
Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, The (2nd Edition)

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... 1. the states of S, i.e. a description of the evolution law of its internal variables, which can be typically achieved through a state-machine (see for instance [20] or [21]), 2. a description of its functional dynamics, which can be naturally obtained through defining: ...
... o the static elements of S, in other terms the signatures of the functions required to express its functional behavior, which can be given by a static block-diagram (see [34] or [73]), o the dynamic behavior of S, that is to say the temporal dynamics 13 of these functions, which can be for instance defined by a sequence diagram (see [20] or [34]). ...
... In other words, the mere knowledge of the models of the components of a system is never sufficient to model this system! This modelling postulate can be seen as the direct translation of the universal phenomenon of emergence which is always a mechanical consequence of integration: an integrated 20 Integration is thus an operator between systems that maps a series of systems into another new system. It is interesting to point out that most of the existing system "definitions" which can be found in the systems engineering literature (see for instance [30], [42], [44], [57], [61], [62], [71] or [74]) are defining systems as the result of an application of the integration operator. ...
... The visualization of the codebase will depend on the structure, execution flow, and historical information (version control) of the code. Older visualization methods, such as UML, were designed to be printable [4]; therefore, they had to be static. Nevertheless, the proposed tool will be softwarebased; therefore, it does not have to be static. ...
... 1) Relationship Diagram: Relationship Diagram (RD) presents the changes in a structural way, similar to UML. But unlike UML, it is not designed to be static [4]. The nodes can dynamically be expanded or collapsed. ...
... Sehingga pada akhirnya akan memudahkan dalam proses pembuatan sistem, dan dapat memodifikasi objek secara lebih detail. Pemangku kepentingan atau stakeholders adalah developer, programmer, customer atau user, owner, dan seluruh pihak yang berhubungan dengan sistem [2]. Menurut Ilin Sukma, entitas stakeholders sistem informasi penyewaan alat pesta ada tiga, yakni: Pelanggan, pemilik dan admin [3]. ...
... Dalam kata lain, seperti halnya seorang arsitek dalam membuat dokumen cetak biru yang digunakan oleh perusahaan konstruksi untuk membangun sebuah bangunan, arsitek perangkat lunak membuat diagram-diagram UML untuk membantu programmer/ developer membangun perangkat lunak. Untuk selanjutnya, semakin kita mengetahui beberapa kosakata yang Author : Mia Sumiati 1) , Rahman Abdillah 2) , Alqomari Cahyo 3) 81 digunakan UML, kita akan semakin mudah dalam memahami spesifik.Pada pertengahan 1990, Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, dan Ivar Jacobson mengembangkan UML dengan mendapatkan masukan dari komunitas pengembang perangkat lunak[2]. Pada tahun 1997, dokumen UML 1.0 dikirimkan ke Object Management Group (OMG), sebuah lembaga konsorsium nirlaba yang terlibat dalam pemeliharaan spesifikasi untuk digunakan oleh industry komputer. ...
Perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan pemodelan UML telah banyak digunakan dikalangan praktisi dan akademisi. Salah satu kelebihan dari penggunaan diagram UML adalah fleksibilitas dan dapat menggambarkan sistem perangkat lunak lebih rinci dan detail. Dalam artikel ini, penulis menggunakan metode SDLC yang dikenal sebagai tahapan proses pengembangan perangkat lunak . Adapun penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi keilmuan yang berupa rekomendasi dalam hal perancangan sistem informasi alat pesta. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi lapangan, studi pustaka dan implementasi. Dalam kaitanya dengan implementasi, penulis menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dan menggunakan MySQL sebagai basis data. Adapun hasil yang didapat dari penulisan artikel ini adalah berupa pengembangan kualitas perangkat lunak, serta berupa rekomendasi diagram-diagram UML yang dapat digunakan oleh pihak-pihak pengembang perangkat lunak terkait usaha jasa persewaan.
... The appearance of the cluster 'management' and its co-occurrence with the 'cloud-computing' and 'optimization' demonstrates efforts to optimize the management of organizational processes using cloud computing. In addition, the 'SME' cluster presents research efforts to develop process modelling not only at big companies, but also in small and medium enterprises (Rodič 2017), which are the kind of companies that suffer the most to implement industry 4.0 technologies, not only because of the lack of formalized processes, but also due to the low-cost systems implemented as well as lack of ICT knowledge (Dassisti et al. 2019). The motor themes of the last subperiod shows the relationship between other important themes (Figure 7). ...
... While well-modelled, monitored and controlled processes reduce costs (Hammer 2015), on the other hand, modelling problems have a tendency to cause serious errors and losses in organizational processes (Geiger et al. 2018), highlighting the necessity for organizations to compromise to mapping and modelling their processes to become intelligent factories (Savastano et al. 2019). Although the increasing number of professionals in this field (Turetken and Demirors 2013), there is still a lack of modelers with deeper knowledge about the different modelling languages (Rosemann 2006). These professionals are responsible to identify the language which best represents the processes of the organization (Dani et al. 2019). ...
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Companies still concern about the impacts of the technologies of industry 4.0 in business processes. Hence, researchers are trying to develop studies to improve the understanding related to new techniques, frameworks, and concepts in order to support the implementation of industry 4.0. The aim of this paper is to perform a science mapping in the area of process modelling for industry 4.0 in order to get a holistic observation through the evolution structure of the field of study, pointing the main challenges, trends and suggestions for future works. To perform this science mapping, the SciMAT was used. Moreover, the VOSviewer was used to analyze co-authorship between authors. The scientific evolution presented 17 clusters in which the most representative themes are: 'design', 'framework' and 'cloud computing'. Besides, the intellectual structure of motor themes is presented as well as the main challenges, trends and suggestions for future researches.
... UML is the graphical notation that defines the semantics of the object meta-model (model of UML itself), and defines a notation for capturing and communicating object structure and behavior. UML supports extension mechanisms [19][21] [23][24] (stereotypes, tagged values, and constrains) to allow tailoring UML to fit the needs of a specific domain. UML Profile [16] [10][12] is a predefined set of extension mechanisms. ...
... The viewpoint concept will be represented as standard object-oriented artifacts, which may be integrated in object-oriented modeling. We will use an UML-like notation [19] to illustrate our subjects. ...
