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Crecimiento y características de la canal de cerdos en engorde alimentados con harina de pijiguao (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) y lisina


Abstract and Figures

Para evaluar el crecimiento, las características de la canal y el rendimiento al corte de cerdos en engorde alimentados con harina integral de pijiguao (HP) y lisina sintética (LS) se utilizaron 16 cerdos de 67,25±1,17 kg distribuidos al azar a una de las cuatro dietas en un arreglo factorial de tratamientos 2x2: con o sin adición de 0,27% LS y dos niveles de HP (0 y 25%), con cuatro repeticiones por dieta durante 35 días. Se evalúo el consumo diario de alimento (CA), ganancia diaria de peso (GDP), conversión de alimento (CAL), las características cuantitativas y cualitativas de la canal y el rendimiento en cortes. El CA y CAL fueron similares entre los cerdos que no consumieron HP y los que consumieron 25% HP. Los cerdos que consumieron 0% HP y LS, ganaron 216 g/ d más (P=0,05) con respecto al grupo que consumió 25% HP y LS, sin diferir del grupo control. Los cerdos que consumieron 25% HP sin LS mostraron mayor longitud de la canal con respecto al control (P
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... La información disponible referente al uso de la HP y LIS en dietas para cerdos indica que la sustitución del 50% de la energía digestible (ED) del maíz por la energía de la HP disminuye el consumo de alimento sin detrimento de la ganancia de peso ni la conversión de alimento, la cual mejora sustancialmente al añadir LIS sin afectar las otras variables (8). Adicionalmente, se ha reportado que la sustitución del 25% ED del maíz como cereal principal por la ED de la harina de pijiguao no afecta las características de la canal, el rendimiento en carne magra y de los cortes comerciales de carne de cerdo (9). Debido a que la dieta puede modificar la composición química-nutricional de la carne, al proponer el uso de dietas para cerdos con ingredientes alternativos no tradicionales, se hace necesario evaluar la composición nutritiva de la carne producida. ...
... Los niveles de HP en las dietas se determinaron al sustituir la energía digestible (ED) aportada por el maíz (14,75 MJ/kg) según la NRC (6) a la dieta basal por la ED de la harina de pijiguao de 15,94 MJ/kg (5). Los detalles respecto a los aspectos metodológicos, características de las dietas utilizadas en cada uno de los experimentos, así como resultados sobre el estudio del comportamiento productivo y características de la canal, han sido reportados previamente (8)(9)(10). Los análisis de laboratorio se condujeron en el Laboratorio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos del Instituto de Investigaciones Agronómicas, en la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, estado Zulia. ...
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Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the proximal composition, lipids and cholesterol content of meat from pigs fed diets with peach-palm meal (PPM), with or without addition of synthetic lysine (LYS). In experiment 1, 24 pigs were randomly allotted into six treatments with three levels of PPM (0.16 and 32%) and two levels of LYS (0 and 0.27%). In experiment II, 16 finishing pigs were fed with two levels of PPM (0 and 17.50%) and two levels of LYS (0 and 0.27%). At the end of each experiment (42 and 35 d, respectively), pigs were slaughtered and loin samples were obtained to determine crude protein, dry matter, moisture, ash, total lipids, and cholesterol content. In experiment I, pork loin from 16% PPM had more dry matter (26.45 g/100 g) and less moisture (73.49 g/100g) than pork loin from 32% PPM (25.11 y 75.03 g/100g, respectively). Meat samples from pigs without LYS had higher (p < 0.05) content of lipids (2.11 g/100 g) than meat from pigs that consumed LYS (1.72 g/100 g). In experiment II, the proximal, lipids and cholesterol content were similar among treatments. The PPM addition to pig diets did not affect the proximal composition of pork, while LYS addition indicated a reduction of total lipids, which could result as an alternative to obtain leaner meat.
... Os resultados desta pesquisa diferem dos encontrados por Moreira et al. (2004) Arouca et al. (2007), que não encontraram efeito dos níveis de lisina sobre o rendimento de carcaça, e maiores aos reportados de 75,7 -78,7% por Colina et al. (2010), alimentando suínos com dietas de baixo teor de proteína e inclusão de diferentes níveis de lisina sintética. ...
