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Octosporopsis nicolai – ein rätselhafter Vertreter aus der Familie der Pyronemataceae


Abstract and Figures

2014): Octosporopsis nicolai – a mysterious member of the Pyronemataceae. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 80/2: 565-592. Abstract: Several recent finds of Kotlabaea nicolai provided the opportunity to examine this rarely found discomycete in more detail. Molecular data was obtained from various collections. Based on the results of the phylogenetic analysis and the study of morphological features the new genus Octosporopsis U. Lindemann & M. Vega is proposed to accommodate K. nicolai. Zusammenfassung: Auf Basis mehrerer rezenter Funde von Kotlabaea nicolai war es möglich, diesen bisher nur selten nachgewiesenen Discomyceten genauer zu untersuchen. Ein Teil der Aufsammlungen wurde sequenziert, so dass erstmals DNA-Daten für diese Art vorliegen. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der phylogenetischen Analyse und der Untersuchungen der Mor-phologie wird für Kotlabaea nicolai die neue Gattung Octosporopsis vorgeschlagen.
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© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
Octosporopsis nicolai – ein rätselhafter Vertreter aus der
Familie der Pyronemataceae.
 (2014): Octosporopsis nicolai – a mysterious
member of the Pyronemataceae. 80/2: 565-592.
Key WordsHumaria nicolai, Kotlabaea, Lunularia cruciata -
   Kotlabaea nicolai      
  -
  Octosporopsis   
K. nicolai.
Zusammenfassung:Kotlabaea nicolai
     
Kotlabaea nicolaiOctosporopsis
       -
    Lunularia cruciata 
        -
       
        
          -
Humaria nicolai   
       -
         -
   
           
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
566 
Neottiella ricciae 
Neottiella ricciae
           
Kotlabaea nicolai   Kotlabaea
        
   Kotlabaea    
        
         . 
    K. nicolai mit Kotlabaea
deformis     Kotlabaea   
        
K. nicolai         
        
K. nicolai 
Octosporopsis K. nicolai in Octosporopsis nicolai 
 Humaria nicolai
   
          
       
         
         
           
      
textura intricata/subepidermoidea 
   textura globulosa/angularis    
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
          -
     
          -
    -
Etymologie: OctosporopsisOctospora 
        
Octospora   -
 
Octosporopsis nicolai 
Humaria nicolai 
Synonyme: Humarina nicolai 
H. nicolasii 
Kotlabaea nicolai 
: 
     
    
          -
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
            
   :    
          
  -
  
 -
         -
     
                 
:     
nemataceae       
O. nicolai
     et
           
         -
     -
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 -
 
    
O. nicolai-
 
   
O. nicolai
  -
O. nicolai
  - -
O. nicolai
  - -
O. nicolai
  -
O. nicolai
  - -
O. nicolai
   -
O. nicolai
  - -
O. nicolai
  - -
O. nicolai
  - -
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
von O. nicolai
O. nicolai-
   Octospora   
       -
O. nicolaiOctospora
(KotlabaeaK. deformis
Scutellinia    
 O. nicolaiKotla-
baeaK. defor-
O. nicolai
 -
Fig. 1: 
   O. nicolai 
        Neolecta
Schizosaccharomyces pombe  Marcelleina persoonii 
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
Fig. 2:         
OctosporaO. nicolai -
    
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
Octosporopsis nicolai 
G: 
 
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
Octosporopsis nicolai C:
    D:      E:  
  K:        
 
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
Octosporopsis nicolai -
  
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
O. nicolai basiert auf
   
  -
Lunularia cruciata
         
         
  
        
         
           
       
      
           
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
  
     
         
  
          
           
         
 meist
          
       
 
          
  
   
          
      
       
   
          
          
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
Octosporopsis nicolai
1a.   
Sagina procumbes 
Barbula fallax Calliergonella cuspidata Lunularia cruciata
Barbula fallaxDicranella staphylina ,
Dicranella varia   Lophocolea bidentata    Lunularia
cruciata        
1c.Lunularia cruciata
1d. 
cruciata         
    Lunularia cruciata     
Lunularia cruciata
Aloina aloides
  Barbula unguiculata , Dicranella howei  
 Dicranella  Fissidens bryoides    Pottia starkeana 
  Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum Riccia
sorocarpa Weissia Lunularia cruciata
Barbula unguiculataDicranella Entosthodon pulchellus
Phascum cuspidatum Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum
Sphaerocarpos michelii  Lunularia cruciata  
schaftet mit Lamprospora miniata 
4.           
Lunularia cruciataAneura
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
pinguis   Aloina aloides Barbula unguiculata Dicranella howei Fissidens
Fossombronia Pottia starckeana, Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum Phascum
cuspidatum var. piliferum Sphaerocarpus 
Lunularia cruciata 
laria cruciata         
Lunularia cruciata 
7a.    
Lunularia cruciata 
Lunularia cruciata
   
