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Bioethanol production by Miscanthus as a lignocellulosic biomass: Focus on high efficiency conversion to glucose and ethanol


Abstract and Figures

Current ethanol production processes using crops such as corn and sugar cane have been well established. However, the utilization of cheaper lignocellulosic biomass could make bioethanol more competitive with fossil fuels while avoiding the ethical concerns associated with using potential food resources. In this study, Miscanthus, a lignocellulosic biomass, was pretreated using NaOH to produce bioethanol. The pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were evaluated by response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions were found to be 145.29 degrees C, 28.97 min, and 1.49 M for temperature, reaction time, and NaOH concentration, respectively. Enzymatic digestibility of pretreated Miscanthus was examined at various enzyme loadings (10 to 70 FPU/g cellulose of cellulase and 30 CbU/g of beta-glucosidase). Regarding enzymatic digestibility, 50 FPU/g cellulose of cellulase and 30 CbU/g of beta-glucosidase were selected as the test concentrations, resulting in a total glucose conversion rate of 83.92%. Fermentation of hydrolyzed Miscanthus using Saccharomyces cerevisiae resulted in an ethanol concentration of 59.20 g/L at 20% pretreated biomass loading. The results presented here constitute a significant contribution to the production of bioethanol from Miscanthus.
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Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1939
Minhee Han,a Gi-Wook Choi,a,* Yule Kim,a and Bon-cheol Koo b
Current ethanol production processes using crops such as corn and
sugar cane have been well established. However, the utilization of
cheaper lignocellulosic biomass could make bioethanol more competitive
with fossil fuels while avoiding the ethical concerns associated with using
potential food resources. In this study, Miscanthus, a lignocellulosic
biomass, was pretreated using NaOH to produce bioethanol. The
pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were evaluated by
response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions were
found to be 145.29 °C, 28.97 min, and 1.49 M for temperature, reaction
time, and NaOH concentration, respectively. Enzymatic digestibility of
pretreated Miscanthus was examined at various enzyme loadings (10 to
70 FPU/g cellulose of cellulase and 30 CbU/g of β-glucosidase).
Regarding enzymatic digestibility, 50 FPU/g cellulose of cellulase and 30
CbU/g of β-glucosidase were selected as the test concentrations,
resulting in a total glucose conversion rate of 83.92%. Fermentation of
hydrolyzed Miscanthus using Saccharomyces cerevisiae resulted in an
ethanol concentration of 59.20 g/L at 20% pretreated biomass loading.
The results presented here constitute a significant contribution to the
production of bioethanol from Miscanthus.
Keywords: Bioethanol; Miscanthus; Response surface methodology (RSM); Enzymatic hydrolysis;
Contact information: a: Changhae Institute of Cassava and Ethanol Research, Changhae Ethanol Co.,
Ltd, Jeonju, 561-203, Korea; b: Bioenergy Crop Research Center, National Institute of Crop Science,
Rural Development Administration, Muan, 534-833, Korea; *Corresponding author:
Over the last few decades, the excessive consumption of fossil fuels has led to an
increasing demand for alternative sources of fuel (Zaldivar et al. 2001). These alternative
sources usually rely upon the production of renewable energy sources such as ethanol.
Currently, ethanol is mainly produced from sugar or starch for use as a fuel. However, the
availability of raw materials that are also food sources is not sufficient to meet the need
for ethanol fuel production (Hahn-Hagerdal et al. 2006). Cellulosic ethanol is one of the
most promising technological approaches available for reducing the emission of
greenhouse gases from the transportation sector (Lynd 1996). Further, lignocellulosic
biomass is a widely available, low-cost feedstock that is not subject to the ethical
concerns associated with the use of a potential food resource (Rass-Hansen et al. 2007).
For this reason, the development of a process for converting lignocellulosic biomass into
ethanol is imperative. However, such a process is challenging due to the complex
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1940
structure of the plant cell wall. Pretreatment is required to alter the structural and
chemical composition of lignocellulosic biomass to facilitate rapid and efficient
hydrolysis of carbohydrates in the cell wall into fermentable sugars (Chang and
Holtzapple 2000).
A variety of physical (comminution, hydrothermolysis), chemical (acid, alkali,
solvents, ozone), physico-chemical (steam explosion, ammonia fiber explosion), and
biological pretreatment techniques have been developed to improve the accessibility of
enzymes to cellulosic fibers (Moiser et al. 2005). Acid pretreatment includes the use of
sulfuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acids to remove hemicellulosic components and expose
cellulose to enzymatic digestion (Schell et al. 2003). Agricultural residues such as
corncobs and stovers are particularly well suited for dilute acid pretreatment (Torget et al.
1991). Alkali pretreatment refers to the application of alkaline solutions for the removal
of lignin and various uronic acid substitutions present on hemicellulose that lower
enzyme accessibility (Chang and Holtzapple 2000). Generally, alkaline pretreatment is
more effective for agricultural residues and herbaceous crops than wood materials (Hsu
1996). Peroxide pretreatment enhances enzymatic conversion through oxidative
delignification and reduction of cellulose crystallinity (Gould 1985). Increased lignin
solubilization and cellulose availability have been observed during the peroxide
pretreatment of wheat straw (Martel and Gould 1990), Douglas fir (Yang et al. 2002), and
oak (Kim et al. 2001). Ozonation is another attractive pretreatment method that does not
leave strong acidic, basic, or toxic residues in treated materials (Neely 1984). The effect
of ozone pretreatment is essentially limited to lignin degradation. Specifically,
hemicellulose is attacked, while cellulose is barely affected (Sun and Cheng 2002).
Further, ozonation has been widely used to reduce the lignin content of both agricultural
and forestry wastes (Neely 1984).
Miscanthus utilizes the C4 photosynthetic pathway. Compared to C3 plants,
which make up the majority of plants, C4 plants have a higher carbon dioxide fixation
rate that results in high rates of photosynthesis. Therefore, C4 plants can grow very fast.
Additionally, C4 plants have a very low compensation point, enabling them to conduct
photosynthesis at high light intensity when only low concentrations of carbon dioxide are
available. Furthermore, since the concentration of CO2 relative to O2 in the cells of C4
plants is high, the rate of photorespiration in C4 plants is significantly lower than in C3
plants (Theese 1995). Miscanthus can grow up to 4 m tall (Eitzinger and Kossler 2002).
