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Studies on Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin-C) Content in Different Citrus Fruits and its Degradation During Storage


Abstract and Figures

Vitamin-C which is chemically L-ascorbic acid is an essential nutrient for human body. Vitamin-C is required for various metabolic functions and its deficiency cause scurvy. Recent studies have clearly indicated antioxidant properties of Vitamin-C and hence its role for human has increased manifold. It is known that citrus fruits are good source of Vitamin-C and because of our fast changing lifestyle packed and stored fruit juice have become very common and they are being administered for therapeutic and nutritional purpose as well. The present investigation has revealed gradual degradation of vitamin-c content present in various citrus fruits even it is stored under refrigeration condition (4-5 0 c). The reduction of Vitamin-C varies from one fruit to other. Hence it is always suggested to consume fresh juice rather than the packed and stored one. V itamin-C or L-ascorbic acid or simply Ascorbate is an essential nutrient for humans and certain other animal species. Vitamin-C is required for a range of essential metabolic reactions in all animals and plants. Deficiency of this vitamin causes the disease scurvy. The biological role of ascorbate is to act as a reducing agent. Vitamin-C is absorbed in the body by both active transport and simple diffusion. Ascorbate concentrations over renal threshold pass freely into the urine and are excreted out. As Vitamin-C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of our body and it is used to form an important proteins used to make skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels, heal wounds and form scar tissues, repair and maintaining cartilage, bones and teeth. It is one of the many antioxidants, which removes free radicals and stimulate the immune system and prevents and treat cancers. The body is not able to make Vitamin-C on its own, and it does not store Vitamin-C. This Vitamin-C has been a popular remedy for the common cold for many years. Research showed that for most people Vitamin-C supplements or Vitamin-C rich foods do not reduce the risk of getting the common cold. Taking a supplement after a cold starts does not appear to be helpful. Most of the functions of Vitamin-C are related to its property of undergoing reversible oxidation-reduction etc. inter-conversion of ascorbic acid and de-hydroascobic acid.
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VOL. 80, NOS. 9–10 265
Sci. & Cult. 80 (9–10) 265-268 (2014)
Studies on Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin-C)
Content in Different Citrus Fruits and
its Degradation During Storage
Abstract : Vitamin-C which is chemically L-ascorbic acid is
an essential nutrient for human body. Vitamin-C is required
for various metabolic functions and its deficiency cause
scurvy. Recent studies have clearly indicated antioxidant
properties of Vitamin-C and hence its role for human has
increased manifold. It is known that citrus fruits are good
source of Vitamin-C and because of our fast changing life-
style packed and stored fruit juice have become very common
and they are being administered for therapeutic and nutritional
purpose as well. The present investigation has revealed
gradual degradation of vitamin-c content present in various
citrus fruits even it is stored under refrigeration condition (4-
50c). The reduction of Vitamin-C varies from one fruit to other.
Hence it is always suggested to consume fresh juice rather
than the packed and stored one.
Vitamin-C or L-ascorbic acid or simply Ascorbate is
an essential nutrient for humans and certain other
animal species. Vitamin-C is required for a range of
essential metabolic reactions in all animals and plants.
Deficiency of this vitamin causes the disease scurvy. The
biological role of ascorbate is to act as a reducing agent.
Vitamin-C is absorbed in the body by both active transport
and simple diffusion. Ascorbate concentrations over renal
threshold pass freely into the urine and are excreted out.
As Vitamin-C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues
in all parts of our body and it is used to form an important
proteins used to make skin, tendons, ligaments and blood
vessels, heal wounds and form scar tissues, repair and
maintaining cartilage, bones and teeth. It is one of the many
antioxidants, which removes free radicals and stimulate the
immune system and prevents and treat cancers. The body
is not able to make Vitamin- C on its own, and it does not
store Vitamin-C. This Vitamin-C has been a popular remedy
for the common cold for many years. Research showed
that for most people Vitamin-C supplements or Vitamin-C
rich foods do not reduce the risk of getting the common
cold. Taking a supplement after a cold starts does not
appear to be helpful. Most of the functions of Vitamin-C
are related to its property of undergoing reversible
oxidation-reduction etc. inter-conversion of ascorbic acid
and de-hydroascobic acid.
