Conference Paper

Opening Facebook: How to Use Facebook in the College Classroom

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The purpose of this research is to propose the idea of using the social network site, Facebook, for teacher education. Specifically, this research explores the advantages of this new Web 2.0 medium, and illustrates the different levels of course integration at an instructor’s disposal. In addition, it provides specific instructions on how to use Facebook and a discussion of “best practice” policies that can be ethically implemented within the classroom. Specific attention is given to suggestions for creating a professional Facebook presence in which future teachers can emulate.

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... The Web 2.0 is defined as environments where users can produce, modify and share existing web content (Agir, 2013;Bartolomé, 2008;eTwinning and 2.0 web tools, n.d.). The user-centeredness of the Web 2.0 tools with sharing and social aspects have great potential for learning and teaching (Munoz and Towner, 2009). As for the Web 3.0, it is defined as a semantic web. ...
... Also, teachers need to see examples of different practices in addition to the existing course materials regarding the course contents. In this respect, the Web 2.0 tools can be quite useful (Munoz and Towner, 2009). ...
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"The the study’s aim was to find out the effect of the Web 2.0 workshop on the teacher candidates’ technopedagogical education competencies and self-efficacy beliefs in developing Web 2.0 content. Besides, the teacher candidates’ views were asked about the workshop. A research design of a mixed method was used. In the quantitative part, the pre- and post-test single group experimental design was used, and in the qualitative part, the case study design was used. The research group consisted of 33 teacher candidates enrolled in a faculty of education at a university in western Turkey. To gather the quantitative and qualitative data, two scales and one questionnaire with open-ended questions were applied. A workshop was organized to teach the Web 2.0 tools to the teacher candidates in the study. While the scales were used as the pre- and post-test, the teacher candidates’ views regarding the workshop were collected with the questionnaire. For the quantitative data analysis, the paired samples t-test was used and for the qualitative data analysis the content analysis was used. The study results showed that the Web 2.0 workshop was effective in improving the teacher candidates’ technopedagogical education competencies and self-efficacy beliefs in developing Web 2.0 content. The teacher candidates expressed positive opinions about the workshop."
... Facebook is more user-friendly compared to educationally approved learning management systems such as WebCT or Blackboard and it also has many users across the globe and many educational tools that can be used by students and instructors (Munoz and Towner, 2009;Miller, 2013;Toland, 2013). Thanks to these features, all users can share sources of information such as pictures, course presentations (slides), articles, and videos on their Facebook accounts. ...
... On the other hand, discussions can be performed through message sharing on timelines or Facebook's real-time chat and e-mail tools. According to Munoz and Towner (2009), Facebook can be utilized as a discussion forum and it provides an environment for students, enabling them to discuss various opinions and cooperate through tools such as walls, live group chat, and mail lists and create learning communities among themselves (Garrison, 2009). Furthermore, Facebook also provides other advantages, such as the spread of information, arousing curiosity, motivation, the opportunity for interaction, and transforming education into entertainment (Çoklar, 2012). ...
The study attempts to determine whether or not Facebook is an environment suiting the Community of Inquiry Framework by investigating the cognitive, social, and teaching presence perceptions of students in Facebook groups and to examine the impact of group size on the CoI model. Additionally, whether or not these three types of presences predicted academic success and motivation were investigated. The data were analyzed through logistic regression analysis, independent samples t-test and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The study was conducted in a blended course, where Facebook was utilized for online discussions. The study revealed that the relation between cognitive, social, and teaching presences was significant and at a high-level. The high correlation determined among the social, cognitive, and teaching presence perceptions of students in learning communities created on Facebook leads to the consideration that Facebook is a suitable online environment for the COI framework. It is understandable, that all presence perceptions are higher in smaller groups when group impacts are investigated. Other conclusions derived from the study are that academic success was only predicted by cognitive presence and motivation was predicted by both cognitive and teaching presences. Key words: academic success, cognitive presence, Facebook, motivation, social presence, teaching presence.
... El uso de la Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), de la Tecnología para el Aprendizaje y Conocimiento (TAC), el Internet y las redes sociales especialmente Facebook, se convirtieron en los aliados claves para superar las barreras de distancia y tiempo de la educación convencional (Quiroz, 2020). La idea de utilizar el sitio de la red social Facebook con fines educativos no es nuevo (Alm, 2015;Balcikanli, 2015;Demiraslan, Çevik, & Haşlaman, 2014;Chugh & Ruhi, 2018;Munoz & Towner, 2009). Aunque no sea evidente, Facebook puede mejorar el aprendizaje tanto dentro como fuera del aula y puede ser utilizado con eficacia para enseñar y aprender (Fogg, Baird, & Fogg, 2013), dado que el personal docente, los estudiantes y hasta los padres de familia utilizan las tecnologías de las redes sociales en sus vidas personales facilitando el uso de las mismas como herramientas educativas (Chugh & Ruhi, 2018). ...
... El uso de Facebook como herramienta educativa no es nuevo y se considera que es una excelente estrategia para generar aprendizaje (Chugh & Ruhi, 2018;Esquivel & Rojas, 2014;Barajas & Álvares, 2013). No obstante, los estudios se han centrado en la educación superior, media y en menor medida primaria y con resultados muy favorables (Abúndez et al., 2015;Balcikanli, 2015;Chugh & Ruhi, 2018;Esquivel & Rojas, 2014;Gómez & López, 2010;Munoz & Towner, 2009). Específicamente, en este trabajo se llevó a cabo una investigación para determinar el nivel de aceptación de la red social Facebook como herramienta educativa en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los niños del nivel inicial durante la pandemia COVID-19, del mismo modo, los resultados obtenidos también fueron favorables. ...
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El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el nivel de aceptación de Facebook como herramienta educativa emergente en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los niños del nivel inicial durante la pandemia COVID-19. Una vez culminado el año escolar 2019–2020 y después de haber utilizado Facebook como herramienta tecnología para la educación, se aplicó una encuesta a 67 padres de familia que asistieron a sus hijos en el desarrollo de las actividades pedagógicas. Se evaluaron seis dimensiones: calidad formativa del curso, metodología de la parte presencial y de la no presencial, actividades de aprendizaje, carga de trabajo para los niños, capacitación técnica y didáctica de los profesores-tutores y calidad técnica y didáctica de los materiales de formación. Cuando la suma de porcentajes de respuestas “satisfecho” y “muy satisfecho” supero el 70% se consideró un nivel de satisfacción aceptable. Los resultados mostraron un nivel de aceptación superior a 70% en todas las dimensiones evaluadas. Los resultados sugieren que están dadas las condiciones para desarrollar metodologías nuevas que permitan adaptar el proceso educativo presencial a una forma virtual o hibrida en el nivel de educación inicial.
... Facebook has also been used in the classroom as a social network site and from the resource finding it has been found out that it is a powerful way of connecting student and it can also be used in classroom for directing student toward academic contents in a purposeful manner (Jenny, 2013). Munoz & Towner (2009) identified Profile Page; creating a group page; sharing Web course activities; and, Integration of Facebook applications as useful methods that can be followed to use Facebook in the classroom as a teaching tool. Moreover, Pimoubol & Sriwattanarothai, 2016 also found that conducting Live Class or Posting Recording Classes on Facebook wall for blended learning, Facebook can also be used in higher education as a teaching tool. ...
... According to literature the researcher Munoz and Towner (2009) provides the following list of an overview of various ways to integrate Facebook into a course, through the level of profile. In this regard the following four steps would the process or implementation i.e. 1) Creating the profile page: I will create a profile page by using the page will contact students through Facebook, email, IM, or post on the wall and also, will include videos, images and websites related to the class on the profile page to post their relevant educational content. ...