The height of the plant is dependent on the species as well as the growing conditions. A
benefit of Miscanthus is its high biomass yield, which depends on the season during
which it is harvested (Himken et al. 1997). In Northern Europe, M. sinesis hybrids have
been found to yield up to 25 t/ha, whereas in middle and Southern Europe M. x giganteus
yields up to 38 t/ha, and M. sinensis hybrids yield up to 41 t/ha (Lewandowski et al.
To fully utilize Miscanthus as a feedstock for ethanol production, pretreatment is
required to render the cellulose fibers more amenable to the action of hydrolytic enzymes.
In this study, response surface methodology (RSM) was used to determine the optimal
pretreatment with NaOH solution and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions that produce high
concentrations of bioethanol. RSM is a statistical technique used to model and optimize
multiple variables, and it can be used to determine the optimum conditions by combining
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1941
experimental design with interpolation of first- or second-order polynomial equations in a
sequential testing procedure. This methodology has already been successfully applied in
optimizing the enzymatic hydrolysis of several substrates, including cellulose
(Kunamneni and Singh 2005; Tengborg et al. 2001; Marques et al. 2007; Ribeiro and
Ribeiro 2008; Gouveia et al. 2008; Lu et al. 2007; Lebo et al. 2004). Also, enzymatic
hydrolysis and fermentation experiments were carried out using the pretreated biomass to
determine the appropriate enzyme concentration and biomass loading. As the enzyme
cost is high relative to other factors, the enzyme dosage has a great effect on the
economics. Although high biomass loading could lead to high ethanol concentration, it is
too difficult to agitate as the solid content and viscosity increase. In addition, the enzyme
can be exposed to product inhibition by glucose that is produced in the course of
enzymatic hydrolysis. Under these conditions, bioethanol was produced through separate
hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) processes, which is the most basic process used for
fermentation in order to minimize contamination.
Raw Materials
Miscanthus was harvested at a local site in Korea (Jeonju City) during the winter
of 2009 and air-dried at temperatures below 45 °C to obtain a dry matter content of 92 to
94%. Dried Miscanthus was chopped and hammer-milled to a particle size of 1 to 3 mm,
then stored in sealed plastic bags at room temperature until used.
Enzymes were provided by Novozymes, Korea. A cellulase complex (NS50013)
and β-glucosidase (NS50010) were used to investigate enzymatic digestibility. The
cellulase complex had an activity of 70 filter paper units (FPU)/g cellulose. The β-
glucosidase had 250 cellobiase units (CbU)/g. All reagents used in this study were of
analytical grade.
NaOH Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
In this study, 10 mL of NaOH solution was used to pretreat 2 g of ground
Miscanthus samples in order to determine the optimum pretreatment and enzymatic
hydrolysis conditions. The treatments were performed at various temperatures and for
various times in an oil bath. The reaction time was estimated after approaching the set
temperature. After cooling, the treated biomasses were washed with deionized water
several times. Then, the biomass was dried at 45 °C in order to fix the moisture for
enzymatic hydrolysis.
Two enzyme solutions, the cellulase complex and β-glucosidase, were used to
investigate the effects of enzyme concentration (cellulase activity of 5 to 70 FPU/g
cellulose and β-glucosidase activity of 30 CbU/g) and biomass concentration (1 to 30%
loading) on enzymatic hydrolysis. Hydrolysis was conducted at 50 °C and 150 rpm for 72
h. After the reaction, 1.0 mL aliquots were taken and centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 10
min. The supernatant was removed for sugar content analysis (Yang and Wyman 2004).
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1942
Experimental Design
Response surface methodology (RSM) is a collection of mathematical and
statistical techniques that are used to model and analyze problems in which the response
of interest is influenced by several variables, and the objective is to optimize this
response (Montgomery 2001). In this study, many variables could potentially affect the
efficiency of the pretreatment process. Central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was
employed to determine the effects of independent variables on the response and factor
interactions using different combinations of variables. Three independent variables,
namely temperature (X1), reaction time (X2), and NaOH solution concentration (X3), were
studied at three levels with three repetitions at the central point and three replications at
the axial and factorial points (Table 1).
Table 1. Coded and Decoded Values for each Variable of the Central Composite
Rotatable Design
Coded levels of the
experimental factors
NaOH concentration
For each of the five variables studied, high (coded +2) and low (coded −√2) set
points were selected according to the results obtained in the preliminary tests. The results
of each CCRD were analyzed using Design Expert® software version 7.1.3 from Stat-
Ease, Inc., Minneapolis, USA. The quadratic effects of the five variables were calculated,
as well as their possible interactions, with the conversion rate of the biomass to glucose.
The significance of these variables was evaluated using variance analysis (ANOVA).
Three-dimensional surface plots were drawn to illustrate the effects of the
independent variables on the dependent variables, as described by a quadratic polynomial
equation fitted to the experimental data. The fit of the models was evaluated by
determining the R-squared coefficient and the adjusted R-squared coefficient. To verify
the models, optimum values for the selected variables were obtained by solving the
regression equation using Design Expert® software version 7.1.3.
Fermentation with Industrial Microorganism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
CHY 1011
After enzymatic hydrolysis, S. cerevisiae CHY 1011 was inoculated, and solid
caps were replaced with silicone septa caps pierced with 22 g needles in order to exhaust
the CO2 that was released during fermentation. The bottles were then placed back on the
shaker/incubator, and the temperature was set to 32 °C. These bottles were sampled
periodically for the next 48 h, after which the final ethanol concentration was estimated.
S. cerevisiae inoculum was prepared by growing strain CHY 1011 on solid YPD
medium containing 10 g of yeast extract, 20 g of protease peptone, and 10 g of dextrose
per liter supplemented with 15 g of Bacto agar. The solid culture was incubated at 32 °C
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1943
for 48 h, after which a single colony was transferred to a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask
containing 10 mL of YPD. Then, the colony was grown at 32 °C with agitation (150 rpm)
for 12 h. This culture was used to inoculate the seed culture, which consisted of 200 mL
of YPD in a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask incubated for 12 h.
