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A Behavior Marker tool for measurement of the Non-
Technical Skills of Software Professionals: An
Empirical Investigation
Lisa L. Lacher
, Gursimran S. Walia
, Fabian Fagerholm
, Max Pagels
, Kendall Nygard
, Jürgen Münch
Department of Computer Science
University of Houston-Clear Lake
; North Dakota State University
2, 5
; University of Helsinki
3, 4, 6
; {gursimran.walia
, Kendall.Nygard
}; {fabian.fagerholm
, max.pagels
, juergen.muench
Abstract— Managers recognize that software development project
teams need to be developed and guided. Although technical skills
are necessary, non-technical (NT) skills are equally, if not more,
necessary for project success. Currently, there are no proven tools
to measure the NT skills of software developers or software
development teams. Behavioral markers (observable behaviors
that have positive or negative impacts on individual or team
performance) are beginning to be successfully used by airline and
medical industries to measure NT skill performance. The purpose
of this research is to develop and validate the behavior marker
system tool that can be used by different managers or coaches to
measure the NT skills of software development individuals and
teams. This paper presents an empirical study conducted at the
Software Factory where users of the behavior marker tool rated
video clips of software development teams. The initial results show
that the behavior marker tool can be reliably used with minimal
Keywords-Non-technical Skills; behavior marker; performance.
Most software is developed by teams and the success of a
software project depends on the effective performance of the
software project team. The PMI and the most recent PMBOK
Guide [1] acknowledges that, non-technical (NT) skills in
comparison to the technical skills are equally important for
project success and team development. Several authors agree
that the NT skills are critical to project success [2, 3]; and there
are even some that assert that NT skills can have the largest
impact on software development [4, 5].
The growing need for an agile workforce is one major factor
that is driving the demand for NT skills [6]. Agile Manifesto’s
[7] first principle - “individuals and interactions over processes
and tools” clearly points to the importance of NT skills. Agile
teams depend greatly on NT skills such as efficient
communication, taking responsibility, initiative, time
management, and leadership.
While it is obvious that NT skills are important, and that the
performance of individuals is very important to creating an
effective team, there are no established guidelines for measuring
team effectiveness. Different criteria for assessing team
effectiveness have been identified by different authors [8, 9].
Generally, these criteria include measurements of task
performance as well as the interpersonal skills of the team
members. The interpersonal skills include attitudes and
behaviors. Although there is extensive literature with respect to
different ways to measure task performance for software
development (e.g., lines of code) [10], scant research has been
performed on the measurement of NT skills, especially for
software developers. A couple of notable exceptions can be
found in the aviation and health care industries. Both industries
have already recognized the importance of NT skills to the
success of their teams, and have been using behavioral marker
(BM) systems (e.g., LOSA, ANTS) to structure individual and
team assessments of these NT skills. We believe that software
teams can also draw upon these BM’s from the aviation and
health care industries. It is often Software Development
managers and coaches that are responsible for assessing the
performance of their development teams – not HR departments,
thus a tool like a BM system needs to be available to them.
As educators and software project development managers,
we are concerned with questions such as: how can managers
objectively measure the NT skills of their employees to
determine if their NT skills need improvement or how would
feedback be provided to the team members so that they could
improve their performance? This research attempts to begin
answering these kinds of questions.
Non Technical (NT) Skills: NT skills are the cognitive,
personal resource, and social skills that complement a person’s
technical skills and contribute to overall task performance [11].
Some classic examples of NT skills include communication,
cooperation, decision making, leadership, stress management,
and workload management. Basically; NT skills cover the
cognitive and social sides of a person. In the most recent survey
released by the Association of American Colleges and
Universities [12], it was found that employers feel that NT skills
are more important than a particular major. Several different
surveys of U.S. employers have also identified
a lack of NT
skills as the area where young job-seekers have the largest
deficiency [13]. Even professional organizations such as
Professional Engineering Competence (UKSPEC), IEEE
Computer Society state that professionals have an obligation to
possess NT skills [14].
Behavior Markers (BM): Behavioral markers (BM) are
defined [15] as “observable, non-technical behaviors that
contribute to superior or substandard performance within a
work environment”. They are derived by analyzing data
regarding performance that contributes to successful and
unsuccessful outcomes. The overall purpose of a BM system is
to use markers as a method to assess both team and individual
behaviors. These BM systems provide an observation-based
method to capture and assess individual and team performance
on data rather than on gut feelings. The BM tool is designed in
the form of a structured list of behaviors. The Observers then
use this form during a selected work situation to rate
performance. This allows an individual’s or team’s skills to be
rated in their real context. BM systems can provide a common
language for giving feedback as well as discussing and teaching
NT skills.
