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Review of Water Quality and Pollution in the Coastal Areas of Oman


Abstract and Figures

The environmental status of the Omani coastal areas was assessed based on studies conducted in the Sultanate of Oman over the past few years. This review examines all sorts of pollution and impacts over the coastal areas of Oman by reviewing papers and reports in order to provide an overview of the pollution status regarding salinity, heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. This review covers environmental pollution related to groundwater, soil as well as marine and coastal water, their effect on biological systems and marine organisms. Emphasis is placed on salinity and marine pollution, especially on heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbon contaminations. Further, total petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were discussed in the biota and coastal sediments studied in the coast of Oman. This review provided information on severity of groundwater and soil salinity particularly along the Al-Batinah region and different concentrations of contaminated coastal areas from metals and oils. Finally, the review concludes with an outline of few sustainable management measures that could be considered for further assessment and evaluation towards the protection of the environment in the coastal areas of Oman.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Poll Res. 34 (2) : 229-239 (2015)
Copyright © EM International
ISSN 0257–8050
Corresponding author e-mail: (B.S. Choudri)
Center for Environmental Studies and Research (CESAR), Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Department of Soils,
Water and Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture and Marine Sciences,
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
(Received 4 April, 2015; accepted 14 May, 2015)
The environmental status of the Omani coastal areas was assessed based on studies conducted in
the Sultanate of Oman over the past few years. This review examines all sorts of pollution and
impacts over the coastal areas of Oman by reviewing papers and reports in order to provide an
overview of the pollution status regarding salinity, heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons.
This review covers environmental pollution related to groundwater, soil as well as marine and
coastal water, their effect on biological systems and marine organisms. Emphasis is placed on
salinity and marine pollution, especially on heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbon
contaminations. Further, total petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were
discussed in the biota and coastal sediments studied in the coast of Oman. This review provided
information on severity of groundwater and soil salinity particularly along the Al-Batinah region
and different concentrations of contaminated coastal areas from metals and oils. Finally, the review
concludes with an outline of few sustainable management measures that could be considered for
further assessment and evaluation towards the protection of the environment in the coastal areas
of Oman.
KEY WORDS : Coastal Area, groundwater, soil, salinity, hydrocarbons, heavy metals,
marine pollution
The coastal areas of Oman (Fig. 1) encompasses a
number of habitats that include coral reefs,
mangroves, wetlands, and beautiful beaches along
with intensive coastal agriculture (MECA, 2010). In
addition, being essential these areas also provide
linkages in the overall functioning of the coastal area
and support various resources both living and
nonliving (Salim, 2002). Importantly, for
generations, the coastal area of Oman provided life
support to coastal communities where activities
such as fisheries and related activities have played
an essential role in shaping the social and economic
development of local communities (Siddeek et al.,
1999). Over the recent years, the emergence of
active ports, coastal tourism related projects,
industrial activity, intensive agriculture and
urbanization have emerged as being among the
most important national economic activities
(MECA, 2010, Ahmed and Choudri, 2012). The
well-being of these natural habitats and resources
and the various activities taking place within or near
the coast and coastal waters depend to a large
extent, on the quality of good water for land based
activities and marine life (UNEP, 2006). However,
the pressures of expanding coastal populations and
emerging industrial activities are exerting on the
coast and coastal waters, thereby negatively
affecting groundwater, coastal water quality and
marine life as a result of coastal pollution which is
increasingly becoming a major issue in the coastal
areas of Oman (Van Lavieren et al., 2011).
The land-based activities such as agriculture,
industry, and mineral exploitation have widely
contributed to the degradation of coastal water
quality (Salim, 2002). It is well known that seafood
from the Sea of Oman including fish and shrimp is
of greater value for both local consumption and
earnings from the export. Having such importance,
it is necessary to maintain good marine
environmental quality which is crucial for several
socio- economic reasons (Price et al., 1993). Further,
quality of seawater issues is of extreme importance
due to the fact that many of the Gulf countries
depend on desalinated seawater as a valuable
source of potable water for industrial as well as
domestic use. It is imperative to mention that the oil
spill associated with Gulf War in the year 1991 was
considered the largest oil spill in the history and
number of studies focused on the fate of this spill
and provided evidence that the oil spill effect was
limited to 400 km from the spillage point to Saudi
Arabian coastline and that the main contaminants
were rapidly degraded (de Mora et al., 2010). The
following review is divided into coastal
groundwater and soil quality, debries and plastics
on the beaches and pollution of marine and
seawater in the coastal areas of Oman. Therefore,
this review will have focus on salinity, heavy metals
and hydrocarbons which aims to provide
information on locations, their levels and sources as
well as distributions in water, sediments and biota.
The present review examines a number of papers,
monitored data and project reports that have been
undertaken over the past two decades in the coastal
areas of Oman which would provide valuable
baseline information for future assessment and
In the coastal area, water resources are increasingly
under pressure due to overexploitation in view of
population growth, activities related to
development as well as environmental degradation
(Choudri et al., 2015). Development activities have
created serious challenges for policy makers and
planners towards ensuring long-term sustainability
and demand, especially vulnerable to saltwater
intrusion through overexploitation (Worldbank,
Al-Rawas and Valeo (2012) studied the
groundwater quality using spatial data analysis
with the aid of remote sensing and Geographic
Information Systems in the A’Seeb area and the
analysis of groundwater in A’Seeb found high levels
of salinity in some areas as well as higher
concentration levels of nitrate (NO
) and electrical
conductivity (EC) that exceeded the Omani
standards for drinking water. The concentrations of
high NO
values attributed to be closely linked to
the populated or residential areas (where the septic
tanks are used) while higher values of EC were
found to be associated with wells located on the
farms. The water qualities of all wells studied in
A’Seeb were found to be unsuitable for drinking
water according to Omani standards.
Stranger (1985) monitored consequent effects of
saline upconing and intrusion by repeated electrical
conductivity surveys over a period of 9 years in the
catchments of Wadi Samail and Wadi Rusayl, the
study found severe salinization of water due to
overexploitation and concluded that if groundwater
extraction is to be increased, the water balance alone
may be an insufficient basis for water resources
Salinity spreading influence stress on the
farmlands in the Wilayat of Sur, Sharqiyah along the
coastal strip of Oman was investigated within the
distance of 6 kms from the coast by analyzing water
quality of farm wells (Victor and Al-Farsi, 2001). The
study found that irrigation water having high
salinity attributed to be the cause of degradation of
water quality and expansion of farms had increased
water extraction considered as factors for increase in
salinization in the area which had unacceptable
Fig. 1. Location map of Oman
quality by international standards.
Al-Belushi (2003) presented different
groundwater salinity mapping for different
catchment locations in Al-Batinah area along the
coast using the 1992 survey data on water quality
conducted by the Ministry of Water Resources,
concluded that water in coastal areas of Al- Batinah
governorates has been affected severely by seawater
intrusion. Further, this study found a relationship
between the water salinity and soil salinity resulting
from the irrigation practices followed in these
In another study, a thorough quality assessment
of groundwater across different governorates from
the north to south of Oman including Al-Batinah
governorate was conducted by analyzing 20,000
wells and prepared quality maps using geographic
information system (Bajjali, 2003). It can be noticed
from the maps, Al-Batinah coastal governate
groundwater is the most affected area by salinities
ranging from 4000 - 35,000 mg/L.
