
communities (Momot et al. 1978, Momot 1995).
Crayfishes are also important regulators of
biogens, especially phosphorus transferring it from
macrophytes to phytoplankton (Kholodkevich et
al. 2005), and thus having influence on the level of
eutrophication. This is true also for the
narrowclawed crayfish, which had rapidly
occupied the ecological niche vacated by the Sevan
khramulya (Varicorhinus capoeta sevangi Filippi,
1865) another detritivore, abundance of which
has declined due to overfishing (Gabrielyan 1987).
The population of narrow-clawed crayfishes at
Lake Sevan was studied by number of authors. The
studies have been dedicated on study of spatial
distribution, age and sex structure of the
population, reproduction, and ecological
peculiarities of the species (Badalyan 2011, 2012a,
2012b, Gabrielyan and Ghukasyan 2007,
Ghukasyan et al. 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011,
Hovhannisyan 1998, Hovhannisyan and
Ghukasyan 1996, Reports of SCZH of NAS RA,
2010, 2011).
Taking above mentioned into account there is a
necessity to identify the population trends of the
narrow-clawed crayfish in the Lake. This will
allow for modeling of the unfavorable scenario of
population decline, which will enable taking of
timely measures to mitigate critical changes of the
population. Thus the current article is focused on
analyzing the collected data, which is aimed at
determination of existing trends and their relations
to various influencing factors and modeling future
trends in Lake Sevan’s population of narrow-
clawed crayfish.
Materials and Methods
Lake Sevan is a largest freshwater Lake Sevan of
Armenia that has a surface area of about 1,250 km²,
is situated on 1,896 meters above sea level, which
makes it one of the largest freshwater high-
mountain lakes of Eurasia; also it is the single
biggest source of water in Armenia (see country
map in Figure 1).
Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research Aghababyan et al., 1(3):
116-124 (2015)
Journal abbreviation: J Aquacult Eng Fish Res
Figure 1. Position of Lake Sevan in Armenia As a
material for the current article we have used
statistical data published in official annual Reports
of Scientific Center for Zoology and
Hydrobiology (SCZH). The data for these reports
have been collected in frames of annual
monitoring implemented by SCZH at 33 sites
covering the entire shore of the Lake with average
distance between the sites 5.73±2.06 km. The
crayfishes have been sampled using capturing
method (Budnikov Tretyakov1952). The method
is based on sampling of crayfishes by standard
traps with cell size 21x21 mm. The method
provides data on relative abundance of crayfishes.
In total there are more than 17,000 crayfishes
sampled and the initial data on industrial stock of
crayfishes (Kireev 1933), catch rate of the
netboxes and crayfish female fertility was
collected and reported (Reports of Institute of
Hydroecology and Ichthyology of SCZH 2010,
2011). The data of industrial stock is measured as
estimate of tons of crayfishes per annum; the data
on catch rate of the net-boxes is measured as
average number of captured individuals per net-
box; the data on female fertility is measured as
average number of eggs per female. In addition
interviews of five fishery companies operating at
Lake Sevan have been conducted. The main aim
of the interviews was to identify cases of crayfish
mortality due to major diseases listed for the
species (Harlıoğlu 2004, Longshaw 2011); for
implementation of interviews no formal
questionnaires have been developed.
The processing of the collected data was
implemented in two stages: (1) the normality of
distribution of collected data has been tested and
(2) subsequently the appropriate methods of
correlation or regression analysis have been
selected. Taking small sample sizes into account
we have been using Shapiro-Wilk test for testing
the normality. When the response data was
normally distributed we have been selecting linear
regression, otherwise the non-linear models have
Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research Aghababyan et al., 1(3): 116-
124 (2015)
Journal abbreviation: J Aquacult Eng Fish Res
applied. To characterize the non-linear models we
have been using F-statistics and its probability to
determine the significance of the model (Pagano &
Gauvreau 1993, Wayne 2009). During data
processing we have been using Microsoft Excel
2007 and SPSS 11.0 for Windows. Results and
Analysis of the annual data on estimated industrial
stock shows that the variable of industrial stock did
not show normal distribution and the logarithmic
regression method was selected as the one that has
higher probability of F-statistics. Application of
logarithmic regression model for the estimated
industrial stock shows that crayfish population
shows statistically significant tendency of
consistent decrease, F = 50.27, P<0.001 (see
Figure 2). The model is described by equation y =
-577.5ln(x) + 2158, where y is industrial stock, and
x is the year.
