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The correlation between the volatile organic compound emissions and the vegetation succession of the ecosystems in different climatic zones of China

  • Sudden Oak Life

Abstract and Figures

Isoprene and stored volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions along the succession of ecosystem in tropical, subtropical and temperate areas were characterized using a portable hydrocarbon detector and GCMS-AED analysis. Isoprene emissions were observed to exhibit an ecological pattern whereby emissions were highest in early to middle successional (development) woodland and forest communities, and relatively low in late successional forest and peatland communities. This pattern may result from the ability of isoprene to enhance the availability of nitrogen that is deposited in the strongly nitrogen limited ecosystems. These findings from China along with the similar findings from North America, Puerto Rico, central Amazon, and central Africa point to characteristic growth from structure and VOC chemistry that ecosystems may share globally. This successional pattern would be useful in building a simple ecosystem-based, instead of painstaking species-based, model of VOC emission.
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(1. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 ,云南勐腊 666303 ;
2. The National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder , CO80307 ,USA)
摘要 : 从群落水平和生态系统演替的角度对中国热带亚热带和温带生态系统植物挥发性有机化合物(VOC)通量
的研究表明 ,异戊二烯通量呈现出在生态系统演替的早期到中期阶段随着演替的进行而升高 ,在先锋性灌木和乔
木阶段达到高峰 ,然后又随着演替的发展而逐渐下降的演替格局 ,而其他 VOC 通量则有随着演替的进行而上升的
趋势生态系统不同演替阶段异戊二烯通量的变化可能与植物获取养分氮有关 ;根据植物 VOC释放通量的生态演
替格局 ,可以建立全球陆地生态系统的 VOC 模型 ,对大气化学过程中的 VOC时空动态进行很好的模拟
关键词 : 西双版纳 ;哀牢山;长白山 ;生态系统演替;挥发性有机化合物通量;异戊二烯
中图分类号 : Q948. 1    文献标识码 : A    文章编号 : 057727496(2001)1021065207
The Correlation Between the Volatile Organic Compound Emissions and the
Vegetation Succession of the Ecosystems in Different Climatic Zones of China
LI Qing-Jun1,23, Lee F. KLINGER2
(1. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences , Mengla , Yunnan 666303 , China ;
2. The N ational Center for Atmospheric Research , Boulder , CO80307 , USA)
Abstract :  Isoprene and stored volatile organic compound (VOC)emissions along the succession of ecosystem
in tropical , subtropical and temperate areas were characterized using a portable hydrocarbon detector and GC-
MS-AED analysis. Isoprene emissions were observed to exhibit an ecological pattern whereby emissions were
highest in early to middle successional (developmental)woodland and forest communities , and relatively low in
late successional forest and peatland communities. This pattern may result from the ability of isoprene to en2
hance the availabilityof nitrogen that is deposited in the strongly nitrogen limited ecosystems. These findings
from China along with the similar findings from North America , Puerto Rico , central Amazon , and central
Africa point to characteristic growthform structure and VOC chemistry that ecosystems may share globally. This
successional pattern would be useful in building a simple ecosystem-based , instead of painstaking species-
based , model of VOC emission.
Key words :  Xishuangbanna ; Ailao mountain ; Changbai mountain ; ecosystem succession ; volatile organic
compound flux ; isoprene
大气中各种化学成分的组成含量及其相互转化 ,
接影响着地球表面的环境状况 ,其中 ,大气中某些化
学物质(例如酸雨臭氧)在地球表面的分布 ,对生物
圈具有直接的影响 ,在一些地区已经成为当地主要
的环境问题[1] 。非甲烷碳氢化合物(NMHC)是由地
球上的各种生物学和地学过程产生的痕量气体 ,
过程具有决定性的作用NMHC 的释放量为 1 273
Tg Cyr - 1 (每年 1 273 ×1012 g C 含量),在人口稠密
的城市和工业化地区 ,人类活动释放的 NMHC 占有
不可低估的地位 ,但就全球而言 ,绝大多数的 NMHC
是从自然界中释放出来的[2] ,其中仅有很少的一部
分来自海洋 ,其余大部分来自陆地生态系统中的植
,别是木本植物,其挥发性有机化合物 (volatile
organic compounds ,VOC)的排放量占到全球 NMHC
量的 90 %以上(1 150 Tg Cyr - 1)[2 ] 植物VOC 主要
是通过植物的叶面挥发到大气中去的 ,其成分和结
构数以百计 ,但其中的两类化合物占到一半以上 ,
Ξ收稿日期: 2001202223  接受日期: 2001204223
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(3970001940075027 和国际合作项目美-022)资助 ,同时得到美国国家大气研究中心的资助 ,该中心由美国国家科
学基金会支持Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (39700019 , 40075027 and US-022)and the Scholarly Studies Program of the
National Center for Atmospheric Research which is sponsored by the National Science Foundationof America.
3通讯作者Aut hor for correspondence . E- mail : < qjlixtbg @bn. yn. cninfo. net > .