... Thus, BPMs are also used as a valuable source of knowledge for software projects and the requirement engineering process. The first step in developing an object-oriented software system, after carrying out the business part, is to specify and design abstract system models using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) [3]. One of the most important UML models is the use case diagram which is used to show the interactions between users and the system. ...
... One of the most important UML models is the use case diagram which is used to show the interactions between users and the system. However, these interactions are functional based [3], [4]. Few researchers have integrated the NFR into the use case diagram [5], [6] in order to show the required constraints on the use cases within the system. ...
... UML [2], Property Graph [4] and RDF* [8] notations allow for direct property ascriptions to the links (statements in the case of RDF*) in the data model, however, with certain limitations: -UML, by its design philosophy, allows only one link for a link type (an association class) between an object pair (cf. [2], p. 438), -Property Graphs allow only scalar values as link attributes, and -RDF* aggregates all annotations on a subject-predicate-object triple together, thus also excluding several same-predicate links between the same objects. ...
... UML [2], Property Graph [4] and RDF* [8] notations allow for direct property ascriptions to the links (statements in the case of RDF*) in the data model, however, with certain limitations: -UML, by its design philosophy, allows only one link for a link type (an association class) between an object pair (cf. [2], p. 438), -Property Graphs allow only scalar values as link attributes, and -RDF* aggregates all annotations on a subject-predicate-object triple together, thus also excluding several same-predicate links between the same objects. This paper proposes a new Pini language with sentences and paragraphs close to the natural language and a simple data model resembling Wikidata predecessor graphd [9] that do not suffer from the abovementioned data model limitations. ...
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We present a new ontology language Pini and the PiniTree ontology editor supporting it. Despite Pini language bearing lot of similarities with RDF, UML class diagrams, Property Graphs and their frontends like Google Knowledge Graph and Protégé, it is a more expressive language enabling FrameNet-style natural language annotation for Atomised journalism use case.
... Visual Programming [7,31] or Graphical Programming uses richer representation and interaction to define software behavior. Here, the developer uses a visual representation, e.g., following the visual models of the UML [40], to create software. The visual representation can provide greater flexibility than text because it is not constrained to be strictly sequential and is often supported through direct manipulation for effective interaction. ...
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Computational notebooks like the Jupyter programming environment have been popular, particularly for developing data-driven applications. One of its main benefits is that it easily supports different programming languages with exchangeable kernels. Thus, it makes the user interface of computational notebooks broadly accessible. While their literate programming paradigm has advantages, we can use this infrastructure to make other paradigms similarly easily and broadly accessible to developers. In our work, we demonstrate how the Jupyter infrastructure can be utilized with different interfaces for different programming paradigms, enabling even greater flexibility for programmers and making it easier for them to adopt different paradigms when they are most suitable. We present a prototype that adds graphical programming and a multi-paradigm editor on top of the Jupyter system. The multi-paradigm editor seamlessly combines the added graphical programming with the familiar notebook interface side-by-side, which can further help developers switch between programming paradigms when desired. A subsequent user evaluation demonstrates the benefits not only of alternate interfaces and paradigms but also of the flexibility of seamlessly switching between them. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges in implementing these systems and how these can enhance the software development process in the future.
... Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach 7th Edition, Roger Pressman menawarkan suatu kerangka kerja untuk semua aktifitas, tindakan, dan tugas yang diperlukan untuk membangun perangkat lunak [9]. Bahasa pemodelan visual Unified Modeling Language (UML) digunakan untuk menspesifikasikan, memvisualisasikan, membangun, dan mendokumentasikan rancangan sistem perangkat lunak [10]. Di berbagai industri, sistem informasi sangat penting. ...
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Penyewaan baju kebaya telah menjadi bisnis yang semakin diminati, namun masih membutuhkan sistem informasi yang efisien untuk mengelola prosesnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem informasi penyewaan baju kebaya menggunakan metode Xtreme Programming (XP) dengan dukungan Unified Modeling Language (UML) di Dinar Salon Karawang. Metode XP digunakan untuk memastikan keterlibatan aktif dari pemangku kepentingan dalam pengembangan sistem. UML digunakan untuk merancang dan mendokumentasikan model sistem yang komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem informasi menggunakan XP dan UML memungkinkan pengembangan yang cepat dan adaptif, serta memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis dengan baik. Sistem yang dihasilkan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses penyewaan baju kebaya di Dinar Salon Karawang.
... Systems thinking was used during the research to capture the underlying complexity of the research (Arnold and Wade 2015) and to understand how the Company's work process is applied to the verification work. The research documented the work process using swim lane diagrams (Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Booch 2005). The organization of the swim lane provides a structure to capture processes and organizational responsibility for each activity. ...
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Coping with system verification in complex systems is a challenging task. This paper reports on how the high complexity of closely integrated systems and long timelines in development affects the verification process in an engineering company in Norway. The literature on verification in development and a survey within the industry-as-laboratory method were used to research the practice of verification in the case company to identify where the company's practice deviates from the recommended practice according to the literature. The research found that the company is taking shortcuts in its documented processes resulting in integration testing late in the development. The authors propose the use of metrics to monitor the progress of the system of interest and the project. In conclusion, continuously tracking and improving the work process is recommended to cope with the complexity of developing the company products.
... The introduction of analysis and modeling like Use Cases, State Transition Diagrams, and User Stories accelerated the improvement. [44,45,46] Agile, lean, [47] and model-based approaches [48,49] have added strength in visualizing and capturing requirements by involving customers, users, and stakeholders. The emergence of knowledge management and benchmarking have further strengthened software engineering practices including requirements engineering. ...
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The proposed Requirements Engineering Framework (REF) is novel and efficacious in producing quality Requirements Specifications. The framework is based on the principles of design thinking that include empathy; system visualization to understand the system, its components, and the pattern of their interactions; and observing the possible behavior under different contexts and situations. The proposed framework includes requirement elicitation, requirement understanding, defining requirement goals, requirement profiling, requirement contextualization, and requirements modeling. All these are carried out by keeping ISO 25000 standards for software engineering at the core. The proposed REF will be impactful in implementing modern-day projects which are disruptive and becoming more and more context-aware systems because of machine/ deep learning, data engineering to deal with structured and unstructured data, sensor technologies, interactive technologies, 5G technologies, and control-related technologies. The framework also will address the limitations of CMM-based or agile-based approaches.