Analytical Methods
The total solids, acid-soluble lignin, and acid-insoluble lignin contents of
Miscanthus were determined by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
using Standard Biomass Analytical Procedures (National Renewable Energy Laboratory).
The carbohydrate content of Miscanthus was estimated by measuring the hemicellulose
(xylan, galactan, and arabinan)- and cellulose (glucan)-derived sugars. The composition
of the hydrolysate produced by enzymatic hydrolysis was determined by measuring
glucose and xylose by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
The HPLC (Waters, USA) system was equipped with a Bio-Rad Aminex HPX-
87P column, a guard column, an automated sampler, a gradient pump, and a refractive
index detector. The mobile phase was deionized water at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min at 85
°C. Prior to HPLC injection, all samples (derived from solids and hydrolysate) were
neutralized with calcium carbonate, centrifuged at 5,000 g for 10 min, and filtered
through 0.2 µm syringe filters. The concentration and impurities of ethanol were deter-
mined using a Density/Specific Gravity Meter (DA-510, KEM Co, Ltd., Japan) and gas
chromatography (GC) with a Supelco 6.6 % CARBOWAX 20M column, Agilent, USA.
Characteristics of Miscanthus
The chemical composition of Miscanthus varies according to its growth location,
season, harvesting method, as well as analysis procedure (National Renewable Energy
Laboratory). The composition of Miscanthus used in this study is listed in Table 2.
Based on the HPLC carbohydrate analysis, the sugar fraction was 59.08% and the
lignin fraction was 23.31% of the dry biomass. Glucan, which was derived from both the
Miscanthus fiber and plant cell wall, was the major component (36.96%). Xylan, as the
major hemicellulose constituent, constituted up to 22.12%. Lignin is a complex chemical
compound derived from biomass that protects against enzyme attack. Arabinan accounted
for only a small portion (>1%) of the biomass, whereas galatan and mannan were not
detected. Additionally, Miscanthus contained little ash (2 to 3%) and other unknown
components. Glucan and xylan can be converted to ethanol using organisms capable for
fermenting pentoses and hexoses. However, digestion of pentose by S. cerevisiae CHY
1011 is difficult, and therefore, cellulose was retained during pretreatment and utilized to
ferment hexoses derived from the biomass.
Optimization of Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis with Central
Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD)
Following pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis, the total glucose conversion
rate (TGCR) was evaluated as a function of temperature, time, and NaOH solution
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1944
concentration. The TGCR was expressed as the efficiency of pretreatment and enzymatic
hydrolysis at the same time, and it was determined according to Eq. 1,
%   %%
%%   (1)
in which Sp is the solid ratio after pretreatment, GE is the glucose concentration after
enzymatic hydrolysis, BL is the pretreated biomass loading at enzymatic hydrolysis, and
GR is the raw biomass glucose concentration. The temperature ranged from 120 to 180
°C, time ranged from 10 to 30 min, and the pretreatment solution concentration ranged
from 0.5 to 1.5 M in the optimal CCRD test (Table 3).
Table 2. Major Components of Miscanthus
Component [%]*
Cellulose 36.96(±0.94)
Hemicellulose 22.12(±0.75)
Acid-insoluble lignin 20.43(±0.86)
Acid-soluble lignin 2.88(±0.12)
Moisture 7.02(±0.14)
Ash 2.84(±0.08)
*Values indicate the mean of triplicate observations
Table 3. Central Composite Design for the Optimization of Three Variables in
Determining Total Glucose Conversion Rate (TGCR) after Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Runs Reaction
TGCR [%]*
1 -1.68 0.00 0.00 76.72 (± 0.58)
2 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 64.24(± 0.74)
3 -1.00 -1.00 1.00 81.79(± 0.32)
4 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 66.25(± 0.63)
5 -1.00 1.00 1.00 77.17(± 0.91)
6 0.00 -1.68 0.00 74.35(± 0.53)
7 0.00 0.00 -1.68 38.00(± 0.28)
8 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.19(± 0.26)
9 0.00 0.00 0.00 76.35(± 0.41)
10 0.00 0.00 0.00 76.20(± 0.82)
11 0.00 0.00 1.68 85.64(± 0.39)
12 0.00 1.68 0.00 77.49(± 0.47)
13 1.00 -1.00 -1.00 74.73(± 0.61)
14 1.00 -1.00 1.00 73.46(± 0.29)
15 1.00 1.00 -1.00 68.50(± 0.64)
16 1.00 1.00 1.00 81.54(± 0.57)
17 1.68 0.00 0.00 74.96(± 0.53)
* Values indicate the mean of triplicate observations
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1945
Variance analysis (ANOVA) was performed to evaluate the effects of the
variables and their possible interactions. The coefficients of the full model were
evaluated using regression analysis, and their significance was tested. The insignificant
coefficients were excluded from the model using backward elimination. The analysis of
variance performed on the reduced models (Table 4) demonstrated that they were
statistically significant with p-values lower than 0.0001.
Table 4. ANOVA Results for Response of Total Glucose Conversion Rate
Source Sum of
Squares d.f. Mean of
Square F Value p-value
(Prob > F)
Model 2154.984 13 165.768 938.943 < 0.0001
Temp. 1.550 1 1.550 8.778 0.0594
Time 0.333 1 0.333 1.884 0.2634
NaOH conc. 1134.247 1 1134.247 6424.599 < 0.0001
Temp. X Time 10.805 1 10.805 61.199 0.0043
Temp. X NaOH conc. 0.006 1 0.006 0.037 0.8601
Time X NaOH conc. 57.517 1 57.517 325.789 0.0004
0.187 1 0.187 1.061 0.3788
4.027 1 4.027 22.808 0.0174
NaOH conc.
291.643 1 291.643 1651.923 < 0.0001
Temp. X Time X NaOH conc. 229.466 1 229.466 1299.741 < 0.0001
X Time 22.283 1 22.283 126.214 0.0015
X NaOH conc. 213.912 1 213.912 1211.640 < 0.0001
Temp. NaOH conc.
0.913 1 0.913 5.169 0.1076
Residual 0.530 3 0.177
Lack of Fit 0.206 1 0.206 1.276 0.3759
Pure Error 0.323 2 0.162
Total 2155.514
R2 = 0.9998; adj. R2 = 0.9987; d.f.=degree of freedom.