Vitamin-C has received a great deal of attention and
with good reason. Higher blood levels of Vitamin-C may
be the ideal nutrition marker for overall health, say study
Researcher Mark Moyad M.D; MPH of the university. “The
more we study Vitamin–C the better our understanding of
how diverse it is in protecting our health and from CVD,
cancer, stroke, eye health and immunity to living longer”.
Vitamin -C has become the most controversial vitamin in
recent years. This is because of the claims on the use of
the Vitamin-C in mega-doses to cure everything from
common cold to cancer. Vitamin-C is a water soluble
vitamin that is necessary for normal human growth and
development. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the
body through the urine. That means we need a continuous
supply of such vitamins in our diet.
Various types of citrus fruits belonging to the family
Rutaceae, and some vegetable are good source of Vitamin-
C. Some common examples of such plants based sources
are Orange, Amla, Mausami, Lemon, Tomato, Strawberry,
etc. Very cheap fruits like Amla and Guava are very rich
sources of Vitamin-C. The fresh Amla juice contains 20
times as much Vitamin-C as Orange juice. A single Amla
fruit is equivalent to one or two oranges in Vitamin-C
content. Heating or drying of fresh fruits or vegetables
usually leads to destruction of most or all of the Vitamin-
C originally present. Amla is however an exception among
fruits not only because of its high Vitamin-C content, but
it also contains substances which partially protect the
vitamin from destruction on heating or drying. Amla juice
which is highly acidic protects Vitamin-C. Use of dried
Amla is an ancient practice and has much nutritional
Although some of these fruits and vegetables are part
of normal Indian diet, but the way these fruits are taken is
very important. In Indian context normally cooking styles
and storage processes are not taken care of and this plays
a crucial role in the amount of nutrient available to the
human body.
Research Communication
As we know ascorbic acid that is Vitamin-C is an
essential nutrient for man as he lacks the capacity to
synthesize it like many other animal species. It helps
absorption of dietary iron by keeping it in the reduced form,
i.e. in ferrous form, thus Vitamin-C deficiencies are rarely
seen. Ascorbic acid occurs widely in plants foods,
particularly in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in
green varieties of all the vegetables.
Ascorbic acid is the most sensitive vitamin in foods,
its stability varying markedly as a function of environmental
conditions such as pH and the concentration of traces metal
ions and oxygen. The nature of the packaging can
significantly affect the stability of ascorbic acid in foods.
The effectiveness of the material as a barrier to moisture
and oxygen as well as the chemical nature of the surface
exposed to the food are important factors. The aerobic and
anaerobic degradation reaction of ascorbic acid in reduced
moisture foods have been shown highly sensitive to water
activity. Ascorbic acid is the most susceptible one to
destruction by atmospheric oxidation. One of the
characteristic properties of this vitamin is its intense
reducing action and hence is oxidized rapidly in air. It is
for this reason that when vegetables become dry and stale
or cut and exposed to air most of the Vitamin-C originally
present is destroyed1. Whenever possible, fresh raw
vegetable should be used for obtaining enough of Vitamin-
C because considerable quantity of Vitamin-C contents of
food is lost during processing, storage and preparation2.
Bruising, peeling, cutting into pieces of different fruits of
leafy vegetables containing ascorbic acid decrease their
ascorbic acid retention3,4. Ascorbic acid decrease gradually
during storage especially at temperature above 00 C5.
Stability of the ascorbic acid also depends upon the
packaging material, exposure to air and storage temperature
The present study aims at investigating the Vitamin-
C content of four different citrus fruits (Amla, Lemon, Lime
and Mausami), degradation of ascorbic acid (Vitamin-C)
content of four citrus fruits under the refrigeration condition
after specific time intervals and provide nutritional
education on Vitamin-C.
Materials and Methods : Four citrus fruits were
selected for the present investigation. These are, Amla
(Emblica officinalis), Mausami (Citrus sinesis), Lemon
(Citrus limon) and Lime (Citrus aurantifolia).
Both visual as well as chemical estimation of Vitamin-
C content and its degradation (if any) during storage was
Juice of citrus fruits was extracted with the help of
common kitchen juicer. Fresh readings were taken. Later
on reading at 24 hours interval was taken for 3 days after
keeping the juice in refrigerator.
