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Antifungal activity of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don (Asteraceae) essential oil against fungi isolated from cultural heritage objects


Abstract and Figures

There is considerable interest in the use of essential oils as alternative methods to control micromycetes from cultural heritage objects. We investigated the chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum. The main components of the oil were γ-curcumene (22.45%), α-pinene (15.91 %) and neryl acetate (7.85 %). H. italicum essential oil showed moderate antifungal activity against fungi isolated from cultural heritage objects. The most susceptible fungi to oil treatment were Epicoccum nigrum and Penicillium sp., while the most resistant was Trichoderma viride. The H. italicum essential oil showed demelanizing activity against Aspergillus niger. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173032]
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Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 66 (4), 1539-1545, 2014 DOI:10.2298/ABS1404539S
1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden „Jevremovac“, Studentski trg 16,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
2 Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr Josif Pančić”, Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
*Corresponding author:
Abstract - ere is considerable interest in the use of essential oils as alternative methods to control micromycetes from cul-
tural heritage objects. We investigated the chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Helichrysum
italicum. e main components of the oil were γ-curcumene (22.45%), α-pinene (15.91 %) and neryl acetate (7.85 %). H.
italicum essential oil showed moderate antifungal activity against fungi isolated from cultural heritage objects. e most
susceptible fungi to oil treatment were Epicoccum nigrum and Penicillium sp., while the most resistant was Trichoderma
viride. e H. italicum essential oil showed demelanizing activity against Aspergillus niger.
Key words: antifungal activity; demelanization; essential oils; Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don
e genus Helichrysum (family Asteraceae, tribe In-
uleae) consists of approximately 600 species wide-
spread all over the world and 25 species native to the
Mediterranean area (Morone Fortunato et al., 2010).
e name of the genus is derived from the Greek
words helios” (sun) and chryos” (gold) and relates to
the typical long-lasting bright yellow inorescences,
known as gold-everlasting or eternal owers (Pign-
atti, 1982). e best investigated species of this genus
is Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don (immortelle
on Italian), a woody dwarf shrub with yellow ow-
ers growing on dry clis and sandy soil widespread
along the coast and on the islands of the Adriatic Sea
(Mastelić et al., 2008). H. italicum has been widely
used in folk medicine. In the Greek-Roman system
of medicine, H. italicum was used as an anti-inam-
matory and anti-infective plant (Ballero and Maxia,
2006). Also, dried owers of H. italicum had a great
reputation in traditional medicine as a choleretic,
diuretic and expectorant (Chinou et al., 1996, 1997).
e biological activities of the many metabolites of
H. italicum, especially volatile components of the es-
sential oils, produced in the glandular hairs present
on the leaves and ower heads of the plant (Morone
Fortunato et al., 2010), have been conrmed in many
recent studies. Previous studies reported many dif-
ferent activities: anti-inammatory (Sala et al. 2002),
antioxidant (Rosa et al., 2007), anti-allergic (Chinou
et al., 1997), antibacterial (Nostro et al., 2001) and
antiviral (Appendino et al., 2007).
e aim of this study was to estimate the anti-
fungal potential of H. italicum essential oil against
selected fungal species isolated from wooden and
stone cultural heritage objects. Literature reports
regarding the antifungal properties of H. italicum
essential oil are scarce. However, Angioni et al.
(2003) reported strong antifungal activity of H.
italicum essential oil against Globisporangium ulti-
mum (Trow) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish, Athelia rolf-
sii (Curzi) C.C. Tu & Kimbr and moderate activity
against Phytophthora capsici Leonian and Zymosep-
toria tritici (Desm.) Quaedvl. & Crous. Mastelić
et al. (2005) reported that H. italicum essential oil
could inhibit growth of Candida albicans (C.P. Rob-
in) Berkhout.
Essential oil
e essential oil used in this study was a commercial
sample H. italicum (Herba d.o.o, Belgrade, Serbia)
analyzed by the Institute for Medicinal Plant Re-
search “Dr Josif Pančić”, Belgrade.
Tested fungi
e fungal isolates used in this research were As-
pergillus niger Tiegh (wood, w), Aspergillus ochraceus
G. Wilh (w), Bipolaris spicifera (Bainier) Subram
(stone, s), Epicoccum nigrum Link (s), Penicillium
Link sp. (w) and Trichoderma viride Pers (w). e
molds were deposited with the Mycotheca of the De-
partment for Algology, Mycology and Lichenology,
Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of
Belgrade. Isolates were maintained on malt extract
agar (MEA), potato dextrose agar (PDA), stored at
4˚C and subcultured once a month.
Gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass
spectrometry (GC/MS)
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the EOs
were performed using GC and GC-MS. e GC
analysis of the oil was carried out on a GC HP-5890
II apparatus, equipped with a split-splitless injec-
tor, attached to a HP-5 column (25 m × 0.32 mm,
0.52-µm lm thickness) and tted to FID. Carrier
gas ow rate (H2) was 1 ml/min, split ratio 1:30,
injector temperature 250°C, detector temperature
300°C, while the column temperature was linearly
programmed from 40-240°C (at the rate of 4°/min).
e same analytical conditions were employed for
GC-MS analysis, where a HP G 1800C Series II
GCD system, equipped with a HP-5MS column (30
m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm lm thickness) was used.
e transfer line was heated to 260°C. e mass
spectra were acquired in EI mode (70 eV), in m/z
range 40-400. Identication of individual EO com-
ponents was accomplished by comparison of reten-
tion times with standard substances and by match-
ing mass spectral data with those held in the Wiley
275 library of mass spectra. Conrmation was per-
formed using AMDIS soware and literature (Ad-
ams, 2007). Area percentages obtained by FID were
used as a base for the purpose of quantitative analy-
Micro-atmosphere method
e following method allows study of the eect of
the volatile fractions of the EO. e test was per-
formed in sterile Petri plates (85 mm Ø) containing
20 ml of MEA (Maruzzella and Sicurella, 1960). Af-
ter the inoculation of the tested fungi at the center
of the MEA, the Petri plates were overturned. Steri-
lized lter paper disc was placed in the center of the
Petri plate lid soaked with various amount of EO
in nal concentrations of 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 μL
mL-1. e Petri plates were incubated at 28 ± 1˚C.
e growth of the tested fungi was measured aer
21 days and percent of inhibition was computed af-
ter comparison with the control. Fungistatic eect
was expressed in terms of mycelia growth inhibi-
tion (%) and calculated by the formula of Pandey
et al. (1982):
Mycelial growth inhibition (%) = 100 (dc – dt)/dc
where dc = average diameter of fungal colony in con-
trol and dt = average diameter of fungal colony in
Statistical analyses
One-way ANOVA was performed for mycelia growth
assay using Microso oce Excel 2007. A P value less
than 0.05 was considered statistically signicant.
e H. italicum essential oil predominantly con-
tained sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (60.66%), fol-
lowed by monoterpene hydrocarbons (19.83%).
e oxygenated monoterpenes comprised 4.49%
and the sesquiterpenes class 3.73% of the total oil.
Results of the essential oil analysis showed a total of
60 components (98.47% of oil) (Table 1). e main
component of the oil was γ-curcumene (22.45%).
Other components present in signicant percentage
were α-pinene (15.91%), neryl acetate (7.85%), and
β-selinene (6.94%).
Fungi tested in the micro-atmosphere method
showed dierent susceptibility to H. italicum es-
sential oil. e most resistant species was T. viride.
e mycelial growth of this fungus was not inhib-
ited with any of the oil concentrations used in the
experiment (Table 2). E. nigrum and Penicillium sp.
were the most sensitive fungal species (P<0.05). For
these fungi, inhibition of mycelial growth was docu-
mented at the concentration of 25 μL mL-1. With an
increase of H. italicum essential oil concentrations, a
higher percentage of mycelial growth inhibition was
recorded (Table 2).
In addition to inhibited growth, colonies of A.
niger formed in the presence of H. italicum essential
oil exhibited distinct morphological variations when
compared to the control, such as visible loss of co-
nidia melanization and a signicantly lower number
of conidial heads. Colonies with demelanized conidia
were regarded as albino (Fig 1). Aer the reinocula-
tion of albino colonies on sterile MEA, colonies of A.
niger with typical species morphology were formed,
suggesting that morphophysiological changes in-
duced with oil were reversible. Demelanizing activity
was documented toward A. niger only.
With regard to the chemical composition of H. itali-
cum essential oils, Satta et al. (1999) suggested the
presence of two dierent chemotypes, one rich in
nerol and esters (chemotype A), and the other abun-
dant with rosifoliol (chemotype B). However, Roussis
et al. (2000) reported the presence of another, third,
chemotype of H. italicum (chemotype C1) with es-
sential oils rich in β-selinene, γ-curcumene and
α-pinene. e oil examined in this research was dom-
inated by γ-curcumene (22.45%) and a signicant
Fig. 1. Morpho-physiological changes documented in Aspergillus niger colony grown in microatmosphere conditions with Helichrysum
italicum essential oil. a. Control; b. Albino colony grown at concentration of 100 μL mL-1.
