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Principal Component Reconstruction Error for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection



In this letter, a reliable, simple, and intuitive approach for hyperspectral imagery (HSI) anomaly detection (AD) is presented. This method, namely, the global iterative principal component analysis (PCA) reconstruction-error-based anomaly detector (GIPREBAD), examines AD by computing errors (residuals) associated with reconstructing the original image using PCA projections. PCA is a linear transformation and feature extraction process commonly used in HSI and frequently appears in operation prior to any AD task. PCA features represent a projection of the original data into lower-dimensional subspace. An iterative approach is used to mitigate outlier influence on background covariance estimates. GIPREBAD results are provided using receiver-operating-characteristic curves for HSI from the hyperspectral digital imagery collection experiment. Results are compared against the Reed-Xiaoli (RX) algorithm, the linear RX (LRX) algorithm, and the support vector data description (SVDD) algorithm. The results show that the proposed GIPREBAD method performs favorably compared with RX, LRX, and SVDD and is both intuitively and computationally simpler than either RX or SVDD.
Principal Component Reconstruction Error
for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
James A. Jablonski, Trevor J. Bihl, Member, IEEE, and Kenneth W. Bauer, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—In this letter, a reliable, simple, and intuitive ap-
proach for hyperspectral imagery (HSI) anomaly detection (AD)
is presented. This method, namely, the global iterative principal
component analysis (PCA) reconstruction-error-based anomaly
detector (GIPREBAD), examines AD by computing errors
(residuals) associated with reconstructing the original image us-
ing PCA projections. PCA is a linear transformation and fea-
ture extraction process commonly used in HSI and frequently
appears in operation prior to any AD task. PCA features rep-
resent a projection of the original data into lower-dimensional
subspace. An iterative approach is used to mitigate outlier in-
fluence on background covariance estimates. GIPREBAD results
are provided using receiver-operating-characteristic curves for
HSI from the hyperspectral digital imagery collection experiment.
Results are compared against the Reed–Xiaoli (RX) algorithm,
the linear RX (LRX) algorithm, and the support vector data
description (SVDD) algorithm. The results show that the proposed
GIPREBAD method performs favorably compared with RX, LRX,
and SVDD and is both intuitively and computationally simpler
than either RX or SVDD.
Index Terms—Anomaly detection (AD), dimensionality reduc-
tion (DR), hyperspectral imagery (HSI), hyperspectral imaging,
object detection, principal component analysis (PCA), reconstruc-
tion error, remote sensing, residual analysis, support vector data
description (SVDD).
HYPERSPECTRAL imaging (HSI) systems collect both
spatial and spectral features and perform imaging spec-
troscopy [1]. HSI differs from multispectral imaging by collect-
ing finely sampled, as opposed to coarsely sampled, spectral
bands [1]. The fine spectral sampling of HSI permits the
remote detection, examination, and identification of materials
by analyzing differences in both spectral and spatial charac-
teristics. HSI is therefore used in three primary applications:
anomaly detection (AD), change detection, and spectral signa-
ture matching [1]. HSI AD is considered as the detection of
pixels statistically different from the background of the image,
with no aprioriinformation about the content of the image [1].
Two general philosophies have emerged in HSI AD algorithm
development: 1) highly accurate or tuned, but computation-
Manuscript received October 14, 2014; accepted March 1, 2015. This
work was supported in part by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory,
Human Effectiveness Directorate, Info. Ops. and Applied Mathematics Branch
The authors are with the Department of Operational Sciences, Air Force
Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433 USA
(e-mail:;; kenneth.bauer@
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LGRS.2015.2421813
ally expensive and/or complex algorithms, e.g., [2]–[6]; and
2) simple and fast algorithms, but possibly with lower accuracy
[7]–[9]. The work herein focuses on the second philosophy to
create a simple, very fast, and effective AD using principal
component analysis (PCA).
Since HSI contains a large amount of data, dimensionality
reduction (DR) is frequently employed for feature selection/
extraction. PCA is commonly applied to HSI for DR with
further processing by an AD algorithm [1], [10]–[15]. In this
research, the DR step and the AD step are consolidated. The
reconstruction error (residual analysis) evident in PCA is used
to identify potential anomalies. The general philosophy follows
that a reconstruction error may be obtained from a DR by
reprojecting retained features into the data’s original space.