Visual estimation : One tablespoon of cornstarch was
added into enough of water and it was stirred well to make
a homogenous mixture. This stock-mixture was used for
further investigation. Nearly 250 ml of water was further
added and the whole mixture was boiled for 5 minutes.
Thereafter 10 drops of starch solution was added to 75 ml
of water. Enough of iodine solution was added to produce
a dark purple blue color. In this way indicator solution
was ready. 5 ml of indicator solution was taken in a test
tube of 15 ml capacity and to it test-material was added
with the help of clean dropper. The dropper was properly
cleaned before its re-use. The test-tubes were held against
bright white background and photographs were taken. The
lighter the solution was, the higher the Vitamin-C content
was established. This is because Vitamin-C is responsible
for discoloring purple blue indicator.
Chemical estimation : For the chemical estimation
of Vitamin-C, following materials and reagents were
Burette, Citrus fruits- Amla, Mausami, Lemon and
Lime, 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenols solution, 52 mg of
sodium salt of the dye and 42 mg of sodium bicarbonate
was dissolved in water to make the final volume to 500
ml. Standard Vitamin-C solution, 10 mg of Vitamin-C in
6% (wlv) meta-phosphoric acid was dissolved to make the
final volume the final volume with meta-phosphoric acid
to 1 litre.
Procedure : Fresh citrus fruits were squeezed to
obtain their respective juices. Juices were strained through
muslin cloth and immediately it was diluted (10 folds) with
6% meta-phosphoric acid. Thereafter 20 ml of standard
Vitamin-C solution was transferred in Erlenmeyer flask, and
it was titrated against the dye solution till the appearance
of a light pink colour was achieved. Then the volume of
the dye used was noted down. Similarly, 20 ml of each
test solution (diluted citrus fruit juice) against the dye
TABLE 1. Vitamin-C content of various citrus fruits.
Sl.No. Name of the citrus fruit Vitamin-C/100ml
1. Amla (Emblica officinalis) 178 mg
2. Mausami (Citrus sinesis) 52 mg
3. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) 42.5 mg
4. Lemon (Citrus limon) 38.5 mg
VOL. 80, NOS. 9–10 267
solution was titrated and the volume of the dye used was
Calculations : Concentration of Vitamin-C standard
solution = 10
Concentration of Vitamin-C in 20 ml of standard
solution= 200 μgm/ml
ml of dye was required for the oxidation
of Vitamin-C in 20 ml of the standard solution, then 1 ml
of the dye causes oxidation of 200/
gm of Vitamin-C.
If 20 ml of diluted citrus juices were oxidized by
ml of
Amount of Vitamin-C in 20 ml of diluted juice= 200/
  
  
 
Vitamin-C in 100 ml of diluted juice= (200/
) x x
(100/20) x (1/1000) = mg
Vitamin-C in 100 ml of undiluted juice= X 10 mg
Results and Discussions : Vitamin-C content in some
common citrus fruits was represented into the Table 1.
Among the studied four citrus fruits namely Amla (Emblica
officinalis), Mausami (Citrus sinesis), Lemon (Citrus limon)
and Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) highest value of Vitamin-C
content was found on Amla (178mg/100ml) followed by
Mausami (52mg/100ml), Lime (42.5mg/100ml) and Lemon
(38.5mg/100ml) respectively.
Different source of Vitamin-C were maintained at
constant temperature condition (under refrigeration at 4-50
C). Table 2 depicts changes in ascorbic acid content of
different sources kept under the refrigeration condition after
24 hours time interval.
From the above mention experiment it was clearly
indicated that ascorbic acid content was gradually decreased
with the time. It was also observed that the maximum
degradation occurred within the 24 hr. of storage. In case
of Amla 8mg/100ml ascorbic acid degraded after 24 hours
followed by 5mg/100ml and 4mg/100ml after 48hr. and
72hr. respectively. In lemon 4.5mg/100ml ascorbic acid was
degraded after 24hr. of storage which was followed by 3mg/
100ml after 48hr. and was constant even after 72 hr. also.
Degradation of Vitamin-C is slightly smaller in Mausami
and Lime after 24 hr. of storage. Only 1.5mg/100ml
Vitamin-C was degraded after 24hr. of storage in Mausami
and 2mg/100ml Vitamin-C was degraded after 24hr. of
storage in Lime.