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This paper attempts to explore and improve the success of Facebook technology in undergraduate Sociology classes to enhance students’ engagement. Teaching Sociology in Bangladeshi colleges faces several challenges particularly in using Facebook which has been critically presented in this paper where student engagement has been defined from different aspects i.e. systematically and conceptually. It is found that Facebook is effectively used in various settings for strengthening academic achievements but is not used equally in developing countries like Bangladesh. Nevertheless, the scope of applying ICT technology like Facebook is widening as the use of devices becomes popular gradually. But for achieving the target a suitable plan and sincere efforts is essential which may ensure quality education and the output will be a valuable outcome in the ICT based globalized world
... It is stated that social networks supported learning approaches can be used for educational purposes, in the literature (Kelleci & Tetik, 2023). In addition, it is emphasized social networks can be used as out-of-school learning environments that support face-to-face teaching, due to their active participation, effective interaction and collaborative features (Mazman, 2009;Munoz & Towner, 2009;Ghosh et al., 2023). ...
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The aim of this study is to investigate the relations between secondary education students’ learning styles and their use of social networks. The samples of the research designed by relational screening model consist of 1281 students reached by convenient sampling method, one of the non-probability sampling methods. In this study, “Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory” and “The Survey of the use Social networks” were used as data collections tools. Frequency, percentage and chi-square techniques were used for data analyses. As a results of the study, it was found that the most used social networks are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google Plus among students. In addition, students use social networks mostly for sharing photo, followed by making friends, sharing videos and playing games respectively. Students who have assimilative learning styles use Facebook, accommodative learning styles use Google Plus, converging styles use Twitter and diverging learning styles use other social networks. Moreover, it was found that students who has accommodative and assimilative learning styles use social networks to share videos, diverging learning styles use social networks to share photos and converging learning styles use social networks to make friends. However, it wasn’t found statistically significance difference between the students’ learning styles and both preferring social networks and the purpose of using them. In the study, it was investigated the relation between students’ learning style based on Kolb’s experiential learning theory and the use of social networks. Apart from Kolb’s Model, it is recommended that some other models like Myers and Briggs’ type indicator model, Lawrence’s learning type model, Fleming and Mill’s learning style model (VARK), Felder and Silverman’s learning style model or Reinert’s learning styles model can be preferred by authors to reveal the relationship with the use of social networks. Thus, the relationships between learning styles, one of the most important individual differences that facilitate learning, and social networks can be revealed in more detail and contribute to the literature on integrating social networking into educational environments.
... When technology has an impact on learners' interest, it allows teachers and students to communicate more effectively while also becoming more familiar with the technology they're using (Kamorudeen, 2021). Learners nowadays are very knowledgeable with Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, social networking, podcasts, virtual worlds, file sharing, and other forms of online communication (Muñoz & Towner, 2009). As a web-based system for sending educational resources to students, virtual learning environments (VLEs) are becoming more common. ...
When it comes to learning English, members of the generation raised with computers and internet access have relied exclusively on online resources as both a source of information and a means of constructing a virtual learning environment for themselves. The purpose of this study is to determine which online learning tools students find the most enjoyable and how those tools impact their ability to communicate in English. This will allow future teachers to make the best possible use of the resources that are available to them online. In order to ascertain the percentage of people who completed the questionnaire, descriptive quantitative research was conducted. YouTube, which is considered to be among the most enjoyable online learning resources, has the highest percentage of students who are studying English when compared to the other four. A sense of inner encouragement, an eagerness to learn on the part of the students, and self-confidence are all essential components. Nevertheless, the role of teachers as guides and traveling companions is still necessary in order to increase this percentage even further. One of these is making the most of YouTube as an online educational resource in the context of improving one's English-speaking skills
... The positive benefits of social media on the implementation of special education techniques have been illuminated by research undertaken in several countries. According to Munoz & Towner (2009), teachers may utilize social media to create welcoming classrooms, provide individualized support, and encourage participation from students with a wide range of backgrounds and skill levels. ...
This research probes the complex relationship between social media and special education in Jordan. The purpose of this paper is to provide critical viewpoints that might guide the development of a useful guidebook tailored to the needs of educators, parents, and students in the field of special education. Special education instructors and parents of children with disabilities have been shown to use Facebook and WhatsApp at much higher rates than the general population. This discovery highlights the potential of these platforms as efficient ways to enhance special education communities' capacity to communicate, collaborate, and share resources. The study highlights the importance of ethical social media use, career advancement opportunities, effective communication, and diversity and inclusion as cornerstones of the recommended guide. The goal of this living document is to equip stakeholders and make a significant contribution to the area of inclusive education as special education practices evolve.
... The positive benefits of social media on the implementation of special education techniques have been illuminated by research undertaken in several countries. According to Munoz & Towner (2009), teachers may utilize social media to create welcoming classrooms, provide individualized support, and encourage participation from students with a wide range of backgrounds and skill levels. ...
... The positive benefits of social media on the implementation of special education techniques have been illuminated by research undertaken in several countries. According to Munoz & Towner (2009), teachers may utilize social media to create welcoming classrooms, provide individualized support, and encourage participation from students with a wide range of backgrounds and skill levels. ...
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This research probes the complex relationship between social media and special education in Jordan. The purpose of this paper is to provide critical viewpoints that might guide the development of a useful guidebook tailored to the needs of educators, parents, and students in the field of special education. Special education instructors and parents of children with disabilities have been shown to use Facebook and WhatsApp at much higher rates than the general population. This discovery highlights the potential of these platforms as efficient ways to enhance special education communities' capacity to communicate, collaborate, and share resources. The study highlights the importance of ethical social media use, career advancement opportunities, effective communication, and diversity and inclusion as cornerstones of the recommended guide. The goal of this living document is to equip stakeholders and make a significant contribution to the area of inclusive education as special education practices evolve.
... Yeni nesil Web 2.0 teknolojileri öğreticilerin de yardımına yetişmekte (Munoz & Towner, 2009) ve onlara katılım, iş birliği ve sosyal etkileşime dayalı öğrenme ortamları sunmaktadır (Faizi, 2018). Robotik kodlama, e-kitap, logo ve poster yapım, sanal gerçeklik, artırılmış gerçeklik, sanal gezi, online quiz, sanal sınıf gibi bir çok web aracı sınıf ortamlarında öğretmen ve öğrenciler tarafından öğretim ve değerlendirme gibi amaçlarla kullanılmaktadır (Yaşar Sağlık ve Yıldız, 2021). ...
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Dil öğretimi ile ilgili olarak geçmişten günümüze çeşitli yöntem ve teknikler kullanılmakta ve dil öğretim süreci kolaylaştırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Tarihsel gelişim süreçleri de göz önünde bulundurulduğunda davranışçı, bilişsel ve yapılandırıcı dil öğretim yaklaşımları aracılığıyla etkili dil öğrenme yollarının keşfedilmesine odaklanılmıştır. Bu yollardan biri de bilgi teknolojilerinin dil öğretim sürecinde etkili bir şekilde kullanımıdır. Teknolojinin eğitim ortamlarında kullanımı, bireyin öğrenme dinamiklerini olumlu yönde etkileyerek etkileşimli sınıf ortamlarının tasarlanmasına yardımcı olmaktadır. Dil öğrenme ortamlarında teknolojinin sürece entegre edilmesi ise daha yenilikçi ve işlevsel ortamların kullanımına zemin hazırlar. Bu noktada Web 2.0 araçlarından yararlanmak öğreticilere zamanın verimli kullanımı, etkileşimli öğrenme ortamlarının oluşturulması ve mekândan bağımsız öğretim noktalarında kolaylık sağlarken öğrencileri de dil öğrenme konusunda motive etmektedir. Aynı zamanda Web 2.0 araçlarının sanal sınıf oluşturma, e-içerik hazırlama, interaktif sınıf ortamı yaratma, ölçme ve değerlendirme yapma gibi avantajları, söz konusu araçların tercih edilme sıklıklarını artırmaktadır. Araştırmada nitel yöntemlerden doküman analizi kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda dil öğretim sürecinde yaygın olarak kullanılan Web 2.0 araçları tespit edilmiş ve araştırmada Voki, Padlet, Learning Apps, Learn Turkish Words and Verbs with Flashcards, Wordwall, Dualingo, Turkish Alphabet for Students, Mondly, Storybird, Memrise, Busuu, Babbel, Speaky, Rosetta Stone, HiNative uygulamalarına yer verilerek Web 2.0 araçları uygulama görselleri ile desteklenerek açıklanmıştır. Bu sayede dil öğretim sürecinde kullanılabilecek avantajlı dil öğretim araçları belirlenerek tasarlanacak yeni uygulamalara ışık tutulacaktır.