... Tab. III summarizes the options available to customize graph extraction: Fig. 6: High-level software architecture for cr-geo shown as a UML 2 component diagram [33]. 2) Scenario preprocessing and filtering: Our framework supports arbitrary preprocessing and filtering of the input scenarios to ensure that they satisfy the user requirements. ...
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Heterogeneous graphs offer powerful data representations for traffic, given their ability to model the complex interaction effects among a varying number of traffic participants and the underlying road infrastructure. With the recent advent of graph neural networks (GNNs) as the accompanying deep learning framework, the graph structure can be efficiently leveraged for various machine learning applications such as trajectory prediction. As a first of its kind, our proposed Python framework offers an easy-to-use and fully customizable data processing pipeline to extract standardized graph datasets from traffic scenarios. Providing a platform for GNN-based autonomous driving research, it improves comparability between approaches and allows researchers to focus on model implementation instead of dataset curation.
... The development of this system is carried out with a structured approach with the Waterfall development method (Pressman, 2005), which is a system development method that divides work activities into a gradual and continuous process with each other. The approach used is an object-oriented system approach with modelling using UML (Unified Modeling Language) (Larman, 2005;Booch et al., 2004), with the MS programming language. Visual Basic.Net version 2012 and MySQL as the database. ...
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As a financial institution that is very vulnerable to negative issues, Bali Governor Regulation No 44/2017, which regulates the management of an LPD (Village Credit Institution) directs that LPDs be managed carefully. Performance indicators that must be considered are the level of health and risk rating of the LPD, which are determined by a number of factors/components related to the financial condition and procedures for managing the LPD. The procedure for determining it is clear, but requires careful calculations and seems difficult for those who do not understand it. Knowledge of the level of health and risk rating will make it easier to find alternative solutions when the LPD has problems. Building a health level and risk rating monitoring system is a solution. The system is built using the Waterfall method with an object-oriented system approach. This system will greatly assist the manager and the supervisory team to maintain good LPD performance, and can quickly anticipate situations that cause the LPD's performance to decline, which is shown from the factors/components of the health level monitoring results and risk ratings by this system.
... Examples of state-oriented modeling formalisms include state machines in UML [Rumbaugh et al., 2004], generic state-transition systems or state machines, such as FSM [Plotkin, 1981] or Petri Nets [Murata, 1989], and statecharts by D. Harel [Harel, 1987] created for the specification and analysis of complex discrete-event systems. ...
... Menurut Booch Grady, (Grady, 2004) UML adalah bahasa standar untuk menulis blue print PL. UML dapat digunakan untuk memvisualisasikan, menentukan, membuat, dan mendokumentasikan artefak dari sistem PL secara intensif. ...
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Pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cipinang Besar Utara 05 Jakarta Timur pengolahan data siswa masih konvensional, yaitu pengolahan data siswa masih dicatat pada buku besar, sehingga proses pendataan berjalan sangat lama, sehingga terjadi kesalahan data, sulitnya pencarian data serta pencarian data yang kurang begitu cepat. Sehingga menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam penyajian data dan laporan pada saat laporan data tersebut diperlukan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah sistem yang terkomputerisasi yang dapat digunakan pihak sekolah untuk mempermudah proses pengolahan data siswa serta penyajian informasi dengan efektif dan efisien. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, study literatur dan wawancara. Bahasa pemrograman yang dipakai menggunakan PHP dan MySQL serta pengujian aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Black Box. Dari penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem informasi pengelolaan data siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi pengelolaan data siswa pada SD Negeri Cipinang Besar Utara 05 Jakarta Timur yang dapat digunakan pihak sekolah untuk mempermudah staff dalam mengelola data dan kepala sekolah dalam memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan, yang berkualitas dan dapat membantu dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Pengelolaan Data, PHP, MySQL
... Since we intend to build architectural diagrams from a system descriptor, we must first define a set of terms representing the distributed system's elements. For example, the UML deployment diagram uses the terms nodes for each type of hardware and artifacts for software components [26]. However, each system descriptor uses its own terms and concepts to describe a system. ...
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System architecture diagrams play an essential role in understanding system architecture. They encourage more active discussion among participants and make it easier to recall system details. However, system architecture diagrams often diverge from the software. As a result, they can interfere with the understanding and maintenance of the software. We propose an approach to build system architecture diagrams using DevOps system descriptors to improve the consistency of architecture diagrams. To produce our approach, we survey problems with architecture diagrams in the software industry, developing guidelines for creating architecture diagrams. Next, we produce a taxonomy for system descriptor concepts and a process to convert system descriptors into architecture diagrams. We evaluate our approach through a case study. In this case study, we defined a Docker Compose descriptor for a newsfeed system and transformed it into a system architectural diagram using the proposed approach. Our results indicate that, currently, system descriptors generally lead to consistent diagrams only to a limited extent. However, the case study's observations indicate that the proposed approach is promising and demonstrates that system descriptors have the potential to create more consistent architectural diagrams. Further evaluation in controlled and empirical experiments is necessary to test our hypothesis in more detail.
... Yamamoto et al (2005) elaboraram uma abordagem de modelagem de negócios direcionada somente para a modelagem de processos de negócios visando ao reúso. Um metamodelo foi definido para armazenar a representação gráfica da modelagem de negócios em uma estrutura de classes da UML (Unified Modeling Language), baseado na estrutura de metaclasses da UML 2.0 (Rumbaugh et al, 2004) e estendido com artefatos do perfil de processos de negócios (OMG, 2003). Uma ferramenta foi desenvolvida para facilitar a modelagem e o reúso de processos de negócios. ...
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A modelagem de negócios é uma documentação imprescindível para as empresas, uma vez que registra principalmente os processos de negócios, os responsáveis pela sua execução e as regras de negócios envolvidas. Tais regras representam as peculiaridades de cada empresa, garantindo sua competitividade no ramo de negócios em que atua. Como outros artefatos de software, a modelagem de negócios pode ser reutilizada tanto no desenvolvimento quanto na reengenharia de sistemas, proporcionando redução de custo e maior produtividade durante as atividades de evolução de sistemas de informação. Neste artigo é apresentado um estudo de caso para avaliar a eficiência da reutilização de modelagem de negócios baseada em visões. A modelagem de negócios para sistemas existentes no domínio industrial é disponibilizada para reúso em domínios similares e com níveis de complexidade diferenciados, e os resultados deste reúso são apresentados.