Naturally, since these projections are biased by the majority
class (considered as the background of an image), reconstruct-
ing the original data using the projections should yield poor
reconstructions for anomalies. By a simple extension of this
logic, such poorly reconstructed points are labeled as anoma-
lies. Reconstruction errors for AD, therefore, achieve AD as a
byproduct of data compression.
Image reconstruction has been considered for HSI noise
reduction [16], and reconstruction errors have been considered
in prior works for outlier detection, c.f. [17]–[19], compressive
sensing [20], signal reconstruction [21], and replicator neural
networks [22]; however, none of these applications were for
remote sensing AD. Fowler and Du [23] considered the re-
construction error for signal recovery in HSI; however, they
employed a separate AD step to segment background and
anomalies into separate bins. Similar to the method presented
herein, Li and Du [24] presented an HSI reconstructive error
AD; however, it was based on a window approach. Gao et al.
[25] considered PCA as a second step for DR in compressive
sensing. In [3], manifold reconstructive errors were used to find
regions of possible anomalies with Mahalanobis distance used
to discriminate points.
Herein, the authors suggest methods to create a PCA re-
constructive error AD that 1) uses PCA reconstructive error
as a measure in AD; 2) employs adaptive noise filtering it-
eratively to refine the solution [7]; and 3) uses zero-bin his-
tograms (ZBHs) [26] to select anomalies from a set of scores.
The authors create what is dubbed the global iterative PCA
reconstruction-error-based anomaly detector (GIPREBAD) for
HSI AD. This letter is organized as follows: Section II reviews
background material related to GIPREBAD. Section III poses
the GIPREBAD methodology, and Section IV presents our data,
comparison methods, performance results, and comparisons
with GIPREBAD. Section V concludes this letter.
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PCA is a linear data transformation involving the eigenvalues
and eigenvectors of the data covariance matrix [15], [27]. PCA
considers the data under analysis, i.e., X(n×m)×p, with n×m
being the number of pixels (nbeing rows and mbeing columns)
and pbeing the number of features, spectral bands in this case
[27]. PCA transformation then involves a projection of the
data to
where Y(n×m)×kis a matrix of scores for the kretained
PCs, and
where XS
(n×m)×prepresents the standardized data matrix, Vp×k
are the eigenvectors of the data correlation matrix, Dis a
diagonal matrix of variances, σ2
iis the variance of the ith
variable, and μ1×pis the sample mean row vector [27].
B. PCA and HSI
HSI data are reorganized into a matrix form for processing by
PCA. Although some disagreement exists on the applicability
and appropriateness of PCA for HSI [28], PCA is a commonly
used tool because it is simple to use and offers reasonable re-
sults [1]. Additionally, from an information theory perspective,
PCA is the most efficient method of DR due to its accounting
for the most variance in a data set with the least number of
dimensions [29].
In general, the first PC of a given HSI image is interpreted
as broadband intensity variation across the spectra, with subse-
quent PCs providing primary global spectral differences across
the image [1]. Eismann [1] considers that rare features or
anomalies often dominate trailing components with low vari-
ance. Therefore, eliminating or ignoring trailing PCs, as done
in many PCA applications [30] including HSI [1], may reduce
AD performance. In this letter, PCA reconstruction error is
employed, and it can be shown to be a function of the linear sum
of the trailing principal components. This way, the GIPREBAD
method, espoused herein, accounts for information in the trail-
ing principal components and may offer advantages over other
detection algorithms that completely discard this information.
Kaiser’s criterion, a method of basic estimation of data
dimensionality based on the mean eigenvalue of the correlation
matrix [30], was used to assess the overall dimensionality of the
data. Kaiser’s criterion specifies the number of retained PCs,
i.e., k,withasimplerulethatkis the number of eigenvalues
greater than the mean eigenvalue [30]. Kaiser’s criterion offers
reasonable performance for hyperspectral digital imagery col-
lection experiment (HYDICE) imagery, as seen in [31], and is
a simple method to implement.
C. PCA Reconstruction Error
PCA-based reconstruction error methods such as these can
achieve compression and AD via DR as well as perform AD.