... As noted by Prensky (2001), technology is not something specifically for young people, but rather a very common and natural part of everyday life for everyone. Young people are known as 'digital natives' and Generation Z (Munoz & Towner, 2009). Two of the most important characteristics of Generation Z are their familiarity with technology and their emphasis on innovation. ...
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The aim of this study is to enhance the efficiency of teaching field education courses in the Department of German Language Teaching by utilizing new media tools within the classroom setting. The study used a mixed research method, which gathered data from both quantitative and qualitative sources. The participants included a total of 160 (119 female and 41 male) sixth semester students studying at Trakya University. Data were gathered using questionnaire and a structured interview form. Frequency distribution was utilized to evaluate the quantitative data, while content analysis was performed to categorize the responses of the qualitative data. According to the study results, it is emphasized that new media technologies primarily allow students to have easier access to course materials and resources, make information permanent, engage in active learning, collaborate, and think creatively. Pre-and post-test results show that field education courses supported by new media have a positive impact on the development of fundamental language skills and partial language skills. In particular, the percentage and frequency values for the development of listening skills, vocabulary, and audiovisual skills are higher with the use of new media in field education. It is recommended that such applied studies should be designed by field experts, and efforts should be made to increase awareness among teacher candidates and graduates about practices that enhance learners' motivation.
... Alvareg & Smith (2013, 318) (Munoz & Towner, 2009) Donlin (2013, 3-5) ‫ل‬ ‫رْ٘ل‬ ‫،لًٗٚس‬ Mason (2011, 63) Shi et al. (2013) (Glezon, Grigoriadou, & Samarakou, 2010) Wen & Shu (2011) ...
... In the first quarter of 2021, Facebook reported roughly 2.85 billion monthly active users (Tankovska, 2021), and it has several features that can promote science education. For example, Facebook groups can be used as digital "classrooms" in which instructors gather students and post relevant text, videos, photos, and weblinks (Muñoz & Towner, 2009), as well as conduct polls to engage students during the learning process. Students can also "follow" pages related to neuropsychology, neuroscience, psychology, and/or medicine in order to stay abreast of their latest content. ...
Objective: High quality and accessible education is crucial in order to secure the future of neuropsychology. Recent and ongoing advancements include the creation of a taxonomy of education and training, progress in delineating relevant competencies, and an update to the Houston Conference Guidelines. Meanwhile, there is also potential for growth in digital methods of delivering education such as podcasts, webinars, and social media platforms. The current paper aims to review the evidence for these three methods and to provide recommendations for implementing them across the continuum of training in neuropsychology, from graduate school through postdoctoral fellowship and continuing education. Method: We reviewed the literature on podcasts, webinars, and social media platforms as educational tools that may be applied to improve learning of brain-behavior concepts and clinical skills. Specifically, we a) introduce and describe each method, b) discuss benefits and drawbacks, c) review the literature on satisfaction and learning outcomes, and d) provide suggestions for implementation in neuropsychology training programs. Results: Podcasts and webinars have strong evidence for satisfaction and moderate support for improving learning outcomes, with the learning outcome literature suggesting equivalency between podcasts/webinars and traditional methods of education. Social media platforms are associated with high satisfaction, but learning outcome data are scarce. Conclusions: Evidence for podcasts and webinars is sufficient to support implementation into neuropsychology education, while social media platforms should be used more cautiously. We provide recommendations of select instances in which trainees and educators can use these methods to improve education in neuropsychology.
... A growing trend in higher education is to develop a virtual learning environment (VLE) in which all parts of a course are handled using a consistent and standard interface across the institution. This is similar with the findings of Muñoz and Towner (2009), who claimed that students are highly involved in Web 2.0 technologies (i.e., blogs, Twitter, podcasts, wikis, social network sites, virtual worlds, video sharing and photo sharing). Educators are also utilizing Web 2.0 technologies to aid in creating, collaborating, and sharing content. ...
This study sought to examine the relationship between virtual learning and library usage among students in Adeleke University. A total enumeration technique was adopted for sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Of the 903 participants surveyed, 75.3% always attended the virtual lecture. 30.7% use the library two or three times a week, while 25.4% use the library once a week. Virtual learning has a positive, statistically significant relationship with library usage (r = 0.224, P < 0.05), library services usage (r = 0.201, P < 0.05) and level of satisfaction (r = 0.255, P < 0.05). The study concluded that virtual learning is essential for Adeleke University students' use of the library and its services, since technology serve as a tool that bridges geographical boundaries , thereby providing easy accessibility to resources.
... Furthermore, students are given the necessary skills to produce and share their thoughts and material with others all over the world [17]. Furthermore, as is clear, social technologies enable students to actively participate in online conversations [18]. Finally, according to Kane and Fichman [19]; social technologies enable students to collaborate and learn as a group, pooling their ideas and efforts to solve an issue. ...
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This mixed-methods study attempts to explore the effects of TBLT on the development of Iranian university students' self-efficacy and willingness to communicate in speaking skills. To this end, two intact classes were selected in Ayatollah Borujerdi University in Borujerd City, Iran. The experimental group went through an eight-week teaching program, whereas the control group received the usual content-based instruction. The data were gathered from multiple sources at various time points using two questionnaires and a focus group interview. The results of the quantitative analysis using ANCOVA revealed a positive effect of the online TBLT approach on university students' self-efficacy and willingness to communicate in speaking in the Iranian context. Moreover, the findings of the focus group interview disclosed several themes about the merits of TBLT on self-efficacy and willingness to communicate in oral interaction skills. In the end, a range of implications is suggested for the different stakeholders.
... While the paper focuses on synchronous videoconferencing lessons, it should be acknowledged that online education can also take place asynchronously; there is no need for actual contact time between instructors and students for teaching and learning to take place (Munoz and Towner 2009;Selwyn 2012). It cannot be assumed that there is little or no teaching-presence at all in asynchronous online classrooms (Shea et al. 2005;Preisman 2014); that the teacher does not have a digital identity (Sime and Themelis 2020); and/or that the teaching-body is completely absent. ...
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This paper addresses the dearth in research on embodied teaching by focusing on the body of the teacher, in particular their face, voice, use of silence, and their relationship with presence online. Postdigital positioning of the notion and experience of embodiment online posits a dynamic co-existence between technology and all aspects of human life including that which is social, physical, and material. Based on interviews conducted with five lecturers in different disciplines at a university in Singapore, and using the theoretical lens of Performance Studies, this paper presents an explanatory study that argues for the synergistic relationship between the teaching-body, presence, in/and online videoconferencing within the postdigital context. It argues that teaching presence takes place online and that the teaching-body is central to the performance of presence leading to a more meaningful educational experience.
... Tablo 1: Türkiye de yıllara göre Facebook kullanıcılarının sayısı (Nickburcher, 2011) Yıl Facebook Kullanıcılarının Sayısı Temmuz 2008 3,464,640 Temmuz 200912,382,320 Temmuz 201022,552,540 Temmuz 2011 Şekil 1 : Türkiyedeki Facebook kullanıcılarının yaş dağılımları (Socialbakers , 2011) Tablo 1 e bakıldığında Temmuz 2008 -Temmuz 2011 tarihleri arasında türkiyedeki Facebook kullanıcılarının sayısının yaklaşık 4 katına çıktığı görülmektedir. Bu Facebook'un ülkemizde hızla büyüdüğünün göstergesidir. ...