Table 1. Chemical composition of Helichrysum italicum essential oil
Component KIE1KIL2%
α-pinene 926.4 932 15.91
α-fenchene 939.2 945 0.39
camphene 949.1 946 0.20
β-pinene 969.0 969 0.31
p-cymene 1019.1 1020 0.06
limonene 1022.4 1024 2.52
1,8-cineole 1025.4 1026 0.30
isobutyl angelate n/a*1045 0.21
γ-terpinene 1052.9 1054 0.25
α-terpinolene 1082.3 1086 0.19
linalool 1096.5 1095 0.51
isoamyl 2-methyl butyrate 1100.1 1100 0.15
endo-fenchol 1108 1114 0.08
trans-pinocarveol 1133.3 1135 0.08
isoamyl tiglate 1149.6 1148 0.77
nerol oxide 1150.4 1154 0.11
borneol 1160.3 1165 0.10
cis-pinocamphone 1179.1 1172 0.53
terpinen-4-ol 1172.2 1174 0.55
α-terpineol 1185.8 1186 0.26
decanal 1201.8 1201 0.06
nerol 1224.7 1227 0.78
hexyl 2-methyl butanoate 1232.7 1233 0.16
hexyl 3-methyl-2-butenoate 1281.8 n/a*0.30
2-undecanone 1291.4 1293 0.06
neryl acetate 1362.5 1359 7.85
α-ylangene 1364 1373 0.42
α-copaene 1368.7 1374 3.52
italicene 1395.8 1405 5.42
cis-α-bergamotene 1408.1 1411 1.44
trans-caryophyllene 1411.6 1417 4.74
trans-α-bergamotene 1428.6 1432 3.24
neryl propanoate 1449.4 1452 1.39
allo-aromadendrene 1464.4 1458 0.28
α-acoradiene 1471.0 1464 0.12
β-acoradiene 1473.8 1469 0.64
selina-4,11-diene 1468.2 1475 1.13
γ-curcumene 1474.3 1481 22.45
ar-curcumene 1477.0 1479 1.90
β-selinene 1479.1 1489 6.94
α-selinene 1488.1 1498 4.78
α-muurolene 1493.2 1500 1.39
β-curcumene 1505.0 1514 0.60
δ-cadinene 1516.0 1522 1.52
italicene ether 1526.6 1536 0.54
α-calacorene 1535.4 1544 0.13
trans-nerolidol 1557.1 1561 0.06
caryolan-8-ol 1561.5 1571 0.05
geranyl 2-methylbutyrate 1570.2 1574 0.57
neryl isovalerate 1573.7 1582 0.47
caryophyllene oxide 1585.5 1582 0.08
presence of α-pinene (15.91 %) and β-selinene (6.94
%), which places this oil in the chemotype group C1.
e ability of H. italicum essential oil to inhibit myc-
elial growth of tested fungi was monitored using the
micro-atmosphere method that allows estimation of
the growth inhibition of mycelia exposed to oil vapor
components. According to Angioni et al. (2003), the
antimicrobial activity of H. italicum essential oils can
be considered as moderate. Chinou et al. (1996) sug-
gested that the antimicrobial activity of H. italicum oil
was due to its richness in nerol and ester components
(chemotype A). However, Roussis et al. (2000) point-
ed out that the essential oil of H. italicum synthesized
during anthesis and rich in β-selinene, α-pinene and
γ-curcumene (chemotype C1) have strong antibacte-
rial activity. e tested fungi showed dierent suscep-
tibility to oil treatment. T. viride appeared to be the
most resistant, while E. nigrum and Penicillium sp.
were the most sensitive. e resistance of T. viride can
be explained by a variety of enzymes produced and
secreted by mycelia that can detoxify oil components
into inactive forms (Farooq et al., 2002). Although
100% of mycelia growth inhibition was not accom-
plished, even with the highest concentration of oil
used in the experiment (100 μL mL-1), the morpho-
physiological variations documented in the A. niger
Component KIE1KIL2%
globulol 1589.8 1590 0.17
viridiorol 1595.8 1592 0.40
rosifoliol 1599.1 1600 0.39
humulane-1,6-dien-3-ol 1604.0 1619 0.14
γ-eudesmol 1623.0 1630 0.17
β-eudesmol 1625.8 1649 0.06
selin-11-en-4-a-ol 1646.3 1658 0.40
epi-β-bisabolol 1661.7 1670 0.09
α-bisabolol 1663.2 1674 0.14
Grouped constituents
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 19.83
Oxygenated monoterpenes 4.49
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 60.66
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 3.73
Others 9.76
Total: 98.47
1 Kovats retention index, experimental data
2 Kovats retention index (Adams, 2007)
*not available
Table 2. Antifungal activity of Helichrysum italicum essential oil against selected fungi
(μL mL-1)
Mycelial growth inhibition (mean ± SE)*(%)
A.n A.o B.s E.n P. T.v
25 0 0 0 24.31±2.16 7.26±1.40 0
50 0 0 0 59.66±2.03 12.50±1.66 0
75 2.67±1.4 9.1±0.81 18.67±1.33 65.33±3.72 31.68±8.23 0
100 29±1.4 11.5±1.22 42.33±6.17 76.93±4.05 59.56±4.07 0
*mean of three replication (P < 0.05); A.n - Aspergillus niger; A.o - Aspergillus ochraceus; B.s - Bipolaris spicifera; E.n - Epicoccum nigrum;
P. Penicillium sp. T.v - Trichoderma viride.
Table 1. Continued
colonies suggested that the oil components interfered
with fungal metabolism. It can be concluded that H.
