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Different Games for Different Motives: Comment on Haesevoets, Folmer, and Van Hiel (2015)



Recently, Haesevoets, Folmer, and Van Hiel strongly questioned the comparability and equivalence of different mixed-motive situations as modeled in economic games. Particularly, the authors found that different games correlated only weakly on average and loaded on two separate factors. In turn, personality traits failed to consistently account for behavioral tendencies across games. Contrary to the conclusions of Haesevoets et al., these findings are actually perfectly in line with the game-theoretic understanding of the different economic games. If one considers the variety of specific motives underlying decisions in different games, Haesevoets et al.’s findings actually support the validity of different games rather than questioning it. This, in turn, emphasizes the necessity for the plethora of different games that have been developed over decades in economics and psychology.
Different Games for Different Motives: Comment on Haesevoets, Folmer, and Van Hiel (2015)
Isabel Thielmann1,2, Robert Böhm3, and Benjamin E. Hilbig1
1Department of Psychology, University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany
2Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Mannheim,
Mannheim, Germany
3School of Business and Economics, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
This article has been published in European Journal of Personality. This accepted manuscript
version might not exactly replicate the official version published in the journal.
The published version of this article is available at
Please cite as:
Thielmann, I., Böhm, R., & Hilbig, B. E. (2015). Different games for different motives: Comment
on Haesevoets, Folmer, and Van Hiel (2015). European Journal of Personality, 29(4), 506-508.
Recently, Haesevoets, Folmer, and Van Hiel strongly questioned the comparability and
equivalence of different mixed-motive situations as modeled in economic games. Particularly,
the authors found that different games correlated only weakly on average and loaded on two
separate factors. In turn, personality traits failed to consistently account for behavioral tendencies
across games. Contrary to the conclusions of Haesevoets et al., these findings are actually
perfectly in line with the game-theoretic understanding of the different economic games. If one
considers the variety of specific motives underlying decisions in different games, Haesevoets et
al.’s findings actually support the validity of different games rather than questioning it. This, in
turn, emphasizes the necessity for the plethora of different games that have been developed over
decades in economics and psychology.
Mixed-motive situations modeled in so-called economic games provide a
straightforward, transparent, and efficient approach to study pro-social behavior in various social
interactions. However, the exact relations between behavioral tendencies in different games are
insufficiently understood (cf. Yamagishi et al., 2013). In a well-designed experiment,
Haesevoets, Folmer, and Van Hiel (2015) addressed this issue, examining associations between
several popular games: the Dictator Game (DG), the Ultimatum Bargaining Game (UG), the
Prisoner’s Dilemma Game (PDG), the Assurance Game (AG), the Public Goods Game (PGG),
the Common-Pool Resource Dilemma Game (CDG), and the Trust Game (TG). Contrary to the
hypothesis that all mixed-motive situations should involve an equivalent conflict between self-
interest and concern for others (self-others-conflict, in what follows), the authors merely
observed a small-to-medium-sized average correlation across all games which, in turn, loaded on
two separate factors rather than one common factor. Correspondingly, dispositional variables
(e.g., Social Value Orientation; SVO) hypothesized to constitute the common core of pro-
sociality across games merely accounted for small portions of variance in behavior. The
authors hence concluded that evidence calls into question the general idea that all mixed-motive
games bring the conflict between selfish interests and concern for others to the foreground”
(manuscript p. 9).
Unlike this rather pessimistic reasoning regarding the validity of economic games, we
argue that Haesevoets et al.’s results nicely converge with game-theoretic assumptions and the
differentiated consideration of social preferences in behavioral economics (Binmore, 2010). In
particular, the specific self-others-conflict characterizing each game is shaped by several motives
decisive for pro-social behavior (e.g., Fehr & Schmidt, 2006; Van Lange, De Cremer, Van Dijk,
& Van Vugt, 2007), and corresponding to interdependence theory (Kelley & Thibaut, 1978)
these motives actually differ across games (cf. Table 1). For clarification, consider the decisions
to donate blood (mainly an altruistic act, as captured by the DG), to exchange one’s second keys
with one’s neighbor (mainly an act of mutual trust, as captured by the AG), and to take the bike
instead of the car for the sake of environmental protection (mainly an act of social welfare
maximization, as captured by the CDG). Although these situations obviously share certain
motives driving pro-social behavior, they also show considerable motivational differences
suggesting only weak behavioral links a priori (cf. Table 1).