Conclusion : The results of the analysis showed that
specific time interval significantly affected the stability of
Vitamin-C even stored under the refrigeration condition (4-
50C) and it was observed that there is a significant negative
relation exists between Vitamin-C and time of storage. The
outcome of this work will be highly valuable for the society
because it will throw light on the Vitamin-C content of
commonly used citrus fruits. Most important will be the
data generated regarding degradation of Vitamin-C of
different fruits during the course of storage. Having this
much of data, it will be possible to educate masses
regarding proper storage technology. The results will also
be utilized for proper economic management of nutrient.
This is very-very important aspect because recommendation
of nutrition without taking cost-effectiveness in mind will
fail. The experiment was conducted mainly for the purpose
of revisiting the Vitamin-C content of citrus fruit juices
and to study its degradation during storage. By this
experiment we can compare relative Vitamin-C content and
rank four citrus fruits from highest to lowest concentrations.
It will also help in bringing awareness regarding the factors
responsible for degradation of Vitamin -C during
1Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics,
Vinoba Bhave University,
Hazaribag, 825 301(India)
2Department of Botany,
Vinoba Bhave University,
Hazaribag, 825 301(India),
*Corresponding author, email:
Received : 8 March, 2014
Revised : 15 September, 2014
Table 2: Reduction in Vitamin-C Content in citrus fruits
after storage at 4-5° C temperature
Sl. no. Name of the citrus STORAGE DURATION
1. AMLA 170±1.1 165±0.9 161±1.2
2. MAUSAMI 49.5±0.9 45±1.1 40±1.6
3. LEMON 33±0.4 30±0.5 30±0.8
4. LIME 40.5±0.9 38.5±1.2 35±1.5
Level of significance- p 0.05
1. J. Emese and P.F. Nagymate, British Food Journal. 110(3), 296-
309 (2008).
2. M.W. Davey, M. Van, D. Montagn, M. Inze, A. Sanmartin, A
Kanallis and N. Smirnoff. J.f Sci. Food Agric. 80, 825-860
3. M.A. Allen and S.G. Burgess. British J. Nutri. 4(2-3), 95-100
4. G. Maria, I.A. Encarna and A.A. Kade. J. Agric. Food Chem.
54, 4284-4296 (2006).
5. V.O. Ajibola, O.A. Babatunde and S. Suleiman. Trends Appl.
Sci. Res. 4, 79-84 (2009).
6. O.A. Oyetade, G.O. Oyeleke, B.M. Adegoke, and A.O. Akintunde.
IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC). 2(4), 20-24
... Casimir Funk, the man who originated the term "vitamin," noticed in the early 1900s when many cases of scurvy in Sudan developed around the same time and vitamin C containing antiscorbutic treatment was given, an outbreak of pneumonia was eradicated (Zaid and Wani 2019). As well as preventing scurvy, ascorbate is locked in with various cycles, which require the movement of various people from this gathering of mono-and dioxygenases (May and Harrison 2013;Ayesha et al. 2014;Fatima et al. 2023). For these proteins, ascorbate capacities as a cofactor (Chen et al. 2020), staying aware of the activity of the metal particles arranged in the powerful natural surroundings. ...
Full-text available
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in many physiological processes in plants and animals. In humans, vitamin C is an antioxidant, reducing agent, and cofactor in diverse chemical processes. The established role of vitamin C as an antioxidant in plants is well recognized. It neutralizes reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can cause damage to cells. Also, it plays an important role in recycling other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, which helps maintain the overall balance of the plant's antioxidant system. However, unlike plants, humans cannot synthesize ascorbic acid or vitamin C in their bodies due to the absence of an enzyme called gulonolactone oxidase. This is why humans need to obtain vitamin C through their diet. Different fruits and vegetables contain varying levels of vitamin C. The biosynthesis of vitamin C in plants occurs primarily in the chloroplasts and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The biosynthesis of vitamin C is a complex process regulated by various factors such as light, temperature, and plant hormones. Recent research has identified several key genes that regulate vitamin C biosynthesis, including the GLDH and GLDH genes. The expression of these genes is known to be regulated by various factors such as light, temperature, and plant hormones. Recent studies highlight vitamin C's crucial role in regulating plant stress response pathways, encompassing drought, high salinity, and oxidative stress. The key enzymes in vitamin C biosynthesis are L-galactose dehydrogenase (GLDH) and L-galactono-1, 4-lactone dehydrogenase (GLDH). Genetic studies reveal key genes like GLDH and GLDH in Vitamin C biosynthesis, offering potential for crop improvement. Genetic variations influence nutritional content through their impact on vitamin C levels. Investigating the roles of genes in stress responses provides insights for developing resilient techniques in crop growth. Some fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, along with strawberries and kiwi, are rich in vitamin C. Guava. Papaya provides a boost of vitamin C and dietary fiber. At the same time, red and yellow bell peppers, broccoli, pineapple, mangoes, and kale are additional sources of this essential nutrient, promoting overall health. In this review, we will discuss a brief history of Vitamin C and its signaling and biosynthesis pathway and summarize the regulation of its content in various fruits and vegetables.
