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Abstract and Figures

Flooding is a burning issue in Hungary because of its geographical conditions. The topic of this article is to describe the mobile flood protection methods, which are able to accomplish the criteria of environment and sustainability. Mobile flood wall is a new solution in flood protection which is used in populated area. The design of mobile flood walls must focus on surveying water levels, determination of loads and limitation of leaking water. The main types of loads on the structure are hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and impact loads. The DIN 1055 German standard is used to determine the loads.
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An International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences
DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.10.2015.1.13
Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 133–142 (2015)
HU ISSN 1788–1994 © 2015 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
István KÁDÁR
Department of Geotechnics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Műegyetem rkp. 1, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary, e-mail:
Received 27 December 2013; accepted 23 June 2014
Abstract: Flooding is a burning issue in Hungary because of its geographical conditions. The
topic of this article is to describe the mobile flood protection methods, which are able to
accomplish the criteria of environment and sustainability. Mobile flood wall is a new solution in
flood protection which is used in populated area. The design of mobile flood walls must focus on
surveying water levels, determination of loads and limitation of leaking water. The main types of
loads on the structure are hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and impact loads. The DIN 1055 German
standard is used to determine the loads.
Keywords: Mobile flood protection, Flood, Environment, Mobile flood wall, Hydrostatic
loads, Hydrodynamic loads, Standard
1. Introduction
Hungary’s biggest natural hazard is flooding [1], [2]. 23% of the country’s territory
is situated in the floodplain. 97% of this area is protected by flood control dams and the
remaining 3% is generally low-value zone [3], [4]. Different ways of coexistence with
water were formed in the floodplain. In most parts of Europe where the flood exempted
area ratio is not as high as in Hungary, the population often refuses those new flood
protection improvements and investments, which disrupt the relationship between
people and river, whether it be fishing, canoeing, lakeside walk or simply the view of
the river. So, in many places the structural methods are refused and the closer way of
the river coexistence methods are chosen not forgetting the disadvantages related to
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their decision. Elsewhere people choose the higher security level and aspects like the
increasing transport path of boats are undervalued [5].
2. Mobile flood protection structures
Since the ‘90s several types of equipment have been introduced to the flood control
market with manufacturers claiming they were suitable for adding height rapidly to
protect against overtopping. These are the mobile flood protection dikes and mobile
flood protection walls. In Hungary we started to design and use these types of elements
with a 10-15-year delay.
The application of mobile flood protection dikes is a typical solution for emergency
heightening. Engineering development has produced several varieties of mobile flood
protection dikes like tube dikes, triangular dikes (Fig. 1) with watertight sheeting etc.
Fig. 1. Triangular mobile flood protection dike
Although they are only applied in high water conditions, mobile flood protection
walls are not designed for emergency operations. They are used first of all in locations
where the disadvantage of a flood protection dike (or a concrete wall) is intolerable (e.g.
due to traffic) or unwanted (e.g. a settlement does not wish to be separated from a river)
during periods of low and medium water level. Mobile walls are suitable in locations
lacking the space needed for building embankments. In Hungary the first mobile flood
protection wall was installed in 2006 in Baja (Fig. 2).
Similar solutions have been installed instead of a traditional flood protection dike in
several major European cities (e.g. Cologne, Paris, Prague. In June 2013 the Hungarian
Szentendre was also defended by a mobile flood protection wall (Fig. 3). In periods
Pollack Periodica 10, 2015, 1
without high water, the elements of the mobile flood protection walls rest in a storage
Fig. 2. First application of mobile flood protection wall in Hungary
Fig. 3. Mobile flood protection wall in Szentendre (Photo: Swietelsky Hungary)
Mobile flood protection walls have advantages and disadvantages. The pros help to
make the structure environmentally friendly, and to fulfill the criteria of sustainable
development. The elements are easy to carry so the installation is fast (8 people can
build a 300 m long section in 1 day).
The facts against the mobile walls are partial mobility and relatively high installation
costs. There are places where the earth dikes are the only reasonable option, e.g.
peripheral low cost areas where there is no need to keep in touch with the riverbank. But
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in crowded urban areas the mobile walls have far more advantages to satisfy the
inhabitant’s needs. A summarized list of advantages and disadvantages is shown in
Table I.
