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An E-Supervision System in Education Environments


Abstract and Figures

The appropriate and successful integration of technologies into learning environment over the pervious ten years period has left great gab between the amount of technology available and the support for teachers. As we know, the capacitor supervision very important exactly in primitive interval for the beginning teachers and must be in convergent periods of time. In other hand, the forerunner teachers also need to integrating technologies in their occupational framework to decrease gab between teachers and the using of technologies. From this point of view, we consider a more effective way to establish a convenient way of communication between teachers and their supervisors by building an electronic-supervision system (E-Supervision). The E-Supervision process aimed to creating an educational collaboration environment between supervisors and teachers which include acquiring more skills, experiences, attitudes, and teaching strategies and others. In the other side, it aims to give the supervisors reachness, continuous and open support to their teachers which will relieve their task stress and less daily time through communicating with teachers through E-Supervision system. The purpose of this study is to design an electronic supervision system (E-Supervision) environment to assist the professional development for the supervision process, which aim to design the main frontage of E-Supervision system (ESS) and to connect educators on the topic of elementary of the teaching development. We believe the ESS will increase positive communications and interaction between educators and it will form an integrated information management system for the learning and teaching processes.
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An E-Supervision System in Education Environments
Hanadi Omar Merdah
The Faculty of Computing
Department of Computer Science
Um UlQura University
Msc Student
The appropriate and successful integration of technologies into learning environment over the
pervious ten years period has left great gab between the amount of technology available and the support for
teachers. As we know, the capacitor supervision very important exactly in primitive interval for the
beginning teachers and must be in convergent periods of time. In other hand, the forerunner teachers also need
to integrating technologies in their occupational framework to decrease gab between teachers and the using of
technologies. From this point of view, we consider a more effective way to establish a convenient way of
communication between teachers and their supervisors by building an electronic-supervision system (E-
The E-Supervision process aimed to creating an educational collaboration environment between
supervisors and teachers which include acquiring more skills, experiences, attitudes, and teaching strategies
and others. In the other side, it aims to give the supervisors reachness, continuous and open support to their
teachers which will relieve their task stress and less daily time through communicating with teachers through
E-Supervision system.
The purpose of this study is to design an electronic supervision system (E-Supervision) environment
to assist the professional development for the supervision process, which aim to design the main frontage of
E-Supervision system (ESS) and to connect educators on the topic of elementary of the teaching development.
We believe the ESS will increase positive communications and interaction between educators and it will form
an integrated information management system for the learning and teaching processes.
The general components for any e-system are communication type, feedback evaluation,
technologies based, appropriate software, effective environments, and networking. Despite of
existence of several technologies in computer world, web-based and Internet-based are forth-going
and most appealing; hence they are generally used for many e-systems. Within any e-system,
collection of appropriate tools is being developed that allow e-system to take place quite effectively
in an environment and support the components and technologies.
In this paper we discuss the design of E-Supervision system that cab be used in education
environment. The E-Supervision model appears to be a natural complement to the increasing use of
distance learning technologies and support the learning process currently available. We believe that
the future of education, not only within continuing education, will more and more be reliant on
web-based, on-line educational material. In order to continue developing electronic education and
learning, we must first know about all of the supervision process. The key components of the
electronic educational environments: interactive materials, digital resources including libraries,
course and student management. Certainly, in our E-Supervision model we have more key
components that include teacher and supervisor management, appropriate software, and feedback
E-Supervision system, in its simplifying version, is a web-based system using multi-agents
technologies with client/server approach to access and receive information from databases to
helping supervisors to achieving their work. It will facilitate many issues of working such as reduce
visiting to schools, increase time to do administrative works, easy access all information about
teachers and increase communications to teachers and others issues. In the following we illustrate
some environments which applied e-systems such as E-Learning, E-Government and E-
Supervision. Then we will discuss some important components and models using in E-Supervision,
the Hierarchical scheme of Administrative Supervision System (HASS), the Education Supervising
Model (ESM), generic Electronic Education System Model (EES), and generic Electronic
Supervision System Model (ESS).
a. Definition and Benefits
Supervision is defined as collection of the elements of direction, guidance, oversight and coordination
of the activities of the trainees. “It is a process of advice, information and learning for social work. Learning
means applied learning as well as cognitive learning. Normally the process takes place face to face[5].
