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Effects of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) Extract on Sexual Drive in Male Mice


Abstract and Figures

Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), known as the king of spices, proven to contain various types of active substances that are allegedly beneficial to the human body functions including sexual function. This study was conducted to determine whether black pepper extract can be used to improve sexual function in male subjects. Thirty six healthy male mice, four months old, weighing between 25-30 g, were used as experimental animals and grouped into four. The first one mice was given pellets that do not contain black pepper extract as a control. The second and third groups, respectively were treated with pellets containing aqueous and ethanol extracts. The last group was given pellets containing aqueous extract and ethanolic extracts with a ratio of 1:1. Pellets were given once every day for 90 days. Mating behavior test was conducted in an open round plastic tray with a diameter of 40 cm and height 25 cm. Throughout the test, videotaping was performed for the following parameters: courtship latency and mounting frequency. The results revealed that compared with control group, male mice fed on aqueous as well as ethanol extract of black pepper significantly showed a shorter courtship latency (p<0.05). On the other hand, there was no difference in the mounting frequency between treated groups. Interestingly, the mounting frequency showed a strong negative correlation with the courtship latency (r = -0.968). In conclusion, the fruit extract of black pepper potentially affect sexual drive in male mice.
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Research Journal of Medicinal Plant 9 (1): 42-47, 2015
ISSN 1819-3455 / DOI: 10.3923/rjmp.2015.42.47
© 2015 Academic Journals Inc.
Effects of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) Extract on Sexual Drive
in Male Mice
Sutyarso, M. Kanedi and E. Rosa
1 2 2
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Lampung, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Sutyarso, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung,
Jl. Sumantri Brojonegoro No.1 Gedongmeneng, Bandar Lampung, 35145, Indonesia
Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), known as the king of spices, proven to contain various types
of active substances that are allegedly beneficial to the human body functions including sexual
function. This study was conducted to determine whether black pepper extract can be used to
improve sexual function in male subjects. Thirty six healthy male mice, four months old, weighing
between 25-30 g, were used as experimental animals and grouped into four. The first one mice was
given pellets that do not contain black pepper extract as a control. The second and third groups,
respectively were treated with pellets containing aqueous and ethanol extracts. The last group was
given pellets containing aqueous extract and ethanolic extracts with a ratio of 1:1. Pellets were
given once every day for 90 days. Mating behavior test was conducted in an open round plastic tray
with a diameter of 40 cm and height 25 cm. Throughout the test, videotaping was performed for
the following parameters: courtship latency and mounting frequency. The results revealed that
compared with control group, male mice fed on aqueous as well as ethanol extract of black pepper
significantly showed a shorter courtship latency (p<0.05). On the other hand, there was no
difference in the mounting frequency between treated groups. Interestingly, the mounting
frequency showed a strong negative correlation with the courtship latency (r = -0.968). In
conclusion, the fruit extract of black pepper potentially affect sexual drive in male mice.
Key words: Piper nigrum, black pepper, sexual drive, mating behavior
Nowadays, it can be easily found, advertisements on the internet offering supplement
containing pepper extract with various labels such as: Piperine, BioPerine, Xbrain, Vitacost,
Naturalin etc. Some advertisements claim that the concentrated extract of black pepper can be used
to improve sexual function of men. To convince that the efficacies of the products have been
scientifically proven, most of the ads are equipped with scientific citation, including Indian ancient
texts such as Ayurveda (Mishra, 2012).
The biological role of piperine which is commonly known is antioxidant, anticancer, antipyretic,
anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial agent and many more (Ahmad et al., 2012). Another role of
piperine which most widely associated with health improvement is its function as bioenhancer. As
bioenhancer, piperine can enhance the bioavailability of companion drugs either by inhibiting the
drug metabolizing enzyme or by enhancing the permeability of intestinal mucosa and hence results
in higher plasma levels of drugs (Acharya et al., 2012).
Res. J. Med. Plant, 9 (1): 42-47, 2015
But on the other hand, many studies even show conflicting results. Based on the study about
yaji (a typical herbal of Africa containing pepper), Nwaopara et al. (2009) found that high doses
of these ingredients can induce brain tissue damage and tumor formation in rats. Next,
Khani et al. (2013) reported that petroleum ether extract of Piper nigrum and Jatropha curcas at
lowest concentration showed strong inhibition on egg hatchabilities and adult emergence of rice
moth (Corcyra cephalonica). In addition, Bassey et al. (2011) reported that consumption of crushed
seed of black pepper continuously for seven days even when used with minimum doses may be
detrimental to health.