In general, the nature, number, and salience (e.g., Betsch, Böhm, & Korn, 2013; Dhont,
Van Hiel, & De Cremer, 2012) of motives should affect which motivational components of
players’ utility functions (von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944) are decisive in a certain situation.
In other words, the additive combination of utility-relevant motives basically determines the
exact self-others-conflict.
Thus, the motives involved can be understood as the forces acting on
the player, either pushing the player to the selfish or to the pro-social choice. A weak average
correlation across various games may hence simply indicate that players adapt and optimize their
behavior depending on game-specific differences in these forces and the resulting conflict. Thus,
it actually supports the validity of the games: Although they share certain aspects (i.e., fairness,
altruism; cf. Table 1) which, one may argue is sufficiently supported by a relatively moderate
overall correlation they are primarily designed to measure different motives; by implication,
there cannot be a large overall correlation. Instead, certain games should correlate rather
strongly, as indeed they do in Haesevoets et al.’s data. In what follows, we elaborate on three
prominent motives on which the games investigated by Haesevoets et al. differ (i.e., social
Note that this also implies that apparent structural game characteristics (sequential vs. simultaneous play or dyad
vs. group) are negligible in themselves unless they alter the presence and/or salience of motives.
welfare concerns, greed, and fear; for definitions see Table 1) and show that the authors’ findings
actually nicely mirror these motivational differences.
Social welfare concerns
Social welfare refers to the aggregated sum of players’ payoffs, i.e., the collective interest
(e.g., Charness & Rabin, 2002; Wilke, 1991). Depending on whether social welfare changes for a
selfish versus pro-social choice, two game types can be distinguished. Specifically, if social
welfare is equivalent across choices (e.g., in the DG and UBG), the game becomes a constant-
sum game (von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944) and social welfare concerns are irrelevant in
players’ utility functions (i.e., leading to indifference between strategies according to this utility
component). By contrast, if social welfare increases for a pro-social choice (e.g., in the PGG and
TG), the game becomes a social dilemma (e.g., Dawes, 1980; Kollock, 1998) and social welfare
concerns constitute a decisive component in players’ utility functions.
Considering this distinction between constant-sum games and social dilemmas,
Haesevoets et al.’s finding of two separate game factors is both reasonable and consistent with
game theory. In fact, in their study, constant-sum games and social dilemmas loaded on different
factors. Thus, the findings provide compelling empirical evidence that the games are not
equivalent and that social welfare concerns indeed matter for economic decision-making (see
also Engelmann & Strobel, 2004).
Greed and fear
Beyond social welfare concerns, economic games differ regarding the involvement and
effects of greed, i.e., the motive to maximize one’s own absolute payoff, and fear, i.e., the
expectation that the opponent player(s) will act selfishly or punish one’s own selfish behavior
(e.g., Bruins, Liebrand, & Wilke, 1989; Simpson, 2006; cf. Table 1). For example, in the DG
greed drives selfish behavior, whereas in the AG and TG greed drives pro-social behavior. This,
in turn, nicely fits Haesevoets et al.’s finding that the smallest associations with the DG emerged
for the AG (r = .15) and the TG (r = .13), respectively. The same applies to the overall weak
associations for the UBG: In all games but the UBG, fear drives selfish (and not pro-social)
Most strikingly, the interplay of greed and fear may even affect the game-theoretic
equilibrium solution of a game, i.e., the combination of players’ strategies for which no player
has an incentive to change her strategy (Osborne & Rubinstein, 1994). For example, in the AG, a
player can only achieve the best individual outcome if both players cooperate (which constitutes
one of two Nash-equilibria in pure strategies). By contrast, in the PDG, the best individual
outcome is associated with unilateral defection (the unique Nash-equilibrium). Thus, it is
reasonable that, for example, the correlation between PDG and AG was only weak in Haesevoets
et al.’s study (r = .10) although these two games appear similar in structure at a first glance.
Altogether, Haesevoets et al.’s findings hence support the differential involvement and effects of
greed and fear in economic decisions as implied by game theory.
