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Many innovative approaches to education such as problem-based learning (PBL) and inquiry learning (IL) situate learning in problem-solving or investigations of complex phenomena. Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006)45. Kirschner , P. A. , Sweller , J. and Clark , R. E. 2006. Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist., 41: 75–86. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]View all references grouped these approaches together with unguided discovery learning. However, the problem with their line of argument is that IL and PBL approaches are highly scaffolded. In this article, we first demonstrate that Kirschner et al. have mistakenly conflated PBL and IL with discovery learning. We then present evidence demonstrating that PBL and IL are powerful and effective models of learning. Far from being contrary to many of the principles of guided learning that Kirschner et al. discussed, both PBL and IL employ scaffolding extensively thereby reducing the cognitive load and allowing students to learn in complex domains. Moreover, these approaches to learning address important goals of education that include content knowledge, epistemic practices, and soft skills such as collaboration and self-directed learning.
Copyright C
2007, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning:
A Response to Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006)
Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Ravit Golan Duncan, and Clark A. Chinn
Department of Educational Psychology
Rutgers University
Many innovative approaches to education such as problem-based learning (PBL) and inquiry
learning (IL) situate learning in problem-solving or investigations of complex phenomena.
Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006) grouped these approaches together with unguided discov-
ery learning. However, the problem with their line of argument is that IL and PBL approaches
are highly scaffolded. In this article, we first demonstrate that Kirschner et al. have mistakenly
conflated PBL and IL with discovery learning. We then present evidence demonstrating that
PBL and IL are powerful and effective models of learning. Far from being contrary to many
of the principles of guided learning that Kirschner et al. discussed, both PBL and IL employ
scaffolding extensively thereby reducing the cognitive load and allowing students to learn in
complex domains. Moreover, these approaches to learning address important goals of educa-
tion that include content knowledge, epistemic practices, and soft skills such as collaboration
and self-directed learning.
All learning involves knowledge construction in one form or
another; it is therefore a constructivist process. The question
of what sorts of instructional practices are likely to promote
such knowledge construction, or learning, is at the core of the
argument presented by Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006).
The authors loosely define minimally guided instruction as
a learning context in which “learners, rather than being pre-
sented with essential information, must discover or construct
essential information for themselves” (p. 1). They conversely
define direct guidance instruction as “providing information
that fully explains the concepts and procedures that students
are required to learn.” In their argument, Kirschner et al.
contrast minimally guided instructional approaches with ap-
proaches that provide direct instructional guidance and assert
that minimally guided instructional approaches are ineffec-
tive and inefficient.
Correspondence should be addressed to Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Depart-
ment of Educational Psychology, Rutgers University, 10 Seminary Place,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1183. E-mail:
There are two major flaws with Kirschner et al’s argument.
The first is a pedagogical one. Kirschner and colleagues have
indiscriminately lumped together several distinct pedagog-
ical approaches—constructivist, discovery, problem-based,
experiential, and inquiry-based—under the category of min-
imally guided instruction. We argue here that at least some
of these approaches, in particular, problem-based learning
(PBL) and inquiry learning (IL), are not minimally guided
instructional approaches but rather provide extensive scaf-
folding and guidance to facilitate student learning.
The second is a flaw in their evidentiary base. The claim
by Kirschner et al. that approaches such as PBL and IL
are ineffective is contrary to empirical evidence that indeed
does support the efficacy of PBL and IL as instructional
approaches. This evidence suggests that these approaches
can foster deep and meaningful learning as well as significant
gains in student achievement on standardized tests.
In our article we will discuss how PBL and IL provide
instructional guidance and provide evidence that supports
the efficacy of these pedagogical approaches. We will exam-
ine the claims of Kirschner et al. specifically in the context
of PBL and IL, as these approaches clearly provide scaf-
folding for student learning. We begin with a brief discus-
sion of the qualities of some of the pedagogical approaches
Kirschner et al. have included under their “minimally guided”
Constructivist theories of learning stress the importance of
learners being engaged in constructing their own knowledge
(Mayer, 2004; Palincsar, 1998). An assumption that leads to
the minimally guided discovery approach is that the learn-
ers need to explore phenomena and/or problems without any
guidance. This assumption has been repeatedly demonstrated
to be flawed (Mayer, 2004). We agree with Kirschner et al.
(2006) that there is little evidence to suggest that unguided
and experientially-based approaches foster learning. How-
ever, IL and PBL are not discovery approaches and are not
instances of minimally guided instruction, contrary to the
claims of Kirschner et al. Rather, PBL and IL provide con-
siderable guidance to students.
Before we discuss the ways in which PBL and IL are not
minimally guided, we begin by clarifying what is meant by
PBL and IL. In PBL, students learn content, strategies, and
self-directed learning skills through collaboratively solving
problems, reflecting on their experiences, and engaging in
self-directed inquiry. In IL, students learn content as well
as discipline-specific reasoning skills and practices (often in
scientific disciplines) by collaboratively engaging in investi-
gations. Both PBL and IL are organized around relevant, au-
thentic problems or questions. Both place heavy emphasis on
collaborative learning and activity. In both, students are cog-
nitively engaged in sense making, developing evidence-based
explanations, and communicating their ideas. The teacher
plays a key role in facilitating the learning process and may
provide content knowledge on a just-in-time basis.
The major distinction that we perceive between PBL and
IL is their origins. PBL has its origins in medical education
and is based on research on medical expertise that empha-
sized a hypothetical-deductive reasoning process (Barrows
& Tamblyn, 1980). PBL often uses text-based resources for
both the problem data and self-directed learning. IL has its
origins in the practices of scientific inquiry and places a heavy
emphasis on posing questions, gathering and analyzing data,
and constructing evidence-based arguments (Kuhn, Black,
Keselman, & Kaplan, 2000; Krajcik & Blumenfeld, 2006).
As we have examined the broad variety of instantiations of
PBL and IL, we have not uncovered any dimensions that con-
sistently distinguish between PBL and IL. Indeed, we think
there are no clear-cut distinguishing features. PBL frequently
engages students in explorations and analyses of data, such
as one would expect IL environments to do, and IL frequently
poses problems and asks students to consult various resources
to solve them as PBL environments do. For example, prob-
lems in medical PBL present students with rich sets of pa-
tient data to analyze (Barrows, 2000; Hmelo-Silver, 2004).
Similarly, IL environments such as the Web Integrated Sci-
ence Environment (WISE) provide students with scientific
problems and the research materials that students examine
in order to reach a conclusion about the problem (Linn &
Slotta, 2006). Students may read a variety of resources in ad-
dition to reading about data and conducting their own studies.
Thus, in practice PBL and IL environments are often indis-
tinguishable, despite divergent origins and so we treat them
as synonymous in this article.
As we have noted, PBL and IL environments are not mini-
mally guided because of many forms of scaffolding provided.
Moreover, these approaches may include direct instruction
as one of the strategies they employ (Krajcik, Czerniak, &
Berger, 1999; Schmidt, 1983; Schwartz & Bransford, 1998).