... In our case, the definitions and descriptions of both constructs and propositions have been expressed in UML and, in the case of the propositions, also in OCL. The semantics of each of the elements that appear in the UML/OCL diagrams are described in their respective specifications [42] and [41] (see also [53]). Due to the formal language applied, there is no room for ambiguity or inconsistency, problems that would have been detected by the tool used to draw the diagrams (starUML [37]). ...
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Context: DevOps responds to the growing need of companies to streamline the software development process and, thus, have experienced a widespread adoption in the past few years. However, successful adoption of DevOps requires companies to address important cultural and organizational changes. Understanding the organizational structure and characteristics of teams adopting DevOps is key, and comprehending the existing theories and representations of team taxonomies is critical to guide companies in a more systematic and structured DevOps adoption process. Objective: This paper presents empirical research on the structure of DevOps teams in software-producing organizations. The goal is to better understand the organizational structure and characteristics of teams adopting DevOps by harmonizing the existing knowledge. Method: To do this, we conducted a grounded theory study, analyzing existing studies on DevOps teams and taxonomies. Results: From the analysis, we built a substantive and analytic theory of DevOps taxonomies. The theory is substantive in that the scope of validity refers to the ten primary studies processed and analytic in that it analyzes “what is” rather than explaining causality or attempting predictive generalizations. A public repository with all the data related to the products resulting from the analysis and generation of the theory is available. Conclusions: We built a theory on DevOps taxonomies and tested whether it harmonizes the existing taxonomies, i.e., whether our theory can instantiate the others. This is the first step to define which taxonomies are best suited to approach DevOps culture and practices according to the companies’ objectives and capabilities.
... In our case, the definitions and descriptions of both constructs and propositions have been expressed in UML and, in the case of the propositions, also in OCL. The semantics of each of the elements that appear in the UML/OCL diagrams are described in their respective specifications [41] and [40] (see also [48]). Due to the formal language applied, there is no room for ambiguity or inconsistency, problems that would have been detected by the tool used to draw the diagrams [37]. ...
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IoT edge computing is a new computing paradigm “in the IoT domain” for performing calculations and processing at the edge of the network, closer to the user and the source of the data. This paradigm is relatively recent, and, together with cloud and fog computing, there may be some confusion about its meaning and implications. This paper aims to help practitioners and researchers better understand what the industry thinks about what IoT edge computing is, and the expected benefits and challenges associated with this paradigm. We conducted a survey using a semi-structured in-depth questionnaire to collect qualitative data from relevant stakeholders from 29 multinational companies and qualitatively analyzed these data using the Constructivist Grounded Theory (Charmaz) method. Several researchers participated in the coding process (collaborative coding). To ensure consensus on the constructs that support the theory and thus improve the rigor of qualitative research, we conducted an intercoder agreement analysis. From the analysis, we have derived a substantive and analytic theory of what companies perceive about IoT edge computing, its benefits and challenges. The theory is substantive in that the scope of validity refers to the 29 surveys processed and analytic in that it analyzes “what is” rather than explaining causality or attempting predictive generalizations. A public repository with all the data related to the information capture process and the products resulting from the analysis of this information is publicly available. This study aims to strengthen the evidence and support practitioners in making better informed decisions about why companies are adopting edge computing and the current challenges they face. Additionally, the testing theory phase shows that the results are aligned with the ISO/IEC TR 30164 standard.
... In general, these models are expected to be expressive, rigourous, intuitive, well-structured and possess the adequate level of abstraction (be sufficiently detailed and precise) [20]. Such models could complement the code [27], be extracted from it [16,25], from its binaries [26], from some intermediate representation or from other models [13,14], from the execution traces [22] or be created to synthesize the code from them [20]. ...
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Behavioural models are a valuable tool for software verification, testing, monitoring, publishing etc. However, they are rarely provided by the software developers and have to be extracted either from the source or from the compiled code. In the context of Java programs, a number of approaches exist for building behavioural models. Most of these approaches rely on the analysis of the compiled bytecode. Instead, we are looking to extract behavioural models in the form of Finite State Machines (FSMs) from the Java source code to ensure that the obtained FSMs can be easily understood by the software developers and, if necessary, updated or integrated into the original source code, e.g. in the form of annotations. Modern software systems are huge, rely on external libraries and interact with their environment. Hence, extracting useful behavioural models requires abstraction. In this paper, we present an initial approach to this problem by focusing on the extraction of FSMs modelling library APIs. We focus on the analysis of Java code involving the use of collections. To this end, we encode the operational semantics of collection operations using patterns of Boolean predicates. These patterns are instantiated based on the analysis of the source code of API implementation methods to form an encoding of the possible FSM transitions. A SAT solver is then used to determine the enabledness conditions (guards) of these transitions.
... Other modelling approaches have tried to support, at least partially, the properties described above. For example, [13] describes an extension to the UML language [46] that facilitates composition using two different strategies -merging and overwriting, representing variations of the definition of the composition relationship -better to align object-oriented model structures with the structure of requirement specifications, [19] describes an event algebra for the synchronization and composition of labeled transition systems applied to timed automata, and Alloy [27], can be seen as an attempt at constructing a modelling framework based on rigorous mathematical concepts, but which does not focus on the composition of large-scale models. Furthermore, general techniques such as [31] focus on model decompositions that follow a modular approach. ...
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In a world of ever-increasing complexity, the smooth functioning of society is critically dependent on our ability to understand and manage both individual systems and complex ecosystems of systems. Models, combined with tools to reason about them, can provide a way to do this. In order for rigorous reasoning about models to be possible, they must have a robust mathematical foundation, which must also support tools for the engineering principles—compositionality, interfaces, and local reasoning—that are required to enable the practical construction of models of ecosystems. In this paper, we present a vision for a system of modelling, based on the concept of distributed systems as a metaphor for ecosystems of systems, that captures these requirements. We describe a mathematical foundation, identify the engineering principles needed, and show how they can be built in a rigorous way that preserves the ability to reason when dealing with complex, large-scale ecosystem models. We illustrate our ideas with examples and briefly explain how they apply in a practical modelling project.
