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This paper focuses on the significance of workplace learning. Learning is often defined as the route in which any type of knowledge is attained (Eraut, 2000: 4; Lave & Wenger, 1991: 47). The workplace can be an important place for learning and development, and in which knowledge can be created (Avis, 2010: 171). A discussion of the various types of workplace learning is included in this paper, namely those which fall under the category of formal, informal and unconscious. Research shows that 80% of the learning occurs informally through self-directed learning, networking, coaching and mentoring (Yeo, 2008: 318). However, there may be obstacles that can hinder learning at the place of work. Examples of these obstacles are also tackled in this paper.
European Scientific Journal May 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Karen Cacciattolo, D.Soc.Sci., Leic.
M.Sc., Trng & HRM, Leic.
University of Malta, Malta
This paper focuses on the significance of workplace learning.
Learning is often defined as the route in which any type of knowledge is
attained (Eraut, 2000: 4; Lave & Wenger, 1991: 47). The workplace can be
an important place for learning and development, and in which knowledge
can be created (Avis, 2010: 171). A discussion of the various types of
workplace learning is included in this paper, namely those which fall under
the category of formal, informal and unconscious. Research shows that 80%
of the learning occurs informally through self-directed learning, networking,
coaching and mentoring (Yeo, 2008: 318). However, there may be obstacles
that can hinder learning at the place of work. Examples of these obstacles are
also tackled in this paper.
Keywords: Workplace Learning, Situated Learning, Communities of
Working is interconnected with learning and consequently,
workplace learning is the way in which skills are upgraded and knowledge is
acquired at the place of work. The literature in this paper concerns
workplace learning and offers different definitions. Broadly speaking
however, it can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills by
formal or informal means that occurs in the workplace. According to Collin
et al (2011) learning in the workplace is perceived as an ever-present
practice that occurs through customary work systems (2011: 303).
Workplace learning mostly occurs through work-related interactions,
and is generally described as contributing to the learning of both the
individual employee and the organisation as a whole (Collin et al, 2011: 303;
Doornbos et al, 2008: 131; Felstead et al, 2005: 360, 363; Fenwick, 2008a:
228). Fenwick (2008b) defines workplace learning as occurring through the
relations and dynamics between ‘individual actors’ and ‘collectives’ (2008b:
19). Moreover, workplace learning can enhance skills that may lead to
European Scientific Journal May 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
formal qualifications, as well as informal narrowly focused skills (Stroud &
Fairbrother, 2006: 458). Research shows that 80% of the work-related
learning occurs informally and this includes self-directed learning,
networking, coaching and mentoring (Yeo, 2008: 318). Therefore,
workplace learning can include formal elements but is predominantly
informal in nature, and is often incorporated into workplace social
interactions and everyday practices.
According to some authors, workplace learning is also ‘culturally
bound’, meaning that the skills that an employee learns represent the
requirements of his or her tasks within the organisation (Muhammad & Idris,
2005: 65). Moreover, much evidence shows that people learn more from
each other and through finding solutions for their day-to-day problems at the
workplace (Felstead et al, 2005: 368; Hager & Johnsson, 2009: 497;
Silverman, 2003: 15). In this regard, it is often argued that the most
important source of information, from which one can learn, is the existing
job predecessor. An experienced person is commonly described as the best
source of information about a new job wherein he or she can inform about
the challenges of and changes required to a task (Silverman, 2003: 14). In
addition, workplace learning can be identified as a two-way representation in
which employers and employees can mutually address skills development
through a process of social discourse in relation to the workplace.
Categories of Workplace Learning that Involve Intervention
Workplace learning is more concerned with informal learning rather
than formal education and qualifications. However, methods of workplace
learning may take many forms and, according to Silverman (2003), these can
be categorised into three types that involve a learning intervention of some
sort: in-house training, experience-based learning opportunities and training
through coaching and mentoring, and continuous learning (2003: 2).
In-house training involves planned learning activities that take place
near the job or outside work. Here, the organisation provides either short
training courses at the workplace setting or information and communication
proceedings that have a learning element. Trainers are usually from the
organisation itself or from external entities.
According to Silverman (2003), experience-based learning is an on-
the-job learning activity that is supported and evaluated, mostly through
coaching and mentoring (2003: 4). However, Eraut (2000) states that
experience-based learning often occurs in an either unplanned or in an
unaware manner during the usual day-to-day tasks (2000: 115). In the case
of learning that is supported and evaluated, one or more employees are
identified as people who trainees and other employees can go to for advice.
Experience-based learning may also take the form of job rotation and
European Scientific Journal May 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
increased autonomy. Here an employee is given a somewhat straightforward
task and then gradually shifts to more intricate tasks along with the relative
responsibility and autonomy.
