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Geoconservation in Portugal : an updated perspective about geosites inventory, legal setting, conservation and educational issues

... The Portuguese inventory is a good example of this approach, where the original methodology has been adapted to the country's particular situation, obtaining very good results: based on a similar initiative adopted in Spain (García-Cortés et al., 2001;García-Cortés, 2008 and2009), 14 geological frameworks of international relevance were identified in Portugal (Brilha et al., 2005). Unlike Spain (where only frameworks of international relevance were identified), 13 other geological frameworks of national relevance were also identified in Portugal (Brilha, 2010). Thus, the Global Geosites project methodology itself was used to identify sites of both international and national relevance, greatly facilitating the work of compiling a national geological heritage inventory. ...
... The Portuguese inventory is a good example of this approach, where the original methodology has been adapted to the country's particular situation, obtaining very good results: based on a similar initiative adopted in Spain (García-Cortés et al., 2001;García-Cortés, 2008 and2009), 14 geological frameworks of international relevance were identified in Portugal (Brilha et al., 2005). Unlike Spain (where only frameworks of international relevance were identified), 13 other geological frameworks of national relevance were also identified in Portugal (Brilha, 2010). Thus, the Global Geosites project methodology itself was used to identify sites of both international and national relevance, greatly facilitating the work of compiling a national geological heritage inventory. ...
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This document briefly explains the background of the current Spanish Inventory of Sites of Geological Interest (IELIG, in its Spanish acronym), largely based on the pioneering national inventory of points of geological interest compiled by the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME) between 1978 and 1989. The methodology used is based on a detailed review of both national and international experiences in geological heritage inventories and their conceptual base. We present the decision taken on the inventory model, and once the model is established, we describe in detail the methodology and workflow developed to identify the sites of geological interest in the target area, evaluate them quantitatively from the scientific or intrinsic point of view, and from the educational and tourist-recreational point of view. The starting point is the participation of a large panel of experts with proven experience in different fields of Earth sciences and in the specific geological domain being inventoried. This document also deals with other aspects, some of which are rarely addressed, but that need to be considered when inventorying and managing the sites, such as their precise demarcation or their correct naming, and including their detailed description. An inventory would not be complete without assessing the risk of degradation of the sites of interest, based on their fragility, vulnerability and susceptibility to degradation. Therefore, in the interest of clarity, we define these terms and describe the procedure used to quantitatively estimate these attributes. Finally, using the experience gained after years applying this methodology, we put forward recommendations to prioritize protection measures based on the estimated degradation risk. Key words: Spain, Geoconservation, Inventory, Sites of Geological Interest, Geological Heritage.
... Un buen ejemplo de este modo de proceder al inventario nacional es el caso de Portugal, que ha adaptado la metodología original a su situación particular obteniendo muy buenos resultados: tomando como referencia una iniciativa similar adoptada en España (García-Cortés et al., 2001;García-Cortés, 2008y 2009, en Portugal se identificaron 14 contextos de relevancia internacional (Brilha et al., 2005). Pero a diferencia del caso español, donde se pretendía identificar tan sólo los contextos de relevancia internacional, una aportación metodológica interesante ha sido el definir también otros 13 contextos geológicos de relevancia nacional (Brilha, 2010). De esta manera, la propia metodología del proyecto Global Geosites se utiliza para la identificación de lugares de relevancia internacional y nacional, facilitando mucho la labor de un inventario del patri-monio geológico nacional. ...
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En este documento se exponen brevemente los antecedentes del actual Inventario Español de Lugares de Interés Geológico, en buena parte heredero del pionero inventario nacional de puntos de interés geológico que el IGME promovió entre 1978 y 1989. Se fundamenta la metodología adoptada en una profunda revisión de las experiencias tanto nacionales como internacionales de inventario del patrimonio geológico, así como de sus bases conceptuales. Se expone la decisión adoptada sobre el modelo de inventario y, una vez establecido este modelo, se describe con detalle la metodología desarrollada y las sucesivas fases de trabajo que permiten la identificación de los lugares de interés geológico del ámbito inventariado, así como su valoración cuantitativa, tanto desde el punto de vista científico o intrínseco, como didáctico y turístico-recreativo. El punto de partida es la participación de un amplio panel de expertos, con experiencia demostrada en las diferentes ramas de las Ciencias de la Tierra y en el dominio geológico inventariado. En este trabajo se plantean otros aspectos, algunos de ellos poco tratados a veces, pero de interés para el inventario y la gestión de los lugares, como su delimitación precisa o su adecuada denominación, sin olvidar su descripción detallada. Pero la utilidad de un inventario no sería completa si no se aborda también el estudio del riesgo de degradación de los lugares de interés, a partir de su fragilidad, vulnerabilidad y susceptibilidad de degradación. Por ello, tras proponer definiciones para estos términos, con el objetivo de facilitar la lectura, se exponen los procedimientos de estimación, también cuantitativa, de estos atributos. Con la experiencia adquirida en estos años de desarrollo de la metodología, se formulan finalmente recomendaciones para priorizar las actuaciones de protección en función del riesgo de degradación estimado. Palabras clave: España, Geoconservación, Inventario, Lugares de Interés Geológico, Patrimonio Geológico.