... Multiple languages for the description of software (SW) and HW were proposed in research or industry (e.g. AADL [50], UML [173], MARTE [148] and SysML [73]), and many code generators were specified for these languages [200] [23]. Modeling languages allow defining application models, architecture models, and HW platforms that can be used for analysis and incremental system specification. ...
Embedded systems (EmS) are increasingly used in various areas such as telephony, automotive and avionics industries. In these different areas, the growth of functionality requirements causes an explosion of the size and complexity of the systems.In this context, system design flows are becoming more complex and require the use of tools from different engineering domains. The heterogeneous paradigms on which the tools rely on pose as well many reliability problems when it comes to consistent data exchanges between tools. For example, nowadays, the high-level modeling (e.g. Model-Driven Engineering) tools are unaccepted by research communities for the formal design of systems that require solid grounds on the execution semantics to carry out analysis, validation and synthesis of embedded systems activities. Indeed, the Model-Driven Engineering tools dedicated to EmS design are not yet sufficiently mature on aspects involving expression of the formal execution semantics reflecting the concurrency model of system modules. Besides, the theory of computation is identified as the field to describe formally the concurrency models that are used for the description of embedded systems.Our motivation is to use this theory to reduce the gap between different design tools that have different semantics for executing models in a design flow. We propose a methodology for the identification and comparison of the concurrency model of systems based on the theory of the Models of Computation (MoCs) and their existing classifications; we also propose a language to capture MoC-based semantics which is used to enrich system models and preserve their se- mantics through a tool chain. To prove the effectiveness of our approach, we defined a design flow connecting three tools that are involved in various activities of the Design & Implementation process (Specification, Analysis, Design Space Exploration). The tool chain highlights the con- nection of the UML modeling tool (IBM Rhapsody) (for specification and analysis), Forsyde (for multi-MoC simulation and synthesis) and Spear (Design Space Exploration and analysis). The chain is applied on a simplified version of a Radar Streaming application provided as use case in the context of the iFEST project.
... Events could be internal or external; the internal events are those that pass among instances of the system (such as call events within the same instance), whereas external events relate to when the whole system receives an event from an external instance within the same environment. There are different types of event depending on the effect occurring, such as time event is caused by after the passage of certain time after particular event and a call event is used to invoke a method to execute a specific operation [18,29]. ...
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In software development, UML (unified modelling languages) notation is widely used to allow developers to represent systems analysis, design, and viewing software systems from different aspects. Behavioural modelling is describing using state machines in object oriented design. statecharts are more suitable to represent dynamic behaviour of reactive systems than finite state machines (FSM) which have many limitations compared with statecharts. There are many tools to construct statecharts from different UML models such as synthesis statechart from scenarios, and so on. Transformation of FSMs into statecharts diagram can be done by introducing hierarchy and concurrency into FSMs to enhance modelling reactive systems to overcome restrictions in FSMs. This works aims to develop a tool to construct statecharts from FSMs; this was based on studying existing techniques and possible approaches of implementing this conversion, and observing the impact of generating composite states, nested states and overlapping between them into the generated statecharts on the number of transitions. Deciding which of different techniques are suitable to construct hierarchy and concurrency has derived depending on study case and measuring the obtained results using some metrics. Of all the metrics that can be used to compare statecharts and FSMs, the number of transitions seemed most suitable as a guide to the introduction of higher-level states. This tool has been implemented and evaluated using 727 random FSMs, this has demonstrated that described approach is applicable to a range of FSMs but the reduction of the number of transitions has been rather limited.
... In our work, we consider hierarchical component models as an abstraction of the classical "boxes and arrows" modeling formalism used to model: systems as for example Capella [SVV + 16], SysML [OMG12] or AADL [FG12]; software as for example BIP [BBB + 11], UML [RJB04], Scade [ADS + 06]; or hardware as for example VHDL [HGW00]. In each of these formalisms, components are connected through arrows (and sometimes ports or interfaces). ...
In the domain of model-driven engineering, patterns have emerged as a ubiquitous structuring mechanism. Patterns are used for instance at the requirement analysis level, during system design, and during the deployment and code generation phases. We focus on formalizing the operational semantics of pattern application on component-based system designs. More precisely, our ultimate goal is to provide a semantic framework to support the use of patterns for the production of correct-by-construction architectures, i.e., the structural (static) correctness of the architectures obtained through the formal application of patterns. To that end, we propose an Event-B framework for patterns specification, instantiation and application. This model is built incrementally through horizontal refinements which introduce components, ports, and connectors. Patterns with variability are defined, instantiated and can be applied to user models. We show that these operations preserve the structural properties of hierarchical component models.
... There are other interaction operators, such as Strict Sequencing, Weak Sequencing, Negative, Ignore, Consider, and Assertion which are also defined in [12,13]. ...
... It is intended for use with all development methods, lifecycle stages, application domains, and media. The model is intended to unify past experiences about modelling techniques and incorporate the best software practices today into a standardized approach [12]. ...
Conference Paper
Solid waste creation will continue to grow both in amount and pace as long as there are human activities. The consequences of improper solid waste management are highly harmful to the environment and human health, requiring immediate action to stabilize the situation. This research represents a solid waste collection management system through several unified modelling language (UML) models. The motivation for utilizing the UML modelling approach in solid waste collection management is twofold: first, the environmental importance of solid waste management collection, second the efficiency of UML models in representing such a complex system. The models developed in this research serve as the initial step towards building an efficient mobile application for solid waste collection management. Such mobile application is expected to encourage the use of best practices to manage solid waste collection according to the recent rapid growth of mobile technology utilization.
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Навчально-методичний посібник призначений для підготовки до лабораторних і самостійних робіт, які виконуються в рамках навчальної дисципліни, присвяченої вивченню фундаментальних основ моделювання програмного забезпечення майбутніми ІТ-спеціалістами. Розглянуто сучасні підходи до моделювання програмного забезпечення та засоби для реалізації цих підходів. Наведено завдання до 8 лабораторних і 8 самостійних робіт, які дозволяють дослідити набір діаграм сучасних CASE-засобів моделювання програмних продуктів і навчитися розробляти організаційні, функціональні, інформаційні та процесні моделі предметної області для програмного забезпечення. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців і спеціалістів з моделювання програмного забезпечення.