The next step in our analysis was to understand
some trends in catch rate of the net-boxes. The
distribution of the variable is out of normal as well
and the logarithmic method has also been selected.
The analysis allows determining of a declining
tendency of catch rate of the net-boxes, F = 9.27,
P<0.05 (see Figure 3).
The latest might be indicating population decline
or decrease of average size of crayfishes; because
the size of the net-box cell made especially to let
the smaller crayfishes to escape the net-box.
Decrease of crayfishes’ size can mean changes in
age structure of population and decrease of number
of old big crayfishes.
It is worth to mention that the catch rate of the net-
boxes has a correlation with industrial stock at
significance level of P < 0.01: rPearson =0.809,
P<0.01; ρSpearman = 0.814, P<0.01, which is an
additional confirmation of the observed
Another pattern is observed during analysis of the
average fertility of females (see Figure 4), which
was growing during 2004-2007 but then starts
declining. Such dynamics can have a possible
explanation that the fertility has late response to
overharvesting; thus while the observed increase
might be a segment of a long-term tendency of
previous years, the decrease that follows might be
an indication of influence of overharvesting. To
understand the true characteristics of the tendency
a longer term investigations are required.
When comparing the catch rate of the net-boxes
versus female fertility the negative correlation
trend is determined at significance level of P <
0.05: rPearson = -0.686, P<0.05; ρSpearman = -0.647,
P<0.05. The fact of the relatively low significance
level of the correlation is probably a result of
relatively small sample size (n = 8). Such tendency
can be explained by overharvesting. Due to
consistent harvesting of large amount of crayfishes
with size of 12 cm and more, the average size of
crayfishes is decreasing. It has the following
consequences: (1) smaller animals are not captured
because they are able to escape the netboxes, but
the big animals are removed; (2) the proportion of
smaller animals in population is increasing and
those smaller females produce fewer eggs.
Continuation of the surveys will allow obtaining
better statistical results.
The cases when decline of narrow-clawed
crayfish’s population occur are well known in
Turkey, Hungary, Russia, and Serbia (Aydin et al.
2012, Dartay and Atessahin 2013, Fedotov et al.
1998, Harlioğlu and Harlioğlu 2004, 2009, Puky et
al. 2005, Souty-Grosset et al. 2006). The
investigations suggest several reasons of rapid and
dramatic decline of narrow-clawed crayfishes. In
Turkey the main driving force of the population
decline is still unclear and while some authors refer
to combination of overharvesting, crayfish plague,
and pollution with main stress to over-
harvesting (Harlioğlu and Harlioğlu 2004, 2009),
the others consider the crayfish plague as the main
factor among others, that causes strong decline
(Kokko et al. 2012, Svoboda et al. 2012). In
Hungary the species has been eliminated in Lake
Balaton and later in the lower stretch of the
inflowing River Zala due to introduction of the
European eel (Anguilla anguilla), and in the
Hungarian part of River Danube due to spread of
introduced crayfish species Orconectes limosus
(Puky et al. 2005). In Russia water pollution was
mentioned as the main cause for declines of local
population of the lower part of River Don (Fedotov
et al. 1998, Souty-Grosset et al. 2006). In Serbia
the species declined in some regions due to
introduction of Orconectes limosus (Holdich et al.
