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Welfare reform, precarity and the re-commodification of labour



While welfare reform matters for workers and workplaces, it is peripheral in English-language sociology of work and industrial relations research. This article’s core proposition is that active labour market policies (ALMPs) are altering the institutional constitution of the labour market by intensifying market discipline within the workforce. This re-commodification effect is specified drawing on Marxism, comparative institutionalism, German-language sociology and English-language social policy analysis. Because of administrative failure and employer discrimination, however, ALMPs may worsen precarity without achieving the stated goal of increasing labour market participation.
Welfare reform, precarity and the re-commodification of labour
Ian Greer, University of Greenwich
Greer, Ian. 2016. "Welfare reform, precarity and the re-commodification of labour." Work,
employment and society 30:1, 162-173.
While welfare reform matters for workers and workplaces, it is peripheral in English-
language sociology of work and industrial relations research.1 This article’s core proposition
is that active labour market policies (ALMPs) are altering the institutional constitution of the
labour market by intensifying market discipline within the workforce. This re-
commodification effect is specified drawing on Marxism, comparative institutionalism,
German-language sociology, and English-language social policy analysis. Because of
administrative failures and employer discrimination, however, ALMPs may worsen precarity
without achieving the stated goal of increasing labour-market participation.
Keywords: workfare, active labour market policies, precarity, precariat, industrial reserve
army, labour re-commodification, welfare reform, labour markets.
1 For helpful comments, many thanks to Matthias Knuth, Rob MacKenzie, Sarah Nies, Peter Streckeisen, Ozlem
Onaran, Mark Stuart, Matt Vidal, and three anonymous reviewers, as well as the participants of the stream
“Jobs and Joblessness in the Crisis” at the International Labour Process Conference, 5-7 April 2011, in Leeds.
There is nothing counter-intuitive or new about the claim that work and employment are
shaped by welfare states and experiences of unemployment. Welfare reformers in the UK, for
example, have long seen welfare state reform as a way to stimulate labour market activity, by
putting downward pressure on wages (Nickell 1997) or reducing barriers to labour market
entry (Levitas 1998). While the classics of industrial relations and the sociology of work
discuss this connection (Webb and Webb 1905; Braverman 1975), welfare reform has only
been examined on the margins of these fields.
Numerous studies of labour market exclusion and marginality have appeared in Work
Employment and Society (e.g. Fevre 2011). They show that redundant manufacturing
workers, lone parents, the disabled, young unemployed people and members of other
marginalized groups each have specific and complex needs; and that the expansion of any of
these groups leads to escalating demands on public policy (Rubery 2011). However, they
also provide evidence of policy failing to meet these needs in the context of hazardous life
transitions such as redundancy (Weller 2010) or school leaving (Furlong 2006). Why is the
public policy response to unemployment so often ineffective?
This article starts with the observation that welfare reforms have, over the past few
decades, taken the form of Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs), which have aimed to
increase labour market participation and reduce spending on jobless benefits. The core
argument is that, in doing so, ALMPs tend to alter the institutional regulation of the labour
market by re-commodifying labour. This article specifies ALMPs and their effects in light of
the spread of workfarist social policy and a contrast between the industrial reserve army
mechanism and precarity. It then spells out the re-commodification effect and the
administrative failures, employer discrimination and claimants' resistance that shape it. This
article concludes that, whatever the effectiveness of ALMPs in terms of increasing labour
market participation, their likely effect will be intensified labour market discipline.
Workfarist social policy
Activation as a policy concept emerged in response to criticisms of welfare states, starting
shortly after most assumed their modern forms in the 1960s and 1970s. Welfare benefits
were thought to reduce workers’ incentives to take jobs, incur costs that reduced capitalists’
incentives to invest, and reinforce long-term unemployment and associated inequalities of
income, wealth, health and happiness. Slogans such as 'no rights without responsibilities' and
'any job is better than no job' gained currency among mainstream academics and
policymakers. Welfare states, however, could not be abolished due to the role they played in
maintaining order and the vested interests they engendered in democratic polities (Offe 1984;
Pierson 1994). Jessop (2002) argued presciently that the resulting reforms would subordinate
social policy to the needs of employers, although the exact policy mix was unpredictable and
with different conceptual models of ALMP competing in the policy discourse.
One model, ‘flexicurity’, was inspired by Danish and Dutch examples and promoted
by the European Commission; it also attracted interest from industrial relations scholars (e.g.
Gray 2004; Heyes 2011; Johnston et al 2013). Flexicurity advocates argued that
competitiveness in world markets required flexible labor markets, including weak statutory
employment protection and requirements that welfare claimants look for work. However,
they also argued that strong social rights and protection were necessary to support worker
transitions between jobs, including income protection and vocational training. The
reconciliation of flexibility and security would work best, it was argued, if they were
underpinned by cooperation between strong unions and employers associations (Auer 2010).
The consequences would resemble Pontusson’s (2012) depiction of labour markets under
social democratic welfare states: 'to bring people into the labour market and empower them
as sellers of labour power' (p. 98).