PCA can be used to “compress” multivariate data to a reduced
set of components. The first kPCs of the data yield a recon-
struction of Xthrough
with this prediction being essentially a reprojection of the data
into the original feature space. A reconstruction error may be
obtained from comparing the original to the predicted values re-
projected back to the data’s original space. Using residuals from
Xas a statistic to detect multivariate outliers was introduced in
[17]. Interestingly, PCA reduction and the residual technique
were suggested in as early as 1957 [17].
In [32], a value for testing goodness-of-fit and multivariate
quality control was defined as the statistic
where, under the assumption of multivariate normality, Qis a
linear combination of independent and identically distributed
chi-square random variables, and Xi(1×p)and ˆ
Xi(1×p)are row
vectors. Theoretically, this method is robust to departures from
normality as the number of discarded components increases
[20], [32]. Exemplars exceeding a given threshold of recon-
structive error using probabilities from the cumulative normal
distribution function could then be considered anomalies or
outliers in this method.
D. Iterative Adaptive Noise (IAN) Filtering
Iterative adaptive noise (IAN) filtering, consistent with [7],
is used to filter the Q-scores prior to anomaly declaration.
IAN filters more heavily in areas where the variance is close
to system noise while filtering less in areas with significant
signal [7]. Local image, pixel neighborhood characteristics,
statistics are estimated to achieve IAN filtering. Anomalies are
thus largely unfiltered due to their signal often exceeding the
background noise signal [33].
E. Zero-Bin Histogram (ZBH)
Potential anomalies are nominated using a ZBH method, as
described in [26]. ZBH first constructs histograms of scores for
each PC. The location, i.e., ϑ, of the first histogram bin with a
frequency of zero is then identified in the Q-score histogram.
Pixels associated with scores greater than ϑare considered
anomalous. The ZBH method is very sensitive to the bin width,
i.e., ω, chosen during histogram construction. Wider bins will
reduce the sensitivity of the detector, and narrow bins will
increase the sensitivity and result in more false positives [7].
The authors’ extension of the PCA reconstructive error to an
HSI compressive sensing algorithm involves six steps:
1) standardize the data matrix, eqn. (2);
2) compute PCs, eqn. (1);
Fig. 1. Images used in analysis: (left) forest and (right) desert.
3) compute reconstruction from retained PCs, eqn. (3);
4) compute the Q-scores, eqn. (4), to find anomalies based
on the nominal threshold;
5) iterate between steps 1 and 4 by removing anomalies de-
tected by step 4 from the covariance matrix computation;
6) ZBH to detect anomalies.
ZBH is not used during individual iterations as it slows the
algorithm due to the high computational demands of repeated
sorting. The data are renormalized (step 1) for each iteration
to avoid biasing. Iterations stop after either no new anomalies
are detected or a maximum iteration threshold is reached. In a
manner consistent with [14], iterations of GIPREBAD are used
Fig. 2. Sample forest image Q-scores.
to increase the total reconstruction error for anomalies and thus
separate targets from the background for detection.
Settings used for GIPREBAD are found in the last column
of Table I; these are consistent with [34]. An exhaustive enu-
meration was performed on seven separate training images, and
the settings with the maximum area under receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) curves was chosen, as described in [34],
with a changing threshold on Q-scores used in step 4 to
generate the ROC curves. Additional details on settings and step
sizes are found in [34].
The HSI images used herein (see Fig. 1 and Table II) are
from the Forest I and Desert II Radiance collections from
the HYDICE push broom sensor with spectral sampling of
10 nm [1], [35]; additionally, these are identical to the im-
ages used in [11]. Three HSI AD algorithms are used for
comparison to GIPREBAD: the Reed-Xiaoli (RX) detector
(window size =25, 10 PCs) [1], [36], the linear RX (LRX)
algorithm (line size =2·n, 10 PCs) [14], and the SVDD detec-
tor (sigma = 905, Radial Basis Function) [8]. These algorithms
Fig. 3. Histogram of AD score.
Fig. 4. ROC curves. (a) Log-scale and (b) linear-scale x-axis, for the desert
image comparing ten iterations of GIPREBAD with RX, LRX, and SVDD.
comprise two primary philosophies in HSI AD: local (RX and
LRX) and global (SVDD) statistics.