Título en portugues: Níveis de lisina digestível em dietas contendo co-produtos de arroz para suínos em terminaçãoTitulo en ingles: Digestible lysine levels in pig diets containing rice sub-products regarding the finishing phase.Titulo en español: Niveles de lisina digestible en dietas con subproductos de arroz para cerdos en terminaciónResumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estimar o nível de lisina digestível para máximo desempenho zootécnico e melhores carac- terísticas de carcaça de suínos em fase de terminação alimentados com rações contendo co-produtos de arroz. Foram utilizados 40 suínos mestiços Landrace x Large White x Pietrain de 67.63±2.53 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento ex- perimental de blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos, cinco repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por ração basal isoprotéica e isocalórica com quatro níveis de suplementação de L-lisina (0.000; 0.191; 0.382 e, 0.584), resultando em rações com 0.53; 0.68; 0.83 e 0.98% de lisina digestível. Não houve efeito dos níveis de lisina sobre o consumo de ração e de energia, porém influenciaram de modo quadrático (P<0.05) o ganho de peso diário (0.771; 0.901; 0.848 e, 0.844 kg respectivamente) , a área de olho de lombo (34.31; 39.83; 43.61 e 39.19 cm2 respectivamente) e o peso de pernil (8.92; 10.07; 10.07 e, 9.78 kg respectivamente), e de forma linear (P<0.05) o consumo diário de lisina (12.2; 16.3; 18.6 e, 20.7 g respectivamente)e a conversão alimentar (3.04; 2.75; 2.65 e, 2.50 respectivamen- te). Em conclusão, para maior ganho de peso foi estimado o nível de lisina digestível em 0.795% para suínos na faixa de peso 67-85 kg de peso vivo, alimentados com rações contendo co-produtos de arroz.Palavras–chave: Alimentos alternativos, desempenho, exigências nutricionais, suinoculturaAbstract: This investigation was aimed at estimating digestible lysine level for maximum animal husbandry performance and the best characteristics regarding pigs in their grow-finishing phase fed on rice sub-product-containing rations. Forty 67.63 ± 2.53 kg Landrace x Large White x Pietrain crossbred pigs were used in a randomised complete block experimental design involving four treatments, five repeats and two animals per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a base isoproteic-isocaloricration having four L-lysine supplementation levels (0.000, 0.191, 0.382 and 0.584), resulting in rations containing0.53, 0.68, 0.83 and 0.98% digestible lysine. Lysine level had no effect on ration (energy)consumption; however, it had a quadratic effect (p<0.05)on weight-gain(0.771, 0.901, 0.848 and 0.844 kg, respectively), loineye area(34.31, 39.83, 43.61 and 39.19 cm2respectively),pork leg weight (8.92, 10.07, 10.07 and 9.78 kg respectively),linear form (p<0.05),daily lysine consumption (12.2; 16.3; 18.6 and 20.7 g respectively) and feed conversion(3.04; 2.75; 2.65 and 2.50 respectively). Digestible lysine level ensuring the greatest weight gain was estimated at 0.795% for pigs in the 67-85 kg live weight range, fed on diets containing rice subproducts.Key words: alternative feed, yield, nutritional requirement, pig-farmingResumen: El objetivo de esta investigación fue estimar el nivel de lisina digestible para máximo desempeño zootécnico y mejores características de la canal de cerdos en fase de terminación alimentados con raciones conteniendo subproductos de arroz. Fueron utilizados 40 cerdos mestizos Landrace x Large White x Pietrain de 67.63 ± 2.53 kg, distribuidos en un diseño expe- rimental de bloques completos al Azar con cuatro tratamientos, cinco repeticiones y dos animales por unidad experimen- tal. Los tratamientos fueron constituidos por ración basal isoproteica e isocalórica con cuatro niveles de suplementación de L-lisina (0.000; 0.191; 0.382 y 0.584), resultando en raciones con 0.53; 0.68; 0.83 y 0.98% de lisina digestible. No hubo efecto de los niveles de lisina sobre el consumo de ración, de energía, sin embargo, influenciaron de forma cuadráti- ca (P<0.05) la ganancia de peso(0.771; 0.901; 0.848 y 0.844 kg respectivamente), el área del ojo del lomo (34.31; 39.83; 43.61 y 39.19 cm2 respectivamente) y el peso del pernil (8.92; 10.07; 10.07 y 9.78 kg respectivamente) y de forma lineal (P<0.05) el consumo diario de lisina (12.2; 16.3; 18.6 y 20.7 g respectivamente) y la conversión alimenticia (3.04; 2.75; 2.65 y 2.50 respectivamente). En conclusión, el nivel de lisina digestible para mayor ganancia de peso fue estimado en 0.795% para cerdos en la franja de 67-85 kg de peso vivo, alimentados con dietas conteniendo subproductos de arroz.Palabras clave: Alimentos alternativos, desempeño, requerimientos nutricionales, porcicultura
... Blood lipids of pigs fed peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) and synthetic lysine INTRODUCCIÓN La palma de pijiguao (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) es un cultivo no tradicional perteneciente a la familia Aracaceae, es originaria del trópico húmedo (1), y se le conoce en otros países como pupunha (Brasil), peach palm (Trinidad y Tobago), pejibaye (Costa Rica), chonta (Bolivia) y chontaduro (Colombia). Del fruto del pijiguao se obtiene la harina (pericarpio y almendra), cuya composición química la califica como una excelente fuente de energía en dietas para humanos y animales (1), obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios cuando se ha utilizado en la alimentación de aves (2) y cerdos (3)(4)(5), especies de interés zootécnico para la producción de proteína de origen animal para consumo humano. ...