In their study, Bishop et al (2006) hypothesized that the belief that
once employees are empowered, they will use that increased autonomy in a
responsible way, could be an important part of a learning-supportive culture.
Other studies show that lower level employees are often ready for greater
autonomy than they usually exercise and are eager to learn how to participate
in decision-making related to their tasks (Silverman, 2003: 17). It is often
argued that mentoring provides opportunities for peers to help novices
become experts (Yeo, 2008: 318). In this regard a skilled employee guides
the learner in carrying out particular tasks. Another method would be for a
trainee to work beside an experienced employee to observe and learn.
Experience-based learning may also push employees to learn
informally through discussions with customers, suppliers and other external
stakeholders of the organisation. Eraut (2000) mentions thereactive’ kind
of learning in which learning is explicit but takes place impulsively in
response to recent, current or forthcoming situations without any time being
specifically reserved for it (2000: 115). This type of learning, which is not
supported or evaluated, is a process that occurs normally involuntarily and
Continuous learning may include a group of employees working
together to identify how to improve certain processes, either formally or
informally. Accounts such as those above promote the view that continuous
learning occurs where the work environment is all the time focused on the
learning of new skills and knowledge and largely free of political conflict. In
this scenario employees are continuously encouraged and provided with
resources to learn for themselves from e.g. books, manuals, videos and
computer-based learning. In addition, the study of Fuller & Unwin (2003)
on expansive learning illustrates that organisations that offer an open
approach to apprenticeship are more expected to form learning opportunities
(2003: 412).
Informal/Unconscious Workplace Learning
According to Doornbos et al (2008) and Mallon et al (2005)
workplace learning is predominantly informal or unconscious and is a purely
situated, tacit, informal, and social process (2005: 4; 2008: 130). Likewise,
Yeo (2008) argues that informal learning is usually unintentional and it may
occur with or without the encouragement of the organisation (2008: 318).
Doornbos et al (2008) further argue that people can learn implicitly and are
able to distinguish the changes in their thoughts and behaviours at a later
stage (2008: 130).
European Scientific Journal May 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
The notion ofSpontaneous learning’ is identified by Doornbos et al
(2008) wherein learning occurs when actions are executed with another
objective in mind other than learning (2008: 131). This occurs when the
related action is itself unintentional, or when an action is intended but not
with the precise objective of learning. Doornbos et al (2008) describe the
changes in knowledge and skills as a result of such actions asby-products,
discovery, coincidence, or sudden realization’ (2008: 131). In their study,
Rowold & Kauffeld (2009) identified that constant informal learning
activities assisted employees most in increasing their relevant work-related
competencies (2009: 97). Therefore, the results of their study highlight the
significance of informal workplace learning.
Lave & Wenger’s Situated Learning
Maybe the most common theory of the meaning of learning at work
stands with Lave & Wenger’s (1991) book on situated learning, which has
guided and helped researchers understand the meaning of workplace learning
and apprenticeships. In their book, Lave & Wenger emphasise two concepts,
namely ‘Communities of Practice’ andLegitimate Peripheral Participation’,
wherein they provide insights on the meaning of workplace learning, mostly
apprenticeships (Fuller et al, 2005). TheCommunities of Practice’ concept
relates to the action of participating in social practices that leads to a sense of
belonging within a community (Avis, 2010: 173; Clarke, 2005: 191; Fuller et
al, 2005: 4; Fuller & Unwin, 2003: 3; Lave & Wenger, 1991: 98; Yeo, 2008:
318). These communities may include some sort of uniformity or diversity in
their structure and may also be either organised or made up voluntarily
(Chang et al 2009: 409).
Employees are able to learn from their participation in the everyday
activities of a community (Fenwick, 2008b: 20) and it is argued that
communities of practice aid individuals to learn and consequently to perform
better at the workplace (Chang et al, 2009: 410-11). Several critiques were
presented regarding this concept such as the lack of analysis on the politics,
comradeship, and form of a community, the lack of attention on the
development of the knowledge within the community during periods of
change that are expeditive and, the lack of consideration on the innovation
offered by the community and the agency/structure actions within (Fenwick,
2008a: 235; Fenwick, 2008b: 21; Fuller et al, 2005: 15-16). Therefore,
communities of practice are regarded as very important since they create a
link between the individual and organisational learning (van Winkelen &
McKenzie, 2007: 531). In this regard Newman (1985) suggests that trust and
openness should be fostered between the different departments of an
organisation (1985: 208). Thus, if an organisation is to succeed, it is
important that communities of practice are fostered within, and that these
European Scientific Journal May 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
share the knowledge by allowing these information flows to continue
(Coakes & Clarke, 2006: 75).