Summary and conclusion
In sum, Haesevoets et al.’s conclusions are too pessimistic in light of game-theoretic
models of social preferences in behavioral economics. Without doubt, different economic games
have been developed to unveil specific aspects of pro-social behavior which, in turn, is perfectly
compatible with Haesevoets et al.’s findings. Consequently, it is actually necessary that no single
trait variable will explain stable behavioral tendencies across games. For example, SVO should
only drive pro-social behavior through fairness, altruism, and social welfare, but not through fear
or greed. In consequence, the relation between SVO and pro-social behavior should be
particularly diminished in those games in which fear and/or greed drive pro-social behavior (i.e.,
UBG, AG, and TG; cf. Table 1) which is exactly what Haesevoets et al. observe. To account
for behaviors in various games, one will need to consider a composition of personality traits
capturing different pro-social tendencies (e.g., the HEXACO model of personality; Zhao &
Smillie, in press). In any case, researchers should place care on the fine-grained differences
between economic games. Indeed, since these differences are still insufficiently understood,
further research is needed to determine which motives are particularly decisive for pro-social
behavior in certain situations, both in the absence and presence of other relevant motives.
Haesevoets et al.’s findings provide a valuable starting point for this endeavor.
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Table 1
Summary of Economic Games Used by Haesevoets et al. with Motives Underlying Pro-Social versus Selfish Choices.
Motives underlying
pro-social choice
selfish choice
Dictator Game
sum game
fairness, altruism
Bargaining Game
sum gamea
fairness, altruism,
Prisoner’s Dilemma
fairness, altruism,
trust, social welfare
greed, fear,
Assurance Game
fairness, altruism,
greed, trust, social
Public Goods
fairness, altruism,
trust, social welfare
greed, fear,
Resource Dilemma
fairness, altruism,
trust, social welfare
greed, fear,
Trust Game
fairness, altruism,
greed, trust, social
Note. Fairness: min(own other/s); altruism: max(other/s); trust: expectation that other/s play/s min(other/s), min(other/s own), or
max(own); social welfare: max(own + other/s); greed: max(own); fear: expectation that other/s play/s max(other/s), max(other/s
own), or min(own); competitiveness: max(own other/s).
aThe UBG is a special case of a constant-sum game given that the payoff for both players can be 0 (if the recipient rejects the offer).
However, for the proposer, the different strategies lead to a constant sum of payoffs.
bThe TG is a social dilemma from the perspective of the trustor, and a constant-sum game from the perspective of the trustee.
... having to make a decision without knowing how interaction partners will act or react). These situational affordances provide the basis for person characteristics to become expressed in behavior, and should therefore be acknowledged [20]. ...
... Thus, they should not see the necessity to reciprocate prosocial behavior from others (because they demand and expect positive treatment) and at the same time focus strongly on their own profit. A suitable game to test positive reciprocity is the trust game, placing participants in the role of trustee [20]. We expect that participants with higher dissociality or grandiosity will send less money back to the trustor in the trust game, even when receiving fair or generous amounts from them. ...
... This prediction is in line with previous findings on increased negative reciprocity in individuals with BPD, who are strongly characterized by hostility [38]. It could be tested by placing participants in the role of responder in the ultimatum game [20], and assessing whether dissociality and hostility entail rejection of unfair offers 3 . ...
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Personality disorders (PDs) are characterized by interpersonal dysfunction, and deficits in prosociality are theorized to contribute to this. We review studies linking categorical PDs to prosocial and antagonistic traits and highlight studies that assessed prosocial behavior in PDs via economic games. We structure our review based on the recently proposed affordance framework of prosocial behavior, summarizing evidence for exploitation, reciprocity, temporal conflict, and dependence under uncertainty as situational affordances allowing the expression of personality in prosocial behavior. We conclude that some of the inconsistencies in the literature may be due to studies focusing on different situational affordances and the reliance on categorical PDs. We suggest a research agenda and a set of testable hypotheses based on maladaptive personality traits included in the newly implemented dimensional PD diagnoses in ICD-11 and DSM-5.
... In the version of the prisoner's dilemma that we used for the present research (i.e., continuous prisoner's dilemma), two players decide how much they want to cooperate, whereby unilateral defection results in the highest gains for the individual, but cooperation of both players yields the largest shared outcome. Underlying motives for high cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma are trust, fairness, altruism and social welfare, whereas low cooperation is motivated by fear, greed and competitiveness (Thielmann et al., 2015). Behavioral games, such as the one we employed here, not only provide us with an opportunity to observe multiple, repeated interactions between different members of different groups in a setting that provides high internal validity; they also provide a novel approach to the targeted investigation of negative (compared with positive) contact in a controlled setting. ...
