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Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters as a Method of Improving Probabilistic Predictions


Abstract and Figures

Across a wide range of tasks, research has shown that people make poor probabilistic predictions of future events. Recently, the U.S. Intelligence Community sponsored a series of forecasting tournaments designed to explore the best strategies for generating accurate subjective probability estimates of geopolitical events. In this article, we describe the winning strategy: culling off top performers each year and assigning them into elite teams of superforecasters. Defying expectations of regression toward the mean 2 years in a row, superforecasters maintained high accuracy across hundreds of questions and a wide array of topics. We find support for four mutually reinforcing explanations of superforecaster performance: (a) cognitive abilities and styles, (b) task-specific skills, (c) motivation and commitment, and (d) enriched environments. These findings suggest that superforecasters are partly discovered and partly created-and that the high-performance incentives of tournaments highlight aspects of human judgment that would not come to light in laboratory paradigms focused on typical performance. © The Author(s) 2015.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Perspectives on Psychological Science
2015, Vol. 10(3) 267 –281
© The Author(s) 2015
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1745691615577794
Accurate probability estimates are critical for good deci-
sion making in fields as diverse as medical diagnosis,
portfolio management, and intelligence analysis (Baron,
2000). People depend on meteorologists to provide accu-
rate predictions of the weather, central banks to generate
accurate forecasts of economic trends, and intelligence
agencies to anticipate threats to national security.
However, the psychological literature, in which the accu-
racy of subjective probability judgments has been exam-
ined, raises serious doubts about people’s competence as
intuitive forecasters. People often misuse Bayes’s theo-
rem when updating their beliefs (Birnbaum & Mellers,
1983; Kahneman & Tversky, 1985). They test hypotheses
in suboptimal ways (Ofir, 1988; Wason, 1968). They are
susceptible to the hindsight bias or the “I-knew-it-all-
along” effect (Christensen-Szalanski & Wilhelm, 1991).
Furthermore, people are often overconfident about what
they know, consistent with self-serving biases and
positive illusions (Baron, 2000; Gilovich, Griffin, &
Kahneman, 2002; Lichtenstein, Fischhoff, & Phillips,
1982). Entrepreneurs believe their personal chances of
creating a successful business are much higher than sta-
tistics suggest (Cooper, Woo, & Dunkelberg, 1988), and
automobile drivers believe they are safer and more skilled
behind the wheel than their peers (Svenson, 1981). Even
experts, such as skilled basketball players, are overly
optimistic about their chances of future successes
(Jagacinski, Isaac, & Burke, 1977).
The focus of this research literature, however, has
been on typical performance—on how relatively unmoti-
vated people perform on relatively unfamiliar laboratory
XXX10.1177/1745691615577794Mellers et al.Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters
Corresponding Author:
Barbara Mellers, Department of Psychology, University of
Pennsylvania, Solomon Labs, 3720 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Identifying and Cultivating
Superforecasters as a Method of
Improving Probabilistic Predictions
Barbara Mellers
, Eric Stone
, Terry Murray
, Angela Minster
Nick Rohrbaugh
, Michael Bishop
, Eva Chen
, Joshua Baker
Yuan Hou
, Michael Horowitz
, Lyle Ungar
, and Philip
Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania;
Haas School of Business, University of
California, Berkeley; and
Department of Statistics, Temple University
Across a wide range of tasks, research has shown that people make poor probabilistic predictions of future events.
Recently, the U.S. Intelligence Community sponsored a series of forecasting tournaments designed to explore the best
strategies for generating accurate subjective probability estimates of geopolitical events. In this article, we describe
the winning strategy: culling off top performers each year and assigning them into elite teams of superforecasters.
Defying expectations of regression toward the mean 2 years in a row, superforecasters maintained high accuracy
across hundreds of questions and a wide array of topics. We find support for four mutually reinforcing explanations of
superforecaster performance: (a) cognitive abilities and styles, (b) task-specific skills, (c) motivation and commitment,
and (d) enriched environments. These findings suggest that superforecasters are partly discovered and partly created—
and that the high-performance incentives of tournaments highlight aspects of human judgment that would not come
to light in laboratory paradigms focused on typical performance.
predictions, forecasts, expertise, teams, probability training
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268 Mellers et al.
tasks—and not on optimal performance—on how well
people could perform. Researchers also have rarely given
participants training on how to handle the tasks or
opportunities to learn from performance. In this article,
we reverse this emphasis and focus on optimal perfor-
mance: How well do people perform as intuitive fore-
casters when we select exceptional talent, offer debiasing
training, reward top performers, and let the forecasters
wrestle with real-world problems that they find intrinsi-
cally interesting (not laboratory problems that have been
chosen, a priori, to make one or another theoretical point
about human rationality)? The opportunity to answer
these questions arose in three forecasting tournaments
sponsored by the Intelligence Advanced Research
Projects Activity (IARPA) between 2011 and 2014.
Forecasting Tournaments
Although governments invest massive sums to predict the
actions of political actors and the consequences of those
actions, they invest astonishingly little to evaluate the
effectiveness of their favorite methods of generating pre-
dictions. IARPA attempted to address these issues by
sponsoring a series of geopolitical forecasting tourna-
ments designed to test the best strategies of making intui-
tive probability judgments. Individuals from five
university-based research programs competed to develop
innovative methods of assigning probability estimates to
high-impact events around the globe. Illustrative ques-
tions included the following: Who will be the president
of Russia in 2012? Will North Korea detonate another
nuclear weapon in the next 3 months? How many refu-
gees will flee Syria next year? How fast will China’s econ-
omy grow next quarter? Questions were not chosen by
researchers but by IARPA, and they were ecologically
representative of the challenges of intelligence analysis,
with one key exception—each question had to pass the
clairvoyance test (written clearly enough as to leave no
room for ex post facto quarrels over what really hap-
pened—and who was right).
Every day, individuals from the competing research
programs submitted aggregate forecasts for a large set of
geopolitical events to IARPA. To generate aggregates, facil-
itators from each program were responsible for recruiting
participants, devising methods to elicit uncertainty, and
creating algorithms for combining opinions (Satopää,
Baron, et al., 2014; Satopää, Jensen, Mellers, Tetlock, &
Ungar, 2014). To ensure a level playing field, we scored all
research groups on the official accuracy metric—the well-
known Brier scoring rule, described later (Brier, 1950).
Each tournament spanned approximately 9 months of
the year. Participants from around the world used web-
sites developed by each program to submit probability
estimates of the likelihood of geopolitical events. Slightly
more than 100 questions were posed in the first two tour-
naments, and there were approximately 150 questions in
the third tournament. Questions were released in small
bundles over the course of the tournament and remained
open for an average of 102 days (ranging from 3 to 418
The Good Judgment Project (GJP)
In this article, we describe the best-performing strategy
of the winning research program: the GJP. To preempt
confusion, we should clarify at the outset the limits on
the conclusions we can draw. First, the mere fact that a
given strategy “won” a tournament does not mean that it
was optimal or even close to optimal. Second, each proj-
ect had to rely on considerable guesswork in selecting a
set of strategies—any one component or combination of
components of which could be the cause of competitive
success or failure. Different research literatures—ranging
from cognitive debiasing to group dynamics to prediction
markets and statistical aggregation techniques—offered
contradictory guidance on how to proceed.
Prior to the forecasting tournaments, we had no basis
for assuming that people were even capable of making
consistent and reliable geopolitical forecasts. Past
research has demonstrated that intuitive predictions
(probabilistic and nonprobabilistic) are worse than statis-
tical predictions and, sometimes, worse than chance
(Dawes, Faust, & Meehl, 1989). For these reasons, the
research project we describe here is best viewed as a
mixed hypothesis-generation-and-testing exercise in a
high-stakes setting that was not intended to favor one
side or the other in the great rationality debate (Tetlock
& Mellers, 2002).
We recruited forecasters from professional societies,
research centers, alumni associations, science blogs, and
word of mouth. Each year, we began with a large number
of forecasters (ranging from 2,200 to 3,900), and attrition
ranged from 3% to 7%. Participation required a bachelor’s
degree or higher and completion of a battery of psycho-
logical and political knowledge tests that took about 2 hr.
Participants tended to be men (83%) and U.S. citizens
(74%), with an average age of 40 years. Almost two thirds
(64%) had some postgraduate training.
