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Tourism destination image: Reflexão sobre as principais investigações internacionais


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O fenómeno turístico tem vindo a crescer nas últimas décadas, eclodindo também a quantidade de destinos turísticos e, por consequência, a competitividade entre eles que procuram a todo o custo diferenciar-se dos demais. Logo, com a quantidade disponível de destinos turísticos, nunca antes, foi tão importante o desenvolvimento do branding e sobretudo, do brand image. Criar estratégias eficientes para posicionar e comunicar os atributos dum destino turístico é ambição de qualquer destino, e para tal, é imprescindível a compreensão da Tourism Destination Image. Assim, esta comunicação procura reflectir sobre o conceito da imagem do destino turístico à luz das principais investigações internacionais.
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... Quando se fala em gerir territórios como produtos de marketing é preciso lembrar que as estratégias posicionam e comunicam os atributos dos lugares no intuito de se transformar em marcas (SCOTT;SCHEWL;FREDERICK, 1978;BREA;CARDOSO, 2011). Desta forma, cria-se uma relação sinergética com os públicos -interno e externo -para gerar desenvolvimento para um mesmo lugar. ...
... Quando se fala em gerir territórios como produtos de marketing é preciso lembrar que as estratégias posicionam e comunicam os atributos dos lugares no intuito de se transformar em marcas (SCOTT;SCHEWL;FREDERICK, 1978;BREA;CARDOSO, 2011). Desta forma, cria-se uma relação sinergética com os públicos -interno e externo -para gerar desenvolvimento para um mesmo lugar. ...
... Criar uma marca vinculada a um território pressupõe trabalhar com estratégias do mercado de consumo de produtos adaptadas que moldam, articulam e dão sentido e significado a toda a complexidade quando se refere a construir uma identidade, imagem ou (re)posicionamento de um lugar (KOTLER, 1999;(SCOTT;SCHEWL;FREDERICK, 1978;BREA;CARDOSO, 2011). Ainda há que se lidar com objetivos direcionados a públicos diversos, tanto interno quanto externo, atração de turistas, investidores, exportação de produtos locais, potencialidades locais, oportunidades externas, dentre outras, reforçando inclusive o pertencimento àquele território (HALL, 2001). ...
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The debate on brands linked to places and their relationship with territorial development encompasses the discussion on the positioning of territories as market products and the use of marketing and branding strategies to generate development opportunities, emphasizing the role of the territory, the set of social actors, local identities and potentialities and external opportunities. The discussion mobilizes concepts of territory and branding, taking for analysis the case of the brand of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The goal is to understand the construction territorial brand. The study is qualitative, using bibliographic and documentary research. The analysis comes from Aaker’s proposal that focuses on three moments to build a brand. The results pointed to a brand that focuses on the official identity of the state and addressed two distinct audiences, articulating territorial development through collective actions of the state and the private sector of tourism with purposes for economic development and tourism, and maintenance of the hegemonic identity of Rio Grande do Sul.
... Neste contexto, temas como destination branding, destination image e brand image têm vindo a evidenciar-se nos estudos do turismo (Galí, Camprubí, & Donaire, 2017), tornando-se fundamentais para a competitividade (García, Gómez, & Molina, 2012) e diferenciação dos destinos (Hallmann, Zehrer, & Müller, 2015). O desafio é trabalhar para a criação de uma imagem forte, positiva e única (Brea & Cardoso, 2011). Perante este contexto, é essencial que os gestores do destino conheçam a imagem que este tem perante o seu público alvo (Martín-Santana, Beerli-Palacio, & Nazzareno, 2017;Stepchenkova & Morrison, 2008). ...
... Quando comparado ao branding dos produtos e serviços, a aplicação das estratégias de branding para as regiões, encontra-se na fase da infância (Brea & Cardoso, 2011). ...
... Portanto, quando relacionado com os destinos turísticos, o branding é fundamental para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento de destination brands . Consequentemente, o destination branding pode ser visto como um mix de elementos diferenciadores (Stepchenkova & Li, 2014), como nomes, sinais, logotipos, slogans, cor, designs, estilo e a própria herança cultural do lugar (Brea & Cardoso, 2011). Estes elementos influenciam positivamente a construção da imagem do destino turístico e os objetivos principais estão centrados na diferenciação do destino na mente do turista, na criação de afinidade com a marca e na sua correta comunicação com o target (Stepchenkova & Li, 2014). ...