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RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la harina de pijiguao y lisina sintética sobre los lípidossanguíneos de cerdos en crecimiento y engorde. Materiales y métodos. El estudio serealizó en dos etapas. En la primera etapa se utilizaron 72 cerdos castrados en crecimientode 30 ± 0.5 kg, en un arreglo factorial 2x3: dos niveles de lisina sintética (0 y 2.70 g/kg)y tres niveles de harina de pijiguao (0, 160 y 320 g/kg). En la segunda etapa se utilizaron16 cerdos en engorde de 67.25 ± 1.17 kg, en un arreglo factorial 2x2: dos niveles de lisinasintética (0 y 2.70 g/kg) y dos niveles de pijiguao (0 y 175 g/kg). Se determinaron lasconcentraciones séricas de triacilgliceroles, colesterol total y ácidos grasos. Resultados.Los cerdos en crecimiento que consumieron pijiguao presentaron menores (p
... Blood lipids of pigs fed peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) and synthetic lysine INTRODUCCIÓN La palma de pijiguao (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) es un cultivo no tradicional perteneciente a la familia Aracaceae, es originaria del trópico húmedo (1), y se le conoce en otros países como pupunha (Brasil), peach palm (Trinidad y Tobago), pejibaye (Costa Rica), chonta (Bolivia) y chontaduro (Colombia). Del fruto del pijiguao se obtiene la harina (pericarpio y almendra), cuya composición química la califica como una excelente fuente de energía en dietas para humanos y animales (1), obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios cuando se ha utilizado en la alimentación de aves (2) y cerdos (3)(4)(5), especies de interés zootécnico para la producción de proteína de origen animal para consumo humano. ...
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Objetive. Two experiments were designed to evaluate the effect of peach palm meal and synthetic lysine on blood lipids of growing and finishing pigs. Materials and methods. In experiment 1, 72 barrows of 30 ± 0.5 kg were randomly allotted into a 2x3 factorial design: being the main factors levels of synthetic lysine (0 and 2.70 g/kg) and levels of peach palm meal (0, 160 and 320 g/kg). In experiment 2, 16 finishing pigs of 67.25 ± 1.17 kg were used and allotted in a 2x2 factorial design arrangement of treatments: with two levels of synthetic lysine (0 and 2.70 g/kg) and two levels of peach palm meal (0 and 175 g/kg). Serum triglycerides, total cholesterol and fatty acid profile were determined. Results. In experiment 1, growing pigs fed with 160 and 320 g/kg of peach palm showed lower (p<0.001) cholesterol (2.27 and 2.23 mmol/l, respectively) than the control (2.56 mmol/l). The levels of triglycerides were also lower in pigs fed with 160 and 320 g/kg (0.34 and 0.28 mml/l) than control group (0.42 mmol/l). Oleic acid concentration increased (p<0.01) in pigs that received the highest level of peach palm (320 g/kg) with respect to the control group (20.78% to 28.84%) and synthetic lysine increased (p<0.05) linoleic acid (27.83% to 31.29%). Pigs fed peach palm and lysine had lower (p<0.001) palmitic acid concentration than the group fed pijiguao without lysine (0.23% and 0.19% vs 0.45% and 0.62%, respectively). In experiment 2, triglycerides decreased (p<0.05) in pigs that received lysine and peach palm (0.46 to 0.36 mmol/l). Pigs fed with peach palm had lower linoleic acid and higher oleic acid (p<0.001). Conclusions. Diets with peach palm and synthetic lysine do not elicit detrimental effects on blood lipid profile in pigs.