In connection with reproductive function, black pepper extract effects on human and animal
seem to contradict each other as well. Kpomah et al. (2012), for instance, found albino male rats
(Rattus norvegicus) treated with diherbal mixture of Zanthoxylum leprieurii and Piper guineense
showed significant increase in libido parameters. From Indonesia, Rahmawati and Bachri (2012)
also reported that male rats treated with a combined extracts of Piper retrofractum,
Centella asiatica and Curcuma domestica showed a significant increase in sexual drive. However,
there is concerned that piperine may have a negative impact on fertility. As found by
Mishra and Singh (2009), male mice treated orally with black pepper powder significantly shows
antispermatogenic and antifertility effects. Furthermore, piperine also could allegedly damage the
epididymal environment and sperm function due to its ability to increase the reactive oxygen
species levels by lowering the activity of antioxidant enzymes and sialic acid levels in the epididymis
(D'Cruz and Mathur, 2005).
However, given the source of piperine used and discussed above not solely derived from
Piper nigrum, it is necessary to investigate the effects of piperine of Piper nigrum only and directly.
Supposing piperine from Piper guineense (Kpomah et al., 2012) or Piper retrofractum
(Rahmawati and Bachri, 2012) is the key factor responsible for sexual arousal in rats, the same
active substance from Piper nigrum (black pepper) can also reveals similar phenomenon in mice.
Extraction of the spices: In this study, two types of black pepper extract, ethanolic and aqueous,
were prepared. All extraction steps initiated with grinding the black pepper fruits into powder form.
Ethanolic extract was made by soaking the black pepper powder in 95% ethanol in room
temperature. The supernatant collected every 24 h for three days and evaporated under low
pressure until the brownish-viscous extract formed (Ismail et al., 2012). To make aqueous extract,
the black pepper powder was added to the boiling distilled water for 15 min and after filtering the
solvent evaporated until the extract became a pasta form (Naseri and Yahyavi, 2007).
The pasta of the extract then mixed completely with the pellets formulated specifically for mice
that had been re-grinded. The amount of black pepper extract added to the pellet was based on the
tolerated dose limit of Trikatu, a generic Ayurvedic medicine prepared by mixing fruit powder of
black pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.), fruits of long pepper (Piper longum Linn.) and rhizomes
of ginger (Zingiber officinalis Rosc.) in the ratio of 1:1:1 which is 5 mg kgG body weight
(Chanda et al., 2009).
Given Trikatu consist of three species, two peppers and one ginger, so, that the tolerated limit
of piperine dose should be 3.33 mg. Referring to the safe dose mentioned above, a single dose of
piperine for mice with an average weight of 30 g supposedly was 0.1 mg/mouse.
Assuming each mouse needs food as much as 10% of its body weight, per day, mice with an
average weight of 30 g would require food as much as 3 g. In order to make the food always
Res. J. Med. Plant, 9 (1): 42-47, 2015
available (ad libitum), the amount of pellets prepared for each mouse was rounded up to 4 g daily.
To meet the daily dosage, hence to the every 1 kg of pellet was added extracts of black pepper of
25 mg.
Next, the mixture was re-molded and re-dried to become a renewed pellet. The renewed pellet,
then, served for treating the experimental mice.
Experimental animals and treatments: Male Swiss albino mice aged of 4 months and weight
of 25-30 g from Lampung Veterinary Center, Indonesia, used. Thirty six male mice divided into
4 groups consisted of 9 mice each. The first group was given the pellet that did not contain extracts
of black pepper as the control. The second and third groups were consecutively treated with pellet
containing aqueous and ethanolic extract. While the last one is mice which fed with pellets
containing a mixture of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of black pepper with a ratio of 1:1. The
combined extracts were made by adding aqueous and ethanolic extracts of 12.5 mg each into 1 kg
of pellets. Each mouse was caged individually and received 10 g of pellets containing extract and
water ad libitum daily for 90 days.
Mating behavior test was carried out in an open round plastic tray with a diameter of 40 cm
and height 25 cm. To begin the test, a treated male was allowed to adapt the tray environment for
at least 5 min before an estrous female introduced. Starting from an estrous female put into the
tray mating activities of the mice then observed for 30 min.
Throughout the test, videotaping was performed for the following parameters: Courtship
latency and mounting frequency. Courtship Latency (CL) was the period of time since female mice
introduced into the tray until the male showed a courtship action for the first time. While Mounting
Frequency (MF) was the total attempt made by male to ride on the females back during 30 min
observation (Clancy et al., 1984).