Table I
Advantages and disadvantages of mobile flood protection walls [6], [7]
Advantages Disadvantages
Small installation space required Partial mobility (specified place)
After flood the structure is unbuilt - the
landscape is not disturbed
Storing area needed
Reusable structural elements Subject of vandalism (permanent elements)
Light structural elements Higher installation cost
Rapid installation
3. Loads of mobile flood protection walls
The loads of the structure can be determined based on the German standard DIN
1055 [8]. This basically corresponds with the current Eurocode standards but in
Hungary there is no operative standard for mobile flood protection walls.
3.1. Dead load
The dead load is calculated based on the specific gravity of the used materials
according to the DIN 1055-1 standard.
3.2. Live loads
Hydrostatic pressure
By calculating hydrostatic pressure the whole structure and all the individual structural
elements must be examined for the biggest physically possible water height (Fig. 4a)
but with reduced safety factors. If the walls are not vertical, the vertical component of
the water pressure should be also considered and the water pressure is always
perpendicular to the surface.
Hydrodynamic pressure
Flow pressure
Considering that the water flow direction and the longitudinal axis of the walls are not
parallel a pressure load should be calculated from the water flow (Fig. 4b). The pressure
depends on the velocity of the water flow, which is usually given by the client or
measurements can be observed. The relationship between pressure and flow velocity
can be given with the momentum conservation law. The effect of the flow pressure
depends on the angle of flow and the angle of the wall panels with the direction of flow.
Pollack Periodica 10, 2015, 1
When the mobile flood wall on the water side does not interfere with the water flow it
means that the angle of the flow is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the wall. In this
case the flow pressure is negligible. The flow pressure is independent of the height of
the water level, only depends on the size of the loaded surface.
Water elevation on outer bank;
When the mobile wall is situated on the outer bank of a river compared with the water
level of the centerline an extra water elevation can be calculated (Fig. 4c) as
=, (1)
where H is the water elevation on outer arc; B is the width of the river; R is the radius
of the river bend; v is the water flow velocity; g is the acceleration of gravity.
a) b) c)
Fig. 4. Hydrostatic pressure, flow pressure and water elevation on outer bank
Wave pressure;
Further load can be determined caused by the water waves. The primary question is
whether the wall is situated in a protected area where only standing or breaking waves
reach the wall or overtopping is possible with ‘crashing’ (Sturzbrecher) waves (Fig. 5).
If there is no data about the waves of the area the wave load should be calculated based
on Table II. It gives the pressure wave load depending on the wave type and height.
Fig. 5. The position of the substitutional load, low waves case, high wave case
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Table II
Determination of the substitutional load
Wave height Substitutional load Point of contact under the
water level (H1 [m])
Type of wave
Hds[m] P1 [kN/m] Water height
(H) > 2.0 m
Water height
(H) < 2.0 m
0.40 20 1.00 0.4×H
Standing/ breaking wave >0.40 30 1.00 0.4×H
0.40 40×Φ (Φ=1.2) 0.80 0.3×H
Crash wave >0.40 60×Φ (Φ=1.2) 0.80 0.3×H
The calculated amount of the wave pressure load can be reduced when waves
overtop the wall,
,f if,0.1
, if,
<= f
k (2)
where k is the reduction factor; f is the height of the edge;
is the height between the
top of the wave and water level, its value is ds
H 78.0
(standing/breaking waves),
H 3.1=
(crashing waves), and Hds is the wave height.
Impact load
The mobile flood protection walls are not designed to bear the load of a much bigger
object (e.g. ship). In this case the buckling of the structure is unavoidable but usually at
the time of the flood the boat traffic is stopped. The water-borne sediments or ice floe
collision are realistic loads. For this kind of impact mobile flood protection walls must
fulfil the criteria of Ultimate Limit States (ULS). The impact load (F) in the calculation
is a distributed load (on 0.5 m x 0.5 m) (Fig. 6). The impact load depends on the water
flow velocity, the weight of the buffering object and the stiffness of the mobile flood
protection wall. The minimal weight of the buffering object is 0.4 t, which is
approximately a 5 m long wood log with 40 cm in diameter,
cmvF =
sin , (3)
where v is the velocity of water flow; δ is the angle of water flow; m is the weight of the
buffering object, cf is the stiffness of the wall.