Understanding business workflows are crucial in the operation of most, if not all organizations. There are three workflow dimensions that highlight different aspects and information about a system, namely, resource, process, and case. Most modelling frameworks such as the Unified Modelling Language, Business Process Modelling and Notation, Workflow nets, etc. have diagramming tools that use only one or two dimensions. By using a Robustness Diagram with Loop and Time Controls (RDLT), all three workflow dimensions can be represented by one modelling diagram. Currently, there is a lack of literature on representing hierarchical abstractions and dependencies in RDLTs, as well as their mapping to a Class Diagram. This study will propose representations for these hierarchical abstractions and dependencies for RDLTs, mappings to Class Diagrams, and possible improvements to existing RDLT to Class Diagram component mappings by previous literature.
This contribution studies structural and behavioral models by applying (a) UML classes, associations, attributes, generalization and OCL invariants for structural model features and (b) UML operations and OCL contracts, i.e., pre- and postconditions, for behavioral features. For detecting and assuring model properties that are not explicitly present, but valid in the considered model suitable test cases are constructed. Inspected model properties are: (a) the consistency between the invariants and the contracts, including the consistency between operation calls by checking whether the postcondition of one operation is compatible with the precondition of a following operation, and (b) the reachability of particular model states defined by invariant-like OCL formulas gained through an operation call chain. Thus, by constructing test cases we prove model consistency and property reachability for behavioral models.KeywordsUML and OCL modelOperation contractInvariantModel consistencyProperty reachability
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Software testing is notoriously difficult and expensive, and improper testing carries eco- nomic, legal, and even environmental or medical risks. Research in software testing is critical to enabling the development of the robust software that our society relies upon. This dissertation aims to lower the cost of software testing without decreasing the quality by focusing on the use of automation. The dissertation consists of three empirical studies on aspects of software testing. Specifically, these three projects focus on (1) mapping the connections between research topics and the evolution of research topics in the field of software testing, (2) an assessment of the metrics used to guide automated test generation and the factors that suggest when automated test generation can detect real faults, and (3) examination of the semantic coupling between synthetic and real faults in service of im- proving our ability to cost-effectively generate synthetic faults for use in assessing test case quality. • Project 1 (Mapping): Our main goal for this project is to understand better the emergence of individual research topics and the connection between these topics within the broad field of software testing, enabling the identification of new topics and connections in future research. To achieve this goal, we have applied co-word analysis in order to characterize the topology of software testing research over three decades of research studies based on the keywords provided by the authors of studies indexed in the Scopus database. • Project 2 (Automated Input Generation): We have assessed the fault-detection ca- pabilities of unit test suites generated by automated tools with the goal of satisfying eight fitness functions representing common testing goals. Our purpose was not only iv to identify the particular fitness functions that detect the most faults but to explore further the factors that influence fault detection. To do this, we gathered observa- tions on the generated test suites and metrics describing the source code of the faulty classes and applied a rule-learning algorithm to identify the factors with the strongest influence on fault detection. • Project 3 (Mutant-Fault Coupling): Synthetic faults (mutants), which can be in- serted into code through transformative mutation operators, offer an automated means to assess the effectiveness of test suites and create new test cases. However, mutants can be expensive to utilize and may not realistically model real faults. To enable the cost-effective generation of mutants, we investigate this semantic relationship between mutation operators and real faults.
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This study aims to: 1) develop a web-based seminar management information system. 2) determine the quality level of the web-based seminar management information system developed. The research method used in this study is Research and Development (R&D) with a waterfall development model that refers to the rules of software engineering Pressman (2010). The stages that are passed are communication (communication), planning (planning), modeling (modeling), construction (construction), and distribution (deployment). Software quality analysis is carried out by adopting the ISO 25010 standard, namely aspects of functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability. The results of this study are 1) the seminar management information system was built using the PHP programming language and the Postgre database. The frameworks used are CodeIgniter and AdminLTE (Bootstrap). This information system has 7 levels of users, namely administrator, committee (committee), reviewer, main speaker (presenter), second speaker (non-presenter), participant (audience), and visitor (guest). 2) the results of the analysis of software quality by adopting the ISO 25010 standard are as follows: (1) function suitability aspects with 100% success; (2) the performance efficiency aspect obtained a Yslow score of 92.97 (grade A); (3) the compatibility aspect can run well on the 4 tested web mails; (4) the usability aspect obtained a raw SUS score of 73.00, acceptability ranges with acceptable results, grade scale with C results, and adjective ratings with good results; (5) reliability aspect with 100% result; (6) security aspect with the result of security vulnerability being at level 1 (low); (7) maintainability aspect with maintainability index result 90.81 (high category); (8) the portability aspect can run well on the 5 web browsers tested.
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The purpose of this study was to develop an information system for reporting student learning outcomes at SMK Negeri 1 Banyumas, knowing the level of quality of the information system reporting student learning outcomes based on quality testing in accordance with ISO 25010 standards. The method used in this study was Research and Development (R&D). The development of this information system is carried out in 4 stages according to the waterfall method, namely the analysis stage, the design stage, the coding or implementation stage and the testing stage. The results of this study are 1) a web-based student learning outcome report information system developed with the Codeigniter 3.0 framework. and has the main features to import, manage, print, and display student report cards. 2) the test results show that the information system has met the ISO 25010 standard in aspects (1) functional suitability runs 100% and has a value of X=1; (2) performance efficiency can load pages in 3.2 seconds, PageSpeed performance of 94% (grade A) and YSlow of 90% (grade A); (3) usability, the percentage value is 84.69%; (4) security, with the level of vulnerability to attacks at level 1 (low); (5) reliability, with 100% session, hits and pages results; (6) maintainability has a maintainability index value of 68.28; (7) portability ran successfully on 5 different desktop browsers tested without error. PageSpeed performance of 94% (grade A) and YSlow of 90% (grade A); (3) usability, the percentage value is 84.69%; (4) security, with the level of vulnerability to attacks at level 1 (low); (5) reliability, with 100% session, hits and pages results; (6) maintainability has a maintainability index value of 68.28; (7) portability ran successfully on 5 different desktop browsers tested without error. PageSpeed performance of 94% (grade A) and YSlow of 90% (grade A); (3) usability, the percentage value is 84.69%; (4) security, with the level of vulnerability to attacks at level 1 (low); (5) reliability, with 100% session, hits and pages results; (6) maintainability has a maintainability index value of 68.28; (7) portability ran successfully on 5 different desktop browsers tested without error.
