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Segmental and prosodic cues to vowel identification:
The case of /Ii i:/ and /Uu u:/ in Saterland Frisian
Wilbert Heeringa1, J¨
org Peters1, Heike Schoormann1
1Institute of German Studies, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany,,
Saterland Frisian has a complete set of closed short tense
vowels. Together with the long tense vowels and the short
lax vowels they constitute series of phonemes that differ by
length and/or tenseness. We examined the cues that distinguish
the front unrounded and the back rounded series of short lax
and short and long tense vowels in triplets by eliciting ‘normal
speech’ and ‘clear speech’ in a reading task from two speakers.
Short and long vowels were distinguished by vowel duration,
and lax and tense vowels by their location in the F1-F2 space.
The durational difference between short tense and long tense
vowels, however, was largely restricted to the ‘clear speech’
condition. In ‘clear speech’, f0 dynamics and centralization
in the F1-F2 space were used as additional means to make
short tense vowels more distinct from long tense vowels. These
results suggest that length and tenseness are used as distinctive
features, while f0 dynamics and centralization in the F1-F2
space were optionally used to enhance the contrast between
short and long tense vowels.
Index Terms: f0 dynamics, f0 excursion, formants, Saterland
Frisian, tenseness, vowel duration
1. Introduction
Saterland Frisian is spoken in three small villages –
ucklingen, Ramsloh and Scharrel – in the north-western
corner of the district of Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony. It is the
only remaining living variety of Old East Frisian, which was
spoken along the coasts of the Netherlands and Lower Saxony.
Saterland is believed to have been colonised by Frisians from
the coastal areas in the eleventh century. According to the most
recent count, Saterland Frisian is spoken by 2250 speakers [1].
Saterland Frisian has a complete set of closed short tense
vowels: /i y u/ [2], [3], [4]. Together with the short lax vowels
/I Y U/ and the long tense vowels /i:y:u:/ they constitute series
of phonemes that differ by length and/or tenseness. Potential
acoustic cues which distinguish the vowels in a triplet may be
vowel duration, spectral features (F1, F2) as well as the timing
and scaling of f0.
In this paper we investigate which acoustic cues distinguish
the sounds within two triplets containing /Ii i:/ and /Uu
u:/ respectively. For each of the two triplets we conducted
a traditional reading task and a listener-directed task, which
maximizes the discrimination between words and is an effective
way to reveal potential segmental and prosodic cues.
Several studies show that vowels with stronger f0 dynamics
are perceived as being longer. Lehiste [5] found that listeners
perceived a falling-rising or rising-falling f0, as opposed to a
flat f0 pattern, to be longer even when the stimuli have the same
acoustic duration. Yu [6] found the same effect for dynamic
versus flat f0 and also showed that syllables with higher f0 are
heard as longer than syllables with lower f0. Cumming [7] was
able to show the perceived lengthening effect of dynamic f0 for
native speakers of Swiss German, Swiss French and French.
This effect is likely language-specific [8].
The acoustic cues, which add to the distinction of vowels in
Saterland Frisian triplets have not yet been fully studied. Siebs
[9] distinguishes between tone accents in Saterland Frisian
(Stoßton versus Schleifton) which suggests that f0 might play a
role. In a more recent study Tr ¨
oster-Mutz [10] [11] investigated
the phonetics of Saterland Frisian vowels, but did not find any
evidence for tone accent differences in present-day Saterland
Frisian. In this paper, we focus on the question whether
f0 dynamics have any systematic effect which may help to
discriminate between the vowels of each triplet.
2. Method
2.1. Material
The two triplets used are still known by a restricted number of
Saterland Frisian speakers. For the closed front vowels /Ii i:/ we
used Smitte ‘forge’, smiete ‘to throw’ and Sm´
ıete ‘throws’ (pl.).
The closed back vowels /Uu u:/ were elicited by the triplet ful
‘full’, fuul ‘rotten’ and f´
uul ‘much’.