Al-Barwani and Helmi (2006) used Geographical
Information Systems (GIS) and AutoCAD
techniques in the coastal area of Al Batinah to map
groundwater salinity levels based on water,
electrical conductivity surveys, data of about 20
years since 1984 that was undertaken by the
Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water
Resources (formerly known as Ministry of Water
Resources). It was found that 7 percent of lands
suitable for agriculture have been affected by
salinization in the period between 2000 and 2005.
This study also reported that the saline water moved
12 km towards inland in areas like Barka.
A DRASTIC vulnerability index method in GIS
environment was used to map groundwater
resources in the Barka region (Jamrah et al., 2008).
DRASTIC vulnerability maps prepared for the years
1995 and 2004 indicate that the northern part of
Barka an important control area in Batinah , is more
vulnerable to pollution than southern part and the
central part of Barka also shows high relative
vulnerability which is mostly related to the high
conductivity values. In addition to this, regional
distribution maps prepared for nitrate, chloride and
total fecal Coliforms are well correlated with
DRASTIC vulnerability maps.
Above studies on groundwater salinity can be
well supported by the data on salinity monitored by
the Ministry of Regional Municipality and Water
Resources in the Al-Batinah region over the last two
decades. The salinity data observed in the years
1991, 1993, 2005, 2010 are provided in the Table 1
and Figure 2 (MRMWR, 2013). It can be noticed
Table 1. Location of Salinity Monitoring wells in the Al-Batinah region, Oman with observed salinity in years 1991,
1993, 2005 and 2010.
Salinity Location Observed Salinity concentration (ppm)
Monitoring Easting Northing 1991 1993 2005 2010
Well ID
N-101 578701 2621460 1504 1632 2112 3072
N-92 582083 2620091 839 833 835 849
T-52 584162 2622750 1606 2214 8262 12288
N-79 585655 2617956 800 931 1280 1798
B-49 586184 2622605 7379 8896 8979 9126
T-30 591740 2621062 9280 9421 10682 14784
N-107 575993 2623943 1187 1112 5114 10432
B-70 571376 2627585 5440 6573 6144 11520
B-73 572962 2627174 7571 7424 8800 9728
B-83 568271 2628276 8410 6298 9600 12160
T-46 585991 2621972 6720 7507 13120 16576
N-63 590404 2619803 1382 1312 5133 14656
B-31 594298 2620548 4032 4902 11494 11514
N-53 591385 2616842 1344 672 1293 1792
N-71 587411 2619729 1427 1267 1958 3590
N-111 568658 2623958 774 833 1760 1837
N-66 588832 2617526 2138 1760 1978 2323
T-85 569008 2627063 3994 3610 6278 8896
Source: MRMWR, 2013
from the monitored data, in most of the wells, the
salinity showed gradual increase (800 –16576 mg/L)
over the years from 1991 to 2010 and this trend may
continue in the coming years as well.
Soil and Salinity
In the years between 1990-1991, the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries produced a general soil
map of Oman. This map determined and
documented high soil salinity levels in different
farms of Barka Wilayat. Again, in the years 1993 and
1997, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
conducted two integrated studies in the Al-Batinah
governorates that indicated the high level of saline
soils in the south and northern part of the
governorates (MAF, 1990, 1993a, 1997).
Al-Belushi (2003) studied the main reasons
causing the desertification along the Al-Batinah
coast in which the study classified the soil types of
the area and showed how the characteristics of some
of these soils contributed to speeding the
desertification process. Another study was
conducted (Al-Mulla and Al-Adawi, 2009) through
mapping in the changes of soil salinity over the
period between 1991-2005 in Al-Rumais (near
Barka) with the application of remote sensing
A study conducted in the year 2006, indicated
that about 1.56 M ha were affected by salinity
within suitable agricultural land and salt affected
area within unsuitable agriculture is 12.32 M ha of
the total geographical area of Oman (Hussain et al.,
2006). This study reported that the main causes of
salinity are the climatic conditions such as scanty
rainfall and high temperature, close proximity to the
sea, salty parent material and the development of
secondary salinity due to consistent usage of highly
saline water, particularly in coastal areas.
Seawater Quality
A study evaluated the concentrations of petroleum
hydrocarbons and organic carbon contents in the
Sea of Oman after the collision of Iranian Oil Tanker
during March 1994, in order to assess the
concentrations in July and November 1994, the
recovery of the marine environment after a period of
about 8 months (Mohammed, 1998). The results of
Fig. 1. Salinity concentration in Years (1991/1993/2005/2010) observed across coastal area of Al-Batinah (MRMWR,
this evaluation indicated a significant decrease in the
concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in
seawater and sediments as well as a decrease in
organic carbon contents of intertidal sediments,
attributed to the fact that oil pollution self-
purification processes have a vital role and it was
further observed that the decrease in the petroleum
hydrocarbon concentrations in seawater samples
measured in November 1994.
El Samira and El Deeb (1998) studied the
concentrations of oil along the zone of oil tanker
routes and the results showed a gradual change of
oil concentrations from around 27 ppb in the Sea of
Oman to concentrations around 22 ppb in the
Arabian Gulf. Importantly, the zone of coastal
waters showed lower values of oil concentrations
and the study highlighted the mechanisms of oil
pollutant transport in the two water bodies and the
effect of offshore oilfields as a fixed-point source of
oil pollution in the area with horizontal and vertical
A detailed measurement of water quality
parameters such as temperature, salinity,
chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and trace
metals in the coastal waters of Oman was
investigated in order to assess oil-related pollution
caused mainly due to ballast water (Sana, 2005). The
measured data for water quality suggested that the
concentration of dissolved oxygen in the coastal
waters of the Gulf of Oman is at a critical level and
any further decrease in the oxygen levels may put
marine life under serious threat.
In continuation of efforts to estimate oil inputs
from coastal refineries to the marine environment,
an assessment was conducted on Omanian refinery
and its adjacent waters (Awad et al., 1990b). The
study estimated that the refinery adds 160.4 tons of
crude oil wastes and refined products annually to
Mina Al Fahal waters in addition to 140 tons
discharged annually in the same area from the tank
drains. Further, analysis of oily water outfall
indicated a high factor of dilution: more than 200
times less than the concentration of oil in the
discharge itself.
Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sediments and Biota
A study investigated the spatial distribution and
composition of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biota and coastal sediments
of four countries including Oman in the Arabian
Gulf (Tolosa et al., 2005). This investigation found
that the levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons
(TPH), aliphatic unresolved mixture and PAHs in
sediments and biota were relatively low compared
to world-wide locations reported (Table 2). Further,
results showed some evidence of oil contamination
that was also apparent in sediments and bivalves
near Mirbat in Oman and attributed that to the
PAHs which were mainly from fossil sources.
The organotin contamination in marine
sediments and biota was assessed in the Arabian
Gulf (de Mora et al., 2003). This study classified three
regions in the Gulf are having tributylin (TBT)
contamination in the sediments, including Oman.
However the study concluded that organotin
species were considered relatively low in fish and
bivalves from the Gulf in comparison to global
standards and did not pose any immediate
problems to public health.
Various organochlorinated compound spatial
distribution was investigated in the Gulf and Sea of
Oman in the year 2005 for marine biota focused on
Table 2. Selected pollutant levels in relation to coastal and marine pollution, Oman.