E-Supervision offers a way of a person's supervisor to supervise that person at geographically distant
sites. Particularly in education it also provides an opportunity for enhanced collaboration between the
supervisors, head-teachers, and teachers.
E-Supervision systems include the follows benefits for users:
! Simplicity E-Supervision is a simple and straightforward process for those who are familiar with
Internet interaction tools and who have good typing skills.
! Convenience supervision is done in the comfort of one’s home or office. No travel is involved.
! Ease of expression some issues are easier to express online as opposed to face-to-face.
! The potential to be both time-and cost-effective in addition of reduced costs in accessing and
using a lot of supervision and reduced travel expenses, substantial time savings that result in
increased supervisor productivity may be realized. Because the supervisor can schedule multiple
teacher supervisory sessions per day. With the ability to supervise from his or her office, the
supervisor can make efficient use of the time when he or she is not directly supervising [1].
! Quick and continuous access to information. It is easier for supervisors, teachers, and other
employees to check on multiples information at the click of a button [2].
! Better management. E-Supervision facilities speed up supervision cycle and increase the
efficiency of these processes, as large variety of information management [2].
! Individual time in communication. Everybody takes as much time as necessary to work out the
questions, to write about problems and to give or to reflect feedback [5]”.
b. E-Supervision System Motivation
The supervisors should know all problems and difficulties confront of teachers then find the solutions or
advices continually and accessibly. In other side , daily supervisors lose a lot of her/his time, effort, and cost to
do supervision in her/his regions that because she/he usually do visiting to schools in her/his region up to three-
four times over academic year in the general mean. All office works of supervisor are canceling in that day
which she/he do supervision in it. In addition, by this way, the supervision process increases overcrowding of
traffic in city from time to other. However, the Internet and computer technologies always use to solve problems
of losing time, effort, and cost besides help to simplify several processes in effective manner such as supervision
process. We consider the E-Supervision will reduce all values in order to be half of before. Further more, if E-
Supervision system will be general in all regions of kingdom, the educational system would be monotheist,
integrated, most effective, and strongest than before.
c. Supervision Business Process
The supervision system process is the collaboration working among several educators in education situation
that is to increase the affectivity, performance, and competency of educational process level. The supervision
business process is described below.
1. The system of supervision consists of several elements:
(i) Supervision with induction to the collaboration working and giving professional knowledge, skills, and
attitudes to supervisors and teachers.
(ii) Assessing, performance management, training, and development the competence and performance of the
supervisors and teachers to undertake the specified task. Withal the supervising, review for teachers.
(iii) Putting the plans, suggestions, observations and strategies for curriculums, teaching and supervision
2. The Hierarchical scheme of Administrative Supervision System (HASS)
Ministry of girl's education has consisted of two main departments in its supervision system that are an
administrative department and an occupational or functional department. The hierarchical scheme for the
Administrative Supervision System of shown in Figure1, we use the last three-level. In next sub-section we
give the responsibilities for them which describe the occupational approach.
Manager of Supervision Center
School -j
School -3
School -2
Figure1: The Hierarchical scheme of Administrative Supervision System (HASS)
3. Roles and Responsibilities:
(i) The Head-teacher
The head-teacher has the statutory duty of deploying and managing all non teaching staff and allocating
particular duties to them in a manner consistent with their conditions of employment.
Establishing the strategic operational framework, ensure its consistent application across the school and
monitor outcomes and standards and allocate responsibilities for its operation across the school.
Ensuring that teachers have sufficient time allocated to undertake the system of supervision of
supervisors [6].
