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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES)
ISSN (Print): 2289-4659; e-ISSN: 2231-8380; Volume 7, pp. 1150-1156, December 2014
© Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Z. A. A. Majid1, M. H. Ruslan2, K. Sopian2, M. Y. Othman2 and M. S. M. Azmi2
1Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, International Islamic University of Malaysia,
25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Phone: +609-5716400 (Ext: 3338) Fax: +609-5716776
2Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Photovoltaicpanels are used to generate electric power. The surface temperature of the
photovoltaic (PV) panels will affect theirefficiency,where the increment of temperature
will decreasetheir efficiency and total power gain. In this study, we will discuss the
performance of an 80 W floating photovoltaic (PV) panel in a pond simulator, whereby
in a two hour experiment it shows up to 15.5% increment of energy gain compared to a
normal photovoltaic (PV) panel. The floating photovoltaic (FPV) panel was designed by
replacing the photovoltaic panel frame with a material that has the ability to float on a
water surface and is capable of transferring heat at the back of the photovoltaic surface.
A heat sink is used to transfer heat at the bottom of the photovoltaic panel, which will
decrease the surface temperature when placed on the water surface. The best
performance of the photovoltaic panel is 1000 W/m2fora surface temperature of 25°C;
however,the efficiency will drop by 0.485% per1°C temperature increment.The system
can be used on lakes, ponds or dams.
Keywords: Floating photovoltaic; heat transfer; efficiency; performance.
Photovoltaic systems produce the most popular renewable energy in generating electric
power for application in residential contexts. Wind power, geothermal and hydroelectric
are more suitable for huge power generators and buildings such as electric power
plants.However, the main problem with photovoltaic systems is their relatively low
efficiency[1]. Most commerciallyavailable photovoltaic panels manage to convert only 6
% – 18 % ofthe incident radiation falling on them into electrical energy [2]. The best
performance by a photovoltaic panel is documented by Sharp Cooperation [3] at 1000
W/m2, fora surface temperature of 25 °C, wherethe efficiency will drop by 0.485 % per 1
°C temperature increment.The rest of the incident radiation is lost by reflection or as
thermal energy. Some of the thermal energy is absorbed by the cells, leading to a
decrease of the panel’s efficiency.In fact,the temperatures reached by PV cells are higher
than theambient temperature [4]. The ambient temperature in Malaysia is 33 °C at a solar
radiation of 1100 W/m2, which increases the photovoltaic surface temperature to
55 °C.The important role of the operating temperature in relation to the electrical
efficiency of a photovoltaic (PV) device, be it a simple module, a PV/thermal collector
Majid et al. / Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 7(2014) 1150-1156
(PV/T) or a building-integrated photovoltaic (BiPV) array, is well established, as can be
seen from the attention it has received from the scientific community [5].
Photovoltaic cells will exhibit long-term degradation if the temperature exceeds a
certain limit. Photovoltaic cells are the heart of photovoltaic water pumping systems. In
order to utilize PV power and increase photovoltaic water pumping system efficiency, it
is necessary to keep the PV cell temperature and cell reflection as low as possible.
Abdolzadeh and Ameri [6] investigated the possibility of improving the performance of
a photovoltaic water pumping system by spraying water over the photovoltaic cells. The
results are compared with traditional systems. Experimental results show that the cells’
power is increased by this spraying. This can significantly increase the system and
subsystem efficiency as well as the pump flow rate when operating under different
heads. Measurements of the short circuit current of the module, which is nearly
temperature-independent, indicated that the water spray improved the system’s optical
performance. Researchers at Kyushu University in Japan are developing a large-scale at-
sea power plant combining photovoltaic cells and windmills designed to match the
output of a nuclear power reactor. About 200,000 photovoltaic generator units are to be
placed about a meter apart on the netting, with hexagonal units positioned at both ends.
The units have a channel running through them to allow seawater to pass through. Each
group of units will generate about 300 MW of electricity, which means the generating
capacity of the three planned sets will be equal to that of a nuclear power reactor [7].
Tripanagnostopoulos et al. [8] found that the cooling provided by the thermal
integration assistedin improving the efficiency of the PV cells by approximately10%.
They also foundthat water cooling providedbetter cooling than air circulation.Tonui and
Tonui and Tripanagnostopoulos [9] highlighted that the photovoltaic (PV) cells suffer a
drop in efficiency as their operating temperature increases, especially under high
insolation levels. Reducing the operating temperature by cooling the cells will improve
their performance. They used a suspended thin flat metallic sheet at the middle or fins at
the back wall of an air duct as heat transfer augmentations in an air-cooled
photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar collector to improve its overall performance.