Type of Media Reported concentrations Source
Sediments TBT (mean, 60 ng S
dry wt.) de Mora et al., 2004
MBT (mean, 9.7 ng S
dry wt.)
Fish liver As (mean, 9.6 µg g
dry wt.) Tolosa et al., 2005
Rock oyster TPH equiv. (mean, 99 µg g
dry wt.) Tolosa et al., 2005
´ PAHs (mean, 173 µg g
dry wt.)
Abalone Cd (11–30 mg kg
dry wt.) Fowler et al., 2010
Oyster TPH (mean, 572 µg g
dry wt.) de Mora et al., 2010
Barnacles Pb (0.17-2,016.1 μg/g) Cd (0.4 - 147.1 μg/g) Amoozadeh et al., 2013
Oyester tissue Cd (mean, 2.64 to 3.80 mg kg
) Yesudhason et al., 2013
Pb (mean, 0.009 to 0.02 mg kg
TBT: tributyltin, TPH: total petroleum hydrocarbons, As: Arsenic, MBT: monobutyltin, PAHs: polcyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, Cd: cadmium, Pb: lead
fish and various bivalves along with coastal
sediments collected during 2000 and 2001 (de Mora
et al., 2005). The results showed the concentrations of
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) were low in
the muscle and liver of all fish species analyzed
(Table 3). Similarly, the levels of chlorinated
hydrocarbon presence were low in the studied
bivalve species, particularly in rock oysters and
pearl oysters.
Aliphatic hydrocarbon residues were monitored
in two fish species, Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger
Kanaguria) and Indian scad (Decapterus russelli)
collected from local markets in three different cities
of Oman and residues were also monitored in
water samples collected from two sites on the Sea of
Oman (Ahmed et al., 1998). Results showed the
presence of petrogenic aliphatic hydrocarbons
ranging from C
in fish and water samples.
Further, fish and water chromatograms were
characterized by an unresolved complex mixture
(UCM) indicated a sign of hydrocarbons originated
from petrogenic source and the residue level
showed some variations in concentration related to
sampling sites and time of sampling.
In order to assess the oil pollution in a part of the
Sea of Oman ecosystem, 5 economic species of fish,
surface waters and sediments were collected from
three different locations in the Sultanate of Oman
(Awad et al., 1990a). The analyzed results showed
high levels of contamination of total hydrocarbons
(THC) and polyaromatic hydrocarbon contents
(PAH) in all samples, especially in the area closer to
Hormuz Strait. This study concluded that a higher
concentration of THC and PAH was attributed due
to the dense illegal discharge of ballast waters down
this coast and the tankers are mostly empty upon
entering the Arabian Gulf.
Heavy Metals
Heavy metal concentration assessment study was
conducted for marine biota such as fish and various
bivalves in the Gulf and Sea of Oman during the
years 2000 and 2001 (de Mora et al., 2004). During
this study, the authors investigated heavy metals
content in two important fish species, namely the
orange spotted grouper (E. coioides, hamour) and the
spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus, sheiry) in
which high concentration of cadmium (Cd) found
in the livers was attributed to food chain
bioaccumulation due to upwelling in the region.
Certain bivalve species such as P. radiata and
Saccostrea cucullata had high concentrations of
arsenic (As) that was attributed to natural origins
rather than anthropogenic contamination.
In benthic marine organisms, heavy metals,
organo chlorinated compound and petroleum
hydrocarbon concentrations were surveyed at the
same location in Dhofar, southern Oman in the years
1983 and 2002 in order to assess the possible
changes in contaminant levels (Fowler et al., 2007).
This study concluded that the residue levels of
petroleum in 2002 in species showed low to
moderate chronic oil contamination, but not higher
than the levels measured in the year 1983. Further, it
was indicated that total petroleum hydrocarbons,
chlorinated hydrocarbons and sum of
polychlorinated biphenyl as well as heavy metals
such as Hg, Cu, Cd, Pb and V levels were low in
both surveys, p, p
diphenyldichloroethylene (pp
-DDE) increased in
2002 which may be due to the prior usage DDT. In
addition, 10 commercial marine fish species were
also measured for toxic metals collected across
seafood factories in Oman and obtained results
indicated concentration within safety limits
recommended by the various organizations.
A study was undertaken to investigate and
analyze the heavy metal concentrations in three
different ecological niches in order to compare the
degree of heavy metal infiltration and concentration
in sediments and fish along the Omani coast where
treated sewage effluent dumping sites are located
(Al-Musharafi et al., 2013). The authors found the
dominant heavy metals in fish were Ni, Cu, Pb and
Zn at permissible levels and concluded that there is
a heavy metal contamination in the marine
environment which originated from the source of
treated sewage effluents.
Yesudhason et al., (2013) studied the spatial and
temporal distribution of toxic metal concentrations
such as cadmium, mercury, and lead in the samples
of oyster tissues collected at monthly interval over a
period of 1 year across three locations mainly
Mirbat, Hadbeen and Sadah along the southern
coast of Oman. The results of this study found
highest accumulation of cadmium in oysters
followed by mercury and lead (Table 2). It was also
observed significant spatial variation in the
concentrations of metals particularly in S. cucullata
between three locations and temporal variations
increased with the concentration of cadmium for
samples collected in the rainy period, suggesting the
southwest monsoon and upwelling affected all 3
study sites.
A comparison of cadmium and lead concen-
trations were done in ghost shrimps, barnacles,
polychaetes as well as bivalves and sediments
collected from ten different locations along the
intertidal zone of the Gulf and the Sea of Oman
(Amoozadeh et al., 2013). Based on the analyzed
data, the authors found significant differences in the
heavy metal concentrations between the organisms
with barnacles showing higher metal concentrations
and concluded that barnacles (Table 2) having lead
concentrations between 0.17 and 2,016.1 μg/g and
cadmium concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 147.1
μg/g are the best organisms which can be used in
monitoring and to assess pollution with bioavailable
metals in the Sea of Oman.
More recently, another study was conducted at
Mina Al Fahal in Sultanate of Oman to assess the
level of metal contamination and its impact on the
marine sediments in the vicinity of the Single Buoy
Moorings 3 (Al-Husaini et al., 2014). Under this
study, the marine subtidal sediments were analyzed
for their level and distribution of the heavy metals
such as cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and
vanadium (V), reported low concentrations of these
heavy metals in the marine sediments indicating
that the marine Single Buoy Mooorings 3 is of good
Beach Tar
In the capital area near Muscat, Sultanate of Oman,
a study was undertaken to measure beach tar
concentrations about 20 times at nine sites starting
from February 1993 to February 1995 (Coles and Al-
Riyami, 1995). The results of this measurement
showed that tar concentrations were highly variable
in space and time with averages of three transects at
each station ranging from 0 to 5 kg m
of beach front
and the authors reported that this level of tar
pollution is among the highest previously measured
in the world as well as it is a greater amount than
was measured anywhere on the coastal areas of
Oman a decade ago.
Similarly, there are few other studies conducted
on the abundance of beach tar along the coast of
Oman in 1980 (Burns et al., 1982), 1985 to 1988
(Badawy and Al-Harthy, 1991) and 1990 (Badawy et
al., 1993), all of these studies determined that tar
concentrations on some Omani beaches ranked
among the highest reported in the world. These
studies also highlighted that the abundance of beach
tar was much more in the vicinity of the Strait of
Hormuz and the northern Sea of Oman than further
south, indicating that the principal source of spilled
oil was the discharge of oily ballast water from
tankers approaching the Strait.