植  物  学  报  2001 , 43 (10):1065 - 1071        Ξ
Acta Botanica Sinica
类是含有 5个碳原子的异戊二烯(isoprene , C5H8),
一类是含有 10 个碳原子的单萜类化合物
(monoterpenes , C10 Hx),例如α
-蒎烯 (α
125 Tg Cyr- 1 [2 ,3 ]
许多植物在特定的自然条件下能够释放 VOC ,
的作用 ,例如缓解热胁迫[4] 抵御昆虫啃食[5 ] 从空
素的需求[6]。同时 ,VOC 的释放对于植被上层空
气对流层的大气化学过程具有显著的影响 ,对周围
环境产生明显的反馈VOC 具有极高的化学
活性 ,能够与大气中的 OHH2O等发生复杂的化学
反应 ,植物中 VOC 释放率及其在大气中的含量控制
着大气中的 OH 离子浓度 ,从而决定着大气中甲烷
(CH4)CO 等温室气体的浓度 ,而这些气体又影响
着大气中的辐射平衡 ,进而影响到全球热量和降水
的时空分布格局 ,对区域乃至全球环境和气候产生
强烈影[7 ,8 ] 另一方面,大量研究证[ 9 - 14 ] VOC
的影响 ,而大气对流层中臭氧浓度的上升 ,会导致森
林衰退农作物产量下降等严重的生态后果[ 15 - 18 ] ;
大气中的 VOC 还在全球碳循环过程中扮演着重要
的角[9 ] 。因,对大气中生物挥发性化合物
(BVOC)特别是对各类生态系统中植物释放的 VOC
不同的植物类群释放的 VOC 种类和数量不
例如异戊二烯是一种由植物释放的最丰富的 VOC ,
它的释放依赖于充足的光照和较高的温度[19] ,
,如苔藓植(特别是泥炭藓属 Sphagnum)
植物 (如满江红属 Azolla)裸子植物(
Picea)和被子植物(如壳斗科 Fagaceae)。在被子
植物中 ,栎属(Quercus)悬铃木属 (Platamus)
释放萜烯类化合物[20 ,21] 通过对植物系统进化及
其与释放 VOC 相互关系的研究 ,Guenther [3]建立
了一个全球 VOC 的释放模型 ,对温带生态系统的结
,这一模型是建立在不同植物类群释放 VOC
类和能力的基础上 ,需要对大量植物种类进行野外
和实验室测试和分析 ,不仅工作量大 ,而且由于测试
条件和环境不同 ,所得到的释放量也会有较大的差
一些地区的研究表明 ,VOC 的释放与生态系统
件密切相[6 - 8 ,19 ,22 ] 进一步的研究还表明 ,各类
生态系统中植物 VOC 的释放具有与生态系统演替
相关的格局[8 ,22 ] ,生态系统的早期到中期演替阶段
具有较强的释放异戊二烯的能力 ,释放异戊二烯较
cusPopulusSalix Picea ),演替后期的植
MagnoliaTaxodium )演替是生态系统发展的过
程中 ,生产力生物量、养分循环和能量流动具有
广泛的可预测性[ 23 - 25 ] 如果 VOC 的释放与生态系
统的演替相关联 ,那么沿着生态系统的演替序列就
能找出 VOC 释放的系统性规律 ,利用这一规律建
以生态系统的演替为基础的 VOC 释放模型 ,能够
取代烦琐的以种类为基础的 VOC 释放模型
1 材料和方法
1. 1  研究地点及样地的选择
自然保护区 ,分别代表热带亚热带和温带陆地生态
系统 ,选择代表性的植物群落类型 ,沿演替方向设置
10 m 宽的样带 ,样带长度视地形及群落演替程度从
70 m 100 m 不等 ,30 条样带 ,样带的立地状况
见表 2
1. 2  样品采集和分析
野外工作于 1998 86日至 11 8日先后
有木本植物及优势草本植物 ,测定每株乔木的胸径
形及土壤等环境特征 ,详细方法见文献[8 ,26]
在所有样带中 ,共记录到 443 种植物 ,大都是木
本植物 ,其中西双版纳 8条样带中共记录了 200 ;
哀牢山 9条样带中共记录了 147 ;长白山 13 条样
带中共记录到96 利用580 型手持式光电离子
探测器(photoionization detector , PID ,Thermo En2
vironmental Instruments Inc. 公司生产)测定了 208
1066  植  物  学  报   Acta Botanica Sinica 43
主要成分的 VOC 潜在通量 ,即植物在理想或近于理
想的温度和光照条件下 VOC 的释放能力PID 能够
灵敏地探测到总 VOC 排放量并通过光照和遮光的
对照探测到植物异戊二烯的排放量 ,详细方法见文
[8 ,27]
为了验证 PID 技术的精确度和可靠性 ,我们对
63 种优势植物(其中热带 28 ,亚热带 19 ,温带
16 )进行了封闭采样(enclosure sampling),将采集
气相色谱-质谱技术 (GC-MS)和原子蒸发探测技术
(atomic emission detection , AED)分析包括异戊二烯
(isoprene)在内的 C3C15的一系列 VOC 的含量 ,
细方法见文献[8 ,28]
1. 3  VOC通量的计算
VOC 的通量表示在理想条件下某植物群落单
土地面积在单位时间内向大气中排放 VOC 的质
放能力计算出每种植物的 VOC 通量 ,最后将群落
地中所有主要植物的 VOC 排放量累加并除以样地
面积由于异戊二烯是植物排放的主VOC ,
VOC 40 %60 %[1 ] ,故这里将其单独列出;
OVOC 是指植物在无损伤状态下排放的除异戊二烯
外的其他 VOC ;SVOC 是指储存于植物体内 ,只有在
[8 ,26]
2 实验结果
2. 1  PID 探测结果与气-质连动-子挥发
测技术( GC-MS- AED)分析结果的一致性
利用 PID 在野外进行植物 VOC 释放特性的测
定具有方便快捷的优点 ,但也具有定量性较差的问
为了检验 PID 测定结果与采样后在实验室利
GC-MS-AED 分析结果一致,我们对 63 种优势
23 种释放异戊二烯的植物中, PID 探测出 22
(96 %),18 释放萜烯类化合物的植物都被 PID
检测到(100 %);40 种非异戊二烯释放者和 37
非萜烯类化合物释放者中 ,PID 分别判断出了 37
(93 %)37 (100 %)PID 在用做野外快速
测定植物释放 VOC 释放特性上具有很好的定性能
此外 ,PID 还能对异戊二烯的释放能力作初步
的定量测定 ,如表 1所示 ,在检测出的 22 种异戊二
烯释放者中 ,PID 准确的判断出了其中 21 种的释
(H表示强释放者,分析结果为 > 10μ
g Cg- 1
h- 1 ;M 表示中度释放者 ,分析结果为 1 - 10μ
g C
g- 1h- 1 ;L 为弱释放者 ,分析结果为 < 1μ
g Cg- 1
h- 1)然而 ,PID 在判断萜烯类化合物的释放量时
误差较大 ,18 种释放者中仅定量测出 8,其余 10
种中的 9种都偏高
1 中国不同气候带生态系统不同演替阶段 63 种优势植物 PID 探测结果与 GC-MS-AED 分析结果的比较
Table 1  Comparison of PID method with GC-MS-AED method of determining isoprene and terpene emi ssion potential for 63 species of Chinese
Species      Family      Growth form Emission potential
Isoprene Terpene  Measured emissions (μ
g Cg- 1h- 1)
Isoprene Terpene
Acer barbinerve Aceraceae dbt N M 0. 00 0. 26
A. mono Aceraceae dbt N M 0. 00 0. 42
Alangium kurzii Alangiaceae dbt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae ebt H N 2 . 64 -
Rhus chinensis Anacardiaceae dbt L M 0 . 18 1. 56
Acanthopanax evodiaefolius Arecaceae dbt N N 0. 00 0 . 00
Cocos nucifera Arecaceae ebt H N 63. 12 -
Mahonia conferta Berberidaceae ebs M N 4. 63 0. 00
Betula dahurica Betulaceae dbt N L 0 . 00 0. 12