The NaOH concentration produced the lowest p-values (<0.0001) among all
factors, which indicates that NaOH concentration was the dominant factor affecting the
TGCR. Equation (2) describes the correlation between the significant variables and
glucose release rate for the pretreated biomass in terms of the decoded values,
Ya = 76.056 – 0.523 X1 -0.243 X2 + 14.16 X3
- 1.162 X1X2 + 0.029 X1X3+ 2.681 X2X3
- 0.129 X1
2 + 0.598 X2
2 -5.086 X3
2 + 5.356 X1X2X3
- 2.593 X1
2X2 -8.035 X1
2X3+ 0.525 X1X2
2 (2)
where X1 is temperature, X2 is time, and X3 is the NaOH concentration.
The relationship between the response and controlled variables was visualized
using the response surface or contour plots. Response surface plots were used to estimate
the TGCR as a function of two factors, based on Eq. 2, while maintaining all of the other
factors at a fixed level of zero. The convex response surfaces suggest that there were
well-defined optimal variables. Graphic representation of the response surface shown in
Fig. 1 helps visualize the effects of temperature and NaOH solution concentration.
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1946
TGCR [%]
Temp. ['C]
NaOH conc. [M]
FIG. 1. Response surface plots show the effects of temperature and NaOH solution
concentration. The value of the variable time was fixed at the central point.
The proportion of the total variation attributed to each fit was evaluated using the
R-squared value (noting that R2 > 0.75 indicates a suitable model) (Haaland 1989). For
the pretreated Miscanthus, the regression equation resulted in an R2 value of 0.9998,
which is in good agreement with the adjusted R2 of 0.9987. These results ensure that the
theoretical values were well adjusted to the experimental data using this model.
Therefore, the model was suitable for predicting the TGCR.
The optimum values of the selected variables were obtained by solving the
regression equation, and results are shown in Table 5. To validate the model, the
optimum values for Equation (2) were used in triplicate sets of experiments, and the
maximum response obtained for each parameter is presented in Table 5. The experi-
mental response for Miscanthus was 83.92% of the TGCR. This value is in good
agreement with the predicted value of 86.89 (82.55-91.23) with a 95% confidence
interval. This behavior shows that the model could be adapted to the experimental results,
confirming the validity and adequacy of the models.
Table 5. Optimal Values of the Test Variables in Decoded Units, and the
Predicted Maximum of the Total Glucose Conversion Rate (TGCR) from Dry
Biomass at a 95% Confidence Interval
Variables Value
X1: Temperature [C] 145.29
X2: Time [min] 28.97
X3: NaOH concentration [M] 1.49
TGCR of predicted response with 95%
confidence interval 86.89 (82.55-91.23)
TGCR of experimental response [%] 83.92 ± 0.35
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1947
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Pretreated Miscanthus
Enzymatic hydrolysis experiments were carried out using the pretreated biomass
in order to determine the effects of enzyme concentration and biomass loading. Equation
3 describes enzymatic digestibility,
%   (3)
in which GE is the concentration of enzyme-converted glucose and GP is the glucose
concentration after pretreatment. Figure 2 shows the enzymatic digestibility of pretreated
Miscanthus at 1% (w/v) biomass loading with cellulase complex and β-glucosidase
enzyme loadings of 5 to 70 FPU/g cellulose and 30 CbU/g, respectively. The conversion
rate was enhanced in accordance with an increase in enzyme dosage. However, there was
little difference in enzymatic digestibility when the enzyme dosage was greater than 50
FPU/g cellulose. Based on these results, an enzyme loading of 50 FPU/g cellulose was
chosen to examine the enzymatic digestibility of pretreated Miscanthus, due to its high
stability and effective reaction.
Time [h]
0 20406080
Enzymatic digestibility [%]
FIG. 2. Enzymatic digestibility of pretreated Miscanthus at 1% (w/v) biomass loading with cellulase
complex and β-glucosidase enzyme loadings of 5 to 70 FPU/g cellulose and 30 CbU/g,
respectively. 5; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70 FPU g-1 cellulose
Figure 3 (a and b) shows the converted glucose concentration and enzymatic
digestibility of pretreated Miscanthus at various biomass loadings (1 to 24% (w/v)) with
50 FPU/g of cellulose enzyme. A biomass loading of over 24% was impractical due to
difficulties in stirring. In early enzymatic hydrolysis, enzymatic digestibility could not be
analyzed due to the high viscosity of the biomass. The converted glucose concentration
showed an upward trend, but enzymatic digestibility decreased with increased biomass
loading. There was little difference in enzymatic digestibility (ca. 90%) when the biomass
loading was greater than 10% (w/v) of the biomass concentration, whereas greater than
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1948
20% (w/v) biomass loading resulted in 80% enzymatic digestibility. One explanation is
that the enzyme activity decreased in accordance with the increasing conversion of
glucose concentration.
Time [h]
0 2040608
Converted glucose conc. [%]
Time [h]
0 2040608
Enzymatic hydrilysis [%]
FIG. 3. Converted glucose concentration (a) and enzymatic digestibility (b) of pretreated
Miscanthus at 1~24 % (w/v) biomass loading with cellulase complex and β-glucosidase enzyme
loadings of 50 FPU/g cellulose and 30 CbU/g, respectively. 1; 5; 10; 15; 17; 20; 22;
24 % biomass loading
Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation (SHF) of Pretreated Miscanthus with
S. cerevisiae
The fermentative potentials of the pretreated materials were evaluated using S.
cerevisiae. The pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were applied according
to the results of the RSM. To evaluate the ethanol concentration as a function of biomass
loading (10 to 24% (w/v)), the pretreated biomass was mixed with the cellulase complex
and β-glucosidase for 72 h at 50 °C. Fermentation was subsequently carried out for 48 h
at 32 °C with inoculation of 7% S. cerevisiae. Sterilization was conducted before and
after enzymatic hydrolysis to prevent contamination of the SHF process.