A second model of ALMP, 'workfare', emerged from welfare reforms in the United
States, most notably through the so-called Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act of 1996. PRWORA reformed welfare benefits for low-income families
a disproportionate number of which were claimed by non-white lone parents – by introducing
work requirements, a five-year time limit, greater local discretion in implementation and new
restrictions on immigrants' eligibility (Blank 2002). Workfare, however, took on a broader
meaning beyond any one policy and became a catch-all term for any form of labour
activation aimed at re-regulating the labour market through an emphasis on job search (rather
than training), conditionality and sanctions (rather than unconditional entitlements) and a
'flexible' organizational structure of service delivery involving contractors, market
mechanisms and orientation toward local employers (Peck 2001).
The notion of workfare should have fired the imagination of labour process and
industrial relations theorists, since it pointed to institutional changes intended to intensify
control over job seekers and make them more compliant in low-wage jobs. California’s
GAIN programme of the 1980s and 1990s, for example, was assessed positively in evaluation
research, both in terms of increasing clients’ earnings and in terms of reducing benefit
payments (Greenberg et al 2005). GAIN downplayed skills training and emphasized quick
placements in private-sector jobs; the latter was underpinned by a programme to alter the
attitudes, behaviour and self-image of welfare claimants, through an upbeat message of
empowerment, a set of rules (on-time attendance, daily job search, no food, drink, or chewing
gum and a dress code) and steep financial penalties for non-compliance. Employment
counsellors monitored attendees and were required to achieve ever-increasing job placement
outcomes (Peck 2001: 168-210). GAIN performed unusually well and influenced the
subsequent rollout of welfare programmes across the US from the late 1990s, even though its
advocates admitted that its ‘success’ may have been due to the rapid expansion of service-
sector work in a particular local labour market rather than the characteristics of the
programme (Greenberg et al 2005).
The comparative literature shows that while workfarism diffused across the English
and German-speaking countries (Peck 2001; Scherschel et al 2012), attempts to diffuse the
alternative beyond the ‘flexicurity countries’ (the Nordic countries and the Netherlands) were
hampered by the scepticism of policymakers and social partners (Auer 2010). There were
areas of convergence, such as the extension of job-search requirements to inactive groups
(Eichhorst and Konle-Seidl 2008), but not in terms of increasing security through increased
spending on vocational training or welfare benefits (Heyes 2011; Clasen and Clegg 2013).
While there is no comparative dataset that captures the pressures placed on claimants by these
reforms, the consensus in this literature is that rolling back worker protection has not been
countered by spending to increase worker security (see above sources and Gray 2003).
ALMPs thus have workfarist tendencies in countries known for differing social ‘models’.
Re-commodification and the reserve army mechanism
One result of this change in welfare states is escalating pressure on workers and unemployed
people. During their phase of expansion, welfare states produced, to varying degrees, the ‘de-
commodification’ of labour by intervening in labour markets in a way that loosened the
discipline of the labour market (Esping-Andersen 1990). Since welfare reformers attempted
to reverse this effect and reinstate labour market discipline, the term ‘re-commodification’
came into use (Offe 1984). In line with that tradition, the definition of re-commodification
proposed here is any institutional change that reinstates the discipline of labour market
competition on workers, whether in or out of work, and whether through reforms to welfare
states, industrial relations, or labour markets. In contrast to that tradition, however, re-
commodification is not defined here purely in terms of the opposite of de-commodification;
instead it entails new forms of administrative control over workers and job-seekers. Welfare
states are not the only source of re-commodification (the loosening of other labour market
rules and new management techniques in the workplace could also have this effect); and
unemployed welfare claimants are not the only people whose labour could be re-
commodified (job holders can be affected through changes to in-work benefits). But welfare
reform is an important lever for intensified labour market competition, especially in the low-
wage and insecure segment.
The reserve army mechanism is central to the Marxist theory of unemployment and
the labour market. Marx himself defined the industrial reserve army as a ‘relative surplus
population’ generated by and needed by capitalism, whose standard of living is below that of
the working class, and whose members are available for exploitation in expanding areas of
the economy. He divided it into three groups: ‘floating’ (workers made redundant due to
economic downturn or greater efficiency), ‘latent’ (migrants from agricultural areas) and
‘stagnant’ (paupers and vagabonds). In times of economic crisis or technological change,
employers make large numbers of workers redundant, thus renewing the reserve army. The
function of the reserve army is to keep down the cost of labour in new and expanding
industries, even at times of overall growth and increasing employer demand (Marx and
Engels 1973: 640-740).
The reserve army mechanism remained in the Marxist analytical toolkit during the
1970s and 1980s. Braverman (1975), for example, applied Marx’s schema to workers made
redundant by automation and other forms of industry restructuring (floating), who move from
job to job supported by unemployment insurance; immigrants and 'housewives' moving into
the formal labour market for the first time (latent); and others, including 'discouraged
workers' outside of unemployment statistics, who may receive social assistance while
working in casual jobs (stagnant). Sociologists also applied the concept, for example, to the
exploitation of women entering the workforce for the first time as low-wage flexible workers
(Collinson 1987). More recently social policy analysts have used it to examine the UK
Government’s labour market policies (Grover 2005; Wiggan 2014).
