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Business Location and Success: The Case of Internet Café Business in Indonesia


Abstract and Figures

This research aims to examine the relationship between business location decision and business success. The case is Internet café business in Indonesia. This research is addressed to answer these main questions: (1) what factors do underlie location decision for an Internet café business?; and (2) does location decision determine success of Internet café business? A field research is conducted to answer these questions. Factor analysis applied to 17 location factors reveals five underlying dimensions of business location decision. They are centrality, business environment, business venue, cost, and labor. Based on responses from 93 Internet cafés in three locations (i.e. Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Lombok), the author finds that favorable location of business is positively related to business success. More specifically, a regression analysis reveals that availability of utilities, proximity to schools/universities and security affect business success in a positive direction, while proximity to highways, being in commercial center affect in a negative direction. The independent variables explain 23 percent of total variance.
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... Owner characteristics are the greatest factors that affect the business performance. According to Indarti (2004), the characteristics of business owner could be classifying inform age and education. This is proven by Reynolds et al. (2001), the individual with aged 25-44 were the most active as a business owner. ...
... The findings support the first hypothesis, which state that owner characteristic affects the small business performance positively and significantly. This study result is aligned with previous studies conducted by Indarti (2004). It stated that he human resource and the owner characteristic will be the top of the key in growing a business. ...
The purpose of the research is to evaluate the factors of owner characteristics, technology usage, and product competence toward small business performance. The research model was tested using a survey of 64 small business shoppers in Jakarta. The research findings indicate that owner characteristics, technology usage, and product competence affect small business performance. The results point to the importance of owner characteristics, technology usage, and product competence factors in understanding small business performance.
... There are several factors that influence the development of an industry, one of which is workshop location. Choosing the right location has a considerable impact on the progress and development of an industry [1]. Selection of a suitable location following the required criteria could easily facilitate the industry to carry out the logistics, production, and procurement of raw materials [2]. ...
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Selecting the best new workshop location is one of the businesses that can support a company's success. In this study, we used two combined methods: the BWM method was used to determine the weight of the criteria and to evaluate new location alternatives against the site selection criteria, while the ARAS method was used to rank the location alternatives. This study was conducted by collecting data on criteria for choosing the best location, which are profit (price and market), convenience (workshop access, land area, and environment), and support (location of suppliers and labor). The best new workshop location is obtained by filling out the BWM questionnaire for weighting each criterion and evaluating location alternatives, and then ranking the location alternative using the ARAS method. The numerical example of a case study shows that location K2 was chosen as the best new location for the welding workshop because it has the highest score in the alternative ranking of 0.9713. Hence, by combining BWM dan ARAS methods, the decision maker could make their best decision for selecting their new workshop location with multicriteria consideration.
... Launching and running nursing entrepreneurship successfully can be challenging, as various factors influence business success-health care policy, financing, nursing educational systems, gendered roles, and geographical location (Alamshahi et al., 2017;Indarti, 2004;Jakobsen et al., 2021;Nurluöz & Esmaeilzadeh, 2019;Salmon & Maeda, 2016;Sharp & Monsivais, 2014;Thepna et al., 2023). Additionally, entrepreneurs' characteristics such as gender, age, experiences, leadership, personality, particularly self-efficacy, play a significant role (Cooper et al., 1992;Limsong et al., 2016;Melnyk & Raderstorf, 2019;Seet et al., 2021). ...
Background: Nursing entrepreneurship represents an important opportunity for the nursing profession to address population health challenges and improve health care access. Although nurse entrepreneurs can be agents of change, the role of self-efficacy, as a determinant of nurses' success in business, is under-studied conceptually and in research. Purpose: This paper presents an in-depth concept analysis and model of self-efficacy within the context of the nurse entrepreneur role. Methods: We used Walker and Avant's concept analysis methodology. Discussion: A systematic understanding of self-efficacy in nurse entrepreneurs provides insights into how it may influence their judgments and actions. Our analysis sets the stage for research on how self-efficacy in nurse entrepreneurs impacts success in the nursing business. Conclusion: A conceptual model of self-efficacy in nurse entrepreneurs can guide their development through education and networking activities that incorporate experiential components to improve leadership and managerial skills for success in the health care business.
... Dengan demikian, upaya internet cafe menyediakan fasilitas cafe untuk memberikan kenyamanan dalam mengakses komputer dengan mengonsumsi makanan/minuman justru membuat pengguna bersiasat untuk membeli makanan atau minuman yang murah agar tidak mengeluarkan uang yang lebih demi kenyamanannya itu. Analisis tersebut kontras dengan studi-studi sebelumnya mengenai internet cafe, di mana desain infrastruktur, kelengkapan fasilitas, dan furnitur yang antik, lukisan dinding dan keberadaan mesin espresso di kafetaria, yang disediakan oleh internet cafe dapat membuat pengguna merasa nyaman berlama-lama di sana (Laegran & Stewart, 2003;Indarti, 2004;López-Bonilla dkk., 2016). Dalam lingkungan semacam itu justru konfigurasi desain tersebut membuat pengguna merasa tidak nyaman, sehingga pengguna berupaya mengalihkannya dengan fokus pada tujuan utamanya, yaitu mendapatkan konten dengan jumlah yang banyak tetapi dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan minimal. ...