Debris and Plastics
A Study conducted to provide an assessment of the
abundance, distribution, potential sources and
significance of industrial plastic on the western
beaches of the United Arab Emirates on the Arabian
Gulf and on the eastern beaches on the Sea of Oman
(Khordagui and Abu-Hilal, 1994). The authors
found that the highly uneven abundance of
stranded plastic pellets when compared to the west
coast of the Arabian Gulf and exhibited much lower
levels of plastic pellets in the east coast on the Sea of
Oman. Further, the study concluded that the
beaches of United Arab Emirates bordered to Oman
are considered to be heavily polluted with industrial
plastic when compared to other parts of the world.
One of the study related to beach debris which
focused on studying the abundance and weight of
beach debris across 11 beaches along the coast of
Oman (Claereboudt, 2004). This study reported,
overall contaminations of debris ranged from 0.43 to
6.01 items m
of beach front across studied beaches
with a mean value
of 1.79 ± 1.04 g m
Further, it is
reported that there were notable differences between
studied beaches in the abundance of debris
generated by the fishing and recreational related
activities. Most of the debris seen along the coast
had originated from the localized activities mainly
from beach recreational and fishing whereas fishing
debris represented the highest proportion in terms
of their weight.
Salinity is a major groundwater quality issue,
particularly in Al-Batinah region of Oman and it has
increased in some regions due to continued pressure
from increased extractions and poor irrigation
practices. Monitoring of groundwater quality in
Oman appears limited and is carried out in an adhoc
manner. There is no consistent national program on
groundwater quality monitoring and much of the
monitoring has been short term therefore it is
difficult to ascertain long-term trends. Regarding
salinity management, Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries (2012) has already developed salinity
management strategy and suggested a number of
measures that can be employed as combination of
tactical measures considering regulation, economic
and financial incentives, public goods and capacity
It is reported that many organic chemicals such as
tributylin (TBT), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
and petroleum hydrocarbon were high organic
contaminants in the present review based on the
research papers published over the last two decades
focused on the coastal areas of Oman. The review
also indicated that over the last few years, the
studies have been using high quality monitoring
techniques which are an improvement in the area of
detecting petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in
coastal water, sediment and biota. Overall, the
information collected from the reviewed papers can
be considered as a comprehensive review of the
existing status of likely areas in Oman are
vulnerable to oil pollution incidence. Therefore, this
review would allow an efficient use of the compiled
information for future assessment of these
contaminants in the coastal areas of Oman
particularly in the area around Mina al Fahal since
many of the petroleum related activities take place
in terms of loading, stacking and refining besides at
this point coastal waters receiving oil wastes from
various sources such as water from the tank drains,
processed water from refineries and ballast waters
(Burns et al., 1982).
Besides, petroleum hydrocarbons, review
showed that the presence of heavy metals in the
coastal water, sediments and biota in limited
amounts which are non-toxic and non-degradable
naturally occurring free elements. According to
Goldberg (1995), heavy metals enter the marine and
coastal environment in large quantities as
concentrated through different sources such as
domestic and sewage effluent. However, the cationic
forms of heavy metals are dangerous to living
organism since their capacity to bind with short
carbon chains and once bioaccumulate in protein
rich tissues such as liver and muscles of marine
organisms which eventually find its way into the
human food chain over a period of time and cause
harmful effects through the interference of metabolic
process (Davies, 1978). The studies reviewed under
this work, particularly the paper which examined
marine pollution in the Sea of Oman (de Mora et al.,
2004) based on sediment quality and local seafood
quality with respect to metal contamination have
concluded that metals concentrations are lower in
general or below the ranges previously reported in
the area (Flower et al., 1993) except for some
localized areas of chronic contamination which
would require monitoring strategies.
The Sultanate of Oman is the second largest country
in the Arabian Peninsula having a coastline which
extends for some 1700 km with a number of islands
offshore and unique ecosystems that are vulnerable
to disturbances from anthropogenic activities.
Intensive urbanization, tourism and other
development activities subject to changing physical
processes causing significant natural environment
modifications and such changes been seen over the
last few years and there are increased challenges to
environmental management and conservation
efforts. A brief summary of each of above issues is
provided below along with the recommendations
needed for further improvement and sustainability.
Groundwater Quality and Salinity: The main areas
in the sultanate covered in the review are; Muscat,
Barka, Al-Seeb, Al-Suwaiq, Sohar, Al-Musannah,
Saham, Sur, Bowsher, Samail, A Dhahira region and
Salalah. Salinity is a major groundwater quality
issue, particularly in Al-Batinah region of Oman and
it has increased in some regions due to continued
pressure from increased extractions and poor
irrigation practices. Monitoring of groundwater
quality in Oman appears limited and is carried out
in an ad-hoc manner. Trace elements such as Ni and
Zn have been detected in many locations adjacent to
dumping sites in and round Muscat mainly in deep
groundwater. Nitrate contamination is a major
groundwater quality issue in the areas closer to
dumping sites and urbanization, particularly in
shallow groundwater. This review recommends
updating groundwater use information, a broad
range of national and Wilayat level policies and
programmes to protect groundwater from
contamination along with establishment of
monitoring network and such studies should be
focused on various regions of Oman other than Al-
Batinah coast.
Soil Quality: A review on soil and soil quality issues
covered on literature available in the period of 1990
to 2013. Review indicated that number of studies
dealing with soil quality and salinity are limited and
focused only on Al-Batinah region and the most of
reported studies shown higher salinity of soils and
studies closer to industrial sites indicated higher
concentration of heavy metals. It is recommended
that soil monitoring activities should be established
for farms located closer to major industrial sites and
across Wilayats of Oman focused on essential
nutrients. Most of the reported studies have been
focused on Al-Batinah region and such salinity
monitoring programs could be extended to other
parts of the country.
Coastal and Marine Pollution: Studies mainly
focused in the areas of Sohar, Saham, Al-Seeb, Mina
Al-Fahal, Sur, Muscat, Alfahel and Daymaniyat
islands, Mahout and Dhofar islands, Musandum,
Al-Sawadi, Al-Khaboura, Al-Ghobra, Mirbat,
Hadbeen, Sadah etc. Most of the studies indicated
relatively low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons and
heavy metals in a variety of habitats and organisms.
In general, few studies have shown elevated
concentrations of some pollutants indicating
relatively low to moderate chronic contamination
from oil and metals in certain coastal areas of Oman.
Although a wealth of literature refers to marine and
coastal environments which are mostly research
based with different time intervals hence there is a
need to establish national level regular monitoring
of marine and coastal environments related to
pollution and associated issues and identify
hotspots for monitoring by considering activities
such as industrial, desalination and crude oil
Seawater Quality: Regarding studies on seawater
quality indicated that the pollution of water by oil
refineries and oil spills which may impact on the
marine life. Therefore, the review recommends that
there is a need to have monitoring programme for
coastal water quality in Oman and regular water
quality monitoring should be taken up in the hot
spots such as Mina Al Fahal area.