2.2. Procedure
For each of the triplets we conducted two experiments, one
eliciting ‘normal speech’ and another eliciting ‘clear speech’.
The experiments were carried out by two female native
speakers, aged 78 and 66 years, henceforth referred to as subject
1 and subject 2 respectively. The two speakers are born and
raised in Ramsloh and have lived in this village most of their
lives. We chose Ramsloh since it is located in the center of
Saterland and its Saterland Frisian variety is considered to be
the most conservative [3].
2.2.1. Normal speech
In this experiment Saterland Frisian words were presented in
written form to the two native speakers on a computer screen,
one word at a time. We used twelve different words: six triplet
words (ful,fuul,f´
ıete), and six filler
words (Pot,Paad,Kat,leet,T¨
A session consisted of four blocks in which each of the 12
words was presented four times. Within each block the order of
the words was randomized, so that a word was never followed
by the same word or by a word belonging to the same triplet.
Three of the six filler words (Pot,Paad and Kat) were also used
as a short practice, preceding the first block. In sum, 195 words
were presented in one session.
We obtained 16 samples per subject per triplet word.
Looking for cues concerning the f0 dynamics, only samples
with a clear f0 peak in the vowel can be used for the analysis.
The number of word samples which satisfy this condition is
given per triplet word and per subject in Table 1.
2.2.2. Clear speech
Saterland Frisian words were presented in written form to
the two native speakers on a computer screen. In this
condition, only the six triplet words were used. For maximum
discrimination, a triplet word was always presented together
with the two other triplet words. The word to be pronounced
was encircled and displayed in blue (the other words were
black). The three words of a triplet were located on the screen so
that they were imaginary vertices of a triangle. Each ‘triangle’
was rotated over an arbitrary angle.
One session consisted of four blocks. Each of the triplet
words was presented eight times per block. Within a block, 24
words of the /Uu u:/ triplet were presented first, followed by
24 words of the /Ii i:/ triplet. Thus, in each block 48 words
were pronounced. In each part the words were presented in a
randomized order so that a word was not followed by the same
In this experiment, the subjects were either speaker or
listener and changed roles after each block. When one subject
read the words aloud, the other subject marked the triplet
word she thought she heard. The reader and the listener were
separated by a screen during the experiment.
We obtained 16 samples per speaker per triplet word. Just
as for ‘normal speech’ we limited the analysis to word samples
with a clear f0 peak when looking for cues concerning the f0
dynamics. The number of word samples with f0 peak are given
per triplet word and per speaker in Table 1.
Table 1: Number of word samples with a clear f0 peak per
triplet word and per subject.
Normal speech Clear speech
sub1 sub2 sub1 sub2
Smitte 14 16 15 14
smiete 15 16 16 15
ıete 13 16 16 16
ful 1 13 6 5
fuul 10 16 5 11
uul 7 15 15 10
2.3. Acoustic variables
Segmental and prosodic variables were measured with PRAAT
[12]. For each word belonging to the /Ii i:/ triplet we measured
the duration of each of the segments: /s/, /m/, V, /t/ and the
final schwa. The duration of /t/ was split into two parts: the
time from the beginning of the segment to the burst (t1), and
from the burst to the end of the segment (t2). We also measured
spectral variables F1 and F2 at the center of the vowel.
We measured f0 variation in the interval from the beginning
of /m/ to the end of V. When the f0 peak was somewhere in
this interval, we considered a rise and a fall. F0 dynamics
was operationalized by calculating the relative f0 excursion in
semitones per millisecond, which was obtained by calculating
the sum of the f0 rise size (pitch of f0 peak minus pitch at the
beginning of the interval) and the f0 fall size (pitch of f0 peak
minus pitch at the end of the interval) divided by the duration of
the interval. A related approach was used by Grabe [13].
For each word belonging to the /Uu u:/ triplet we likewise
measured the duration of each of the segments, /f/, V, and /l/,
and F1 and F2 at the center of the vowel. When measuring
relative f0 excursion, we focused on the interval starting at the
beginning of V and ending at the end of /l/.