B. ermanii Betulaceae dbt N L 0. 00 0 . 91
B. fruticosa Betulaceae dbs N L 0. 00 1 . 40
B. platyphylla Betulaceae dbt N L 0. 00 16. 52
Dolichandrone stipulata Bignoniaceae dbt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Cassia alata Caesalpiniaceae ebs N N 0 . 00 -
Terminalia bellirica Combretaceae dbt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Crypteronia paniculata Crypteroniaceae ebt N N 0 . 02 0. 00
Shorea wangtanshuea Dipterocarpaceae dbt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Ledum palustre Ericaceae ebs N H 0 . 00 31 . 46
Rhododendron irroratum Ericaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Vaccinium duclouxii Ericaceae ebt N N 0. 00 0 . 00
V. uliginosum Ericaceae ebs N L 0 . 00 1. 13
Flueggea virosa Eup horbiaceae ebs H N 159. 80 0. 00
10 期 李庆军等:中国不同气候带植被挥发性有机化合物通量与生态系统演替的相关性 1067 
1() Table 1 (continued)
Species      Family      Growth form Emission potential
Isoprene Terpene  Measured emissions (μ
g Cg- 1h- 1)
Isoprene Terpene
Hevea brasiliensis Eup horbiaceae dbt H N 0 . 00 0. 00
Mallotus paniculatus Euphorbiaceae dbt L M 0 . 25 0. 14
Ricinus communis Eup horbiaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 -
Maackia amurensis Fabaceae dbt H N 135. 64 0. 00
Castanopsis orthacantha Fagaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Lithocarpus xylocarpus Fagaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Quercus mongolicus Fagaceae dbt H N 347. 86 0. 00
Cratoxylon cochinchinensis Hypericaceae dbt H N 18. 41 0 . 00
Garcinia cowa Hypericaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
G. xanthochymus Hypericaceae ebt M N 2. 96 0. 00
Illicium micranthum Illiciaceae ebt N N 0. 00 0 . 00
Melia toosenden Meliaceae dbt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Adenanthera pavonina Mimo saceae dbt M N 5. 21 0 . 00
Albizia lucidior Mimosaceae dbt H N 26. 78 0. 00
Broussonetia papyrifera Moraceae ebt M N 6. 16 0 . 00
Ficus fistulosa Moraceae ebt H M 207. 00 0 . 72
F. hispida Moraceae ebt H N 0 . 00 0. 00
F. langkokensis Moraceae ebt H N 29. 66 0 . 00
Myristica yunnanensis Myristicaceae ebt H N 37. 77 0 . 00
Millettia leptobotrya Papilionaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
M. pulchra Papilionaceae dbt H N 20. 80 0. 00
Larix olgensis Pinaceae dnt N M 0 . 00 3. 80
Picea jezoensis Pinaceae ent M H 7 . 24 5. 17
P. koreana Pinaceae ent M H 0 . 00 0. 30
Pinus armandi Pinaceae ent N H 0 . 00 0. 39
P. koraiensis Pinaceae ent N H 0. 00 0 . 26
P. yunnanensis Pinaceae ent N H 0 . 00 0 . 17
Podocarpus imbricatus Podocarpaceae ent N N 0 . 00 0. 00
P. macrophylla Podocarpaceae ent N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Dichotomanthus tristaniaecarpoa Rosaceae ebs N N 0. 00 0 . 00
Spiraea japonica Rosaceae dbs N H 0. 00 5 . 28
Populus koreana Salicaceae dbt H L 63. 12 -
Salix matsudana Salicaceae dbt H L 63 . 12 -
S. viminalis Salicaceae dbs H N 136. 50 0 . 00
Theobroma cacao Sterc uliaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 -
Symplocos dryophila Symplocaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Anneslea fragrans Theaceae ebt N N 0. 00 0 . 00
Schima wallichii Theaceae e bt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Microcos nervosa Tiliaceae ebt H N 32. 61 0 . 00
Celtis tetrandra Ulmaceae ebt N N 0 . 00 0. 00
Trema orientalis Ulmaceae ebt N N 0. 00 0 . 00
ebt , evergreen broadleaf tree ; ebs , evergreen broadleaf shrub; ent , evergreen needle leaf tree ; dbt , deciduous broadleaf tree ; dbs , deciduous broadleaf shrub ;
dnt , deciduous needle leaf tree ; H , high emission potential ; M , middle emission potential ; L , low emission potential ; N , no emission detected.