However, in these contexts, direct instruction may be pro-
vided on a just-in-time basis and generally once students ex-
perience a need to know the information presented (Edelson,
2001). Thus a mini-lecture or benchmark lesson presenting
key information to students is used when students understand
the necessity of that information and its relevance to their
problem-solving and investigational practices. Such just-in-
time direct instruction promotes knowledge construction in a
way that makes knowledge available for future use in relevant
contexts (Edelson, 2001).
There is an extensive body of research on scaffold-
ing learning in inquiry- and problem based environments
(Collins, Brown, & Newman, 1989; Davis & Linn, 2000;
Golan, Kyza, Reiser, & Edelson, 2002; Guzdial, 1994; Jack-
son, Stratford, Krajcik, & Soloway, 1994; Reiser, 2004; Toth,
Suthers, & Lesgold, 2002), and researchers have developed
theory-driven and empirically based design guidelines for in-
corporating effective scaffolding strategies to support learn-
ing (Hmelo & Guzdial, 1996; Hmelo-Silver, 2006; Quintana
et al., 2004; Reiser et al., 2001).
Scaffolded inquiry and problem-based environments
present learners with opportunities to engage in complex
tasks that would otherwise be beyond their current abilities.
Scaffolding makes the learning more tractable for students
by changing complex and difficult tasks in ways that make
these tasks accessible, manageable, and within student’s zone
of proximal development (Rogoff, 1990; Vygotsky, 1978).
Quintana et al. (2004) conceived of scaffolding as a key ele-
ment of cognitive apprenticeship, whereby students become
increasingly accomplished problem-solvers given structure
and guidance from mentors who scaffold students through
coaching, task structuring, and hints, without explicitly giv-
ing students the final answers. An important feature of scaf-
folding is that it supports students’ learning of both how to
do the task as well as why the task should be done that way
(Hmelo-Silver, 2006).
Scaffolding not only guides learners through the complex-
ities of the task, it may also problematize important aspects
of students’ work in order to force them to engage with key
disciplinary frameworks and strategies (Reiser, 2004). Such
scaffolds act by “rocking the boat” and stopping mindless
progress through the task, thus redirecting students’ atten-
tion to important learning goals such as examining counter
claims, articulating explanations and reflecting on progress.
Scaffolding is often distributed in the learning environ-
ment, across the curriculum materials or educational soft-
ware, the teachers or facilitators, and the learners themselves
(Puntambekar & Kolodner, 2005). Teachers play a signifi-
cant role in scaffolding mindful and productive engagement
with the task, tools, and peers. They guide students in the
learning process, pushing them to think deeply, and model
the kinds of questions that students need to be asking them-
selves, thus forming a cognitive apprenticeship (Collins et
al., 1989; Hmelo-Silver & Barrows, 2006). In the next sec-
tions, we consider how scaffolding is implemented in PBL
and IL environments.
The Use of Scaffolding in PBL and IL
PBL and IL situate learning in complex tasks. Such task
require scaffolding to help students engage in sense mak-
ing, managing their investigations and problem-solving pro-
cesses, and encouraging students to articulate their think-
ing and reflect on their learning (Quintana et al., 2004).
These aspects of IL and PBL tasks are challenging for stu-
dents in many ways, and different researchers aiming to help
learners overcome these conceptual and practical hurdles
have used several scaffolding strategies (e.g., Chinn, 2006;
Guzdial, 1994; Jackson et al., 1996; Linn, Bell, & Davis,
2004; Reiser et al., 2001). Due to space considerations, we
will only discuss a few of these strategies that highlight the
ways in which scaffolding can reduce cognitive load, pro-
vide expert guidance, and help students acquire disciplinary
ways of thinking and acting. All these strategies can support
sense making, process management, and articulation and re-
flection. The examples we present provide a stark contrast
to the Kirschner and colleagues’ argument that inquiry and
PBL environments provide minimal guidance and therefore
increase cognitive load.
Scaffolding That Makes Disciplinary Thinking
and Strategies Explicit
In PBL and IL environments facilitators and teachers make
key aspects of expertise visible through questions that scaf-
fold student learning by modeling, coaching, and eventually
fading some of their support. Student learning occurs as
students collaboratively engage in constructive processing.
For example, in studying an expert PBL teacher in the con-
text of medical education, Hmelo-Silver and Barrows (2006)
showed that the teacher frequently pushed students to ex-
plain their thinking to help them build a causal explanation
or identify the limits of their knowledge. This helps support
students in sense making and in articulating their ideas.
IL and PBL environments also make disciplinary strate-
gies explicit in students’ interactions with the tasks and tools
as well as the artifacts they create (Quintana et al., 2004). For
example, in the scaffolded software tool for analyzing animal
behavior, Animal Landlord, students create a chronological
“storyboard” of the behavioral components they identify in
a short video clip of animal behavior. In creating this sto-
ryboard students are expected to identify behavioral com-
ponents, label them, and annotate their observations and in-
terpretations about these components. This artifact makes
salient the disciplinary strategies of analyzing animal behav-
ior which include decomposing complex behavior into its
constituents, categorizing the constituents, and interpreting
their significance (Golan et al., 2001; Smith & Reiser, 1998).
In addition to providing an investigation model for student
to emulate, this also supports students’ sense making and
Many other environments provide students with: (a)
prompts to use particular reasoning strategies (e.g., Derry,
Hmelo-Silver, Nagarajan, Chernobilsky, & Beitzel, 2006;
White & Frederiksen, 1998); (b) structures for students to
follow or fill in, such as filling in argument diagrams to learn
to distinguish between claims and reasons (Bell, 2002; Toth
et al., 2002) or templates for domain-specific explanations
(Duncan, 2006; Sandoval & Reiser, 2004); and (c) models
of expert performance for students to emulate (Chinn et al.,
2000; Loh et al., 2001). Chinn and Hung (2007) demon-
strated the effectiveness of expert models in promoting sev-
enth graders’ scientific reasoning. In a curriculum centered
on argumentation about the interpretation of scientific stud-
ies, students in some classrooms were presented with models
of children discussing how to evaluate the methodology of
studies with scientists. The participants in these short dis-
cussions engaged in argumentative give and take about the
strengths and weaknesses of studies. Students who received
these models of effective argumentation demonstrated more
individual progress than students who engaged in the same
argumentation-based learning activities without the models.
The models scaffolded students’ reasoning by showing dia-
logic instances of expert reasoning.
Scaffolds That Embed Expert Guidance
In many IL and PBL environments, expert information and
guidance is sometimes offered directly to the learner. For
example in WISE, students are provided with expert’s hints
and explanations of the rationale underlying the processes
students engage in (Davis, 2003). In some cases, such as goal-
based scenarios (Schank & Cleary, 1995), expert information
is offered directly to the learner through “conversations” with
experts in the form of embedded video clips.
Schwartz and Bransford (1998) showed that providing ex-
planations when needed can be a very effective form of scaf-
folding (see also Minstrell & Stimpson, 1996). Schwartz and
Bransford presented some students with a lecture on memory
after they had tried to explain the pattern of results in data
from real memory experiments. Other students received the
lecture without having engaged in the inquiry activity. The
students who received the lecture after trying to explain the
data learned much more from the lecture. In the context of
students trying to explain data, the lecture provided scaffold-
ing that helped students make sense of the data, and hence
was more meaningful than the same lecture presented not as
scaffolding for inquiry but as direct instruction.