... By titrating with 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol dye, the ascorbic acid level was calculated and defined as mg/100 mL of juice (Ayesha et al., 2014). The percntage of the total soluble solids (TSS) was determined using a hand refractometer as Brix . ...
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Because of its high degree of biodegradability, chitosan is widely used as a component in food packaging. However, its poor physical properties, such as permeability, limit its applicability. Consequently, applying nano chitosan is regarded as the most effective solution to this issue. In the current study, we studied the effect of using different materials in the coating process on the quality of “Murcott” mandarin during cold storage. We used different concentrations of nano chitosan (50 and 100 ppm) without wax and 100 ppm nano chitosan with wax. We investigated the impact of these compounds on the chemical composition and quality of fruits. The most successful treatment for preventing weight loss from discarded fresh fruit was a combination of wax and 100 ppm nano chitosan. This combination also prevented the deterioration of vitamin C, maintained the fruit pulp, and preserved the fruit's superior taste during cold storage and shelf life. It also maintains a better total soluble solids and total acidity level than other treatments. In addition, the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the total number of antioxidants indicates no degradation of plant tissues compared to those not coated with nano chitosan. It also reduces the microbial load on the coated fruits. Consequently, this coating combination could suggest prolonging post-harvest life and increasing the marketing period of mandarin fruits.
... The content of ascorbic acid was estimated by titration in 2,6 dichlorophenol-indophenol dye, estimated and expressed as milligrams per 100 mL of juice [62]. ...
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Citrus fruits are perishable and considered the most prominent and essential crops at the local and global levels. The world is focused on minimizing fruit postharvest losses, maintaining fruit quality, and prolonging its storability and marketability. Thus, this study was carried out throughout the two successive seasons of 2018 and 2019 on Murcott mandarin fruits, with the purpose of extending their storage period and shelf life by making a mixture of nanosilver and wax as a coating. The fruits were picked on the first of March, washed, and coated with the following treatments: 1000 ppm imazalil (IMZ as a control), wax, 50 ppm nanosilver, 100 ppm nanosilver, and finally, the combination of wax plus 100 ppm nanosilver, packaged in 0.005% perforated polyethylene (PPE), and stored at 5 ± 1 • C and 90%-95% relative humidity for four months. Samples of each treatment were randomly taken at monthly intervals to evaluate the tested treatments' effects on fruit quality during cold storage and 6 days of shelf life. The data proved that the combination of wax plus 100 ppm nanosilver packaged in 0.005% perforated polyethylene (PPE) was the most effective treatment for reducing discarded fruits, fresh weight loss, and catalase enzyme activity, as well as maintaining pulp firmness and vitamin C content and keeping a better taste panel index. Therefore, these coatings could be promising alternative materials for extending mandarin fruits' postharvest life and marketing period.
... The obtained findings are entirely agree with those reported by Harding et al. (1940), Sinha et al. (1962), Abdel-Latif (1975) and Cepeda et al. (1993) who mentioned that ascorbic acid content of citrus fruits decreased with the maturity, especially in late Valencia orange. Roongruangsri et al. (2013) and Hassan et al. (2014) reported that the cold stored citrus fruits revealed gradual degradation in vitam. C content under 4-5°C conditions. ...
... It acts as an antioxidant and helps in the removal of free radicals and treat cancers. It has been a popular remedy for the common cold since ancient times [177]. Riboflavin is commercially produced in two main forms, viz. ...