2009). It is also confirmed by other investigations
that the invasive species such as Pacifastacus
leniusculus and the Orconectes limosus can be
major threats to this species (Lózan 2000).
According to our data the epidemics of crayfish
plague, as well as other diseases, well known in
Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research Aghababyan et al., 1(3):
116-124 (2015)
Journal abbreviation: J Aquacult Eng Fish Res
other parts of narrow-clawed crayfish’s
distribution range have not been recorded. In
accordance to the information of State
Environmental Effect Monitoring Center the
pollution level of the Lake by chemicals was not
significantly changed. It let us to conclude that the
overharvesting might be one of the main reasons of
declining of narrowclawed crayfishes in Armenia.
The fact of increase of crayfish harvesting is
conditioned by the good demand for the product in
the world (e.g. only in Europe the crayfish demand
can reach 10,000 tons per annum), which is proven
by the increasing export of crayfishes from
Armenia (see Figure 5) to the countries of
European Union, North America, Post Soviet
countries, etc.
(Statistical yearbook of Armenia 2012).
Figure 2. Dynamics of
industrial stock of
crayfishes in Lake
Sevan during the
period 2004-2011
Figure 3. Dynamics of
catch-rate of net-boxes
in Lake Sevan during
the period 2004-2011
Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research Aghababyan et al., 1(3):
116-124 (2015)
Journal abbreviation: J Aquacult Eng Fish Res
Figure 4. Dynamics of fertility of narrow-clawed crayfish’s females in Lake Sevan during the period
Figure 5. Dynamics of export volume of narrow-clawed crayfishes from Armenia during the period
Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research Aghababyan et al., 1(3):
116-124 (2015)
Journal abbreviation: J Aquacult Eng Fish Res
The existing approach in capturing of the
crayfishes might cause significant decline of its
population in a mid-term perspective. Assuming
that nothing becomes changed in the crayfish
capturing policy during next decades, the equation
of the first logarithmic model (see figure 2) can be
applied for the forecasting the industrial stock. The
application of the equation shows that there is a
relatively high probability that in 2021 the
industrial volume of crayfishes in the Lake Sevan
will become below 500 tons, and that means
decrease of the crayfish’s population at the Lake
on more than 70% during 17 years. If the
conditions causing the observed decline of crayfish
population remain the same, the following major
consequences have to be expected from the
forecasted population decline. First group of
consequences is related economic aspects of
crayfish harvesting. At current the narrow-clawed
crayfishes are the only seafood product that is
exported to countries of European Union and
North America (Statistical yearbook of Armenia
2008, 2012), which have high food safety and
quality standards. At current there are more than
twenty enterprises harvesting crayfishes, the
export makes more than 15 millions USD per
annum (Statistical yearbook of Armenia 2012).
Significant decline of resource will cause collapse
of some enterprises and decrease of export volume.
The second group of consequences which is not
that obvious is related to the feeding behavior of
crayfishes. In Lake Sevan the narrow-clawed
crayfishes are mainly detritivores, and they
consume the benthic deposits thus preventing
increase of organic pollution which might intensify
the eutrophication of the Lake. The Lake Sevan is
surrounded by four towns and 36 villages; it is one
of the major resorts of Armenia that hosts tourists
in the hotels based at the shore of the Lake. In
addition it is surrounded by fields of potato,
cabbage, and grains, which are consistently
fertilized. The sewage and the fertilizers are the big
sources of nitrogen and phosphorus. Consistent
supply of the Lake with fairly constant amount of
phosphates and nitrates in terms of decrease of
detritivore might have negative effect on the Lakes
conditions and the water quality. Further
investigations aimed at comparing the
concentration of nutrients with other biotic
parameters and modeling of the nutrient transfer
processes will allow understanding the character
and the scale of ecological consequences as well as
preliminary determination of the time frame for the
Observed decline of the population of
narrowclawed crayfish at Lake Sevan has
statistical significance. Most probable cause of the
decline is the overharvesting. In the scenario when
no changes in harvesting policy are made, most
probable consequences of overharvesting are
decline of its population by more than 70% in the
next 17 years, and decline of industrial stock to a
volume below 500 tons. It will have negative
economic and ecological consequences. Economic
consequences are related to decrease of export
volume of crayfishes from Armenia. Ecological
consequences are related to imbalance in the
transfer of nutrients. Further investigations on
modeling of the ecological processes can provide
better understanding of the ecological
consequences and their mitigation.