... It aims to change and discover new horizons more aligned with people, their "implicit theories", and their "shared social knowledge". Chu et al. (2019) recently found that the reflective and meta-reflective processes of students' creative learning experience have the support of Facebook as a form of communication technology; it promotes more significant interaction and collaborative learning, supporting it (Charnigo & Barnett-Ellis, 2007;Hewitt & Forte, 2006;Matthews, 2006;Mazer et al., 2007;Munoz & Towner, 2009;Ragupathi, 2011;Rego, 2009;Selwyn, 2009). ...
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Drawingvoice 2.0 is an instructional method of collaborative pencil and paper drawing to use in the school classroom, followed by Facebook interaction on the drawing produced in class. It is based on a participatory and meta reflective approach, explicitly aimed at deconstructing, negotiating, and reconstructing the meaning that students attribute to themselves regarding their professional expectations and educational pathways. In particular, the collaborative pencil and paper drawing allows for the student’s emotional symbolisation processes underlying their educational pathway. Drawingvoice 2.0 induces a multidimensional cognitive and meta-cognitive process further supported by the following interaction on Facebook. Therefore, the World Wide Web is the added resource for sharing and deepening the classmates’ discussion. Finally, Drawingvoice 2.0 supported structural group interaction and was an important supportive and instructional method to bring about transformational and developmental training practices. As the main result, in our experience, psychology students increased their reflectivity about their strengths and threats in being psychologists within their cultural contexts and potential positive resources underlying their choice. Drawingvoice 2.0 thus enhanced their self-awareness about the lights and shadows of their training and future professional career.
... Additionally, students are equipped with the required abilities to create and share their ideas and content with others around the world (Gao, 2013). Besides, as it is evident, social technologies allow students to participate actively in online discussions (Munoz & Towner, 2009). Finally, according to Kane and Fichman (2009), social technologies let students work and learn cooperatively and put their thoughts and effort together to solve a problem. ...
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With the abrupt emergence and dissemination of the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional face-to-face classes were replaced by online classes in Iran. This quick shift has put great demands on finding and practicing new methods to teach and learn English in high schools. Owing to this urgent call, the present study follows a twofold purpose. Firstly, it purports to disclose the effects of online portfolio assessment (PA) on developing Iranian high school students' English writing skills. Secondly, it aims to excavate the Iranian high school students' perceptions about the merits of online PA in cultivating their writing skills. To meet the aims, an intact second-grade class, including female students (n = 25), was chosen in Shahed public high school in Borujerd City. The class received online instruction (sixteen sessions lasting 90 minutes) based on the tenets of PA (e.g., collection, selection, and reflection). Then, a focus group interview was conducted with five of the active participants. Findings evidenced a significant improvement in the participants' writing skills owing to the instruction. Additionally, the results of the focus group interview yielded some themes about the benefits of PA as perceived by Iranian high school students: 'developing students' autonomy'; 'fostering a sense of belonging to classroom community'; 'providing a comprehensive analysis of students' writing proficiency'; 'collecting empirical evidence on students' gradual improvement in writing'; 'training self-regulated students'; and 'making classes student-centered by teachers-as-advisors'. Finally, a range of implications is presented to various stakeholders.
... In this study, it was planned to develop a scale for teachers to disclose themselves to their students through social media. In this respect, the literature on teachers" use of social media and teacher-student interaction on social media was reviewed (Acar & Yenmiş, 2014;Alican & Saban, 2013;Arthur & Bostedo-Conway, 2012;Atkins, 2010;Bridges, 2009;Cayanus, 2004;Cayanus & Martin, 2004;Cayanus & Martin, 2008;Cayanus, Martin & Goodboy, 2009;Çakmak & Arap, 2013;Dawson, 2008;Eke, Omekwu & Odoh, 2014;Eugenia & Wong, 2013;Farani & Fatemi, 2014;Ha & Shin, 2014;Haeger, Wang & Lorenz, 2014;Hassan & Landani, 2015;Hosek & Thompson, 2009;Hurt et al., 2012;Irwin, Desbrow & Leveritt, 2012;Ili, 2013;Junco, Heiberger & Loken, 2011;Kırksekiz, 2013;Kuzu, 2014;Lam, 2012;Lane, 2013;Lane & Lewis, 2013;Liccardi, 2007;Mazer, et al., 2007;Mazer & Hosek, 2012;Munoz & Towner, 2009;Nkhoma et al., 2015;Sang, 2014;Saylag, 2012;Smith, 2015;Tarantino, McDonough & Hua, 2013;Tarawneh, 2014;Tiryakioğlu & Erzurum, 2011;Togay et al., 2013;Tombuloğlu & Işman, 2014;Tucker, 2012;Weiler, 2006;Wheeless & Grotz, 1976;Zardeckaite-Matulaitiene & Paluckaite, 2013). ...
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The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable scale that can be used to identify the perceptions of teachers on their self-disclosure to their students in their interactions with them through social media. This study was designed as a sequential exploratory mixed method. So validity and reliability studies were conducted for this purpose. Data from 301 teachers for EFA and 422 teachers CFA were used pyschometric properties of “The Scale of Teachers’ Self-disclosure through Social Media” (STSSM). The exploratory factor analysis yielded four-factor model with 21 items. As a result of the analyses of confirmatory FA, it was found that the scale produced sufficient goodness of fit values. Finally, the findings on the reliability proved that “The Scale of Teachers’ Self-disclosure through Social Media” can reliably measure the perceptions of teachers on self-disclosure to their students on social media.
... Social media can provide important contributions such as cooperation among participants, distribution of tasks, effective and fast communication, and instant answers to questions. It has been stated by many researchers (Mazman, 2009;Anderson, 2004;Ellison, 2008;Munoz & Towner, 2009) that social media can be an important tool in organizing educational activities and has pedagogical features. ...
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The purpose of this study is to identify the views of parents about social media. In accordance with phenomenological research design, one of qualitative research methods, the data was collected with semi-structured interview questions developed by the researcher under the control of experts. In the determination of the work group of the study the criterion sampling was used. The data was collected by recording the interviews and analysed by using the content analysis. In the findings of the study, the opinions of the parents about the effects of social median on students' behaviours were grouped as positive and negative behaviours. While parents stated that "gathering information about the lessons" and "positive shares" are important positive behaviours, students' "wasting time" and "causing violence" were stated as negative behaviours. An important ratio of the parents stated that social media may improve students academically, however, more than half of the parents stated that social media could not improve students school success as students waste their time on social media and do not use it for educational purposes. According to parents, social media supports education by providing easiness to reach information and including so many sources. Causing waste of time and being exposed to undesirable content are accepted as obstacles to education. In order to have a more educative social media, parents suggest that we should raise awareness of using social media healthily. People should share more educational sources on social media and a mechanism to supervise social median must be developed.
... Social media can provide important contributions such as cooperation among participants, distribution of tasks, effective and fast communication, and instant answers to questions. It has been stated by many researchers (Mazman, 2009;Anderson, 2004;Ellison, 2008;Munoz & Towner, 2009) that social media can be an important tool in organizing educational activities and has pedagogical features. ...