... Having said this, levels of cooperation were already rather low between international and Dutch students in Study 2, reflecting that our behavioral game occurred in an intergroup context in which intergroup relations were not benign. Future research, as well as cautiously addressing more conflict-laden settings, could also use behavioral games other than the prisoner's dilemma, which could also address other underlying motivations (e.g., Thielmann et al., 2015). ...
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Positive contact between members of different groups reduces prejudice and increases cooperation, findings known as intergroup contact effects. Yet in real-world settings not only positive, but also negative intergroup contact occurs, which have opposing effects. To date little is known about whether and how an individual’s valenced history of intergroup contact influences contact effects and how this dynamic change happens during specific instances of intergroup contact. A pilot study examined the psychological impact of a novel paradigm to assess intergroup contact using a behavioral game. We then conducted two studies, which allowed us to observe a sequence of up to 23 in- and outgroup interactions and their behavioral outcomes in a continuous prisoner’s dilemma behavioral game (N = 116, 2,668 interactions; N = 89, 1,513 interactions). As expected, participants showed a clear ingroup bias in expectations and cooperation. Furthermore, the quality of contact history moderated contact effects. Specifically, intergroup contact following a positive history of intergroup contact had a stronger effect on intergroup expectations than contact following a negative history thereof. Findings are discussed in view of the importance of considering the valenced history of intergroup contact, as well as new research questions on intergroup contact that can be addressed with this novel contact paradigm.
... More importantly, the affordance framework is more of a theoretical nature: Any behavioral measure of social value orientation, including decomposed and strategic games, is only as good at producing behavioral variance as it allows different motives or social value orientations to unfold behaviorally. This is true for the associations between social value orientation and simple two-person games (e.g., Thielmann et al., 2015), as well as for (nested) intergroup games (see Aaldering & Böhm, 2020). Therefore, an affordance-based analysis is not only useful but necessary before designing behavioral games or choosing which social preference measure to pick when conducting a study. ...
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The Triple Dominance Measure (choosing between prosocial, individualistic, and competitive options) and the Slider Measure (“sliding” between various orientations, for example, from individualistic to prosocial) are two widely used techniques to measure social value orientation, that is, the weight individuals assign to own and others’ outcomes in interdependent situations. Surprisingly, there is only moderate correspondence between these measures, but it is unclear why and what the implications are for identifying individual differences in social value orientation. Using a dataset of 8021 participants from 31 countries and regions, this study revealed that the Slider Measure identified fewer competitors than the Triple Dominance Measure, accounting for approximately one-third of the non-correspondence between the two measures. This is (partially) because many of the Slider items do not afford a competitive option. In items where competition is combined with individualism, competitors tended to make the same choices as individualists. Futhermore, we demonstrated the uniqueness of competitors. Compared to prosocials and individualists, competitors exhibited lower levels of both social mindfulness and trust. Overall, the present work highlights the importance of situational affordances in measuring personality, the benefits of distinguishing between individualists and competitors, and the importance of utilizing a measure that distinguishes between these two proself orientations.
... 3), which they termed the cooperative phenotype. A comparable level of behavioral consistency in these and related games also emerged in other research [36e38] d although Haesevoets et al. [37] interpreted their findings as questioning behavioral consistency across contexts rather than supporting it (but see McAuliffe et al. and Thielmann,Böhm,and Hilbig [38,39]). Further evidence favoring the view of a single latent prosociality factor comes from studies that combined behavioral (e.g. ...
Individual differences in prosocial behavior have been consistently observed in a variety of contexts. Here, we summarize and critically discuss recent developments in two research agendas on the dispositional basis of human prosociality: a personality approach, proposing a variety of trait concepts and corresponding measures to predict prosocial behavior in different situations; and a behavioral consistency approach, testing for consistency in prosocial behaviors and its underlying latent disposition(s) across situations. Drawing on different properties of situations (so-called situational affordances), we outline a theoretical framework that can help integrate these so far hardly connected research agendas. We also point out limitations of prior research, such as a lack of theory, and provide suggestions on how to overcome them.