In PBL in medical education, the facilitator models a
hypothetical-deductive reasoning process (Hmelo-Silver &
Barrows, 2006). In STELLAR PBL, an adaptation of PBL
to teacher education, preservice teachers use video cases of
expert teachers as models for adapting instructional plans
(Derry et al., 2006). In addition, the video cases are linked to
appropriate concepts in a learning sciences hypermedia. The
indexing of the video to the hypermedia is another form of
expert guidance.
Scaffolds That Structure Complex Tasks or
Reduce Cognitive Load
A great deal of structure is provided through scaffolds in
the IL and PBL environments. In PBL, structure is provided
through whiteboards that communicate a problem-solving
process as well through the human facilitator (Barrows, 2000;
Hmelo-Silver, 2004). For example, the whiteboard provides
columns for the group to keep track of the facts of the case,
their evolving hypotheses,thelearning issues, which are con-
cepts that the group needs to learn more about in order to
solve the problem, and an action plan, which helps remind the
group of what they need to do. Maintaining the whiteboard
is a part of the PBL process and becomes a routine that helps
support intellectual discourse. Such routines provide pre-
dictable ways to move through activity structures, set social
norms for participation and use of resources, and foster in-
teraction (Leinhardt & Steele, 2005). Because these routines
become automated, the PBL routine itself reduces cognitive
demands. Although there is initial adaptation required, stu-
dents quickly learn that they need to take on particular roles
and to work together to identify the important facts of the
problem, generate potential ideas about the problems, and
what they need to learn about in order to solve the problem.
Scaffolding can also guide instruction and decrease cog-
nitive load by structuring a task in ways that allow the learner
to focus on aspects of the task that are relevant to the learning
goals (Hmelo-Silver, 2006; Salomon, Perkins, & Globerson,
1991). For example, scaffolding can reduce cognitive load
by automating the generation of data representations, labor
intensive calculations, or storing information. By structuring
the tasks and the available functionality (e.g., in computer-
based environments), scaffolding can restrict the options that
are available to the learner at any point in time to make
the task accessible and manageable (Quintana et al., 2004).
For example in Model-It, a software environment that allows
students to build object-based models of natural phenomena
(such as the effects of pollutants on a stream ecosystem),
there are three functional modes: plan, build, and test (Jack-
son et al., 1996). The software restricts the options avail-
able to students such that students may only proceed to the
build stage after they have planned their models, and they
may not test it until they have identified some of the impor-
tant objects and relationships in the system. Model-It further
scaffolds students by allowing them to qualitatively express
complex mathematical relationships as the software converts
their verbally stated relationships into mathematical formulas
used for running the model, thereby reducing cognitive load
and situating the task within the learner’s zone of proximal
In summary, many of the types of scaffolding described
provide very strong forms of guidance that seem to us to be
indistinguishable from some of the forms of guidance rec-
ommended by Cognitive Load theorists. We fail to see that
the instruction recommended by Kirschner et al. differs so
clearly from instructional practices in IL methods. Kirschner
et al. touted worked examples and process worksheets as ef-
fective methods of guided learning. But PBL and IL methods
employ modeling that seems very similar to worked examples
as well as scaffolds to guide inquiry that strongly resemble
process worksheets (e.g., Kirschner & Erkens, 2006; White
& Frederiksen, 1998). We think a close analysis of IL and
PBL methods indicates that they are indeed strongly guided
form of instruction. Studies showing that unguided or min-
imally guided instruction is inferior to direct instruction are
simply irrelevant to most approaches implementing PBL or
It is important to consider learning outcomes as multifaceted.
The goals of learning should include not only conceptual and
procedural knowledge but also the flexible thinking skills and
the epistemic practices of the domain that prepare students
to be lifelong learners and adaptive experts (Bereiter & Scar-
damalia, 2006; Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000; San-
doval & Reiser, 2004). But even on similar outcomes, PBL
and IL often prove to be superior in studies of classroom-
based instruction.
Evidence that PBL is Effective
Although Kirschner et al. (2006) report on several studies and
meta-analyses of PBL, they overlooked other reviews that
were more favorable to PBL. At around the same time as the
Albanese and Mitchell (1993) and Berkson (1993) reviews
that Kirschner et al. (2006) cited, there was a third meta-
analysis conducted by Vernon and Blake (1993). This analy-
sis found that medical students in PBL curricula performed
slightly worse on tests of basic science knowledge but per-
formed better on tests of clinical knowledge than traditional
medical students. In a more recent meta-analysis of the effects
of PBL, Dochy, Segers, Van den Bossche, and Gijbels (2003)
found there was no effect of PBL on declarative knowledge
tests, but studies that compared PBL students with those in
traditional curricula on measures of knowledge application
showed a moderate effect size favoring PBL students.
Kirschner et al. cited the results of Patel, Groen, and Nor-
man’s (1993) research. In this study, students from very dif-
ferent universities with different entering characteristics were
compared (and indeed there is a self-selection bias in most
studies of PBL). They were compared at a single time on
a single task, but the PBL students did indeed transfer the
hypothesis-driven reasoning strategy they were taught to new
problems whereas students in a traditional curriculum did not
use this reasoning strategy. The PBL students were also more
likely to make errors. But a close examination of these results
reveals that although the PBL students made more errors,
they also created more elaborated explanations compared to
the sparse explanations of students in the traditional curricu-
lum. Patel et al. concluded (and Kirschner et al. concurred)
that PBL impedes the development of expert data-driven
reasoning strategies. However, other research suggests that
when faced with unfamiliar problems, experts go back to ba-
sic principles and effectively use hypothesis-driven reasoning
rather than the data-driven reasoning used in familiar prob-
lems (Norman, Trott, Brooks, & Smith, 1994). In an experi-
mental study comparing medical students trained to use either
data-driven or hypothesis-driven1reasoning while learning
about electrocardiograms, the hypothesis-driven reasoning
strategy led to superior learning (Norman, Brooks, Colle, &
Hatala, 2000).
The accuracy effect found in the Patel et al. study has not
been a robust effect, as the Dochy et al.s (2003) study sug-
gests. A more recent longitudinal quasi-experimental study
of first year medical students found that PBL students gen-
erated more accurate and coherent problem solutions than
traditional medical students (Hmelo, 1998).
Although research at other grade levels and disciplines
outside medicine is rare, there is other work that supports the
positive effects of PBL. Derry et al. (2006) compared preser-
vice teachers in the technology-supported STELLAR PBL
course in educational psychology with students in other sec-
tions of educational psychology on a video analysis transfer
task. Over three semesters of the class, there were consistently
positive effects favoring the students in the PBL class on tar-
geted outcomes. In a carefully controlled crossover study of
MBA students, Capon and Kuhn (2004) randomly assigned
students to either PBL-first, lecture-second or lecture-first,
PBL-second condition for two different concepts. On mea-
sures of declarative knowledge, there were no differences
between the conditions; however, the students constructed
more integrative explanatory essays for the concepts that
they had learned using a PBL approach.
1Data-driven and hypothesis-driven reasoning are also referred to as
forward and backward reasoning, respectively.