Behavior Marker (BM) Systems: BM systems have
demonstrated value for assessing and providing feedback on
these NT skills, for improving training programs, and in the use
of building databases to identify norms and prioritize training
needs. It is important to recognize that BM systems need to be
specific to the domain and culture. A brief description of
successful BM systems (airline, medicine) follows:
The first BM system, Line Operation Safety Audit (LOSA) is
a very successful BM system that focuses on interpersonal
communication, leadership, and decision making in the cockpit.
Trained observers ride along in the cockpit and observe the
flight crews during normal flight operations. They score the
behaviors of the crew using the LOSA tool. LOSA has been
endored by the International Civil Aviation Organiztion
because it has been used so successful in measuring the
strengths and weaknesses of flight crews’ interpersonal skills
[16]. The Anesthetists’ NT Skills (ANTS) [17] used in
healthcare has proven very useful in assessing the NT skills of
anesthetists in simulation training and has provided important
performance feedback for the individuals. Another successful
healthcare BM system is the Observational Teamwork
Assessment of Surgery (OTAS). Many studies have shown that
poor communication, coordination, and other aspects of
teamwork, rather than technical failures, have been the primary
causes of adverse events in surgery. OTAS has been found to
be a valid measure of the NT performance of surgical teams
Our goal is to develop and validate a BM system that can
improve software professional team member performance by
providing feedback in the form of an objective and documented
assessment of the NT skills of the team members. We wanted
to create a tool that is very usable by practitioners: it requires
little or no training to use and does not require unreasonable
effort to use. It is a concern of the researcher that if the tool took
a lot of training or was too difficult to use, that the potential
practitioners, such as project managers and team leads for
whom the tool was meant to assist, would not find the tool
useful because of the amount of effort required.
The development process for our behavioral marker system
for software developers is detailed in our previous work [19].
As a first step, we performed a systematic literature review to
develop NT skill inventory. The high-level question addressed
by the review was: “What are the NT skills required of software
professionals performing well in their field and how can we
discover what NT skills are valued by employers?”
Details on the review protocol (sources searched, search
execution, inclusion and exclusion criteria, quality assessment,
data extraction) can be referred to in a report [20]. The output
of this step was an initial list of 35 NT skills that were clustered
into four major categories: communication, interpersonal,
problem solving, and work ethic (see Fig. 1). The detailed
desription of each skill can be referred [20].
During the second step, the initial list of NT skills had their
quality assessed and were validated by focus group of experts
in industry and academia. Two surveys (and focus groups) were
conducted online (using a cross sectional design) to gather NT
skill priorities, missing NT skills, description clarifications, and
examples of examples of good and poor behaviors for the top
rated NT skills of software developers. So that we could
prioritize our efforts, focus group ranked the importance of each
NT skill to software professionals during the first survey. After
the survey analysis, we had a reduced list of 16 skills to focus
on. During the second focus group survey, we gather a total of
408 examples of observable actions that indicated good
performance and behavior of each NT skill as well as examples
of observable actions that indicate poor performance and
behavior of each NT skill. These examples were reviewed,
clarified, and redundancies were eliminated. The final set of NT
skills consisted of: teamwork, initiative/motivation to work,
listening, attitude, critical thinking, oral communication,
problem solving, attention to detail, flexibility,
integrity/honesty/ethics, time management, and questioning.
Some behavioral examples, such as “being a good team player”
and “body language and persona emitting that you do not enjoy
your work”, were too ambiguous and removed. It was also felt
that the “Leadership” skill did not have enough observable
Fig. 1: Desired NT skills of Software Professionals
Fig. 2: Example
of “Listening” behaviors (good and bad examples)
behaviors that would be able to be clearly identified, so that NT
skill was removed. The result of the second survey was a
behavior-based software engineer NT skills taxonomy. Fig. 2
shows the resultant examples of good and poor behavior for the
“Listening” skill. The same process was used to create examples
of good and poor behavior for each NT skill.
During the third step, the behavior marker systems being
used in aviation, health care, rail transport and maritime
transport were examined. Each system’s structure was examined
to select which elements would have the most potential for use
in software development and our final tool was a composition of
several systems. The NT skills validated by the focus group
along with the good and bad behavior examples for those skills
were structured into a BM audit tool for software development.