... Specifically, we included the (1) dictator game, (2) ultimatum game, and (3) trust game, as well as the social dilemmas (4) public goods game, (5) prisoner's dilemma game, and (6) commons dilemma (see Table S1 for details on the rules of these games). Although the games differ in terms of the social situation individuals find themselves in and the motives that can guide behavior (Thielmann et al., 2015), all of them provide straightforward measures of prosocial behavior in a specific type of interdependent situation in which own and others' outcomes are intertwined (Thielmann et al., 2021). Overall, utilizing prosocial behavior as expressed in games to validate SD scales prevents that common method variance (i.e., reports of own and others' tendencies and/or behaviors) systematically increases the overlap between SD scales and the validity criterion. ...
Social desirability (SD) scales have been used for decades in psychology and beyond. These scales are sought to measure individuals’ tendencies to present themselves overly positive in self‐reports, thus allowing to control for SD biases. However, research increasingly questions the validity of SD scales, proposing that SD scales measure substantive trait characteristics rather than response bias. To provide a large‐scale empirical test of the validity of SD scales, we conducted a meta‐analysis (k=41; N=8,980) on the relation between SD scale scores and prosocial behavior in economic games (where acting in a prosocial manner is highly socially desirable). If SD scales measure what they are supposed to (namely, SD bias), they should be negatively linked to prosocial behavior; if SD scales measure socially desirable traits, they should be positively linked to prosocial behavior. Unlike both possibilities, the meta‐analytic correlation between SD scores and prosocial behavior was close to zero, suggesting that SD scales neither clearly measure bias nor substantive traits. This conclusion was also supported by moderation analyses considering differences in the implementation of games and the SD scales used. The results further question the validity of SD scales with the implication that scholars and practitioners should refrain from using them.
... These economic games are abstract, text-based games that are used to investigate topics such as strategic and prosocial behaviors (see Fehr & Schmidt, 2006;Pruitt & Kimmel, 1977, for reviews). Although there are many different economic games, all of them involve decisionmaking situations in which someone can make a self-interested choice at the cost of the welfare of others or forgo the self-interested choice to foster the welfare of the collective (Thielmann et al., 2015). ...
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Research on commercial computer games has demonstrated that in-game behavior is related to the players’ personality profiles. However, this potential has not yet been fully utilized for personality assessments. Hence, we developed an applied (i.e., serious) assessment game to assess the Honesty–Humility personality trait. In two studies, we demonstrate that this game adequately assesses Honesty–Humility. In Study 1 ( N = 116), we demonstrate convergent validity of the assessment game with self-reported Honesty–Humility and divergent validity with the other HEXACO traits and cognitive ability. In Study 2 ( N = 287), we replicate the findings from Study 1, and also demonstrate that the assessment game shows incremental validity—beyond self-reported personality—in the prediction of cheating for financial gain, but not of counterproductive work and unethical behaviors. The findings demonstrate that assessment games are promising tools for personality measurement in applied contexts.
... In contrast to the situations just mentioned, concerning, for example, donation behavior or supporting friends, many social interactions have the structure of a social dilemma that involve motives for prosocial behavior other than merely social preferences (see Thielmann et al., 2015, for an overview). Consider, for example, teamwork in an organization in which the team is rewarded with a bonus if the group is successful on a given task. ...
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Previous results on the prosociality of men and women in social dilemmas are mixed. Studies find more prosocial behavior for men and women; and a meta-analysis ( Balliet et al., 2011 ) reports an overall null effect. Including samples ( N = 1,903) from 10 countries that vary concerning gender inequality (e.g., China, Colombia, Sweden), we investigated sex differences in social dilemmas and drivers of these potential differences. We found that men behaved more prosocially, in that they transferred more of their endowment to their interaction partner. This sex difference was descriptively observed for all countries and was partially mediated by differences in risk but not social preferences. Gender inequality did not predict the difference in magnitude of sex differences between countries.
Objective and Background According to a recently proposed theoretical framework, different personality traits should explain pro‐social behavior in different situations. We empirically tested the key proposition of this framework that each of four “core tendencies” (i.e., the shared variance of related traits) specifically predicts pro‐social behavior in the presence of a different situational affordance. Methods We used a large‐scale dataset ( N = 2479) including measures of various personality traits and six incentivized economic games assessing pro‐social behavior in different social situations. Using bifactor modeling, we extracted four latent core tendencies and tested their predictive validity for pro‐social behavior. Results We found mixed support for the theoretically derived, preregistered hypotheses. The core tendency of beliefs about others' pro‐sociality predicted pro‐social behavior in both games involving dependence under uncertainty, as expected. Unconditional concern for others' welfare predicted pro‐social behavior in only one of two games providing a possibility for exploitation. For conditional concern for others' welfare and self‐regulation, in turn, evidence relating them to pro‐social behavior in the presence of a possibility for reciprocity and temporal conflict was relatively weak. Conclusion Different features of social situations may activate different personality traits to influence pro‐social behavior, but more research is needed to fully understand these person–situation interactions.