Obstacles to Workplace Learning
Organisations consist of individual agents of organisational learning,
of which behaviour is shaped by the social systems they are embedded in
(Easterby-Smith et al, 2000: 787). These social systems are also learning
systems that can inhibit learning due to the organisational politics, which
may result in lack of shared knowledge as illustrated by Newman (1985).
According to Collin et al (2011) social relations also include power issues to
some extent (2011: 303), which are also politically based. In his study,
Newman identified invisible walls between different units in organisations
that hindered the learning and sharing of information (1985: 208).
Collin et al (2011) argue that learning processes are central to the use
of power and control since workplace learning is seen as linking individual
and social realms (2011: 302). As such, learning and power become linked
during the tangential doing and shared custom through which workplace
culture become mutual, both in isolation and as a group (Collin et al, 2011:
303). Organisational politics can impede learning and as such, workplace
learning is not a neutral process for the organisation or the worker (Mallon et
al, 2005: 8).
An example illustrated by Silverman (2003) states that, in
organisations, managers are rewarded for the possession of a skill,
knowledge and understanding, and not for disseminating these important
resources to their subordinates (2003: 16). Therefore, organisational politics
may influence how these are accessed and controlled. Undoubtedly, this is
not only applicable to managers but also to lower level employees who may
feel the need to protect and control their skills due to the status and influence
that the same skills give them. Some other forms of barriers for workplace
learning, especially informal learning, may include lack of respect from the
new employee towards an experienced employee, individuals who hold back
information from their colleagues out of fear of being seen as a surplus and
passing erroneous information to new employees with the aim of harming
them (Billet, 1995: 24-25).
It is interesting to note that Lave & Wenger’s theory does not explore
in depth the issue of hindrance and politics and thus, this is a major
limitation of their theory in connection with the current research being
carried out (Fuller et al, 2005: 15). In this regard evidence shows that
learning situations may have considerable power inequalities (Collin et al,
2011; Malcolm et al, 2003: 5). In addition, if employees lack trust in the
organisation they work with, they would tend to keep the skills and
knowledge acquired to themselves in order to protect their job and position
European Scientific Journal May 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
within the organisation (Ashton & Sung, 2002: 21; Fenwick, 2008a: 233;
Kirwan, 2009: 117).
As discussed in the above sections, workplace learning is
conventionally seen as a means of improving the skills of employees and
enhancing their knowledge, and the learning involved may be either formal
or informal. Formal learning, which consists of qualifications and certified
training, is no longer seen as the sole method of learning. Formally-acquired
qualifications are becoming viewed more in terms of a wider structure that
concerns workplaces and the employees, educational institutions and various
communities within organisations. At the same time, informal learning at the
workplace is becoming an increasingly important tool for training
employees. Both formal and informal learning may benefit either the
organisation or the individual or both (Crouse et al, 2011; Lancaster, 2009).
However, such benefits are not automatic. According to Silverman (2003)
organisations do not always benefit from workplace learning and the
progress features of workplace learning must be taken into consideration that
can be hindered by careerism, apprehension, pressure, obsequiousness and
unsolved divergences (2003: 15).
Bishop et al (2006) state that there are strong indications that cultures
put forth a great influence on the amount and kind of learning that takes
place (2006: 21). This is especially concerned with assumptions about what
comprisesvaluable knowledge, dealing with the latest knowledge, the
appropriatelocation of knowledge in an organisation or group, and the
shape and role of social interactions (Bishop et al, 2006: 21). All these
appear to have a deep effect on workplace learning. Additionally, in their
study, Fuller & Unwin (2003) identified that the expansive or restrictive
learning approaches of the organisations they studied are the result of an
innate chronological, socio-cultural, organisational and economic practices
that are hard to imitate (2003: 424).
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European Scientific Journal May 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
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... In contrast to formal learning in the classroom situation, workplace learning entails shifting from traditional classroom-based learning to the kind of learning integral to an individual's job and occurring within the workplace and even during working hours. A general premise underlying workplace learning is that learning is no longer confined to formal activities in classrooms, but that it entails informal learning rather than formal education and qualifications (Cacciattolo, 2015). ...
... It is evident from workplace learning is that learning is no longer an activity confined to educational institutions, but rather that it is promoted for by a range of opportunities extending from formal to informal learning (Cacciattolo, 2015), which marks a shift from seeing learning in terms of the binary between formal and informal learning. Clearly, "learning is no longer confined to occasional formal activities in classroom environments" (Manuti et al., 2015:2). ...
... Of those who reported having received training upon assuming supervisory role, only one participant reported to have attended the skills programme, while the rest reportedly received supervision framework workshops coordinated by their organisation. This aligns with Cacciattolo's (2015) view that workplace learning is predominantly informal in nature, and often incorporated into workplace social interactions and everyday practices. ...