An illustrative forecasting question was as follows:
“Will Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi resign, lose reelection/con-
fidence vote, or otherwise vacate office before 1 January
2012?” Forecasters predicted the chance that the event
would occur (in which 0% = certain it will not occur, and
100% = certain it will occur), and they were encouraged
to update their beliefs as often as they wished before the
close of each question.
Forecasters received status rewards according to their
accuracy or Brier score during the tournament. Brier
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Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters 269
scores are used to assess the accuracy of probabilistic
forecasts and to encourage the reporting of true beliefs
(no blurring probability and value judgments by ignoring
the dangers of under- or overpredicting an outcome). A
Brier score is the sum of squared deviations between
forecasts and reality (in which reality is coded as 1 for the
event and 0 otherwise), ranging from 0 (best) to 2 (worst).
Suppose a question has two possible outcomes, and a
forecaster predicted a probability of 0.75 for the outcome
that did occur and 0.25 for the one that did not. The Brier
score would be (1 − 0.75)
+ (0 − 0.25)
= 0.125.
Leaderboards were displayed that showed the top 10%
of individual Brier scores in each condition, member
Brier scores for those on a given team, and team Brier
scores across all teams. The Brier score for any question
in a team was the median of individual scores. The
median score reduced the negative effects that any par-
ticular individual could have had with a mean score. In
addition to status rewards, forecasters were paid for par-
ticipation but not for accuracy. Those who met the mini-
mum requirement of making at least 25 forecasts received
a $150 Amazon gift certificate in the first tournament and
a $250 certificate in the second and third tournaments.
Furthermore, those who returned to participate in Years
2 or 3 were given an additional $100 gift certificate.
We knew we needed to conduct randomized control
experiments to determine how best to design effective
training and to create supportive work environments
(i.e., collaborative vs. independent forecasts). That way,
we could learn what worked “best.” Experiments were
conducted with both surveys and prediction markets and
are discussed in detail elsewhere (Atanasov etal., 2014;
Mellers, Ungar, etal., 2014).
In this article, we focus solely on the superforecaster
phenomenon. Superforecaster recruitment began at the
end of Year 1, when a new strategy was added to the
GJP’s portfolio of performance boosters: tracking, that is,
stratifying forecasters into groups on the basis of perfor-
mance. All forecasters were ranked on the basis of per-
formance. From this list, we selected 60 forecasters (the
top 5 forecasters from each of 12 experimental condi-
tions) who were assigned randomly to 5 elite teams of 12
members each and were given the title of superforecast-
ers. All superforecasters knew they were working with
other superforecasters.
Note that the working conditions for superforecasters
were informed by our previously reported experiments
(Mellers, Ungar, et al., 2014). Forecasters in Year 1 per-
formed better when they received cognitive-debiasing
training and when they worked in collaborative teams, not
individually. Accordingly, we decided that superforecasters
would also work in teams that were trained in cognitive
The outcome of this tracking strategy for the following
year was nonobvious. One could imagine the full spec-
trum of predictions. On the pessimistic side, one might
say that superforecasters would regress toward the mean
of regular teams because chance is the dominant driver
of Year 1 performance (in the spirit of Hartzmark, 1991).
The labeling of “super” would make them overconfident
or arrogant (in the spirit of Levitt & March, 1988). On the
optimistic side, one might think that superforecasters
would get a boost from the stimulation of working with
other high performers (in the spirit of Betts & Shkolnik,
2000). They would benefit from self-fulfilling-prophecies
(Rosenthal, 1966), and they would be more intelligent;
intelligence is the best all-purpose predictor of job per-
formance (in the spirit of Hunter & Schmidt, 1996).
If we had derived our predictions by averaging these
clashing views, we would have predicted a rather weak
effect somewhere in the middle. Furthermore, we would
have been wrong. In Year 2, we learned that funneling
top performers into elite teams boosted accuracy far more
than either of our two experimental manipulations—cog-
nitive debiasing and collaborative teaming—administered
alone or together. Superforecaster performance exceeded
all other groups by a wide margin. Forecasting appeared
to be somewhat skill-based, and the acquisition of that
skill was accelerated when the best performers worked
with each other in elite teams (Mellers, Ungar, etal., 2014).
Data from Year 2 were unequivocal.
Does the Superforecaster Edge Hold
Up Against Stronger Tests of Accuracy?
Although the Year 2 questions were highly heteroge-
neous (ranging from finance and commodity markets to
naval strategy to electoral politics to pandemics), it is still
possible that superforecasters were just lucky. The best
way to find out was to raise the bar by tracking forecast-
ers again in Year 3 and by assessing superforecaster per-
formance relative to comparison groups on a wide array
of accuracy measures.
To that end, we used the same approach at the end of
Year 2 as we had at the end of Year 1. We selected 60
new superforecasters solely on the basis of performance
accuracy. If returning forecasters from Year 1 and newly
anointed superforecasters from Year 2 continued their
outstanding performance through Year 3, the scales of
plausibility would tip further against the just-luck
A key element of tracking is that the best performers
interact in elite teams with other top performers. To bet-
ter understand the effects of superforecaster performance
in elite versus regular teams, we created a comparison
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270 Mellers et al.
group of the next most accurate forecasters (after super-
forecasters) serving on regular teams. These forecasters
also were high performers who fell just short of the
superforecaster cutoff in Years 1 and 2 and who worked
in teams with others who were also high performers.
This superforecaster comparison group of high perform-
ers in regular teams is called top-team individuals.
Although the comparison between superforecasters and
top-team individuals is not a pure measure of the effect
of elite versus regular teams, both groups were among
the best performers from a large pool of already talented
individual forecasters.
We also created a second comparison group consist-
ing of the other 1,498 forecasters. This group, called all
others, provided a broader baseline for assessing super-
forecasters. To increase the reliability of performance
estimates, we only included forecasters in both compari-
son groups if they had made forecasts for at least 25
questions in each tournament.
Tests with Brier scores
In the tournament, forecasters were allowed to select
their own questions. The element of self-selection raises
the possibility that superforecasters were skilled at pre-
dicting unpredictability (a nontrivial achievement in
itself) and simply cherry-picked easier-to-predict ques-
tions. To minimize the effects of question difficulty and
also to highlight the relative rather than the absolute per-
formance of forecasters, we standardized Brier scores
within each question and averaged across questions.
Table 1 shows five measures of performance for super-
forecasters, top-team individuals, and all others. Bold val-
ues for the comparison group indicate that the comparison
group had significantly worse performance than super-
forecasters. Brier scores for superforecasters were signifi-
cantly more accurate than those of both top-team
individuals and all others.
In Figure 1, we provide visual displays of standardized
Brier scores for the three groups over the three tourna-
Superforecasters (blue bar) selected at the end of
the Year 1 tournament were slightly more accurate than
top-team individuals (red bar)—a result predetermined
by our selection criteria. All others (green bar) were
much worse. If superforecasters had performed worse
and regressed to the mean in Years 2 and 3, blue bars
would have risen (worse performance). However, super-
forecasters performed even better. Blue bars for Years 2
and 3 show even greater accuracy. By contrast, top-team
individuals and all others showed regression effects
(worse performance), as seen by the higher red and
green bars. In short, the superforecaster intervention
from Year 2 was cleanly replicated in Year 3, and the
solidity of the replication convinced us that tracking was
extremely unlikely to be a lucky accident.
Another test of superforecasters is to ask whether they
continue to win under tough conditions with little time
and information. We examined forecasts that (a) were
made on the first day a question was released (when
clues were least plentiful) and (b) were submitted during
a 4-min period between the first time the participant sees
the forecasting question and the submission of the fore-
cast. During this period, forecasters read the question
and the resolution criteria, gathered and synthesized
information, and made a prediction.
Figure 2 shows average Brier scores over Years 2 and 3
as box plots. Even with relatively little effort and delibera-
tion, superforecasters outperformed top-team individuals
and all others. Tight restrictions on time and information
did not erode the superforecaster advantage.