The RX detector assumes independence and multivariate
normality in the HSI data; however, these assumptions are
usually invalid for HSI [14], [28]. Despite this, the RX detector
is considered as a “benchmark” detector for comparison due to
its simplicity [1], [8]. SVDD is a global detector that ignores the
background probability density function and, instead, computes
“support regions” of the space where most of the data (assumed
to be background) lie; points not in this area are labeled
anomalous [8], [37]. SVDD has subsequently been used as a
benchmark subspace-based anomaly detector in many studies
[14], [37] and is included herein for comparison.
Fig. 2 illustrates the Q-scores computed from (4), by plotting
Q-score versus pixel number. Noticeably, pixels corresponding
to the known anomalies produce higher Q-scores compared
with the background. Relatively low Q-scores for many target
pixels could be explained by spectral mixing.
The detection threshold resulting from the ZBH method is
shown in Fig. 3. This illustrates ZBH as a viable target sepa-
ration method. The results illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3 readily
Fig. 5. ROC curves. (a) Log-scale and (b) linear-scale x-axis, for the forest
image comparing ten iterations of GIPREBAD with RX, LRX, and SVDD.
confirm the logical assertion that anomalous pixels are poorly
reconstructed from principal component subspace.
B. Classifier Performance Comparison
A performance comparison between AD methods is made
using ROC curves, consistent with [38]. Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate
the performance of GIPREBAD versus both SVDD and RX
for the desert (see Fig. 4) and forest (see Fig. 5) images.
In both images, GIPREBAD noticeably outperforms both RX
methods in target detection and provides comparable or better
performance to SVDD.
Table III presents each ROC curve’s area under the curve
(AUC) along with computation time. GIPREBAD clearly offers
both higher accuracy as well as far greater computational effi-
ciency, as illustrated by the drastically lower processing times.
Herein, a simple, intuitive, efficient, and effective algo-
rithm, namely, GIPREBAD, for HSI AD has been presented.
GIPREBAD leverages PCA feature extraction for both DR and
AD. GIPREBAD results also compared favorably with RX,
LRX, and SVDD in detection performance and showed a sig-
nificant improvement in computational time. Additionally, on
the presented images, GIPREBAD consistently outperformed
RX and LRX. Due to GIPREBAD using commonly used HSI
tools within a straightforward process, it would be easy to
implement GIPREBAD in many HSI applications. GIPREBAD
could also potentially see use in real-time compressive sensing
The views expressed in this letter are those of the authors and
do not reflect the official policy of the United States Air Force,
Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.
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... Because normal samples are easier to reconstruct than anomaly samples, the samples with higher reconstruction errors are considered abnormal targets. For example, the residuals between the reconstructed image and the original image are obtained by PCA projection reconstruction, and the projection parameters are updated in several iterations [19]. The work of [20] is enhanced by that of [19], and potential anomaly target is filtered out according to the error value of each iteration. ...
... For example, the residuals between the reconstructed image and the original image are obtained by PCA projection reconstruction, and the projection parameters are updated in several iterations [19]. The work of [20] is enhanced by that of [19], and potential anomaly target is filtered out according to the error value of each iteration. The reconstruction probability algorithm of an autoencoder (AE) [21] is also a detection model that can obtain reconstruction errors through feature mapping. ...
... GRXD, based on PCA [13], is the most commonly used feature extraction method. Principal component reconstruction error (PCRE) [19] is the anomaly detection method based on the residual (error) caused by PCA projection in the reconstruction of original images. Anomaly detection based on autoencoder (ADAE) [21] is a method used to detect an anomaly target through the residual of the autoencoder. ...
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In the traditional method for hyperspectral anomaly detection, spectral feature mapping is used to map hyperspectral data to a high-level feature space to make features more easily distinguishable between different features. However, the uncertainty in the mapping direction makes the mapped features ineffective in distinguishing anomalous targets from the background. To address this problem, a hyperspectral anomaly detection algorithm based on the spectral similarity variability feature (SSVF) is proposed. First, the high-dimensional similar neighborhoods are fused into similar features using AE networks, and then the SSVF are obtained using residual autoencoder. Finally, the final detection of SSVF was obtained using Reed and Xiaoli (RX) detectors. Compared with other comparison algorithms with the highest accuracy, the overall detection accuracy (AUCODP) of the SSVFRX algorithm is increased by 0.2106. The experimental results show that SSVF has great advantages in both highlighting anomalous targets and improving separability between different ground objects.