PBL has been successfully applied at secondary educa-
tion. In a study comparing traditional and problem-based in-
struction in high school economics, Mergendoller, Maxwell,
and Bellisimo (2006) found that across multiple teachers and
schools, students in the PBL course gained more knowledge
than the students in a traditional course.
Another variant of PBL is anchored instruction, exempli-
fied by the Adventures of Jasper Woodbury used in middle
school mathematics (Cognition and Technology Group at
Vanderbilt [CTGV], 1992). In a large-scale implementation
study comparing students using the Jasper PBL instruction
with matched comparison students across 16 school districts
in 11states, PBL had positive outcomes on standardized tests.
On researcher-developed measures, the results showed no
differences between PBL and traditional math instruction on
single-step word problems but significant positive effects on
solving multistep word problems and on other aspects of
problem solving such as planning and problem comprehen-
sion for the PBL group.
The results reported here include fairly traditional mea-
sures of knowledge and knowledge application. It is impor-
tant to note that the goals of PBL go beyond these kinds of
measures. There is evidence that PBL supports the devel-
opment of reasoning skills (e.g., Hmelo, 1998), problem-
solving skills (e.g., CTGV, 1992; Gallagher, Stepien, &
Rosenthal, 1992) and self-directed learning skills (e.g.,
Hmelo & Lin, 2000). PBL methods are also effective
at preparing students from future learning. For instance,
Schwartz and Martin (2004) found that ninth graders who
initially learned through exploratory problem solving em-
ploying statistical principles learned more from a subsequent
lecture than students who had initially learned from a worked
example that the instructor explained in class.
Evidence for Effectiveness of IL Approaches
Kirschner and colleagues asserted that there is a lack of re-
search using controlled experimentation which shows the
relative effectiveness of IL methods. They presented evi-
dence that lower-performing students assigned to minimally
guided instruction showed a decrement in performance fol-
lowing such interventions. It is true that controlled experi-
ments of inquiry-, project-, and problem-based environments
are scarce. However, a few such studies do exist, and those
show significant and marked effect sizes and gains in favor
of inquiry-, problem-, and project-based environments (Geier
et al, in press; Hickey, Kindfeld, Horwitz, & Christie, 1999;
Hickey, Wolfe, & Kindfeld, 2000; Lynch, Kuipers, Pyke, &
Szesze, 2005).
GenScopeTM is an inquiry-based environment that has
been extensively and systematically studied and has been
shown to engender learning gains that are significantly larger
than those attained in the comparison classrooms. The Gen-
Scope software is an open-ended inquiry environment de-
signed to support high school students’ investigations of
genetic phenomena (Horwitz, Neumann, & Schwartz, 1996).
Despite its exploratory and open-ended nature the GenScope
environment scaffolds student learning in several comple-
mentary ways: (a) complex simulations make the causal
mechanisms underlying genetic phenomena visible; (b) stu-
dents can easily manipulate representations of biological en-
tities at different biological organization levels; and (c) repre-
sentations of the phenomena at the multiple levels are linked
such that manipulations of one level have consequences (that
students can see) at subsequent levels. Several iterations of
the GenScope environment and related curriculum materials
have been implemented in secondary classrooms and a vali-
dated assessment system was developed to evaluate student
learning (Hickey et al., 2000).
Hickey et al. (1999) found that 381 students in 21 Gen-
Scope classrooms “showed significantly larger gains from
pretest to posttest than the 107 students in 6 comparison
classrooms.” The largest gains were attained by students
from general science and general biology classrooms (com-
pared to honors and college prep classrooms). The mean
performance of these students increased from the more basic
forms of domain reasoning (cause-to-effects) to more sophis-
ticated domain reasoning (effect-to-cause). This is contrary
to Kirschner et al.’s argument that IL disadvantages weaker
performing students.
Particularly impressive are the recent findings from a
study by Geier et al. (in press), which shows significantly
higher pass rates on high-stakes standardized exams for mid-
dle school students (Michigan Educational Assessment Pro-
gram) in science classes that use inquiry-based materials
compared to their peers in a large urban district in the Mid-
western United States. This study involved two cohorts com-
prising 1,803 students in the intervention condition (in 18
schools) and 17,562 students in comparison schools over
three years of enactment. The intervention included up to
three inquiry units, each unit lasting between six and nine
weeks of instruction and focused on concepts in physical sci-
ences and ecology/earth science. These project-based units
scaffolded learning using technology tools that expanded
the types of questions students could investigate, the data
they could collect and provided curricular support for model-
building and scientific reasoning (Amati, Singer, & Carrillo,
1999; Schneider & Krajcik, 2002; Singer et al., 2000).
Geier et al. (in press) demonstrated that the observed
gains occurred up to a year and a half after participation
in inquiry-based instruction, and the effect was cumulative
such that higher levels of participation (exposure to more
inquiry-based units) resulted in higher gains. The high scores
were attained in all three science content areas (earth, phys-
ical, and life) and both process skills (constructing and re-
flecting) assessed on the test. The effect sizes reported were
0.44 (14% improvement in total score) for students in the
first cohort and 0.37 (13% overall improvement) for students
in the larger second cohort. Thus, effect size was not ap-
preciably reduced with the scale-up. Even more compelling
is their finding that inquiry-based instruction was success-
ful in reducing the achievement gap experienced by urban
African-American boys. African-American boys in the in-
quiry classrooms “caught up” to and showed no statistically
significant difference from girls after exposure to at least one
inquiry-based unit.
Recent research by Lynch et al. (2005) also suggests that
inquiry-based learning environments foster better engage-
ment and mastery goal orientation among disadvantaged stu-
dents. In their comparison study of over 2,000 eighth grade
students (approximately 1,200 in the treatment and 1,000
in the comparison group) in ten middle schools in a large
and diverse Maryland school district, Lynch et al. (2005)
found overall higher gains for all diversity groupings (based
on ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, and ESOL sta-
tus) in the inquiry-based curriculum condition (a six to ten
week unit in chemistry). Thus, inquiry students of all groups
outperformed their comparison peers. The curriculum was
also more effective (than traditional instruction) in increas-
ing certain aspects of motivation and engagement, particu-
larly among historically disadvantaged student groups.
There are other studies that we interpret as supporting
the effectiveness of IL and other constructivist environments
(e.g., Guthrie et al., 2004; Langer, 2001; Wu & Tsai, 2005).
For example, Guthrie et al. found that an elementary school
reading program that combined strategy instruction with en-
hanced student choice, ample hands-on experiences, and
substantial student collaboration was more effective at ad-
vancing students’ reading than either traditional instruction
or a strategies-instruction-only treatment. We suspect that
Kirschner et al. might claim that this study supports their
position, because teachers who used the reading program
provided students with guided instruction on strategies. If
they did make this claim, they would only reinforce our cen-
tral point. What Kirschner et al. view as effective instruction
is often fully compatible with IL and other constructivist in-
struction. Most proponents of IL are in favor of structured
guidance in an environment that affords choice, hands-on
and minds-on experiences, and rich student collaborations.
In conclusion, there is growing evidence from large-scale
experimental and quasi-experimental studies demonstrating
that inquiry-based instruction results in significant learning
gains in comparison to traditional instruction and that disad-
vantaged students benefit most from inquiry-based instruc-
tional approaches. In many or most cases, exemplars of IL
instruction incorporate strong forms of guidance that propo-
nents of guided instruction will find attractive.