Figure 4 (a) shows the ethanol concentrations of the pretreated Miscanthus at
various biomass loadings (10 to 24 % (w/v)) after enzymatic hydrolysis using 50 FPU/g
cellulose before and after sterilization. As the biomass loading increased, the ethanol
concentration accordingly increased. The final ethanol concentrations for biomass
loadings of 10% and 20% were 27.01 and 49.30 g/L, respectively. However, the ethanol
yields decreased upon increasing biomass loading. Ethanol yields were calculated by
dividing the experimental ethanol concentration by the theoretical amount of ethanol
produced by glucose conversion from pretreated biomass. When the biomass dosage was
10%, the ethanol yield was 80.73%, which is 1.3 times higher than that of the 20%
biomass loading (61.40%). As previously mentioned, this indicates that enzyme
activation was inhibited by the amount of converted glucose, which increased with
increasing biomass loading.
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1949
Figure 4 (b) shows the results of the fermentation process carried out under the
same conditions of (a), but without sterilization after enzymatic hydrolysis, to preserve
enzyme activity. As a result, ethanol production increased considerably. Compared to the
data of (a), the rates of increase in ethanol concentration were found to be 4.92% for 10%
and 20.08% for 24% biomass loading, respectively. This suggests that the ethanol
concentration was increased by additional enzymatic hydrolysis along with consumption
of glucose by yeast during fermentation. These results are summarized in Table 6.
Time [h]
0 1020304050
Ethanol concentration [g/L]
Time [h]
0 1020304050
Ethanol concentration [g/L]
FIG. 4. Ethanol fermentation as a function of biomass loading (10~24% (w/v)), (a): Sterilization
before and after enzymatic hydrolysis, (b): Sterilization before enzymatic hydrolysis. 10; 15;
20; 22; 24 % biomass loading
Table 6. Converted Glucose Concentration after Enzymatic Hydrolysis, and
Ethanol Production from Fermentation
biomass dosage
Sterilization after enzymatic hydrolysis Sterilization before enzymatic hydrolysis
10 15 20 22 24 10 15 20 22 24
Max. converted
glucose conc.
[g/L of theoretical]
65.50 98.20 130.90 144.00 157.10 65.50 98.20 130.90 144.00 157.10
Max. ethanol
conc. [g/L] 27.01 36.8 44.96 48.62 49.3 28.34 41.22 51.91 56.97 59.2
Ethanol yield
[% of theoretical] 80.73 73.33 67.19 66.05 61.40 84.70 82.13 77.57 77.40 73.72
Rate of increase
in ethanol [%] - - - - - 4.92 12.01 15.46 17.17 20.08
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1950
Table 7. Overall Process for Bioethanol Production from Miscanthus
Components [%] Conditions
Cellulose 36.96 Temp. [oC] 145.29
Hemicellulose 22.12 Time [min] 28.97
Lignin 23.31 NaOH conc. [M] 1.49
Moisture 7.02 Biomass: NaOH 1:5
(Solid ratio:
Components [%] Loss1) Ratio[%]*
Cellulose 63.36 Cellulose 5.71
Hemicellulose 18.07 Hemicellulose 55.07
Lignin 9.92 Lignin 76.59
Moisture 7.02 *Base on raw biomass
Add water
& enzymes
Max. glucose
[g/L of
10 10 90.00 65.47 Temp. [oC] 50
15 15 85.00 98.21 Time [h] 72
20 20 80.00 130.94 Agitation [rpm] 150
22 22 78.00 144.04 Cellulase [FPU] 50
24 24 76.00 157.13 β-glucosidase [CBU] 30
[g/L of
Max. Ethanol
[g/L of
yield [%] Conditions
10 33.46 28.34 84.69 S.cerevisiae CHY 1011
15 50.19 41.22 82.12 Temp. [oC] 32
20 66.93 51.91 77.56 Time [h] 48
22 73.62 56.97 77.39 Agitation [rpm] 150
24 80.31 59.2 73.71 Inoculation [%] 7
1) Loss%   
Han et al. (2011). “Miscanthus to glucose & ethanol,” BioResources 6(2), 1939-1953. 1951
The overall process of Miscanthus pretreatment for production of bioethanol was
examined in this study (Table 7). Pretreatment was essential to the production of ethanol
from the lignocellulosic biomass, which was achieved through saccharification by
breaking the tangled structure of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin so that the enzyme
could easily permeate into the biomass. In this study, NaOH solution was used for
pretreatment, and the optimal pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were
determined through response surface methodology (RSM). The results reveal that the
optimal temperature was 145.29°C with a reaction time of 28.97 min and a NaOH
concentration of 1.49 M. After pretreatment, 50 FPU/g of cellulose of the cellulase
complex and 30 CbU/g of β-glucosidase were added and mixed together at 150 rpm and
50 °C for 72 h. Following inoculation of S. cerevisiae, ethanol was produced after 48 h of
fermentation at 32 °C and 150 rpm. The ethanol concentration was 59.20 g/L at a
pretreated biomass loading of 20%, which is relatively higher than those of other
lignocellulosic materials. Overall, the ethanol production process from Miscanthus using
NaOH pretreatment was effective, and it may be feasible for the commercial production
of bioethanol in the near future.
This study was financially supported by the Rural Development Administration
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Article submitted: February 17, 2011; Peer review complete: March 20, 2011; Revised
version received and accepted: April 12, 2011; Published: April 18, 2011.
... Therefore, the third-generation bioenergy crops were employed to produce high biomass content to reduce the production cost of the bioenergy. The third-generation crops include boreal plants, eucalyptus and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants, where these plants can able to produce high biomass which has the advantages of cost-effectiveness and environmental friendly Han et al., 2011;Hussain et al., 2019). ...
... The bioenergy crops such as Miscanthus sp., Miscanthus sinensis, M. sacchariflorus, M. floridulus, M. xgiganteu, Jatropacurcas and Ricinus sp. are widely utilized for phytoremediation with high biomass production. For example, Han et al. (2011) utilized the bioenergy crop Miscanthus to remediate the soil HM contamination, and reported an increase in the above-ground biomass that can be exploited for the production of bioethanol. Similarly, Aggangan et al. (2017) utilized metal-tolerant Jatropha curcus L. for the reclamation of HM-contaminated soil which is a source of biodiesel production. ...