Statistical analysis: The data, presented as Mean±SEM, was analyzed using one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA). Where a significant difference was detected by ANOVA, the treated groups
were compared with the control one using Tukey HSD test. In order to check if the data of
Courtship Latency (CL) correlated to the data of Mount Frequency (MF), Vassarstats for linear
correlation analysis was applied.
The effects of powder extract of black pepper on the mating behavior of male mice are presented
in Table 1. The one way ANOVA of the data on Table 1 revealed that there was a significant
difference between groups (p = 0.0205). When compared to the control group using Tukey HSD
test, the male mice that treated with aqueous as well as ethanolic extract of black pepper
Table 1: Effects of black pepper fruits extract on male mice
Control Aqueous extract Ethanolic extract Combined extract ------------------------------
Variables ---------------------------------------------------(Mean±SE)--------------------------------------------------- F p
CL (second) 43.77±5.41 27.77±2.66* 28.22±3.68* 31.22±3.20 3.75 0.020
MF 1.11±0.38 3.78±1.07 3.22±0.89 2.44±0.83 1.90 0.154
*Significantly different (p<0.05) compared to control group using Tukey HSD Test, CL: Courtship latency and MF: Mount frequency
Res. J. Med. Plant, 9 (1): 42-47, 2015
significantly showed a decrease in courtship latency (p<0.05). However, the results of one way
ANOVA of mounting frequency showed no significant difference among treatment groups.
As shown in Table 1, male mice fed with black pepper extracts (the aqueous, the ethanolic and
the 1:1 combination of aqueous and ethanolic) showed no significant difference in the parameters
of mounting frequency compared to that of controls. However, when the data of mounting
frequency and courtship latency tested using Vassarstats for linear correlation analysis, the
results as shown in Table 2 are obtained. Interestingly, there was a strong negative correlation
(r = -0.968, p<0.05) between the data of mounting frequency and that of courtship latency.
Given a higher sexual drive usually and should be marked by a shorter courtship latency and
a higher mounting frequency, hence the strong-negative value of r (-0.968) between two variables
of sexual drive in question supposing that the extract of black pepper has potential effects on the
sexual arousal in male mice. There are several possibilities that could explain the effects of piperine
on sexual drive in animals.
The first possibility is, as suggested by Vijayakumar and Nalini (2006), that piperine
supplementation might increase the plasma testosterone level. Testosterone, as had been known,
is a hormone that responsible for male sexual libido (Wallen, 2001). Piperine is one of the
constituents of Piper nigrum which have testosterone 5"-reductase inhibitory effects due to its
capability to catalyze the conversion of testosterone (Hirata et al., 2007). The inhibitory effect of
this enzyme causes testosterone levels remain high and thus libido has remained high.
The second possibility that make high sexual drive in male mice which fed on the extract may
be related to the high content of fatty acids in black pepper. As shown by Meghwal and Goswami
(2012), black pepper fruit is rich in auric acid, myristic acid and palmitic acid. As summarized by
Gromadzka-Ostrowska (2006) in a review article, fatty acids may significantly affect the secretion
and metabolism of androgens.
The next possibility, as can be read in many other literatures, black pepper is known to contain
a variety of nutrients, including zinc (Nkansah and Amoako, 2010; Hamza et al., 2007). Zinc, as
reported by some researchers, is responsible for numerous physiological processes in organisms.
Kumar et al. (2013) wrote that zinc supplementation can improve the antioxidative status and
hormone levels in goat. In male rats, zinc supplementation had proved to increase serum levels of
sex hormones including testosterone (Egwurugwu et al., 2013).
In men, zinc was thought to contribute to fertility trough its effects on semen parameters
including sperm count (Ali et al., 2007). Deficiency of this mineral can lead to reduce sexual drive
in men, so that Sawidis et al. (2010) suggested that zinc is a key role in male sexual function.
Table 2: Results of correlation analysis between courtship latency and mounting frequency of experimental mice
Variables Values
r -0.968
r 0.937
df 2
t -5.454
One tail 0.016
Two tail 0.032
Res. J. Med. Plant, 9 (1): 42-47, 2015
Beside the high content of zinc (Zn), black pepper also contains magnesium (Mg) in a significantly
high concentration (Bouba et al., 2012). It was found that Zn-Mg formulation significantly increase
free testosterone levels in strength-trained, competitive athletes (Brilla and Conte, 2000).
Based on the data presented and discussed above it can be concluded that the fruit extract of
black pepper potentially affect sexual drive in male mice.