Nevertheless, the significance of the reserve army changed with the build-up of the
welfare state. Green's (1991) review of the Marxist economics literature of this period finds
the reserve army mechanism undermined by welfare states, which alleviated the 'distress' of
unemployment that might otherwise have led to lower wages and intensified management
control. Significant numbers of jobless people were taken out of the reserve army by welfare
states, because they were no longer available for work in a way that might produce these
kinds of short-run labour market effects across the economy. Similarly, new entrants to the
labour market such as women and migrants faced systematic exclusion from much of the
labour market due to segmentation processes. Green correctly argues that these groups cannot
be considered part of the reserve army if they are not carrying out work under poorer terms
and conditions than the rest of the workforce, and if their members are prevented from
replacing other workers.
Comparative institutionalist social science treated these effects of the welfare state as
the 'decommodification' of labour, drawing on Polanyi’s (1957) account of the re-constitution
of labour as a 'false commodity'. Polanyi’s historical reference point was the 1834 repeal of
England's Speenhamland poor relief arrangements. Over the decades that followed, Polanyi
argued, the free functioning of labour markets was undermined by society’s responses to their
undesirable effects; he uses this lens to explain the rise of factory laws, unemployment
insurance and trade unionism. Esping-Andersen (1990) extended this idea to a broader
conception of decommodification through pension systems, unemployment insurance and
social assistance arrangements in the 20th century. In countries with high de-
commodification, he argued, the welfare state would strengthen workers' bargaining power as
they moved between jobs (through the unemployment insurance system) and allow some of
the non-working population to stay out of the reserve army (through pension and disability
benefits and poor relief). In Marxist terms, welfare states re-shaped labour markets by
interfering in various ways with the reserve army mechanism.
What happens when welfare reforms take place to reinstate labour market discipline?
Mandatory participation in activation programmes and punishments for non-participation
increase the loss of income, and hence the distress, associated with unemployment. These
pressures are extended beyond the ‘unemployed’ (jobless workers in the unemployment
insurance system) to young people in school-to-work transitions and parts of the 'inactive'
population (e.g. the disabled and lone parents). Any remaining comforts of unemployment
are reduced by the actions of advisers (e.g. pressure to accept job offers) and changes in
benefits and tax credits (e.g. ‘incentives’). The stated aim of ALMPs is to increase the
number of available job seekers, encourage wage moderation and increase labour flexibility.
The Jobs Study of the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD),
for example, suggested that ‘active measures may lead to wage moderation by strengthening
the ability of ‘outsiders’, particularly the long-term unemployed and first-time job-seekers, to
compete more effectively for jobs’ (1994: 36). Documents like this come close to embedding
the recognition of capital’s need for an industrial reserve army within social policy, even if
combined with other goals and discourses (e.g. Levitas 1998) and in countries such as
Germany that supposedly accept core principles of the International Labour Organization
such as ‘labour is not a commodity’ (Declaration of Philadelphia, 1944).
Intentions and effects, however, are two different things. The rollback of the welfare
state is not just the reverse of its build-up (Pierson 1994), and efforts to activate the reserve
army mechanism are not generally successful. The rest of this article makes the case that the
failure of these policies to achieve their stated objectives does not necessarily prevent re-
commodification effects.
Discipline and precarity
The literature on precarity is the terrain on which re-commodification has to be understood,
since the ‘precariat’ is the group most vulnerable to welfare reforms. It faces, by definition,
chronic job and income insecurity, weak welfare entitlements, and a back-and-forth motion
between employment and unemployment statuses; consequently, itis more exposed to ALMP
schemes than other workers. Recent English-language debates have taken place over whether
there is aprecariat’ with special characteristics and the spread of ‘precarity’i.e. perceived
insecurity and deteriorating job quality – across the quasi-permanent workforce (Doogan
2009; Standing 2011; Kretsos and Livanos 2013; review symposium on Standing’s book in
WES issue 26:4). The present analysis moves beyond the terms of this debate. While the
market discipline of ALMPs exacerbates both the vulnerability of the precariat and the
insecurity of quasi-permanent workers, the two groups and their experiences of precarity are
not equivalent, especially when it comes to their experiences with the welfare state.