... This represents the basis of sustainable phytoremediation, a concept proposed by Pandey et al. (2015). Highly productive species from the genus Miscanthus are useful for heat production in addition to their demonstrated ability for phytostabilization due to the high heating value of the dry biomass, as well as for the production of bioethanol from lignocellulose as a building material (Han et al. 2011). Carbon sequestration is also one of the beneficial properties of Miscanthus, which has been observed particularly in M. × giganteus (Pidlisnyuk et al. 2014). ...
... The importance of sustainable fuels and chemicals derived from lignocellulosic biomass has become critical because of decreasing fossil fuel inventory and increasing energy demand (Huber et al. 2006;Han et al. 2011). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set an ambitious target of 3.45-12.9 million gallons (BG) cellulosic biofuel production for the year 2012, despite the fact that there is no commercial-scale facility as of the end of 2010 (Gonzalez et al. 2011). ...
Enzymes still exhibit activities after hydrolysis of biomass according to previous studies. Recycling the enzymes and use them in subsequent hydrolysis cycles can further utilize their remaining activities. Previous studies have mainly discussed enzyme recycling processes up to three cycles, in which the processes did not reach steady state. Steady state investigation is essential for the guidance of the real life process. Four cycles of processing have usually been considered enough to bring the system to steady state in process engineering. In this work, hydrolysate was used as the source of recycled enzymes to fresh substrate for five cycles. Because a large amount of enzymes remained on the pulp, surfactant was introduced to recycle the enzymes that remained with the residue. Recycled hydrolysate from previous enzymatic hydrolysis usually carries a high concentration of sugars, which can inhibit the new round of hydrolysis. To remove sugar from the recycling stream, a wash with fresh buffer was performed. Sugars were removed, while enzymes still remain on the fresh substrates. Six recycling strategies were evaluated for enzyme recycling percentage and enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency with both green-liquor pretreated softwood and hardwood in this investigation. Hydrolysis efficiency increased by about 40% for softwood at 30 mg/g enzyme dosage and about 25% for hardwood at 7.5 mg/g when a washing stage was applied with addition of surfactant.
... [10]. In the results of biomass alcohol or anaerobic fermentation, gas or bioethanol can be obtained [11,12]. Moreover, M. × giganteus can be used for soil phytoremediation, especially for heavy metal phytostabilization [13]. ...
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Miscanthus × giganteus is a popular industrial plant with great potential in ecological agriculture. It forms numerous rhizomes that are important in the sequestration of carbon dioxide. The plant can be a source of lignin and cellulose, biomass for renewable energy production, and can be used in small garden architecture, or to strengthen the banks of landslides. Breeding this species is difficult, as it is a sterile allotriploid with 57 chromosomes. The aim of the study was to obtain fertile plants of this species by treating its callus and regenerants with chromosome doubling agents such as colchicine, oryzalin, trifluralin, and caffeine at variable concentrations and durations. Callus cells naturally showed large variations in the number of chromosomes but only euploid cells regenerated plants. Treatment of the regenerants with 1252 µM colchicine for 18 h allowed for obtaining two hexaploid shoots; however, they died before flowering. Colchicine and oryzalin stimulated the formation of mixoploid shoots. The investigated substances, except for caffeine, were highly toxic to plants. M. × giganteus plants with 114 chromosomes may die because such a high number of chromosomes may be unfavorable for cells of this species.
... The main world trends in the development of scientific and technological research utilizing plant biomass are focused on deep processing, which includes the manufacturing of second generation bioethanol. These methods are associated with the development of new principles and methods for the integrated use of all its components (starch, cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignins, and extractives) and the utilization of the waste generated during processing (Sun 2009;Han et al. 2011;Veettil et al. 2016). ...
The activity and some properties of glucose oxidase (EC of the wood-degrading fungus Lentinus (Panus) tigrinus VKM F-3616D were studied. The results showed that 12 days of dynamic liquid-phase cultivation increased the activity and the biosynthetic levels of the enzyme with maximal activity at day 6. After 6 days, a decrease in the glucose oxidase activity was observed. The enzyme isolated via ion exchange chromatography had an optimal pH of 4.0 and a temperature optimum of 50 °C. Spectrophotometry, fluorescence analysis, and IR Fourier spectroscopy showed that the enzyme was a flavoprotein and that its prosthetic group contains flavin adenine dinucleotide. The relative kinetic parameters of the enzyme were determined: the Michaelis constant (Km) was 4.1 x 10-3 M, and the maximal rate of the enzymatic reaction (Vmax) was 0.36 IU. Results of electrophoresis in native and denaturing conditions were consistent with an enzyme structure having two equal subunits with a total molecular mass of approximately 160 kDa.
... Of the raw materials which can be used in bioethanol production lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant biomass on earth. It is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (Hahn-Hägerda et al., 2006;Han et al., 2011). However, its recalcitrant nature is the main bottleneck to overcome in the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, necessitating the pre-treatment prior to fermentation to make it more accessible to cellulolytic enzymes (Zoghlami and Paës, 2019). ...
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Dilute sulphuric acid and alkaline pre-treatments (NaOH) followed by enzymatic hydrolysis (Cellic CTec2) were used to release sugars from Miscanthus giganteus. In order to determine optimum pre-treatment conditions pyrolysis was carried out using H2SO4 and NaOH at 0.5 and 1% (w/v) and 120°C and 180°C for 10 and 90 min. Pre-treatments with NaOH (0.5%, w/v), 120°C, 90 min resulted in highest total fermentable sugar concentration (32.78g/L). Ethanolic fermentations were performed at 25°C and 30°C with or without nitrogen source addition using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Both temperature and nitrogen supplementation affected bioethanol yields from Miscanthus giganteus. Higher bioethanol yields were obtained with nitrogen addition at temperatures. The fermentation at 30°C with nitrogen addition gave the highest bioethanol yield. Fermantasyon Parametrelerinin Miscanthus'tan Elde Edilen Biyoetanol Verimine Etkisi ÖZ Miscanthus giganteus'tan şekerlerin serbest hale getirilmesi için seyreltik asit ve alkali (NaOH) ön muamelelerini takiben enzimatik hidroliz uygulanmıştır. Optimum ön muamele koşullarını belirleyebilmek için % 0.5 ve 1.0 (a/h) H2SO4 ve NaOH konsantrasyonlarında, 120°C ve 180°C'lerde, 10 ve 90 dk süreyle piroliz işlemleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. 0.5% NaOH konsantrasyonu, 120°C ve 90 dk sürede gerçekleştirilen piroliz sonucu en yüksek fermente edilebilir şeker (32.78 g/L) elde edilmiştir. Etanol fermantasyonu 25°C ve 30°C'lerde Saccharomyces cerevisiae ile azot kaynağı ilaveli ve ilavesiz yürütülmüştür. Hem sıcaklık hem de azot kaynağı ilavesi Miscanthus giganteus'tan elde edilen etanol verimini etkilemiştir. Her iki sıcaklıkta da azot ilavesinin etanol verimini artırdığı bulunmuştur. En yüksek etanol verimi 30°C'de azot ilavesi ile gerçekleştirilen fermantasyonda elde edilmiştir.
