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An Open-Access P300 Speller Database
Claudia Ledesma-Ramirez
, Erik Bojorges-Valdez
, Oscar Yáñez-Suarez
, Carolina Saavedra
, Laurent Bougrain
, Gerardo Gabriel Gentiletti
Laboratorio de Neuroimagenología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico
Cortex team-project, Nancy University/INRIA Nancy Grand Est, France
Laboratorio de Ingeniería en Rehabilitación e Investigaciones Neuromusculares y Sensoriales, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER), Argentina
The P300 Speller is probably the best known
application in BCI [1]. Over the years, many
improvements over the pioneering systems have
been made and some performance comparisons
exist [2]. To contribute to the improvement
process, we propose an open access to a large
database obtained from first-time users of the
P300 speller application implemented within the
BCI2000 platform [3] (Figure 1). The database is
documented with associated classifier designs and
objective performance measures, readily available
for comparison and reference. We also propose a
set of Matlab functions that help in the preparation
of data for alternative classifier design and testing.
Figure 1. The database website.
[1] Farwell L. A. and Donchin E. “Talking off the top of your head: toward a
mental prosthesis utilizing event-related brain potentials.” Electroenceph. Clin.
Neurophysiol. Vol. 70, pp.510-23 (1988).
[2] Krusienski, D. J., Sellers E. W., Cabestaing F. “A comparison of classification
techniques for the P300 Speller.” Journal of Neural Engineering. Vol. 3, pp. 299-
305 (2006).
[3] Schalk G., Mc Farland D., Hinterberger T., Birbaumer N., Wolpaw J.
“BCI2000: A General-Porpose Brain-computer Interface (BCI) System.” IEEE
Trans. Biomed. Eng. Vol. 51, pp. 1034-1043 (2004).
The database includes recordings from 30 healthy subjects
(18 Males/ 12 Females, age 21-25) controlling various
conditions (sleep duration, drugs, etc).
Each subject participated to 4 sessions with 15 sequences:
1) Three copy-spelling runs.
2) One copy-spelling run with feedback using a classifier
trained on data from session one.
3) Three free-spelling runs (user-selected words, around 15
characters per subject).
4) Variable free-spelling runs with reduced number of
sequences as indicated by bit-rate analysis.
10 channels (Fz, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, P4, PO7, PO8, Oz) have
been recorded at 256 sps using the g.tec gUSBamp with
acquisition characteristics shown in Figure 2. The stimulus
is highlighted for 62.5 ms with an inter-stimuli interval of
125 ms.
We also propose a set of Matlab functions to extract and
average target and non-target responses specifying for
example the number of sequences to average and the
duration of the response and to save it in Matlab or ASCII
The database, a complete description of the parameters
used for the speller and the code are available at:
BCI Meeting
Notch Band-Pass
Chebyshev Chebyshev
4th order 8th order
58 - 62 Hz 0.1- 60 Hz
Table 1. Distribution of database cases as a
function of classifier accuracy and number of
averaged epochs (ne).
Figure 2. Recorded EEG
channels and filter parameters
Figure 3. Mean ROC area for all cases using
SWLDA analysis. Each x represents an individual
case, blue lines are standard deviation.
SWLDA (step-wise linear discriminant analysis) classifiers have been trained for each
subject. In order to provide the users of the database with an objective, comparable
measure of performance -that takes into account the choice of features and is
independent of the training/testing set- the relative (receiver) operating characteristic
or ROC curve has been selected. Summarized by the area under de curve (Az), the
ROC reflects intrinsic class separability: higher values of Az correspond to better
classifier designs.
As a reference, results for each subject are available on the web site. Accuracy using
SWLDA with 15 training sequences can be established in terms of an 86.7% of the
participants having 100% correct spelling, while the lowest percentage of correctly
detected characters reached by the rest of the database population was 85%. ROC
areas above 0.95 were reached by 76.7% of the population in about 10 sequences.
Thus, for 15 sequences the general performance is very good. Classifier features were
selected mainly from P08, Oz, PO7 and Pz electrodes and within the 100-290 ms
window. This shows that EP related to visual stimulation and its recognition play an
important role in the high accuracy of the classifier (See Table 1 and Figure 3).
This open-access P300 database includes recordings from 30 healthy
subjects. Data is available in BCI2000 and Matlab formats. A set of
Matlab functions for the extraction of the information that might be
needed for a given application is also included.
The database website provides, together with the data, a description
about conditions of each subject that has been recorded. Individual
results, accuracy, ROC area, and performace for every sequence count
are also reported. Given the individual accuracies and ROC areas for
the reference SWLDA classifier, it could be argued that overall data
quality is high.
We hope the work will contribute to better compare classifier
techniques as related to the P300 detection problem and applications,
by providing fair comparison grounds and reference data.
Figure 4. Impact of different preprocessing schemes (none,coiflet decomposition, b-
splines decomposition) on SVM classifier accuracies.
100% 95%
≤ 85%
15 26 1 2 0 1
14 22 4 3 1 0
13 25 2 2 1 0
11 19 3 5 0 3
10 20 3 3 4 0
8 18 3 2 3 4
5 8 2 7 6 7
3 3 0 3 6 18