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An experiment in two periods of eight days each was conducted to determine the apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter (DDM), energy (ADE), and nitrogen (DAN) from a sorghum blend (SB) with an enzyme complex (EC) in diets for growing pigs.Twenty four pigs (35 kg live weight) distributed in a randomized block design (period as block) with four diets and six pigs per diet were used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. The factors were two ingredients (SB and corn) with or without EC resulting in the following diets: basal with corn (BDC); BDC with the addition of EC (BDC+EC); SB-based diet (SBD) and SBD+CE. The pigs were individually allocated in metabolic cages for total collection of feces. Data were analyzed using PROC MIXED of SAS statistical software, using ANOVA tests, and the GLM-Tukey procedure. There was no effect of EC on the evaluated variables. The ADE varied significantly (P = 0.003) between the two ingredients with values of 3641.49 ± 42.95 kcal /kg DM and 3540.61 ± 55.82 kcal/kg DM for BDC and SBD, respectively. The DAN was greater (P = 0.002) in the BDC (81.75 ± 1.55%) than SBD (77.06 ± 3.44%). It is concluded that the addition of the EC had no effect on the DDM, DAN and ADE in the blend of sorghum grains evaluated in diets for growing pigs.
This investigation was aimed at estimating digestible lysine level for maximum animal husbandry performance and the best characteristics regarding pigs in their grow-finishing phase fed on rice sub-product-containing rations. Forty 67.63 ± 2.53 kg Landrace x Large White x Pietrain crossbred pigs were used in a randomised complete block experimental design involving four treatments, five repeats and two animals per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a base isoproteic-isocaloricration having four L-lysine supplementation levels (0.000, 0.191, 0.382 and 0.584), resulting in rations containing0.53, 0.68, 0.83 and 0.98% digestible lysine. Lysine level had no effect on ration (energy)consumption; however, it had a quadratic effect (p<0.05)on weight-gain(0.771, 0.901, 0.848 and 0.844 kg, respectively), loineye area(34.31, 39.83, 43.61 and 39.19 cm2respectively),pork leg weight (8.92, 10.07, 10.07 and 9.78 kg respectively),linear form (p<0.05),daily lysine consumption (12.2; 16.3; 18.6 and 20.7 g respectively) and feed conversion(3.04; 2.75; 2.65 and 2.50 respectively). Digestible lysine level ensuring the greatest weight gain was estimated at 0.795% for pigs in the 67-85 kg live weight range, fed on diets containing rice subproducts.
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To evaluate the phytochemical and nutritional composition of the whole meal of Pijuguao (Bactris gassipaes) fruits (WMP), it was determined by phytochemistry screening the presence of fourteen secondary total metabolites: total phenols, flavonoids, tannins to precipitate the proteins, condensed tannins, steroids, quinons, cumarins, non-proteins amino acids, alkaloids, saponins, triterpens and proanthocyanidins, catechins, reducing sugars and mucilage, NDF, ADF, PC, macro and micro minerals, and ash. The phytochemical study indicated the presence of non-protein amino acids, triterpens, reducing sugars and catechins; the rest of secondary metabolites did not showed positive reaction. The various components of the mineral and chemical analysis gave a crude protein of: 6.58%, 12.58% fat, Ash: 1.98%, Ca 0.08%, P 0.11%, Mg 0.05%, K 0.39%, and 20, 22, 4 y 3 ppm para Fe, Zn, Cu y Mn, respectively. The estimated metabolizable energy content of the WMP was 12.41 MJ / kg. The fiber content, expressed as NDF and ADF were 21.16 and 10.44 %, respectively. The values of degradability in vitro dry matter was 80%.Accordingly, we conclude that the WMP represents an alternative energy source to feed ruminants because with low secondary metabolites contents and high in vitro degradability values.
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Seventy-two gilts were used to determine the effect of reducing excess amino acid intake on growing-finishing pig performance. Separate diets were formulated for the growing (20 to 55 kg BW) and finishing (55 to 100 kg BW) periods. For each period, three diets were formulated that varied in total crude protein level and contained similar levels of digestible ideal protein. Crystalline amino acids were added to the low protein diets to overcome potential deficiencies. The grower diets contained .66% apparent ileal digestible lysine and contained 16.6, 15.0, and 13.0% CP, respectively; for the finisher diets, these values were .55% digestible lysine and 14.2, 12.8, and 11.0% CP, respectively. Amino acid analyses and a separate digestibility trial were conducted to confirm digestible amino acid levels in the dietary ingredients. During the growing and the overall growing-finishing period, daily gain, feed intake, and gain:feed were not affected (P > .10) by dietary treatment. Daily gain tended to be lower (P = .06) and gain:feed was poorer (P < .05) for pigs fed the 11.0% CP diet during the finishing phase. Although backfat thickness tended to be greater (P = .07) for pigs fed the lower-CP diet, estimated carcass lean yield was not affected (P > .10) by dietary treatment. Results of this study show that dietary CP can be reduced to 13% in the growing and 12.8% in the finishing diets of pigs as long as crystalline amino acids are added to match the apparent ileal digestible amino acid ratios in an assumed ideal protein.