For reference, we refer to the BM audit tool as the Non-
Technical Skill Assessment for Software Developers (NTSA).
The NTSA is designed to be used by an observer (i.e.
manager, team leader, coach) during routine team interactions or
meetings. It is intended that each time a behavior is observed, a
mark is placed in the appropriate column by placing a tick mark
in that column: observed and good, or expected but not observed.
Observations can be clarified by placing explanations in the
comments section. The observer can see skill definitions and
examples of good and poor behavior for a particular behavioral
marker by viewing the second page. A manager is allowed to
list as many or as few skills as desired in the behavioral marker
column. The observer will score the behaviors based on how
well the behavior meets the behavioral examples and its
In order to evaluate our BM tool, an empirical study rated
video clips of student software development teams that were
working on industrial strength projects within the Software
Factory (as shown in Fig. 3 and explained).
1) Software Factory Background
The Software Factory is a software development laboratory
created by the University of Helsinki, Department of Computer
Science. All research was performed in Finland due to the
requirements of international privacy laws. The University of
Helsinki is consistently ranked in the top 100 out of world's
15,000 universities, in part because the university promotes
science and research together with European's top research-
intensive universities. The master’s degree programs are taught
in English in order to support the large number of international
students who study at the university. The Software Factory’s
primary participants are students, but the businesses provide
team members who work with the students, and university
faculties oversee the projects, although the faculty involvement
is kept to a minimum. Almost all project communication is in
English. Faculty involvement consists primarily of project
orientation and project intervention if problems cannot be
resolved by the students, coach, and customer. The coach is
generally an upper level student with Software Factory project
experience. University students take on the role of the
development team for projects provided by businesses. The
customer has company representatives that take on the role of
the product owner and represents the interests of the company.
Although these representatives are not co-located, they do come
by the Software Factory for weekly demos, sometimes for
meetings, and are generally available via telephone and email.
Researchers are able to observe what happens in the project due
to the seven cameras that provide multiple angles of view and
four microphones that record activities in the Factory room. In
Software Factory projects, the participants take on the core roles
of a typical Scrum project. Projects at the Software Factory last
for seven to eight weeks; the students work approximately 6
hours per day, 4-5 days per week.
2) Study Design
This study investigates whether the BM system can be used
with consistency by different raters to capture a measurement of
the NT skills of software developers, thus facilitating objective
feedback to software development teams and individuals. This
study used a blocked subject-project study. This type of analysis
allows the examination of several factors within the framework
of one study. Each of the non-technical skills to be studied can
be applied to a set of projects by several subjects and each
subject applies each of the non-technical skills under study.
this study, raters evaluated the NT skills of project teams using
the NTSA tool. The project teams worked together using state-
of-the-art tools, modern processes and best practices to
prototype and develop software for real business customers in an
environment that emulates industry. Video tapes of the projects
were evaluated to rate the student team’s NT skill performance.
The details of the study are provided as follows.
Independent and dependent variables: The experiment
manipulated the following independent variable:
a) Behavioral Marker System tool and Example
Behaviors: Each non-technical skill has its own set of good and
Fig. 3: Software Factory
poor behavioral examples that are used by the raters to evaluate
team performance of each non-technical skill.
The following dependent variable was measured:
b) Rater’s Evaluations: The behavioral rating for each
non-technical skill by each rater. This measure includes the
percent positive for each rater for each non-technical skill.
Participating Subjects: The participant subjects (students in
the Computer Science master’s degree) were software
developers from two different projects. There were two different
projects that were evaluated. One project had five team members
and the other had seven team members. The students worked
together to develop a software solution to a project posed by the
business customer.
Artifacts: Although the NTSA tool could be used to evaluate
the NT skills of both individuals and teams, it was decided to
test for team skills first. Because we were primarily interested
in how the team member’s NT skills manifested when
interacting with others, it was decided that the first clips to be
evaluated would be of team meetings, and so standup meetings,
impromptu team meetings, and customer demos were targeted.
After extracting all of these clips, it was determined that we
would focus on standup meetings because of the consistency
and quantity of footage. Two raters used the NTSA tool to
independently rate each clip. The NTSA was in the form of a
spreadsheet on a computer.
Experiment Procedure: Study steps as described below:
Step 1 – Project Selection: We decided to focus on two
projects. We selected one project that had gone well and one
that had not gone well (as the first project) in the expectation of
producing diverse scorings.