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Bulletin Francais de la Pêche et de la
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Reports of Institute of Hydroecology and
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Scientific Center of Zoology and
Hydrobiology and Sevan National Park,
Yerevan. 10 pp.
Wayne, D.W. (2009): Biostatistics: A Foundation
for Analysis in the Health Sciences, 9th
Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 956 pp.
... In comparison with depressive conditions of most of the fish species (except some Cyprinids) the population of narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) is more abundant. Nevertheless at Lake Sevan, which is the largest source of crayfishes, their industrial stock is decreasing (Ghukasyan et al. 2008(Ghukasyan et al. , 2010 and most probably will rich a critical level in relatively close perspective (Aghababyan et al. 2015). Fisheries and Fish Farming, vol. ...
... However the investigations implemented by Scientific Center for Zoology and Hydrobiology of Armenian NAS show, that Fisheries and Fish Farming, vol. 6, 7, 2014 [original article is in Russian] 11 population consistently declines (Badalyan 2012a, b, Ghukasyan et al. 2008) and despite on the annual setting of quota by Armenian Ministry of Nature Protection, the population will reach a critical point for self-reproducing in mid-term perspective (Aghababyan et al. 2015). The latest can affect the water quality of one of the major freshwater reservoir of the region and significantly decline export volumes of fishery production. ...
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The last comprehensive review of the aquaculture sector in Armenia was implemented in 2011 and involved data up to 2008. Now, after four years of intensive development of the sector it is time to review the sector again with the main stress on analysis of its development opportunities and restrictions. Our review shows that the sector continues growing rapidly although that growth is mostly determined by external factors of market. There are number of restrictions, which impede the development of aquaculture. Those impediments are related to the access to finances, lack of advanced technologies of production and processing, lack of supporting services, developed research infrastructure and professional education, non rational use of freshwater resources. For increase of sustainability in the sector there is a need of complex approach on adoption of advanced production technologies and modern systems of management at the enterprises, as well as development of education and research infrastructure, ongoing under active governmental interest and support.
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This study was carried out on the export and economic status of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Esch. 1823) in Turkey. Due to the fact that there is a very low domestic consumption of freshwater crayfish in the country, Turkey had been the largest provider of A. leptodactylus to Western Europe from 1970 until 1986. The peak production of the country was attained in the early 1980s, with over 5.000 tons being exported in 1984. After the occurrence of crayfish plague in Turkish waters, crayfish stocks reduced dramatically and harvest declined from approximately 5.000 (in 1984) to 200 (in 1991) tons annually. The harvest of crayfish in Turkey between 2005 and 2009 was 809, 797, 816, 783 and 734 tons, respectively and the commercial values of crayfish, based on these years were 3.033.371, 3.209.396, 3.381.094, 3.366.426 and 2.713.494 USA dollars. The harvest of crayfish in total was 13.648 tons from 2000 to 2009 in Turkey, and the total commercial value was approximately 40.343.870 USA dollars. Majority of crayfish harvest has been exported to European countries and especially Sweden.