8.   
Lunularia cruciata-
Lunularia cruciata-
        
Kotlabaea deformis
           
12.    
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
    Octosporopsis nicolai    -
     
 
    
           
O. nicolai
         
   
Kotlabaea nicolai  :      
Humaria nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
          
     Humaria nicolai   
Kotlabaea 
          
       
  Lunularia cruciata     
     
Kotlabaea nicolaiLunularia
cruciata         
O. nicolai nicht an
Lunularia cruciata  
O. nicolai
          
Lunularia cruciata
L. cruciata
 O. nicolai
         O. nicolai
K. deformis 
     -
O. nicolaiK. deformis-
K. deformis
  O. nicolai  K. deformis K. deformis  
   O. nicolai   
   O. nicolai     
       
K. deformisO. nicolai
K. deformis
         
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
steht O. nicolaiLunularia
cruciata    
         
    O. nicolai K. deformis
O. nicolai
  Kotlabaea         
 Humaria 
O. nicolaiK. deformis.
  Haare
  
bei toten
O. nicolai
   
O. nicolaiOctospora
Octospora (
Octospora NeottiellaLamprospora
       Leucoscypha 
Rhodoscypha  Rhodotarzetta   
O. nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
Rhodoscypha  Rhodotarzetta        
O. nicolai Rhodoscypha
 Rhodotarzetta        
Octospora Neottiella  Lamprospora-
     O. nicolai Leucoscypha leucotricha  
Rhodotarzetta rosea Rhodoscypha ovilla
  O. nicolai       
    
           
bis 5 mm im Ø
menium rosafar
te 
Ascosporen 
meist mit
ein Nucleus
ein Nucleus
Asci 
rorhynch (pers.
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
Paraphysen 
Medulla 
Haare 
-- -
bis mehrfach
nicht verbreitert
 bei
Lunularia cruciata
auf alten Feuer
und morschem
  
Sommer bis
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
nicolai         Octosporopsis 
        
       
      
       
O. nicolai: -
O. nicolai -
O. nicolai
  
 
          
      
           
 
       
           
  
O. nicolai  
 
von O. nicolai stammt.
O. nicolaiLunularia cruciata-
  
  -
        
von L. cruciata      
         
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
L. cruciata – -
        
 O. nicolai
O. nicolai
         
            
       
von O. nicolai     
       
besteht O. nicolai
 
 < 2
 > 2
 > 2
  > 2
  > 2
 
  
  < 2
  > 2
Schon          O. nicolai offenbar um eine
    
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
O. nicolai
            Lunularia
           
 
von L. cruciataO. nicolai -
 L. cruciata
L. cruciata
     -
 L. cruciata      L. cruciata -
 O. nicolaiL. cruciata über-
 
 O. nicolai
     
         
     
          
Lunularia cruciata
          
Lunularia cruciata
Lunularia cruciata
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
Lunularia cruciata
    -
O. nicolai
        Sept.   
5–22  2
O. nicolai bei
          
 O. nicolai    
Lunularia cruciata systematisch nach
O. nicolai
       O. nicolai 
          
         
 
Kotlabaea  
     
O. nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
O. nicolai
O. nicolai
          
         
tus 20
      Leucoscypha leucotricha   
           
 SRhodoscypha
von Octospora 
 
Rhodoscypha ovilla 
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 
      
 -
 -
 Rhodoscypha ovilla Leucoscypha rhodoleuca
       Leucoscypha leucotricha  
      -
        
Lunularia vulgaris
. - 
 Lunularia cruciata 
Humaria nicolai2
           
 Neottiella ricciae et Bryoscyphus atromarginatus -
       
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
 ()-
Kotlabaea nicolai
       -
 K. nicolai
combination for K. nicolai is Octosporopsis nicolai 
        
O. nicolaiOctospora.
O. nicolaiKotlabaeaK. deformis 
O. nicolaiK. deformis. In contrast to K. deformis, O. nicolai has
O. nico-
Octosporopsis 
       
Octospora/Neottiella, sometimes of Cheilymenia too.
O. nicolai.
O. nicolai.
 