Attendance to teacher class and observing progress of teachers then writing report about them.
Assessment with several supervisors the performance of teachers during semesters at their school each
one in her/his department.
Meeting with supervisors to address several issues include teacher’s assessment, solving many problems,
and knowing the regenerating of other issues.
(ii) The Supervisors
Must be subject to the direction, supporting and supervision of a teacher.
Having the skill expertise and experience to carry out the specified work.
Visiting to a school and briefing of visiting then writing report of it.
Assisting teacher to progress in preparing the teaching materials, skills, performance, and etc.
Determine the frequency, timing and duration of planning meetings and advice when reviews are
appropriate and when the teacher's presence in the classroom is necessary.
Assessment with head-teacher the performance of teachers during semesters at their school each one in
her/his department.
Meeting with head-teacher to addressing several issues include teacher’s assessment, solving many
problems, and knowing the regenerating of other issues.
Making different training and workshops for teachers to develop the teaching performance during
Gathering information by doing interviews in the supervision centers in Jeddah and Makkah and by visit
websites of Ministry of Education
(iii) The Teachers
Planning and Preparing Lessons and delivery lessons to students.
Assessing the development, progress and attainment of students then reporting them.
Using and producing several teaching technical tools then participation in different activities.
Managing the class, supporting skills, appraising other teachers or extra curricula activities.
Responsible for the progress of the students in the class over the course of the academic year [6].
4. The Educational Supervising Model (ESM)
In this study, we have proposed an ESM in a supervision environment include teachers, supervisors and
head-teachers are essential components. The three parts connect firmly, interact closely and keep the core
supervising performance growing. In figure2, the ESM providing an integrated form shows that supervising
environment and relationship of the supervisorteacher-head-teacher relationship how connected together.
Connecting to
Attending to
Motivating &
Producing New
Using Teaching
Employing Tools
objectives of
Success in
Giving &
Managing the
objectives of
Giving Skills
& Experiences
Activities &
Making trainings
& Meetings
Observing the
Editing Profile
Editing Profile
Observing the
Attending to the
Giving Helping
Teaching Table
Making the
Attending to the
Figure 2: The Educational Supervising Model
d. E-Supervision on top of E-Learning
Information and communication technology (ICT) innovations created a new dimension of learning which
supply several tools and technologies. In particular, for educators, it can make explicit particular aspects of activity
so that they can be learned, recorded, discussed and evaluated. Many institutions of education are trying to integrate
new technologies of information and communications into current curricula or to develop new paradigms for
learning. The E-Learning is one of new stage of education which using e-mail, chat, website, video-conferencing,
and others technologies to enhancing and facilitating learning for students. As students, teachers need to necessary
and important task call supervision which is they acquire professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The broad
meaning of educational teaching include visiting, trial teaching, teaching practice, guidance personal teaching, and
administrative learning. Also, E-Supervision is new stage of educational teaching which using e-mail, chat, website,
video-conferencing, and others technologies to enhancing educational teaching process.
The E-Learning and E-Supervision are using the same technologies tools to establishing and performing so
we consider they have similar mechanism process but downright they differ in the business process to working them.
Accordingly, we have built our E-Supervision model level on the top of E-Learning model level as it show in the
following figure3:
Internet Communication Technologies
Internet Communication Technologies
Supervising Environment
E-Supervising Environment
Online Teacher
Learning Environment
E-Learning Environment
Our Topic
e. The Proposed E-Supervision System Architecture (ESS)
In Figure4, the system Architecture is divided into two areas: client and server. In the client area the system
contains individual interface to all end users including teachers, supervisors and Head-teachers. In the server
area the system is divided into three major components: web server, E-Supervision environment with portfolio
supervision system, and MS SQL server 2000.