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The purpose of this study is to identify the views of parents about social media. In accordance with phenomenological research design, one of qualitative research methods, the data was collected with semi-structured interview questions developed by the researcher under the control of experts. In the determination of the work group of the study the criterion sampling was used. The data was collected by recording the interviews and analysed by using the content analysis. In the findings of the study, the opinions of the parents about the effects of social median on students’ behaviours were grouped as positive and negative behaviours. While parents stated that “gathering information about the lessons” and “positive shares” are important positive behaviours, students’ “wasting time” and “causing violence” were stated as negative behaviours. An important ratio of the parents stated that social media may improve students academically, however, more than half of the parents stated that social media could not improve students school success as students waste their time on social media and do not use it for educational purposes. According to parents, social media supports education by providing easiness to reach information and including so many sources. Causing waste of time and being exposed to undesirable content are accepted as obstacles to education. In order to have a more educative social media, parents suggest that we should raise awareness of using social media healthily. People should share more educational sources on social media and a mechanism to supervise social median must be developed.
... Students and faculty know the importance of social media and they often interact with each other through web-portals. Munoz and Towner, (2009) talk about the upsides of utilizing Facebook in education, and the various strategies and best practices that the educator can use to improve classroom learning. Thus, the study hypothesis is proposed as: ...
... One of the factors supporting autonomous learning through an online programme is that 85.9 percent of citizens aged between 15 and 24 years have experienced learning, access, and use the internet and information technology in their daily life (National Statistical Office, 2016). The internet is important not only in daily life, but also in the education system (Lego Muñoz & Towner, 2009;Petrovic et al., 2012). Several studies confirmed that applying the internet and information technology with learning can boost the learning outcome. ...
Data-driven learning has been recognized a potential tool for enhancing learning outcomes. The current study designed a data-driven hospitality lexis learning programme to facilitate the learning of hospitality vocabulary by autonomous learners. To achieve the objectives, the development of learners’ hospitality vocabulary knowledge was measured using the T-test based on pre-testing and post-testing. In addition, the learners’ opinions were explored using two types of questionnaire: the Mentimeter online programme and an open-ended questionnaire. The results of the T-test scores confirmed that the hospitality vocabulary knowledge of learners was improved after learning autonomously using the data-driven hospitality lexis learning programme. The results from the questionnaire indicated that most of the learners thought that the program was convenient, useful, and easily understood. Learners considered that using the programme helped them to be more responsible, to be better at time management, and to expand their vocabulary regarding hospitality. Therefore, using the online programme would be suitable as a recommended alternative to facilitate learning vocabulary for autonomous learners. Thus, such online programmes should be promoted and created in both general and specific fields of learning vocabulary. These findings could be extended to other English-for-specific-purposes contexts to assist learners in dealing with terminology in their fields.
... One of the factors supporting autonomous learning through an online programme is that 85.9 percent of citizens aged between 15 and 24 years have experienced learning, access, and use the internet and information technology in their daily life (National Statistical Office, 2016). The internet is important not only in daily life, but also in the education system (Lego Muñoz & Towner, 2009;Petrovic et al., 2012). Several studies confirmed that applying the internet and information technology with learning can boost the learning outcome. ...
Data-driven learning has been recognized a potential tool for enhancing learning outcomes. The current study designed a data-driven hospitality lexis learning programme to facilitate the learning of hospitality vocabulary by autonomous learners. To achieve the objectives, the development of learners' hospitality vocabulary knowledge was measured using the T-test based on pre-testing and post-testing. In addition, the learners' opinions were explored using two types of questionnaire: the Mentimeter online programme and an open-ended questionnaire. The results of the T-test scores confirmed that the hospitality vocabulary knowledge of learners was improved after learning autonomously using the data-driven hospitality lexis learning programme. The results from the questionnaire indicated that most of the learners thought that the program was convenient, useful, and easily understood. Learners considered that using the programme helped them to be more responsible, to be better at time management, and to expand their vocabulary regarding hospitality. Therefore, using the online programme would be suitable as a recommended alternative to facilitate learning vocabulary for autonomous learners. Thus, such online programmes should be promoted and created in both general and specific fields of learning vocabulary. These findings could be extended to other English-for-specific-purposes contexts to assist learners in dealing with terminology in their fields.
... In this research, with the perspective of interaction, Web 2.0 is operationally defined as the technology improving interactivity among all stakeholders of the internet. Some of the Web 2.0 tools can be listed as follows: Social networking systems-Twitter, Facebook, video sharing sites-YouTube, Google video, image sharing sites-Flickr, Instagram, wikis, blogs, virtual worlds, podcasts, interactive video systems (Munoz and Towner, 2009;Brame, 2016). Videos are one of the Web 2.0 technologies, which is becoming very popular and also used frequently (Kolowich, 2016). ...
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In this study, the effects of interactive video usage in programming education on academic achievement and self-efficacy perception of programming were investigated by taking into account learning styles. The research was patterned according to causal-comparative model, and also, correlation analysis was performed for relationship research. Sixty-one students attending 3rd grade in Computer and Instructional Technology Education (CEIT) of Yıldız Technical University participated in the study. Research data were collected with “Interview form,” “Academic Achievement Test,” “self-efficacy scale for programming,” “learning styles index” and “interactive Video system.” ANCOVA, Correlation and Kruskal Wallis H-test were used in the analysis of the data. The data was analyzed on the computer with the SPSS package program. According to research findings, interactive video monitoring rates did not differ significantly in the students ' academic achievement and self-efficacy perceptions of programming. It was found that students ' learning style preferences had no impact on interactive video viewing rates. The relationship between the change in students ' academic achievement and the change in self-efficacy perception scores related to programming has been examined; as academic achievement increases, it has been concluded that the perception of self-efficacy about programming has fallen.
... It is also the most popular social media platform for educators, who have embraced it for content generation, resource sharing, collaborative interaction, and socializing (Eghdam et al. 2018;Kosinski et al. 2015). Facebook can facilitate the delivery of synchronous and asynchronous teaching, in the form of didactic live streaming webinars or lectures; while its sophisticated social communication features can promote collaborative learning (Menzies et al. 2017) by creating online classes with meaningful teacher-student, and student-student interactions (Dyson et al. 2015;Munoz and Towner 2009). ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced health educators to adapt quickly to teaching and supporting students online. Social media platforms – of which Facebook is presently the most popular worldwide–has demonstrated its utility in facilitating online learning and fostering student support. In order for educators to get the most out of the platform, they should consider adopting a systematic and evidence-based approach. This article draws upon current literature and the authors’ experiences to offer practical tips for health educators wanting to use Facebook as a learning platform and support tool for their students. We offer twelve tips, organized into prescriptive steps for creating and managing a Facebook group, and suggestions for utilizing Facebook’s features to foster student learning, collaboration, communication, and socialization.
By critically reviewing the theory and previous research in the domains of education, personality psychology, and Social Networking Sites (SNS), this chapter investigates the implications of educational SNS use for students with different personality structures. Conscientiousness is shown to be crucial for academic performance, with indications that neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness are important as well. With regard to SNS use in schools, the authors give a short review of the existing studies, which yielded contradictory findings when it comes to SNS's effect on academic achievement, but are fairly in agreement about students' positive attitudes toward their use in schools. As the main purpose, the authors present personality-related findings and make predictions about the benefits of educational SNS use for introverted and highly neurotic students and those with low self-esteem. They conclude that introducing SNS into the educational context would be valuable for all students, especially with regard to giving them equal chances in realizing their potential.
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Being one of the most pervasive technological developments in recent times, the advent of online social networks has had a profound impact on how individuals identify themselves. As such, this dissertation uses Goffman’s self-presentation theory and other studies on the self to examine how teachers employed in Turkey’s eighty-one provinces during the 2021–2022 academic year self-identify on social media and how this impacts their instructional practices. In short, the aim of this dissertation seeks to understand how social networks affect teachers’ self-presentations and educational practices. In the research, teachers completed an online questionnaire and participated in online interviews as part of the study. The quantitative part of this mixed-method research consisted of a survey study conducted with 6,005 teachers active on social networks. Frequency distributions and avarage scores determined and percentages for the quantitative data collected. For the qualitative part of the study, twenty-five teachers were interviewed teaching different subject areas in different grades in Turkey’s different regions. All the interviews were conducted online and aimed to determine teachers’ instructional practices on online social networks and how they regarded their social media persona. Then, all the data were handled with a holistic approach and evaluated with the inductive data analysis method. The findings demonstrate that the way teachers use social networks differs from other groups, that teachers express themselves more candidly and aggressively when their identities remain hidden or anonymous, that they try increase their social capital by attracting attention to themselves, that they abstain from making political posts in order not to risks their social networks, that societal expectations inform how they present an ideal image of themselves, that they go to great lengths to portray themselves as different from others, that they integrate their social networks into their educational practices, that they successfully improve their professional knowledge and skills by communication with other teachers and through peer learning, and that such networks are important tools in increasing teacher and student motivation. This dissertation ends by recommending a digital platform based on the findings that takes into account teachers’ interests, needs, and inclinations.