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In the current competitive context of the global tourism marketplace, it is essential to understand how a destination is seen by its target market. Therefore, destination image evaluation has shown to be an effective tool for the formulation and adaptation of destination branding strategies. Given the importance of such technique, the present study aims to evaluate the cognitive image of Porto as a tourism destination. To this end, 8 dimensions of the destination’s cognitive image are evaluated based on data collected through a survey with real and potential visitors from Asia. Findings point out a positive general cognitive image. In this context, the dimension “ambient of the place” played a particularly relevant role, as it obtained the highest score.
... Thus, more and more destinations are eliminated from the selection process due to their similar attributes and only those with a strong destination image will move on to the next decision phase (Gartner, 1994;Hosany, Ekinci, & Uysal, 2006;. Therefore, it is important for a tourist destination to define its brand and its global image (Brea & Cardoso, 2011;Kim, Holland, & Han, 2013;Kim & Perdue, 2011;Matos, Mendes, & Valle, 2012;Qu, Hyunjung, & Hyunjung, 2011). The concepts of destination brand (Li & Kaplanidou, 2013) and destination image (Hernández-Mogollón, Duarte, & Folgado-Fernández, 2016) are often confused (Tasci & Kozak, 2006); although literature does not converge, our standing, following the work of Hernández-Mogollon et al., (2018, p. 171), is that "image is only one part of the more global concept of brand, which results from the associations created with brands". ...
... As stated by several authors (Agapito, Valle, & Mendes, 2013;Baloglu & Brinberg, 1997;Pike &Ryan, 2004 andZhang, Fu, Cai, &Lu, 2014), the affective image can be defined as an emotional response taking into account the experiences in a particular destination. According to Brea & Cardoso (2011), the global image of a destination is based on the attributes (resources available at the destination), both individually and in an holistic form, constructing a mental imaginary of the destination as a whole. Therefore, it can be stated that the affective image influences the global image of the destination. ...
... This component refers to the beliefs and the knowledge of the objective attributes of a place, which can be either organic or induced (Agapito et al., 2013;Andrades-Caldito et al., 2012;Baloglu & Mccleary, 1999;Brea & Cardoso, 2011;Hosany et al., 2006;Kim & Perdue, 2011;Lee, 2009;Matos et al., 2012;Pike & Ryan, 2004). This knowledge can be related to tangible/functional aspects (e.g. ...
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It is paramount to understand the impact of distinctive features in a city’s global image. This research was based on a questionnaire to tourists who visited Coimbra, Portugal (n=255), a city best known for its 727-year-old University. Results showed that the affective image and the personality of the University of Coimbra brand has a direct influence on the city’s global image as a tourist destination. Results also showed that the global destination image has a positive impact on satisfaction. Overall, there are impacts of memorable experience in affective image and of satisfaction in brand evangelism. A distinctive feature is forcedly an anchor for the city’s brand development; separate and unrelated brand strategies for a tourist staple and the city can be conflicting.
... This assessment can be positive, where the satisfied individual may recommend the destination to friends and family, but also negative (Matos et al., 2012). Brea and Cardoso (2011) propose that the affective and emotional components are seen as reasons why each tourist chooses a particular destination and determines what tourists want to get in the destination, to rely on the effective evaluation of the destination. The motivations and desires of tourists often change, and touristic firms need to reorganize new desires quickly to meet the new expectations (Dionyssopoulou et al., 2014). ...
... Therefore, sharing travel experiences comes from within the person, not depending on external incentives. The image of a tourist destination can vary from perceptions based on common characteristics for the sole and exclusive, that is, each destination has common and similar characteristics to other destinations, but are the only attributes that distinguish it from other and where it is necessary to develop strategies and differential and competitive positioning (Brea & Cardoso, 2011). ...