Tests with resolution and calibration
Brier scores can be decomposed into three variance com-
ponents: variability, resolution, and calibration (Murphy &
Winkler, 1987). Variability is independent of skill and
Table 1. Measures of Performance (Average of Years 2 and 3), Motivation and
Commitment, and Enriched Environments
Performance measure Superforecasters Top-team individuals All others
Standard Brier scores −0.34 −0.14 0.04
Resolution 0.40 0.35 0.32
Average calibration 0.01 0.03 0.04
AUC (0%–100%) 96.00 84.00 75.00
Learning rates −0.26 −0.18 0.00
Note: Bold values of top-team individuals and all others are significantly different from
superforecasters at the .01 level. Brier scores are the average sum of squared deviations between
outcomes and probability predictions over days and questions (lower scores are better). Resolution
measures the ability to distinguish signals from noises. Calibration measures the difference between
average forecasts and proportion of correct responses. Area under the curve (AUC) reflects
the probability of detecting a true positive response over a false positive response. Learning is
represented as the slope of the Brier scores over the course of each year.
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Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters 271
simply reflects the base rate for events in the environment.
It is harder to predict the weather in St. Louis than in San
Diego because of the greater variability in St. Louis weather.
However, this distinction has nothing to do with skill, so
variability is not discussed further.
Resolution refers to appropriate decisiveness or the
ability to accurately distinguish signals from noise.
Superforecasters had greater resolution than both top
team individuals and all others (see Table 1). Calibration
refers to appropriate humility or the ability to make sub-
jective forecasts that, in the long run, coincide with the
objective base rates of events. People are said to be “well-
calibrated” overall if their average confidence equals their
percentage correct; that is, they are neither overconfident
nor underconfident. Superforecasters were significantly
better calibrated than the other two groups (see Table 1).
Tests with area under the curve (AUC)
Another measure of accuracy—AUC or discrimination
ability—comes from signal detection theory (Swets,
Dawes, & Monahan, 2000). AUC has the advantage of
being independent of an individual’s response threshold
or tendency to call a signal “Signal” and to call a noise
“Noise.” AUCs are easy to evaluate visually by construct-
ing a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve that
plots the probability of a hit (true positive) against the
probability of a false alarm (false positive). Curves show
constant levels of ability across different response ten-
dencies. Imagine the curve is a line in a box with area
1.0. AUC is the proportion of area in the box that falls
Fig. 1. Mean standardized Brier scores for superforecasters (Supers, who were the top performers) and
the two comparison groups. Top-Team Inds. = top-team individuals who were the next best forecasters
and who served in regular teams; All Others = remaining forecasters who served in both years. Error bars
are plus and minus one standard error, and lower scores indicate greater accuracy.
Fig. 2. Mean standardized Brier scores for superforecasters (Supers)
and the two comparison groups in Years 2 and 3 for forecasts made
within the first 24 hr of the release of a question and within 4 min of
logging onto the computer. Even when forecasts were made quickly
without research, Supers were more accurate. Diamonds are means,
and the horizontal lines associated with each box are the 25th, 50th,
and 75th percentiles of the distributions. Vertical lines extend to the
most extreme points, excluding outliers. Top-Team Inds. = top-team
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272 Mellers et al.
beneath the curve. An area of .50 (or 50%) would be
equivalent to guessing. It is rare for decision makers or
algorithms to exceed .84 (or 84%).
In Figure 3, we present AUCs using binary questions
for superforecasters and the two comparison groups.
Curves closer to the upper left-hand corner of the graph
(greater AUC) indicate better performance. Computed
values of AUC were 96%, 84%, and 75% for superfore-
casters, top-team individuals, and all others, respectively
(see Table 1). Superforecaster superiority held up strongly
on this metric as well. Indeed, in one analysis, the ROC
for superforecasters was as accurate 300-plus days into
the future, when the ROC for regular forecasters was only
60 days out.
Tests of learning
Our final measure of skill is the reduction of forecasting
errors within a tournament year. In Figure 4, we plot
mean daily standardized Brier scores averaged over Years
2 and 3 for superforecasters (blue line) and top-team
individuals (red line) relative to all others (flat green hori-
zontal line) as a function of time within the tournament
season. Steeper slopes reflect faster learning rates.
Superforecasters were more accurate at the outset—and
they improved faster as new information became avail-
able (see Table 1).
Thus, the evidence of superforecasters’ superiority is
robust: They had better overall Brier scores (see Figure 1)
and better “quick-response” Brier scores (see Figure 2) in
Years 2 and 3; they had better resolution and calibration
scores (see Table 1); they scored better on the AUC
metric of skill at distinguishing signals from noise (see
Figure3); and they were the fastest learners within the
tournaments (see Figure 4).
What Makes Superforecasters So
Next, we examine the evidence supporting four mutu-
ally reinforcing drivers of superforecaster performance:
(a) cognitive abilities and styles, (b) task-specific skills,
(c) motivation and commitment, and (d) enriched
Cognitive abilities and styles
Overall, the Year 1 forecasters were above average in
fluid intelligence relative to general-population samples
(Mellers, Stone, etal., 2014), and superforecasters were
the most accurate forecasters within that large group. In
another study, we showed that fluid intelligence was the
strongest dispositional predictor of accuracy (Mellers,
Stone, etal., 2014). Therefore, an obvious notion is that
superforecasters were simply more intelligent than the
non-superforecasters: faster information processors and
more reliable pattern detectors (Cattell & Horn, 1978).
To test this idea—as well as all other dispositional
ideas in this section—we asked all forecasters to take a
battery of tests at the start of each tournament.
Superforecasters scored higher than top-team individuals
and all others on all measures of fluid intelligence,
Fig. 3. Curves show the probability of a hit (true positives) plotted
against the probability of a false alarm (false positives). Curves that
lie closer to the upper left corner indicate better performance. ROC =
receiver operating characteristic; Supers = superforecasters; Top-Team
Inds. = top-team individuals.
Fig. 4. Daily standardized Brier scores for superforecasters (Supers)
and top-team individuals (Top-Team Inds.) relative to all others
(flat green curve) averaged over Years 2 and 3 of the tournament.
Steeper negative slopes indicate faster learning. Solid lines are linear
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Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters 273
including the Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices
(Arthur, Tubre, Paul, & Sanchez-Ku, 1999; Balboni,
Naglieri, & Cubelli, 2010), the Shipley–2 Abstraction Test
(Shipley, 2009), the Cognitive Reflection Test (Frederick,
2005), an extended version of the Cognitive Reflection
Test (Baron, Scott, Fincher, & Metz, 2014), and portions
of two Numeracy scales (Lipkus, Samsa, & Rimer, 2001;
Peters etal., 2006). Scores on the Shipley–2 indicated that
superforecasters were at least one standard deviation
higher than the general population on fluid intelligence.
Superforecasters may also have greater crystallized
intelligence and, in particular, more domain-relevant
crystallized intelligence, which means they know about
world politics: who the key players are, what they want,
and the economic and institutional constraints they face.
We found that superforecasters did indeed have higher
scores on tests of both the Shipley–2 Vocabulary (Shipley,
2009) and on tests of domestic political knowledge and
international affairs. Superforecasters scored at least one
standard deviation higher than the general population on
crystallized intelligence and even higher on the political
knowledge questions.
Cognitive styles may also play a role in performance,
especially those that complemented their abilities: a com-
petitive streak, greater appetites for intellectual chal-
lenges, and willingness to change their minds in response
to new evidence. We asked all forecasters, “Why did you
choose to participate in the tournament?” Superforecasters
stood out most in their endorsements of “wanting to be
among the top forecasters. Superforecasters also enjoyed
solving problems more than top-team individuals and all
others and scored higher on the Need for Cognition scale
(Cacioppo & Petty, 1982; Cacioppo, Petty, & Kao, 1984).
Finally, superforecasters had higher scores than all others
on actively open-minded thinking, a scale that has already
been shown to predict both persistence in information
search followed by greater accuracy in estimates of
uncertain quantities (Haran, Ritov, & Mellers, 2013).
Superforecasters might also be more inclined to
embrace a secular, agnostic/atheistic worldview that
treats everything as subject to deterministic scientific laws
and the mathematical laws of probability. This worldview
predisposes superforecasters to treat their beliefs more as
testable hypotheses and less as sacred possessions—and
to be warier of overinterpreting coincidences by attribut-
ing them to supernatural mechanisms such as fate.
Consistent with this hypothesis, superforecasters agreed
more with items such as “Randomness is often a factor in
our personal lives,” and they disagreed more with items
such as “Events unfold according to God’s plan.