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The purpose of this research is to reveal the effect of concept teaching techniques developed with Web 2.0 tools in the social studies course on students' conceptual learning. In the research, explanatory sequential design, one of the basic designs of mixed methods research, was used. The sample of the research consists of 41 seventh grade students studying in two public schools in Ortahisar district of Trabzon province. Research data were obtained through "Global Issues Conceptual Comprehension Test", "Social Studies Course Attitude Scale" and semi-structured interview form. In the research, quantitative data were analyzed with the SPSS 25 package program. Qualitative data were subjected to descriptive analysis and content analysis. According to the quantitative results of the research, it was concluded that concept teaching activities developed with Web 2.0 tools in the 7th grade social studies course increased students' conceptual learning and were effective in developing attitudes towards the course. In addition, the study concluded that Web 2.0-supported concept teaching activities were not effective in students' retention of what was learned and their permanent learning. According to the qualitative results of the research, it was concluded that Web 2.0-supported activities enabled students to actively participate in the lessons, facilitated their learning, and increased their interest and motivation in the Social Studies course.
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In engineering education, stimulating students' questions and encouraging learning participation are crucial for achieving higher-order thinking abilities. This study aims to investigate the use and effect of an online communication channel in fostering engineering students' questioning abilities. Consequently, in this research, we gauged students' satisfaction with an engineering class that implemented a communication channel, and scrutinized the changes in their perceptions regarding the significance of questions, their engagement in learning, and their academic self-efficacy. In addition, we interviewed the students who participated in the class. The outcomes are as follows: Firstly, student satisfaction improved compared to the previous semester’s class where the communication channel was not utilized. Secondly, learners' understanding of the importance of asking questions positively escalated, alongside their actual frequency of posing questions. Thirdly, there was an improvement in learners' active engagement in their studies and their academic self-confidence. The findings of this research suggest that communication channels should be employed to motivate learners to pose questions and involve students in effective learning.
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This article aims to propose a digital version of Darwazeh’s learning taxonomy. The DLT consists of 10 cognitive processes sequenced hierarchical from simple to complex either vertically from one mental process to another, or horizontally in each mental process. These cognitive processes are facts’ remembrance, generalities’ remembrance, comprehension, analysis, organizing, syntheses, application, evaluation, creation, and meta-cognition. The digital version merges specific pedagogical technology tools and applications with each process and presents implementing guidance in a pedagogical perspective. The digital learning taxonomy will inform instructions and directions on how to use digital tools to facilitate students e-learning experiments and outcome. In addition, the main objective of this article is to integrate and implement technology as an essential part of e-learning especially in this age of information and technology.
Social media platforms are popular among young people all around the world. Many institutions have integrated social media as a learning tool to deliver new information and connect students. Social media is one of the most popular kinds of media today, with a wide range of characteristics and attributes. Today the usage of social media is increasing at an alarming rate. Social media is the excellent channel for students to digitally communicate with their peers and teachers. They are able to discuss important topics that are relevant to learning process. The goal of this paper was to find out the role of social media on developing speaking and writing skills of ESL learners and whether social media could motivate or encourage ESL learners enhance their speaking and writing skills. The current study utilized mixed methods including quantitative and qualitative approaches. The instrument, Questionnaires was utilized in data collection. Questionnaires were designed for ESL learners and ESL teachers. The questionnaires’ data were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS. The questionnaires ultimately revealed how much social media affects ESL Learners' speaking and writing skills, develop their talents, boost up their confidence, provide enough chances to practice speaking and writing skills, provide platforms to share their ideas, provide opportunities for discussion with fellows and motivate them. As a result of this study, it is also suggested that social media should be integrated into the pedagogical system in order to dramatically improve ESL Learners' speaking and writing skills. Keywords: speaking skills, writing skills,, social media, ESL learners, ESL teachers.
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Introduction: Social networks (SNs) are dedicated websites or other applications which enable users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc. Today, more than ever before, people are finding ways to connect with friends, family members, co-workers, classmates, and those they have just met using social networking sites. Objective: The aim of this research was to study the impact of Facebook and others social networks usage on academic performance and social life among medical students. Materials and Methods: This was descriptive, analytical cross-sectional institutional-based study. 27 item self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 275 medical students at Faculty of Medicine-University of Khartoum. Respondents were selected using Simple random sampling technique. Results: 275 Medical students were involved. The prevalence of Facebook and others SNs users is 93.1%. The Authors found that the males use Facebook and others SNs more than females by (97.6%), (91.1%). The main SNs used are Facebook (98.8%), Skype (61.3%), What's App (59%), and Hotmail (56.6%). The Facebook and What's App are the most SNs used more than 1 time a week. The most devices used are Mobiles and Tablets (72.3%). The most purposes of using the SNs were connecting with family and friends (86.7%), following the news (76.6%), connecting with people from the past (69.9%), and chatting (53.9%). 57.8% of users have attempts to minimize or cutoff the using of SNs. 51.2% of users became upset when they don't find any means to login to SNs during their day. 81.3% of users have desire to know what happened online when they are offline. 96.1% of users using the SNs for academic purposes, and 11.3% of users sometimes are absent from academic activities because of using the SNs. The prevalence of negative effect of using the SNs on academic performance is very high especially among females. 68% of users have benefit from using of the SNs for connecting with others. 23.4% of users lower their social activities in real life because of using the SNs. The prevalence of lowering the practicing sport exercises because of using the SNs is 20.2%. Conclusion: The prevalence of using the SNs is high and continues to increase. The prevalence of negative effect of using the SNs on academic performance is high. SNs help people to connect with each other's and don't affect their social activities or sport exercises. Recommendations: Education about negative effect of long usage of social networks. Education about how to use the social networks correctly. Promotion of using the social networks for academic purposes and scientific researches.
Technology is almost indispensable in general life, and it is constantly evolving. Therefore, it is important to determine how these advances can be of benefit in teaching and learning. ICTs and social media for educational purposes is a notion not only fraught with challenges but also offering much-untapped potential. Web 2.0 technologies and electronic teaching aids can be used to greatly advance the transmission of knowledge in the school setting. The investigation at hand attempted to go a step further by showing the potential benefits of incorporating the Grade 12 Business Studies curriculum into a Facebook page to enhance learners' subject knowledge competence. An exploratory mixed-method research design was adopted to describe the implementation of the mentioned Facebook page. The data were collected using a Facebook page and an online open-ended questionnaire. Based on the research, the learners concurred to unequivocally concur that the Facebook page for Business Studies did, in fact, assist and support them in their learning.
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Knowledge sharing among peers plays a vital role in students’ learning process and an Effective and inclusive Knowledge Sharing is an integral part of successful and practical university learning. This study aims to investigate the knowledge- sharing behavior of undergraduate students of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce students at the University of Jaffna. The present study involved a quantitative approach concerning the design of surveys and the population to reach that purpose. The researcher used SPSS software version 20.0 for data analysis purposes. It was found that, generally, students displayed a positive attitude towards knowledge sharing and were appreciative of its importance in peer learning. It was found that, generally, students displayed a positive attitude towards knowledge sharing and were appreciative of its importance in peer learning. Further, the study found that technological availability, social media ties, self-efficacy, and experience were the significant determinants of knowledge-sharing behavior among students. Final recommendations are given by the author; it also provides more support and direction to future work.