The authors are grateful for the research grant from Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry
of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
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... Erectile dysfunction (ED), commonly known as impotence, is one of the male reproductive system abnormalities leading to infertility [2]. Some medicinal plants have been proven to possess traditional as well as scientifically proven aphrodisiac that can enhance passion, increase libido, and enhance sexual performance [3] [4]. With respect to the plants which may have aphrodisiac potential, Capsicum frutescens (siling labuyo) is a plant inclined for the study. ...
... The active ingredient of this plant that is thought to play a role in the recovery of libido in hyperglycemic mice is piperine. It has been revealed that black pepper extracts, another type of plant belongs to Piperaceae family containing piperine, effectively increase sexual drive-in male mice [13][14]. ...
Full-text available
Peperomia pellucida (L.) is an herbaceous plant belonging Piperaceae family believed by traditional communities in many Southeast Asian countries including Indonesia as a medicinal plant efficacious for treating various diseases. This traditional belief has also been strengthened by various pharmacological and phytochemical research findings. However, pharmacological research on this plant is still limited to common diseases. Therefore, we conducted research to examine other pharmacological properties of the plant that are abundantly growing wild in the suburbs of Bandar Lampung. As a result, Peperomia pellucida plant extract has benefits in promoting hair growth, ameliorating male libido, recovering male fertility, and ameliorating renal cells damages.
... According to modern scientific views, drugs act on higher center of the brain; the hypothalamus and limbic system of human body by modulating the neuro-endocrine immune system. A scientific study has revealed that Piper nigrum (Maricha) extract can be used to improve sexual function in male subjects by proving Piper nigrum extract potentially affect sexual drive in male mice [20]. Administration of Rasayana containing Mucuna pruriens L. ...
Background: Vājīkarana - Aphrodisiacs / Virilification Therapy is one branch of Ashtanga Ayurveda. It deals with preservation and promotion of sexual potency of a healthy man, conception of healthy progeny, and management of sexual and reproductive ailments. Vājīkarana drugs have been selected for the present review due to high prevalence of reproductive disorders among young people below age 40 years, recorded neonatal death caused by congenital anomalies and the urgency of effective medicines in the community. Objectives: To identify Vājīkarana drugs mentioned in Bhaisajya Rathnavali and analyze the pharmacodynamics properties of commonly used Vājīkarana drugs. Methodology: The review was mainly based on Vājīkarana drugs mentioned in Bhaisajya Rathnavali by Acharya Govinda Das Sen and commonly used and mostly available drugs have been analyzed according to their pharmacodynamics properties. Collected pharmacodynamics properties from authentic texts and journal articles were tabulated and analysis was done by using SPSS. Results: Out of 67 Vājīkarana formulae, 208 single drugs were identified which included 83.65% of herbal origin drugs and 74.6% of drug formulae were used to increase the sexual power. 37.3% of the formulae were prepared as Churna (Powder) and most frequently used Anupana (Vehicle) was cow’s milk. Among frequently used & commonly available 10 drugs, Maricha - Piper nigrum has been used in majority of formulae (26.8%). Pharmacodynamics analysis revealed that 80% of drugs were Madhura rasa (sweet in taste), 70% were Guru guna (heavy in property), 70% were Shita virya (cold in potency) and 80% were Madhura vipaka (sweet in post digestive action). Based on modern science, 60% of the drugs had tonic action. Conclusion: Vājīkarana formulae mentioned in Bhaisajya Rathnavali were mainly used to increase the sexual power of man. Madhura rasa, Guru guna, Shita virya and Madhura vipaka were the pharmacodynamics properties of commonly used drugs in the formulae.
... The volatile oils obtained from spices and aromatic plant extracts possess antioxidant and antimicrobial activities [52][53][54][55]. Piperine is a biologically active compound which is commonly known for the antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent [56]. ...
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The influence of Piper nigrum (P. nigrum) leaves extract on structural and physicochemical properties of chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol) (CH/PVA) blend films were studied. The hypothesis of the study was confirmed by using UTM, SEM, AFM, TGA, DSC, XRD, and FTIR studies. Interestingly, increased mechanical properties were observed with inclusion of P. nigrum leaves extract to the CH/PVA blend films. SEM micrographs revealed that there is a smooth homogeneous phase morphology with better compatibility. The results of X-ray diffraction study confirmed that influence of crystallinity on mechanical properties of the blend films. Further, the results of TGA witnessed that addition of P. nigrum leaves extract did not influence much on thermal stability of the CH/PVA blend films. The presence of a single glass transition temperature ( Tg) indicated that complete miscibility among the blend components. The result of FTIR study confirmed the presence of a significant interaction among the chitosan, PVA and P. nigrum leaves extract. The water contact angle measurement and the antimicrobial study revealed that CH/PVA/P. nigrum leaves extract blend films showed decreased hydrophobicity and enhanced antimicrobial activity. Hence, this partly stimulated research data obtained from the study might be an advantage for new packaging material preparations in the future.