Step 2– Video Clip Collection: Video and audio recordings
of the entirety of each project were collected. The Software
Factory deployed 7 video cameras and 4 microphones. The
cameras were situated such that one could not actually view
what was on the computer monitors or clearly see any of the
paper artifacts, although anything written on the white board or
displayed on either of the two projectors could be clearly
viewed. Video clips were labeled with the type of meeting along
with date and start and end times so if the clip because corrupted
and needed to be re-created, the researcher would know exactly
what day and time to go retrieve the clip. A spreadsheet was
used to store this information along with which cameras and
microphone were used in the clip.
Step 3 – Test Rater Understanding of the NT Skill and
Behavioral Descriptions: During the initial phase of the
empirical evaluation, two researchers from the Software
Factory reviewed the NTSA tool to make sure they understood
the descriptions of the good and poor behaviors. Each
researcher has extensive experience with project teams in the
Software Factory. Each of the researchers reviewed the
behavioral descriptions independently, and added comments.
Then we met as a group to discuss potential changes. Following
the discussion, some behavioral descriptions were modified,
some eliminated and some added. Ultimately, the group reached
a consensus on all descriptions. It was also determined that it
was unrealistic to observe the behaviors for Integrity, Honesty,
and Ethics, Attention to Detail, and Time Management and that
it would be better to look at other documents and devices, such
as Kanban metrics, bug reports and customer feedback to
observe and rate those non-technical skills.
Step 4 – Test Usability of the Tool: The Software Factory
researchers used the initial NTSA tool to evaluate several clips
to test usability. First, each researcher reviewed the descriptions
of each behavior and the good and poor behavioral examples.
Then, each researcher did independent evaluations of the clips,
after which we met for discussion of the evaluations. There was
consensual agreement that fine gradations in quality were
difficult to determine and the researchers agreed that the tool
would only include ratings for good and poor behavioral
observations. The final NTSA tool is shown in Fig. 4. The raters
also noted that it was very difficult to determine how often to
place a mark for exhibition of good and poor behavior because
the meetings were continuous. Because the raters are not
classifying discreet events or statements, it was decided that the
raters would be notified when a minute had passed, which
would prompt them to decide if the team exhibited any good
behaviors or poor behaviors and to put a mark in the appropriate
column. If they did not feel that any good or poor behaviors
were exhibited by the team, they did not place a check mark. If
they felt that both good and poor behaviors were exhibited, they
put a check mark in each column. After the evaluation of the
last clip and post discussion, there was consensus that the tool
was ready for testing.
Step 5 – Actualizing Rater’s Evaluations: Each rater
individually rated forty five standup meetings over the course
of ten weeks. The time spread of the ratings simulates the
frequency with which a manager, team lead, or coach would use
the tool. We also wanted to eliminate the amount of fatigue that
could transpire. The raters used the spreadsheet version of the
NTSA behavioral marker system tool with the one minute
timer. Unlike the trial evaluations, the raters rated all NT skills
while viewing the video clip as opposed to only rating one non-
technical skill per viewing.
Fig. 4: NT skills assessment instrument
Because we were primarily interested in how the team
member’s NT skills were manifested when interacting with
others, it was decided that standup meetings would be the focus
of our analysis. We were able to limit the video footage to view
based on the schedule that the development team agreed upon.
Generally, the team limited their development efforts to
Monday through Friday from eight in the morning to five in the
afternoon. Thus, for a typical seven to eight week time period,
this means that there were approximately 2,205 to 2,520 hours
of video footage per project available, with four different audio
choices for each hour.
We evaluated the percentage of positive ratings, and
developed a binary data set for statistical analyses. By
inspecting the distributions of the raters when examining the
skills, a critical value (specific to each NT skill) was chosen to
separate the 0 or 1. For example, for the Listening NT skill, a
critical value of 0.8 was chosen. This value was chosen because
it approximately separated the raw data evenly into two parts.
Thus, if the good percentage was greater than or equal to 0.8,
the rating was assigned to 1, and the rating was assigned to 0 if
the good percentage was less than 0.8. Using this information,
a 2X2 table containing the good and bad percentages of two
raters was created. Next, a McNemar’s test was used to evaluate
whether or not there are significant differences between the
raters. A value of p <0.05 would tell us that there is a significant
difference between the raters and p value greater than 0.05
would signify inter-rater reliability.