2. 2  不同植物类群释放 VOC的种类及释放量
从表 1的结果可以看出 ,虽然不同地区不同的
植物种类释VOC 的种类及数量不同,VOC
属的水平上看 ,马鞍树属(Maackia)栎属蹄甲属
(Bauhinia)榕属(Ficus)Populus Salix 等属中的
大部分种类具有释放异戊二烯的能力 ,而且大多数
种类都是强释放者(释放通量 > 10μ
g Cg- 1h- 1);
放者从科的水上看 ,漆树科(Anacardiaceae)3/ 5
(释放种数/定种,下同)榈科 (Arecaceae)2/
2禾本科 (Gramineae)5/ 5含羞草科(Mimosaceae)4/
6桑科(Moraceae)7/ 11 和杨柳科 (Salicaceae)5/ 5
laceae)3/ 3 和松科(Pinaceae)5/ 8 中的种类多释放其
他萜烯类化合物。从以上分析可以看出 ,释放异戊
,在组织和器官受到物理损伤后 ,多数植物能够释
放出一些储藏性 VOC(SVOC),在所测定的 255 种植
物中 ,210 种具有这类储藏性 VOC ,其中 1/ 3 具有
2. 3  不同植被类型的 VOC通量
1068  植  物  学  报   Acta Botanica Sinica 43
2 中国不同气候带植物群落的 VOC 通量
Table 2  Site mean of potential VOCfluxesof plant communities in different climate zone of China
Site   Plant community Successional
stage1)Latitude Longitude Altitude
(gm- 2)Isoprene
(mgm- 2h- 1)OVOC3)
(mgm- 2h- 1)
Early primary forest 21°507N 101°623E 565 427. 20 0. 112 3 0. 009 6
Moss forest 21°743N 101°214E 845 377. 52 0. 134 3 0. 046 5
Depterocaupus forest 21°511N 101°608E 820 359. 40 0. 141 6 0. 011 5
Pometia forest 21°740N 101°201E 805 336. 73 0. 158 0 0. 009 4
Riverside forest 21°555N 101°517E 575 180. 85 0. 163 9 0. 007 6
Secondary Trema forest 21°757N 101°617E 915 199. 61 0 . 312 4 0 . 008 0
Mid-secondary forest 21°511N 101°608E 590 350. 43 0 . 455 1 0 . 032 0
Early-secondary forest 21°521N 101°614E 570 340. 18 0. 584 3 0. 006 9
Ailao Mt.
(Subt . )
Sphagnum bog 24°249N 101°132E 2460 423. 63 0. 061 5 0. 000 3
Mature Lithocarpus forest 24°141N 101°150E 2528 514 . 62 0. 089 2 0. 020 3
Heath forest 24°141N 101°150E 2640 940. 59 0 . 141 0 0 . 006 1
Old Lithocarpus forest 24°214N 101°037E 2408 444. 82 0. 145 0 0. 003 1
Moss- Camellia forest 24°141N 101°150E 2490 404. 34 0 . 158 9 0 . 004 1
Castanopsis forest 24°253N 101°227E 2515 658. 01 0 . 175 0 0. 010 0
Young Lithocarpus forest 24°234N 101°139E 2442 348. 57 0 . 208 6 0 . 017 8
Young Populus forest 24°243N 101°131E 2395 404. 93 0 . 308 3 0. 006 0
Old Populus forest 24°232N 101°138E 2415 430. 18 1 . 126 5 0 . 002 6
(Tem. )
Birch-larch forest 42°337N 128°352E 1863 593. 50 0 . 039 7 0. 071 7
Birch forest 42°316N 128°353E 1980 306. 28 0 . 078 1 0. 019 0
Larch bog forest 42°824N 128°628E 1200 476. 76 0 . 089 6 0 . 032 3
Grassland 42°412N 128°621E 705 127. 15 0 . 172 0 0 . 028 8
Sphagnum bog 42°150N 128°544E 1640 643. 71 0. 262 2 0. 025 9
Birch-spruce forest 42°359N 128°354E 1700 937. 55 0. 361 1 0. 235 5
Pine-spruce forest 43°834N 128°755E 745 2044. 92 0. 566 8 0 . 389 6
Larch-pine forest 42°116N 128°316E 1000 1319. 64 0. 611 4 0. 146 4
Spruce-larch forest 42°422N 128°343E 1620 1556 . 48 0. 612 4 0. 464 0
Pine-fir forest 42°332N 128°039E 1190 709. 49 0. 616 1 0. 054 5
Birch-poplar forest 42°416N 128°558E 700 362. 50 0. 795 2 0. 210 7
Spruce-fir forest 42°137N 128°351E 900 1624. 83 0. 845 5 0. 568 9
Oak-pine forest 42°416N 128°558E 705 992. 94 2. 741 2 0. 028 0
1)the successional stages are same was the Figs. 1 - 3; 2)site mean of total leaf biomass; 3)other.