Web Server
User Profile
Web Log
Instr. & Inter
Log Agent
Portfolio Supervision
E-Supervision Environment
Ms SQL-Server
Figure 4: The E-Supervision System Architecture (ESS)
1. The Functionality of the E-Supervision System Components
a. The web server accepts requests from the end-user and sends the requested message. To completely record
teachers, supervisors, and head-teachers act performed by the web server, it contains a set of ASP
programs. The ASP program contains interaction agent, instruction agent, information agent, guidance
agent, supervision agent and log agent.
b. The Interaction Agent is as opinion exchange platform among teachers, supervisors, and head-teachers. It
includes some interaction technologies such as e-mail, messenger, video-conferencing, and chat-room.
c. The Information Agent is process and gives the latest information through the whole users. It includes new
announcement and handles in school activities, training, spins, and workshop and so on. Also, it
cooperates with supervision agent to provide the complete final assessment for users.
Figure 3: components of E-Learning and e-supervision Environments
d. The Instruction Agent is epitome supervision manage system (SMS) which including search services,
sequence services, content manage services, content providing services, content search services, profile
manage services, profile search services, and so on.
e. The Supervision Agent is setup the standards observes and assess the teacher’s performance in the
teaching either on-line or on-visiting supervising. It gives multi-dimension measures to help supervisors to
effective figure out the performance. On-line supervising gives the teacher’s behavior performance in
instruction agent. On-visiting supervising figure out the performance grade on school.
f. The Guidance Agent is epitome guidance manage system (GMS) which include guide and plan teachers to
specific schools, guide teachers to select specific strategies to teaching, how to design standard teaching
materials, guide supervisors to appropriate schools which be as their intentions, and it searches and
provides all services about schools, tools, courses, and forms.
g. The Log Agent is automatically record the frequencies and time consuming into log database, also record,
trace, and analyze all activities and access information on web sites. Therefore, the on-line behavior
automatically recorded by log agent which is given the on-line supervising through portfolio.
h. The Portfolio Supervision System ”Portfolio Instrument” can be defined as the constructive instrument of
assessment to evaluate the teaching portfolio which systematically includes teaching plans, written and
oral reports, student assignments, teaching dairies, student counseling records, and students’ grades. It
belongs to qualitative assessment for evaluating teacher performance so that teachers collect and integrate
personal portfolio of teaching activities in intern on a long-term basis.
The assessment method of portfolio which called Topic Maps of E-Portfolio System as in [7] is
shown in Figure 5, the teachers pick out pieces of work that they want to be evaluated by, and collect those
in a folder, either physical or digital. The portfolio can be content finished work, sketches, reflections,
responses from supervisors.
Figure 5: The Portfolio Assessment method
In our research, there are two categories: the first is traditional supervision subsystem (On-visiting
Supervision), supervisors observe, guide, develop, trace, and record all activities, progress, and performance
of teacher through many visits to the school so that it gives him/her a qualitative and quantitative data
according. The second is On-line Supervision, which gives only quantitative assessment, is recording
automatically all teachers' activities by log agent that account towards assessing his /her teaching abilities.
The information inside web logs is collected from recording, tracking, and analyzing all of activities in ESS
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the design and requirements for building electronic supervision
by applying principles found in E-learning to increase interaction between teachers and supervisors. The main
goal of this research is:
"To build an E-Supervision system that helps supervisors and teachers to communicate easily and
efficiently in their work and to laid down the foundation toward a fully integrated management
information system for the educational environment"
Accordingly, to achieve that goal, the objectives of this proposal would be:
1- Analyzing the requirements of E-Supervision system and design a general framework model.
2- Designing the main frontage of E-Supervision system and related system elements.
3- Identifying problems and difficulties that E-Supervision systems can solve.
4- Designing and Building multi-agents with client/server subsystem framework.
5- Implementing a system model as a proof the concept in case study.
In order to achieve our objectives of this proposal, we will follow the methodology that is outlined below:
Demonstrate the necessary information about current traditional supervision system applied in girl education
by interviews, web-sites, and referencing books or sheets to define the problems.
Building the necessary background, and environment of the system.