As mentioned earlier, an analysis of the quantitative data
includes the rater’s evaluations for good and poor behaviors
observed in the standup meetings. It was decided to follow John
Uebersax’s [21] recommendation to run McNemar’s test of
marginal homogeneity and calculate the inter-rater reliability
between two individuals. Cohen’s kappa could not be used
because the sample size was not large enough to be reliable.
To analyze the agreement between the two raters, analyses
were performed for each of the nine NT skills: listening, oral
communication, questioning, attitude, teamwork, critical
thinking, problem solving, flexibility, and initiative and
motivation to work. Figure 2 shows the McNemar test results
for each of the NT behaviors evaluated.
To test this study hypothesis, we ran McNemar’s on the
percentage positive ratings (calculated to produce a binary data
set) for each rater and for each NT skill to test for rater agreement
in cases where there were enough observation data points. The
results showed that, inter-rater reliability of NTSA was found for
eight of the nine NT skills in the tool. These results provide
initial evidence that NTSA can be a useful tool that could be
easily used by managers, team leaders, etc. responsible for the
development of these skills, to objectively and consistently
measure their employee’s NT skills. A tool, such as the NTSA,
provides a mechanism to not only improve a team and by
extension the software that they produce.
The fundamental finding is that inter-rater reliability of
NTSA was found for eight of the nine NT skills in the tool. The
“Problem solving” NT skill needs further enhancements and
subsequent validation before it could be used. In fact, it is
possible that “problem solving” simply is not observable. The
Non-Technical Skills Assessment for Software Developers
(NTSA) system can be used reliably by individuals responsible
for the NT skills of software development teams, such as
educators, managers, team leads, etc. Although the raters did
practice rating several video clips with the tool, and this is
equivalent to a few meetings, it is also very interesting to note
that the raters do not need to be human factors experts, nor did it
require extensive initial training for the tool to be used reliably.
Although the raters felt that it was very easy to use the tool in its
spreadsheet form while working with the form on a computer
where the behavioral examples are only a click away, they also
noted that they would like to keep the electronic capability if
they were rating a live event rather than a video recorded event.
The raters also noted that the tool could be customized to only
include the NT skills of interest to the rater – not all non-
technical skills need to be rated at the same time. This would
make the tool even easier to work with. While, these results are
encouraging, only two projects and two raters were used.
Therefore, more studies need to be performed. A positive aspect
of this study is that the raters had different levels of project
management experience, and were able to use to tool and get
reliable results.
Although the results of this study are encouraging, there are
certain threats to validity that exist. One such threat is that only
two projects were evaluated. Like any study, the more a subject
is tested, the more empirical studies that are performed, the more
one can see if the results are repeatable. Rater agreement testing
should continue to be performed on more projects. Another
threat is that both projects were rated by the same two judges.
More empirical will be performed with different raters using the
NTSA tool to ensure the robustness of the tool. One positive
aspect about the raters is that each had different levels of
software development project management experience. That
Fig. 5 Aggregation of McNemar Test Results
means that the raters do not have to have the same level of
experience or backgrounds in order to use the tool and get
reliable results. Another potential threat is that both projects
were fairly successful, and thus may not have exercised the poor
behavior examples enough. Lastly, the projects were performed
by student teams and thus many not be generalizable; although
this threat was mitigated by the level of professional business-
like environment that can be found in the Software Factory and
by the fact that both projects were real-world projects.
Our results establish that the NTSA tool can be reliably used
with minimal effort. This is valuable knowledge for managers
and educators. We recognize that teams need members with the
correct technical skill set and knowledge, by using NTSA
software development team mangers can identify the areas in
which the team’s NT skills could use some improvements.
Using the same tool on subsequent projects will allow us to
determine if there was any improvement in a given skill. Such
as tool provides a mechanism with which to improve a team and
by extension the software they produce. The NTSA provides a
common language with which to understand and communicate
about NT skills important to software professionals
In the future, we would plan on repeating this study on other
projects. Specifically, we would like to use the tool on more
unsuccessful software development project to see if there is a
correlation between poor NT skills and an unsuccessful project.
This research can be extended to include all of the NT skills
deemed important to software developers as identified in the NT
skills taxonomy. This would give educators and managers a rich
set of NT skills and behaviors that could be evaluated. This tool
also needs to be tested on individual software developers within
software development teams to see if it can be effectively used
to assess the NT skills of the individual as well as the team. This
tool should also be tested in industry to verify that it works for
professional software developer and teams, as well as student
software development teams.
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