Robert Castel (2003, first published in French in 1995) provides an important starting
point for the present analysis and the French- and German-language sociological treatments
of precarity. Drawing on Durkheim, he argues that, starting in the late 19th century, wage
labour across Western Europe changed from an engine of mass vulnerability to one of social
integration, as a group of job-holders formed with quasi-permanent jobs, collective
agreements and social insurance benefits. Against the historical backdrop of wage labour
giving rise to this 'zone of integration', he defines two additional groups, also in terms of
work and non-work statuses: vulnerability (dealt with by German sociologists as a precariat
moving back and forth between these statuses, while failing to achieve anything like social
integration through work [Brinkmann et al 2006]) and disaffiliation (known more statically in
policy discourse as social exclusion, which involves remaining outside the world of wage
labour). The zone of vulnerability captures a transitional state between work and non-work
and is shaped by the institutions that regulate transitions between the two. Castel argues that
welfare administration shapes the vulnerable population through its 'handicapology', which he
defines as the classification of individuals in terms of barriers to paid work. Job seekers are
defined in terms of these barriers, he argues, and activation becomes a ‘Sisyphean task’.
Building on this conceptualization, German sociologists of work have evaluated
Germany’s Hartz reformsi by examining the effects of strict conditionality on the work
orientations and behaviour of claimants (rre et al 2013). Using semi-structured qualitative
interviews with 99 claimants (in some cases with one or two follow-up interviews) and 95
institutional actors in four locales, they depict participantswork orientations, job-seeking
activities, and interactions with jobcentre staff, as well as their transitions between jobs,
activation schemes, and unemployment. They find little evidence of upward mobility through
activation schemes and much evidence of circular mobility, in which precarity becomes a
permanent state.
Welfare administrators play an important role in this process, rre et al argue, by re-
framing unemployment as a competition, through situations in which claimants are tested and
have to prove that they are eligible and fulfilling their duties (e.g. through job applications,
make-work schemes, and means tests). While some claimants accept these control practices,
others see them as a bureaucratic apparatus of coercion that privileges some, devalues others,
and stigmatizes anyone subject to them for an extended period of time. In popular German
parlance, Hartz IV refers to a law reforming the benefits system; a means-tested benefit
outside of the unemployment insurance system but (usually) subject to strict work
requirements; and a group of five million individuals receiving this benefit.
While the principle behind the reforms is to stimulate job search activities rre et al
(2013) observe numerous cases in which claimants work hard to escape precarity, but find
their dealings with the welfare apparatus demotivating and exhausting. Here, activation
policy reinforces the problem that it is supposed to solve. They also find numerous examples
of people so motivated to escape from the benefits system that they sacrifice income by
taking jobs paying below benefit levels. Rather than improved incentives for upward mobility
through work, the authors observe considerable desperation to leave the benefits system,
which gives employers an extra incentive to create low-paying jobs.2
For the German school, the public policies that reproduce the vulnerability of the
precariat do not merely work through unleashing labour market competition (Brinkmann et al
2 In January 2015 Germany introduced a statutory minimum wage of €8.50 that covered all industries. The
effect of this rule remains to be seen, however, since long-term unemployed (i.e. those who have been jobless
for at least 12 months) are not covered during the first 6 months of their employment.
2006; Scherschel et al 2012; Dörre et al 2013). Activation involves detailed state intervention
in individual transitions back and forth between work and non-work statuses. This directly
affects people in the benefits system, but also has disciplinary effects in Germany’s industrial
‘core’, since workers with permanent contracts of employment may face redundancy and
insertion into the Hartz IV stratum. This ‘zone of endangered integration’ facing this threat of
downward social mobility is estimated, based on nationally representative worker surveys, at
one third of Germany’s workforce (Brinkmann et al 2006: 57, 61-62).
The dysfunctions of activation
While the German-language literature provides rich insights into the effects of ALMPs, much
English-language literature examines their effectiveness. One set of problems has to do with
the labour process in welfare administration. While front-line workers need discretion and
time to deal with the complex needs of their jobless clients, they face limited resources,
monitoring, speedups and exhaustion (Brodkin 2007; Foster and Hoggett 1999).
Marketization exacerbates these problems, since the coming and going of competitively
tendered government contracts undermines relationships between staff and clients, and
payment by results makes managers shift staff time towards clients who are easier to place in
jobs (creaming-and-parking effects) (Bredgaard and Larsen 2008). Competition between
providers, furthermore, undermines cooperative relationships required by certain complex
services (Hipp and Warner 2008). These dysfunctions undermine the ability of staff to meet
needs (due to poor coordination and pressures for ‘parking’), while forcing them to put
pressure on job-ready clients to take any job offer (due to monitoring of outcomes and
financial pressures for creaming).
Employer responses to ALMPs are not straightforward. One problem is
discrimination and scepticism among employers about the suitability of lone parents, people
with disabilities, older unemployed people and younger unemployed people for job openings
(Holzer and Stoll 2001) and the separation of ALMP participation from mainstream
recruitment (Lee et al 1991). While ALMPs supposedly offer employers flexibility, the
welfare state's 'handicapology' (Castel 2003) flags up complex problems and indicates
workers who do not necessarily behave ‘flexibly’. Punitive welfare reforms, furthermore,
may create disincentives for employees in secure jobs to quit, thereby reducing the quality
and quantity of job vacancies (Knuth 2012: 581-2).