Superforecasters also reacted differently to close-call
counterfactuals. A common reaction, when learning that
something came very close to happening/not happening
(such as a couple who met in only one peculiar way as
opposed to a couple who could have met in many pos-
sible ways), is to attribute the event to fate (it was meant
to be; Kray etal., 2010). In a fully factorial between-sub-
jects design (in which the three groups were assigned to
read either close-call or a not-close-call stories), super-
forecasters were likeliest to attribute the close calls to
coincidence (flip enough coins enough times, and
unlikely things are bound to happen now and then), and
they were least likely to invoke destiny or providence.
In Table 2, we summarize the comparison statistics
bearing on the cognitive abilities and styles hypotheses
discussed here, with possible ranges of variables in
parentheses. As underscored in Table 2, superforecasters
have distinctive dispositional profiles, scoring higher on
several measures of fluid intelligence and crystallized
intelligence, higher on the desire to be the best, the need
for cognition, open-minded thinking, and endorsements
of a scientific worldview with little tolerance for super-
naturalism. Table 3 shows that these same variables cor-
relate with forecasting accuracy.
Task-specific skills
Shifting from broad dispositional variables to much nar-
rower task-specific skill sets, superforecasters again stand
out. They have a deeper understanding of what needs to
done to do well in a tournament that requires balancing
outside and inside perspectives on events and translating
vague qualitative impressions into precise probability
metrics. We divide these skill sets into two categories:
sensitivity to scope and sensitivity to more fine-grained
(granular) probabilistic distinctions.
Scope insensitivity. Kahneman and Knetsch (1992)
introduced the phrase scope insensitivity when exploring
prices that emerged from contingent valuation methods.
These are survey methods of assigning monetary values
to public goods (goods that, by definition, cannot be
traded directly in markets, such as clean air or pristine
Alaskan shorelines). Extreme scope insensitivity occurs
when measures of worth fail to budge across vast varia-
tions in the scope of the good. For example, the amount
people said they would pay to save 2,000 migratory birds
from an Alaskan oil spill was virtually identical to what
they said they would pay to save 200,000 birds from the
same spill (Desvouges et al., 1993; Schkade & Payne,
Scope insensitivity can take diverse forms in forecast-
ing tournaments—and we ran a series of experimental
comparisons of relative susceptibility using the five pairs
of questions in Table 4. Each individual was randomly
assigned to one version of each pair in a between-sub-
jects design. For four of the pairs, the wider-scope-of-
events class should be judged as likelier than the subset
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274 Mellers et al.
class on the basis of elementary logic. For example, a
dictator cannot be more likely to fall in 3 months than in
6 months. Superforecasters were more sensitive to
scope—and they tended to report forecasts for the wider
class that were greater than those for the subclass, even
though they only saw one question and thus could not
make direct comparisons of the sort possible in a within-
subject design (which would have made the task much
Table 2. Measures Relevant to the Four Hypotheses About Why Superforecasters Are So Super
Measure Superforecasters Top-team individuals All others Controls
Cognitive abilities
Raven’s APM-SF (0–12) 9.13 8.26 7.75
Shipley–2 Abstraction Test (0–25) 20.09 18.58 18.49
CRT (0–3) 2.78 2.46 2.26
Extended CRT (0–18) 16.64 15.39 14.56
Numeracy (0–4) 3.67 3.33 3.19
Shipley–2 Vocabulary (0–40) 37.50 36.89 36.79
Political knowledge (Year 1; 0–35) 29.59 29.37 28.66
Political knowledge (Year 2; 0–50) 38.45 37.30 36.29
Political knowledge (Year 3; 0–55) 32.20 31.23 31.12
Cognitive styles
Why? Be at the top (1–7) 5.60 4.86 4.81
Need for cognition (1–7) 5.97
Open-minded (1–7) 6.01 5.97 5.89
Belief in fate (0–7) 2.65 3.17
Close call (effect size) .16 .40
Task-appropriate skills
Scope sensitivity .22 0.12
Granularity (unique numbers) 57 29 30
Motivation: Skill cultivation
Number of forecasting questions (Year 1) 76 65 57
Number of forecasting questions (Year 2) 116 84 82
Number of forecasting questions (Year 3) 81 52 60
Motivation: Belief updating
Average number of forecasts per question (Year 1) 2.77 1.51 1.43
Average number of forecasts per question (Year 2) 5.64 2.15 1.79
Average number of forecasts per question (Year 3) 6.70 5.14 2.92
Motivation: Information gathering
Average number of news clicks (Year 2) 187.31 45.72 24.89
Average number of news clicks (Year 3) 344.73 63.12 89.80
Enriched versus regular Environments
Average number of comments (Year 2) 262.23 51.88
Average number of comments (Year 3) 622.89 112.26
Average number of words per comment (Year 2) 36.62 28.49
Average number of words per comment (Year 3) 31.66 24.80
Average number of forum posts (Year 2) 36.13 2.25
Average number of forum posts (Year 3) 43.64 4.94
Average number of news shared (Year 2) 91.57 9.16
Average number of news shared (Year 3) 181.93 28.61
Average % of comments with questions (Year 2) 0.47 0.19
Average % of comments with questions (Year 3) 0.32 0.27
Average % of replies (Year 2) 7.29 2.59
Average % of replies (Year 3) 6.54 2.99
Consensus rate within questions −0.06 0.05 0.06
Note: Bold values of top-team individuals and all others indicate a significant difference when compared with superforecasters at the .01
level. Values in parentheses beside each variable represent possible ranges of scores. Raven’s APM-SF = Short Form of the Raven’s Advanced
Progressive Matrices; CRT = Cognitive Reflection Test.
by guest on May 18, 2015pps.sagepub.comDownloaded from
Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters 275
easier and off-target). Bolded forecasts in Table 4 indicate
significant differences between the set/subset (more
likely/less likely) versions of a question. For instance, the
first question measured sensitivity to quantity. When the
official Euro to U.S. dollar exchange rate was 1.37, fore-
casters were asked whether the exchange rate would
exceed 1.38 (or 1.40) before December 31, 2014.
Superforecasters’ responses of 73% and 48% for exchange
rates of 1.38 and 1.40 differed significantly, but those of
controls did not.
Questions 2, 3, and 4 had the same format as Question
1, but these questions focused on regional and temporal
sensitivity. Both groups showed regional and temporal
sensitivity in Questions 2 and 3, respectively, and neither
showed temporal sensitivity in Question 4.
To analyze these four questions as a whole, we con-
ducted a linear mixed effects model with forecasts as the
dependent variable and group, scope, question (to
account for heteroskedasticity in questions), and the
interaction between group and scope as independent
variables. Table 2 shows that superforecasters had a
greater overall estimated difference between responses
for more and less likely questions than that of controls
(0.22 vs. 0.12). Of course, it is one thing to show that
superforecasters are more scope sensitive than lower
performing forecasters and quite another to show that
superforecasters are as sensitive to scope as they should
be—a complex problem to be tackled in future research.
Using the fifth pair of questions in Table 4, we explored
sensitivity to an arbitrary anchor that forecasters should
have ignored (as opposed to the scope sensitivity tests
that focused forecasters on a cue they should have
attended to). We asked participants to estimate the World
Economic Output (WEO) for 2014. Prior to the estimation
question, we introduced either a low or high question
about whether the WEO would grow beyond 2.8% or
3.3% in 2014, respectively. Then we asked them to esti-
mate the WEO in 2014. In this case, we hypothesized that
superforecasters would be less sensitive to the anchor, a
potential source of bias. Superforecasters’ estimates were
appropriately insensitive to the anchor, whereas controls’
estimates covaried with anchors. Superforecasters were
thus more resistant to the anchoring bias.
Forecasting granularity. Translating case-specific
assessments of causal propensities (e.g., the balance of
forces keeping Greece in vs. pushing Greece out of the
Eurozone) into a probability assessment of Greece
remaining in the Eurozone is a nontrivial challenge. Past
work suggests that, not surprisingly, people tend to assign
higher probabilities to outcomes when the net balance of
causal forces favors that outcome. However, what can be
said about the ability to provide nuanced predictions that
actually reflect gradual shifts in the balance of causal
One possibility is that superforecasters are better at
translating complex qualitative causal judgments into
probability judgments because they are more knowl-
edgeable, more scope sensitive, and capable of finer
grained distinctions along the probability scales.
Probability scales can be “sliced” into segments that
reflect different perceptual gradations of uncertainty, a
process known as granularity (Yaniv & Foster, 1995).