Analyze the requirements of our system to be carried out.
Design Use-case model for each actor in the system in order to design general model of the system.
Designing general framework of the system then design the main frontage of E-Supervision system.
Implement the system model as well as defining the limitations and the outcomes.
We consider the E-Supervision System will be integrated helpful, supportable, servable system to both
supervisors and teachers to achieve their works in complete manner. Withal, we believe E-Supervision System
reduce the time, cost, effort, and potentials which are needed in supervision processes. With that we access to
good performance to our main purpose of this study. E-Supervision System achieve a many of well done
communications, a lot of technologies and facilities, and access to effective goals of educational process. We
can say it will be large integrating information system particularly for educators on the level of the region.
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Öğretmenler ve okul yöneticileri sürdürdükleri eğitim-öğretim ve yönetim faaliyetlerinin Türk Millî Eğitim Sisteminin, ilgili kademenin, ilgili kurumun ve ilgili dersin amaçlarına uygun olup olmadığı noktasında sürekli olarak denetleme faaliyetlerine ihtiyaç duyarlar. Bu nedenle denetimi kamu yararı adına gerçekleştirilen ve süreçleri sürekli geliştirmesi beklenen bir süreç olarak görmek faydalı olacaktır. Aynı zamanda denetim yönetim süreçlerinden değerlendirmenin bir aracı olarak da görülebilir. Bu nedenle bir örgütte benimsenen yönetim anlayışı ile denetim anlayışı arasında bir paralellik bulunmaktadır. Eğitim denetiminin amacı ise okullarda sürdürülen eğitim, öğretim ve yönetim faaliyetlerinin özüne, amacına uygun uygulamaları ve süreçleri desteklemek ve ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu bölümde eğitim denetiminin okullarda çoğunlukla uygulanan ders denetimi ve kurum denetimi çeşitleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Eğitim-öğretim süreçlerini sürekli geliştirmesi beklenen denetim faaliyetlerini yerine getiren okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerin birtakım yeterliklere ve rollere sahip olması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada öğretmenlerin ve okul yöneticilerinin okul ve sınıf yönetiminde liderlik, rehberlik ve öğreticilik, yöneticilik, soruşturma, proaktiflik ve dijital olma üzerinde durulmuştur.
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As a result of rapid globalisation, there have been some fundamental changes in education due to the rapid changes in knowledge, concepts, technology, and philosophy. COVID-19 has had devastating effects on the education sector. In Nigerian schools, supervisors, teachers, and students have always been required to interact face-to-face before this pandemic. This has led to using electronic facilities to carry out the instruction. Since supervision of instruction plays a vital role in the effective learning outcome. The study, therefore, seeks to investigate the availability and utilisation of electronic supervision of the instruction facilities after the COVID-19 era. A survey design was used to describe the state of e-supervision of instruction using a random sampling technique to select 226 participants from private secondary schools in Education District III, Lagos State. Descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted to establish the availability and utilisation of e-supervision instructions in the post-COVID-19 era. Most of the samples studied (principals, vice-principals, and teachers) demonstrated high levels of access to various tools (both synchronous and asynchronous) used for e-supervision. Effective supervision of teaching and learning will certainly occur in schools with the availability of these tools since COVID-19 has taught teachers how to continue their professions without being hindered by the surge in technology. Keywords: Asynchronous, E-supervision facilities, Instruction, Post-COVID-19, Synchronous
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As a result of rapid globalisation, there have been some fundamental changes in education due to the rapid changes in knowledge, concepts, technology, and philosophy. COVID-19 has had devastating effects on the education sector. In Nigerian schools, supervisors, teachers, and students have always been required to interact face-to-face before this pandemic. This has led to using electronic facilities to carry out the instruction. Since supervision of instruction plays a vital role in the effective learning outcome. The study, therefore, seeks to investigate the availability and utilisation of electronic supervision of the instruction facilities after the COVID-19 era. A survey design was used to describe the state of e-supervision of instruction using a random sampling technique to select 226 participants from private secondary schools in Education District III, Lagos State. Descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted to establish the availability and utilisation of e-supervision instructions in the post-COVID-19 era. Most of the samples studied (principals, vice-principals, and teachers) demonstrated high levels of access to various tools (both synchronous and asynchronous) used for e-supervision. Effective supervision of teaching and learning will certainly occur in schools with the availability of these tools since COVID-19 has taught teachers how to continue their professions without being hindered by the surge in technology.