Even when employers do recruit using ALMPs, it may not lead to increased labour-
market participation. Employers may employ workers on schemes rather than hiring staff
(substitution effects), use the competitive advantage gained to expand market share and
prevent job creation by competitor firms (displacement effects) or through ALMPs hire the
same individuals whom they might have hired on the open labour market (deadweight
effects). Programme evaluators have long been aware of these effects (OECD 1994; Mizen
2003: 91), and a German government review of evaluation evidence has found at least one of
them in eight of the ten main activation ‘instruments’ (Koch et al 2011). ALMPs may thus
reduce the quality of jobs without increasing their quantity.
The resistance of those being activated, whether through the individual avoidance of
low-wage jobs (Lindsay and McQuaid 2004), collective activism (Reese 2011), or labour-
market exit, is a third issue. Since 2012 British claimant groups have resisted mandatory
work-for-benefit schemes using social media, picketing of employers, and a high-profile
lawsuit. Their victories include the public withdrawal of several large charities and high-
street retailers from these schemes (Boycott Workfare 2014).
The difficulties of organizing welfare claimants are many. Unemployment is a
transitory status, which makes 'unemployed activists' are less likely to form stable
organizations than, for example, workers in quasi-permanent employment. Groups that
sustain themselves may be ‘becalmed’ as activists become professional social workers with
salaries paid by activation schemes (Royall 2009). Punitive welfare reforms can also corrode
the solidarity between job holders and the unemployed by reinforcing negative stereotypes
about the latter (Soss and Schram 2007). While the trade union interest in preventing
recommodifying reforms is evident, any defence of social protection takes place against a
backdrop of union decline (Waddington 2005) and unions sometimes view participation in
ALMPs as an opportunity to influence policy or recruit members (Johnston et al 2013).
Consequently, few examples exist of claimants forcing governments to reinstate lost welfare
Again and again, the administrative machinery comes up against its own dysfunctions, the
human material that it is supposed to transform, and weak employer demand. ALMPs would
not succeed as a policy to increase employment even if they did succeed in ratcheting up
labour market competition in the sense of the reserve army mechanism. The re-
commodification effect of workfarist ALMPs and the resulting wage restraint is itself
dysfunctional, since it reinforces weak consumer demand, a cause of slow growth in
capitalism (Vidal 2013; Stockhammer and Onaran 2013).
Studying ALMPs critically can enrich work and employment research in a few ways.
Market discipline translates into workplace discipline through the well-known mechanism of
insecurity, which affects both the precariat and workers in stable employment (Brinkmann et
al 2006; Doogan 2009). ALMPs also engender state intervention in the workplace through
job-placement schemes, employer engagement, and (with the UK’s Universal Credit)
conditions of in-work benefits. Workfarist ALMPs can be found in a variety of national
‘regime types’ (Eichhorst and Konle-Seidl 2008; Scherschel et al 2012), and it remains open
what determines national variations in policy and their effects. Since international-
comparative datasets do not capture many of the re-commodifying dimensions of ALMPs,
such a comparative analysis would require considerable empirical work.
Finally, resistance by claimants and workers in this area is important and under-
researched. Trade unions do find it difficult to work with claimants and organize the
precariat, but the tightening of market discipline is also contrary to their core members’
interests. Analyses of resistance success stories would be a welcome antidote to policy
success stories.
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i The Hartz reforms were four ‘Laws for Modern Labor Market Services’, passed and implemented in 2003-5
under Schroeder’s Red-Green government. While allowing new temporary and low-wage employment
contracts, they overhauled welfare administration to promote activation, reduced workers’ entitlements to
insurance-based unemployment benefits, and introduced a means-tested unemployed benefit for those
outside the insurance system.
... The primary self-declared role of European welfare states established in the twentieth century was to provide a safety net (Standing, 2007). As they moved away from that sole focus in the course of their neoliberal transformation (Greer, 2016;King, 1995;Morel et al., 2012), individuals no longer have an 'inherent right' to welfare. Rather, welfare access is conditioned and expected to be productive (Arts and Van den Berg, 2019: 67;Clarke, 2005;Dwyer, 1998). ...
... Active labour market policies, originating in Sweden, move beyond conditionality by promoting claimants' skill development (Gallie, 2004;Peck, 2001). A 're-commodification' of labour (Offe, 1984) highlighting labour market discipline is taking place, inter alia via welfare reforms and changes in labour markets or industrial relations (Greer, 2016). ...
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This article connects to broader discussions on governance and neoliberal individualisation and advances how activation policies push a focus on labour market participation no matter what the cost – leaving non-citizens vulnerable to exploitative working conditions and termination of their stay permits if they do not participate. This goes along with a responsibilisation of the ‘poor migrant’, individualising their failure to secure their living that provides crucial momentum to drive them out of the national territory. Pointing to the broader context of intersectional (especially gendered and racialised) inequalities, this contribution concludes that precarity (both material and status-wise) is one of the key results characterising the current welfare governance of non-citizens.