Overall, this review covered papers and reports
published over a period of nearly two decades that
can be considered as a comprehensive review of
existing data base. Therefore, this review would
allow an efficient use of compiled information for
future studies and assessments of these
environmental issues in the coastal areas of Oman.
However, the review clearly indicated that
sustainable management and protective measures
related to coastal resources in the Sultanate of
Oman have greater importance and become
essential for preservation with effective mesures
towards environmental decision making.
This review is part of an ongoing research project at
the Center for Environmental Studies and Research
(CESAR), Sultan Qaboos University on coastal
ecosystem management in Oman and authors
would like to acknowledge the funding support
received from The Research Council of the Sultanate
of Oman (TRC) under the research agreement ORG/
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... The study indicated that Al-Batinah coast is the most affected area with groundwater salinity in Oman, where the water salinity ranges from 5 to 44 dS/m (Choudri et al. 2015c). As reported by Choudri et al. (2015b), Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources collected salinity data from 18 different wells in Al-Batinah region during the years 1991, 1993, 2005 and 2010 ( Table 2). The collected data suggested that water salinity has increased gradually in all examined wells within the last two decades. ...
... Between the years 2000-2005, the percentage of the agricultural lands affected with soil salinity has increased by about 7% (Al Barwani and Helmi 2006). In addition, soil salinity is considered as one of the main reasons of desertification in arid and semi-arid regions and so in Al-Batinah coast particularly (Al-Belushi 2003; Choudri et al. 2015b). On the other hand, soil salinition is considered as one of the main reduction factors of Omani dates exportation which decreased by 2,000 MT within a 5-year period (2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011). ...
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Salinity by seawater intrusion due to excess groundwater pumping for irrigation is a major environmental challenge in the coastal areas of Oman. Increasing salinity levels moving inward the arable lands is happening in a rapid manner. Thus, salinity needs to be evaluated and quantified using a fast and accurate method. The objective of this study is to estimate salinity intrusion in Al-Batinah coastal belt using color aerial imaging. The study was conducted in five randomly selected sites with increasingly different distances from the seashore of Al-Suwaiq area in Al-Batinah region. Color aerial images were acquired for each site by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Images were enhanced by orthorectification in ENVI software. Green Leaf Index (GLI) was obtained from each site image using Matlab software. Image analysis results were compared with the results of analyzed soil and water samples taken for ground-truth verification. There was a strong negative correlation between the distance from the seashore and the soil EC of each site (R = -0.95). Similarly, the mean value of GLI increased as the salinity levels decreased, R= -0.96 and -0.92 for soil EC and water EC, respectively. The findings of this research work demonstrated the possibility of accurately use of color images taken by a UAV to quantify the salinity effect on vegetation along the costal belt.
... In the current study, to produce a runoff surface, both land use type and soil characteristics of the flood-prone areas were considered in the model. For each pixel, the output of the model indicated the runoff reduction (i.e., the amount of retained runoff per pixel compared with the storm volumes) [49]. ...
Natural hazards due to climate change have become the new norm in our cities. These events show the vulnerabilities of our cities to extreme conditions, mainly displayed as flash wadi flooding as a result of a short duration of intensive and eroded its shoreline along the coast, resulting in huge impacts, including human losses and urban and infrastructural damages. This study used the urban flood risk mitigation model through an open-source tool—Integrated Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-off (InVEST)—to estimate the amount of runoff due to two extreme rainfall events for each watershed considered. We used a digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS) to quantify the Al Khaboura shoreline erosion as a result of Shaheen’s storm surge. With the DSAS, the model showed that, during the short period of the event, the Al Khaboura coastal line was eroded by 16.33 m/y, representing 7.82% of its coastal line, up to a maximum erosion distance of 1428.5 m. The weighted linear regression showed the average mean rate of shoreline change of 6.79 m/y. These models could provide a clear picture of the city vulnerability to allow us to propose a corrective measure for interventions at local and regional scales.
... The shoreline extends to 1700 km dotted with several islands offshore. Its ecosystem is unique and is vulnerable to disturbance from various activities (Choudri et al., 2015). Oman's water sector is experiencing strong demands primarily due to the population growth and tourism projects, and they are projected to rise in the near future. ...
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All living things need access to clean water to survive. However, drinkable water is scarce, and as a result of human activity, these supplies are becoming severely contaminated. In order to replenish these depleting water supplies while also reducing contamination-causing activities, several steps must be made. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are essential for removing toxins from various sectors so that clean water may be released into the environment with the least amount of environmental harm. It involves a combination of complex processes used to treat and remove pollutants from water. All the decisions in WWTPs are conventionally taken by skilled and qualified plant operators with the necessary training and education in order to get the job done right. There can be a considerable amount of error that can occur when critical decisions are taken by these operators. In order to tackle this and to improve efficiency and accuracy, a Decision Support System (DSS) can be used as traditional methods of decision making by human operators are considerably less efficient. Water quality parameters such as pH, hardness, solids, chloramines, sulphate, conductivity, organic carbon, trihalomethanes, turbidity are used to determine the purity status of water being considered. The proposed study focuses on a Machine Learning based DSS built on Decision Tree (DT) algorithm that will predict the purity of water using historical data, which will aid the plant operators in making daily operational decisions at the WTTPs. The experimental result analysis shows that the model built using DT algorithm gives good performance.
... In the current study, to produce a runoff surface, both land use type and soil characteristics of the flood-prone areas were considered in the model. For each pixel, the output of the model indicated the runoff reduction (i.e., the amount of retained runoff per pixel compared with the storm volumes) [49]. ...
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Natural hazards due to climate change have become the new norm in our cities. These events show the vulnerabilities of our cities to extreme conditions, mainly displayed as flash wadi flooding as a result of a short duration of intensive and eroded its shoreline along the coast, resulting in huge impacts, including human losses and urban and infrastructural damages. This study used the urban flood risk mitigation model through an open-source tool—Integrated Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-off (InVEST)—to estimate the amount of runoff due to two extreme rainfall events for each watershed considered. We used a digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS) to quantify the Al Khaboura shoreline erosion as a result of Shaheen’s storm surge. With the DSAS, the model showed that, during the short period of the event, the Al Khaboura coastal line was eroded by 16.33 m/y, representing 7.82% of its coastal line, up to a maximum erosion distance of 1428.5 m. The weighted linear regression showed the average mean rate of shoreline change of 6.79 m/y. These models could provide a clear picture of the city vulnerability to allow us to propose a corrective measure for interventions at local and regional scales.
... Salinity is an important factor in oceanography and in the protection and utilization of estuaries and coastlines. It is one of the main polluting factors that affects the water quality (Kun et al 2012, Choudri et al 2015 and soil (Sonmez et al 2008). The salinity of slurry significantly influences the development of biological communities and the environments of related aquatic plants, animals, and microorganisms in oceans and estuaries (Sanders et al 1965, Rysgaard et al 1999, Nielsen et al 2003, Cañedoargüelles et al 2013, Jia et al 2019, Kataoka and Kondo 2019, Li et al 2019. ...