Anderson et al. [10] discussed two methods to improve both the thermal and electrical
efficiency. First, it can be improved by maximizing the ratio of the cooling tube width to
spacing. Second, by using thermally conductive adhesives, good thermal contact
between the PV cells and the absorber can be achieved. Dubey et al. [11] tried to
improve the overall electrical efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) module by reducing the
temperature of the PV module by withdrawing the thermal energy associated with the
module. This was done by considering four different configurations of two types of PV
modules. In order to increase the efficiency of the PV module, a study on the frame of
the photovoltaic panel was conducted. In this study, we designed the frame of a
photovoltaic panel which is able to float on water and is capable of transferring heat at
the back of the photovoltaic surface. The performance of the system will be analysed.
The system is divided into three main components; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe is
used as a buoy, hollow square aluminium as the heat sink and the photovoltaic panel as
the power generator. The solar panel used is an 80W multicrystallinemodel (Sharp
NE80E2EA). This model has dimensions of 1200mm × 537mm and a weight of 7.5 kg.
The original frame of the solar panel, made of aluminium will not be used, but replaced
with PVC pipe. The PVC pipe used is 110 mm in diameter and connectedas a circular
Study on performance of 80 watt floating photovoltaic panel
loop with four elbow connectors each 120mm in diameter. This structure will enable the
PVC pipe to trap air while not allowing water to enter, which eventually makes it into a
buoy. PVC pipe is used because it is not biodegradable and can be used for a very long
time. The system is corrosion-free. The physical properties such as tensile strength are
high, and can be developed to be combined as a huge floating PV system.The heat
transfer mode applied is conduction. The material chosenis hollow square aluminium
with dimensions 60mm × 45mm.Seven units of hollow square aluminium were used,
tied together in parallel and hungon the PVC pipe. The photovoltaic panel is placed on
top of the hollow square aluminium, as in Figure 1. Aluminium is the most suitable
material, chosen based on its thermal conductivity, material density and cost
considerations. A comparison of the thermal conductivity and density value of the
materials is shown in Table 1. Copper is not used, although its thermal conductivity is
higher than aluminium, because it is expensive, denser and hence heavier than
aluminium. Although stainless steel is a good material, its low thermal conductivity and
high density are not suitable for the system. Apart from its density and thermal
conductivity, the property of aluminium which is non-corrosive to pure water makes it
the best material to use for the system. The Sharp photovoltaic panel is chosen because
of its lamination style, which coversthe upper and lower surfaces.The area surrounding
the panelis gripped, preventing water from enteringthe solar cell (waterproof).
537 x 1200 x 46 mm 110mm diameter
PVC pipe
120mm diameter
PVC connector
60mm X 45mm diameter Hollow
Square Aluminum (Heat Sink)
(7 units in parallel arrangement)
537mm x
Floating Photovoltaic (Top View)
Floating PV (Side View)
Place on Heat Sink
797 mm
1460 mm
Figure 1. Proposed design of FPV.
The photovoltaic panel, which is attached on the parallel arrangement of aluminium
together with the PVC pipe, is placed horizontally on the water surface without any tilt angle. Since
Peninsular Malaysia is located in the Tropics at a latitude of 1.33o N to 6.67o N and longitude of
99.58°E to 103.33°E, maximum exposure of sun’s radiation on the photovoltaic panel required a
tilt angle between 0° and7°; the best orientation is for the tilt angle to follow the latitude position.
However, for the FPV system, 0°, the horizontal position, is preferred so as to ensure maximum
heat transfer through conduction between the PV panel and aluminium, which is eventually
transferred to the water for the cooling process to happen. The tilt angle of the solar panel is not a
critical issue, since the experiment is done in a tropical region. Solar irradiation in the Tropics is
greater than in other regions of the northern or southern hemispheres. The experiment is conducted
in a pond simulator. The pond simulator is a 5800 litre container filled with water and supplied
with a continuous flow of water. The continuous water flow is necessary to ensure that the ambient
temperature is maintained at 25°C. The experiment is conducted at peak hours of solar radiation
from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm, which is in order to evaluate the effect of the PV surface temperature on
the performance of the PV due to changes in solar radiation. The first experiment was done on a
normal photovoltaic (PV) panel and the second experiment onthe FPV the next day. The chosen
load was an 8 Ohm resistor for both experiments. Both experiments used the same photovoltaic
panel to control the variables so as to ensure a precise comparison of the data.
Table 1. Properties of materials.