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Citrus contains a range of highly beneficial bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamins that show antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and help in building the body's immune system. On consumption or processing, approximately 50% of the fruit remains as inedible waste, which includes peels, seeds, pulp, and segment residues. This waste still consists of substantial quantities of bioactive compounds that cause environmental pollution and are harmful to the ecosystem because of their high biological oxygen demand. In recent years, citrus cultivation and the production of processed foods have become a major agricultural industry. In addition to being a substantial source of economy, it is an ideal and sustainable and renewable resource for obtaining bioactive compounds and co-products for food and pharmaceutical industries. In the present article, the various methods of extraction, conventional and modern, as well as separation and isolation of individual bioactive compounds from the extraction mixture and their determination have been reviewed. This article presents both aspects of extraction methods, i.e., on a small laboratory scale and on an industrial mass scale. These methods and techniques have been extensively and critically reviewed with anticipated future perspectives towards the maximum utilization of the citrus waste.
... Chanson-Rolle et al (2016) also stated that, orange juice consumption will contribute to several micronutrients' intakes, including vitamin C. Guava is also high in vitamin C (Ali et al., 2014). Guava is an affordable source of vitamin C for society (Sinha, 2014). Based on the fact, orange and guava become the most used raw material in fruit juice, so it is logical, if vitamin C is the micronutrient that is the most often found as claim in fruit juices. ...
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Fruit juices are well known as healthy food. Consumers consume fruit juices not only to get refreshment, but also to get health benefits. The aims of this research are to identify health-related claims in juices and functional ingredients used to meet the regulation on claim requirement. The research was conducted by collecting RTD (ready to drink) juice in modern retail. All of the information on the label is recorded, identified, and classified based on regulation document, then processed and analyzed statistically. The result show, 70% of product samples provide claims on the label. Claim on vitamin C is the most favorite one. As much as 52% of claimed products contain vitamin C – related claim. After vitamin C, the next popular claims are regarding dietary fiber (11%) and vitamin A (10%). Interestingly, 63% of claimed products provide more than one nutrient claims. They combine two or more nutrients content as the claim, such as vitamin C and vitamin A, fiber and vitamin C, etc. There is 20% of RTD fruit juice enriched or fortified by functional ingredients, mostly in vitamin premix. It means, claims are not only given by addition of functional ingredients from the outside. RTD juice industries are still able to provide the claim, without fortification or enrichment, if they can maintain the nutrient content of raw material to meet requirement of regulation on claim.
... It has very high Ascorbic acid, i.e., Vitamin C content, about 20 times higher than that of orange (Tarwadi and Agte, 2007). Juice of Indian gooseberry being highly acidic protects the vitamin C from degradation during heating or drying (Hassan et al., 2014). Ascorbic acid can act as an antioxidant by means of its free radical scavenging properties (Cort, 1982). ...
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This review describes different postharvest fungal diseases like blue mold, Anthracnose and fruit rot of Indian gooseberry along with its management strategies that covers physical, chemical and biological methods. The physical methods of management include osmo-drying, hot water treatment, UV-C treatment, application of high electric field current, efficient packaging in low and high density polythene pouches.Chemical methods involve treatment with different synthetic fungicides like Bavistin, Mancozeb, Gibberellic acid, Carbendazim, Calcium nitrate and Calcium sulphate. Lastly, the biological control methods have been mentioned, which includes application of microbial antagonists and naturally occurring antifungal compounds.
... Ascorbic acid is also a constituent of Citrus juice. Citrus aurantifolia and C. limon contain 0.425 mg/mL and 0.385 mg/mL of ascorbic acid, respectively in of fresh juice [27]. In the radical scavenging assay, C. aurantifolia leaf extract was reported to have up to 87.05% DPPH radical inhibition [28]. ...