The decision weighting function in prospect theory
Table 3. Correlates With Measures With Accuracy
Measure Correlation t(1774) p
Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices −.18 −7.70 <.001
Shipley–2 Abstraction Test −.22 −9.49 <.001
Shipley–2 Vocabulary −.09 −3.80 <.001
CRT −.16 −6.82 <.001
Extended CRT −.23 −9.95 <.001
Numeracy −.16 −6.82 <.001
Political knowledge (Year 1) −.12 −5.09 <.001
Political knowledge (Year 2) −.18 −7.70 <.001
Political knowledge (Year 3) −.14 −5.95 <.001
Motivate—Be at the top −.11 −4.66 <.001
Need for cognition −.07 −2.95 <.002
Active open-mindedness −.12 −5.09 <.001
Average number of articles checked −.18 −7.70 <.001
Average number of articles shared −.20 −8.53 <.001
Average number of comments with questions −.18 −7.68 <.001
Average number of replies to questions −.18 −7.70 <.001
Note: CRT = Cognitive Reflection Test.
by guest on May 18, 2015pps.sagepub.comDownloaded from
276 Mellers et al.
suggests that, in their decisions, people give greater
weight to changes in probabilities at the extremes than to
changes in the middle region between 0.2 and 0.8
(Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). Superforecasters might
make more probabilistic distinctions than others, and
perhaps more distinctions at the extremes, reflecting their
finer grained appreciation of uncertainty.
We explored the translation of information into proba-
bility judgments in two ways. First, we examined the total
number of unique probability numbers (i.e., 0–100) made
by individuals across all questions they attempted. Table 2
shows that these averages were 57 for superforecasters, 29
for top-team individuals, and 30 for all others, respectively.
Superforecasters submitted almost twice as many unique
numerical predictions overall as the other groups.
Superforecasters also selected more numbers that
reflected granularity. For each participant, we examined
the percentage of forecasts that were multiples of 10%,
multiples of 5% (that were not also of 10%), and multi-
ples of 1% (that were not also of 10% or 5%). Top-team
individuals and all others were most likely to make fore-
casts divisible by 10% (10%, 20%, 30%, etc.). By contrast,
superforecasters were most likely to make forecasts divis-
ible by 1% and only 1% (e.g., 17%, 28%, and 83%, and
excluding all multiples of 5% and 10%). Superforecasters
made more granular forecasts.
Greater granularity does not necessarily imply greater
accuracy. To explore this relationship, we rounded fore-
casts to the nearest 0.05, 0.10, or 0.33 to see whether
Brier scores became less accurate on the basis of rounded
forecasts rather than unrounded forecasts. Less accuracy
after rounding to the nearest 0.05, 0.10, or 0.33 implies
that forecasters used at least 21, 11, or 4 distinctions
along the probability scale, respectively. If Brier scores
were significantly worse after moving from no rounding
to 0.05, we would conclude that the more granular prob-
abilities contained more information at their initial level
than at 21 categories, and those forecasters were using at
least 21 categories. If Brier scores were significantly
worse after rounding from 0.10 to 0.33, we would con-
clude that information was lost if forecasters went from
11 to 4 categories, so forecasters were using at least 4
For superforecasters, rounding to the nearest 0.10 pro-
duced significantly worse Brier scores. However, for the
other two groups, rounding to the nearest 0.10 had no
influence. It was not until rounding was done to the
nearest 0.33 that accuracy declined. In short, information
was lost when superforecasters went from 10 to 4 catego-
ries. Superforecasters were using at least 4 categories but
quite likely more. Probabilistic distinctions made by the
two comparison groups were markedly cruder.
Table 4. Scope Sensitivity
Question Numerical Superforecasters Controls
Question 1
Less likely Will the official Euro to U.S. dollar exchange rate exceed 1.40 before
December 31, 2014?
48% 42%
More likely Will the official Euro to U.S. dollar exchange rate exceed 1.38 before
December 31, 2014?
73% 51%
Question 2: Regional
Less likely Will Israel deploy at least one unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over
the territory of Iran before December 1, 2014?
28% 47%
More likely Will Israel deploy at least one UAV over the territory of another
country before December 1, 2014?
60% 59%
Question 3: Temporal
Less likely Will Turkey ratify a new constitution by February 1, 2014? 7% 30%
More likely Will Turkey ratify a new constitution by February 1, 2016? 35% 49%
Question 4: Temporal
Less likely Will there be a significant lethal confrontation in the Middle
East between Syria and Turkey before July 1, 2014?
16% 26%
More likely Will there be a significant lethal confrontation in the Middle
East between Syria and Turkey before July 1, 2015?
20% 34%
Question 5: Anchoring
Low Do you think the World Economic Output (WEO) will grow beyond
2.8% in 2014?
What is your best estimate of the WEO in 2014?
3.2% 2.7%
High Do you think the WEO will grow beyond 3.3% in 2014? What is your
best estimate of the WEO in 2014?
3.4% 3.1%
This question was asked when the exchange rate was 1.37.
This question was asked when the WEO projection for 2013 was 2.9%.
Note: Bold values are significantly different at the .01 level.
by guest on May 18, 2015pps.sagepub.comDownloaded from
Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters 277
Motivation and commitment
Everyone knows the old joke about how to get to
Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice. Highly skilled
performance depends on intense, focused, and long-term
commitment. Ericsson, Krampe, and Romer (1993) have
argued that expert performance is the end result of pro-
longed, deliberate practice, and even among elite per-
formers, performance skill correlates with the amount of
deliberate practice. Deliberate practice or “grit” predicts
grade point averages of Ivy League undergraduate stu-
dents, student retention at West Point, and rankings in
the National Spelling Bee (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthew,
& Kelly, 2007).
In a parallel research program, Dweck (2006) found
that better performance is associated with the belief that
skills are learned rather than innate. Successful forecast-
ers in our tournaments may be likelier to view the task as
a cultivatable skill rather than a God-given or DNA-given
endowment. Forecasters with a growth-mindset orienta-
tion should presumably try more questions and update
their predictions more often.
Table 2 shows that, even in Year 1 (before being
anointed as a super), superforecasters engaged in pat-
terns of behavior suggestive of the view that forecasting
skill can be cultivated via deep deliberative practice. One
measure of motivation and commitment is the number of
questions attempted by each forecaster. In all 3 years of
the tournament, superforecasters attempted more ques-
tions than top-team individuals or all others. In Year 1,
they attempted 25% more questions than the other
groups—and in later years, the effort gap grew, with
superforecasters attempting approximately 40% more
questions than the other groups. Another measure of
motivation and commitment is the frequency with which
forecasters updated their beliefs. Table 2 shows that
superforecasters updated their beliefs more often than
either top-team individuals or all others. Even in Year 1,
superforecasters made an average of 2.77 forecasts per
question, whereas the comparison groups made an aver-
age of 1.47 forecasts per question. Differences continued
in Years 2 and 3. Frequency of belief updating was
important; it turned out to be the strongest single behav-
ioral predictor of accuracy (Mellers, Stone, etal., 2014).
In Years 2 and 3, the GJP website provided a news
reader that used Google search queries with keywords to
help forecasters collect articles from reputable and rele-
vant sources. We counted how often forecasters clicked
on the news reader. During Years 2 and 3, superforecast-
ers clicked on an average of 255 stories, significantly
more than top-team individuals and all others, who
clicked on 55 and 58 stories, respectively. In sum, several
variables suggest that superforecasters were more com-
mitted to cultivating skills than were top-team individuals
or all others.
Enriched environments
A large literature on peer effects in the classroom sug-
gests that students benefit from working in cohorts of
similar ability levels (see Epple & Romano, 2011, for a
review). Grouping students on the basis of prior perfor-
mance can accelerate learning, especially among high
achievers, by motivating each other and making the
challenges more enjoyable. Of course, grouping is also
controversial: It increases inequality (just as our super-
forecaster manipulation did).
Table 2 shows that elite superforecaster teams engaged
with each other more frequently than regular teams.
Their engagement could occur in two ways. Forecasters
could post specific comments about a question beside
the question or make general comments on a forum
about broader topics, such as cognitive triage (deciding
how to allocate effort across questions). Table 2 shows
that in Years 2 and 3, superforecasters communicated
more on both variables. They made roughly 5 times more
specific-question comments than top-team individuals,
and superforecasters’ comments were roughly one third
longer than those of top-team individuals. Furthermore,
in the forum, superforecasters posted an average of 36
and 44 general comments in Years 2 and 3, respectively,
whereas top-team individuals posted an average of only
2 and 5 comments, respectively.