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Research is an aspect of the academic programme which students in tertiary educational institutions are expected to undergo. It involves identification, investigation and suggestion of solutions to societal developmental problems. Higher education students in open and distance learning institutions and centers make use of print and electronic media in knowledge and skill acquisition with minimal physical contact. Their research activities are also electronically supervised. This paper examines prospects and challenges of using electronic method of research project supervision in Nigeria. It also discusses the roles of a supervisor in assisting distance learners to achieve the objectives of conducting an academic research. More funding of ICT education for lecturers and students, Public and Private Partnership (PPP) for the provision of facilities among others were recommended by this study to ameliorate the challenges of E-supervision in Nigerian higher institutions.
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In this paper, we document the case of a virtual/remote graduate student supervision the author carried out at the Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia from the US over a period of two years. The theses of three engineering and two computer science students at the MS level were successfully supervised in this period. At one point, this virtual supervision of students at the computer science department of Addis Ababa University (AAU) by external faculty at the US had accounted to almost one-third of the supervised MS theses in the whole department. Lessons on the adoption of similar collaborations between US universities and overseas universities is also investigated and reported
This article discusses the growing trend toward cooperative models of and new approaches to student teaching supervision in the United States. Although 78% of US teachers train in traditional 4-year programmes, new models are emerging to replace the traditional triad supervision format. The article explores these models through a study of some US university approaches to supervision, ways of enhancing partnerships between schools and universities, and ways of improving teacher supervision with an ancillary benefit of increasing recruitment. Teacher supervision and preparation approaches in the USA are growing toward more cooperative models between school districts and universities, with school districts offering their own in-house training and coaching models based on professional development schools. Research indicates that teacher preparation methods are slowly changing, as schools and universities realise that successful alternatives to traditional teacher preparation exist, especially in the light of the need for 2 million teachers in the United States over the next decade. Longitudinal studies and closer examinations of alternative teacher preparation will be required to assess practices and suggest improvements. While most teacher education programmes remain wedded to the traditional triad preparation and supervisory model, increasing numbers investigate ways to turn out quality teachers in record numbers. Cooperation, coaching and collaboration, along with sharing of resources, strategies and best practices represent the changing face of teacher supervision and training in the United States.
The Teacher Education Law states that a certified teacher has to complete one-year teaching internship after graduating from the university. Evaluating pre-service teachers of living technology at junior high schools and selecting the evaluation norms are urgent issues for educators. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop a Portfolio Instrument, along with a user's manual, and establish its validity and reliability, as discussed in this study. The methodology for this study included a literature review, a nominal group discussion, a panel discussion, formal evaluation, and questionnaires. The nominal group began this study by developing the content of the instrument. The draft of the instrument was made, tested, and then revised by the researchers. Finally, the draft was thoroughly revised by a panel of six experts to establish the validity of the instrument. A committee of five senior teachers and a professor of living technology was formed to evaluate five technology teachers. The reliability (Cronbach£\Coefficient of Internal Unanimity and the Kendall Coefficient of Concordance) of the instrument was high. The questionnaires were then field-tested to investigate the responses to the usage of the instruments. Finally, conclusions and suggestions are provided based on the obtained results.