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The blurring of the boundaries and interconnectedness between learning and work are features worth exploring in the contemporary supervision landscape. Grounded on transition-experiential learning theories, the study analysed a social service organisation as a context for learning and examined how this context facilitated or inhibited supervision learning experiences for first-time supervisors. It draws on the qualitative findings of thirteen in-depth interviews whose data were analysed using the thematic analysis. This study found that the transitioning of first-time supervisors into the new role took place through their active participation in an organisational context. It concludes with the notion that workplace learning is a context-specific and interactive process. The social service organisation, with its unique features, serves the purpose of providing an environment for learning, with first-time supervisors afforded the opportunity to learn within the context and through interaction with other role-players. In summary, the study recommends a need for fostering of communities of practice, designing and management of workplace learning programmes, and ensuring the creation of sustainable and healthy workplaces. Keywords: social service organisation, organisational context, supervision practice, workplace learning, social service professions
... Therefore, most of the learners have either to take a study leave, quit their current job or attend the evening classes in order to pursue further studies. This means, they are also missing the important part of their professional development obtained at their workplaces, because workplace learning is another important learning path for professional development, as it equips the learner with real practical implications of the theories obtained from classes as well as the real challenges that might happen in the working environment (Billett, 2001;Cacciattolo, 2015;Metso & Kianto, 2014;Zhao & Ko, 2018). ...
... Workplace learning has been commonly defined as an informal or formal learning process that occurs at the workplace rather than the formal learning process and formal professional development leading to upgrade of an individual's certified qualification (Cacciattolo, 2015). (Silverman, 2003) categorized this learning process into three types, the in-house training, experienced-based learning, and continuous learning. ...
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This chapter aim at presenting stakeholders' perceptions of the integration of workplace learning and higher technical education using technology and how it affects their working environment and in turn their work and study life altogether. The chapter provides stakeholders' understanding of the key concepts; their understand of the impact of technology in working and learning environment, the integration of the two learning modes, the factors affecting this integration, the role of policies and how they affect the success of this integration. This empirical research focuses on the higher technical education-an area which is under researched when it comes to the topics related to vocational education and training in connection with the workplace environment. Furthermore, the study has also looked at the developing countries environment, where adult learning education perspective is still limited in the very early definitions and understanding, thus; the support to adults who could not succeed in the main stream educational system of that particular country, and the focus has been to help them from reading and writing illiteracy, however, many advancement has been done in this area, especially in developed countries, where, adult learning is no longer bounded in those constrains. Technological advancement, the need for further education and contemporary theories of adult education and learning, in connection with the workplace learning, requires variety of changing in education systems, policies and curriculum development processes so as to make the educational sector as inclusive as possible. With reference to these reasons, authors of this chapter discussed on the matters in depth with the empirical references from the main stakeholders in this area. It is with good hope that, the shared experience and the perspectives discussed will bring constructive insights to readers and other researchers who have 24 Global Perspectives on Quality of Working Life interests in these topics. The complexity and yet uniqueness of these topics, especially when are being subjected into one umbrella of discussion and researched, make them worth reading. The empirical data used from this study were collected via a semi-structured interview protocol, this was due to the exploratory nature of investigation, that's the study lies under a qualitative paradigm. Interviews were conducted with the main stakeholders of the study, who were (N = 4) students, (N = 4) employers from various business sectors, (N = 4) educators from higher educational institutions and (N = 3) policy makers from the policy development bodies. Applying the bottom-up content analysis method, the transcribed interviews were analyzed to identify themes. Atlas.ti, a qualitative content analysis software was used to aid the authors discover and organize themes and their categories to answer the research questions based on perceptions, challenges, and experiences of the stakeholders. Various categories and codes were discovered and used in discussing the results for an easy understanding of the subject matter. The findings from this research have also provided a good ground for further discussion and research in the subject matter, so as to bring and contribute valuable literature in the area of higher technical education, workplace learning and work life in general in connection with technological interventions. It is from this piloted study that researchers where able to run main, wide study in the subject matter to raise a doctoral thesis manuscript. With this short discussion and introduction of the core coverage of the topic, it is the hope of the authors that they have brought a valuable discussion and contribution that is worthy reading and included in this book. Authors, believe that this topic will open eyes and bring more in-depth research in this subject matter. We encourage and welcome further collaboration as well as comments, suggestions and questions concerning this study.
... Over the past few decades, there has been a growing interest in research concerning what WL is and how it can be interconnected with human resource interventions. By definition, WL refers to the accumulation of knowledge and skills mostly through informal sources that take place during work-related interactions (Cacciattolo, 2015). That is, the concept of WL practices limitedly encompasses intentionally & Jacobs, 2011). ...