同植物群落的异戊二烯和其它 VOC(OVOC)的通量 ,
以及储藏性 VOC(SVOC)的含量替序列 1 - 8
果表明 ,尽管不同气候带由于植物种类和环境条件
的不同 ,同一演替序列的不同群落类型的 VOC
植物群落 ,其异戊二烯的通量较低 ,而处于演替早期
)先锋林和次生林阶段的群落 ,其异
戊二烯通量明显较高VOC 通量最高的植物群落
(Milletia leptobtrya)为优势的热带次生林早期,在哀
牢山亚热带生态系统中为次生小叶杨 (Populus bon2
atii)成熟林 ,在长白山温带生态系统中为次生性的
古栎-阔叶红松(Quercus mongolicus- Pinus koraien2
sis),分别为 (0. 584 3 ±0. 256 2),(1. 126 9 ±
0. 463 2)(2. 741 2 ±0. 823 1)mgm- 2h- 1 ;OVOC
的通量在数值上很低 ,但在演替后期的植物群落中
相对较高;SVOC 的含量则没有显著的规律
2. 4  植物群落 VOC通量的生态系统演替格局
演替是生态系统的重要特征之一 ,是生态系统
系统的演替是序的 ,是一个生态系统类型
一种植物群落的过程 ,最终建立一种稳定的顶极状
[24 ] 如果在足够长的演替时间内没有任何干扰 ,
地阶段 ,最后归结于种类和结构较为简单的泥炭沼
[29 ] 将表 2中同一气候带的不同植物群落按照
生态系统演替序列进行综合排列后得到图 13
VOC 量变化趋势图,结果显示不论是在热带
热带还是在温带陆地生态系统中 ,植物群落的异戊
10 期 李庆军等:中国不同气候带植被挥发性有机化合物通量与生态系统演替的相关性 1069 
,在先锋木本植物群落阶段达到最高 ,然后又随着
演替的深入而下降 ,在热带生态系统中 ,最高值出现
在先锋林阶段 ,次生林也保持着较高的异戊二烯通
;在亚热带生态系统中则是次生林最高 ,先锋林次
;而在温带生态系统中 ,次生林阶段的异戊二烯通
量则远远高于其他各个阶段OVOC 则随着演替的
展而具有上升的趋势。这一 VOC 的释放格局
Klinger [8]在非洲以及 Martin Guenther[7]在北美
对不同生态系统的不同演替阶段植物 VOC 通量
1. 西双版纳热带生态系统不同演替阶段挥发性有机化
Fig.1.  The volatile organic compound (VOC)flux of different
successional stages in Xishuangbanna tropical ecosystem.
OVOC , other VOC.
2. 哀牢山亚热带生态系统不同演替阶段挥发性有机化
Fig.2.  The volatile organic compound (VOC)flux of different
successional stages in Ailao Mt. subtropical ecosystems.
OVOC , other VOC.
3. 长白山温带生态系统不同演替阶段挥发性有机化合
Fig.3.  The volatile organic compound (VOC)flux of different
successional stages in Changbai Mt. temperate ecosystems.
OVOC , other VOC.
3 讨论
植物释放 VOC 的种类和数量与植物的分类系
统有一定的相关性[21] ,根据这一相关性, Guenther
[3]建立了一个全球 VOC 的释放模型 ,对全球尺
上的 VOC 通量作了估算,这一模型是建立在
对温带植物为主进行的物种水平上 VOC 通量的
测定基础上的 ,对于种类组成较温带丰富得多的热
带和亚热带地区 ,已测定过 VOC 通量的植物种类仅
占所有种类中的很小一部分 ,运用这一模型需要进
大量的物种水平上的通量测定。如果 VOC 的释
放与生态系统的演替相关联 ,那么沿着生态系统的
演替序列就能找出 VOC 释放的系统性规律 ,利用
规律建立以生态系统的演替为基础的 VOC 释放
模型 ,就能够取代烦琐的以种类测定为基础的 VOC
对于植物释放 VOC 的生物学和生态学机制目
前还不完全清楚 ,有的认为植物释放异戊二烯是为
了缓解热胁迫[4] ,也有的认为是为了植物 VOC 能抵
昆虫对植物的啃食[5 ] Langenheim[6] 研究认为植
(NO)反应 ,产生植物能够吸收利用的 NO2等氮化合
示的 VOC 释放格局 ,可以假定生态系统演替早期和
期的先锋群落和次生群落阶段 VOC 通量的加大
期阶段对氮素的需求 ,因为不论在热带 、亚热带 ,
是在温带 ,生态系统演替的早期和中期 ,由于先锋和
次生成分生长迅速 ,氮都是植物群落发展的限制因
;而在演替后期和末期 ,由于土壤和生物体内累积
了大量的有机质 ,营养元素的循环利用降低了限制
因子的作用[ 30 ,31 ] 这一假设还需要在更广泛的地
区和生态系统中VOC 释放机制和通量进行研究
致谢: 感谢长白山森林生态站代力民研究员邹春
和物种鉴定方面给予的大力帮助 ,王永峰硕士生帮
助查对植物名称;感谢NCAR James Greenberg 博士协
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10 期 李庆军等:中国不同气候带植被挥发性有机化合物通量与生态系统演替的相关性 1071 
... The PFG concept, which groups together plants with similar ecological properties rather than plants that look similar or have similar evolutionary origins (Gitay and Noble 1997; Scholes et al. 1997; Bai et al. 2001 Bai et al. , 2004 Chen et al. 2003), differs from the traditional methods of plant classification. We used two types of PFG based on responses to a change or disturbance in a specific environmental factor, namely plant life form function groups (PLFG) and water ecological groups (WEG;Table 1Guenther et al. 1996; Klinger et al. 1998; Li and Klinger 2001; Karlik et al. 2002). In the experiments, a hand-held factory calibrated PID (ppb RAE Systems Inc. ...