... When conditionality exchanges are understood in this wayequated with the policing of time-based obligationsthey can act to reproduce gender, disability and class-based inequalities because the need to secure adjustments to full work-related expectations is unevenly distributed. In a context in which bargaining power is lacking (Greer, 2016), responsibilities are unevenly distributed (Chung and van der Horst, 2018;Griffiths et al., 2022) and the scope for adjustments unclear, the challenge of demonstrating compliance falls particularly heavily on those who diverge from the ideal of an unencumbered worker (Acker, 2006;Scholz and Ingold, 2021). ...
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Work-related conditionality policy in the UK is built around the problematic assumption that people should commit to ‘full-time’ work and job search efforts as a condition of receiving benefits. This is potentially in conflict with the idea that what is required of people should be tailored to their circumstances in some way – ‘personalised conditionality’ – and implies a failure to recognise that conditionality is being applied to a diverse group of people and in a context where the paid work that is available is often temporary and insecure. Drawing on thirty-three qualitative interviews with people subject to intensive work-related conditionality whilst receiving Universal Credit or Jobseeker’s Allowance in Manchester, the paper explores the work-related time demands that people were facing and argues that these provide a lens for examining the rigidities and contradictions of conditionality policy. The findings indicate that expectations are often set in relation to an ideal of full-time hours and in a highly asymmetric context that is far from conducive to being able to negotiate a reasonable set of work-related expectations. Work search requirements affect people differently depending on their personal circumstances and demand-side factors, and can act to weaken the position of people entering, or already in, work.
... However, riders' personal success stories of achieving aspirations in the host society are primarily credited to their individualized and collective agency and solidarity with fellow riders and unions to lobby for better work conditions. Overall, the disparities in labor immigration policies and welfare state conditions (Greer 2016, as cited in Gebrial 2022) raise a "disposable industrial reserve army" (Marx 1976, p. 784) of essential but unwanted immigrants (Gebrial 2022, p. 11), that platforms benefit from, reproducing newer forms of exploitation and alienation. ...
This book provides a wider understanding of the geographies of the platform economy, focusing on the critical perspectives that have emerged on this new economic and digital context. Technological development, particularly the emergence of big data in combination with platforms, additive manufacturing, advanced robotics, machine learning and the internet of things, has created conditions for the appearance of a new economic context predominantly based on new forms of services. This new economic context has been described as the platform economy or platform capitalism. Other designations have also appeared to describe particular consequences of this new phenomena, such as the gig economy or the sharing economy. There is a significant diversity of scientific fields that are studying topics related to the platform economy. Several studies have emerged from different fields, including, but not limited to, geography, economy, sociology, information science, management, marketing, or the humanities. However, geography has become an important field to understand the platform economy given its critical position over the economic, cultural, and social issues that stem from this new economic context. The purpose of this book is to approach these discussions and offer a critical view of the platform economy from the perspective of geography, stemming from the different subfields of the discipline and not restricted to what has been referred to as Digital Geography. This book will appeal to scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students in the social sciences. It will be particularly relevant to those with research interests in digital geographies and economic geography, economics and business.
... However, riders' personal success stories of achieving aspirations in the host society are primarily credited to their individualized and collective agency and solidarity with fellow riders and unions to lobby for better work conditions. Overall, the disparities in labor immigration policies and welfare state conditions (Greer 2016, as cited in Gebrial 2022) raise a "disposable industrial reserve army" (Marx 1976, p. 784) of essential but unwanted immigrants (Gebrial 2022, p. 11), that platforms benefit from, reproducing newer forms of exploitation and alienation. ...
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Hegel and Marx diagnosed the state of self-estrangement or alienation of the proletarian workers from processes and products of labor, coworkers, community, and the self. Presently, such alienation re-manifests among the immigrant and racially minoritized delivery riders, who comprise the bulk of the workforces of the digital platform capitalism, with repercussions on their societal integration. Paradoxically, on-demand platform delivery work enables the immigrant messengers’ temporary labor insertion and mobility through the urban landscape of the host city, ergo, a broader scope for day-to-day social and spatial interactions with coinhabitants and their establishments. Such diverse encounters could stimulate the immigrant messengers’ social cohesion within the host communities and acculturation to the host language and customs. This chapter builds on mental mapping and semi-structured interviews with immigrant messengers from the Glovo and Deliveroo platforms in the Barcelona metropolitan area amid the March 2020 coronavirus lockdown. Reinforced by interactions with immigrant platform riders via their social media and chat groups, the chapter explores their contrasting workaday experiences of alienation and acculturation in the host society, revealing exchanges that could partially diminish their segregation, fostering their integration.
... Individual well-being depends upon collective well-being. While this principle is practiced in many aspects of life, commodification of public affairs-as is common policy since the 1980s-tends to disrupt interdependencies and create or exacerbate precarity (Greer, 2016). ...