... However, the original SLIC algorithm cannot process the HSI. To cope with it, the principle component analysis (PCA) [65] is first executed on the HSI to acquire the first three principle components. On the one hand, the predominant information about the HSI can be efficiently preserved by the first three principle components. ...
... It is worth noting that the informative structure of the HSI should be contained in the guidance image. Based on the above situation, we employ the first principle component of the HSI generated by PCA [65], which is composed of the shape of each class or object, and boundary among different classes or objects, to act as the guidance image G = [g 1 , g 2 , . . . , g N ], in which N denotes the number of pixels in the guidance image. ...
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Sparse representation (SR)-based approaches and collaborative representation (CR)-based methods are proved to be effective to detect the anomalies in a hyperspectral image (HSI). Nevertheless, the existing methods for achieving hyperspectral anomaly detection (HAD) generally only consider one of them, failing to comprehensively exploit them to further promote the detection performance. To address the issue, a novel HAD method, which integrates both SR and CR, is proposed in this article. To be specific, an SR model, whose overcomplete dictionary is generated by means of the density-based clustering algorithm and superpixel segmentation method, is first constructed for each pixel in an HSI. Then, for each pixel in an HSI, the used atoms in SR model are sifted to form the background dictionary corresponding to the CR model. To fully exploit both SR and CR information, we further combine the residual features obtained from both SR and CR model by the nonlinear transformation function to generate the response map. Finally, to preserve contour information of the objects, a postprocessing operation with guided filter is imposed into the response map to acquire the detection result. Experiments conducted on simulated and real datasets demonstrate that the proposed SRCR outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
... Some variants of the SVDD detector are proposed as PCA, parameter-adaptive kernel SVDD [36], and sparse kernel SVDD [38]. Some other modified algorithms in this category use mixed SVDD detectors [39][40][41][42]. However, in many methods of this category, we must solve the numerical equation. ...
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With the emerging of the new applications like virtual reality in image processing and machine vision, it is required to have more perfect motion detection ways. In this paper, we propose combined similarity criterion motion detector (CSCMD) method for Human motion detection in Virtual Reality Environments. In the proposed method, spatio-temporal volumes are constructed for human motions. Spatio-temporal volume unifies the analysis of spatial and temporal information by constructing a volume of data in which consecutive images are stacked to form a third, temporal dimension. These volumes are then analyzed by constructing residual error and calculating the criterion number to extract the motion pixels as anomalies and constant pixels as normal ones. Experimental results are illustrated using intuitive images, receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) curves, area under curve (AUC) values and Recognition accuracy and compared with some popular and previous methods. In the ROC curves, thresholds are constructed by changing the appropriate coefficients based on the algorithm. Higher AUC values, detection rates, Recognition accuracy and lower false rates, prove the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed method for human motion detection and Human Computer Interaction in virtual reality environments.
... Intuitively, for some feature extraction operations or dimension reduction transformations that have an inverse transformation, the reconstruction error can be one criterion for the normality of the data. Jablonski et al. used the reconstruction error of PCA to classify the samples with an anomaly in image data (Jablonski et al., 2015). Yan et al. took the reconstruction error of the trained variational autoencoder as the statistics for anomaly detection (Yan et al., 2019). ...
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Process monitoring and anomaly detection in manufacturing production systems are of vital importance in the consistency, reliability, and quality of manufacturing operations, which motivates the development of a large number of anomaly detection methods. In this work, a comparison study on representative unsupervised X-ray image based anomaly detection methods is conducted. Statistical, physical, and deep learning based dimension reduction methods and different anomaly detection criteria are considered and compared. Case studies on real-world X-ray image data with simulated anomalies and real anomalies are both carried out. Grey level co-occurrence matrix with Hotelling T2T2T^2 statistic as detection criteria achieves the best performance on the simulated anomalies case with an overall detection accuracy of 96%. Principal component analysis with reconstruction error as criteria obtains the highest detection rate of 90.6% in the real anomalies case. Considering the ever-growing availability of image data in intelligent manufacturing processes, this study will provide very useful knowledge and find a broad audience.