Previously, we argued that superforecasters were like-
lier than other groups to gather news and opinion pieces.
They were also likelier to share those news stories and
opinion pieces with teammates, consistent with the
enriched-environment hypothesis. Table 2 shows that
superforecasters shared more than 10 times as many
news links as top-team individuals in Year 2 and more
than 6 times as many in Year 3.
Superforecasters were more willing to probe the
knowledge of their teammates. The proportion of sen-
tences containing a question mark relative to total words
was 0.47% (or 1 out of every 213 words) for superfore-
casters and was 0.19% (1 out of every 526 words) for
top-team individuals. In addition to asking more ques-
tions, superforecasters provided more answers to posted
inquiries. On average, 11% of superforecasters’ comments
were replies, whereas only 2% of top-team individuals’
comments were replies to previous questions.
This difference in responsiveness became even starker
when we compared the percentage of comments con-
taining question marks that received replies relative to
the total number of comments with question marks. On
average, superforecasters got replies to 23% of their ques-
tions. Average top-team individuals received replies to
only 4% of their questions. Superforecasters felt account-
able to each other in ways that top-team individuals did
not. Again, these variables were predictors of accuracy
(see Table 4).
by guest on May 18, 2015pps.sagepub.comDownloaded from
278 Mellers et al.
Well-functioning teams might disagree initially on a
question but still reach consensus as evidence mounts
and time passes. We examined daily variability in fore-
casts as a function of the number of days that questions
were open (measured as a percentage of total life span
of the question—ranging from 0% [start] to 100% [finish]).
Figure 5 shows the standard deviation in daily forecasts
against the percentage of the elapsed life span of the
question, averaged over questions. Dark red lines are
regression lines, and values appear in Table 2. Rising red
lines indicate that top-team individuals and all others
had more, not less, forecast variability with the passage
of time. However, for superforecasters, the regression
line points downward, indicating greater consensus over
time. Sharing more news, posing more questions, and
providing more answers helped superforecasters reach
consensual closure faster and more efficiently than the
other comparison groups—and these actions appear to
do so at little or no risk of groupthink or premature
Are superforecasters different kinds of people—or simply
people who do different kinds of things? Our data sug-
gest that the answer is a blend of both. The superfore-
caster phenomenon has implications for debates about
the development of expertise, the role of intelligence and
other individual differences in success, and the robust-
ness of cognitive biases. We highlight four sets of find-
ings that various theoretical camps are likely to find
either dissonant or congenial:
1. Psychologists who believe that deliberative prac-
tice in skill development has been underplayed
(Duckworth et al., 2007; Ericsson et al., 1993)
might understandably find it tempting to treat
superforecasters as simply diligent workers—and
to posit that virtually anyone could do what these
forecasters did if they practiced as deeply and
deliberatively as superforecasters. This interpreta-
tion fails, however, to take into account the many
pretournament ways in which superforecasters
differed from others forecasters and, even more
so, from the general population. Superforecasters
had cognitive abilities and styles that may have
enabled them both to start the tournament with
more relevant skills, to perform better from the
outset, and then to fine tune those skills more rap-
idly via deliberate practice.
2. Psychologists who believe that human intelligence
has been underplayed in skill development can
point to the consistency with which fluid intelli-
gence (operationalized in diverse ways) emerges
as a reliable predictor of performance across a
heterogeneous array of forecasting problems
Fig. 5. Average daily standard deviations (Std Devs) in forecasts over participants plotted against the percentage duration of a question
with separate linear regressions for superforecasters (Supers), top-team individuals (Top-Team Inds.), and all others. The steeper negative
slope for Supers means that they were quicker to reach consensus (greater area under the curve).
by guest on May 18, 2015pps.sagepub.comDownloaded from
Identifying and Cultivating Superforecasters 279
(Hunter & Schmidt, 1996). In this view, the door to
superforecaster status is not open to all
(Gottfredson, 1997). Above-average fluid intelli-
gence (one standard deviation plus) is almost a
defining feature of superforecasters. However, so
too is a strong behavioral commitment to cultivat-
ing the skill of assigning realistic probability esti-
mates. Superforecasters try a lot harder, attempting
many more questions and updating their beliefs
more often as new evidence arises.
3. Psychologists who believe that cognitive style is
not just reducible to cognitive ability can point to
the predictive roles played by the need for cogni-
tion and actively open-minded thinking.
Superforecasters derive more enjoyment from
problem solving and are more willing to treat their
belief as testable propositions, not sacred posses-
sions to be defended to the death (Baron &
Spranca, 1997; Fiske & Tetlock, 1997). The cogni-
tive style effects are, however, markedly weaker
than those of both fluid intelligence and of behav-
ioral commitment (e.g., frequency of updating).
4. Psychologists who believe that people can over-
come even biases rooted in basic perceptual-cog-
nitive processes, such as anchoring effects and
scope insensitivity (Kahneman, 2011), may be
encouraged by some results. When people either
have the right dispositional profile (fluid intelli-
gence plus open-minded thinking) or have been
properly motivated by tournaments to monitor
their thought processes and to execute System 2
overrides of System 1, they can reduce biases.
However, the biases are not eliminated entirely.
Even superforecasters show some scope insensi-
tivity, and even superforecasters may not have
used all the numbers that were meaningfully dif-
ferent on the probability scale. There may well be
perceptual-cognitive constraints on even the best
human probability judgments.
Our analysis leaves many theoretical questions dan-
gling: Is it possible—as advocates of self-fulfilling proph-
ecy arguments might propose—to transform ordinary
forecasters into superforecasters by simply labeling them
“high-potential late bloomers”? The answer to this ques-
tion requires experimental manipulation of the labeling of
moderate-to-high-functioning forecasters. Is it possible—
as advocates of the enriched-environment hypothesis
might propose—to transform ordinary forecasters into
high performers by just giving them access to the conver-
sations, debates, and deliberations of superteams?
Furthermore, why have we not seen interactions among
independent variables that many theorists might expect?
Does not fluid intelligence matter more when one is
higher in crystallized intelligence—and has more informa-
tion to bring to bear in problem solving? Or does not fluid
intelligence confer more advantages when it is joined to
an open-minded cognitive style or to a deliberative prac-
tice work ethic? So far, these interactions have not materi-
alized as reliable predictors of forecaster accuracy. Are
these nonoccurrences a sign that our underlying psycho-
logical assumptions are wrong—or a sign that the tourna-
ment lacks the massive statistical power needed to test the
hypotheses? We suspect the answer is the latter. Real-
world accuracy data are noisy. Some questions are
resolved as very close calls that could easily have gone
the other way. Furthermore, forecaster performance is
also affected by changes in forecasters’ personal and pro-
fessional lives outside the tournament, such as the birth of
a child or a work schedule that suddenly tightens up.
To summarize, the study of forecasting ability in the
real world can create odd theoretical bedfellows. How
often in the mainstream research literatures do references
to fluid intelligence appear alongside references to scope
sensitivity—or references to granularity appear alongside
references to behavioral commitments and growth mind-
sets or self-fulfilling prophecies? As we ourselves well
know, these real-world environments motivate investiga-
tors to be more eclectic than they would be if they were
playing the hypothesis testing game under normal labo-
ratory conditions.
Critics of tournaments might dismiss our experiments
and interventions as a crude throw-everything-we-know-
at-the-problem approach. However, the Zimbardo prison
“experiment” (Zimbardo, 1973) and the original Milgram
obedience study (Milgram, 1963) were also heavy-
handed, multidimensional interventions. These research-
ers wanted to make a larger societal point, not nail down
specific hypotheses. This approach seems fully justified
when we are talking about reducing the likelihood of
multi-trillion-dollar mistakes that claim thousands of lives.
The U.S. Intelligence Community had been ferociously
criticized for missing the rise of the Al-Qaeda threat prior
to 9/11 and for claiming that there were weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq when, in fact, there were none.
There is, of course, no guarantee that improving the
Brier scores of intelligence analysts by the amounts that
we achieved (i.e., 50% or 60%) would have prevented
any particular intelligence failure ( Jervis, 2010). However,
there is a compelling case that by improving Brier scores,
analysts bring down the overall likelihood of the two
canonical prediction errors that bedevil any forecasting
system: false-positives (e.g., telling the President that
something is a slam dunk, and that thing does not hap-
pen) and false-negatives (e.g., telling the President some-
thing is impossible, and it happens).