The architectural design of a healthcare data sharing system must cope with security requirements especially when the system integrates different data sources and patient-centric features. The design choices come with different risks, where vulnerabilities and threats highly depend on how the system components interact and depend on each other to operate as well as how it handles the external connections. This paper focuses on security aspects arising early in the design phase of a patient-centric system. The system presents a blend of emergent technologies such as novel authentication methods, blockchain for access control, and a data lake for patient metadata storage and retrieval based on access rules. We exploit a model-based approach to tackle security assessment using attack-defense trees (ADtrees) formalism and other support diagrams altogether as a way to model and analyse potential attack paths to the system and its countermeasures. The modelling approach helps creating a framework to support the attack vectors analysis and the proposal of appropriate defense mechanisms within the system architecture.KeywordsHealthcare systemsPatient-centric systemData sharingSecurity assessmentAttack-defense trees
The discipline of Business Process Management is concerned with analyzing how an organization operates, beginning with activity modeling and ending with business process simulation. This chapter introduces the main concepts of the discipline, beginning with the business process lifecycle, examining how business processes are represented, managed, studied, and improved. We describe concepts related to the organizations involved in business processes, including measures to evaluate the performance characteristics of processes, i.e., time, quality, and cost. Recent advances in the discipline involve the exploitation of information system event logs, as well as the simulation of system operation from the digital twin perspective.
This textbook intends to be a comprehensive and substantially self-contained two-volume book covering performance, reliability, and availability evaluation subjects. The volumes focus on computing systems, although the methods may also be applied to other systems. The first volume covers Chapter 1 to Chapter 14, whose subtitle is ``Performance Modeling and Background". The second volume encompasses Chapter 15 to Chapter 25 and has the subtitle ``Reliability and Availability Modeling, Measuring and Workload, and Lifetime Data Analysis". This text is helpful for computer performance professionals for supporting planning, design, configuring, and tuning the performance, reliability, and availability of computing systems. Such professionals may use these volumes to get acquainted with specific subjects by looking at the particular chapters. Many examples in the textbook on computing systems will help them understand the concepts covered in each chapter. The text may also be helpful for the instructor who teaches performance, reliability, and availability evaluation subjects. Many possible threads could be configured according to the interest of the audience and the duration of the course. Chapter 1 presents a good number of possible courses programs that could be organized using this text. Volume II is composed of the last two parts. Part III examines reliability and availability modeling by covering a set of fundamental notions, definitions, redundancy procedures, and modeling methods such as Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD) and Fault Trees (FT) with the respective evaluation methods, adopts Markov chains, Stochastic Petri nets and even hierarchical and heterogeneous modeling to represent more complex systems. Part IV discusses performance measurements and reliability data analysis. It first depicts some basic measuring mechanisms applied in computer systems, then discusses workload generation. After, we examine failure monitoring and fault injection, and finally, we discuss a set of techniques for reliability and maintainability data analysis.
This textbook intends to be a comprehensive and substantially self-contained two-volume book covering performance, reliability, and availability evaluation subjects. The volumes focus on computing systems, although the methods may also be applied to other systems. The first volume covers Chapter 1 to Chapter 14, whose subtitle is ``Performance Modeling and Background". The second volume encompasses Chapter 15 to Chapter 25 and has the subtitle ``Reliability and Availability Modeling, Measuring and Workload, and Lifetime Data Analysis". This text is helpful for computer performance professionals for supporting planning, design, configuring, and tuning the performance, reliability, and availability of computing systems. Such professionals may use these volumes to get acquainted with specific subjects by looking at the particular chapters. Many examples in the textbook on computing systems will help them understand the concepts covered in each chapter. The text may also be helpful for the instructor who teaches performance, reliability, and availability evaluation subjects. Many possible threads could be configured according to the interest of the audience and the duration of the course. Chapter 1 presents a good number of possible courses programs that could be organized using this text. Volume I is composed of the first two parts, besides Chapter 1. Part I gives the knowledge required for the subsequent parts of the text. This part includes six chapters. It covers an introduction to probability, descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis, random variables, moments, covariance, some helpful discrete and continuous random variables, Taylor series, inference methods, distribution fitting, regression, interpolation, data scaling, distance measures, and some clustering methods. Part II presents methods for performance evaluation modeling, such as operational analysis, Discrete-Time Markov Chains (DTMC), and Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC), Markovian queues, Stochastic Petri nets (SPN), and discrete event simulation.
We explored how mobile Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agents could navigate using path plans that are automatically generated in AgentSpeak, asking if there could be any performance advantages gained by having an agent’s path be automatically generated as a BDI plan that can be monitored, suspended and resumed in case of contingencies. To do the exploration, we used Jason BDI to design a framework to test this premise with simulated mobile robots. We further explored the navigation of mobile agents to see if such functionality should be implemented within the agent in either AgentSpeak or as an internal action, or externally in an environmental module. These agents navigated through three environments of varying complexity: a simple synchronized grid, an asynchronous grid connected via Robot Operating System (ROS), and an autonomous car simulated with AirSim connected using ROS. We demonstrated that our framework handles plan interruptions, such as preventing collisions, managing consumable resources, and updating a map when necessary while moving through an environment; that Jason BDI agents are capable of controlling autonomous mobile robots; and that the AgentSpeak language provides advantages for implementing the navigation search behaviours.