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Salinity is an important factor in the management of inland and oceanic water resources. Currently, the electrical conductivity (EC) method is widely used for the measurement of salinity in different components of the environment. However, this method is not reliable for the measurement of salinity in slurry, as the conversion formula from the EC value to salinity does not consider fine particle size and its content. In this study, the salinity of slurry based on EC measurements was extensively investigated. In total, 1148 laboratory tests and 40 field tests were performed. The results indicate that the EC value is mainly influenced by the salinity, temperature, fine particle size, fine particle content, and sediment concentration of slurry. The fine particle size and its content play an important role in the measurement of salinity in slurry. The surface coefficient of the fine particles was herein considered as the parameter to indicate the effects of fine particle size and its content on the EC value. The results show that the effects of salinity and temperature on the EC measurement are more significant than that of the surface coefficient of fine particles and sediment concentration. Although the EC of slurry is positively and linearly related to salinity and temperature, it has negative relationships with the surface coefficient of fine particles and sediment concentration. Based on dimensional analysis and experimental data, a new formula was proposed for the calculation of salinity which considers the EC, sediment concentration, surface coefficient of fine particles, and temperature of the slurry. This modified conversion formula for the EC method was successfully tested with laboratory, field and other scholars’ data, which assures a reliable salinity measurement of slurry in shallow oligohaline water areas
... This plain is the second most dense area in the country after the capital Muscat. It has witnessed a rapid increase in population growth and socioeconomic activities, such as intensive urbanization, coastal tourism projects, active ports, infrastructure development, agricultural development, and industrial activities (Al-Rahbi et al., 2019;Choudri et al., 2015b). This growth has resulted in elevating the pressure on natural resources and the subsequent increase in the demand for freshwater use, further leading to an extensive pumping of fresh groundwater. ...
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The aim of this study is to analyze the spatiotemporal variation of groundwater salinity in Al-Batinah governorate, a Sultanate of Oman, and the strategies to manage and control this problem in an effective way. Around 58,000 water wells were investigated based on their operational status and type between 1990 and 2018. The groundwater salinity levels in the area were classified into five categories based on the electrical conductivity (EC). These categories include fresh water or excellent irrigation water, low salinity water, moderate salinity water, high salinity water, and very high salinity water. A salinity map was created to track the changes in groundwater salinity over time in the study area. The results show that water salinity increases over time due to the increase in urbanization and over-pumping of water from these wells. The increase in water salinity has a negative impact on the sustainability of the society and the economy, particularly on the agricultural sector and hence effective government measurements are required to reduce these negative effects.
... In the long run, it promotes economic benefits by contributing to the restoration of degraded ecosystem structures which ultimately helps to improve ecosystem services of coastal area (D'Autilia et al., 2004;Grizzetti et al., 2019;Lau et al., 2019). Whereas, coastal ecosystems are vulnerable to more and more intensive urbanization, agricultural, and industrial activities, and increasing contamination of heavy metal and organic pollutants caused (Al-Rawas and Valeo, 2012;Choudri et al., 2015;Geng et al., 2016). Natural biochemical degradation of contaminants in the coastal aquifers may consume a large amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen-depleted water could do harm to subsurface ecosystems (Lin et al., 2017;Kang et al., 2019;Brown et al., 2019). ...
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Intertidal sediments host many biogeochemical processes which drastically affect coastal ecosystems. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) plays a major role in many of these biogeochemical reactions, and is of primary importance for intertidal groundwater quality. Groundwater level of intertidal zone fluctuates regularly corresponding to the tidal cycle. During the fluctuation of water table, the oxygen-rich air could be entrapped in the pore space of sediments, and hence serve as an important oxygen source to replenish oxygen-depleted groundwater. Although oxygenation enhanced by fluctuated water table has been studied in river banks, no study has been conducted in ocean intertidal sediments under tide-induced groundwater table fluctuations, and quantification of interphase oxygen mass transfer is lacking. In this study, combined laboratory experimental and numerical modeling approach is developed to study the mechanism of oxygenation of aquifers with regularly fluctuated water table. Two column experiments are conducted with regular multiple drainage-imbibition periods to mimic the Oman sea tidal cycles controlled by 3.5 and 5.75 mL/min of pumping rate respectively. The numerical model is developed and calibrated by the column experiment data, and used to simulate two additional columns by increasing the entrapped air saturation to 0.25 from 0.15 and using 30 ppt of saline water respectively. The results suggest that the larger water table fluctuation leads to 35% more dissolved oxygen, and higher entrapped air saturation enables 22% more oxygen transferred to the anoxic aqueous phase and significantly enhanced the oxygenation of the aquifer, especially the deep zone below the water table. Dissolved oxygen is 4.81% less in the column with 30 ppt of saline water than with fresh water.
... Tide gates are generally doors or flaps mounted on the downstream ends of rivers near the sea, which allow upstream waters to drain while preventing inflows from the sea due to tidal surges or flood events [5,6]. However, tide gate could disrupt the natural ecosystem by reducing the water connectivity between the river and sea, which potentially would result in undesirable physical, chemical, and biological side effects, such as low dissolved oxygen, high nutrients concentration and intensified algae bloom [7,8], blocked or delayed fish passage [9], invasion of upland plant, and so on. Additionally, in some areas where local industries have experienced rapid development, the degraded water connectivity could further deteriorate undesirable water quality [10]. ...
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Recovery of tide-receiving is considered to improve the water quality in the Lianjiang River, a severely polluted and tide-influenced river connected to the South China Sea. A tide-receiving scenario, i.e., keeping the tide gate open, is compared with the other scenario representing the non-tide-receiving condition, i.e., blocking the tide flow during the flood phase, by numerical simulations based on the EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code) model. The impacts of tide receiving were evaluated by the variation in the concentration of ammonia and its exporting fluxes, mainly in the downstream part of the river. With more water mass coming into the river, in the tide-receiving scenario, the averaged concentration of ammonia reduced by 20–40%, with the most significant decrease of 0.64 g m−3. However, the exporting flux of ammonia has decreased in the tide-receiving scenario, as the consequence of the back–forth oscillation of tidal current. In the tide-receiving scenario, the time series of ammonia concentration approximately followed the tidal oscillation, with increased concentration during the ebb tide and reduction in the flood tide. In the non-tide-receiving scenario, the ammonia concentration decreases when the tide gate is open which results in further intrusion of seawater. This was followed by an increase in ammonia concentration again after the currents shift seaward and water mass with higher concentration from the upstream part is transported downstream. Given the identical ammonia input and river runoff, the ammonia concentration stays lower in the tide-receiving scenario, except for short periods after the tide gate opening and neap tides in the downstream part which lasts for around half a day. This study highlights the importance of hydrodynamic condition, specifically tidal oscillation, in the semi-diurnal and fortnight cycles, for the transportation of waterborne materials. Furthermore, the operation of the tide gate was additionally discussed based on potential varied practical conditions and evaluation criteria.