... WL refers to the accumulation of knowledge and skills mostly by informal sources that take place through work-related interactions (Cacciattolo, 2015). WL limitedly encompasses intentionally designed educational programs, rather, it focuses on non-formal and informal activities that are less structured and incorporated into social networks and everyday practices in the workplace (Eraut, 2004;Marsick & Watkins, 1990). ...
With the recent shifts in the global economy, many scholars and policymakers are in broad agreement on the importance of lifelong learning practices in the occupational sphere. In response, there has been growing academic interest in adult education participation in which working adults acquire knowledge and skills to fulfill the ever-changing needs of the world of work. Many researchers have revealed that participating in adult education provides a wide array of benefits for individuals, organizations, and society. Yet, despite the increased research efforts, empirical findings are still inconclusive on what contextual factors most decisively or relatively importantly contribute to determining and patterning working adults’ participation in adult education. In this context, this study is conducted to present a holistic picture of adult education participation. To that end, the purpose of this study is to re-examine the determinants and patterns of adult education participation of working adults by leveraging emerging analytic techniques to capture population-level insights on (1) what drives participation in adult education and (2) how discrete patterns in adult education participation emerge. The data is drawn from the 2017 U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). The total sample size was 1,283 respondents aged 25 to 65 years old who had work experience in the last 12 months. Outcome measures were formal adult education and training (AET), non-formal AET, and informal learning, all of which indicate three major pillars of adult education participation. The selected 19 independent variables represent working adults’ individual-level (i.e., demographic information, human capital, and learning-related socio-psychological states) and work-related contexts. Through the random forest classifiers (RFCs) technique, one of the machine learning algorithms, this study identified important factors associated with participation in adult education. In addition, latent class analysis (LCA) was applied to investigate discrete patterns of adult education participation among sub-groups of working adults that share similar profiles of individual-level and work-related characteristics. According to the results obtained from RFCs models, first, skills proficiency and/or utilization appeared to be the far most critical influencers across every type of adult education participation. Second, education level and monthly income were the common salient predictors across types of adult education participation. Third, predictors explaining adult education participation somewhat varied depending on the types of adult education. By applying the LCA approach, this study identified four latent classes of working adults in adult education participation: (1) low-participation learners, (2) high-participation learners, (3) informal learners, and (4) structured learners. Moreover, the results demonstrated that the broader separation of working adults’ participation in adult education itself was strongly affected by situational and institutional contexts, whereas individual preference or selection across types of adult education relies on personal demographics and human capital. Based on the findings, this study concluded with several discussions and implications for research, policy, and practice.
... Learning is a continuous, lifelong process, with the workplace seen as an essential arena for professional development [1]. Workplace learning serves as a pathway to enhance professional skills and acquire knowledge, and formal programs are no longer seen as the only method of learning [2]. This is particularly relevant in professions like midwifery, which demand not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that are acquired through clinical practice [3]. ...
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Background Learning is a lifelong process and the workplace is an essential arena for professional learning. Workplace learning is particularly relevant for midwives as essential knowledge and skills are gained through clinical work. A clinical practice known as ‘Collegial Midwifery Assistance’ (CMA), which involves two midwives being present during the active second stage of labour, was found to reduce severe perineal trauma by 30% in the Oneplus trial. Research regarding learning associated with CMA, however, is lacking. The aim was to investigate learning experiences of primary and second midwives with varying levels of work experience when practicing CMA, and to further explore possible factors that influence their learning. Methods The study uses an observational design to analyse data from the Oneplus trial. Descriptive statistics and proportions were calculated with 95% confidence intervals. Stratified univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis were performed. Results A total of 1430 births performed with CMA were included in the study. Less experienced primary midwives reported professional learning to a higher degree (< 2 years, 76%) than the more experienced (> 20 years, 22%). A similar but less pronounced pattern was seen for the second midwives. Duration of the intervention ≥ 15 min improved learning across groups, especially for the least experienced primary midwives. The colleague’s level of experience was found to be of importance for primary midwives with less than five years’ work experience, whereas for second midwives it was also important in their mid to late career. Reciprocal feedback had more impact on learning for the primary midwife than the second midwife. Conclusions The study provides evidence that CMA has the potential to contribute with professional learning both for primary and second midwives, for all levels of work experience. We found that factors such as the colleague’s work experience, the duration of CMA and reciprocal feedback influenced learning, but the importance of these factors were different for the primary and second midwife and varied depending on the level of work experience. The findings may have implications for future implementation of CMA and can be used to guide the practice.
... Second, the on-the-job training concept guided the translation of training needs into concrete training objectives and outcomes through various questions, e.g., value, advantages, barriers, support, involvement, follow-up, and superusers. On-the-job training often used interchangeably with WPL, is characterized as acquiring knowledge or skills in the workplace by formal and informal means [36]. As such, the training could take place in units or simulation facilities. ...