2.4. Statistical processing
We looked for acoustic cues that distinguish all of the sounds
within a triplet. Per acoustic variable we used a Generalized
Linear Model (GLM) where the stimulus was the independent
variable and the acoustic variable the dependent variable. Since
not all of the acoustic variables are normally distributed, GLM
was the fitting test. The stimuli were the triplet words, therefore
the stimulus variable was a three level factor. Two-tailed
p-values obtained from pairwise comparisons were adjusted
using the Bonferroni correction.
The variables were initially analyzed per subject and per
triplet. However, in this paper the results of the subjects are
combined by showing the consensus. For example, when we
found p < 0.01 for the one subject, and p < 0.001 for the
other subject, then the consensus is considered to be p < 0.01.
When we do not find a significant effect for both of the subjects
for a particular variable or a significant difference in opposite
direction, no significance is reported. In the tables below, levels
of significance are indicated by asterisks: *<0.05, **<0.01
and ***<0.001.
3. Results
3.1. Normal speech
3.1.1. Results /Ii i:/ triplet
Duration values for the /Ii i:/ triplet are shown in the upper
panel of Figure 1. Vowel plots are found in Figure 2 and f0
contour plots in Figure 3. Statistical results are summarized in
Table 2. Smitte is distinguished from Sm´
ıete by a shorter vowel
duration, a higher F1, a lower F2, and smaller f0 dynamics.
Smitte differs from smiete by a shorter vowel duration, a higher
F1, a lower F2, a smaller fall size and smaller f0 dynamics. The
triplet word smiete is distinguished from Sm´
ıete by larger f0
dynamics. Hence, tense short vowels have largest f0 dynamics.
3.1.2. Results /Uu u:/ triplet
Duration values for the /Uu u:/ triplet are shown in the lower
panel of Figure 1. Vowel plots are found in Figure 2 and f0
contour plots in Figure 4. Statistical results are summarized
in Table 3. In Table 1 we find that ful is represented by
just one sample in the normal speech experiment. Therefore
comparisons between ful and fuul and between ful and f´
uul are
based on subject 2 only. The triplet word ful has a smaller vowel
duration and higher F1 and F2 values than the other triplet
words. Additionally, ful has a smaller /f/ duration then f´
The triplet words fuul and f´
uul are not distinguished, i.e. short
tense and long tense vowels are not distinguished.
3.2. Clear speech
3.2.1. Results /Ii i:/ triplet
Duration values for the /Ii i:/ triplet are shown in the upper panel
of Figure 1. The clear speech graph shows a stronger contrast
between short vowels and long tense vowels than the normal
speech graph. The vowel plots are found in Figure 2. Unlike
in normal speech, short tense and long tense front vowels are
separated in the acoustic vowel space in clear speech. Figure 3
shows that the difference between rise size and fall size in clear
speech has decreased compared to normal speech. Statistical
results are summarized in Table 2. The number of variables
that distinguish triplet words is much larger in clear speech than
in normal speech. When comparing Smitte and Sm´
ıete we find
smaller values for the duration /m/, V, t2 and /@/, a higher F1, a
lower F2 and a smaller rise size. We get the same findings when
comparing smiete and Sm´
ıete, but rise size is not significant
and smiete has larger f0 dynamics than Sm´
ıete.Smitte has a
smaller vowel duration, a higher F1, a lower F2, a smaller fall
size and smaller f0 dynamics than smiete. V duration, F1 and
F2 distinguish all of the triplet words.
3.2.2. Results /Uu u:/ triplet
Duration values for the /Uu u:/ triplet are shown in the lower
panel of Figure 1. Again, the clear speech graph shows a
stronger contrast between short vowels and long tense vowels.