... Guenther et al. (1993) have established a classic algorithm to estimate the base emission of VOC at a standard temperature (30 °C) and PAR flux (1 000 µmol · m −2 · s −1 ). The algorithm has already been supported and used successfully by some researchers (Klinger et al. 1998Klinger et al. , 2002 Li and Klinger 2001; Wang et al. 2003). The model is described briefly as follows: ...
... Therefore, grazing, especially overgrazing, will probably increase VOC emission from the temperate grassland vegetation of Inner Mongolia. Similarly, Klinger et al. (1998), Guenther et al. (1999, and Li and Klinger (2001) have also shown that isoprene and monoterpene emissions varied systematically along gradients of ecosystem development (or succession) in forest or savanna ecosystems. ...
The biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted by the vegetation of a terrestrial ecosystem play a key role in both regional air quality and tropospheric chemistry. To describe the general emission properties of VOC of different plant functional groups (PFG) in a typical temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia, China, we randomly selected 175 plant species and measured the quantities of isoprene and monoterpene in situ. Results showed that most plants had low VOC emission potential at the species level, especially for some dominant plants, such as Leymus chinensis Tzvel., Stipa grandis Smirn., and Agropyron cristatum Gaertn. At the PFG level, the lowest VOC emission potential was found for perennial rhizome grasses, a major PFG in a typical temperate grassland ecosystem. The effects of overgrazing and subsequent vegetation succession on the emission of VOC by different plant life form functional groups (PLFG) were also discussed. ( Managing editor: Ya-Qin HAN)
... [25] The above results extend to China the occurrence of a successional pattern in VOC emissions where the highest isoprene emissions occur in pioneer and early secondary forests, and the highest monoterpene emissions occur in late secondary and primary forests [cf. Li and Klinger, 2001]. Lower isoprene and monoterpene emissions are found in early successional grasslands and late successional peatlands. ...
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Isoprene, monoterpene, and other volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from grasslands, shrublands, forests, and peatlands in China were characterized to estimate their regional magnitudes and to compare these emissions with those from landscapes of North America, Europe, and Africa. Ecological and VOC emission sampling was conducted at 52 sites centered in and around major research stations located in seven different regions of China: Inner Mongolia (temperate), Changbai Mountain (boreal-temperate), Beijing Mountain (temperate), Dinghu Mountain (subtropical), Ailao Mountain (subtropical), Kunming (subtropical), and Xishuangbanna (tropical). Transects were used to sample plant species and growth form composition, leafy (green) biomass, and leaf area in forests representing nearly all the major forest types of China. Leafy biomass was determined using generic algorithms based on tree diameter, canopy structure, and absolute cover. Measurements of VOC emissions were made on 386 of the 541 recorded species using a portable photo-ionization detector method. For 105 species, VOC emissions were also measured using a flow-through leaf cuvette sampling/gas chromatography analysis method. Results indicate that isoprene and monoterpene emissions, as well as leafy biomass, vary systematically along gradients of ecological succession in the same manner found in previous studies in the United States, Canada, and Africa. Applying these results to a regional VOC emissions model, we arrive at a value of 21 Tg C for total annual biogenic VOC emissions from China, compared to 5 Tg C of VOCs released annually from anthropogenic sources there. The isoprene and monoterpene emissions are nearly the same as those reported for Europe, which is comparable in size to China.
