... The Dark Triad traits are heritable (Vernon, Villani, Vickers, & Harris, 2008) and are associated with numerous undesirable individual differences and behaviors including vengeance (Giammaco & Vernon, 2014), anger (Veselka, Giammarco, & Vernon, 2014), aggressive humor (Martin, Lastuk, Jeffery, Vernon, & Veselka, 2012), scholastic cheating (Williams, Nathanson, & Paulhus, 2010), social dominance orientation (Jones & Figueredo, 2013), prejudice (Hodson, Hogg, & MacInnis, 2009), and short term mating strategies (Jonason, Li, Webster, & Schmitt, 2009). Moreover, individuals who possess the Dark Triad traits experience psychosocial costs (Jonason, Li, & Czarna, 2013) due to a lack of self-control (Jonason & Tost, 2010), emotional intelligence (Petrides, Vernon, Schermer, & Veselka, 2011), and equity sensitivity (Woodley & Allen, 2014). ...