            
: Octosporopsis nicolai
© 2014 – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie
592 
            
O. nicolai   L. cruciata 
of L. cruciata     
   O. nicolai
        
L. cruciata.
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... Döbbeler 2011, Döbbeler et al. 2018, Egertová et al. 2018a) occur in several species of bryophilous Pezizales. They are present in all species classified in recent works to the genera Octosporella (Döbbeler & Menjívar 1992, Yao et al. 2006, Döbbeler 2011, Döbbeler et al. 2018, Döbbeler & Davison 2021, Neottiella (Benkert 1995, Yuan et al. 2020, both species of Octosporopsis (Lindemann et al. 2014, Egertová et al. 2018a, and can also be found in some members of the large genus Octospora (Dennis & Itzerott 1973, Benkert 2006, Németh 2017, Vega & Moyne 2019. The only genera of bryophilous Pezizales in which no hairy species were known are Filicupula (Yao & Spooner 1996a, Döbbeler & Davison 2021 and Lamprospora (e.g. ...
... Three of the genera belonging to bryophilous Pezizales were described a very long time ago: Octospora (Hedwig 1789), Lamprospora (De Notaris 1864) and Neottiella (Saccardo 1889), while the other three were established much more recently: Octosporella (Döbbeler 1980), Filicupula (Yao & Spooner 1996a) and Octosporopsis (Lindemann et al. 2014). ...
Sochorová, Z., Vega, M., Hernanz, J., Eckstein, J. & Sochor, M. 2023. Lamprospora aberrans sp. nov. (Pezizales) – die erste Art der Gattung Lamprospora mit behaarten Apothecien. – Herzogia 36: 206 –221. Lamprospora aberrans wird als neue Art mit Aufsammlungen aus Spanien (Stadt Madrid und Mallorca) und Kroatien (Nationalpark Paklenica) beschrieben. Die Art ist durch die folgende Merkmalskombination einmalig: globose Ascosporen mit einem Ornament aus gebogenen Leisten sowie das Vorkommen von starren, dickwandigen, hyalinen Haaren – das letzte Merkmal ist in der Gattung Lamprospora bisher unbekannt. Es handelt sich um die erste Art bryophiler Pezizales, die Moose aus der Gattung Gymnostomum (Pottiaceae, Pottiales) befällt. Eine Bayes-Analyse der LSU, SSU und EF1-α Sequenzen zeigt L. aberrans in einer statistisch gut begründeten Gruppe zusammen mit L. cailletii, L. tuberculatella agg., L. benkertii und L. paechnatzii. Der Wert von Haaren in der Taxonomie bryophiler Pezizales wird diskutiert.
... Specimens used in the analysis and their GenBank accession numbers are listed in Table 1, with newly obtained sequences in bold letters. Newly obtained sequences of LSU, SSU, ITS and EF1-α were used together with other sequences of bryophilous Pezizales from previous studies (Stenroos et al. 2010, Lindemann et al. 2014, Vega et al. 2017, Egertová et al. 2018a, Egertová et al. 2018b, Vega et al. 2019, Sochorová et al. 2020, Vega et al. 2021b, Eckstein et al. 2022, Janošík et al. 2023, as well as Otidea concinna (Pers.) Sacc. ...
Octospora entosthodontophila, a new smooth-spored bryophilous ascomycete on Entosthodon spp., is described and illustrated based on several collections from Hungary and Spain. The new species infects various species of the terricolous moss genus Entosthodon (Funariaceae). It is one of the first bryoparasitic Pezizales where molecular data confirmed the broader host spectrum. The newly described species is characterized by orange apothecia with a conspicuous membranaceous slightly fimbriate margin, narrowly ellipsoid to subfusiform smooth ascospores with two large and several small lipid bodies. A comparison with similar Octospora species and taxa infecting other members of the moss family Funariaceae is also provided. A phylogenetic analysis using ITS, LSU, SSU, and EF1-α sequences revealed that O. entosthodontophila forms a monophyletic group with O. excipulata, a taxon also infecting various members of the Funariaceae.
... records of known species and new hosts continue to be reported (BeNkerT, 2008;eCk-STeiN & eCkSTeiN, 2009;eCkSTeiN et al., 2014;egerToVÁ et al., 2015). Molecular data have shed light on phylogenetic relationships among the species and have demonstrated narrow host spectra (LiNdeMANN et al., 2014;VegA et al., 2017VegA et al., , 2019egerToVÁ et al., 2018b). Meticulous microscopical observations have also contributed to a better understanding of these parasites by offering new insights about morphological and biological features, such as epispore structures, infected tissues, or gall-forming ability. ...