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Background This study evaluated an attempt to implement video consultations through a novel education intervention in telehealth training and implementation in two middle-sized hospitals in Denmark. Three units tested the education intervention along with a regional decision to strengthen multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration through technology to improve service delivery by making the process more coherent and saving time and resources. This study aims to identify what contextual factors enable workplace learning, skills acquisition, and utilization of new digital skills to use and routinize video consultations in workplace practice. Methods This qualitative case study draws on the principles of the realist evaluation framework using cross-case comparisons to test and refine program theories by exploring the complex and dynamic interaction among context, mechanism, and outcome. The methods in this study include participant observations, document analysis, semi-structured individual interviews, and focus groups. We performed an interpretive cross-case analysis, which explored the context-mechanism-outcome relationship using the guiding question, “What works, for whom, under what circumstances, and why?”. Results Two broad mechanisms appeared to enable skills acquisition and routinization of video consultations: informal workplace learning and adjusting video consultations to professional judgment. The three units had different approaches to the implementation and training and, as such, had different outcomes. First, the skills acquired in the units differed; therefore, how and with whom they used video consultations varied. Second, video consultation use was more likely to be adjusted to workflows if unit managers were responsive to staff’s professional judgments regarding patients, as was evident in all three units. Conclusion Our study shows that a formal training course alone is insufficient to provide healthcare professionals with the skills needed to use video consultations in workplace practice. Informal workplace learning with support on the spot and continuous follow-up seems to equip healthcare professionals with the skills to use video consultations. Video consultations are more likely to be used confidently if novel workflows are adjusted to health care professionals' knowledge, skills, and judgment and their concerns regarding patient soundness.
... Graduates in general, including HRD graduates, may have competencies that are essential but not adequate for a manager, leader, or professional to add value to corporations. Cacciattolo (2015) found that informal education activities helped graduates the most in accruing relevant job-related competencies, thus demonstrating the importance of informal workplace learning. HRD graduates are expected to be multi-skilled and accomplish a variety of tasks that are relevant to their careers. ...
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Higher education institutions are not properly prepared to meet the expectations of employers regarding the work readiness of human resource development (HRD) graduates from universities. Employers seek to recruit graduates who have pertinent employability competencies. The factors that were determined should contribute considerably to meeting this need. The study was commenced to identify the factors relating to employability competencies for South African human resource development graduates. The sample of the survey comprised 134 professionals from the South African Board of People’s Practice (SABPP) in the nine (9) provinces of South Africa. A factor analysis was employed to identify the issues relating to the employability competencies of HRD graduates. Correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to establish the relationships between identified factors. The results confirmed that there were strong relationships between the factors of the current and the expected competencies concerning the employability of South African HRD graduates. The findings served to formulate specific recommendations on employers’ expectations regarding the employability competencies of HRD graduates. The intention of the study was to improve graduates’ competencies in the world of work.
... Workplace learning in higher education refers to the process of acquiring skills, knowledge, and experience through on-the-job training, internships, apprenticeships, or other forms of experiential learning in a professional setting [1,2]. Workplace learning is essential in higher education as it allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world settings and develop practical skills [3]. ...
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Workplace learning experience complements students' learning at the university and equips them with practical skills required in professional work contexts. Given its importance, educators must constantly devise strategies to enhance students' workplace learning and collect contextual data to determine how best to support them in collaboration with the internship sites. In this study, we adopted the online discussion forum to supplement undergraduate students' workplace learning in a semi-private Emirati university through reflection and workplace knowledge sharing with colleagues asynchronously. Using a qualitative approach, we ethically retrieved and thematically analyzed students' contributions to the online discussion forum. Our findings indicate that students found the orientation week beneficial and the knowledge gained at the university, such as communication and information technology, resourceful. Additionally, students found integration into the new context, time management, language issues, and emailing challenging. Despite the reported challenges, students indicated that the workplace learning experience strengthened their practical skills, including managing time, working with different people, and communicating within different contexts to smooth their transition to professional work contexts. Based on the findings, we suggest using online discussion to supplement workplace learning as an essential element for educators to consider when developing programs. We also recommend pre-internship orientations where expectations, roles, and required knowledge are discussed to prepare students for successful workplace learning experiences.
... With just-in-time learning, learning takes place anywhere, anytime and anyhow using real-time complex cases in daily practice [13]. This combination of working and learning can also be described as creating a workplace culture in which informal learning takes place in daily practice with the aim of improving employees' competencies and leadership, enhancing their knowledge, and improving the quality of care and work [14][15][16]. However, it is challenging to develop an interprofessional learning culture in nursing homes. ...