For autonomous agents and services to cooperate and interact in multi-agent environments they require well-defined protocols. A multitude of protocol languages for multi-agent systems have been proposed in the past, but they have mostly remained theoretical or have limited prototypical implementations. This work proposes a practical realisation of a general framework for defining dialogue-based bilateral interaction protocols which supports arbitrary agent-based interactions. Crucially, this work is tightly integrated with a modern framework for the creation of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, making it possible to go from protocols’ specification to their implementation and usage by agents, and enables evaluation of protocols’ effectiveness and applicability in real-world use cases.KeywordsInteraction protocolsDialoguesGeneral protocols
This paper takes a look at the execution time of the Jason reasoning cycle combining an examination of general algorithms and code analysis to determine the timing complexity of its parts. It also experimentally confirms the analysis through the use of profiling tools and agents specifically designed to exploit factors found to affect the execution time. It is found that the reasoning cycle executes within a reasonable time frame give that increasing the number of beliefs or plans leads to a linear increase of execution time (less than 0.1 s at 10 000 beliefs/plans in our setup), but increasing the number of percepts results in a polynomial increase in execution time (approximately one second at 10 000 percepts in our setup).KeywordsJasonReasoning CycleProfilingBDI
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Sistem investasi dan literasi keuangan dalam hal pasar modal di Indonesia masih rendah. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat Indonesia belum begitu mengenal industri investasi, baik pasar modal dan lainnya dengan baik. Kecenderungan bahwa investasi harus mengeluarkan nominal yang besar berakibat pada terhambatnya literasi keuangan untuk investasi tersebut. Dengan Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin meningkat secara exponensial di era revolusi industri 4.0, maka dibutuhkan sebuah layanan yang mencakup kemudahan akses, bersifat inklusi, dan otomatisasi untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Atas dasar hal tersebut, saya memutuskan untuk melakukan penelitian yang dapat membantu melakukan literasi keuangan kepada masyarakat dengan cara merancang aplikasi perencanaan keuangan dengan instrumen investasi reksadana berbasis progressive web apps menggunakan metode exponential moving average sebagai cara untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi produk reksadana pada saat melakukan transaksi. Aplikasi yang telah dirancang mampu tampil sebagai aplikasi yang user friendly serta dapat memberikan informasi dan pemahaman yang baik tentang industri investasi, sejalan dengan tujuan awal yaitu membantu melakukan literasi keuangan kepada masyarakat.Kata Kunci: PWA, ASP, Scrum Modul, Exponential Moving Average
In dieser Arbeit wird ein modellbasierter Testansatz für kooperierende autonome Systeme auf Basis farbiger Petri-Netze vorgestellt. Dazu werden zunächst verschiedene Modellierungssprachen zusammengetragen, die potenziell geeignet erscheinen, der hohen Komplexität derartiger Systeme gerecht zu werden. Anhand eines aufgestellten Kriterienkatalogs werden die Ansätze hinsichtlich ihrer Einsetzbarkeit bewertend verglichen. Aufbauend auf der Wahl farbiger Petri-Netze für die weitere Verfolgung des Ansatzes werden Überdeckungskriterien als objektiv messbare Testziele eingeführt und zueinander in Relation gesetzt. Die Generierung der Testfallmengen stellt dabei ein multi-objektives Optimierungsproblem dar. Während die strukturelle Überdeckung hinsichtlich eines ausgewählten Kriteriums zu maximieren ist, soll die Anzahl der Testfälle aus Gründen der Wirtschaftlichkeit möglichst niedrig gehalten werden. Zur Lösung dieses gegenläufigen Optimierungsproblems werden sowohl analytische als auch heuristische Verfahren vorgestellt. Der heuristische Ansatz wird dabei in Form von genetischen Algorithmen verfolgt. Die dafür notwendigen Operatoren werden in Bezug auf die gewählte Modellierungssprache der farbigen Petri-Netze detailliert beschrieben. Besondere Bedeutung kommt hierbei einer multiobjektiven Optimierung mittels Pareto-optimaler Lösungen zu, die es dem Anwender erlaubt, zwischen optimalen Lösungsalternativen auszuwählen. Die im Zuge der Arbeit entwickelten Ansätze und Werkzeuge werden schließlich an einer fiktiven Anwendung erprobt. Diese ist inspiriert durch das von der Europäischen Union und dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderte Projekt „Resilient Reasoning Robotic Co-operating Systems“ (R3-COP). Zudem erfolgt eine Evaluierung der Güte der generierten Testfallmengen mittels eines modellbasierten Mutationstests.
UML is the de facto standard for representing object-oriented designs. It does a fine job of recording designs, but it has a severe problem: its diagrams don’t convey what humans need to know, making them hard to understand. This is why most software developers use UML only when forced to. People understand an organization, such as a corporation, in terms of a control hierarchy. When faced with an organization of people or objects, the first question usually is, "What’s controlling all this?" Surprisingly, UML has no concept of one object controlling another. Consequently, in every type of UML diagram, no object appears to have greater or lesser control than its neighbors. These problems mean designs tend to become messy during both initial implementation and maintenance, resulting in more bugs and delays.
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Aims We aim to develope a system allowing the telemonitoring of the elderly health status. Medical telemonitoring can make life easy and safe for elderly. The goal of this project is the development of a medical telemonitoring application. Background Medical telemonitoring can make life easy and safe for elderly. Objective The goal of this project is the development of a medical telemonitoring application. Methods In this paper we exposed the different steps of the developing of a medical telemonitoring system designed for the elderly. We studied the medical needs and the system specifications. We used the UML language. Then we detailed the designed system with a total respect to the standard for the interoperability of connected medical equipment, Continua. We presented printed screens of the realized interfaces. Results We realized an application based on web development, more specifically development of a management application for medical telemonitoring. Conclusion In terms of perspectives, we aim to integrate security protocols in the developed system, integrate the data sent from the sensors into an E, H & R (HER) and send the patient file to a H, I & S (HIS).
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Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya teknologi informasi di dunia berkembang begitu pesat serta dukungan perangkat keras yang canggih, mendorong era baru sistem informasi serta membentuk tatanan kehidupan baru di masyarakat, dengan adanya pemahaman dan pemerataan pemahaman dalam teknologi yang ditunjang dengan perangkat keras canggih dengan harga murah sehingga perkembangan dan cara hidup masyarakat mulai bergeser, dari tananan manual menjadi terkomputerisasi, begitu juga dalam dunia bisnis retail perkembangan teknologi ini menjadi angin segar, sekaligus merupakan tantangan bagi para pengusaha agar tetap sukses, sehingga jalan terbaik adalah dengan mengikuti perkembangan jaman, yaitu dengan cara menggeser proses bisnis yang asalnya menual menjadi terkomputerisasi, toko atau retail merupakan salah satu bisnis yang saat ini secara langsung terdampak dengan perkembangan teknologi, solusi yang paling tepat yaitu mengembangkan sistem bisnis dari manual menjadi terkomputerisasi, berbasis web dan terakhir berbasis mobile, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode usecase driven dimana dengan metode ini pengembangan sistem bisa lebih disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna dan diharapkan bisa lebih mudah dalam implementasinya. Kata kunci: Sistem penjualan, uml, usecase driven, web, php , mysql.
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