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Rights and access to land are major pressing issues among mainly first-generation agroecological farmers in the Netherlands. Due to short-term tenure contracts and high land prices, these farmers face an insecure future. Because of this, they are often unable to make long-term ecological investments, such as planting trees and taking measures to improve soil health. A growing group of farmers are devising new, more communal forms of land ownership and tenancy, that counter market forces and existing policies. In this article, we shed light on these farmers’ discourse and how it informs the construction of new forms of land ownership and tenancy. In the related research project written and led by farmers, information has been gathered in the form of meeting minutes, interviews covering problems and perspectives related to the land tenure regulation, and commons. This information has been systematized and validated by farmers. Agroecological farmers find themselves in an uncomfortable situation that is challenging in 2 ways. On the one hand, they are calling for revision of land tenure regulations to ensure long-term land contracts for their existence and on the other hand they are seeking to replace property rights in favor of more collective possession-based arrangements. Our analysis shows how a discourse of decommodification seems to underlie the strategies and practices implemented by farmers. It focuses on place-based developments to secure the autonomy of farmers and communities. We argue that, to safeguard the possession and use of land for agroecological farming in the future, both developments of land decommodification (long-term tenancy and commons) should be supported. This can be done by integrated policies on land sale and lease that align with the ecological carrying capacity and agroecological production capacity of land, and that ensure compensation for monetary downgrading of agricultural land.
In this paper, we extend previous research on platform work and explore how bike couriers act in the context of digital platforms. Digital platforms for food delivery by bike—a bourgeoning and recent phenomenon—represent a special class of platforms for the physical and hazardous nature of the work they mediate. This type of extreme physical platform work creates work conditions different from other platforms for workers; therefore, their responses require particular attention. Extending previous research on platform work, our analysis highlights the existence of a three‐stage response model linking the conditions of extreme physical platform work, their manifestations in the experience of platform workers (unrealized benefits of flexibility, status confusion, lack of human interactions, and communication opaqueness), and their individualized yet nonconfrontational responses to these experiences (trying harder, reaching out, comparing, and de‐careering). We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of our study.
This study examines public attitudes towards two types of ALMPs: enabling activation, which prioritises training, skill formation, and human capital improvement; and demanding activation, which involves leading people towards employment through sanctions and benefit cuts. While previous research has predominantly focused on demanding activation, this study is the first to compare public support for the two distinct faces of activation. Analysing data from the 2020 Belgian National Elections Study, we examine the role of self‐interest, political ideology, social justice preferences, and stereotypical images towards the unemployed in explaining both types of activation attitudes. We find that attitudes towards enabling and demanding activation policies are clearly distinct in their measurement and driving forces. While the enabling type appeals especially to the principle of equality and positive attitudes towards the unemployed, support for demanding ALMPs is based on the principle of equity and stereotypical views about the jobless.
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The Handbook for the Future of Work offers a timely and critical analysis of the transformative forces shaping work and employment in the twenty-first century. Focusing on the past two decades, the handbook explores how technological advancements, automation and a shifting capitalist landscape have fundamentally reshaped work practices and labour relations. Beyond simply outlining the challenges and opportunities of automation, the handbook integrates these emerging realities with established discussions of work. Importantly, it moves beyond dominant technology-centric narratives, probing into broader questions about the nature of capitalism in a time of crisis and the contestation for alternative economic models. With contributions from established and emerging authors, based in institutions around the world, the handbook offers a systematic overview of the developments that have sparked radical shifts in how we live and work, and their multifaceted impacts upon social relations and identities, practices and sectors, politics and environments. The handbook is unique in its exploration of the potential for economic transformations to reshape the centrality of work in our social and political imaginaries. A useful resource for students and researchers, the handbook serves as an essential guide to this new intellectual landscape. Preview PDF from:
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This article offers a theory of disablement within contemporary capitalism by complementing and building on the UPIAS-inspired social model of disability. It first explores a variety of divergences between different models of disability, to then propose five tenets for the collective-materialist approach to disablement . These tenets are: considering disablement as both oppression and exploitation; using the “subjects of disablement” ¹ as a collective and non-identitarian concept alongside already-existing identity terms; centring the “collective” alongside the “social”; struggling for autonomy and Independent Living, and adopting an anti-productivist politics. The abolition of disabling capitalism and the transformation of the institution of work are the ultimate goals of the collective-materialist approach and its related practice.
This chapter explores employer perspectives on the extension of behavioural conditionality to working social security claimants (‘in-work conditionality’). As policymakers across Europe and other developed nations have pursued increasingly interventionist approaches to activating the unemployed through conditional welfare policies, the UK has gone a significant and ‘unprecedented’ step further by requiring those in receipt of in-work benefits to demonstrate their efforts to increase their working hours and/or pay. As the actors ultimately in control over the jobs people can access and progress in, understanding employer perspectives on this new policy development is critical, which, however, has so far been overlooked by policymakers and researchers. We address this omission through presenting original analysis of 84 semi-structured interviews conducted with a diverse group of employers. We find that while the UK’s Work First approach to activation has seemingly encountered little resistance from employers to date, this new Work First, Work More approach may be a step too far. We contribute theoretically by identifying a potential role for employers as latent path disruptors in policy development, and challenge the commonly-held assumption that employers are typically supportive of extensions of behavioural conditionality to social security claimants.