Cancer is a global cause of death characterized by uncontrolled proliferation and spread of abnormal cells. Eight extracts composed of the leaf, stem bark, seeds and juice of each of Citrus limon and C. aurantifolia were subjected to in vitro antioxidant assay using DPPH, brine shrimp lethality bioassay (BSL) and cytotoxicity MTT colorimetric assay using human cancer cell lines. Extracts of C. aurantifolia stem bark and leaf had IC50 of 28.2±0.11 and 47.2±0.39μg/mL, respectively and displayed better radical scavenging activity compared to the other extracts, Ascorbic acid, the reference drug, had an IC50 of 9.2±0.14 μg/mL. Citrus limon stem bark (LC50=10.0±0.33) and C. limon leaf (LC50= 5.0±0.74 μg/mL) extracts were observed to be strongly cytotoxic compared to cyclophosphamide (LC50=98.76±0.15 μg/mL), while the other extracts were either non, weakly, or moderately toxic in BSL assay. Citrus aurantifolia leaf extract (CC50=4.02±2.85 μg/mL, CC50=5.45±2.8 μg/mL) retained a comparable cytotoxicity to cyclophosphamide (CC50=2.23±0.14 μg/ mL, CC50=2.66±0.8 μg/mL) on Rd and Hep-2c human cancer cell lines, respectively. The other extracts exhibited varying degrees of cytotoxicity. This study demonstrated that the extracts of both Citrus species had weak DPPH radical scavenging activity. Citrus aurantifolia leaf extract displayed potent toxicity in BSL assay and on the two human cancer cell lines; Rd and Hep-2c used in the study and were selective to cancer cells than the normal cell, Vero. Keywords: Citrus limon, Citrus aurantifolia, DPPH Antioxidant, Brine Shrimp Lethality, Human cancer cell lines
... Ascorbic acid is also a constituent of Citrus juice. Citrus aurantifolia and C. limon contain 0.425 mg/mL and 0.385 mg/mL of ascorbic acid, respectively in of fresh juice [27]. In the radical scavenging assay, C. aurantifolia leaf extract was reported to have up to 87.05% DPPH radical inhibition [28]. ...
Cancer is a global cause of death characterized by uncontrolled proliferation and spread of abnormal cells. Eight extracts composed of the leaf, stem bark, seeds and juice of each of Citrus limon and C. aurantifolia were subjected to in vitro antioxidant assay using DPPH, brine shrimp lethality bioassay (BSL) and cytotoxicity MTT colorimetric assay using human cancer cell lines. Extracts of C. aurantifolia stem bark and leaf had IC50 of 28.2±0.11 and 47.2±0.39 μg/mL, respectively and displayed better radical scavenging activity compared to the other extracts, Ascorbic acid, the reference drug, had an IC50 of 9.2±0.14 μg/mL. Citrus limon stem bark (LC50=10.0±0.33) and C. limon leaf (LC50= 5.0±0.74 μg/mL) extracts were observed to be strongly cytotoxic compared to cyclophosphamide (LC50=98.76±0.15 μg/mL), while the other extracts were either non, weakly, or moderately toxic in BSL assay. Citrus aurantifolia leaf extract (CC50=4.02±2.85 μg/mL, CC50=5.45±2.8 μg/mL) retained a comparable cytotoxicity to cyclophosphamide (CC50=2.23±0.14 μg/ mL, CC50=2.66±0.8 μg/mL) on Rd and Hep-2c human cancer cell lines, respectively. The other extracts exhibited varying degrees of cytotoxicity. This study demonstrated that the extracts of both Citrus species had weak DPPH radical scavenging activity. Citrus aurantifolia leaf extract displayed potent toxicity in BSL assay and on the two human cancer cell lines; Rd and Hep-2c used in the study and were selective to cancer cells than the normal cell, Vero.
  • J Emese
  • P F Nagymate
J. Emese and P.F. Nagymate, British Food Journal. 110(3), 296-309 (2008).
  • M W Davey
  • M Van
  • D Montagn
  • M Inze
  • A Sanmartin
  • N Kanallis
  • Smirnoff
M.W. Davey, M. Van, D. Montagn, M. Inze, A. Sanmartin, A Kanallis and N. Smirnoff. J.f Sci. Food Agric. 80, 825-860 (2000).
  • M A Allen
  • S G Burgess
M.A. Allen and S.G. Burgess. British J. Nutri. 4(2-3), 95-100 (2006).
  • G Maria
  • I A Encarna
  • A A Kade
G. Maria, I.A. Encarna and A.A. Kade. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 4284-4296 (2006).
  • O A Oyetade
  • G O Oyeleke
  • B M Adegoke
O.A. Oyetade, G.O. Oyeleke, B.M. Adegoke, and A.O. Akintunde. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC). 2(4), 20-24 (2012).