Goals for Learning and Instruction
Kirschner et al. (2006) claimed that the pursuit of inquiry-
based instructional methodologies has resulted in a shift of
instructional focus “away from teaching a discipline as a body
of knowledge towards an exclusive emphasis on learning a
discipline by experiencing the processes and procedures of
the discipline.” This claim is problematic for at least two rea-
sons. First, the change in instructional focus is not merely
a result of inquiry methods of instruction but rather a much
broader call for reform in the goals of education. Recent re-
form documents (AAAS, 1993; NCTM, 2000; NRC, 1996),
in the United States as well as other countries (DFE/WO,
1995; Ministry of Education [Taiwan], 2001), have empha-
sized the importance of understanding not only content but
also disciplinary epistemologies and investigative strategies.
In the case of science education in particular, a large body of
research supports the importance of understanding the nature
of scientific research and the practices involved as a critical
part of scientific literacy (e.g., DeBoer, 1991; Driver, Leach,
Millar, & Scott, 1996; Duschl, 1990; Lederman, 1998; Mc-
Comas, Clough, & Almazroa, 1998). This suggests broad
goals for learning and instruction.
Second, current reforms and the inquiry approach are not
substituting content for practices; rather, they advocate that
content and practices are central learning goals. IL models
do in fact foster rich and robust content learning (Shyman-
sky, 1984; Wise & Okey, 1983; Von Secker & Lissitz, 1999).
While it is challenging to develop instruction that fosters the
learning of both the theoretical frameworks and investigative
practices of a discipline, examples of such environments do
exist (Linn, Bell, & Hsi, 1999; Reiser et al., 2001; White &
Frederiksen, 1998), and recent design frameworks offer guid-
ance for the development of such rich learning environments
(Edelson, 2001; Quintana et al., 2004).
The notion that learning the concepts and theories of a dis-
cipline is best situated in the context of the practices of that
discipline is supported by current theories of learning. Both
situated and cognitivist perspectives on cognition recognize
the influence of the learning context on the accessibility of
the knowledge for future use (Collins, Brown, & Newman,
1989; Greeno, 2006; Kolodner, 1993; Schank, 1982). Given
that students need to develop scientific understandings as in-
terconnected, meaningful, and useful, it is imperative that the
learning environments in which students acquire this knowl-
edge be similar to its likely context of use. These likely ap-
plication contexts are situations in which students will face
ill-defined problems such as evaluating scientific findings and
arguments presented in the media, determining the benefits
and risks of policies (or health procedures) through research
and investigation, and constructing logical and scientifically
sensible explanations of everyday phenomena. It follows then
that learning situations should provide students with oppor-
tunities to engage in the scientific practices of questioning,
investigation, and argumentation as well as learning content
in a relevant and motivating context.
Even in this limited review of research on PBL and IL, it
is clear that the claim that PBL and IL “does not work” is
not well supported, and, in fact, there is support for the al-
ternative. But we would argue that “Does it work?” is the
wrong question. The more important questions to ask are un-
der what circumstances do these guided inquiry approaches
work, what are the kinds of outcomes for which they are
effective, what kinds of valued practices do they promote,
and what kinds of support and scaffolding are needed for
different populations and learning goals. The questions that
we should be asking are complex as is the evidence that
might address them. It requires one to also consider the goals
of education—including not only learning content but also
learning “softer skills” (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 2006) such
as epistemic practices, self-directed learning, and collabora-
tion that are not measured on achievement tests but are impor-
tant for being lifelong learners and citizens in a knowledge
society. In many ways, we do not yet have adequate answers
to these questions concerning the conditions under which
various types of scaffolded learning environments are most
effective. While we are not arguing against various forms of
direct and more heavily guided instruction, of the sort that
Kirschner et al advocate, it is still unclear how to balance
IL and PBL (which are more constructivist and experiential)
with direct instructional guidance. We believe that more di-
rected guidance needs to build on student thinking. As a field
we need to develop deeper and more detailed understandings
of the interrelationships between the various instructional ap-
proaches and their impact on learning outcomes in different
We wish to conclude this article with the common wisdom
of Confucius on the nature of instruction and human learning:
“Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember;
involve me and I will understand.” We argue that IL and PBL
approaches involve the learner, with appropriate scaffolding,
in the practices and conceptualizations of the discipline and in
this way promote the construction of knowledge we recognize
as learning.
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... There is a broad international consensus that scientific inquiry is one of the most appropriate approaches to learning science, specifically in the science laboratory, allowing students to learn science by doing science (Hodson, 2014). However, its implementation in school environment involves multiple meanings and proposals (Minner et al., 2010;Rönnebeck et al., 2016) resulting to a non-univocal conception of scientific inquiry for school (Bevins & Price, 2016;Hmelo-Silver et al., 2007;Zhang, 2016). The conceptions of inquiry range from what scientists do to what students do when learning science based on the scientific work, and what teachers do following an inquiry-based teaching perspective (García-Carmona, 2020). ...
... The conceptions of inquiry range from what scientists do to what students do when learning science based on the scientific work, and what teachers do following an inquiry-based teaching perspective (García-Carmona, 2020). A wide range of empirical research has showed that the inquiry-based laboratory work was more effective than the traditional approach in terms of achievement, motivation, engagement, development of scientific skills, and students' views on scientific inquiry, particularly among disadvantaged groups (Bevins & Price, 2016;Cetin, 2021;Hmelo-Silver et al., 2007). ...
Full-text available
Two laboratory experiments have been developed to engage students in scientific practices and to central ideas of chemical practices. The experiments are based on the model of pH color scale from plant extracts and its application on acid-base reactions. Three color pH models from red cabbage, radish, and flowers have been developed by students during the first experiment. After evaluating the merits and limitations of each model, the most appropriate pH indicator has been chosen to be used during the second experiment dealing with carbon dioxide production and properties. The activities have been designed in a way that fosters collaboration, decision-making, and the connection of chemistry to the natural world and everyday life. The majority of the materials are household, inexpensive and suitable for both face-to-face performance of the experiments at a school laboratory or for hands on activities on distance learning. The experiments have been implemented in (a) a training course to a group of 23 secondary chemistry teachers and (b) two laboratory lessons to a group of 25 upper secondary students. The activities of the laboratory experiments and the feedback from both teachers' and students' implementation are further described.
... As such, instructors set up learning activities in a way that motivate students to seek information by interacting with peers to generate answers to problems [48]. Through IBL, students engage with peers in active learning that enhances their application of the knowledge to develop critical thinking skills for problem-solving [49]. Students in active learning environments are self-confident and usually seek solutions to problems to work out more complex tasks [17]. ...
... These situations enhanced their learning and thinking skills from the kind of support given by peers and instructors [17]. Again, students engaging in active learning activities were motivated to seek and understand new knowledge through learning collaborations to find solutions [23,49] and integrate new knowledge [60]. This shows that students' motivation promotes their active engagement to use varied learning styles when participating in an IBL class. ...