Döbbeler P, Büschlen A & Ecksein J. 2021. - Octospora bicarpa sp. nov. (Pezizales), the first species of the bryophilous genus Octospora Hedw. with ameroconidia. 13(2): 85-91. Octospora bicarpa Döbbeler, Büschlen & Eckstein (Pezizales) is described as a new species of operculate discomycete. It infects the corticolous moss Lewinskya speciosa (Nees) F. Lara, Garilleti & Goffinet (Orthotrichales). The documentation is based on several recent collections from Switzerland. The biotrophic parasite is characterized by small, orange apothecia formed between green leaves in the apical shoot regions. Inconspicuous, almost colourless conidial layers arise near the ascomata in the leaf axils and on the stems. Both morphs originate from the same mycelium, that has infection structures typical for Octospora s. lato, consisting of superficial appressoria and intracellular haustoria. The anamorph also develops independently from the teleomorph. Monoblastic, globose ameroconidia are produced by sterigma-like conidiogenous cells. Octospora bicarpa is the first species of more than 100 recognized octosporaceous fungi that has both ascomata and sporodochia-like conidiomata which produce one-celled conidia.
Two species of the hepaticolous genus Octosporella (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) have been recorded from southern Australia on host species that are hitherto unknown as substrates for ascomycetes. Octosporella australis sp. nov. is characterized by large setose ascomata, 3- or 4-spored asci, large ellipsoidal ascospores, 36–65 × 10–15 μm, with unthickened spore walls at cell poles and occurring on the terrestrial liverwort Lethocolea pansa (Jungermanniales). Three collections were gathered on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, on seasonally flooded riverbanks. Phylogenetic analyses of the LSU, SSU and EF1-α sequences showed that the collections of this new species form a well-supported monophyletic group and clearly differ from all other species of Octosporella. The second species was assigned to O. jungermanniarum agg. which is widely distributed in Europe on several unrelated liverworts. The Australian collection deviates in its somewhat narrower ascospores, but molecular analyses placed the studied specimen among European collections of O. jungermanniarum from various host species. This species infects the liverwort Lophocolea semiteres (Jungermanniales) and was recorded on the Fleurieu Peninsula on mossy rocks. Apart from a single collection of O. nematospora from New Zealand, these Australian collections are the only records of Octosporella species for the whole Southern Hemisphere. Both species have multinucleate ascospores and O. australis, with predominantly 8-nucleate ascospores, has the highest known number of nuclei in ascospores among all studied species of octosporaceous fungi and the whole family Pyronemataceae.
Eckstein, J., Sochorová, Z. & Janošík, L. 2021. Octospora oscarii spec. nov. (Pezizales), a bryophilous ascomycete on the pleurocarpous moss Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Hypnales). – Herzogia 34: 286 –298. The bryophilous ascomycete Octospora oscarii is described as a new species based on collections from Central Germany and the Czech Republic. It grows on the pleurocarpous moss Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans and is characterised by smooth ascospores and an infection on the rhizoids of its host. This is the first account of P. elegans as a host of bryophilous ascomycetes. Phylogenetic analyses of concatenated LSU, SSU and EF1-α gene sequences showed that the studied collections of this species form a well-supported monophyletic lineage differing from all previously studied species of bryophilous Pezizales. Macroscopic and microscopic features of the new species are illustrated by colour photographs and drawings, and are compared to those of the other species of bryophilous Pezizales similarly growing on pleurocarpous mosses.
Lamprospora angularis sp. nov. is described and illustrated from finds in four different Tenerifan localities. The new species is characterised by a combination of the following features: orange to reddish-orange apothecia with a conspicuous fimbriate to shaggy margin, globose ascospores with distinctive regular areolate ornamentation, and infection of the rhizoids of its bryophyte host Campylopus pilifer. Phylogenetic analysis of SSu, LSu and EF1-α gene sequences show that the studied collections of this species form a well-supported monophyletic clade and clearly differ from all other sequenced species of bryophilous Pezizales. Comparisons have been made with similar members of Lamprospora that infect species of Campylopus, namely L. australis, L. campylopodis and L. verrucispora.