italicum essential oil can prevent A. niger from com-
pleting its life cycle, which was demonstrated with
the depigmentation and scarce sporulation, leading
to the formation of albino colonies. Conidia of some
Aspergillus and Penicillium species contain pigments
belonging to melanins: a green-colored chromopro-
tein and a black insoluble pigment (Eismann and Ca-
sadevall, 2012). Abundant sporulation of these fungi
causes the formation of colonies in dierent shades
of yellow, green, ochre, blue and black, etc. Altera-
tions of A. niger colonies induced by H. italicum es-
sential oil may be related to the interference of the oil
components in melanin biosynthesis. Other essential
oils can display demelanizing activity against dier-
ent fungi. Sharma and Tripathi (2008) reported the
visible pigmentation loss of A. niger colonies grown
with essential oil isolated from Citrus sinensis (L.)
epicarp. Conidia of dierent Aspergillus species (A.
avus Link, A. parasiticus Speare, A. ochraceus, A.
fumigatus Fresenius and A. niger) lost their pigmen-
tation when treated with Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit
essential oil (Pessoa Moreira et al., 2010). Although
there are reports that B. spicifera poroconidia can
be demelanized when treated with Nepeta rtanjensis
Diklić & Milojević essential oil (Ljaljević Grbić et al.,
2011), the tested essential oil of H. italicum did not
display any such activity, suggesting dierent target
mechanisms of these oils. However, melanin produc-
tion by certain fungi contributes to the virulence of
human, animal and plant pathogenic fungi (Butler
et al., 2001), and therefore the demelanization eect
caused by interaction with essential oils, as antifungal
agents, is signicant.
Acknowledgments - is research was carried out as part of
the project No.173032, nancially supported by the Ministry
of Education, Science and Technological Development of the
Republic of Serbia.
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... However, it has limitations, such as qualitative data and complex setups. Stupar et al. [25] used this assay to test H. italicum essential oil against fungi, highlighting its potential for air disinfection and preservation. Choosing the right methodology is crucial. ...
... According to the obtained results, H. italicum essential oil showed good antifungal activity against P. ultimum and S. rolfsii and moderate activity against P. capsici and S. tritici, indicating the possibility for employment as a biopesticide. Additionally, the antifungal activity of H. italicum essential oil was evaluated by micro-atmosphere methods in Petri plates against six fungi isolated from cultural heritage objects: A. niger, A. ochraceus, B. spicifera, E. nigrum, Penicillium sp., and T. viride [25]. The results showed that the most susceptible fungi to oil treatment were E. nigrum and Penicillium sp., as well as noted significant demelanizing activity against A. niger. ...
... Additionally, Djihane et al. [21] reported lower MIC and MBC values for A. niger from their internal collection, with the MIC at 25.3 µg/mL and MBC at 50.6 µg/mL, suggesting a higher sensitivity of this strain to the essential oil. Stupar et al. [25] focused on culture heritage isolates from wood, specifically A. niger and A. ochraceus. They found MIC and MBC values of 75 µL/mL and 100 µL/mL, respectively, indicating that these isolates require lower concentrations of the essential oil for inhibition and bactericidal effects compared to other strains tested by Dzamic et al. [17]. ...
Full-text available
Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don is a typical Mediterranean plant, with limited distribution on the islands of Sardinia, Corsica, and the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the islands of the Adriatic Sea and the Balkan Peninsula. In these regions, H. italicum is mainly collected from spontaneous nature, while in recent years, there has been a pronounced cultivation trend due to increased demand and market requirements for constant quality of raw materials. Bearing in mind that biological activity is linked with chemical composition, this review aimed to collect data from different scientific databases (Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar) on the antimicrobial activity of essential oil and its chemical composition. A total of 20 papers investigating the antibacterial, antibiofilm, and antifungal activities of H. italicum essential oil were found. Furthermore, in these samples, several compounds occurred as dominant: neryl acetate, α-pinene, and γ-curcumene. These compounds are known for their antimicrobial properties, which likely contribute to the essential oil's efficacy against various microbial strains.