The purpose of this study was to create a distance supervision environment: Distance Supervision Hot Line (DSHL) through computer internet systems to assist the professional development of student teachers. The research group consisted of two supervisors (professors at a Teachers College) and 36 student teachers. The main tasks of this study were to design the homepage of DSHL and to communicate with each other on the topic of elementary science teaching. DSHL was designed by student teachers themselves. It consisted of seven sections: overview of research, research group, bulletin, my reflection, teaching resources, teaching difficulties and meeting in the air. The results indicated that student teachers easily relieved their task stress by voicing their "my reflection" and learned different strategies through watching "teaching difficulties" and talking in the office of "meeting in the air". Particularly, all of the student teachers indicated DSHL would increase the frequency of interactions among supervisors and them. This study provided teacher educators to promote the effectiveness of supervision through a daily-life technological product-World Wide Web (WWW). (Author)
Children’s academic performance and social competence in school is positively associated with parent involvement. However, the researches about educational learning models often ignore the parent part. Moreover, Internet forms a new paradigm, education and communication approach is more complicated than ever. In this paper, we would like to introduce an Education Wheel model (EWM) which includes students, teachers and parents in the education environment. Under EWM framework, we design an E-Homebook System (EHS) with agents which provide a teacher–parent–student communication interface through Internet. The EHS comprises intelligent agents: interaction agent, instruction agent, information agent, evaluation agent and log agent. The agents manage a learning portfolio conception, observe and record students’ e-learning behavior through the web log, and provide teachers a reference of portfolio information. The agents adopt a trigger function to analyze the students’ learning behavior from Internet as well as from classroom, evaluate overall performance, then send an e-mail message automatically to the teachers and parents to guide and assist the students who need to revise their learning attitude. Similarly, the agents will record parents’ participation portfolio, then teachers may draft better communication strategy. The EHS provides a better communication role between students–parents–teachers, implements an integrated performance measurement method, and conducts a better teaching strategy support interface for elementary education.
The growth and advancement in the Internet and the World Wide Web has led to an explosion in the amount of available information. This staggering amount of information has made it extremely difficult for users to locate and retrieve information that is actually relevant to their task at hand. Dealing with this problem of “information overload” will need tools to customize the information space. In this paper we present MASACAD, a multi-agent system that learns to advise students by mining the Web and discuss important problems in relationship to information customization systems and smooth the way for possible solutions. The main idea is to approach information customization using a multi-agent paradigm in combination with a number of aspects from the domains of machine learning, user modeling, and Web mining.
The new information technology is becoming an important factor in the future development of financial services industry, and especially banking industry. Banks are faced with a number of important questions, for examples how to take full advantage of new technology opportunities, how e-developments change the ways customers interact with the financial services provider, etc. In paper author analyzes the main criteria for successful internet-bank strategy and brings out benefits of e-banking from the point of view of banks, their clients and the economy in general. Author argues that Estonia has achieved significant success in the implementation of electronic banking; it is on the top of the emerging markets in this area and even outpaces the achievements of some developed countries. This progress is not coincidence; it has external and also subjective reasons. In paper, author tries to analyze the main reasons and factors responsible for the rapid growth of electronic banking in Estonia. In order to achieve this goal banks use a wide variety of measures, such as price concessions, sales of bank-service packages as well as offering additional non-banking services. Also some possible future trends for e-banking development in Estonia are discussed. The last e-banking development was mobile phone banking (m-banking), which allows paying for goods and services by mobile phone and was implemented in 2002.
  • Thomas D Watkins
Model System of Supervision for Support Staff and Teaching Assistants undertaking specified teaching work
  • Lea System Supervision
LEA System Supervision, 2005, " Model System of Supervision for Support Staff and Teaching Assistants undertaking specified teaching work ", THURROCK COUNCIL
BrainBank Learning – a Topic Maps Eportfolio system for Meaningful Learnin
  • L Rniningsbak
  • O Stranda
  • J R Meløy
  • S Lavik
  • T W Nordeng
Rniningsbak. L., Stranda, O., Meløy, J.R., Lavik, S., Nordeng, T.W., 2006, " BrainBank Learning – a Topic Maps Eportfolio system for Meaningful Learnin