Lamprospora bulbiformis M.Vega & Janošík, sp. nov., L. gibbosa M.Vega & Janošík, sp. nov. and L. thelespora Martínez-Gil, M.Vega & E.Rubio, sp. nov. are described and illustrated based on live collections from Cyprus, France, Portugal and Spain. Phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated LSU, SSU and EF1-α gene sequences show the studied collections of the three species form well supported monophyletic clades. Lamprospora bulbiformis sp. nov. infects Fissidens viridulus (Sw. ex anon.) Wahlenb., L. gibbosa sp. nov. has F. crassipes Wilson ex Bruch & Schimp. as host and L. the- lespora sp. nov. grows on Cheilothela chloropus (Brid.) Broth. Three Lamprospora De Not. species namely L. tuberculata Seaver, L. tuberculatella Seaver and L. spinulosa Seaver with a slightly similar ascospore ornamentation were described by Seaver from US collections. Results of our studies of their types and additional material collected by Seaver are presented. The host of L. tuberculata is Pleuridium subulatum (Hedw.) Rabenh., that of L. tuberculatella is a species of Weissia Hedw. and that of L. spinulosa is Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. It has yet to be proven that species of Lamprospora described from North America also occur in Europe. European collections assigned to any Lamprospora described from North America require revision. It is not unlikely that many or even all of them represent taxa yet to be described. A considerable part of existing literature on bryophilous Pezizales needs to be reevaluated.
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In relation with the inventory work of the Andalusian fungi, some information, descriptions and taxonomic comments of 11 interesting species of ascomycetes are given. Species were neither previously referred in the available bibliography nor in the Andalusian fungal inventory.
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Comparative analysis of molecular sequence data is essential for reconstructing the evolutionary histories of species and inferring the nature and extent of selective forces shaping the evolution of genes and species. Here, we announce the release of Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 5 (MEGA5), which is a user-friendly software for mining online databases, building sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees, and using methods of evolutionary bioinformatics in basic biology, biomedicine, and evolution. The newest addition in MEGA5 is a collection of maximum likelihood (ML) analyses for inferring evolutionary trees, selecting best-fit substitution models (nucleotide or amino acid), inferring ancestral states and sequences (along with probabilities), and estimating evolutionary rates site-by-site. In computer simulation analyses, ML tree inference algorithms in MEGA5 compared favorably with other software packages in terms of computational efficiency and the accuracy of the estimates of phylogenetic trees, substitution parameters, and rate variation among sites. The MEGA user interface has now been enhanced to be activity driven to make it easier for the use of both beginners and experienced scientists. This version of MEGA is intended for the Windows platform, and it has been configured for effective use on Mac OS X and Linux desktops. It is available free of charge from
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MrBayes 3 performs Bayesian phylogenetic analysis combining information from different data partitions or subsets evolving under different stochastic evolutionary models. This allows the user to analyze heterogeneous data sets consisting of different data types—e.g. morphological, nucleotide, and protein—and to explore a wide variety of structured models mixing partition-unique and shared parameters. The program employs MPI to parallelize Metropolis coupling on Macintosh or UNIX clusters. Availability: Contact: * To whom correspondence should be addressed.
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Unlabelled: RAxML-VI-HPC (randomized axelerated maximum likelihood for high performance computing) is a sequential and parallel program for inference of large phylogenies with maximum likelihood (ML). Low-level technical optimizations, a modification of the search algorithm, and the use of the GTR+CAT approximation as replacement for GTR+Gamma yield a program that is between 2.7 and 52 times faster than the previous version of RAxML. A large-scale performance comparison with GARLI, PHYML, IQPNNI and MrBayes on real data containing 1000 up to 6722 taxa shows that RAxML requires at least 5.6 times less main memory and yields better trees in similar times than the best competing program (GARLI) on datasets up to 2500 taxa. On datasets > or =4000 taxa it also runs 2-3 times faster than GARLI. RAxML has been parallelized with MPI to conduct parallel multiple bootstraps and inferences on distinct starting trees. The program has been used to compute ML trees on two of the largest alignments to date containing 25,057 (1463 bp) and 2182 (51,089 bp) taxa, respectively. Availability:
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