Many investigations in the past decades have suggested that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) played an important role in tropospheric chemistry in the process of photochemical reaction with inorganic Ox, HO x and NOx. Most of researches about VOCs emitted from vegetation mainly focused on: (1) what are the role of VOCs emitted from vegetation to troposheric chemistry and their mechanism? (2) Why do many plants emit VOCs, and what is their eco-physiological significance? (3) What are main environmental factors to control VOCs emission form plants and how? (4) At different time or space scales, how do the emission potential and pattern change? The authors drew briefly conclusions and new progress of above topics in this paper. A substantial amount of carbon is emitted annually by terrestrial vegetation as VOCs, which is regarded as a loss of photosynthetically fixed carbon and important component of the carbon budget of the terrestrial biosphere. Up to date, the significance of VOCs, emitted from vegetation, to carbon loss for the regional or global carbon cycle is controversial. Due to uncertainties associated with vegetation VOCs emission, models of carbon cycle all considered that VOCs do not play an important role in the carbon balance, and omitted initially them. Recently, some researchers however pointed out that, while VOCs flux estimates are small in relation to net primary productivity (NPP) and gross primary productivity (GPP), the amount of carbon lost as VOCs emission can be highly related to net ecosystem productivity (NEP), especially in some vegetation types or specific regions. Therefore, the authors here discussed emphatically the potential importance of VOCs emitted from vegetation to carbon cycle or carbon balance, and forecasted some important issues about VOCs in the future in China.
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Measurements of volatile organic compound (VOC) emission fluxes, meteorological parameters, solar global radiation and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were carried out in a temperate forest, Changbai Moutain, China during the summer season in 2010. VOC flux measurements were made by using relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) technique on an above canopy tower. It was found that the dominate monoterpenes emitted from this mixed forest were α-pinene, β-pinene, camphene, sabinene, myrcene, carene, limonen, ocimene, terpinene, cymene, terpinolene, and tricyclene. VOC emission and air temperature were correlated and there were evident diurnal variations, i.e., lower emissions in the morning and late evening, and the highest emissions around the noon. During the summer of 2010, the mean monoterpene emission flux was 0.242 mg·m -2·h -1, and ranged from 0.005 to 1.668 mg·m -2·h -1. The average and maximum of emission fluxes (mg·m -2·h -1) were 0.072 and 0.234 for α-pinene, 0.028 and 0.356 for camphene, 0.027 and 0.433 for myrcene, 0.023 and 0.173 for camphene, 0.037 and 0.197 for limonene, 0.016 and 0.168 for ocimene, 0.053 and 0.320 for terpinolene, and 0.067 and 0.755 for cymene, respectively.
Given the key role of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to tropospheric chemistry and regional air quality, it is important to generate accurate VOCs emission inventories. However, only a less fraction of plant species, in temperate grassland of Inner Mongolia, has been characterized by quantitative measurements. A taxonomic methodology, which assigns VOCs measurements to unmeasured species, is an applicable and inexpensive alternation for extensive VOCs emission survey, although data are needed for additional plant families and genera to further validate the taxonomic approach in grassland vegetation. In this experiment, VOCs emission rates of 178 plant species were measured with a portable photoionization detector (PID). The results showed the most of genera and some families have consistent feature of their VOCs emission, especially for isoprene, and provide the basic premise of taxonomic methodology to develop VOCs emission inventories for temperate grassland. Then, the taxonomic methodology was introduced into assigning emission rate to other 96 species, which no measured emission rates available here. A systematical emission inventory of temperate grassland vegetation in Inner Mongolia was provided and further evidence that taxonomy relationship can serve as a useful guide for generalizing the emissions behavior of many, but not all, plant families and genera to grassland vegetation.
Tropical and sub tropical regions are regarded as dominant source of biogenic volatile organic compounds emission (BVOC). However, measurement studies from these regions are limited and largely confined to South Africa and Amazonia. Consequently, global BVOC estimates are mainly based on modeling studies. Moreover, BVOC emission estimate is altogether lacking for any region of the Indian sub continent. This study attempts to estimate isoprene emission capacity of forest of Haryana state. Individual plant species isoprene emission capacity is found to vary from below detection limit (BDL) to 12.01 mg Cm(-2) h(-1). Maximum emission capacity (12.01 mg Cm(-2) h(-1)) is noticed in case of Dalbergia sissoo. The area average isoprene emission capacity for the Haryana forest is found to be 19.98 mg Cm(-2) h(-1), which is significantly (2.4 times) higher than the reported isoprene emission value of 8.2 mg Cm(-2) h(-1) for the Kalahari woodland of Africa.
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The classic hydrosere model of bog succession, which is still often cited and taught by ecologists, proposes that infilling of a shallow lake or pond by organic sediments produces a sequence of vegetation communities beginning with a marsh community of aquatic plants such as sedges, followed by a bog community composed mainly of Sphagnum mosses and various ericaceous shrubs, and culminating in a mature upland or mesic ''climax'' forest. A careful examination of the supporting literature indicates, however, that this model is based almost solely on observations of spatial zonation of vegetation around infilling water bodies. No studies can be found which contain clear quantitative evidence of successional pathways progressing from bog to upland forest. Indeed, numerous studies conclude that patterns of hydrosere succession are not consistent with the classic hydrosere model. Forest age structure, pear stratigraphy, and radiocarbon data presented from two bogs in Schefferville, Quebec, suggest that many bogs in this region, and elsewhere as indicated in the literature, are climax communities formed via both infilling of a water body (terrestrialization) and expansion of bogs into upland forests (paludification). An alternative model of hydrosere succession based on the bog climax hypothesis is presented.