Werner Heisenberg (1958/1999) famously remarked
that what we observe is not nature itself but nature
by guest on May 18, 2015pps.sagepub.comDownloaded from
280 Mellers et al.
exposed to our mode of questioning. This observation
applies as much to psychology as to quantum physics.
Researchers’ understanding of flaws in intuitive forecast-
ing is largely grounded in laboratory studies of typical
performance; their understanding of what people are
capable of doing is grounded in real-world tournaments
that encourage researchers and forecasters to work
together to generate the most accurate possible probabil-
ities using the best possible methods. Superforecasters
have achieved a surprising degree of accuracy—and this
may be just the beginning of those surprises.
The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute
reprints for government purposes notwithstanding any copy-
right annotation thereon. The views and conclusions expressed
herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted
as necessarily representing the official policies or endorse-
ments, either expressed or implied, of the Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity, the Department of Interior National
Business Center, or the U.S. Government.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
This research was supported by Research Contract D11PC20061
to the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California
from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity via
the Department of Interior National Business Center.
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Year 1, so we were unable to compute Brier scores for them
2. Participants who did not make at least one comment during
the year with at least 50 total words were excluded from the
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... A secondary aim of Study 1 was to explore the relationship between individuals' evaluation of alternative hypotheses and their judgmental coherence and cognitive reflection. Some have argued that intelligence organizations ought to recruit and select the 'right kind' of individuals (e.g., Dhami & Mandel, 2021;Karvetski et al., 2013;Mellers et al., 2015aMellers et al., , 2015b. In order to be coherent, judgments of the likelihood of (mutually exclusive) hypotheses ought to sum to unity, but some individuals have been shown to be nonadditive; either demonstrating superadditivity (sum to less than unity) or subadditivity (sum to more than unity; Rottenstreich & Tversky, 1997;Tversky & Koehler, 1994; for nonadditivity in analyst samples see Mandel, 2015;. ...
... Similarly, some individuals appear to have greater ability to reflect on a decision problem and refrain from providing the first response that comes to mind while others have less ability to do so (Frederick, 2005; see also Campitelli & Gerrans, 2014;Pennycook et al., 2016). Both judgmental coherence and cognitive reflection have been shown to be positively related to performance on a range of judgment and decision-making tasks (e.g., Baron et al., 2015;Campitelli & Labollita, 2010;Fan et al., 2019;Frederick, 2005;Karvetski et al., 2013;Mellers et al., 2015aMellers et al., , 2015bMoritz et al., 2013;Pajala, 2019;Toplak et al., 2011). These two individual difference measures may therefore be useful in analyst selection. ...
... Others have previously found cognitive reflection to be positively related to performance on a range of judgment and decision-making tasks (e.g., Baron et al., 2015;Campitelli & Labollita, 2010;Frederick, 2005;Mellers et al., 2015a;Moritz et al., 2013;Pajala, 2019;Toplak et al., 2011). The CRT may therefore be a useful tool for analyst selection, in addition to the other individual difference measures such as intelligence, open-minded thinking and numeracy that have been previously suggested (e.g., Karvetski et al., 2013;Mellers et al., 2015aMellers et al., , 2015b. However, it is necessary to further explore the positive relationship between CRT and strategy use identified in Study 1 for two reasons. ...
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We empirically examined the effectiveness of how the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) technique structures task information to help reduce confirmation bias (Study 1) and the portrayal of intelligence analysts as suffering from such bias (Study 2). Study 1 ( N = 161) showed that individuals presented with hypotheses in rows and evidence items in columns were significantly less likely to demonstrate confirmation bias, whereas those presented with the ACH-style matrix (with hypotheses in columns and evidence items in rows) or a paragraph of text (listing the evidence for each hypothesis) were not less likely to demonstrate bias. The ACH-style matrix also did not confer any benefits regarding increasing sensitivity to evidence credibility. Study 2 showed that the majority of 62 Dutch military analysts did not suffer from confirmation bias and were sensitive to evidence credibility. Finally, neither judgmental coherence nor cognitive reflection differentiated between better or worse performers in the hypotheses evaluation tasks.
... To remedy this, Mellers et al. [11] studied the performance of individuals when forecasts were made in a controlled setting, specifically a forecasting tournament. This study, sponsored by the U.S. intelligence community, aimed to measure the performance of various individuals and strategies to concretely understand how to make effective predictions. ...
... Forecasters made predictions on the likelihood of these events taking place from 0 to 1 and then were scored by the accuracy of their predictions. Mellers et al. [11] and later Tetlock et al. [17] found that indeed some participants consistently outperformed their peers in accuracy and certain strategies seemed correlated with an ability to correctly predict if events would occur. ...
... Human Forecasting: The inspiration for examining the ability of LLMs to make predictions about events in the future comes directly from prior work examining humans' ability to make effective predictions about the future. Mellers et al. [11] examine the performance of different participants over the course of multiple forecasting tournaments. In these tournaments, a dataset of events is created and participants must make predictions on the likelihood of these event occurring. ...
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Advances in deep learning systems have allowed large models to match or surpass human accuracy on a number of skills such as image classification, basic programming, and standardized test taking. As the performance of the most capable models begin to saturate on tasks where humans already achieve high accuracy, it becomes necessary to benchmark models on increasingly complex abilities. One such task is forecasting the future outcome of events. In this work we describe experiments using a novel dataset of real world events and associated human predictions, an evaluation metric to measure forecasting ability, and the accuracy of a number of different LLM based forecasting designs on the provided dataset. Additionally, we analyze the performance of the LLM forecasters against human predictions and find that models still struggle to make accurate predictions about the future. Our follow-up experiments indicate this is likely due to models' tendency to guess that most events are unlikely to occur (which tends to be true for many prediction datasets, but does not reflect actual forecasting abilities). We reflect on next steps for developing a systematic and reliable approach to studying LLM forecasting.
... The insights of Nassim Nicholas Taleb into rare and unpredictable events, or "Black Swans," have highlighted the limits of traditional models (2007). (Coates IV, 2012), John Coates has studied the physiological effects of trading, linking stress to decision-making (2012), and (Mellers et al., 2015), Barbara Mellers has explored judgment under uncertainty (2014). Hirshleifer (1998Hirshleifer ( , 2001Hirshleifer ( , 2012Hirshleifer ( and 2015, Hersh Shefrin (1988, 1994, 2001, 2008, John W. Payne (1982, 1988), Andrei Shleifer (1990, and 2004), Meir statman (1999,2000,2009,2017 and 2019) Finally, Daniel Kahneman's exploration of happiness and its impact on financial behavior (2006) and Michael Lewis's portrayal of market anomalies in "The Big Short" (2010) underscore the ongoing relevance of behavioral finance in understanding market inefficiencies and investor behavior. ...
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Purpose- The paper aims to compile and synthesize past and present research on Behavioral Finance by reviewing the available literature. This will provide quick and easy access for future researchers and for doctoral thesis. The study emphasizes the classification of literature to offer a comprehensive view of Behavioral Finance, analyzing the findings and results of various studies for a thorough review. Design/Methodology/Approach- A comprehensive search was conducted across a variety of sources to review the existing literature on Behavioral Finance. From thousands of papers, 64 were selected for the present study, focusing on the impact of behavioral biases on individual investors decisions and the influence of demographic factors on these biases. These selected papers, which include both research studies and literature reviews, form the sample for this study. To assess the status of research on the topic, these papers are classified based on various variables, such as behavioral biases, investors investment decisions, and demographic factors Social factors and economic factors on investment. Findings -This paper categorizes the existing literature on Behavioral Finance and finds that research in this field continues to be highly sought after in developed countries. Additionally, the study notes a significant increase in Behavioral Finance research in emerging economies in recent years. Several other important findings were also uncovered in the analysis. Originality/Value- This paper offers a comprehensive collection and classification of literature on Behavioral Finance, providing valuable insights for academicians, professionals, and future researchers. It serves as a useful resource for understanding current research trends and identifying potential areas for future investigation in the field.
... Many meta-cognitive aspects of the Common Wisdom Model discussed in philosophy and behavioral sciences such as intellectual humility, acknowledgement of uncertainty, and perspective-taking (Grossmann, Weststrate, Ardelt, et al., 2020) appear to be related to both concrete and abstract construals. This proposition also dovetails with research on human judgment, which shows that a context-sensitive fox, who draws on both the abstract and the concrete, is more likely to correctly forecast geopolitical events compared to an abstract-only hedgehog (Mellers et al., 2015). ...