Pyronemataceae is the largest and most heterogeneous family of Pezizomycetes. It is morphologically and ecologically highly divers, comprising saprobic, ectomycorrhizal, bryosymbiotic and parasitic species, occurring in a broad range of habitats (on soil, burnt ground, debris, wood, dung and inside living bryophytes, plants and lichens). To assess the monophyly of Pyronemataceae and provide a phylogenetic hypothesis of the group, we compiled a four-gene dataset including one nuclear ribosomal and three protein-coding genes for 132 distinct Pezizomycetes species (4437 nucleotides with all markers available for 80% of the total 142 included taxa). This is the most comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Pyronemataceae, and Pezizomycetes, to date. Three hundred ninety-four new sequences were generated during this project, with the following numbers for each gene: RPB1 (124), RPB2 (99), EF-1α (120) and LSU rDNA (51). The dataset includes 93 unique species from 40 genera of Pyronemataceae, and 34 species from 25 genera representing an additional 12 families of the class. Parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses suggest that Pyronemataceae is paraphyletic due to the nesting of both Ascodesmidaceae and Glaziellaceae within the family. Four lineages with taxa currently classified in the family, the Boubovia, Geopyxis, Pseudombrophila and Pulvinula lineages, form a monophyletic group with Ascodemidaceae and Glaziellaceae. We advocate the exclusion of these four lineages in order to recognize a monophyletic Pyronemataceae. The genus Coprotus (Thelebolales, Leotiomycetes) is shown to belong to Pezizomycetes, forming a strongly supported monophyletic group with Boubovia. Ten strongly supported lineages are identified within Pyronemataceae s. str. Of these, the Pyropyxis and Otidea lineages are identified as successive sister lineages to the rest of Pyronemataceae s. str. The highly reduced (gymnohymenial) Monascella is shown to belong to Pezizomycetes and is for the first time suggested to be closely related to the cleistothecial Warcupia, as a sister group to the primarily apothecial Otidea. None of the lineages of pyronemataceous taxa identified here correspond to previous families or subfamily classifications. Ancestral character state reconstructions (ASR) using a Bayesian approach support that the ancestors of Pezizomycetes and Pyronemataceae were soil inhabiting and saprobic. Ectomycorrhizae have arisen within both lineages A, B and C of Pezizomycetes and are suggested to have evolved independently seven to eight times within Pyronemataceae s.l., whereas an obligate bryosymbiotic lifestyle has arisen only twice. No reversals to a free-living, saprobic lifestyle have happened from symbiotic or parasitic Pyronemataceae. Specializations to various substrates (e.g. burnt ground and dung) are suggested to have occurred several times in mainly saprobic lineages. Although carotenoids in the apothecia are shown to have arisen at least four times in Pezizomycetes, the ancestor of Pyronemataceae s. str., excluding the Pyropyxis and Otidea lineages, most likely produced carotenoids, which were then subsequently lost in some clades (- and possibly gained again). Excipular hairs were found with a high probability to be absent from apothecia in the deepest nodes of Pezizomycetes and in the ancestor of Pyronemataceae s. str. True hairs are restricted to the core group of Pyronemataceae s. str., but are also found in Lasiobolus (Ascodesmidaceae), the Pseudombrophila lineage and the clade of Chorioactidaceae, Sarcoscyphaceae and Sarcosomataceae. The number of gains and losses of true hairs within Pyronemataceae s.str., however, remains uncertain. The ASR of ascospore guttulation under binary coding (present or absent) indicates that this character is fast evolving and prone to shifts.
Partial sequences of nuLSU rDNA were obtained to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of Pyronemataceae, the largest and least studied family of Pezizales. The dataset includes sequences for 162 species from 51 genera of Pyronemataceae, and 39 species from an additional 13 families of Pezizales. Parsimony, ML, and Bayesian analyses suggest that Pyronemataceae is not monophyletic as it is currently circumscribed. Ascodesmidaceae is nested within Pyronemataceae, and several pyronemataceous taxa are resolved outside the family. Glaziellaceae forms the sister group to Pyronemataceae in ML analyses, but this relationship, as well as those of Pyronemataceae to the other members of the lineage, are not resolved with support. Fourteen clades of pyronemataceous taxa are well supported and/or present in all recovered trees. Several pyronemataceous genera are suggested to be non-monophyletic, including Anthracobia, Cheilymenia, Geopyxis, Humaria, Lasiobolidium, Neottiella, Octospora, Pulvinula, Stephensia, Tricharina, and Trichophaea. Cleistothecial and truffle or truffle-like ascomata forms appear to have evolved independently multiple times within Pyronemataceae. Results of these analyses do not support previous classifications of Pyronemataceae, and suggest that morphological characters traditionally used to segregate the family into subfamilial groups are not phylogenetically informative above the genus level.