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This paper analyzes the attributes that influence tourists to share travel experiences in a virtual social network by examining the perceptions of visitors to the 32nd Oktoberfest in Blumenau, Brazil. The empirical survey involved 380 tourists in Blumenau-Brazil during Oktoberfest 2015 and addressed five dimensions relating to the attributes to share in online social networks. Behavioral profiles were traced based on these sharing attributes and highlight four profiles that view the sharing of their experience in very distinctive ways. The results show that there are heavy users, casual users, pleasure-driven users, and identification-driven users. These results contribute to the discussion of how and why tourists share their experiences in virtual social networks. By understanding these profiles, events can shape the way they interact with tourists to have better visibility online. Meanwhile, tourism agencies and firms can use these profiles to classify costumers and direct services to specific profiles.
... The complexity and multidisciplinary of the image concept allow it to be approached with different focuses, among which the image of a tourism destination, brand identity, brand value, territorial image, brand positioning and brand loyalty stand out (Brea & Cardoso, 2011;Kislali, Kavaratzis, & Saren, 2016). It is also studied in several areas of knowledge, namely marketing, psychology, anthropology, sociology and geography (Gallarza et al., 2002;Pike, 2002). ...
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Tourism has been recognised as one of the main industries in the world. It creates opportunities for developing tourism destinations; however, it also requires adaptation to new challenges in constant evolution. In this context, there is a continuous need to identify and explore new tourism markets, take advantage of emerging opportunities, and create products that offer innovative and differentiating tourism experiences. Mozambique is betting on the development of tourism as a factor of economic and territorial dynamism. This article aims to present a destination image-based segmentation study of potential visitors to Mozambique. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 382 potential visitors to Mozambique. The application of a hierarchical cluster analysis based on the perceived destination image allowed the identification of three clusters: “nostalgic”, “destination lovers”, and “concerned”. The results highlight differences in terms of perceived risk and intentional behaviour among the clusters identified. The paper ends with important practical implications to improve the image of Mozambique as a tourism destination.
... In the last forty years, many studies were published covering a wide range of areas, such as: tourism epistemology (Botterill, 2001;Wijesinghe et al., 2019), tourists' motivation (Fodness, 1994;Pearce and Lee, 2005;Albayrak and Caber, 2018), tourism destination image (Bigne et al., 2001;Agapito et al., 2010;Brea and Cardoso, 2011;Bădiță, 2012) and residents' perception towards tourism (Lankford and Howard, 1994;Besculides et al., 2002;Sharma and Dyer, 2009;Carneiro et al., 2018;Gursoy et al., 2019). These last authors argue that a destination's success is directly related to Moreover, the involvement with tourism, especially with certain economic activities, usually makes residents have more positive perceptions, mainly the economic impacts (Brunt and Courtney, 1999;Andereck et al., 2005;Sharma and Dyer, 2009). ...
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Joinville is the biggest city of Santa Catarina State (Brazil) and its main economic activity is industry. The service sector is expanding rapidly and tourism has been gaining momentum, especially regarding business and events. Although tourism is also an important economic activity, there were no studies about residents' perception regarding it in Joinville (SC-Brazil) until now, hence the purpose of this study. We conducted 498 surveys with residents from every neighborhood in the city. The questionnaire had 20 questions. The data were tabulated, then we performed a non-hierarchical cluster analysis. We identified four clusters: Moderate Optimists, Optimists, Sceptics and Enthusiasts, the latter being the most representative. It was concluded that Joinville residents perceive tourism positively. On the other hand, tourism needs to be planned and needs a more effective promotion. This way, residents can have a better understanding of its economic, sociocultural and environmental benefits.
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Objetivo: Busca-se descrever e analisar a metodologia de pesquisa dos 70 artigos mais citados do campo de turismo no Brasil (1990-2018), no que concerne a sua natureza, nível de aprofundamento, delineamento, método e técnicas/instrumentos, assim como os classificar como estudo de negócios turísticos ou estudo turístico para além de seus negócios. Avalia-se, também, o que os resultados agregados significam para o supracitado campo. Metodologia: Para o cálculo do impacto dos artigos de periódico, foi feita uma análise bibliométrica. Para a descrição e análise da metodologia de pesquisa e da classificação em estudo de negócios turísticos ou estudo turístico para além de seus negócios, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática. Resultados: Há o predomínio de pesquisas qualitativas (94,29%), sendo a maioria do tipo exploratório-dedutivo, tanto as que partem de um tema geral, e tentam aplicar uma revisão de literatura a uma situação específica, quanto as que são, em geral, ensaios e textos opinativos e/ou normativos. A maioria dos 70 artigos é composta por estudos turísticos para além de seus negócios, principalmente os de publicação mais recente. Conclusões: O crescimento da quantidade de periódicos e artigos publicados não veio, ainda, acompanhado da prática de tomar trabalhos anteriores como seminais, citá-los e continuar seu propósito para aprofundamento do estudo.