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Over the past two decades, teachers have adopted several teaching and learning strategies for motivating students to learn chemistry. Learning chemistry in context enables students to develop richer crosscutting learning experiences relevant to contributing to solving problems. A qualitative case study method was adopted to examine student teachers’ experiences in digital inquiry-based learning. Questionnaires with closed-ended and open-ended questions were used to evaluate student teachers’ motivational orientations and learning strategies during a general chemistry course for one month. The results show that student teachers utilized varied perspectives such as self-efficacy, task value, and intrinsic goals to elaborate their learning for knowledge construction and application when performing collaborative tasks. The approach enables students to receive maximum support and feedback from instructors who use pedagogical styles to self-direct them during class discussions, which enhances their active participation in learning with the learning materials. The findings provide a practical insight into instructional strategies in delivering chemistry concepts when students are motivated to use and adopt varied learning strategies.
... Existing literature on cognitive skill development emphasizes the importance of active engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities (Dwyer et al., 2014;Garrison et al., 2001;Kuhn et al., 2000). Interactive and immersive learning experiences can enhance users' cognitive skills by promoting deeper understanding and knowledge retention (Hmelo-Silver et al., 2007). ChatGPT's ability to provide contextually relevant responses and prompt users to engage in higher-order thinking tasks has the potential to facilitate cognitive skill development. ...
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Enhancing student academic success and career readiness is important in the rapidly evolving educational field. This study investigates the influence of ChatGPT, an AI tool, on these outcomes using the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory and constructs from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The aim is to explore how ChatGPT impacts cognitive skill development, career-relevant knowledge and skills, academic success, and career readiness. Employing a quantitative research approach, survey data from 290 students at University Teknologi Malaysia were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Findings indicate that frequent ChatGPT usage positively affects cognitive skills and career-relevant knowledge. Specifically, high-quality ChatGPT outputs significantly enhance cognitive skills (β = 0.40, p < 0.001) and career-relevant knowledge (β = 0.36, p < 0.001). Personalized learning experiences through ChatGPT further support cognitive development (β = 0.23, p < 0.001) and career-relevant knowledge acquisition (β = 0.17, p < 0.001). The study also demonstrates that improved cognitive skills contribute to higher academic success (β = 0.35, p < 0.001) and greater career readiness (β = 0.28, p < 0.001). However, trust in ChatGPT and access to information alone did not significantly impact cognitive skills or career-relevant knowledge. Additionally, career-relevant knowledge alone did not predict substantially career readiness, highlighting the importance of practical experience and soft skills. While ChatGPT enhances academic performance and career preparation, potential challenges include over-reliance on AI and misinformation risks. The findings highlighted the need for balanced AI integration in education, complementing traditional methods with critical evaluation skills. Future research should examine how ChatGPT can be combined with other educational strategies to improve career readiness further and address AI’s limitations in educational settings.
... These questions prompted students to assess their work and anticipate the following steps, thereby fostering opportunities for selfimprovement and enhancement of their ongoing tasks. This finding resonates with the work of several authors (Hmelo-Silver, Duncan, and Chinn 2007;Webb 2009;Chu et al. 2016;Perry, Lundie, and Golder 2018;Miceli 2019) who emphasize the importance of effective scaffolding in easing students' cognitive load as well as serving as a valuable tool for constructive coping with stressful situations. ...
... These results are in line with the pilot study reported in a prior short paper [64]. While this positive reception appears linked to our system's comprehensive support for the three serendipity-inducing factors delineated in Section 3, constructivist learning theory suggests we should question whether these surprising discoveries led to meaningful knowledge construction [65]. The expanded sample size and consistent results across participants underscore the system's potential for promoting serendipitous learning experiences, though questions remain about the depth and permanence of such learning outcomes. ...
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Serendipitous learning, characterized by the discovery of new insights and unexpected connections, is recognized as a valuable educational experience that stimulates critical thinking and self-regulated learning. While there have been limited efforts to develop serendipity-oriented recommender systems in education, these systems often fall short in supporting learners’ agency, that is, the sense of ownership and control over their learning journey. In this paper, we introduce an Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC)-driven recommender system designed to empower learners by granting them control over their learning experiences while offering recommendations that are both novel and unexpected yet aligned with their interests. Our proposed system leverages an Interactive Genetic Algorithm in conjunction with Knowledge Graphs to dynamically recommend learning content, with a focus on the history of scientific discoveries. We conducted both numerical simulations and experimental evaluations to assess the effectiveness of our content optimization algorithm and the impact of our approach on inducing serendipity in informal learning environments. The results indicate that a significant number of participants found certain recommended learning materials to be engaging and surprising, providing evidence that our system has the potential to facilitate serendipitous learning experiences within informal learning contexts.
... Appropriate scaffolding and guidance should be integrated within the interactive elements to support learners in navigating the learning tasks and achieving the desired outcomes (Hmelo-Silver et al., 2007). ...
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eLearning has become a widespread and integral part of modern education and training. A key aspect of effective eLearning is interactivity, which can enhance engagement, learning, and knowledge retention. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research literature on the levels of interactivity in eLearning environments. The review examines different taxonomies and frameworks proposed to categorize and assess the various levels of interactivity, from low-level interactions such as clicking and scrolling, to more advanced interactive features like simulations, virtual reality, and collaborative learning tools. The paper also discusses the pedagogical benefits of increasing interactivity, as well as the design and implementation considerations for achieving optimal levels of interactivity in eLearning. Finally, the review identifies gaps in the current research and suggests future directions for studying the impact of interactivity on eLearning outcomes.
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) in early childhood education nurtures children’s natural curiosity and supports the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills. However, implementing IBL poses challenges such as the need for teacher training, adequate resources, and balancing open-ended exploration with curriculum demands. The objective of the study was to investigating the benefits and challenges of implementing inquiry-based learning approaches in early childhood education. Quantitative research, survey design was used. The population was comprised off all ECE schools of City Tehsil of district Lahore. Multistage sampling techniques was used. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. The validity of questionnaire was found through experts’ opinions and reliability through pilot testing. For quantitative data analysis, descriptive statistics (Mean and standard deviation) was used while in qualitative data analysis, thematic analysis was used. Findings indicate that inquiry-based learning in early childhood boosts children’s engagement, critical thinking, and collaborative skills, promoting deeper, more meaningful learning experiences. However, challenges such as insufficient teacher preparation and resource limitations hinder its effective implementation.
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The constructivist approach to teaching is all about the learner being the constructor of their own knowledge. This means the teacher has to shift from being the instructor to the facilitator. A constructivist teacher facilitates learning by guiding students through experiences that promote active exploration, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Rooted in constructivist theory, this approach emphasizes student-centered learning, where knowledge is constructed through interaction with the environment and collaboration with peers. The teacher's role shifts from a traditional provider of information to a guide who supports and challenges students to construct their own understanding. This method promotes deep understanding, intrinsic motivation, and the development of skills necessary for lifelong learning. Through reflective exercises and continuous feedback, a constructivist teacher creates an engaging and dynamic classroom environment. This research paper looks at the theory behind the constructivist approach, the many hats of the facilitator and the practical applications and implications for teaching and learning.