... Erectile dysfunction (ED), commonly known as impotence, is one of the male reproductive system abnormalities leading to infertility [2]. Some medicinal plants have been proven to possess traditional as well as scientifically proven aphrodisiac that can enhance passion, increase libido, and enhance sexual performance [3] [4]. With respect to the plants which may have aphrodisiac potential, Capsicum frutescens (siling labuyo) is a plant inclined for the study. ...
... P. nigrum dilaporkan memiliki berbagai khasiat obat diantaranya dapat mengatasi penyakit seperti asma, saluran pernafasan, memperlancar aliran darah disekitar kepala, dan sebagai afrodiksia. 33 Sutyarso et al. 34 menyatakan ekstrak buah dapat meningkatkan dorongan seksual tikus jantan, diduga kandungan piperin meningkatkan kadar testosterol yang beratanggungjawab pada libido pria. ...
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Sexual disorders in men can cause depression, stress, unable to have children so thatit disrupts family harmony. To overcome this problem, various ethnic groups from generation to generation utilize the plants around them. Any substance that arousing sexual desire or libido is known as aphrodisiac. This article aims to find out the types of plants and plants that are often used by various ethnic groups in Indonesia for aphrodisiacs. Data were obtained from Data Management Laboratory of NIHRD Republic of Indonesia. The method was carried out through literature review with searches from various references and analysis of data from community-based ethnomedicine and medicinal plant sexploration activities in Indonesiain 2012, 2015, and 2017. Based on data analysis, it was identified 204 types of plants used for aphrodisiacs included in 78 families. There are five families of plants that are widely used, namely Zingiberaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Arecaceae, Fabaceae, and Rubiaceae. The type of plant that is often used isImperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch. (19 ethnicities), Zingiber officinale Roscoe. (used in 17 ethnicities) Areca catechu L. (14 ethnicitiies), Eurycoma longifolia Jack. (10 ethnicities), and Piper nigrum L. (9 ethnicities). Based on literature studies, plants that have been carried out pre-clinical testing as aphrodisiacs are Zingiber officinale Roscoe., Eurycoma longifolia Jack, and Piper nigrum
... The volatile oils obtained from spices and aromatic plant extracts possess antioxidant and antimicrobial activities [52][53][54][55]. Piperine is a biologically active compound which is commonly known for the antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent [56]. ...
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The influence of Piper nigrum (P. nigrum) leaves extract on structural and physicochemical properties of chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol) (CH/PVA) blend films were studied. The hypothesis of the study was confirmed by using UTM, SEM, AFM, TGA, DSC, XRD, and FTIR studies. Interestingly, increased mechanical properties were observed with inclusion of P. nigrum leaves extract to the CH/PVA blend films. SEM micrographs revealed that there is a smooth homogeneous phase morphology with better compatibility. The results of X-ray diffraction study confirmed that influence of crystallinity on mechanical properties of the blend films. Further, the results of TGA witnessed that addition of P. nigrum leaves extract did not influence much on thermal stability of the CH/PVA blend films. The presence of a single glass transition temperature ( Tg) indicated that complete miscibility among the blend components. The result of FTIR study confirmed the presence of a significant interaction among the chitosan, PVA and P. nigrum leaves extract. The water contact angle measurement and the antimicrobial study revealed that CH/PVA/P. nigrum leaves extract blend films showed decreased hydrophobicity and enhanced antimicrobial activity. Hence, this partly stimulated research data obtained from the study might be an advantage for new packaging material preparations in the future.
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The testes are two glandular organs in the male reproductive system responsible for producing gametes called sperm and synthesizing androgen hormone called testosterone. The two functions of the testes are used as parameters for fertility and sexual performance in males. This paper presents the results of research to find plant-derived ingredients that are potential to treat disorders related to testicular function carried out in Indonesia in the last two decades. The inclusions criteria of the papers compiled are: containing the results of research conducted in Indonesia, by Indonesian researchers; have been published both in national and international journals that can be accessed using Google search engine. The results indicated there are numerous plant species that were revealed to have potentials to be developed as contraceptive or anti-fertility agent, pro-fertility ingredient and sexual activity enhancer herbs in males. Given fertility, infertility, and sexual behavior in males are all determined by the function of testes, it can be concluded that the Indonesian medicinal plants studied are containing active substance that have an effect on the testes.