... Namun, terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan SMM. Salah satu yang dapat mempengaruhi perbedaan perilaku ini adalah faktor lokasi usaha dikarenakan lokasi usaha memiliki dampak yang baik bagi bisnis [6]. Lokasi usaha yang strategis dapat berdampak pertumbuhan penjualan, pangsa pasar hingga profitabilitas untuk bisnis. ...
... several factors can affect the success of the business under the place to start the business. Location factors that influence business success vary with different business types [2]. ...
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Location is a key factor for the success of a new business. Therefore, selection of a location is one of the business decisions that have to be made carefully. Accordingly, if we fail to make the right decision, the business will most probably fail. Therefore, we have to deal with various factors to make the right decision. For each type of business, we need to consider different types of factors to find the best location for the particular business. Also, some factors are well-suited to one business, but that factor is not suitable for another business. For example, starting a restaurant in an urban area can be a successful business, but if we start a hotel in that area, it can be unsuccessful. As a solution for this decision-making process, we need to hire an experienced person to take the decision of finding the ideal business for your land. but this scenario is not practical. Hence, we have proposed this "BussiFinder" application to analyze the given location and generate an accurate business solution for the user. Using this application, users can find which business is suitable for their land. This proposed application is not only focused on landowners who are going to start a new business but also focused on people who are willing to buy land or rent a building to start a new business. Additionally, the Application helps users to compare different locations before taking a final decision Thus, we are introducing "BussiFinder" as a web application to process the best solution that makes a successful business.
... So that business actors will correctly determine the potential location for establishing a café business and not fall in its market share. Previous studies also found that the business area is closely related to the success of the business [8]. This study aims to determine the spatial factors that affect the market share of cafes based on sample data in the form of upper-middle-class cafes in Malang City. ...
Cafes in Malang City have a very large quantity. Almost every main road corridor in Malang City has a small, medium, or large cafe. In a competitive situation, location factors can be critical, making it very important. Therefore, a study is needed to analyze the market share of cafes in Malang City from its spatial elements. This study aims to determine the spatial factors that affect the market share of cafes based on sample data in the form of upper-middle-class cafes in Malang City. The variables used to measure the market share of the café sample spatially are proximity to universities, building density, road hierarchy, rating, and several competitors. This study uses Google Satellite Image Data sources and remote sensing methods for processing spatial data and analyzes it using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Based on the analysis results, it is known that all variables are positive. The variables that have the most influence on the market share of the café sample are building density, university proximity, and road hierarchy
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This study aims to identify the effect of business location on the income of the pulse kiosk business in Lhokseumawe City and to identify the effect of business capital on the pulse kiosk business income in Lhokseumawe City. The number of samples in this study were 68 respondents who were determined using saturated sampling (census). The type of data used is primary data collected using research questionnaires. Data analysis used multiple linear regression equations with SPSS 20 tools. The results showed simultaneously Fcount > Ftable or 33,649 > 3,138, the conclusion was that business location and business capital had a significant effect on the income of pulse kiosks in Lhokseumawe City. Based on the results of the partial test, it is known that for the business location variable the value of tcount > ttable or 3.945 > 1.997, and the operating capital variable tcount > ttable or 2.484 > 1.997, it can be concluded that partially the business location and business capital have a significant effect on the income of pulse kiosks in Lhokseumawe City. The business location variable is the dominant factor affecting the income of the pulse kiosk in Lhokseumawe City. The author's suggestion for pulse kiosk business owners is that indicators of business location and business capital must be increased in order to be able to increase their pulse kiosk income. The author's suggestion to further researchers is to develop other independent variables that are considered capable of influencing business income. it can be concluded that partially the business location and business capital have a significant effect on the income of the pulse kiosk in Lhokseumawe City. The business location variable is the dominant factor that affects the income of the pulse kiosk in Lhokseumawe City. The author's suggestion for pulse kiosk business owners is that indicators of business location and business capital must be increased in order to be able to increase their pulse kiosk income. The author's suggestion to further researchers is to develop other independent variables that are considered capable of influencing business income. it can be concluded that partially the business location and business capital have a significant effect on the income of the pulse kiosk in Lhokseumawe City. The business location variable is the dominant factor affecting the income of the pulse kiosk in Lhokseumawe City. The author's suggestion for pulse kiosk business owners is that indicators of business location and business capital must be increased in order to be able to increase their pulse kiosk income. The author's suggestion to further researchers is to develop other independent variables that are considered capable of influencing business income.