Soil salinity threatens agricultural sustainability globally and is a significant challenge in Oman. Previous studies in Oman focused on examining the causality and spatiotemporal variation of groundwater and soil salinity, neglecting farmers' perceptions and attitudes toward salinity management. Therefore, this study evaluates (i) perceptions and attitudes of landowners and farmers toward soil salinity and its management, and (ii) determinants of willingness to use elemental sulfur to alleviate soil salinity in Oman. A questionnaire survey (122 responses) assessed perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge using Likert scales and qualitative questions. Binary Logistic Regression analyzed determinants of willingness to use elemental sulfur. Results reveal variations in perceptions, attitudes, knowledge, and management practices. Most of the respondents were aware of adequate nutrient and water requirements for crops (P<0.05). Respondents rely on social media (38.5%), fellow farmers (32.1%), and personal experiences (11.5%) for knowledge acquisition about soil salinity management. Half of the respondents did not monitor soil salinity, while the other half relied primarily on visual observation. A substantial number (62.6%) of the respondents did not implement any techniques to alleviate soil salinity, while among those who acted, a majority preferred cultivating date palms (55%) or fodders (29.4%). Awareness of the national salinity management strategy and commercial products is lacking. However, when introduced to elemental sulfur as a soil amendment for salinity, 74.8% of the respondents demonstrated a willingness to utilize it. Most (82.4%) preferred elemental sulfur products within the lowest price range. Being a full‐time farmer, owning a farm, awareness of the national strategy, and low‐price preferences were positive determinants, while <1 year farming experience was negative determinant to willingness to use elemental sulfur. These findings inform future research on socio‐economic perceptions of salinity in Oman, the Gulf region, and similar arid areas facing food production limitations.
Persian Gulf is a busiest sea area as a result of pollution by various oils and fossil fuels containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s). Nowadays, water pollution is one of the most serious issues globally. In the past few years, certain chemical pollutants, such as PAH’s caused environmental concerns. Industrialization plays a major role in water pollution as most of the industrial wastes and byproducts are dumped into the water untreated. The untreated waste contains potent chemicals often with severe effects on the living organisms exposed to them. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC–MS) method for the detection and extraction of PAH’s coastal seawater and freshwater samples collected from six different locations in the Sultanate of Oman such as Matrah port, Al Mouj Marina, Sohar port, Salalah port, Duqm port, and Falaj Daris. A total of 64 samples were collected from the selected locations and the samples was processed as well as extracted PAH’s with dichloromethane (DCM) twice. The DCM extract was passed through the silica gel column and evaporated by rotary evaporator and analyzed by LC/MS. The results showed the presence of four PAH’s such as acenaphthylene, benzo[a]pyrene, 1,2-benzanthracene, and indene. These PAH’s are present in almost samples. The highest concentration present were 0.1201 ppb of Acenaphthylene in Salalah port, 0.8377 ppb for Benzo[a]pyrene in Matrah port, 0.2297 ppb for 1,2-Benzanthracene in Duqm port, and 5.6734 ppb for Indene in Salalah port. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) standards, the PAH’s concentration in the collected sea and freshwater samples are above the permissible levels. Therefore, strict regulations must be adopted to control the PAH’s concentration in the sea and freshwater to avoid their negative effects on human being and marine ecosystems.
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The Batinah Coastal plain, located between the Hajar mountains and the sea, from Muscat to the UAE border, is a favorable region for groundwater occurrence in Oman and the main source of fresh water in this coastal area. The coastal parts of the Batinah plain, particularly Barka and Suwaiq, have suffered from groundwater deterioration over the past 20 years. This paper reviews the monitoring activities of groundwater electrical conductivity in the Batinah coastal plain between Seeb and Suwaiq over the period 1984 to 2005, an area of approximately 394 km2. GIS and Auto-Cad techniques were applied to illustrate different salinity zones as the wells coordinates and their field EC were digitized on maps with contours. Zones of salinity ranges are identified and their areas were computed and compared to the total catchment area of each wadi. All samples were collected from the same upper gravel layer, ranging in depth 20-100 meters. There has been a substantial deterioration in water quality as indicated by a 7% reduction in areas of water suitable for agriculture use (2.000 – 6.000 μS/cm), reflecting a loss of 2,714 hectares of irrigated land. Also, a saline interface is reported 12 km inland at Wadi al Taww, Barka area, an indication of aquifer over-exploitation. It is therefore critical that monitoring of water quality and quantity is continued. It is recommended to improve implementation of the standard water resources management solutions to coastal aquifer saline contamination. Cooperation of different organizations and water users is essential to conserve these precious water resources.
Technical Report
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SUMMARY The land resources of Oman are limited, as only 7.07% (2.22 m ha) of the soils are suitable for agriculture. However, the land is being curtailed further due to soil salinity. Soil salinity can be regarded now as one of the biggest problems of present agriculture in Sultanate Oman. According to the General Soil Map of the country and natural classification of soils (1990), 44% of the total area was affected from salinity out of which 39% was in unsuitable lands while 5% lied in the suitable agricultural lands. The salt affected area was 70 % of the area declared suitable for agriculture that could be brought under agriculture after corrective measures like leaching etc. Most of the salt affected area is included in Batinah. Approximately, 52 % soils of this important agricultural area were affected from salinity to various degrees (Integrated Study of Batinah, 1993-97). The present extent of the affected soils is not known exactly because no survey was conducted afterwards to assess, classify and document the salt affected area. Basing upon certain assumptions it was estimated that the annual losses occurring from soil salinity to the country range from 6.66 to 13.315 million Omani Rials. If the loss of abandoned date palm farms is included then the losses will be ranging in between 7.311 and 13.966 million Omani Rials per annum. The causes of salinity were assessed and elaborated in this document. A critical review of the past research was undertaken, deficiencies were identified and the future needs were highlighted. Short term, medium term and long-term research studies have also been indicated. A ten years research plan has been prepared. Some policy issues and actions direly needed to deal with the problem have also been pointed out. An interim strategy consisting of some proven techniques from other parts of the world has also been suggested for adoption unless database becomes strong from research conducted under local conditions to answer questions of problems in the country. A very brief account of these topics is being presented here for the interest of researchers, planners and the decision makers.
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This paper presents an analysis of anthropogenic pressures in terms of indicators which would contribute to the relative vulnerability of coastal Wilayats (Administrative Zones) to development and related activities in the Al-Batinah North region of Oman. The main objective of this work is to rank each Wilayat based on the pressure indicators to provide inputs for local stakeholders involved in coastal management by developing a sense of understanding on the relative vulnerability of coastal Wilayats. The study of using pressure indicators would help to identify, key development pressures with the potential to affect coastal ecosystems. This would also enable to identify a Wilayat having strong driving forces for development and to determine which Wilayat’s coastal ecosystems are most affected and relatively experiencing anthropogenic pressures. Results of ranking exercise indicated that Suwaiq and Sohar Wilayats are more vulnerable, having pressures of studied drivers such as agriculture and urbanization. The identified pressure indicators presented in this study could be used to design coastal monitoring systems that can help further development of holistic environmental and socio-economic indicators for the coast.