... As a result, geoconservation has been developed to systemically deal with the conservation of geological heritage, hence its geology and geomorphological significance, by identifying, protecting, and managing important sites and landscapes (Hose 2000;Francesco et al. 2015). The choice of geoconservation is the conservation of geosites, as elementary components of the geological heritage of the Earth by means of definite inventory, evaluation, conservation, valuing, and monitoring procedures (Brilha 2005;Brilha 2010, Henriques et al. 2011. Taking into account the geological and geomorphological significance of current geoconservation sites, the rare fossils of the Nowshera Reef Complex and the pyroclastic bed sequences of the Gohati Rhyolite make an excellent case for geoconservation. ...
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The Peshawar Basin, Pakistan, is a renowned example of a middle Paleozoic lithological succession filled with 0.8-Ma-age mega lake sedimentation, and also the site of two tectonic major thrusts named the Main Mantle Thrust (MMT) and Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), respectively. Unfortunately, two geologically significant geosites, known as the Nowshera Reef Complex (NRC) and Gohati Rhyolite deposits (GRD), have limited research and international geological exposure, and are at risk of mining destruction as they are currently not geoheritage sites. The NRC is a spectacular example of a complete reef setting including back, fore, and core reef sections, which are seldom found in the world. An equally important geosite worth preserving is the GRD. For evaluating the geoconservation merit of geosites, a geoscientific inventory method has been applied in this study. The method considers representativeness, integrity, accessibility, and scientific and esthetic value criteria of each geosite. The quantification of the geosites is based on four categories of values: intrinsic value, scientific value, tourism value, and value of management. The final results indicate that both the geosites hold international significance in the relevance score (IR), and have high tourist potential due to their esthetic and intrinsic value. These results reflect the high representation of geological and geomorphological processes documented at the geosites. Despite these results, both geosites are currently on the verge of permanent destruction due to pervasive mining excavation acquiring construction materials. Unfortunately, some outcrops have already been completely mined, but some are only at risk and can be saved. The conclusions raise the need for planning and implementing management procedures to increase the conservation and sustainability parameters of the proposed NRC and GRD geosites.
... Numerosos trabajos han profundizado en los últimos años este campo de investigación (p.e. Brilha 2005Brilha , 2009Brilha, 2010;Brocx y Semeniuk 2007;Gray, 2004). ...
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The Peshawar Basin, Pakistan, is a renowned example of a middle Paleozoic lithological succession filled with 0.8-Ma-age mega lake sedimentation, and also the site of two tectonic major thrusts named the Main Mantle Thrust (MMT) and Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), respectively. Unfortunately, two geologically significant geosites, known as the Nowshera Reef Complex (NRC) and Gohati Rhyolite deposits (GRD), have limited research and international geological exposure, and are at risk of mining destruction as they are currently not geoheritage sites. The NRC is a spectacular example of a complete reef setting including back, fore, and core reef sections, which are seldom found in the world. An equally important geosite worth preserving is the GRD. For evaluating the geoconservation merit of geosites, a geoscientific inventory method has been applied in this study. The method considers representativeness, integrity, accessibility, and scientific and esthetic value criteria of each geosite. The quantification of the geosites is based on four categories of values: intrinsic value, scientific value, tourism value, and value of management. The final results indicate that both the geosites hold international significance in the relevance score (IR), and have high tourist potential due to their esthetic and intrinsic value. These results reflect the high representation of geological and geomorphological processes documented at the geosites. Despite these results, both geosites are currently on the verge of permanent destruction due to pervasive mining excavation acquiring construction materials. Unfortunately, some outcrops have already been completely mined, but some are only at risk and can be saved. The conclusions raise the need for planning and implementing management procedures to increase the conservation and sustainability parameters of the proposed NRC and GRD geosites.
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Apadrina una roca", una iniciativa de voluntariado popular para la conservación del patrimonio geológico Autor: Juana Vegas Salamanca Institución: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España Otros autores: Ignacio Gutiérrez Perez (Ferrovial-Agromán); Andres Díez Herrero (IGME)
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