... In addition, novel and more sustainable techniques compared to traditional ones adopted in cultural heritage conservation, were also investigated. Among these, the use of high-strength "electromagnetic radiation" in the radiofrequency band, non-invasive for the artistic structure and non-dangerous for operators and the environment (Cennamo et al., 2018) or the use of "essential oils", i.e. extracted from Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don (Stupar et al., 2014a) or Origanum vulgare L. (Stupar et al., 2014b). ...
... Applying biocide and mechanical methods (air abrasive or hard brushes) without removing the lichen thallus; before using biocide check the interference with supporting material and the effectiveness on the patina removal; adopting prevention and maintenance programmes. Tiano, 2001;Gorbushina et al., 2002;Stupar et al., 2014aStupar et al., , 2014bCoutinho et al., 2016;Rosado et al., 2017;Cennamo et al., 2018 Algae, bacteria, fungi ...
... electromagnetic radiations, essential oil application; adopting prevention and maintenance programmes. Tiano, 2001;Gorbushina et al., 2002;Stupar et al., 2014aStupar et al., , 2014bCoutinho et al., 2016;Rosado et al., 2017;Cennamo et al., 2018 Pathogen/pest attacks and climate change were first and second in importance in recent years. Both represent a risk, particularly for some tree species that are typical of historic gardens in given regions. ...
The conservation of historic gardens is crucial for safeguarding monumental, aesthetic, historical, ecological and economic values in many countries of the World, as well as associated services, such as carbon stock, microclimate and water regulation, biodiversity conservation, pollution removal, and recreation. In historic gardens, architectural and sculpture elements coexist with an abundant plant component, which is currently often precarious due to senescence processes occurring in many historic gardens nowadays. Unhealthy plants and reduced structural stability of trees represent a threat for both garden artistic structures and buildings, as well for the visitors’ safety. Awareness in garden managers about the most relevant and current threats is necessary for garden conservation. This review, through a global survey of the literature since 1990, addresses two main questions (1) which are the most relevant threats on historic gardens vegetation as affected by environmental, biological and anthropogenic causes, and how do they impact on monuments? (2) Which are related strategies to counteract these threats? Regarding the whole analysed period, the impact of the biotic component on monuments was the most discussed threat; in recent years a growing concern on the effects of climate change and pathogens and pests on historic garden plants also emerged. Strategies to address current and future challenges of historic gardens are hereby identified from experiences reported in worldwide literature and discussed. Best practices are collected in tables to provide managers of historic gardens with a valuable tool and guide to conserve and enhance their value. Due to the heterogeneity of the threats to be addressed, a multidisciplinary approach to ensure the conservation of historic gardens is recommended.
... 2 Taking into account dominant compounds in immortelle essential oil from this study, this variety belonged to γ-curcumene chemotype, well adapted to continental climatic conditions. 14,15 γ-Curcumene as the dominant compound in immortelle essential oil (with more than 15%) was also noted in other Balkan countries such as Croatia, 38,39 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 40,41 Montenegro, 42 Serbia, 10,43 and Bulgaria, 9,44 as well as in Italy, [45][46][47] France, 48 and Portugal, 31,49 but also introduced to USA. 50 Several authors have previously described seasonal variations of immortelle essential oil, but climatic conditions and stages of development (floral budding and full flowering) give differences in chemical composition. ...
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Objectives Immortelle has garnered global attention for its cosmetic, medicinal, and culinary applications worldwide. Apart from neryl acetate, α-pinene and γ-curcumene as the most important components for the estimation of the essential oil quality, in recent years a group of β-diketones, known as italidiones, appear as significant quality parameters. However, it is unknown how weather conditions (temperature and precipitation) influence their accumulation in essential oil and hydrosol, nor their anti-inflammatory potential. Methods This study investigates the chemical composition of immortelle essential oil and hydrosol over three successive years (2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22), by GC-FID and GC-MS analysis. In silico molecular docking model with Vascular Adhesion Protein-1 (VAP-1) was used for the simulation of the anti-inflammatory potential of italidiones, as well as other β-diketones present in immortelle essential oil and hydrosol. Results During the three-year trial, it was established that essential oil compounds such as α-pinene, neryl acetate, and italicene were positively correlated with temperature and negatively correlated with precipitation, as well as β-diketones and total italidiones. Moreover, trans-caryophyllene, γ-curcumene, and ar-curcumene were in negative correlation with temperature, and a slight positive correlation with precipitation. On the other side, in the hydrosol the content of both total β-diketones and total italidiones was strongly negatively correlated with temperatures, and positively correlated with precipitation, which was the opposite of essential oil. Additionally, findings indicated that italidiones could bind the human VAP-1 protein in the vicinity of the topiquinone and block its function. Conclusion Weather conditions affect variations in the accumulation of volatile compounds in essential oil and hydrosol, which in some cases can affect changes in olfactory characteristics, as well as criteria prescribed by standards, and even changes in biological activities. These results indicate that italidiones, as well as other β-diketones present in immortelle, may be responsible for its anti-inflammatory activity.