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La marca constituye una potente herramienta de comunicación no sólo para aumentar la competencia entre sitios patrimoniales sino para atraer a diversos públicos objetivos. En su gestión se involucran aspectos como la historia, el origen y/o la cultura, fundamentales en la definición de “identidad de marca” e “identidad visual”. El objetivo es profundizar en el conocimiento de los componentes clave, necesarios en la construcción de una marca, y detectar las ausencias que, de manera eficiente, servirían para representar a un destino turístico o patrimonial. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RSL) de 100 publicaciones sobre marcas de destinos a partir de las bases de datos: Scopus, Dialnet y Redib, con una franja temporal de observación desde el 2010 al 2022. Entre las conclusiones destaca el interés de la academia por la gestión de marca, imagen de marca y valor de marca. Se observa un vacío en la literatura científica en cuestiones relacionadas con el diseño de los elementos de marca, uso de iconografía y sobre el valor de la identidad o autenticidad aplicados a la marca de destinos turísticos y patrimoniales. Esta laguna en el conocimiento se presenta como una oportunidad que puede abordarse en futuras investigaciones.
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Em Portugal o turismo como atividade económica arranca no início do século XX, resultado do aumento dos tempos livres e do desenvolvimento dos transportes. Os guias turísticos não poderiam ficar excluídos desta nova realidade. Se os primeiros guias turísticos dos tempos modernos surgem no século XIX com os guias Baedeker e John Murray como forma de libertar o turista e de lhe conferir autonomia na sua viagem, em Portugal só viriam a ser replicados nesses mesmos moldes no início do século XX no seu expoente máximo em 1924, com o Guia de Portugal, rosto dos movimentos culturais e figuras que o rodeavam. Embora usado profusamente pelo Estado Novo através do seu órgão S.P.N./S.N.I. como ferramenta de propaganda para o território continental e ultramarino, com o progressivo aproximar do turismo de massas verifica-se um decréscimo na importância prestada a este tipo de literatura, espelhado na diminuição do peso intelectual dos autores e participantes.
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Apesar da expansão do jornalismo de turismo na atualidade, este é um ramo ainda carente de claras conceituações, o que dificulta sua definição enquanto área autônoma como também a cobertura jornalística mais eficiente e contextualizada nesse segmento. Com base na interseção entre pressupostos teóricos do jornalismo e da sociologia do turismo, este ensaio tem como proposta a reflexão acerca da notícia sobre destinos turísticos, com particular enfoque no seu desenvolvimento histórico, bem como nos impasses e contradições contemporâneos que obstam tanto o desenvolvimento técnico do jornalismo de turismo quanto as discussões acadêmicas acerca deste e das relações entre comunicação e turismo. Concomitantemente, por meio de pesquisa exploratória, objetiva-se realizar apontamentos basais que venham suprir a ausência de referências nesse campo, a fim de prover subsídios para pesquisas empíricas. Entre os principais, está a negação de que os relatos feitos pelo jornalismo de turismo são subjetivos em sua totalidade, menos válidos ou tão somente "publicistas".
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The image formation process has been an area of inquiry for more than 20 years. The process of image formation is intricately entwined with the destination selection process. Understanding the different techniques unitized to form destination images is necessary to developing an image consistent with what a destination has to offer. This paper present a typology of the different image formation agents, describes the process of touristic image formation and provides recommendations for selecting the appropriate image formation mix. It is an attempt to develop a theoretical basis for the touristic image formation process.