The importance of between‐desk instruction during inquiry‐based learning to deepen learning is well recognised in some curriculum areas but remains under‐researched in geography. Inquiry‐based learning incorporates the use of generative questions and inquiry methods to support student‐driven investigations. This paper reports on a study of teacher–student interactions during geography inquiry‐based learning. A cross‐case fine‐grained analysis of two teachers’ video‐recorded lessons in a classroom laboratory using a kikan‐shido coding framework showed that “guiding” was the dominant between‐desk function used. The teachers differed in whether guiding was mainly used for task completion or to deepen student understanding. Semi‐structured interviews revealed that the characteristics and sequence of these guiding actions were influenced by teachers’ beliefs. Those beliefs mediated how teachers guided students during the inquiry, debunking a dichotomous view of inquiry‐based learning as either teacher or student directed. We conclude that inquiry‐based learning is a necessary and complex interplay of teacher‐directed and student‐directed activities and that more research on the elements contributing to the kikan‐shido functions performed by teachers could help better identify and strengthen teacher practice for inquiry‐based learning.
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A century ago, when the famous American scientist and educator John Dewey emphasized the necessity and benefits of practical, student oriented teaching, he could not have imagined how relevant and valuable this issue would remain even a hundred years later. According to modern educational requirements, the primary goal of general education is to implement an approach focused on the students, their development, and the enhancement of their motivation and involvement in the learning process. Education should aim at forming and developing specific skills in students, enabling them to critically and holistically understand and analyze facts and phenomena related to the subject, apply this knowledge in various situations, solve problems, and cultivate critical and creative thinking, communication, and collaboration skills. All these goals can be achieved through the intentional use of innovative methods during the learning process. In this regard, active learning is exceptionally valuable, as students’ motivation—acting as a driving force—directly determines their active and fruitful involvement in the study process, leading to higher academic performance. The purpose of the teacher is to tailor the learning process to students’ needs, offer engaging methods and strategies, and make the educational process more productive. To this end, the use of project-based learning should be highlighted, as it boosts students’ motivation and consequently promotes active participation in the learning process. Given the value of the approach, researchers’ interest in this issue is substantial. A significant body of literature, including teachers’ action research, training materials, local and international research reports, and MA or PhD theses, is dedicated to describing the strategy, addressing issues related to its implementation, and providing theoretical and practical recommendations on the benefits of the method, as well as the challenges faced by students and teachers. Studies show that the implementation of project-based teaching in public schools is not at the desired level. What factors contribute to the successful implementation of this approach? What aspects should be considered when applying the project-based method? These questions, along with other related issues, are the main focus of the research described in this monograph. Based on the analysis of the information gathered, the research team developed optimal strategies and recommendations for addressing the problem. The structure of the monograph is as follows: Chapter 1: Bases and Methodological Framework of the Project Method This chapter includes five sections that discuss the use and importance of project-based learning (PBL) in teaching and the key aspects to consider when using PBL. Additionally, a separate section addresses how well project-based learning is reflected in the third generation national curriculum and in the subject standards of primary education. In this chapter, the essence of active learning is explored, with project-based learning proposed as one of the most effective and versatile methods of interactive learning. This method involves the active participation of students, the execution of various activities, and effective collaboration. To clarify the method’s essence, the monograph also presents the advantages of the method as identified by different researchers or research groups and outlines the stages of its implementation. The reviewed research highlights the widespread recognition of the project method as a highly active and beneficial approach for enhancing students’ cognitive activity. However, it is also noted that teachers sometimes overlook the challenges and difficulties that may arise during the implementation of this method. The monograph addresses this by providing useful information on the key considerations when using the method, the types of project methods, principles of use, and stages of implementation. The clarification of the essence of project based learning continues in the following paragraphs: how can we differentiate project based learning and “doing project” which is discussed in the historical viewpoint. By contrasting “doing projects” and project based learning, readers get full information about the essence of the last one. The following issues are worth to pay attention: project types, project planning/design, project product, examples of key questions in various projects, project phases. The topics are also informative and interesting which are connected to the history of project based learning/teaching research, results and recommendations and are discussed as a separate paragraphs in the same second chapter. Analysis of using project based learning on the example of educational systems in various countries are offered as a separate chapter in the monograph. A separate section in the same chapter, Project-Based Learning in the Third-Generation National Curriculum and Elementary-Level Subject Standards, provides comprehensive information on how these regulatory documents and subject guides outline the requirements for establishing project-based learning as an important model for implementing this approach at the primary level. The second chapter of the monograph is fully dedicated to of foreign researchers' viewpoints about project based learning, providing a deep understanding of the essence of project-based learning. This chapter offers comprehensive information about the history of project-based learning research, its results, and the recommendations proposed by researchers. The chapter covers the following topics: the modern definition of project-based learning,constructivism, situated learning, social interaction, cognitive tools, and the gold standard of project-based learning. It also provides an in-depth exploration of facts and interesting information from the history of project-based learning. The most important part of the monograph lies in the research findings and recommendations presented in Chapters 3 and 4: Research on the Experience of Primary School Teachers in the Kakheti Region Regarding the Use of the Project-Based Approach in Teaching (Quantitative) and Research on the Experience of Primary School Teachers in the Kakheti Region Regarding the Use of the Project-Based Approach in Teaching (Qualitative). The research confirmed the value of this method while also revealing several pressing issues that require solutions. For the quantitative research, census sampling was utilized. 451 teachers responded to the survey out of 3,586 teachers of public schools from eight municipalities in the Kakheti region. The research identified numerous challenges and findings. Although the study showed a positive attitude and evaluation of the project method by teachers (e.g., teaching with the project method increases students' motivation and involvement in the learning process, fosters independence, and boosts self-esteem), some negative results were also found. One of the most concerning findings was the low rate of use of the project-based method: 54% of the interviewed teachers do not apply the project-based approach in their teaching. Respondents cited several factors hindering the active use of the method in learning, primarily the lack of time for both students and teachers. Additionally, since teaching through the project-based approach is time-consuming, little time is left for teachers to address other issues. The lack of resources was also mentioned as a significant obstacle by respondents. The monograph provides an analysis of the quantitative research results, highlighting the need to investigate how effectively and correctly teachers use the project-based approach in teaching. The research revealed that, in many cases, the use of this method is oriented towards developing skills that do not distinguish it from typical lessons, leading to undesirable outcomes. Several other needs were identified during the research, such as the need to create a project method bank, which would allow teachers to share experiences, and the need to inform and train teachers on teaching with the project method. These needs are detailed in the monograph. Based on the analysis and findings, recommendations are offered in this part of the monograph, providing a foundation for improving outcomes when applying this approach. As for the qualitative research, which aimed to study and discuss specific examples of the implementation of the project-based learning, a semi-stuctured/in-depth interview was conducted with 12 teachers. The methods of selection was _ purposive sampling; the teachers were identified in the quantitative research as having used the project-based learning. The monograph thoroughly describes the respondents’ narratives, the research results, the conclusions, and the recommendations provided to them, which have both theoretical and practical significance and can serve as a methodological guide for those interested in these issues. During the qualitative research, every teacher expressed their opinions about the importance and effectiveness of using the project based learning. They also noted the significance of involvement of the school administration and parents in the process. While in some cases, representatives of the administration, other teachers, and parents were actively involved, some respondents