... Typically, a hyperspectral image consists of up to several hundred spectral bands, exhibiting high correlation across spectra. Principal component analysis (PCA) has been widely used for spectral dimensionality reduction [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33]. A hyperspectral image can be naturally represented by a 3-way tensor so, to perform PCA, a hyperspectral data cube is first converted into a data matrix by vectorizing spectral bands and stacking them as columns of a matrix. ...
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Hyperspectral images are often contaminated with noise which degrades the quality of data. Recently, tensor robust principal component analysis (TRPCA) has been utilized to remove noise from hyperspectral images, improving classification accuracy. However, the high dimensionality and size of hyperspectral data present computational challenges both in terms of storage and processing power, especially in the case of TRPCA. The situation is exacerbated when the data is too large to fit in available memory. In this paper, we propose a tensor-robust CUR (TRCUR) algorithm for hyperspectral data compression and denoising. We heavily downsample the input hyperspectral image to form small subtensors; and perform TRPCA on the small subtensors. The desired hyperspectral image is recovered by combining the low-rank solution of the subtensors using tensor CUR reconstruction. We provide a theoretical guarantee to show that the desired low-rank tensor can be exactly recovered using our proposed TRCUR method. Numerical experiments indicate that our method is up to 14 times faster than performing TRPCA on the original input data while maintaining the classification accuracy.
Long-term research has been done on anomaly identification. Its uses in the banking industry have made it easier to spot questionable hacker activity. However, it is more difficult to trick financial systems due to innovations in the financial sector like blockchain and artificial intelligence. Despite these technical developments, there have nevertheless been several instances of fraud. To address the anomaly detection issue, a variety of artificial intelligence algorithms have been put forth; while some findings seem to be remarkably encouraging, no clear winner has emerged. In order to identify fraudulent transactions, this article presented Inspection-L architecture based on graph neural network (GNN) with self-supervised deep graph infomax (DGI) and graph isomorphism network (GIN), with supervised knowledge methods, such as random forest (RF). The potential of self-supervised GNN in Bitcoin unlawful transaction detection has been demonstrated by the evaluation of the proposed technique on the Elliptic dataset. Results from experiments reveal that our approach outperforms existing standard methods for detecting anomalous events.KeywordsAnomaly detectionBlockchainCryptocurrenciesGNNs
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p>Hyperspectral images are often contaminated with noise which degrades the quality of data. Recently, tensor robust principal component analysis (TRPCA) has been utilized to remove noise from hyperspectral images, improving classification accuracy. However, the high dimensionality and size of hyperspectral data present computational challenges both in terms of storage and processing power, especially in the case of TRPCA. The situation is exacerbated when the data is too large to fit in available memory. In this paper, we propose a tensor-robust CUR (TRCUR) algorithm for hyperspectral data compression and denoising. We heavily downsample the input hyperspectral image to form small subtensors; and perform TRPCA on the small subtensors. The desired hyperspectral image is recovered by combining the low-rank solution of the subtensors using tensor CUR reconstruction. We provide a theoretical guarantee to show that the desired low-rank tensor can be exactly recovered using our proposed TRCUR method. Numerical experiments indicate that our method is up to 23 times faster than performing TRPCA on the original input data while maintaining the classification accuracy.</p
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p>Hyperspectral images are often contaminated with noise which degrades the quality of data. Recently, tensor robust principal component analysis (TRPCA) has been utilized to remove noise from hyperspectral images, improving classification accuracy. However, the high dimensionality and size of hyperspectral data present computational challenges both in terms of storage and processing power, especially in the case of TRPCA. The situation is exacerbated when the data is too large to fit in available memory. In this paper, we propose a tensor-robust CUR (TRCUR) algorithm for hyperspectral data compression and denoising. We heavily downsample the input hyperspectral image to form small subtensors; and perform TRPCA on the small subtensors. The desired hyperspectral image is recovered by combining the low-rank solution of the subtensors using tensor CUR reconstruction. We provide a theoretical guarantee to show that the desired low-rank tensor can be exactly recovered using our proposed TRCUR method. Numerical experiments indicate that our method is up to 23 times faster than performing TRPCA on the original input data while maintaining the classification accuracy.</p
Hyperspectral anomaly detection (HAD) aims at distinguishing anomalies from background in an unsupervised manner. Auto-encoder and its variant-based methods have achieved promising detection performance in HAD. However, most existing methods neglect to exploit the local structure information of hyperspectral images that reflects the underlying relationships between each pixel and its surroundings. Hence, the representation capabilities of the networks are restricted. Moreover, reconstruction of anomalies during training compels the networks to learn abnormal patterns, and thus reduces the spectral differences between background and anomalies. To address these problems, a spectral difference guided graph attention auto-encoder network is proposed for HAD. Specifically, the relationships among samples are modeled by a graph attention encoder, where a spectral sharpening constraint is introduced to guide the attention coefficient learning. In this way, the encoder can also represent the spectral differences between central nodes and their neighbors. Then, a learnable graph attention decoder is constructed to reconstruct node attributes and obtain the node reconstruction errors for HAD. Besides, a background purification method is proposed to generate superpixel-level samples to suppress anomaly reconstruction during training. Extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations on six real datasets and one synthetic dataset show that the proposed method achieves competitive detection performance as compared to the state-of-the-art HAD methods.