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The eight countries surrounding the Gulf (referred to as both the Persian and Arabian Gulf) - Bahrain, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates - share a valuable marine ecosystem that now risks becoming seriously degraded by a number of anthropogenic impacts. Some of the most rapidly developing countries in the world are found here, and nearly all development is confined to coastal fringes. In many cases, there has not been enough time to develop adequate regulatory, technical, and monitoring capacity necessary to guide this growth appropriately. The Gulf’s unique but fragile marine and coastal ecosystems provide valuable services including fishery resources, tourism assets, and oil reserves. Overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction and inappropriate coastal development are placing increasing pressure on these ecosystems at a time when climate change is increasing the physical stresses it already endures. This policy report highlights the greatest environmental threats facing the Gulf and offers advice to managers and decision makers on how to avoid or mitigate the impacts of coastal development and improve environmental management. The Gulf is a well-delineated body of water in a region with considerable sovereign wealth. There is an opportunity for one or more Gulf nations to provide leadership to build a ‘made-in-the-Gulf-region’ solution. Although this report is specific to this region, rapid development and population growth are causing similar problems along shorelines in other parts of the world. We believe that this document will serve to inform decision makers across and beyond the Gulf.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to give professionals, researchers and policy makers in Oman and the region understanding of the climate change implications for better planning. The likely impacts will cause serious damage to the economy of Oman which already suffers from aridity, soil salinity, recurrent drought and water scarcity. This paper highlights the work being carried out and current knowledge and efforts being made in view of climate change challenges in Oman. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on a literature review of texts and references sourced from scientific reports, research papers and other published documents by various national and international agencies. Findings Sultanate of Oman is vulnerable to the potential impacts of climate change, the most significant of which are increased average temperatures, less and more erratic precipitation, sea level rise (SLR) and desertification. Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation in development strategies and policies is a must for a country like Oman which is at the early stage of economic and industrial development. Research limitations/implications It is not clear from existing data that any organized research effort is ongoing in Oman to tackle various climate change related issues. There are number of projects undertaken may look impressive but none of the projects was taken up as a direct response to climate change concerns. A small and scattered number of research studies have been published in the field of climate change, and there are many gaps that still need to be filled in the future, especially pertaining to the vulnerability of water resources, agriculture, and biodiversity of Oman. Originality/value The paper offers inputs for researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders on issues related to climate change and its management in Oman and the region.
This chapter reviews the present understanding of the effects of heavy metals upon marine plankton and highlights the fact that although, at present, the data obtained from laboratory experiments cannot usually be used to assess the degree to which natural populations are at risk due to metal pollution, it might now be possible to begin to rectify the situation. It focuses on interactions of metals with phytoplankton and with zooplankton. The portions concerned with the plants and with the animals progress in a similar manner. The chapter examines the rates and mechanisms of uptake and loss of heavy metals, including a discussion of the influence of the plankton upon the biogeochemistry of metals in the sea. The toxic effects of the metals are considered using data obtained both in the laboratory and with natural populations. The heavy metal concentrations in natural populations of plankton are also discussed.
To assess the developrnent of oil pollution in a part of Gulf of Ornan ecosystern, surface waters, 5 species of econornic fish and sedirnents sarnples were collected frorn 3 areas covering the part of Sultanate of Ornan, where all petroleurn activities are concentrated. Analysis of sarnples for their contents in total hydrocarbons (THC) and concentration of 5 per-sistent polyarornatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were carried out. The results show high level of oil contarnination in all sarnples, especially in the area nearest the Hormuz Strait. High values, as 125 fLg I-I ofTHC as well as con-centration >11XXJ ng I-I total PAH contents, were detected in waters. Sedi-rnents show higher contents of THC and PAH exceeding 250 fLg g-1 and 3000 ng g-1 in the surficial layers and rnore in the layer underneath. THC show also high level in fish flesh and liver (> 500 fLg kg-I) and 110 ng kg-1 as a rninirnurn concentration for PAH. The rnajor constituent of PAH is Benzo-3, 4-Pyrene-like cornpounds.
The marine environment of the United Arab Emirates along the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman is subjected to increasing quantities of oil which may cause human health problems (Sindermann, 1978; Dunn and Fee, 1979; Ponat, 1988). In addition to the usual toxic effects on marine life and shore damage, oil spills threaten the desalination plants that provide the fresh water supply for the Gulf region. On the evening of 31 March 1994, a quantity (16000t) of Iranian crude oil leaked into the Gulf of Oman 9.5 miles outside the Al-Fujirah port entrance after a collision between the 57211 dwt tanker ‘Baynunah’ and the 293238dwt supertanker ‘Seki’. Clean-up operations which started within 1 h and 40 min of the collision could remove only 2000 t of oil from the sea, and failed to contain the spill. After 4 days, the floating oil hit the shoreline of the United Arab Emirates and contaminated about 20 km of shoreline. This resulted in the disruption of the fishing industry and a reduction in scuba diving tourism (Marine Pollution Bulletin Report, 1994). Much of the fauna on the rocky shores was covered by oil. The active shore crab (Grapsus albolineatus) and the barnacle populations were smothered by the oil spill (Copper, 1995). Mechanical and flotation techniques were applied onshore after 4 April 1994, but there is no information on how much oil was removed by these operations. The main objectives of this paper are to evaluate the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and organic carbon contents at the time of the incident and to assess, in July and November 1994, the recovery of the marine environment after a period of about 8 months.
Recently in the Sultanate of Oman, there has been a rapid surge of coastal developments. These developments cause metal contamination, which may affect the habitats and communities at and near the coastal region. As a result, a study was conducted to assess the level of metal contamination and its impact on the marine sediments in the vicinity of the Single Buoy Moorings 3 (SBM3) at Mina Al Fahal in the Sultanate of Oman. Marine subtidal sediment samples were collected from six different stations of the SBM3 for the period ranging from June 2009 to April 2010. These samples were then analyzed for their level and distribution of the heavy metals of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and vanadium (V). Overall, low concentrations of all four heavy metals were measured from the marine sediments, indicating that the marine at SBM3 is of good quality.
The demersal fisheries of the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Gulf are reviewed. The region comprises eight countries: Oman, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq and Iran. Over 350 commercial fish species, eight shrimp species, two spiny lobster species, one shovel nose lobster species, one cuttlefish species, one crab species, and one abalone species support the demersal fisheries in the continental shelves of the three regions. Artisanal and industrial vessels with over 120 000 fishermen were involved in demersal fisheries. Fishing boats include fish and shrimp trawlers (wooden and steel hulled), large wooden boats (dhow) with inboard engines, small dhows with outboard engines, and fibreglass boats. Fishing gear consists of trawls, bottom gill nets, traps (wire mesh and plastic types), barrier traps, hand lines, and bare hands and knives (to dislodge abalone). Demersal fish (primarily Lethrinidae, Sparidae, Serranidae, Siganidae, Sciaenidae, Stromateidae, Lutjanidae, Trichiuridae, and Nemipteridae) and shrimp (primarily Penaeus semisulcatus, Metapenaeus affinis, Parapenaeopsis stylifera, and Penaeus merguiensis) were the two commercial demersal resources. Approximately 198 000–214 000 tonnes (t) of demersals were landed annually during 1988–1993, accounting for nearly 40% of the total marine landings (475 000–552 000 t). This percentage, however varied among countries: 25% in Oman, 32% in U.A.E., 71% in Qatar, 52% in Saudi Arabia, 56% in Bahrain, 55% in Kuwait, close to 100% in Iraq, and 41% in Iran. Fishing effort on certain stocks may have been below the optimum level (e.g. certain Omani demersal fish), near the optimum level (e.g. Omani shrimp), or above the optimum level (e.g. Arabian Gulf shrimp and demersal fish). Overexploitation led to restriction of fishing effort by limiting fishing licences, regulating fishing gear (mesh size) and capture size, closing fishing areas, restricting fishing season, and banning certain fisheries. However, fisheries management was hampered by lack of appropriate management regulations, enforcement and data on most stocks. Pollution and degradation of nursery areas were also affecting the productivity of fisheries resources. To achieve sustainable demersal fisheries, maintaining a healthy marine environment, reducing fishing effort, and strictly enforcing closed seasons and closed areas are needed. These measures are being implemented with varying degrees of success by all the countries.