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Objective: This comparative study was designed to analyze the potential effects of Yaji (suya meat sauce) and its composite spices on male fertility based on testicular histology, serum testosterone level, and semen analysis parameters. Methods: The study included 70 adult male Sprague Dawley rats with an average weight of 120 g. They were divided into two experimental study groups, respectively analyzed for 28 and 56 days. Each group featured 35 rats, further subdivided into seven treatment groups (A - G; n=5 each). Group A - Control; Group B: 200 mg/kg of Yaji; Group C: 200 mg/kg of red pepper; Group D: 200 mg/kg of black pepper; Group E: 200 mg/kg of clove; Group F: 200 mg/kg of ginger; and Group G: 200 mg/kg of garlic given orally using an oral cannula. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized. Blood samples collected via cardiac puncture and their testes were excised and weighed. The cauda epididymis was excised for semen analysis using a Neubauer Counting Chamber (hemocytometer) and the testes were fixed in Bouin solution, processed, and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Results: Significant increases (p<0.05) were seen in body weight, testicular weight, serum testosterone level, sperm count and motility in the Yaji treated groups, in addition to significant increases in serum testosterone level, sperm counts, and sperm motility, and enhanced spermatogenesis and proliferation of Leydig cells in vivo as compared to the groups given isolated component spices (groups C-G), which also showed significant changes in testosterone and semen analysis when compared with the control groups. Conclusions: Yaji or its spice components can boost male fertility parameters when consumed in moderated quantities without the known cytotoxic additives or condiments such as monosodium glutamate.
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Black pepper is one of the important spice rich in aromatic and medicinal components along with appreciable levels of several other functional components having health promoting properties. The uses of black pepper in various fields such as food processing, pharmaceutical industry etc, is increasing steadily due to its recognition as an important source of natural antioxidant having anti-carcinogenic activity. It also have bioavailability enhancement nature, carminative property, anti-inflammatory action, cholesterol lowering capacity, immune enhancer ability, anti-pyretic, anti-periodic, antimicrobial and rubefacient activity. On searching out in past two decades research work it was found that there is scarcity of information on assessment of nutritional, medicinal and functional properties of black pepper and on the other hand, to perform the comparative study of ambient and cryogenic ground black pepper to asses in change in its all above mentioned properties such comprehensive study is required. The present review highlights the nutritional composition, medicinal properties, functional properties, product development and its utilization along with potential application. These finding will help to improve the output and final product quality of black pepper seed powder. The conclusion of this review have a broad impact across a wide range of industries such as food processing, pharmaceutical industry, medical field, health and nutrition as well as in academic field also. (PDF) Chemical Composition, Nutritional, Medicinal And Functional Properties of Black Pepper: A Review. Available from: [accessed Apr 24 2021].
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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in monitoring heavy metal contamination of spices. The concentrations of some heavy metals (lead, zinc, nickel, copper, iron, and mercury) in 15 common spices available at local markets in the Kumasi Metropolis were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) from October, 2008 to February, 2009. The study showed differences in metal concentrations according to the edible part (root, stem, leaf, and fruit). The range of the concentrations of metals in dry weights were; Lead 0.1153 - 0.0973 g/kg, Zinc 0.074 - 0.059 g/kg, Nickel 0.0735 - 0.0593 g/kg, Copper 0.0210 - 0.009 g/kg, Iron 0.4942 - 0.1100 g/kg, Mercury 1.300*10-6 - 2.493*10-5 g/kg respectively. Most of the levels in the spices were acceptable with the exception of lead which was above the standard limit approved by WHO and FAO for some of the samples. Consumers of these spices would not be exposed to any risk associated with the daily intake of 10g of spices per day as far as metals; Zinc, Nickel, Copper, Iron and Mercury are concerned. However Lead levels in Ginger, Negro pepper and Cinnamon were above the standard value of 0.1 g/kg. Generally most of the spices available on the market are safe for human consumption as far as trace metal levels are concerned.