This study aimed at exploring the psychological challenges of Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in online courses during the pandemic. The present research had a qualitative design and used thematic analysis (TA). The participants of this study were 50 Iranian EFL students, including 31 females and 19 males, who were selected from the English translation B.A. program of the English department of Islamic Azad University, Iran. To select the participants, the convenience sampling was applied. They were students of 6th and 7th semesters. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 50 participants of the study. Each participant was interviewed individually. The interview consisted of 15 researcher-made questions. The interviews were administered in ten one-hour sessions. Each session five participants were interviewed. The results of the present study showed that the main reasons and causes of psychological challenges perceived by the participants in online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic include on-line classes as a stress-provoking learning context, lack of digital literacy, low quality and speed of internet connection, platform issues, coronavirus disease stress, and lack of direct interactions. At the end of the paper, the implications of the study are presented.
Media pay considerable attention to episodes that involve children and adolescents and the internet. Usually, the excessive time spent on social networking sites is highlighted as the principal source of risk for cyberbullying as well as for the various types of cyber addictions that can develop. Anonymity is reported to be one of the principal factors that favor cyberbullying, whilst sexting and homophobia are indicated as being among the principal circumstances that bring victims to commit suicide. In this chapter, some relevant aspects of the use of social networking sites will be illustrated and some notions regarding how the internet works will be introduced. Other questions, such as the spread of cyber hate and online incivility will be discussed, and a case of the incautious use of Facebook by a higher public education institution will be reported. Many concepts highlighted here will be useful in the following chapters in which strategies for the prevention of cyberbullying will be considered.
هدفت الدراسةإلى التعرف على تصورات معلمي الرياضيات في محافظة الخليل، حول المنصات التعليمية الإلكترونية، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة، اعتمد الباحثان المنهج الوصفي، حيث تم تطبيق الدراسة في الفصل الثاني من العام الدراسي (2020/2021) على عينة عشوائية، تكونت من (175) معلما، ومعلمة، وتم إعداد استبانة؛ لقياس تصورات معلمي الرياضيات حول المنصات التعليمية الإلكترونية، حيث تكونت من (27) فقرة، حيث تم التحقق من صدقها، وثباتها، وقد بلغت قيمة معامل الثبات (0.91). توصلت الدراسة أنتصورات معلمي الرياضيات للمرحلة الأساسية العليا في محافظة الخليل، حول المنصات التعليمية الإلكترونية متوسطة، حيث بلغ المتوسط الحسابي (3.13)، وبانحراف معياري (0.67)، كما أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية، بين المتوسطات الحسابية لتصورات معلمي الرياضيات للمرحلة الأساسية العليا في محافظة الخليل، حول المنصات التعليمية الإلكترونية تبعاً لمتغير النوع الاجتماعي، والتخصص، وسنوات الخبرة، والمؤهل العلمي. وفي ضوء النتائج، أوصت الدراسة بإعداد معلم المستقبل، إعداداً يؤهله لاستخدام التكنولوجيا في التعليم والتعلم، وتشجيع وتحفيز معلمي الرياضيات على توظيف المنصات التعليمية الإلكترونية، وتطوير البنى التحتية للتعليم الإلكتروني.
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Today, social networks are used in every field of education, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and improving the quality of education. This study investigated the perceptions of high school students, undergraduate students and physics teachers have on the adaptation of Facebook as a social network, the intended use of Facebook, and its educational use in a physics course. The participants included 327 high school students, 40 preservice physics teachers, and 28 physics teachers, all from Ankara, Turkey. The data revealed that there was a significant difference in the participants' views on the adaptation of Facebook, the intended use of Facebook, and its educational use according to educational level, but not by gender. The teachers, compared to the high school students and the preservice teachers, scored significantly higher in the areas of adaptation of Facebook and its intended use. In the educational use of Facebook, the preservice teachers, compared to the high school students, and the teachers, compared to both high school students and preservice teachers, scored significantly higher. The variables of gender, educational level, intended use of Facebook, and its educational use were found to have a significant effect on the perceptions of the educational use of Facebook in physics education. In this study, while the use of Facebook in the field of education is not affected by gender in general, its use in physics education in specifically is affected by gender.
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This study evaluates the long-term impact of a randomized controlled study which utilized Twitter as an educational intervention to extend the course beyond the physical and time constraints of face-to-face instruction. Participants included 125 undergraduates from a mid-sized midwestern doctoral granting university in the United States. Outcomes previously published include increased engagement and grades for the intervention group (Twitter) compared to the control group. In the longitudinal study presented here, interaction effects were analyzed between GPA, ACT, gender, and socio-economic status with first-to second year retention rates, 6-year graduation rates and 6-year graduation rates in STEM fields. A statistically significant interaction effect was found between socio-economic status and the intervention (Twitter), resulting in an increased likelihood of graduating in STEM compared to students with low-socioeconomic status (SES) in the control group. This finding indicates that low cost or free technology has the potential to expand the face-to-face classroom in meaningful ways, can increase access to faculty, can increase access to peer-support and ultimately enhance 6-year STEM graduation among low SES students.
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İmar, bir arazi parçasının insanların üzerinde yaşayabileceği en iyi haline getirilmesi olarak tanımlanabilir. İmar sahaları belirlenirken öncelikle bir küme gibi imara alınacak saha belirlenerek imar sınırları geçirilir. İmar sınırları içerisinde arazi parçalarının bayındır hale getirilmesi işlemi imar adalarının, yolların oluşturulması ile mümkün hale gelir. İmar adalarının ise kendi içerisinde kullanım amacına göre çeşitleri mevcuttur. Bu adaların bir kısmı konut ihtiyacını gidermek üzere lejant olarak imar paftalarına işlenirken, bir kısmı ticari, konut + ticari, merkezi iş alanları, dini tesis alanı, karakol, mahalli oyun alanları, yeşil alanlar vb. şekilde oluşur. Konut alanları detayına girildiğinde ise yaşam alanları olan binaların oluşumu yapı nizamlarına göre meydana getirilir. Temelde üç tip ayrık, blok ve bitişik yapı nizamları, Türkiye’deki İmar Kanununa göre mevcuttur. Yeni yapı iznine açılan arazilerde çift imar parsellerinin çekmeleri sonucunda tek bir bina derinliğinin yapışık sırt sırta verilmesi neticesinde oluşturulan inşaat yapı nizamı blok yapı nizamıdır. Blok nizamlı alanlarda özellikle imar çapları verildikten sonra oluşan bina parselleri ortada sırt sırta oluşur. Yani bina parselleri imar parsellerinin alt kümesidir. Bu çekmeler sonucunda parselin konveks şeklinde kaç kenar varsa bir eksiği kadar bina kırık noktaları oluşur. Oluşan kırık noktalarının mekânsal yerinin yani koordinatlarının belirlenmesinde gps gibi teknolojik araçlarının yanı sıra yersel nokta belirleme metotları mevcuttur. Bunlardan biriside geriden kestirme metotlarından olan cassini metodudur. Cassini metodu, en az üç noktasındaki koordinatları bilinen bir imar parselinin çekme mesafeleri ile oluşan bina parselinin bilinmeyen noktasının koordinatlarının bilinen ile bilinmeyen noktalar arası açı ve mesafe uzunlukları ile çemberler geçirilmesi sonucu belirlemesi işlemidir. Çalışmamızda blok nizam şeklindeki imar parsellerden cassini metodu ile kat yüksekliği ve taban alanı oturum katsayılarına göre oluşabilecek bina parsellerinin kırık noktalarının geleneksel şekilde yersel olarak koordinatlarının bulunmasına çalışıldı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Blok nizam, Bina parseli, Cassini Metodu
This paper analyzed the different challenges and opportunities available for the tourism industry in the present global competitive environment apart from giving brief introduction to the tourism and tourism industry of Jammu and Kashmir. The data used for this research work is secondary data. This paper is compiled into two parts. The first part of the paper provides a brief introduction about the tourism industry of Jammu and Kashmir and tries to put light on different areas of the tourism industry in Jammu and Kashmir (leisure tourism, pilgrimage tourism, adventure tourism, trekking, skiing, winter sports etc.). The second part of the paper tries to find various challenges and opportunities available to the tourism industry of Jammu and Kashmir and give proper suggestions in order to utilized these challenges and opportunities in the positive manner for the betterment of the tourism industry, by making brief review of the various research papers and research work done by the researchers in the field of tourism industry.