mentioned minimal parental involvement, which left them to solve certain problems on their own. In these cases, the school administration was also passive. During the interviews, the need to evaluate and encourage students using various tools was highlighted. However,there were also instances where the teacher did not conduct intermediate or final evaluations of the project. Additionally, the research highlighted instances where the implementation of the project method was unplanned, with teachers not quantitatively planning how many projects to complete during the year. Specific expected outcomes, challenges, and possible difficulties were not anticipated in advance, which would have made the implementation more effective and increased students’ interest and engagement. Although the projects’ goals and outcomes were generally aligned with the national curriculum, in some cases, the projects were not focused on developing students’ research skills; instead, they mainly enriched students’ knowledge in the content area. The research also revealed a need for resources, with some teachers using their own funds, and the issue of time constraints was observed. The research also underscored the need to address several issues related not only to the preparedness of current teachers but also to that of future teachers. This is discussed in a separate chapter (Chapter 5), which focuses on students’ training and knowledge about using the project method. Similar to the previous studies, respondents were selected by random sampling: 111 respondents out of 2,657 students in the integrated bachelor’s-master’s teacher training program at various public universities and 576 students in the 60-credit teacher training program. The study revealed major requirements, which are enclosed in the research findings, including the need to teach the project method through educational programs, ensure that students plan the project method during university practices and theoretical studies, and offer additional courses to improve their knowledge and acquire relevant skills.As a result of this study, several conclusions were drawn, and recommendations were developed, which are fully reflected in this part of the monograph. Chapter 6 offers readers a compelling glimpse into practical applications, showcasing sample projects that bring the research to life. The monograph concludes with the research team’s evidence based findings, providing insightful and well-founded conclusions. The recommendations clearly reflect the positions of the researchers regarding the identified needs and perspectives of the study. For example, the idea of implementing projects should be initiated and planned by the students at school, directed towards acquiring new knowledge and its application in real life. Each project idea or activity should align with the students' readiness, interests, needs, and life experiences. A concluding part summarizes the main findings, implications, and contributions of the research to the field, linitations of the studies and offers recommendations for future research, adding more value to the work. In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that the use of the project-based learning is one of the best approaches to realizing modern requirements for general education, as confirmed by both historical and recent studies. However, the implementation of certain aspects of this approach requires more in-depth research and progressive changes. To effectively implement the project-based learning, significant support is needed to ensure the readiness of both pre and in-service teachers, and the proposed monograph serves as an example of this effort.
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Evidence for the superiority of guided instruction is explained in the context of our knowledge of human cognitive architecture, expert–novice differences, and cognitive load. Although unguided or minimally guided instructional approaches are very popular and intuitively appealing, the point is made that these approaches ignore both the structures that constitute human cognitive architecture and evidence from empirical studies over the past half-century that consistently indicate that minimally guided instruction is less effective and less efficient than instructional approaches that place a strong emphasis on guidance of the student learning process. The advantage of guidance begins to recede only when learners have sufficiently high prior knowledge to provide “internal” guidance. Recent developments in instructional research and instructional design models that support guidance during instruction are briefly described.
By allowing key scientists, researchers, professors, and classroom teachers of science to speak for themselves through their published writing about what is best and needed for the field, Dr. DeBoer presents a fascinating account of the history of science education in the United States from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present. The book relates how science first struggled to find a place in the school curriculum and recounts the many debates over the years about what that curriculum should be. In fact, many of that we consider modern ideas in science education are not new at all but can be traced to writings on education of one hundred years ago. A History of Ideas in Science Education is the only book of its kind to summarize the history of science education in this way. It identifies the goals of science education and shows how these goals have competed with one another for the public’s attention. Besides discussing the origins of science teaching in this country, the book also pays attention to the larger educational goals of science instruction and the strategies that have been used to accomplish these goals.
Meeting ambitious content and process (inquiry) standards is an important challenge for science education reform particularly because educators have traditionally seen content and process as competing priorities. However, integrating content and process together in the design of learning activities offers the opportunity to increase students' experience with authentic activities while also achieving deeper content understanding. In this article, I explore technology-supported inquiry learning as an opportunity for integrating content and process learning, using a design framework called the Learning-for-Use model. The Learning-for-Use model is a description of the learning process that can be used to support the design of content-intensive, inquiry-based science learning activities. As an example of a technology-supported inquiry unit designed with the Learning-for-Use model, I describe a curriculum called the Create-a-World Project, in which students engage in open-ended Earth science investigations using WorldWatcher, a geographic visualization and data analysis environment for learners. Drawing on the Learning-for-Use model and the example, I present general guidelines for the design of inquiry activities that support content learning, highlighting opportunities to take advantage of computing technologies.
Suggestions for improving text understanding often prescribe activating prior knowledge, a prescription that may be problematic if students do not have the relevant prior knowledge to begin with. In this article, we describe research about a method for developing prior knowledge that prepares students to learn from a text or lecture. We propose that analyzing contrasting cases can help learners generate the differentiated knowledge structures that enable them to understand a text deeply. Noticing the distinctions between contrasting cases creates a "time for telling"; learners are prepared to be told the significance of the distinctions they have discovered. In 3 classroom studies, college students analyzed contrasting cases that consisted of simplified experimental designs and data from classic psychology experiments. They then received a lecture or text on the psychological phenomena highlighted in the experiments. Approximately 1 week later, the students predicted outcomes for a hypothetical experiment that could be interpreted in light of the concepts they had studied. Generating the distinctions between contrasting cases and then reading a text or hearing a lecture led to more accurate predictions than the control treatments of (a) reading about the distinctions between the cases and hearing a lecture, (b) summarizing a relevant text and hearing a lecture, and (c) analyzing the contrasting cases twice without receiving a lecture. We argue that analyzing the contrasting cases increased students' abilities to discern specific features that differentiated classes of psychological phenomena, much as a botanist can distinguish subspecies of a given flower. This differentiated knowledge prepared the students to understand deeply an explanation of the relevant psychological principles when it was presented to them. These results can inform constructivist models of instruction as they apply to classroom activities and learning from verbal materials. In particular, the results indicate that there is a place for lectures and readings in the classroom if students have sufficiently differentiated domain knowledge to use the expository materials in a generative manner.
The notion of scaffolding learners to help them succeed in solving problems otherwise too difficult for them is an important idea that has extended into the design of scaffolded software tools for learners. However, although there is a growing body of work on scaffolded tools, scaffold design, and the impact of scaffolding, the field has not yet converged on a common theoretical framework that defines rationales and approaches to guide the design of scaffolded tools. In this article, we present a scaffolding design framework addressing scaffolded software tools for science inquiry. Developed through iterative cycles of inductive and theory-based analysis, the framework synthesizes the work of prior design efforts, theoretical arguments, and empirical work in a set of guidelines that are organized around science inquiry practices and the challenges learners face in those practices. The framework can provide a basis for developing a theory of pedagogical support and a mechanism to describe successful scaffolding approaches. It can also guide design, not in a prescriptive manner but by providing designers with heuristics and examples of possible ways to address the challenges learners face.
Collins, A., Brown, J.S., & Newman, S.E. (1989). Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of reading, writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.) Knowing, learning, and instruction: E...