... Of the raw materials which can be used in bioethanol production lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant biomass on earth. It is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (Hahn-Hägerda et al., 2006;Han et al., 2011). However, its recalcitrant nature is the main bottleneck to overcome in the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, necessitating the pre-treatment prior to fermentation to make it more accessible to cellulolytic enzymes (Zoghlami and Paës, 2019). ...
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The present study aimed to determine the effect of material modification by hot water extraction (HWE) on the compaction efficiency of shredded Miscanthus giganteus stalks in the pellet production process. Samples were prepared to differ in the number of HWE cycles: HWE I was subjected to a single cycle, HWE II was subjected to two cycles, and HWE III was subjected to three cycles and unmodified material. An analysis of the compaction process was carried out to evaluate the effect of HWE on density and energy consumption. In this study, HWE pre-treatment was applied to improve biomass compaction efficiency and material properties, improving biofuel production’s sustainability and efficiency. A small change was found in glucose and xylose content, suggesting that HWE slightly affects these sugars. It was found that HWE significantly increased the density of compacted Miscanthus giganteus biomass, with a peak density of 388.7 kg·m−3 after the first HWE cycle. Ash content was reduced by 50% after one HWE cycle, making the biomass more suitable for biofuel applications. Furthermore, pretreatment with HWE reduced energy consumption during compaction, enhancing process efficiency. This study highlights the role of hot water extraction (HWE) in improving miscanthus compaction, enhancing density, reducing ash, and lowering energy use.
The actual paper analyses the performance of different energy crop biomasses, Miscanthus x giganteus Greef et Deu (EC-1) and Arundo donax L. (EC-2) stems, during slow pyrolysis process monitored by simultaneous TG-DTG-MS techniques, through chemical exergy analysis. In addition to considering the physical and chemical characteristics of given feedstocks for their efficient thermo-chemical conversion into pyrolytic gas, in this study, a theoretical simulation for their implementation use in the gasification process was also performed. The performed thermodynamic study with detailed exergy analysis showed that the large contribution of exergy in syngas components such as CO and H2 originates primarily from cellulose pyrolysis of EC-1, while large exergy contribution in syngas component as CH4 originates from lignin pyrolysis of EC-2. It was founded that the exergy efficiency of syngas for EC-1 equals 19.04 %, which is lower than the exergy efficiency of syngas for EC-2 (20.46 %), as a result of higher ash content in EC-1. Also, it was reported that higher carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) contents present in the EC-2 sample generate higher gaseous energy and exergy values, i.e. the increment of exergy efficiency of syngas, by both approaches (pyrolysis and gasification exergy analysis), but results in a lower biomass chemical exergy (18.28 MJ kg⁻¹). The methodology applied to the gasification process was shown a higher exergy efficiency for EC-2 (∼36 – 42 %) than for EC-1 (∼33 – 39 %), dependent on the equivalence ratio (ER).
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Phytoremediation is a green technology for cleaning the environment. It is aesthetically pleasing, ecofriendly, cheap, socially acceptable to the masses, and less disruptive than physical, chemical, and mechanical methods for removing contaminants. Initially, the phytoremediation method was confined only to finding plants that could accumulate contaminants from soil using various edible crops. However, the remediation method progressed and only nonedible crops were selected for phytoremediation. Further, biotechnological tools and transgenic approaches made phytoremediation more attractive as it enhanced the accumulating capacity of various nonedible crops. The development progressed further and now the concentration is on selecting plants that not only could accumulate contaminants but also have economically valuable byproducts. Aromatic grasses, fiber-yielding crops, and energy crops are such economically important crops with valuable byproducts having commercial value and good economic return. Here, we discuss the fiber crops, including jute, flax, hemp, kenaf, ramie, cotton, bamboo, sisal, and many more that yield fiber of great commercial value and economic return. These fiber crops are suitable for growing in contaminated sites that can be used for the remediation of different contaminated sites with minimum economic investment. The method of phytoremediation has huge potential in remediation and improving the socioeconomic conditions of rural farmers through proper identification of nonedible crops, research, regulation, and implementation.
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Miscanthus spp. are high-yielding perennial C4 grasses, native to Asia, that are being investigated in Europe as potential biofuels. Production of economically viable solid biofuel must combine high biomass yields with good combustion qualities. Good biomass combustion quality depends on minimizing moisture, ash, K, chloride, N, and S. To this end, field trials at five sites in Europe from Sweden to Portugal were planted with 15 different genotypes including M. x giganteus, M. sacchariflorus, M. sinensis, and newly bred M. sinensis hybrids. Yield and combustion quality at an autumn and a late winter/early spring harvest were determined in the third year after planting when the stands had reached maturity. As expected, delaying the harvest by three to four months improved the combustion quality of all genotypes by reducing ash (from 40 to 25 g kg-1 dry matter), K (from 9 to 4 g kg-1 dry matter), chloride (from 4 to 1 g kg-1 dry matter), N (from 5 to 4 g kg-1 dry matter), and moisture (from 564 to 291 g kg-1 fresh matter). However, the delayed harvest also decreased mean biomass yields from 17 to 14 t ha-1. There is a strong interaction among yield, quality, and site growing conditions. Results show that in northern regions of Europe, M. sinensis hybrids can be recommended for high yields (yielding up to 25 t ha-1), but M. sinensis (nonhybrid) genotypes have higher combustion qualities. In mid- and south Europe, M. x giganteus (yielding up to 38 t ha-1) or specific high-yielding M. sinensis hybrids (yielding up to 41 t ha-1) are more suitable for biofuel production.