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Background Healthcare professionals in nursing homes face complex care demands and nursing staff shortages. As a result, nursing homes are transforming into home-like personalised facilities that deliver person-centred care. These challenges and changes require an interprofessional learning culture in nursing homes, but there is little understanding of the facilitators that contribute to developing such a culture. This scoping review aims to identify those facilitators. Methods A scoping review was performed in accordance with the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis (2020). The search was carried out in 2020–2021 in seven international databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Medline, Embase, PsycINFO and Web of Science). Two researchers independently extracted reported facilitators that contribute to an interprofessional learning culture in nursing homes. Then the researchers inductively clustered the extracted facilitators into categories. Results In total, 5,747 studies were identified. After removing duplicates and screening titles, abstracts and full texts, 13 studies that matched the inclusion criteria were included in this scoping review. We identified 40 facilitators and clustered them into eight categories: (1) shared language, (2) shared goals, (3) clear tasks and responsibilities, (4) learning and sharing knowledge, (5) work approaches, (6) facilitating and supporting change and creativity by the frontline manager, (7) an open attitude, and (8) a safe, respectful and transparent environment. Conclusion We found facilitators that could be used to discuss the current interprofessional learning culture in nursing homes and identify where improvements are required. Further research is needed to discover how to operationalise facilitators that develop an interprofessional learning culture in nursing homes and to gain insights into what works, for whom, to what extent and in what context.
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Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources. Surround yourself with people who not just support you and stay with you, but inform your thinking about ways to WOW your online presence" Sean Gardner, Forbes #1 Social Media Power Influencer Definition of SM and SNS and features W ith the ubiquitous presence and the simplest of technology, social media is easily reaching out to people and community. Through its anyone, anything, anytime element, the social networks are bringing the world to a common place. The traditional word of mouth has now been extended and evolved in the form of social media. Word of mouth is the most trusted and effective way of communicating with each other. With the advent of technology, the one with internet can connect with people and community through social media to share their opinion and views or may be just for interacting. This cultural shift is now been recognized by companies. What is social media? Looking at the definition given by Kent (2010), it is "an interactive communication channel that allows for two-way interaction and feed-back" with the "potential for real-time interaction, reduced anonymity, a sense of propinquity, short response times, and the ability to 'time shift, ' or engage the
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To investigate the impact of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) on learning and developing together for improving the quality of care in a nursing home, and to explore experiences following the four phases of the AI cycle, an AI was performed as part of participative action research. Interviews, group discussions, creative methods of storytelling, and reflections were used in the AI sessions. Staff members were interviewed to evaluate the AI process. All of the interviews were recorded and transcribed. Data were analyzed thematically using Maxqda and were discussed by the interviewers until consensus was reached. The sessions resulted in ten action proposals to improve healthcare. One proposal was worked out in agreements on cooperation. The evaluation revealed that the sessions have given a boost to the team spirit, and involvement at the location leading to more cooperation and communication during the shifts. The evaluation indicated that it is important to convert the action plans of the sessions into actions, which are then evaluated. AI was advised as a way of learning where everyone is involved, and mutual agreements are made. This study has shown that AI can be a valuable way to support learning and development to promote the quality of care in a nursing home.
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In this article we describe various ways in which power is exercised between personnel in a hospital operating theatre. We aim to investigate how the forms of discursive power and workplace learning are intertwined with each other by utilizing an ethnographic approach in the fieldwork. Our data were collected mainly through observations and interviews with surgical residents, physicians and nurses. In the article we describe the delicate ways in which power is exercised and resisted in everyday practices. We argue that there is a close relationship between learning and manifestations of power, together with the various forms of these manifestations and the restrictions that may be placed on them. Additionally, we show how learning takes place in terms of finding, experimenting with and transgressing participatory agency among nurses and residents in the work community.
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This paper explores the issue of the development of people's capability at work. The case study reported here - on a wine company in New Zealand -is the first empirical phase of a large research project, Developing human capability: employment institutions, organizations and individuals. The aim of this project is to explore the optimal conditions for the development of the capability of workers in New Zealand organisations, taking account of issues at the level of government policy and practice, industrial relations frameworks, organisational HR structures and practices, and individual engagement with learning at work. The primary focus of this paper is exploring the interaction of the types of opportunities the company offers for the development of individuals' capability, and the engagement of workers at various levels with those opportunities. The paper begins with an overview of the wine industry in which this case study is located and goes on to review literature about the workplace as an environment for learning and for the development of capability. This section concludes with the research questions to be explored through the case analysis. We then briefly describe our methodology before moving on to discuss our results, where we explore how affordances for development are differentially distributed within the company and how individual agency mediates the extent to which individuals proactively seek out development opportunities or attempt to resist them.