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Detection and recognition are two primary tasks of hyperspectral imaging, with the objective of detecting and identifying materials remotely. Frequently these are done separately, with anomaly detection or signature recognition being applied, but not both in conjunction. Here, we introduce a fully automatic hyperspectral-based target recognition system through the combination of automatic anomaly detection, anomaly segmentation, pixel cueing methods for background reduction filtering, signature matching, automatic atmospheric compensation, and vegetation index thresholding for automatic atmospheric compensation. Of interest herein are the handling of pixels and groupings of pixels detected as a statistical anomaly; various methods of processing anomaly groups are examined. Results are provided using HYDICE hyperspectral radiance images and collected ground reflectance data.
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Spectral unmixing and denoising of hyperspectral images have always been regarded as separate problems. By considering the physical properties of a mixed spectrum, this letter introduces unmixing-based denoising, a supervised methodology representing any pixel as a linear combination of reference spectra in a hyperspectral scene. Such spectra are related to some classes of interest, and exhibit negligible noise influences, as they are averaged over areas for which ground truth is available. After the unmixing process, the residual vector is mostly composed by the contributions of uninteresting materials, unwanted atmospheric influences and sensor-induced noise, and is thus ignored in the reconstruction of each spectrum. The proposed method, in spite of its simplicity, is able to remove noise effectively for spectral bands with both low and high signal-to-noise ratio. Experiments show that this method could be used to retrieve spectral information from corrupted bands, such as the ones placed at the edge between ultraviolet and visible light frequencies, which are usually discarded in practical applications. The proposed method achieves better results in terms of visual quality in comparison to competitors, if the mean squared error is kept constant. This leads to questioning the validity of mean squared error as a predictor for image quality in remote sensing applications.
Two recursive principal component analysis (PCA) algorithms are proposed for adaptive process monitoring. The paper starts with an efficient approach to updating the correlation matrix recursively. Two recursive PCA algorithms are then proposed using rank-one modification and Lanczos tridiagonalization. The confidence limits for process monitoring are also determined recursively. Computational complexity of these algorithms is compared. The proposed algorithms are applied to a rapid thermal annealing process in semiconductor processing for adaptive monitoring.
Hyperspectral remote sensing is an emerging, multidisciplinary field with diverse applications that builds on the principles of material spectroscopy, radiative transfer, imaging spectrometry, and hyperspectral data processing. While there are many resources that suitably cover these areas individually and focus on specific aspects of the hyperspectral remote sensing field, this book provides a holistic treatment that captures its multidisciplinary nature. The content is oriented toward the physical principles of hyperspectral remote sensing as opposed to applications of hyperspectral technology. Readers can expect to finish the book armed with the required knowledge to understand the immense literature available in this technology area and apply their knowledge to the understanding of material spectral properties, the design of hyperspectral systems, the analysis of hyperspectral imagery, and the application of the technology to specific problems. © 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). All rights reserved.