International concerns about the possibility of detrimental future climate change rest to a significant degree on the documented fact that the atmospheric levels of a number of long-lived greenhouse gases are steadily rising. The underlying causes for the currently observed changes in atmospheric composition involve both natural physical, chemical and biological processes and vital human activities like energy and food production. There is also clear evidence for major changes in atmospheric composition over the last 160,000 years contained in ice cores. The ice core data show us that atmospheric changes can be driven by natural processes alone so the current human processes need to be understood in terms of their perturbations to the natural biogeochemical cycles. Human activity is certainly a major contributor to the positive atmospheric trends of CO2 (0.4% per year), CH4 (1.2 down to 0.3% per year), and N2O (0.25% per year) in recent decades. Humans are in addition the sole contributor to the observed positive CF2Cl2 and CFCl3 trends (4.0% and 3.8% per year respectively in 1978-1988, 2.6% and 3.2% per year respectively in 1989-1991) and probably also for the observed negative trends in stratospheric O3 (0.2% to 3% per year depending on latitude). Tropospheric O3 appears to have increased at least in northern hemisphere midlatitudes over the last century and there are reasons to expect such an increase based on combustion-derived emissions. Similarly, SO2 levels, while controlled in some industrially developed countries, are increasing in several industrially developing regions due particularly to increased coal combustion. All of these trends are important to radiative forcing of climate change: positive trends for CO2, CH4, N2 O, CFCl3, CF2Cl2, and tropospheric ozone produce a positive (warming) force while negative trends for stratospheric ozone and positive trends for SO2 (and thus for the derived reflective sulfate aerosols) produce a negative (cooling) force. Biological processes in terrestrial ecosystems (cultivated or natural) play major roles in the budgets of CO2, CH4 and N2O while marine biology plays a significant role in controlling remote marine atmospheric SO2 levels and the flux of CO2 between atmosphere and ocean. The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) is underway and devoted to understanding the complex coupled atmospheric and biospheric chemistry leading to currently observed changes in atmospheric composition and to improving our capability to predict future changes in atmospheric gaseous and paniculate composition.
Characteristics of higher plant terpenoids that result in mediation of numerous kinds of ecological interactions are discussed as a framework for this Symposium on Chemical Ecology of Terpenoids. However, the role of terpenoid mixtures, either constitutive or induced, their intraspecific qualitative and quantitative compositional variation, and their dosage-dependent effects are emphasized in subsequent discussions. It is suggested that little previous attention to these characteristics may have contributed to terpenoids having been misrepresented in some chemical defense theories. Selected phytocentric examples of terpenoid interactions are presented: (1) defense against generalist and specialist insect and mammalian herbivores, (2) defense against insect-vectored fungi and potentially pathogenic endophytic fungi, (3) attraction of entomophages and pollinators, (4) allelopathic effects that inhibit seed germination and soil bacteria, and (5) interaction with reactive troposphere gases. The results are integrated by discussing how these terpenoids may be contributing factors in determining some properties of terrestrial plant communities and ecosystems. A terrestrial phytocentric approach is necessitated due to the magnitude and scope of terpenoid interactions. This presentation has a more broadly based ecological perspective than the several excellent recent reviews of the ecological chemistry of terpenoids.
The sensitivity of regional ozone concentrations to biogenic hydrocarbons in the northeastern United States has been examined using an Eulerian grid photochemical model having a horizontal resolution of 18 km. A 6-day period during which observed ozone concentrations exceeded 200 ppb was simulated. Detailed estimates of biogenic nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emissions were included in the model simulations. Overall, biogenic emissions were of the same order of magnitude as anthropogenic emissions. Approximately 33 percent of the biogenic inventory was in the form of isoprene, with the remainder of the NMHC in the form of monoterpenes and unidentified NMHC. Three model sensitivity runs were analyzed in which biogenic emissions, and then anthropogenic hydrocarbon emissions, were selectively removed from the emissions data set. The analysis showed that the relative impact of biogenic compared to anthropogenic hydrocarbons on ozone generation varied spatially over the model domain. The biogenic influence on ozone was greatest in western and southern sections of the domain, particularly in Ohio Valley, while the anthropogenic influence was greatest in the urbanized Northeast Corridor and industrial Great Lakes area.
The hypothesis that bogs are climax (structurally and compositionally stable) communities has been proposed for several large regions including southeast Alaska. A logical consequence of the bog climax is the hypothesis that, where there is infrequent large‐scale physical disturbance, landscape‐level changes from early successional woodland to late successional peatland should have occurred during the Holocene. This hypothesis is tested in southeast Alaska using analyses of fossil arthropods and site stratigraphy, as well as a review of the ecological literature. Results indicate at least three major landscape types have dominated since deglaciation: deciduous woodland (about 9000 to 6000 yr BP), coniferous woodland (about 6000 to 3000 yr BP), and peatland (about 3000 yr BP to present). Other paleoecological and ecological studies from around the region provide evidence for directional changes, both past and present, from woodland to peatland. Furthermore, there is no clear evidence for peatland to woodland transitions in the absence of large‐scale disturbance. These results suggest that the bog climax hypothesis deserves a more careful examination by ecologists studying succession.
An attempt is made to provide some unifying principles in ecology. The structure of ecosystems is considered in relation to various components, with emphasis on the characteristics of maturity as measured by diversity data and other determinable features, including primary production (P) and biomass (B). Ecosystems with complex structure and containing a high amount of information can be maintained with a relatively lower expenditure of energy. Oscillations, introduced for example by environmental changes or outside exploration, tend to retain an ecosystem in a state of lower maturity. Where succession is occurring, involving exchange of an excess of available energy for a future increase in biomass, the relations encountered may be applied not only to successive states in the same system; but to adjoining or coupled subsystems. Steepness of the gradient between subsystems is shown to depend on several factors subject to quantitative determination and the relation between these subsystems can be imitated ...