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Recently the role of human resource management (HRM) practitioners has become more professionalized and more strategic. Consequently, HRM practitioners have had to develop new competencies in areas such as change management, influence and technology. Workplace learning, which is important for professional development, is examined for 13 HRM practitioners in government, healthcare, post-secondary education and business organizations in the Halifax Regional Municipality area. Of particular interest were learning strategies, barriers to and facilitators of learning and outcomes of learning. To obtain rich data, practitioners were interviewed face to face using an interview guide. Results indicated that these practitioners are mostly similar to other professional groups in terms of workplace learning, with a few key differences. The similarities and differences are presented, and implications of these findings for HRM practitioners and future directions for research are discussed.
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A review was conducted of literature addressing learning in work, focusing on relations between individual and collective learning published in nine journals during the period 1999—2004. The journals represent three distinct fields of management/ organization studies, adult education and human resource development; all publish material about workplace learning regularly. In total, 209 articles were selected for content analysis, containing a range of material including reports of empirical research to theoretical discussion. Eight themes of individual—collective learning were identified through inductive content analysis of this literature: individual knowledge acquisition, sense-making/reflective dialogue, levels of learning, network utility, individual human development, individuals in community, communities-of-practice and co-participation or co-emergence. The discussion highlights similar issues stated in the different journals about understanding individual—collective learning, the apparent lack of dialogue across the fields, the ontological and ideological differences among the themes of learning currently in circulation and the low frequency of analysis of power relations in the articles reviewed.
This article explores the strengths and weaknesses of Lave and Wenger's concept of 'legitimate peripheral participation' as a means of understanding workplace learning. It draws on recent ESRC-funded research by the authors in contemporary workplace settings in the UK (manufacturing industry and secondary schools) to establish the extent to which Lave and Wenger's theories can adequately illuminate the nature and process of learning at work. The new research presented here, which was located in complex institutional settings, highlights the diverse nature of patterns and forms of participation. Case study evidence is used to identify individual and contextual factors which underpin and illuminate the ways in which employees learn. The paper argues that whilst Lave and Wenger's work continues to provide an important source of theoretical insight and inspiration for research in to learning at work, it has significant limitations. These limitations relate to the application of their perspective to contemporary workplaces in advanced industrial societies and to the institutional environments in which people work. These complex settings play a crucial role in the configuration of opportunities and barriers to learning that employees encounter.
Increasingly the importance of developing an appropriate learning environment in order to foster workplace learning is dominating organizational agendas. Yet much of the literature often lacks empirical support to underpin those conditions suggested as comprising an effective learning climate or suffers conceptually from failing to specify more clearly the nature of workplace learning. As a result, it is difficult to explain how or why differing aspects of an organization's learning environment should influence particular learning outcomes. Findings presented here demonstrate that (1) a supportive training and development infrastructure, (2) empowerment and effective communication, (3) opportunities for reflection and job challenge and (4) opportunities for formal and informal learning are associated with different types of learning outcomes associated with either workplace learning or training. The results suggest that, dependent on the types of learning outcomes desired by organizations, different aspects of the workplace environment are likely to be important in fostering an effective learning climate.
Situated learning theory provides a rich conceptual framework for analysing the processes by which apprentices become (full) participants in a community of practice. This article uses case study evidence from the UK's Modern Apprenticeship programme to show how this framework can be developed by identifying features of expansive and restrictive participation which help distinguish between different approaches to apprenticeship. We suggest that three inter-related themes (participation, personal development and institutional arrangements) underpin an expansive/restrictive continuum. The analysis is used to categorise company approaches to apprenticeship according to their expansive and restrictive characteristics, and to illustrate the variable learning opportunities that are being created for apprentices under the Modern Apprenticeship.
Purpose – The present study aims to examine how employees' formal (e.g. off-the-job training) and informal (e.g. discussion with colleagues) career-related continuous learning (CRCL) activities affect the development of self-reported work-related competencies. Design/methodology/approach – Participants were 372 employees working in one of 19 companies from a wide range of industries in Germany. Findings – Results revealed that informal CRCL affected professional, method, and social competencies. In addition, employees' participation in formal CRCL activities that focused on social issues was positively related to social competencies. Three types of competencies (professional, method, and social) are distinguished in the present study. Research limitations/implications – Additional influences on competency such as motivation and commitment should be controlled for in future studies. Also, competencies should be rated by supervisors. Objective measures of formal CRCL should be assessed. Practical implications – Organizations that aim to enchance employees' level of competencies should invest in informal CRCL and formal CRCL activities that focus on social competencies. The fact that the study was conducted in a variety of firms supports the idea that the findings could be generalized to other industrial settings. Originality/value – To the authors' knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate positive effects of CRCL on employees' levels of social competencies. In addition, the value of informal CRCL for the development of competencies was highlighted.