... Therefore, several biocides have recently been withdrawn from the market [16] , generating a substantial demand for new and safe cultural heritage conservation strategies. Natural substances represent promising alternatives; some have been proven to be effective, such as essential oils [19] , juglone [20] , capsaicin [21] , secondary metabolites of lichens, and compounds produced by microorganisms ( e.g. , biosurfactant lipopeptides, Trichoderma harzianum cell filtrates) [18] . ...
... f. & Thomson, family Annonaceae) inhibited the proteins associated with tissue remodelling. Several studies have shown a weaker antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of immortelle [11][12][13][14][15]. ...
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The composition of the essential oil depends on the duration and conditions under which the distillation of the plant material is carried out. In this study, one sample without fractionation and eight fractions (each after 15 min of steam distillation) of the essential oil of cultivated H. italicum were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The steam conditions for all samples were as follows: flow rate 800 L/h, temperature 104 °C, and pressure 0.4 bar. The test of the antimicrobial activity was performed with the modified Kirby–Bauer method (disc diffusion method) on non-selective nutrient media (blood agar) using the reference bacterial and fungal strains. A total of 75 different components were found in the essential oil samples obtained. A shorter distillation time makes the oil richer in monoterpenes and more suitable for the perfume and cosmetics industry. On the other hand, prolonged distillation leads to the essential oil being enriched with sesquiterpene oxides, which can have a negative effect on the fragrance of the essential oil. The essential oil of H. italicum showed antimicrobial activity only against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, and the best activity was shown by the sixth fraction.
... Another study conducted in Croatia reported that the essential oil from immortelle is rich in α-pinene, neryl acetate, α-cedrene, α-curcumene, aromadendrene, β-caryophyllene, and geranyl acetate (Mastelic et al., 2005). Stupar et al. (2014) identified γ-curcumene, α-pinene, neryl acetate, and β-selinene as the main components in the essential oil of immortelle. Similarly, a study on immortelle oil of Bosnian origin, but cultivated in Bulgaria found that it is rich in α-pinene, followed by β-selinene, α-curcumene, trans-caryophyllene, β-diketone italidione I, α-selinene, and neryl acetate (Mollova et al., 2020). ...
... As can be observed from Table 1, the reported chemical profiles of Helichrysum italicum essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation and steam distillation indicate the dominance of monoterpenes α-pinene, limonene, nerol, neryl acetate, and neryl propanoate, as well as sesquiterpenes α-selinene, β-selinene, and γ-curcumene. [15,26,27,[33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43] steam distillation with spring-type apparatus GC-FID, GC-MS [4,6] Sesquiterpenes α-selinene, β-selinene, γ-curcumene, and eudesm-5-en-11-ol hydrodistillation with Clevenger-type apparatus GC-FID, GC-MS [40,[44][45][46][47][48] steam distillation with spring-type apparatus GC-FID, GC-MS [4] TLC, HPLC-DAD [21] solvent extraction with acetone Gravity column chromatography on silica gel, HPLC, HRESIMS, 1H NMR, 13C NMR [13] On the other hand, organic solvents are most frequently used for obtaining Helichrysum italicum extracts rich in polyphenols (flavonoids, pyrones, acetophenones, tremetones, phenolic acids, and their esters), followed by lipids (santiols and sitosterols) [32]. The most commonly applied organic solvents are ethanol and methanol, followed by acetone, while the chemical composition of the obtained extracts is usually determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). ...
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Helichrysum italicum (family Asteraceae), due to its various beneficial health effects, represents an important plant in the traditional medicine of Mediterranean countries. Currently, there is a renewed interest in this medicinal plant, especially in investigations involving the isolation and identification of its bioactive compounds from extracts and essential oils, as well as in experimental validation of their pharmacological activities. In this paper, we review the current knowledge on the beneficial health effects of Helichrysum italicum extracts, essential oils, and their major bioactive polyphenolic compounds, ranging from antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic activities to their antiviral, antimicrobial, insecticidal, and antiparasitic effects. This review also provides an overview of the most promising extraction and distillation techniques for obtaining high-quality extracts and essential oils from Helichrysum italicum, as well as methods for determining their antioxidative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic activities. Finally, new ideas for in silico studies of molecular mechanisms of bioactive polyphenols from Helichrysum italicum, together with novel suggestions for their improved bioavailability through diverse encapsulation techniques, are introduced.