The vowel plots are given in Figure 2. Eventhough there is still
some overlap in the acoustic vowel space for the long and short
tense back vowels, the spread and the mean formant values
show a clearer separation for the two sounds compared to the
normal speech conditon. The f0 contour plots in Figure 4 show
a longer f0 fall duration for the long tense vowel compared to
the two other vowels. Statistical results are presented in Table 3.
ful is distinguished from f´
uul by a smaller vowel duration and a
higher F1 and F2. fuul has a smaller vowel duration, a higher
F2, and larger f0 dynamics than f´
uul.ful is distinguished from
fuul by a higher F1.
Figure 1: Duration values for normal speech and clear speech.
On top the /Ii i:/ triplet (1=Smitte, 2=smiete, 3=Sm´
ıete) and at
the bottom the /Uu u:/ triplet (1=ful, 2=fuul, 3=f´
3.3. Consensus of triplets
In Table 4 we show consensus results of the two triplets.
For normal speech we find that lax vowels are distinguished
from tense vowels by a higher F1 and a lower (/Ii i:/
triplet) or higher (/Uu u:/ triplet) F2. Additionally, short lax
vowels are distinguished from long tense vowels by a smaller
vowel duration. Short tense and long tense vowels are not
distinguished by any variable in the normal speech data.
We find that lax and tense short vowels are distinguished
only by a higher F1 in clear speech. Short lax vowels are
3500 2500 1500 500
600 500 400 300 200
mean F2 (Hz)
mean F1 (Hz)
subject 1
3500 2500 1500 500
600 500 400 300 200
mean F2 (Hz)
mean F1 (Hz)
subject 1
2500 2000 1500 1000 500
800 700 600 500 400 300
mean F2 (Hz)
mean F1 (Hz)
subject 2
2500 2000 1500 1000 500
800 700 600 500 400 300
mean F2 (Hz)
mean F1 (Hz)
subject 2
Figure 2: Vowel plots show the mean formant values of the six
triplet sounds for normal speech (left) and clear speech (right).
Ellipses enclose two standard deviations.
Figure 3: f0 contours for the /Ii i:/ triplet in normal speech
(left) and clear speech (right) for subject 1 (top) and subject
2 (bottom). Lighter gray lines with triangles represent short
lax vowels, darker gray lines with squares represent short tense
vowels, and black lines with circles represent long tense vowels.
Figure 4: f0 contours for the /Uu u:/. For graphical conventions
see Figure 3.
distinguished from long tense vowels by the same variables as
for normal speech. In contrast to normal speech, short tense
vowels and long tense vowels are clearly distinguished. Short
tense vowels have a smaller vowel duration, a lower (/Ii i:/
triplet) or higher (/Uu u:/ triplet) F2, and larger f0 dynamics
than long tense vowels.
Table 5 shows percentages of stimuli that were correctly
predicted on the basis of V duration, F1, F2, and f0 dynamics,
and which were obtained by Linear Discriminant Analysis.
As expected, percentages for clear speech are higher than for
Table 2: Results for the /Ii i:/ triplet. 1=Smitte, 2=smiete,
Normal speech Clear speech
sig. sig. sig. sig. sig. sig.
1·2 1·3 2·3 1·2 1·3 2·3
/s/ duration
/m/ duration ** ***
V duration ** * *** ***
t1 duration
t2 duration ** **
/@/ duration ** ***
F1 *** *** *** *** ***
F2 *** *** *** *** ***
f0 rise size **
f0 fall size ** *
f0 dynamics * * * ** *
Table 3: Results for the /Uu u:/ triplet. 1=ful, 2=fuul, 3=f ´
Normal speech Clear speech
sig. sig. sig. sig. sig. sig.
1·2 1·3 2·3 1·2 1·3 2·3
/f/ duration *
V duration *** *** *** ***
/l/ duration
F1 *** *** ** ***
F2 *** *** *** *
f0 rise size
f0 fall size
f0 dynamics **
normal speech. In the case of /Ii i:/, all members of the triplet
can be distinguished by using vowel duration, F1, and F2 as
acoustic cues.