Copra meal is a by-product of the coconut oil industry and is a potential source of protein and energy in the diets of pigs and poultry in the tropics. However, previous studies with pigs have suggested that its use may be limited because of poor growth performance associated with levels of inclusion above 300 g/kg (Creswell and Brooks, 1971). The experiment reported here and conducted under tropical conditions at the University of the Philippines at Los Banos was designed to study possible ways of feeding copra meal at levels of inclusion greater than 300 g/kg in the diets of pigs while maintaining acceptable animal performance.
With the development of more refined methods of measuring water-binding properties of meats, the term “water-holding capacity” needs to be replaced with more specific and carefully defined terms such as expressible moisture, water-binding potential, and free drip. An improved method of measuring expressible moisture is described which is simple and reproducible. It basically measures the amount of liquid squeezed out of a protein system with centrifugal force, by measuring the weight gain of a filter paper surrounding the sample. This method seems to be highly sensitive to factors that affect the water-binding properties of muscle foods.
Results of tests made on 253 porcine muscles showed that 1 hr after death PSE and DFD muscles contain low levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and high levels of inosine monophosphate while in normal muscles high concentrations of ATP and low amounts of inosine monophosphate are observed. The deamination of the adenine moiety can be measured by the changes in the absorption ratio at 250 and 260 nm. This ratio (called R) amounts to 0.78–0.80 for pure adenine nucleotide solutions and to 1.68–1.70 for pure inosine monophosphate and inosine in aqueous solutions at neutral pH. Preparation of acidic extract of muscles containing the nucleotides and the measurement of the 250/260 nm ratio of absorbances is a fast procedure: 3–4 min after receiving the sample the R values can be calculated. Together with pH1 the R value allows a very reliable differentiation of normal, PSE and DFD muscles.
Las exportaciones de carne de cerdo se han incrementado durante los últimos 10 años en Chile, lo que ha obligado a cumplir con estándares internacionales de calidad. Entre los problemas detectados afectan directamente la calidad de la carne de cerdo, ha sido el DFD (Dark, Firm, Dry = Oscuro, Firme, Seco), generalmente presente en carne de vacuno y PSE (Pale, Soft, Exudative = Pálido, Blando, Exudativo) más frecuente observado en carne de cerdo debido a la gran susceptibilidad de éstos animales al estrés. Es ampliamente conocido que el tiempo de reposo ante mortem tiene una influencia directa en la calidad de la carne de cerdo. Si éste reposo fluctúa entre 2 y 4 h se minimiza el defecto PSE. El Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos, del Ministerio de Salud, Gobierno de Chile, en el Artículo 82, establece que el reposo ante mortem de las reses debe ser de 6 h como mínimo, incluyendo los cerdos. Dado que el cerdo es una especie diferente se consideró necesario establecer un óptimo de reposo para ellos en Chile. La investigación consideró el muestreo de carne de cerdo (posta negra), eligiendo al azar 15 cerdos de cada camión de 170 animales, con 0, 2, 4 y 6 h de reposo ante mortem. A cada muestra se le midió pH, capacidad de retención de agua (CRA) y color (utilizando reflectancia con Hunterlab Miniscan XE Plus), a los 45 min y a las 24 h post mortem. Además se evaluó el efecto de la distancia de transporte, tomando dos orígenes Melipilla y Nancagua a 90 y 240 km de distancia y con 1,5 y 3,5 h de transporte, respectivamente. Los resultados demostraron que los parámetros medidos a las 24 h post faena fueron determinantes para la medición de calidad de la carne de cerdo. Con 2 h de tiempo de reposo ante mortem los valores de pH estuvieron dentro de rangos normales (Melipilla = 5,85 y Nancagua = 5,65). Para CRA los mejores resultados se obtuvieron de Melipilla con 2 h de reposo ante mortem (24,86%) y lo mismo para Nancagua (25,74%). En cuanto a color los valores más cercanos para los estándares de exportación se obtuvieron con 2 h de reposo ya sea en cerdo provenientes de Melipilla (L = 43,40; a =6,13; b = 9,75) o de Nancagua (L = 44,16; a = 5,49; b = 9,71). Se concluye que los valores de pH, CRA y color más cercanos a valores normales esperados para carnes de cerdo de buena calidad, se obtuvieron con 2 h de reposo ante mortem y con distancias más cortas de transporte..