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This study is to understand and analyze the development history, research hotspots, and research trends in the study of microbial diseases of cultural heritage through bibliometric analyses in order to fill the current gap of no literature review in this research field and to make certain contributions to the research in this field and the protection of cultural heritage. Bibliometric and visual analyses of the literature on cultural heritage microbial diseases in the Web of Science (WoS) core collection were carried out using VOSviewer and R-bibliometrix, choosing the two main literature types of papers and reviews. The emphasis was placed on analyzing and summarizing core research strengths, hotspots, and trends. Six hundred sixty-seven documents (573 articles and 94 reviews) were retrieved. αIn the WoS core collection, the first literature on cultural heritage microbial disease research was published in January 2000, and the annual number of publications from 2000 to 2009 did not exceed one; the annual number of publications from 2010 onwards increased rapidly, and after 2018, the number of publications per year exceeded 60, reaching 94 in 2020, which indicates that cultural heritage microbial disease research is booming. Our research showed that Italy, the USA, and China were the leading research countries, and Univ Milan was the institution with the most publications. International Biodeterioration &Biodegradation was the most published and co-cited journal, and Gu JD was the most prolific author. The research hotspots in the study of microbial diseases of cultural heritage mainly include biological degradation of cultural heritage; identification of diseased microorganisms and disease mechanisms; cultural heritage microbial disease prevention and control methods; monitoring, prevention, and control of diseased microorganisms in indoor air; antibacterial agents, especially essential oils, nanoparticles, and other safe and efficient antibacterial products research and development; and exploration of the mechanisms of biofilm protection of cultural heritage on cultural heritage surfaces. Monitoring and identifying cultural heritage microbial communities, identifying disease mechanisms, and researching safe and efficient bacteriostatic products such as essential oils and nanoparticles will be the main research directions in the field of cultural heritage microbial disease prevention and control in the future.
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This study was aimed to examine scent compounds of its new extraction products and to compare the essential oil efficiency and quality of hydrodistillation in two H. italicum [Corsica-France (CF) and Čitluk-Bosnia Herzegovina (CBH)] ecotypes grown for the first time in Türkiye. The floral scent components of immortelle flowers were determined by solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME/GC–MS) method. While ß-himachalene and α-pinene were the main floral compounds of the fresh flowers for the CBH, neryl acetate and 1,8-cineole for the CF. The essential oil content of the CF and CBH was 0.38 and 0.15%, respectively. The essential oil compounds of the CBH consisted of ar-curcumene (25.57%), α-pinene (13.66%) and neryl acetate (12.90%), and the CF consisted of neryl acetate (56.08%) and 1,8-cineole (7.60%). The highest concrete (1.30%) and absolute (76.5%) yields were obtained from the CF. As with the essential oil, the main component of the CF concrete is neryl acetate (52.46%) and the CBH concrete is ar-curcumene (16.96%). But the hydrocarbons were higher in the concretes than in the essential oil. While obtaining the absolute from the concrete, the hydrocarbon compounds were separated and the volatile components of both absolutes showed similarity to the essential oil. This similarity increases the potential of preferring the lower cost absolute instead of the high cost immortelle oil. Considering the potential to be used directly in perfume and cosmetic formulations when the undesirable properties of absolutes (such as color and waxy structures) are removed, it is expected that the findings of the present study will contribute to this.
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Medicinal plants have been preferred sources against drug-resistant pathogens recently. The antimicrobial activities of essential oils have been known for a long time. In the present research, the chemical composition and antibacterial activity of commercial essential oil of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don (HIE) were evaluated. Seventy components which constitute 95.7%, were identified in the oil. The major constituents of HIE were neryl acetate (15.6%), α-pinene (11.5%), and γ-curcumene (11.3%). The oil was screened for antibacterial activity by agar well diffusion and broth microdilution methods. The essential oil displayed remarkable antibacterial activity against test bacteria, except for Escherichia coli, which displayed resistance. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of essential oil were 5 µg/mL for Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 10 µg/mL for Bacillus cereus and B. subtilis. These results suggested that the commercial oil of H. italicum has the potential to be used as a natural antibacterial agent.
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The antifungal activity of Nepeta rtanjensis Diklić & Milojević essential oil was tested against the human patho-genic fungus Bipolaris spicifera (Bainier) Subramanian via mycelial growth assay and conidia germination assay. The mini-mally inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the oil was determined at 1.0 μg ml -1 , while the MIC for the antifungal drug Bifonazole in a positive control was determined at 10.0 μg ml -1 . The maximum of conidia germination inhibition was ac-complished at 0.6 μg ml -1 . In addition, at 0.6 μg ml -1 and 0.8 μg ml -1 the oil was able to cause morphophysiological changes in B. spicifera. The most significant result is the bleaching effect of the melanized conidial apparatus of the test fungi, since the melanin is the virulence factor in human pathogenic fungi. These results showed the strong antifungal properties of N. rtanjensis essential oil, supporting its possible rational use as an alternative source of new antifungal compounds.