Table 4: Consensus results of subjects and triplets. For normal
speech and clear speech those variables are listed which play
a role for both subjects and both triplets. 1=short lax vowel,
2=short tense vowel, 3=long tense vowel.
speech pair V F1 F2 f0
type dur dyn.
normal 1·2*** ***
1·3** *** ***
clear 1·2**
1·3*** *** ***
2·3*** * *
4. Conclusions
We found that vowel duration, spectral variables, and f0
dynamics are cues for the distinction of vowels in two Saterland
Frisian word triplets.
Vowel duration. From Table 4 we conclude that vowel
duration implements the phonological feature [±long]. In
normal speech short lax and long tense vowels are distinguished
by vowel duration, whereas in clear speech short tense and long
tense vowels are also distinguished, suggesting a division in
short and long vowels.
F1 and F2. Table 4 suggests that the feature [±tense] is
implemented by spectral features. Lax vowels have a higher
F1 and a lower (/Ii i:/ triplet) or higher (/Uu u:/ triplet) F2
than tense vowels, i.e. lax vowels are more centered than tense
Table 5: Discriminant percentages per triplet word and per
subject. For each subject important variables contributing to
discrimination are marked by 1 and/or 2.
triplet sp. V F1 F2 f0 sub1 sub2
type dur dyn. % %
/Ii i:/ norm. 1,2 1,2 1,2 2 90.5 91.7
clear 1,2 1,2 1,2 100 100
/Uu u:/ norm. 1,2 1 2 55.6 65.9
clear 1,2 1,2 1,2 1 92.3 96.2
vowels (cf. Figure 2). Gussenhoven [14] observed that closed
vowels are perceived as relatively longer than open vowels,
which suggests that lowering of F1 may increase perceived
vowel duration, which can be explained by a tendency of
listeners to compensate for the intrinsically shorter duration of
closed vowels. In view of this finding, the slight additional
centralization of the short tense vowels (/i/ and /u/ cf. Figure 2)
relative to /i:/ and /u:/ may be used to enhance the perceived
durational contrast between the short and long tense vowels.
F0 dynamics. Short tense vowels were found to have larger
f0 dynamics than long tense vowels and, in case of [I], short
lax vowels (cf. Figures 3 and 4). According to [5] and [7],
increased f0 dynamics may enhance perceived vowel duration.
As shortening of /i/ and /u/ in clear speech resulted in vowels
that were hardly longer than the short lax vowels [I] and [U],
increased f0 dynamics may increase the perceived durational
difference between short lax and tense vowels, at least in the
case of [I] and [i]. We found that f0 dynamics have a systematic
effect which contributes to the tripartite vowel contrast. The
most likely interpretation of this contribution is phonetic feature
enhancement. The possibility that variation of tonal structure is
involved as suggested by Siebs’ terms Stoßton and Schleifton
[9] cannot be determined on the basis of our current data, but
we will investigate this in a later study.
Overall, our data suggest that the phonological contrasts
between [Ii i:] and between [Uu u:] can be accounted for
by the combination of two distinctive features, [±long] and
[±tense]. The slight centralization of /i/ and /u/ relative to /i:/
and /u:/ in clear speech may be used to enhance the durational
contrasts between the short and long tense vowels. Increased
f0 dynamics of tense short vowels relative to lax short vowels,
which was found for [I] and [i], may be regarded as a means
to make the short tense vowels sound more different from the
short lax vowels.
Kohler [15] investigated triplets of closed vowels in
High German and in Low German dialects spoken in
Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. In some dialects
he found that lax and tense vowels within a triplet
differ qualitatively, and short and long tense vowels differ
quantitatively. Just as Kohler we found that short lax and tense
vowels are distinguished by spectral features only. The clear
speech experiment revealed that short and long tense vowels are
dinstinguished by vowel duration, F2, and f0 dynamics, being a
combination of qualitative and quantitative variables.
5. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the two Saterland Frisian informants
for participating in our experiments. We are grateful to Darja
Appelganz and Nicole Mayer for labeling the recordings in
PRAAT. The research reported in this paper has been funded
by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), grant number
PE 793/2-1.
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