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We explored how individuals’ mental representations of complex and uncertain situations impact their ability to reason wisely. To this end, we introduce situated methods to capture abstract and concrete mental representations and the switching between them when reflecting on social challenges. Using these methods, we evaluated the alignment of abstractness and concreteness with four integral facets of wisdom: intellectual humility, open-mindedness, perspective-taking, and compromise-seeking. Data from North American and UK participants (N = 1,151) revealed that both abstract and concrete construals significantly contribute to wise reasoning, even when controlling for a host of relevant covariates and potential response bias. Natural language processing of unstructured texts among high (top 25%) and low (bottom 25%) wisdom participants corroborated these results: semantic networks of the high wisdom group reveal greater use of both abstract and concrete themes compared to the low wisdom group. Finally, employing a repeated strategy-choice method as an additional measure, our findings demonstrated that individuals who showed a greater balance and switching between these construal types exhibited higher wisdom. Our findings advance understanding of individual differences in mental representations and how construals shape reasoning across contexts in everyday life.
... These forecasting procedures followed standard practices in the literature 21,46,75 . Although incentives are sometimes provided for forecasting accuracy, they often are not 21,46,[75][76][77] . ...
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Encouraging routine COVID-19 vaccinations is likely to be a crucial policy challenge for decades to come. To avert hundreds of thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths, adoption will need to be higher than it was in the autumn of 2022 or 2023, when less than one-fifth of Americans received booster vaccines1,2. One approach to encouraging vaccination is to eliminate the friction of transportation hurdles. Previous research has shown that friction can hinder follow-through³ and that individuals who live farther from COVID-19 vaccination sites are less likely to get vaccinated⁴. However, the value of providing free round-trip transportation to vaccination sites is unknown. Here we show that offering people free round-trip Lyft rides to pharmacies has no benefit over and above sending them behaviourally informed text messages reminding them to get vaccinated. We determined this by running a megastudy with millions of CVS Pharmacy patients in the United States testing the effects of (1) free round-trip Lyft rides to CVS Pharmacies for vaccination appointments and (2) seven different sets of behaviourally informed vaccine reminder messages. Our results suggest that offering previously vaccinated individuals free rides to vaccination sites is not a good investment in the United States, contrary to the high expectations of both expert and lay forecasters. Instead, people in the United States should be sent behaviourally informed COVID-19 vaccination reminders, which increased the 30-day COVID-19 booster uptake by 21% (1.05 percentage points) and spilled over to increase 30-day influenza vaccinations by 8% (0.34 percentage points) in our megastudy. More rigorous testing of interventions to promote vaccination is needed to ensure that evidence-based solutions are deployed widely and that ineffective but intuitively appealing tools are discontinued.
Foreign policymakers must grapple with complexity, uncertainty, and subjectivity. These challenges raise the possibility that “strategy is an illusion”: that there is no reliable method for assessing skill at managing international politics. By contrast, we show that researchers can objectively evaluate a critical component of foreign policy competence using a standard we call “relative foresight,” defined as decision-makers’ ability to anticipate consequences of their choices as compared to alternative views based on similar information. Relative foresight can be measured without relying on value judgments or subjective probabilities. By contrast, other common frameworks for gauging foreign policy competence, such as comparing leaders’ behavior to the rational actor model or assessing procedural rationality, almost always leave room for reasonable disagreement. We demonstrate that relative foresight provides a useful tool for evaluating major foreign policy choices through case studies of Barack Obama’s decisions regarding the Afghan Surge and the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound. Our framework has broad implications for research on normative, prescriptive, and descriptive dimensions of foreign policy analysis.
This chapter reviews the “wisdom of crowds” through the lens of social psychology. Early research on social influence cast a pessimistic light on whether collectives can be wise. The famous Asch (1955) studies left the impression that collective judgment is easily harmed since individuals conform too readily to what others say. Research on the wisdom of crowds, of course, demonstrates the benefits of collective judgment over individual judgment. This raises the practical question of how and when collectives will be more accurate than individuals. After briefly reviewing social influence research, the chapter describes the basic logic of the wisdom of crowds: Independent errors are more likely to bracket the truth, which cancel each other out when averaged together. The chapter then turns to conditions that foster better individual inputs to collective judgment by ensuring diverse perspectives through group composition and processes that preserve independence. It also discusses the attraction of relying on single experts and the challenges of reliably identifying them. Finally, the chapter reviews research on the degree to which people understand the benefits of listening to others and evidence that they often fail to learn enough from others. The original chapter was published in 2011. The new chapter ends with an update that explores recent work on the benefits of discussion and analytical techniques for finding the more expert members within a crowd.
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This chapter outlines the evolution of collective intelligence, starting from its ancient roots and concluding with modern digital platforms. It discusses intelligence theories, project examples, and the impact of technology on collaborative efforts. Key focuses include the role of the internet and online communities in boosting our collective IQ, with a particular emphasis on Douglas Engelbart's contributions and the open-source movement, as exemplified by Linux's development. The chapter examines how digital transformation has facilitated new forms of community and knowledge sharing, significantly influencing fields such as management, decision-making, and organizational learning. Various scholars and their definitions of CI are discussed, including Pierre Lévy's vision of universally distributed intelligence and the concept of swarm intelligence in biological sciences. We then move on to practically implemented CI projects, exploring crowdsourcing as a manifestation of CI in business and social projects and examining possibilities of harnessing the wisdom of crowds for problem-solving and innovation. The chapter concludes with a presentation of the current state of collective intelligence academic research.
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Many decisions and actions can be framed as binary classification problems in which an outcome function maps states of the world into one of two outcomes and in which individuals use models (interpreted signals) to classify the state. For this class of binary classification problems, we fully characterize the range of possible group accuracies as a function of group size, average individual accuracy and diversity (average pairwise disagreement) or groups using majority rule. Our characterization yields five implications (i) the range of possible collective accuracies can be large, especially for groups of low accuracy individuals, (ii) up to moderate levels of diversity, the maximal collective accuracy gain equals the maximal collective accuracy loss, (iii) possible group accuracy set-wise improves in the average accuracy of their members, (iv) larger groups increase the range of possible collective accuracies unless diversity is high, and (v) for groups to be guaranteed to be more accurate than their average member, diversity must be high.
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The theoretical framework presented in this article explains expert performance as the end result of individuals' prolonged efforts to improve performance while negotiating motivational and external constraints. In most domains of expertise, individuals begin in their childhood a regimen of effortful activities (deliberate practice) designed to optimize improvement. Individual differences, even among elite performers, are closely related to assessed amounts of deliberate practice. Many characteristics once believed to reflect innate talent are actually the result of intense practice extended for a minimum of 10 years. Analysis of expert performance provides unique evidence on the potential and limits of extreme environmental adaptation and learning.
Personnel selection research provides much evidence that intelligence (g) is an important predictor of performance in training and on the job, especially in higher level work. This article provides evidence that g has pervasive utility in work settings because it is essentially the ability to deal with cognitive complexity, in particular, with complex information processing. The more complex a work task, the greater the advantages that higher g confers in performing it well. Everyday tasks, like job duties, also differ in their level of complexity. The importance of intelligence therefore differs systematically across different arenas of social life as well as economic endeavor. Data from the National Adult Literacy Survey are used to show how higher levels of cognitive ability systematically improve individual's odds of dealing successfully with the ordinary demands of modern life (such as banking, using maps and transportation schedules, reading and understanding forms, interpreting news articles). These and other data are summarized to illustrate how the advantages of higher g, even when they are small, cumulate to affect the overall life chances of individuals at different ranges of the IQ bell curve. The article concludes by suggesting ways to reduce the risks for low-IQ individuals of being left behind by an increasingly complex postindustrial economy.
The Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM) is a popular measure of higher-order general mental ability (g). Its use in both basic research and applied settings is partially attributable to its apparent low level of culture-loading. However, one disadvantage curtailing its more widespread use may be its protracted administration time. Arthur and Day addressed this issue by creating an APM short form. The present study provides college-sample normative data on this 12-item short form of the APM that demonstrates psychometric properties similar to those of the long form, but with a substantially shorter administration time. These data will facilitate the use and interpretation of short form test scores in research settings where administration time is a major concern.