Nutritive assessment of pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) meals included proximal composition of the lipid and nitrogenous fractions. Caloric values obtained as true metabolizable energy (TME) indicate that the pejibaye has a higher content of energy than corn and that it is not necessary to separate the seeds from the fruits in animal feeds; the level of indispensable aminoacids is considerably low, especially methionine, which is lower than in corn; thin layer chromatography shows that most of the free fatty acids are present in a ratio of 2:1 in unsaturated to saturated acids. The predominant fatty acids in whole pejibaye meal are oleic and palmitic acids with adequate levels of linoleic acid. Saturated fatty acids are predominant in the seed, with a very high content of lauric and myristic acids.
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of adding fiber sources to reduced-crude protein (CP), amino acid-supplemented diets on N excretion, growth performance, and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs. In Exp. 1, six sets of four littermate barrows (initial weight = 36.3 kg) were allotted randomly to four dietary treatments to determine N balance and slurry composition. Dietary treatments were: 1) fortified corn-soybean meal, control, 2) as fortified corn-soybean meal with CP lowered by 4 percentage units and supplemented with lysine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, isoleucine, and valine (LPAA), 3) same as Diet 2 plus 10% soybean hulls, and 4) same as Diet 2 with 10% dried beet pulp. Nitrogen intake, absorption, and retention (g/d) were reduced (P < 0.04) in pigs fed the low- protein diets, but they were not affected (P > 0.10) by addition of fiber sources to the LPAA diet. However, N absorption, as a percentage of intake, was not affected (P > 0.10) by dietary treatment. Nitrogen retention, expressed as a percentage of N intake, was increased (P < 0.02) in pigs fed the low-protein diets, but it was not affected by fiber addition to the LPAA diet. Urinary and total N excretion was reduced (P < 0.01) by 50 and 40%, respectively, in pigs fed the low- protein diets, but it was not affected (P > 0.10) by fiber addition. However, fiber addition to the LPAA diet tended to result in a greater proportion of N excreted in the feces than in the urine. Slurry pH, ammonium N content, and urinary urea N excretion were reduced (P < 0.10) in pigs fed LPAA, and a further reduction (P < 0.06) in slurry ammonium N content and urinary urea N was observed with fiber addition. Also, fiber addition to the LPAA diet increased (P < 0.02) slurry VFA concentrations. In Exp. 2, 72 pigs were blocked by body weight and sex and allotted randomly to three dietary treatments that were similar to those in Exp. 1, with a corn-soybean meal control diet, LPAA diet, and a LPAA diet with 10% soybean hulls. Pigs were fed the diets from 28.6 to 115 kg, and all pigs were killed for collection of carcass data. Growth performance and most carcass traits were not affected (P > 0.10) by dietary treatment. These data suggest that reducing CP with amino acid supplementation markedly decreased N excretion without influencing growth performance. Fiber addition to a LPAA diet had little effect on overall N balance or growth performance, but tended to further reduce slurry ammonium N concentration and increase volatile fatty acid concentrations.
Determinación de la digestibilidad ileal aparente en cerdos, de la harina de pijiguao
  • C González
  • I Díaz
  • R Salas
González, C., I. Díaz y R. Salas. 1997. Determinación de la digestibilidad ileal aparente en cerdos, de la harina de pijiguao (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.). Arch. Latinoam. Prod. Anim. 5(Supl. 1): 283-284.
Efectos de implantes, olanquidox y sexo sobre las características de la canal de cerdos
  • N Huerta-Leidenz
  • E Wilhem
  • G Ríos-Fuenmayor
  • A Páez
  • E Rincón
  • N Jerez-Timaure
Huerta-Leidenz, N., E. Wilhem, G. Ríos-Fuenmayor, A. Páez, E. Rincón y N. Jerez-Timaure. 1992. Efectos de implantes, olanquidox y sexo sobre las características de la canal de cerdos. Rev. Cientif. Fac.-Cien.V. II (1):25-36.