The word lignin is derived from the latin word lignum meaning wood. It is one of the main components of all vascular plants and the second most abundant polymer in nature. This article describes the current understanding of the structure of this complex natural polymer. The number and types of different chemical bonds present in lignin are discussed as are the ways in which different lignins are identified and their distributions determined in plant tissues. Means for isolating lignin from wood are described, and the chemical and physical properties of the resulting lignins are reviewed. The various chemical and instrumental methods for characterizing isolated lignins are also discussed. The article concludes with a review of commercial lignin products, including a discussion of producers, production methods, modification reactions, and the many industries in which lignins are used.
This study was undertaken to find the optimum conditions of a new enzymatic process to remove plant residues from wool. Commercial enzymatic preparations of Celluclast 1.5L and Pectinex Ultra SP-L were selected in order to hydrolyze the polysaccharides in primary plant cell walls and middle lamella, resulting into more fragile residues easier to be removed. Since it was intended to define the optimal conditions for enzyme application, a four-factor central composite design was selected to study the effects of pH, temperature, enzyme concentration and wetting agent concentration, on the two selected responses, i.e., soluble reducing sugars (RS) and alkali solubility (AS) of wool to detect plant degradation and to evaluate wool quality, respectively. Results demonstrated that enzyme concentration was the most significant effect in plant residues degradation. A total enzyme concentration loading of 20mL of both diluted enzymatic preparations in equal parts per 1L of incubation solution (42.970U/L of Celluclast preparation and PG 29.3nkat/L+PME 2.537nkat/L of Pectinex preparation), yielded an equivalent amount of 240.127mg of glucose per 1.0g of plant residue, at the optimal conditions: 40.56°C, pH 4.0 and 1mLPlurafac/L. SEM analysis has indicated an identical and important degradation of the plant residues, when compared to the conventional carbonization process, and wool quality has been preserved.
Although many previous studies have been carried on the enzymatic hydrolysis of corn stover after pretreatment with dilute sulfuric acid, this paper emphasizes the use of different conditions to attain the highest yields of two sugars, xylose and glucose, from both stages. The pretreatment was performed at a range of sulfuric acid concentrations of 2, 4 and 6 % at 80, 100 and 120 °C. Up to 77 % xylose yield was obtained while the glucose yield was only 8.4 %. The corresponding solid phase was hydrolyzed by cellulase and the influences of five factors and their interactions on enzyme hydrolysis were evaluated by response surface methodology based on one-factor-at-a-time experiments. The optimal levels for each variable to obtain the highest reducing sugar yield were as follows: enzyme concentration of 22 FPU/g substrate, substrate concentration of 77 g/L, temperature of 49 °C, pH 4.8 and reaction time of 38 h. A reducing sugar yield of 42.11 g/100 g substrate was achieved, which was consistent with the predicted value of 42.13 g/100 g substrate. Compared with the one-factor-at-a-time experiments, there was a 9.4 % increase in reducing sugar yield when the enzyme concentration was decreased to 3 FPU/g substrate, the substrate concentration increased to 17 g/L and the reaction time dropped to 22 h. The total sugar released from the two stages was 62.81 g/100 g substrate.
The aim of this study was the modelling, under high pressure, of naringin hydrolysis by naringinase. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to compare the effects of the selected variables on the bioconversion under study. The combined action of temperature (13–61 °C) and pressure (80–216 MPa) on the catalytic activity of naringinase was investigated at pH 4.0 using naringin as the substrate. The choice of experimental domains resulted from preliminary studies.Naringinase activity, for naringin hydrolysis at pH 4.0, could be described by a convex surface with a maximum of 0.13 mM min−1, at 41 °C and 158 MPa. After 1 h of reaction time, reducing sugars production could also be described by a convex surface, with a maximum reducing sugars concentration of 8 mM at 38 °C and 168 MPa. The interaction temperature–pressure had a significant effect on both naringinase activity and reducing sugar formation after 1 h.Under the optimized conditions, the naringin hydrolysis by naringinase was evaluated.
Abstract Ethanol is a high performance fuel in internal combustion engines. It is a liquid, which is advantageous in terms of storage, delivery, and infrastructural compatability. Ethanol burns relatively cleanly, especially as the amount of gasoline with which it is blended decreases. Evaporative and toxicity-weighted air toxics emissions are consistently lower for ethanol than for gasoline. It is likely that vehicles can be configured so that exhaust emissions of priority pollutants are very low for ethanol-burning engines, although the same can probably be said for most other fuels under consideration. Recent work suggests that ethanol may be more compatible with fuel cell-powered vehicles than has generally been assumed. Research and development-driven advances have clear potential to lower the price of cellulosic ethanol to a level competitive with bulk fuels. Process areas with particular potential for large cost reductions include biological processing (with consolidated bioprocessing particularly notable in this context), pretreatment, and incorporation of an advanced power cycle for cogeneration of electricity from process residues. The cellulosic ethanol fuel cycle has a high thermodynamic efficiency (useful energy/high heating value = from 50% to over 65% on a first law basis, depending on the configuration), and a decidedly positive net energy balance (ratio of useful energy output to energy input). Cellulosic ethanol is one of the most promising technogical options available to reduce transportation sector greenhouse gas emissions. It may well be possible to develop biomass-based energy on a very large scale in the United States with acceptable and in some cases positive environmental impacts. To do so will however require responsible management and increased understanding of relevant technological and natural systems. The potential biomass resource is large, but so is demand for transportation fuels as well as other uses. The following hypotheses are offered as tentative hypotheses pertaining to biomass supply and demand in the United States: There will probably not be enough suitable land available to meet transportation demand if total vehicle miles traveled increase relative to current levels, and vehicle efficiency and animal protein utilization are unchanged. There probably is enough suitable land to meet transportation demand, even given some increase in vehicle miles traveled, given large but probably possible increases in vehicle efficiency, or large but probably possible decreases in reliance on animal protein, or a combination of less aggressive changes in both of these factors. The policy debate concerning fuel ethanol has tended to ignore cellulosic ethanol. It is suggested that an appropriate policy objective is to foster a transition to cellulosic feedstocks at a pace such that opportunities for ethanol producers and the farmers that supply them are expanded rather than contracted.