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Teknoloji insan hayatını doğrudan etkilemekte, Web 2.0 araçlarında yaşanan gelişmelerle bireylerin internet araçlarını kullanma alışkanlıkları günden güne değişmektedir. Günümüzde insanlar zamanlarının çoğunu internette, özellikle de sosyal medya platformlarında geçirmektedir. Bireylerin var olan internet teknolojilerini ve sosyal medya araçlarını kullanma eğilimleri, uyumlu araçlardan yararlanılarak dil öğrenme fırsatlarına dönüştürüldüğünde öğretimin verimliliği ile öğrenici başarısının artacağı ve öğrenmenin daha kalıcı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada ders dışı süreçlerde eğitim amaçlı sosyal medya kullanımının Türkçe öğrenen yabancıların yazma becerisi başarılarına ve öz yeterliliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında öncelikle gönüllü katılım formu, kişisel bilgi formu, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formları ve odak grup görüşmesi soruları hazırlanmış; hazırlanan formlar uzman görüşüne sunulduktan sonra formlara son şekli verilmiştir. Uygulama öncesinde hazırlanan formlarla öğretici ve öğrenicilerden veri toplanmış, doldurulan formlar betimsel analizle incelenmiş, katılımcıların sosyal medya kullanım alışkanlıkları ve en çok kullandıkları sosyal medya araçları tespit edilerek bu araçlar için ders dışı öğretimi destekleyici etkinlikler oluşturulmuştur. Hazırlanan YouTube ve WhatsApp etkinlikleri yabancılara Türkçe öğreten uzmanlarla paylaşılmış, etkinliklerle ilgili uzman görüşü alınarak etkinliklere son şekli verilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu Türkçeyi Gazi, Gaziantep ve İstanbul Aydın üniversitelerinde ikinci dil, Yunus Emre Enstitüsünde yabancı dil olarak öğrenen B2 düzeyinde 79 öğrenici ve bu kurumlarda ders veren 5 öğreticiden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma öncesinde yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi alanında kullanılan dil öğretim setleri incelenmiş, ön test ve son test aşamalarında kullanılmak üzere yazma konuları belirlenmiştir. Ön test ve son test aşamalarında öğrenici kompozisyonlarının değerlendirilmesi için Büyükikiz (2011) tarafından hazırlanan “Yazılı Anlatım Dereceli Puanlama Anahtarı”, yazma öz yeterliliklerinin belirlenmesi için Büyükikiz (2011) tarafından geliştirilen “Yazma Becerisi Öz Yeterlilik Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Uygulama öncesinde her bir uygulama merkezi için öğreniciler yansız atama ile deney ve kontrol olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Her iki gruba bağımlı değişkenin ön test ölçümü olarak uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda seçilen yazılı anlatım konularından bir kompozisyon yazdırılmış ve öz yeterlilik ölçekleri doldurtulmuştur. Deney grubunun dersleri 6 hafta boyunca bağımsız değişken olarak belirlenen sosyal medya içerikleriyle desteklenmiş, kontrol grubunun derslerinde ise herhangi bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. 6 hafta sonunda her iki gruba son test ölçümü olarak kompozisyon yazdırılmış ve öz yeterlilik ölçekleri doldurtulmuştur. Ön test ve son test aşamalarında öğrenicilerden toplanan nicel veriler SPSS 25.0 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında toplanan nitel verilerin analizinde ise betimsel analiz yöntemleri kullanılmış, nicel veriler öğretici ve öğrenicilerin dil öğretim süreçlerinde sosyal medyadan yararlanmaya yönelik görüşleri ile desteklenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda sosyal medya araçlarının, Türkçeyi yabancı ve ikinci dil olarak öğrenenlerin yazma becerilerini ve yazma öz yeterliliklerini olumlu yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında toplanan nitel veriler, yazma başarısı testi ve yazma öz yeterlilik ölçeği ile toplanan nicel verilerle tutarlılık göstermektedir. Sosyal medya araçları sayesinde öğrenicilerin öz yeterlilikleri yükselmekte, sosyal medyada öğreniciler hedef dilin doğal kullanımlarına tanık olmakta, zaman ve mekân kısıtlaması olmaksızın bilgiye erişmekte, öğretim süreçlerinde kendilerini daha rahat hissetmekte, hata yapmaktan korkmamakta, sınıf dışında da hedef dile maruz kalmakta, arkadaşlarıyla ve öğreticilerle kolaylıkla iletişim kurmakta, öğreticiler sosyal medya uygulamaları üzerinden öğrenicilere anında dönüt verebilmektir. Bununla birlikte dil öğretiminde sosyal medya araçlarından yararlanmanın bazı olumsuz yönleri de bulunmaktadır. Sosyal medya araçları kullanılırken bağlantı problemleri yaşanabilmekte, internete erişimde öğrenicilerin eşit şartlara sahip olmaması fırsat eşitsizliğine neden olmakta, etkinlikler sırasında öğrenicilerin dikkati dağılabilmekte, öğreniciler farkında olmaksızın sosyal medya platformlarında fazla zaman harcamakta, bu durum öğrenicilerde göz sorunları gibi sağlık problemlerine neden olmakta, kontrolü sağlanmadığı takdirde öğrenicilerde istenmeyen öğrenmeler gerçekleşebilmektedir.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all courses at the University of São Paulo had to switch to online teaching. Several digital and online resources were applied (Zoom, Google classroom, among others); however, to keep closer contact with the students and provided additional material the use of Social Networks was adopted in line with a previous experience carried-out since 2015 to keep students engaged during the time out of class. The idea is to make use of the students' participation and extensive use of social networks and provide them with additional material related to the classes to increase interest and engage the students with the subject. The experience that started on the introductory class on manufacturing was extended to the machine elements
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This study aims to identify the perceptions of the University of Jordan’s students toward the effectiveness of using electronic learning platforms (Edraak) in developing their self-learning skills in national culture course. The sample of the study included 745 students of those who studied national culture course during the 2nd semester 2017/2018. The statistical descriptive approach was used. The results showed that the perceptions of students toward the benefits of using electronic learning (Edraak) platforms in teaching national culture course were in high degree and the obstacles of using Edraak were limited. The respondents indicated that electronic learning platforms are effective in developing self-learning skills, and there are no significant statistical differences in their perception according to gender, year of study, college, and family income variables. The study recommended using electronic learning platforms such as edraak in teaching other general university courses to get benefits from its role in in developing self-learning skills for students.
Social networks which play an important role in individuals', many of whom are youngsters, daily life got the opportunity to be used as educational tools and seem to have many features to improve educational organizations and the educational processes. Organizations exist in the very complex and chaotic environments rather than the stable and steady environments. This affects the role of administrator and especially the leader within the organization. The task of the 21st century educators is to be compromising social media leadership with media, mass media instruments and information technologies and the values of the school, and preparing the youngsters for the future by building common living environments. Within the scope of research, some explanations from literature about the concept of social networks and the use of social networks in education were given first. For conclusion, comments, conclusions and suggestions about the usability of social networks in education were presented.
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