In this paper, collaborative representation is proposed for anomaly detection in hyperspectral imagery. The algorithm is directly based on the concept that each pixel in background can be approximately represented by its spatial neighborhoods, while anomalies cannot. The representation is assumed to be the linear combination of neighboring pixels, and the collaboration of representation is reinforced by ell2ell_{2}-norm minimization of the representation weight vector. To adjust the contribution of each neighboring pixel, a distance-weighted regularization matrix is included in the optimization problem, which has a simple and closed-form solution. By imposing the sum-to-one constraint to the weight vector, the stability of the solution can be enhanced. The major advantage of the proposed algorithm is the capability of adaptively modeling the background even when anomalous pixels are involved. A kernel extension of the proposed approach is also studied. Experimental results indicate that our proposed detector may outperform the traditional detection methods such as the classic Reed–Xiaoli (RX) algorithm, the kernel RX algorithm, and the state-of-the-art robust principal component analysis based and sparse-representation-based anomaly detectors, with low computational cost.
Due to the high spectral resolution, anomaly detection from hyperspectral images provides a new way to locate potential targets in a scene, especially those targets that are spectrally different from the majority of the data set. Conventional Mahalanobis-distance-based anomaly detection methods depend on the background statistics to construct the anomaly detection metric. One of the main problems with these methods is that the Gaussian distribution assumption of the background may not be reasonable. Furthermore, these methods are also susceptible to contamination of the conventional background covariance matrix by anomaly pixels. This paper proposes a new anomaly detection method by effectively exploiting a robust anomaly degree metric for increasing the separability between anomaly pixels and other background pixels, using discriminative information. First, the manifold feature is used so as to divide the pixels into the potential anomaly part and the potential background part. This procedure is called discriminative information learning. A metric learning method is then performed to obtain the robust anomaly degree measurements. Experiments with three hyperspectral data sets reveal that the proposed method outperforms other current anomaly detection methods. The sensitivity of the method to several important parameters is also investigated.
For hyperspectral target detection, it is usually the case that only part of the targets pixels can be used as target signatures, so can we use them to construct the most proper background subspace for detecting all the probable targets? In this paper, a dynamic subspace detection (DSD) method which establishes a multiple detection framework is proposed. In each detection procedure, blocks of pixels are calculated by the random selection and the succeeding detection performance distribution analysis. Manifold analysis is further used to eliminate the probable anomalous pixels and purify the subspace datasets, and the remaining pixels construct the subspace for each detection procedure. The final detection results are then enhanced by the fusion of target occurrence frequencies in all the detection procedures. Experiments with both synthetic and real hyperspectral images (HSI) evaluate the validation of our proposed DSD method by using several different state-of-the-art methods as the basic detectors. With several other single detectors and multiple detection methods as comparable methods, improved receiver operating characteristic curves and better separability between targets and backgrounds by the DSD methods are illustrated. The DSD methods also perform well with the covariance-based detectors, showing their efficiency in selecting covariance information for detection.
This work extends the emerging field of hyperspectral imagery (HSI) anomaly detectors and employs independent component (IC) analysis (ICA) to identify anomalous pixels. Using new techniques to fully automate feature extraction, feature selection, and anomaly pixel identification, an Autonomous Global Anomaly Detector has been developed for employment in an operational environment for real-time processing of HSI. Dimensionality reduction, which is the initial feature extraction prior to ICA, is effected through a geometric solution that estimates the number of retained principal components. The solution is based on the theory of the shape of the eigenvalue curve of the covariance matrix of spectral data containing noise. This research presents two new features, namely, potential anomaly signal-to-noise ratio and maximum pixel score, both of which are computed for each of the ICs to create a new 2-D feature space where the overlap between anomaly and nonanomaly classes is reduced. After anomaly feature selection, adaptive noise filtering is applied iteratively to suppress the background. Finally, a zero-detection histogram method is applied to the smoothed signals to identify anomaly locations to the user. After the algorithm is fully developed, a set of designed experiments are conducted to identify a reasonable set of input parameters.
This paper proposes a new semisupervised dimension reduction (DR) algorithm based on a discriminative locally enhanced alignment technique. The proposed DR method has two aims: to maximize the distance between different classes according to the separability of pairwise samples and, at the same time, to preserve the intrinsic geometric structure of the data by the use of both labeled and unlabeled samples. Furthermore, two key problems determining the performance of semisupervised methods are discussed in this paper. The first problem is the proper selection of the unlabeled sample set; the second problem is the accurate measurement of the similarity between samples. In this paper, multilevel segmentation results are employed to solve these problems. Experiments with extensive hyperspectral image data sets showed that the proposed algorithm is notably superior to other state-of-the-art dimensionality reduction methods for hyperspectral image classification.