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This study was carried out between July 2009 and March 2010, which is the first scientific survey on catching freshwater crayfish in the Keban Dam Lake Pertek region (38°49'271" N - 39°17'057" E), Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was 0.2 number/fyke net/number of trial. The most efficiently catching was in November (20 crayfish) and the least efficiently catching was in March (4 crayfish). The catching depth was between 3 and 16 meters. The sex ratio was 0.42/1 (female/male). The mean total length for males and females were 112.93 mm and 100.38 mm, respectively. The mean weight for males was 50.32 ± 4.34 g, for females was 35.82 ± 5.76. The legal length for freshwater crayfish is 100 mm. In this study was determined 76.6 % of samples total length higher than 100 mm, 23.4 % of samples total length lower than 100 mm. Caught crayfish had a linear relationship between carapace length and total weight in both gender (r2male=0.946, r2female= 0.704). According to the regression analysis, male crayfish had a positive allometric growth, females had a negative allometric growth (bmale=3.018, bfemale=2.338). It was determined that abdomen of females was statistically wider than male’s abdomen (p<0.05). On the other hand, chelae width and chelae length for males were statistically higher than females (p<0.05). It can be said that population of crayfish in the region is not sufficient for commercially catching; however, it will be able to supply an important economic benefit by getting increase in the future.
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Crayfish stocks collapsed in Turkey in mid 1980’s due to crayfish plague epidemics, with up to 25% survival in some cases. The collapsed stocks have then recovered slowly and commercial crayfish fishery was reinitiated gradually within a decade. We examined the prevalence of Aphanomyces astaci DNA in the narrow clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) collected from two Turkish lakes, Lake İznik and Hirfanlı Dam (N = 40 from both sites). The qPCR results, verified by conventional PCR and sequencing, indicated that nearly all sampled crayfish were A. astaci carries with some of them showing gross symptoms of infection, such as tissue erosion and melanisation, while some did not show any visible symptoms. The prevalence of A. astaci DNA was high in both stocks, being on the average 95% in both Lake İznik and Hirfanlı Dam. Our results show that these stocks are carries of A. astaci, but capable of forming productive stocks which indicates past and contemporary partial resistance adaptation in the host or virulence evolution in the A. astaci.
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This review focuses on the present distribution of two crayfish species: narrow-clawed crayfish Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz and stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) in Thrace region of Turkey. The only known native (indigenous) freshwater crayfish species of Turkey is A. leptodactylus. It is found at more sites than A. torrentium. On the other hand, A. torrentium is only found in Thrace region of Turkey. The first population of A. torrentium was observed in Velika River in 1995. In 2006, the second population of A. torrentium was found in Madara Brook in the region, but the abundance of A. torrentium in Madara Brook was very low in comparison to Velika River. Moreover, further studies carried out in some water resources near the population of A. torrentium, such as De[vgrave]irmen Brook, Poyralı Brook, and Hasköy Brook confirmed that no other populations of this species are present in the region at present. Therefore, it can be concluded that A. torrentium is only present in the northwest of Marmara river basin (Istaranca Mountain Part) and A. leptodactylus is widely distributed throughout the places located to the south of Marmara river basin, and Istaranca Mountain might be a border line that separates A. leptodactylus and A. torrentium populations. Moreover, except the presence of these two species, no other crayfish species are found in the Thrace region of Turkey at present.