Thermal conductivity
8920 - 8960
Stainless steel
7480 - 8000
12.11 - 45.0
Experimental results were obtained by using the ADAM VIEW program. The overall results show
the increment of power gain by the photovoltaic panel when floating on water with the heat sink at
the bottom.The experiments were done on two separate days during which the amount of solar
radiation and fluctuation of temperature should be the same to produce the same conditions,
resulting in less difference between experiments. Fluctuation of solar radiation will not vary the
surface temperature of photovoltaic abruptly. Majid et al. [12] have done an experiment on the
floating PV and shown that, with solar radiation of 1100 W/m2 and a pond simulator temperature of
25°C, the FPV temperature increases to 41°C and the normal (PV) increases to 51°C. The FPV
shows an increment of 8°C while the normal PV shows a very substantial increment of 18°C from
the initial temperature of the PV panel, which was 33°C. The power gain of the FPV shows an
increment, but at lower load the difference is not obvious. The increment of load used givesa larger
difference and at peak power the FPV gives 76.61W, while the normal PVgives 72.32W, a
difference of 4.29W, and an increase by 5.93% of the normal PV’s power gain. The long-term
performance also shows similar results, with a higher difference of the increment of the normal PV,
and the floating PV surface temperature showing a lower value, as shown in Figure 2. The results
show that in the two hour experiment from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm the normal PV increased its
average temperature to 60.7°C, while the average ambient temperature at this time was 30.0°C. The
average temperature of the floating PV is 46.6°C in the same ambient temperature condition. This
demonstrates the floating PV’s success in reducing the heat of the surface of the photovoltaic
panel. The difference of increment indicates that the FPV panel is cooled by the cooling technique
applied. On the other hand, these results show that the heat from thesurface of the photovoltaic
panel is transferred to the pond simulator, and reduces the photovoltaic temperature; the pond
simulator acts as a cold reservoir and is used as a cooling system. Note that the temperature of the
PV panel increased mainly due to the heat provided by solar radiation, but partly also due to the
current flow in the solar cell. For the crystalline type of photovoltaic panel, the total power gain
will reduce by 0.485%per1°C temperature increment.
Study on performance of 80 watt floating photovoltaic panel
The temperature of the solar panel will have an effect on the total energy gain, where the
normal PV produces a lower value than the floating PV, as shown in Figure 3. The average energy
produced by the floating PV is 1190 W in average solar irradiation of 896 W/m2 and the normal
PV produces 1030 W in average solar irradiation of 940 W/m2 in the two-hour experiment, which
means that the average total energy gain by the FPV panel is 15.5% higher than the normal PV
panel. If the average daily solar irradiance is 5000 W/m2, this will produce up to 77.5% greater
energy gain by the floating PV than the normal PV, proving that the performance of the floating
PV generates a higher energy gain. Furthermore, the roof temperature could increase up to 65°Con
a hot and sunny day, when heat is trapped in the roof top. The efficiency of the photovoltaic panel
will decrease tremendously, resulting inup to 19.4% of power gain lost from the system.
Figure 2.Temperature difference between floating PV and normal PV under solar irradiance from
11.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Figure 3. Energy gain difference between floating PV and normal PV under solar irradiance from
11.00 am to 1.00 pm.
This system is suitable for Malaysia, because Malaysia has only one season throughout the
year. It is also applicable in any other countries in the tropical region. Forcountries that have four
seasons, this technology is not suitable as the solar irradiation values vary throughout the year. The
tilted angle of the photovoltaic panel needs to be adjusted to get the maximum exposure to solar
radiation. Apart from that, ice on the water in winter will break the photovoltaic panels.One of the
applications is at dams, an appropriate place for developing FPV power plant, as besides supplying
water it can also be usedto generate electric power. The water surface covered by PV panels will
reduce water evaporation due to heat from the sun, which isunable to heat the water surface
directly, this being only applicable to large-scale systems, however.Besides generating power, this
type of technology is able toretain water for a longer time, by reducing surface water evaporation.
This technology will multiply the functions of the dam, not just mainly to supply water but also to
generate electricity.The materials used to develop the system can be easily obtained from local
markets, thus reducing the development cost, which makes it suitable for commercialization and
local manufacture.
The FPV panel shows an increment in photovoltaic efficiency. At a solar radiation of 1100 W/m2
the power gain by the photovoltaic unit increases to 5.93%. The design and fabrication of the PV
system proves that it can increase the PV efficiency by reducing the PV temperature. Referring to
these conditions, the FPV system is one solution to reduce the cost of photovoltaic installation and
the space it requires, increasing the photovoltaic panel efficiency and providing an environmentally
friendly technology, as it has less impact onthe land.It has been proved that in two hours of testing
under solar radiation the power gain for the floating PV panel increased by 15.5% compared to the
normal PV unit.
The authors would like to thank the International Islamic University of Malaysia, Solar Energy
Research Institute (SERI) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Ministry of Higher Education of
Malaysia for financial assistance for this research project.
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