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The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) on antioxidative status and testosterone, T4 and T3 levels in 12 bucks aged between 2 and 4 years, weighing 25�35 kg. The experimental animals were divided in control and test groups containing six animals each. The animals of the control group were not given any supplementation, whereas test group were given supplementation of Zn and Se in the form of 150-ppm zinc sulphate and 0.50-ppm sodium selenite, respectively, for 105 days. Zn and Se levels in serum and seminal plasma, testosterone, T4 and T3 levels in serum and antioxidative status of seminal plasma were estimated at 0, 60, 75, 90 and 105 days of the experiment. After 60 days of supplementation, concentration of Zn and Se in seminal plasma and serum increased significantly (PB0.05) as compared to control. After 60 days, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx), glutathione reductase (GSHR) and catalase (CAT) activity in seminal plasma of test group increased significantly (PB0.05), whereas lipid peroxidation (LPO) decreased significantly (PB0.05) as compared to control. After 60 days, serum testosterone, T4 and T3 concentration in test group increased significantly (PB0.05) as compared to control. It may be concluded that Zn and Se supplementation can improve the antioxidative status and hormone levels by increasing the Zn and Se level in seminal plasma and serum, respectively. Keywords: zinc; selenium; antioxidative status; hormone; buck
Muscle attributes and selected blood hormones of football players were assessed in response to a nightly supplementation regimen during spring football, over an 8-week period, with pre-post measures. A double-blind randomized study was conducted with ZMA (30 mg zinc monomethionine aspartate, 450 mg magnesium aspartate, and 10.5 mg of vitamin B-6) and placebo (P), n=12 and n=15, respectively. Plasma zinc and magnesium levels were ZMA (0.80 to 1.04 mg/ml; 19.43 to 20.63 mcg/ml) and P (0.84 to 0.80 mg/ml; 19.68 to 18.04 mg/ml), respectively (P<0.001). Free testosterone increased with ZMA (132.1 to 176.3 pg/mL), compared to P (141.0 to 126.6 pg/mL) (P<0.001); IGF-I increased in the ZMA group (424.2 to 439.3 ng/mL) and decreased in P (437.3 to 343.3 ng/mL) (P<0.001). Muscle strength via torque measurements and functional power were assessed with a Biodex dynamometer. Differences were noted between the groups (P<0.001): ZMA (189.9 to 211 Nm at 180°/s and 316.5 to 373.7 Nm at 300°/s) and P (204.2 to 209.1 Nm at 180°/s and 369.5 to 404.3 Nm at 300°/s). The results demonstrate the efficacy of a Zn-Mg preparation (ZMA) on muscle attributes and selected hormones in strength-trained, competitive athletes.
Adult male and female wistar rats (n=30) weighing between 150 g and 250 g were randomly assigned into experimental (n=24) and control (n=6) groups. The rats in the Experimental groups received a mixed diet of feed consistency of crushed piper nigrum fruits (CPNF) to rat mash in a ratio of 50:50 (Group A-higher doses) and 25:75 (Group B-minimum doses) and water ad libitum for 3, 5 and 7 days. The rats in the control group received equal amount of rat mash without crushed piper nigrum fruits, for the same number of days. The rats were sacrificed on the 4 th , 6 th and 8 th day. The stomach was carefully dissected out and quickly fixed in 10% formol saline for histological and histochemical procedure. The body weights of the rats were recorded before and during treatment. The Histological finding after 3 and five 5 days administration of crushed piper nigrum fruits (CPNF) showed no significant changes in the histology of the stomach. There were vacuolations in the mucosa of the stomach after 7 days administration of crushed piper nigrum fruits. The histological changes in the stomach were marked both in the experimental groups that received the higher doses (of feed consistency in the ratio of 50:50 of crushed piper nigrum fruits to rat mash) for seven days. The decrease in the body weight in the experimental groups was not significant (P>0.05). The Results shows that consumption of crushed piper nigrum fruits for three (3) is five (5) days may not be harmful, but consumption continuously for seven (7) days even when used with minimum doses may be detrimental to health.
Piperine (1-peperoyl piperidine), a pungent alkaloid, is found in various Pipper species. Piperine produces antioxidant, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, hepatoprotective, antithyroid, antitumor, antiasthmatic activities and also a fertility enhancer. Piperine enhances absorption from gastrointestinal tract by various mechanisms and reduces gut metabolism of drugs. Piperine modulates membrane dynamics and lipid environment and increases permeability at site of absorption Molecular structure of piperine is suitable for enzyme inhibition and it inhibits various metabolizing enzymes like cytochrome bs, NADPH cytochrome, CYP3A4, UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UDP-GDH), aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AAH) and UDP-glucuronyl transferase. Structural modification of piperine provides selective inhibitors of various cytochrome p450 enzymes. Inhibition of these enzymes by piperine results in enhanced bioavailability of drugs and nutrients like oxytetracyclin, metronidazole, ampicillin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, acefotaxime, amoxicillin trihydrate, curcumin, beta-carotene, carbamazepine, gallic acid, nimesulide, tiferron, nevirapine, pentobarbitone, phenytoin, resveratrol, vasicine and sparteine by different mechanisms. Thus piperine is an absorption enhancer and a potent inhibitor of drug metabolism.