An understanding of the population dynamics of crayfish and their trophic position is critical to understanding energy transformation in lakes. In many lakes crayfish dominate the annual production of the benthic biomass, at times reaching mean biomass values of 1000 - 1400 kg/ha and numerical densities of 15/m2. Density determines the rate of growth of various populations and determines reproductive capacity, age at maturity and life span. For Orconectes virilis, within the lakes we studied, population stability was mostly due to the short lag between a change in population density and an adjustment in fecundity. As a result, these populations appear to be self-regulated through density-dependent control of brood stock size. In Orconectes virilis, annual production was a function of mean annual biomass. Examination of available data on the ratio between other species showed them to fall within the same range as O. virilis. It seems that the evolutionary strategy governing crayfish biomass replacement and energy turnover has remained essentially unchanged. As regards their role in the community, crayfish do not fit the trophic level concept. Attempts to quantify their food habits show them to be polytrophic and a key energy transformer between various trophic links through utilization of all the trophic levels in lakes. Because of the multiple trophic roles of the crayfish, a comparison with the bioenergetics of various freshwater crustacea is difficult. Crayfish may be most important in lakes with low phytoplankton production. In such lakes detritus and benthic algae, both of which are ingested by the crayfish, are important sources of overall energy flow. Since crayfish also function as major predators on the benthos, they most likely contribute to the stability of lake communities by interacting with a whole subweb of species ranging from large benthic invertebrates and submerged higher aquatics to the periphytic microcommunity. Hence, crayfish act as an important mechanism contributing to the regulation of most production processes and most specifically to the regulation of benthic production available to fish. In low nutrient lakes, because of their biomass dominance and functional role, crayfish greatly surpass the usual role assigned to them from their occurrence in fish diets. Manipulation of the benthic food chain would seem to be the most appropriate strategy to increase the fish production of such lakes. However, a greater appreciation of the complexity of the trophic organization of such food webs is necessary before such modifications can be attempted.
Many ecologists and aquaculturists view crayfish as either detritivores or herbivores. The nutritional importance of detritus and plant material, seemingly confirmed by examination of stomach contents is exaggerated. Examination of stomach contents emphasizes indigestible residues, for example, plant fragments and detritus, while neglecting the ingestion of easily digestible soft‐bodied metazoans. The few comparative studies that have measured the assimilation and metabolic use of ingested items reveal animal protein to be the chief substance promoting rapid growth. Crayfish are not indiscriminate omnivores; in fact, they demonstrate a predilection for animal protein. Crayfish rank among the chief carnivores found in lakes and streams. To completely understand their role, crayfish should be viewed from two perspectives: that of an individual attempting to complete its life cycle, and the collective functioning of a population in the ecosystem, which can produce a serious ecological impact. While searching for and ingesting animal protein, they can ingest large amounts of herbaceous and detrital materials. As sources of animal protein are exhausted, crayfish become facultative herbivores. After reaching high densities, their extended foraging activity can modify habitat, for example, destruction of macrophyte beds, algal mats, etc. In an extreme situation, they can seriously reduce or even eliminate other animals and plants from the ecosystem. Hence, crayfish often act as keystone predators and serve as major conduits of energy and materials in complex food webs.
The population size of the native European crayfish species has greatly decreased in the last century due to the crayfish plague and replacement by imported species, the destruction of their habitats, overfishing and eutrophication. In the present paper, the activity behaviours of two European (Astacus astacus and A. leptodactylus) and two American crayfish species (Orconectes limosus and Pacifastacus leniusculus) of the family Astacidae are studied and compared. The four crayfish species are not exclusively active during the night. The day-activity of the American crayfish species P. leniusculus and O. limosus with 33% and 22% of their total activity was much higher than those of A. astacus (12%) and A. leptodactylus (16%). All species show a relative high activity at a water temperature of 4°C. From measurements at 25°C and 30°C can be concluded that P. leniusculus and A. leptodactylus are better adapted to high temperatures than A. astacus and O. limosus. At 20°C the covered distance by the four species was calculated from the activity time and running speed. A. leptodactylus covers a distance of about 1600 m per day. In constrast, the distance covered by P. leniusculus is only 200 m. Thirteen biological parameters, including the findings in the activity behaviour, are summarized and discussed as an attempt to describe the causes and mechanisms of species replacement.
The effect of vitamin E on the pleopodal egg and stage-1 juvenile number of freshwater crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus was investigated. Crayfish were fed daily 2% of their total wet weight with vitamin E supplemented diets and a control for 272 days. The vitamin E contents of the control diet, diet 1, diet 2, and diet 3 were 66, 100, 150 and 200 mg/kg, respectively, on a dry weight basis. Vitamin E levels of the control and experimental diets were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography. Results showed that diet 1 containing 100 mg/kg supplemental vitamin E was associated with a significant increase (p