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The essential oil of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don (everlasting orImmortelle essential oil) was isolated by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC and GCMS.Forty four compounds were identified. The main components were α-pinene(12.8%), 2-methyl-cyclohexyl pentanoate (11.1 %), neryl acetate (10.4%), 1,7-di-epi-α-cedrene (6.8%) and other compounds. The oil was fractionated and ester-containingfraction was hydrolysed with KOH/H2SO4. The liberated volatiles were analysed by GCand GC-MS: three phenols and twenty seven volatile carboxylic acids were identified[70% low fatty acids (C2-C5), 15% C10-C12 acids and 15% other acids]. The main acidswere acetic acid (24.3%) propanoic acid (17.2%), 2-methylpropanoic acid (11.4%),dodecanoic acid (8.7%), 2-methylbutanoic acid (8.3%), (Z)-2-methylbutenoic acid(5.1%) and decanoic acid (4.6%). With respect to the identified bonded carboxylic acids,the minimal number of esters in the oil was twenty seven, but their overall quantity wasprobably larger due to different possible combinations of alcohols with acids to formesters. On the other hand, only six main esters were identified in the oil beforefractionation and hydrolysis.
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This study aimed to identify the constituents of the essential oil from Hyptis suaveolens (L.) leaves using a Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometer and assess its inhibitory effect on some potentially pathogenic Aspergilli (A. flavus, A. parasiticus, A. ochraceus, A. fumigatus and A. niger). Eucaliptol (47.64 %) was the most abundant component in the oil, followed for gama-ellemene (8.15 %), beta-pynene (6.55 %), (+)-3-carene (5.16 %), trans-beta-cariophyllene (4.69 %) and germacrene (4.86 %). The essential oil revealed an interesting anti-Aspergillus property characterized by a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration of 40 and 80 µL/mL, respectively. The oil at 80 and 40 µL/mL strongly inhibited the mycelial growth of A. fumigatus and A. parasiticus along 14 days. In addition, at 10 and 20 µL/mL the oil was able to cause morphological changes in A. flavus as decreased conidiation, leakage of cytoplasm, loss of pigmentation and disrupted cell structure suggesting fungal wall degeneration. These findings showed the interesting anti-Aspergillus property of H. suaveolens leaves essential oil supporting its possible rational use as alternative source of new antifungal compounds to be applied in the aspergillosis treatment.
Melanins are complex black polymers of resonance stabilized cyclic subunits (including indoles, phenols, hydroxynaphthalenes) and are notoriously intractable to chemical analysis. Cell walls of numerous fungi are melanized, rendering many spores, vegetative hyphae, and certain fruit bodies opaque. Melanin deposition protects the pigmented cell from physical and biological stresses, excludes poisons, and helps limit leakage of certain metabolites. By forming a physical barrier between the cell and its surroundings, the production of a melanized wall layer has a profound effect upon the interactions between pathogenic fungi and their hosts. In many plant and animal diseases caused by melanotic fungi, melanin biosynthesis is an important determinant of pathogenicity and virulence. The mode of action of melanin in these diseases is the subject of intensive research, and a variety of mechanisms that link fungal melanin and disease have been discovered.
Melanins are complex black polymers of resonance stabilized cyclic subunits (including indoles, phenols, hydroxynaphthalenes) and are notoriously intractable to chemical analysis. Cell walls of numerous fungi are melanized, rendering many spores, vegetative hyphae, and certain fruit bodies opaque. Melanin deposition protects the pigmented cell from physical and biological stresses, excludes poisons, and helps limit leakage of certain metabolites. By forming a physical barrier between the cell and its surroundings, the production of a melanized wall layer has a profound effect upon the interactions between pathogenic fungi and their hosts. In many plant and animal diseases caused by melanotic fungi, melanin biosynthesis is an important determinant of pathogenicity and virulence. The mode of action of melanin in these diseases is the subject of intensive research, and a variety of mechanisms that link fungal melanin and disease have been discovered.
The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from the aerial parts of Helichrysum stoechas ssp. barrelieri and H. taenari was analysed by GC and GC/MS. From the thirty-nine identified constituents representing the 73.87% and 87.41% of the two oils, respectively, beta-elemene, beta-caryophyllene, geraniol, and camphene were the major components. Furthermore, it was found that the oils exhibited significant antibacterial activity against six Gram (+/-) bacteria.
Vapors of 133 essential oils were screened in vitro for antibacterial activity against six test organisms. One hundred and five vapors were found to possess antibacterial activity on at least one of the test organisms. Vapors of thyme (white), cassia, thyme (red), savory, cinnamon, origanum, and cherry laurel produced prominent zones of inhibition with all test organisms. Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible to the vapors than Gram-negative bacteria.