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Using case study evidence from an investigation of 'quality' initiatives and working practices in three offices within a District of the Benefits Agency (BA), this article examines the contradictory role of new public management on employees. Decentralised management, performance related pay, teamwork philosophies and the promotion of a 'customer' culture reflect a move away from a traditional civil service bureaucratic form of organisation. However, the implementation of change within local settings has brought about variations in local management approaches, work organisation and staff perceptions. The consequences of these are explored and we consider whether the BA's attempts to empower staff have been thwarted by a progressive intensification of workloads. Our research, by illustrating the importance of variations in local settings, warns of the dangers of evaluating institutional and employment change in the public sector as if it were the result of a coherent and consistent neo-liberal re-structuring strategy. Moreover, it examines reasons why some change initiatives have been unsuccessful. Finally, we identify a recent shift in emphasis within the BA which presages a move away from service quality to economy and draw some initial conclusions about the future impact on employment in this sector.
During the course of the last quarter of the Twentieth-century, we witnessed a dramatic reversal in the fortunes of young people. From being a key beneficiary of the post-war political commitment to inclusion and concession, youth became re-constituted as a much more costly 'state' to be in. This important new text takes as its basic premise the idea that age is a key site of division and explores the key elements of the process by which young people are integrated into society. Both detailed and wide-ranging in its analysis, it provides an accessible introduction to the major issues involved in the study of youth.
This book offers a careful examination of the politics of social policy in an era of austerity and conservative governance. Focusing on the administrations of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, Pierson provides a compelling explanation for the welfare state's durability and for the few occasions where each government was able to achieve significant cutbacks. The programmes of the modern welfare state - the 'policy legacies' of previous governments - generally proved resistant to reform. Hemmed in by the political supports that have developed around mature social programmes, conservative opponents of the welfare state were successful only when they were able to divide the supporters of social programmes, compensate those negatively affected, or hide what they were doing from potential critics. The book will appeal to those interested in the politics of neo-conservatism as well as those concerned about the development of the modern welfare state. It will attract readers in the fields of comparative politics, public policy, and political economy.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent and determinants of the so-called precarious employment across Europe and using different measures and based on individual’s self-assessment. Design/methodology/approach – Data on over two million workers across Europe (EU-15) from the European Union Labour Force Survey are utilised and a Heckman selection approach is adopted. Findings – About one tenth of the total European workforce is in employment relationships that could be related to precariousness. The sources of precariousness are mainly involuntary part-time and temporary work. Less prominent as a source of precariousness is job insecurity related to fear of job loss. Vulnerable groups are found to have a higher risk of precariousness while significant country variations indicate that precariousness cannot be examined in isolation of the national context. Finally, signals of previous employment inability, such as lack of past working experience, as well as the state of labour market significantly increase the risk of precarious work. Originality/value – The present study utilises a large-scale survey in order to investigate the incidence of precarious employment in a harmonised way and produce results that are comparable across EU-15 countries.
(publisher's jacket blurb) Anne Gray presents a critical analysis of trends in European welfare systems and labour market policies. How and why are they changing? How do they affect the daily lives of those facing unemployment or precarious work? Gray shows how the idea of unemployment benefits as a right is evolving into a regime closer to American 'workfare’. She explains how this policy forces the unemployed into low paid, temporary or part-time jobs associated with the new `flexible’ labour market. Drawing on unemployed people’s own accounts of their experiences – in the UK, Germany, France and Belgium – Gray illustrates the job market as seen from the dole queue. She examines how the unemployed assess benefit rules and welfare-to-work programmes. Exploring the changing nature of work in Europe, Gray reveals why is there a shortage of full-time permanent jobs, what is to be done, and what the future holds for labour market regulation in Europe. Providing clear explanations about shifts in welfare policy, this book is ideal for trade unionists, activists and students, and makes an important contribution to wider debates on globalisation and the future of work.
The paper provides an overview of the concept of wage-led growth, both as an analytical concept and as an economic policy strategy. At the core of our analysis is the distinction between wage-led and profit-led demand regimes. The Kaleckian tradition in macroeconomics asserts that a higher wage share will have expansionary effects. Bhaduri and Marglin (1990) generalize the model by allowing for classical mechanisms. The paper presents a two-country short run model to clarify the key concepts surrounding a wage-led vs a profit-led demand regime. It distinguishes carefully between partial and total effects and it analyses demand regimes with respect to national as well as international changes in the wage share. We also review the empirical literature. Our reading is that the available evidence indicates that demand in most economies is domestically wage-led. Changes in functional income distribution also have supply-side effects. Available evidence suggests that higher wage growth induces higher productivity growth. Neoliberalism resulted in an increase in inequality and a decline in the wage share, but growth has nowhere been based on the profit-led growth process. Rather neoliberalism has given rise to either debt-led or export-led growth regimes. The paper concludes by outlining a wage-led growth strategy and by discussing its limitations.