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Prosocial behaviors constitute vital ingredients for all types of social interactions and relationships as well as for society at large. Corresponding to this significance, the study of prosocial behaviors has received considerable attention across scientific disciplines. A striking feature of this research is that most disciplines rely on economic games to measure actual prosocial behavior in controlled experimental settings. However, empirical research often fails to fully exploit the richness of this class of paradigms. The current work aims to overcome this issue by providing a theory-driven overview of and introduction to the variety of economic games for researchers in psychology and beyond. Specifically, we introduce prominent theories of games (Game Theory and Interdependence Theory) and show how the concepts from these theories can be integrated in a unifying theoretical framework considering games as providing specific situational affordances for behavior. Additionally, we describe several games in detail, including their structural features, the affordances they involve, the social motives that may guide behavior, the flexibility they entail to manipulate specific situational aspects and, thus, affordances, and typical research findings. We conclude that tailored selection and combination of games and game variants allows to obtain a unique understanding of the underlying psychological processes involved in prosocial behavior. As a practical tool for researchers, we also provide standardized game instructions and guidelines for the implementation of games in future research. Ultimately, the review can foster optimal use of economic games in future work and thereby set the stage for high-class, replicable, and innovative research on human prosociality.
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In mixed-motive games, people must choose between acting upon selfish interests and concerns for others. Yet, the consistency of people's behaviour across these various games is still unclear. If the same conflict between self and others is at the core of all mixed-motive situations, three hypotheses can be stated: (1) behaviours in different mixed-motive games should be substantially related; (2) all these games should substantially appeal to dispositional variables that probe in the psychological conflict between self and others; and (3) these dispositional variables should explain the shared variance among various games. These hypotheses were tested among undergraduate students (N = 219) who played seven different single-shot mixed-motive games and one sequential game. Social Value Orientation and the ideological attitudes Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism were included as dispositions. Our findings, however, showed evidence that did not fully substantiate our hypotheses, which calls into question the general idea that all mixed-motive games render the conflict between selfish interests and concern for others salient. In the discussion, we focus on implications for research on mixed-motive situations and elaborate on the role of ideology in this domain. Copyright © 2015 European Association of Personality Psychology
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Objective: Vaccination yields a direct effect by reducing infection, but also has the indirect effect of herd immunity: If many individuals are vaccinated, the immune population will protect unvaccinated individuals (social benefit). However, due to a vaccination's costs and risks, individual incentives to free-ride on others' protection also increase with the number of individuals who are already vaccinated (individual benefit). The objective was to assess the consequences of communicating the social and/or individual benefits of herd immunity on vaccination intentions. We assume that if social benefits are salient, vaccination intentions increase (prosocial behavior), whereas salience of individual benefits might decrease vaccination intentions (free-riding). Methods: In an online-experiment (N = 342) the definition of herd immunity was provided with one sentence summarizing the gist of the message, either making the individual or social benefit salient or both. A control group received no information about herd immunity. As a moderator, we tested the costs of vaccination (effort in obtaining the vaccine). The dependent measure was intention to vaccinate. Results: When a message emphasized individual benefit, vaccination intentions decreased (free-riding). Communication of social benefit reduced free-riding and increased vaccination intentions when costs to vaccinate were low. Conclusions: Communicating the social benefit of vaccination may prevent free-riding and should thus be explicitly communicated if individual decisions are meant to consider public health benefits. Especially when vaccination is not the individually (but instead collectively) optimal solution, vaccinations should be easily accessible in order to reach high coverage.
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This article presents a refined explanation of why minimal group identities affect cooperation in social dilemmas. The refined approach builds on key tenets of social identity theory to argue that identity affects cooperation by leadings actors to maximize ingroup outcomes and minimize ingroup inequalities. A key implication of the argument is that social identity is predicted to reduce actors' responses to the ‘greed component’ in social dilemmas (the incentive to ‘free-ride’ on others' cooperation), but that it will not affect actors' responses to the ‘fear component’ (the motivation to avoid being ‘suckered’). These predictions stand in contrast to those of two existing explanations of social identity and cooperation. The three arguments are tested against the results of two new experiments. Overall, the results support the refined approach.