The culinary business sector is a very popular one; apart from being a cultural identity, the culinary sector also plays a role in the country’s economy, being the largest contributor to Indonesia’s GDP in the creative industry. The rapid development of business in the culinary sector has made business actors continue to innovate, one of which is by taking advantage of the development and use of technology. Seeing this opportunity, Grillto Indonesia innovated to open a Cloud Kitchen outlet that only relied on online food delivery (OFD). Based on his considerations, Griilto Indonesia plans to open outlets in five potential cities, namely Medan, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. This research focuses on determining two priority cities for the launching strategy. The method used in this study is multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The criteria for this method are determined based on literature reviews and the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. The results of the study show that the city of Pekanbaru and the city of Medan are the two highest in order, with a value of 0.3503 and 0.2332, respectively. Thus, Grillto Indonesia will open its first outlet in the cities of Pekanbaru and Medan.
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PT. XYZ is a company that provides conveyor belt needs for its clients with an office location in Central Java. PT. XYZ is currently getting a profit that is deemed not high enough for its shareholders even though it has established business relationships with leading companies. Some of the causes that make the low profit are the lack of a number of clients to work with, the limited company resources, and the high cost of packaging goods. This research will focus on the problem of the lack of a number of PT. XYZ's customers. Using the Five (5) Whys method, it was found the root cause analysis of the PT. XYZ is because of the number of industrial areas surrounding company is currently not much. Solutions that can be done in overcoming these problems are to apply market strategies such as market expansion, market development, diversification, or product development. In solving these problems, the SWOT Analysis method and research studies of previous studies are used. The results showed that market expansion was the chosen solution. This research approach can be used by companies that have similar problems.
Why is property located where it is and how has this process changed in recent years? A number of factors such as social change and technological development, have affected location and these are considered. Value, the way changing patterns are measured, is examined and there is a discussion of rent contours. The book considers location in the retail industry, looking at the theory, hierarchy, clustering and dispersal. The move to out of town sites, with its three waves of decentralisation, is described. Central place theory, dating from the 1930s, is discounted as being obsolete and misleading. Finally the book covers offices, industrial and residential property.
A total of 226 high technology firms were surveyed regarding location decisions. Differences in location behavior between smaller and larger companies were examined as were differences based on industry type and institutional form. Results suggested high technology firms are “footloose” in geographical location decisions, emphasizing factors such as ambience and availability of labor and property. Results also suggested smaller firms place more emphasis on ambience, while larger ones emphasize business-related factors. For site-specific decisions, firms (smaller companies in particular) were influenced by cost and access factors. These findings are relevant for municipalities and other ancillary services interested in high technology development.
This modern textbook on industrial geography that systematically explores the location dynamics of factories, firms and production systems within the context of the problem of industrial transformation. This book incorporates the results of transformation of manufacturing in the past decade, the impact of de-industrialization, post-Fordism and the globalization of production. Policy issues are addressed throughout the book. It brings together the conceptual idea and the empirical example. The book contains real world illustrations, along with insightful applications of theory.
Designing a network of service centers involves a tradeoff between the revenue likely to be generated by providing a high level of service and the cost of operating the service network. The authors develop a procedure for determining the location and design strategies for new services using a modified maximal covering location-allocation model. The network optimization procedure relies on direct assessment of consumer sensitivity to distance and nondistance factors through conjoint analysis and simultaneously determines the network size, location of outlets, price, and operating characteristics.
With the publication of his best-selling books "Competitive Strategy (1980) and "Competitive Advantage (1985), Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School established himself as the world's leading authority on competitive advantage. Now, at a time when economic performance rather than military might will be the index of national strength, Porter builds on the seminal ideas of his earlier works to explore what makes a nation's firms and industries competitive in global markets and propels a whole nation's economy. In so doing, he presents a brilliant new paradigm which, in addition to its practical applications, may well supplant the 200-year-old concept of "comparative advantage" in economic analysis of international competitiveness. To write this important new work, Porter and his associates conducted in-country research in ten leading nations, closely studying the patterns of industry success as well as the company strategies and national policies that achieved it. The nations are Britain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. The three leading industrial powers are included, as well as other nations intentionally varied in size, government policy toward industry, social philosophy, and geography. Porter's research identifies the fundamental determinants of national competitive advantage in an industry, and how they work together as a system. He explains the important phenomenon of "clustering," in which related groups of successful firms and industries emerge in one nation to gain leading positions in the world market. Among the over 100 industries examined are the German chemical and printing industries, Swisstextile equipment and pharmaceuticals, Swedish mining equipment and truck manufacturing, Italian fabric and home appliances, and American computer software and movies. Building on his theory of national advantage in industries and clusters, Porter identifies the stages of competitive development through which entire national economies advance and decline. Porter's finding are rich in implications for both firms and governments. He describes how a company can tap and extend its nation's advantages in international competition. He provides a blueprint for government policy to enhance national competitive advantage and also outlines the agendas in the years ahead for the nations studied. This is a work which will become the standard for all further discussions of global competition and the sources of the new wealth of nations.