Piper nigrum L. is considered the king of spices throughout the world due to its pungent principle piperine. Peppercorn of Piper nigrum as a whole or its active components are used in most of the food items. Different parts of Piper nigrum including secondary metabolites are also used as drug, preservative, insecticidal and larvicidal control agents. Biologically Piper nigrum is very important specie. The biological role of this specie is explained in different experiments that peppercorn and secondary metabolites of Piper nigrum can be used as Antiapoptotic, Antibacterial, Anti-Colon toxin, Antidepressant, Antifungal, Antidiarrhoeal, Anti-inflammatory, Antimutagenic, Anti-metastatic activity, Antioxidative, Antiriyretic, Antispasmodic, Antispermatogenic, Antitumor, Antithyroid, Ciprofloxacin potentiator, Cold extremities, Gastric ailments, Hepatoprotective, Insecticidal activity, Intermittent fever and Larvisidal activity. Other roles of this specie includes protection against diabetes induced oxidative stress; Piperine protect oxidation of various chemicals, decreased mitochondrial lipid peroxidation, inhibition of aryl hydroxylation, increased bioavailability of vaccine and sparteine, increase the bioavailability of active compounds, delayed elimination of antiepileptic drug, increased orocecal transit time, piperine influenced and activate the biomembrane to absorb variety of active agents, increased serum concentration, reducing mutational events, tumour inhibitory activity, Piperine inhibite mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, growth stimulatory activity and chemopreventive effect. This review based on the biological role of Piper nigrum can provide that the peppercorn or other parts can be used as crude drug for various diseases while the secondary metabolites such as piperine can be used for specific diseases.
This study assessed the effects of zinc on male sex hormones and semen quality in male albino wistar rats. Forty rats weighing between 150- 210g, grouped into 5 of 8 rats each, were used for the research that lasted for six weeks. Group I, the control group, received normal rat chow and water ad libitum. The four test groups II-V, received 20g, 40g, 60g and 80g of zinc sulphate mixed with their rat chow respectively in addition to water for six weeks. Blood samples were collected and assayed for Luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Prolactin (PL), testosterone (T), progesterone and oestradiol. Semen was also analysed for sperm motility, sperm count and morphology. Results showed statistically significant decrease in serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) (p< 0.05) in groups II and IV with mean values of 0.10±0.00 and 1.20±0.00 respectively when compared with the control (1.10±0.10). The results also revealed statistically significant increase in the serum levels of testosterone in groups II, III and IV with mean values of 3.60±1.40, 4.5±0.30 and 0.80±0.70 respectively when compared with the control with a value of 0.35±0.15. The increase in testosterone levels were dose dependent as there were consistent increment in groups II and III after which the levels decreased with increasing zinc concentrations. There was statistically significant dose dependent decrease in sperm motility and morphology in the test groups compared with the control (p<0.05). In conclusion, zinc sulphate has some significant positive effects on male sex hormones and sperm quality at doses within physiological levels but harmful at higher doses.
Previously we reported that Piper nigrum leaf extract showed a potent stimulation effect on melanogenesis and that (-)-cubebin (1) and (-)-3,4-dimethoxy-3,4-desmethylenedioxycubebin (2) were isolated as active constituents. As a part of our continuous studies on Piper species for the development of cosmetic hair-care agents, testosterone 5α-reductase inhibitory activity of aqueous ethanolic extracts obtained from several different parts of six Piper species, namely Piper nigrum, P. methysticum, P. betle, P. kadsura, P. longum, and P. cubeba, were examined. Among them, the extracts of P. nigrum leaf, P. nigrum fruit and P. cubeba fruit showed potent inhibitory activity. Activity-guided fractionation of P. nigrum leaf extract led to the isolation of 1 and 2. Fruits of P. cubeba contain 1 as a major lignan, thus inhibitory activity of the fruit may be attributable to 1. As a result of further assay on other known constituents of the cited Piper species, it was found that piperine, a major alkaloid amide of P. nigrum fruit, showed potent inhibitory activity, thus a part of the inhibitory activity of P. nigrum fruit may depend on piperine. The 5α-reductase inhibitory activities of 1 and piperine were found for the first time. In addition, the P. nigrum leaf extract showed in vivo anti-androgenic activity using the hair regrowth assay in testosterone sensitive male C57Black/6CrSlc strain mice.