This paper presents a review and discussion of the concept and measurement of destination image, within an intradisciplinary marketing perspective. Both theoretical and methodological aspects of this concept and measurement are treated. Based on the existence of three dimensions of object, subject and attributes, previous studies are analyzed. A taxonomy of the methodological and statistical procedures for measuring the image of the destinations is also proposed in order to help researchers to capture and measure the image construct. The paper proposes a conceptual model featuring its complex, multiple, relativistic and dynamic nature as a more comprehensive framework of destination image.RésuméImage de destination: vers un cadre conceptuel. Cet article présente une révision critique et une discussion du concept et du mesurage de l'image de destination à partir d'une perspective intradisciplinaire de marketing. On discute des aspects théoriques et méthodologiques de ce concept et du mesurage. En se basant sur l'existence des trois dimensions de l'objet, du sujet et des attributs, on analyze des études précédentes. On propose aussi une taxonomie des procédures méthodologiques et statistiques du mesurage de l'image des destinations pour aider les chercheurs à capter et à mesurer la construction de l'image. L'article propose un modèle conceptuel qui représente sa nature complexe, multiple, relativiste et dynamique comme un cadre plus compréhensif de l'image de destination.
A review of the literature on branding in general, and on destination branding more specifically, raises several questions about the branding of tourist destinations. What is clear is that confusion exists in the concept of ‘brand’ in the tourist destination context. This panel study was designed to explore how experts perceive the meaning of destination branding and its main characteristics. Five propositions were developed and explored in regards to the lack of clear definition of destination brand, the confusion between brand and image, the lack of conception of similarities and differences between branding for consumer products and tourist destinations, the difficulty of identifying one symbol for countries, and the lack of commonly-known brands of tourist destinations. This article then proposes a model of branding and its ramifications in the tourism destination context, as well as providing several methodological, theoretical and practical implications.
Assesses the relative saliency of image attributes associated with history, heritage and culture in shaping the perceptions of places as tourism destinations. Such images tend to have been formed over a long period of time and result from exposure to communication processes largely outside marketing's core sphere of influence such as education, literature and the arts. Images formed in this way are referred to in this paper as organic images. The research used the repertory grid technique developed by George A. Kelly in the context of Personal Construct Theory combined with depth interviews to elicit the attributes associated with the images of 25 destinations in the UK. The study identified 11 categories of image attribute. Those associated with a destination's history, heritage and culture were found to be the second most salient category. The implications of these findings are discussed.
By reporting a study undertaken during the final stages of the European Football Championships—UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) EURO 2004TM, this paper aims to evaluate the cognitive image of a country/destination by the media during the coverage of mega-events, which may in turn contribute to the field of tourism promotion and planning. By applying various statistical methods, it is possible not only to assess and identify the aspects which have contributed the most to the opinion-forming of autonomous agents, but also to present empirical evidence of the influence of the organisation of this event on the image formation of the destination as a whole. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Image has been shown to be an important influence in the selection of vacation destinations. A model that represents the important determinants of destination image formation was developed based on previous studies in a number of fields. The research reported in this article presents the results of an empirical test of the model using path analysis. A major finding of the study was that a destination image is formed by both stimulus factors and tourists' characteristics. The results of this investigation provide important implications for strategic image management and can aid in designing and implementing marketing programs for creating and enhancing tourism destination images.RésuméUn modèle pour la formulation de l'image de marque des destinations. On a démontré que l'image de marque est une influence importante dans le choix de destination de vacances. En se basant sur des études précédentes dans plusieurs domaines, on a développé un modèle qui représente les déterminants importants de l'image d'une destination. Cet article présente les résultats d'un test empirique de ce modèle en utilisant l'analyse de voie. Une conclusion majeure est que l'image d'une destination est formée des facteurs de stimulation et des caractéristiques des touristes. Les résultats de cette recherche fournissent des implications importantes pour la gestion de l'image stratégique et peuvent contribuer à la conception et à la réalisation des programmes de marketing pour créer et mettre en valeur les images des destinations touristiques.
This study emphasized the importance of travel intermediaries’ images for international travel destinations, and examined structured (scale items) and unstructured (open-ended) images of selected Mediterranean destinations (Turkey, Egypt, Greece and Italy) as perceived by US-based travel intermediaries. The results found significant differences in images of tour operators/travel agents promoting these destinations and those not promoting. The findings indicated that tour operators and travel agents promoting these destinations have differentiated images of the four destinations. The structured and unstructured images helped identify common and unique characteristics as well as strengths and weaknesses of the four tourist destination countries. The results provided important implications and directions for the governments and tourism authorities of Turkey, Egypt, Greece and Italy for developing a marketing strategy targeting distribution channel members.