Economic games are well-established experimental paradigms for modeling social decision making. A large body of literature has pointed to the heterogeneity of behavior within many of these games, which might be partly explained by broad interpersonal trait dispositions. Using the Big Five and HEXACO (Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience) personality frameworks, we review the role of personality in two main classes of economic games: social dilemmas and bargaining games. This reveals an emerging role for Big Five agreeableness in promoting cooperative, egalitarian, and altruistic behaviors across several games, consistent with its core characteristic of maintaining harmonious interpersonal relations. The role for extraversion is less clear, which may reflect the divergent effects of its underlying agentic and affiliative motivational components. In addition, HEXACO honesty-humility and agreeableness may capture distinct aspects of prosocial behavior outside the bounds of the Five-Factor Model. Important considerations and directions for future studies are discussed within the emerging personality-economics interface. © 2014 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.
Whereas rational choice theory predicts that harvesting in resource management situations is completely determined by greed, being the dominant choice, the GEF hypothesis predicts that although individuals are greedy (G), their greed is constrained by two other motives: the desire to use the resource efficiently (E) and the desire to realize fairness (F), referring to equal outcomes for all participants. The GEF hypothesis was corroborated by results from several computer-controlled experiments. It can account for (a) the pattern of individual responses to choices made by other group members, the impact of (b) environmental uncertainty and (c) social uncertainty, and (d) the conditions under which freedom of access is abandoned in favor of leadership.
Abstract We present simple one-shot distribution experiments comparing the relative importance of e¢ciency, maximin preferences and inequal- ity aversion, as well as the performance of the two competing fair- ness theories by Bolton and Ockenfels (2000) and Fehr and Schmidt (1999). Several of our experiments induce opposing predictions made by both theories. We …nd a clear in‡uence of e¢ciency and max- imin preferences and overall a better performance of the model by Fehr and Schmidt, which, is, however also very poor in face of Pareto- dominance. We thank Gary Bolton, Martin Dufwenberg, Ernst Fehr, Simon Gächter, Wieland Müller, Hans Normann, Axel Ockenfels, Frank Riedel, Klaus Schmidt, an anonymous referee, and the editor as well as participants of the ESA 2000 annual meeting in New York, the First World Congress of the Game Theory Society in Bilbao and the 8th World Congress of the Econometric Society in Seattle for helpful comments. Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through Sonderforschungsbereich 373 and by the DGZ-DekaBank is gratefully acknowledged.
Most economic models are based on the self-interest hypothesis that assumes that material self-interest exclusively motivates all people. Experimental economists have gathered overwhelming evidence in recent years, however, that systematically refutes the self-interest hypothesis, suggesting that concerns for altruism, fairness, and reciprocity strongly motivate many people. Moreover, several theoretical papers demonstrate that the observed phenomena can be explained in a rigorous and tractable manner. These theories then induced a first wave of experimental research which offered exciting insights into both the nature of preferences and the relative performance of competing fairness theories. The purpose of this chapter is to review these developments, to point out open questions, and to suggest avenues for future research. We also discuss recent neuroeconomic evidence that is consistent with the view that many people have a taste for mutual cooperation and the punishment of norm violators. We further illustrate the powerful impact of fairness concerns on cooperation, competition, incentives, and contract design.
"This is the classic work upon which modern-day game theory is based. What began more than sixty years ago as a modest proposal that a mathematician and an economist write a short paper together blossomed, in 1944, when Princeton University Press published Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. In it, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern conceived a groundbreaking mathematical theory of economic and social organization, based on a theory of games of strategy. Not only would this revolutionize economics, but the entirely new field of scientific inquiry it yielded--game theory--has since been widely used to analyze a host of real-world phenomena from arms races to optimal policy choices of presidential candidates, from vaccination policy to major league baseball salary negotiations. And it is today established throughout both the social sciences and a wide range of other sciences. This sixtieth anniversary edition includes not only the original text but also an introduction by Harold Kuhn, an afterword by Ariel Rubinstein, and reviews and articles on the book that appeared at the time of its original publication in the New York Times, tthe American Economic Review, and a variety of other publications. Together, these writings provide readers a matchless opportunity to more fully appreciate a work whose influence will yet resound for generations to come.