Based on the water flow velocity and the flow angle the impact load can be
determined easily from Table III. Among the rows of the table interpolation is
Pollack Periodica 10, 2015, 1
Fig. 6. Impact and wind load
Table III
Impact load (m = 0.4 t , cf = 497.78 kN/m, L = 3.0m, E = 70.000 MN/m2)
Water flow velocity Angle of water flow [°]
v [m/s] 15 30 45 60 75 90
1.0 4 7 10 12 14 14
2.0 7 14 20 24 27 28
3.0 11 21 30 37 41 42
4.0 15 28 40 49 55 56
The impact load component parallel to the wall stability is important for the wall
longitudinal stability of this flow and the pressure component parallel walls should be
Wind load
During the flood defense when the walls are installed the wind pressure works above
the flood water level. Before high water conditions the stability of the wall should be
examined on both sides (Fig. 6).
The value of wind load is
qw = 2.1 , (4)
where q is the value of wind gust (Table IV).
Table IV
Wind gust coefficients
q [kN/m2] Height above sea level
Area 0-8m 8-20 m 20-25 m
Seashore / North-Germany. 0,95 1,25 1,45
Close-to-shore / North-Germany 0,80 1,05 1,20
Plain 0,65 0,85 1,00
140 I. KÁDÁR
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Other live loads
Live load (people);
A horizontal load on the top edge should be taken into account because of tourists or
workers. It can act in both directions (tension / compression). Its value is 0.5 kN/m.
Live load (vehicle);
It is not a requirement to bear the load of an intentionally collisioning vehicle. The
vehicle load takes a slow, e.g. reversing car into consideration. The load is a
concentrated 5 kN/m force and the point of contact is at 1.2 m height (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7. Vehicle load and dry-side water pressure
3.3. Extra loads
Dry-side water pressure;
It is important to ensure the stability of the walls against a dry-side water pressure
(Fig. 7) in areas with relatively slow runoff. The water level should be determined based
on local conditions taking into account that the flood went down.
Screw loss;
It must be proved that with the loss of one bolt the ultimate and serviceability limit
states are feasible. It refers to the anchors, which can be moved (as they can fall out
accidentally by installation or due to deliberate vandalism).
By the design of the walls the physically possible maximum water level should be
taken into account, which can be determined by model tests.
In general, the mobile flood protection walls are not protected from overtopping that
threatens the protected area, so an immediate evacuation plan should be drawn to the
area (Fig. 7).
Considering possible future high water levels the anchorage structure of the mobile
flood protection wall can be designed for bearing larger loads. In this case the
replacement of the substructure is not necessary, only higher columns are needed (e.g.
Pollack Periodica 10, 2015, 1
in Szentendre (Fig. 8) the design water level was 1,80m but the strength of the
substructure is enough to bear the load of 2.40 m high water).
Fig. 8. Mobile flood protection wall in Szentendre (Photo: Swietelsky Hungary)
4. Conclusion
The design and installation of mobile flood protection walls is still a recent topic in
Hungary. The available literature in this field is insufficient. This article aimed to give
an overview about mobile flood protection structures especially focused on the loads of
a mobile flood protection wall.
The work reported in the paper has been developed in the framework of the project
‘Talent care and cultivation in the scientific workshops of BME’ project. This project is
supported by the grant TÁMOP-4.2.2.B-10/1--2010-0009. Special thanks to László
Nagy who supervised the research.
[1] Nagy L. Natural hazards and risk, (in Hungarian) Vízügyi Közlemények, Vol. LXXXIII,
No. 3, 2001, pp. 565–580.
[2] Nagy L. Flood protection in settlements, (in Hungarian) Innova Print, Budapest, 2010.
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[3] Nagy L. Risk assessment in flood protection - the recommendation of EU, Hidrológiai
Közlöny, Vol. 85, No. 2, 2005, pp. 17–20.
[4] Nagy L. Hydraulic failure probabilities of a dike cross-section, Periodica Polytechnica,
Civil Engineering, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2008, pp. 83–89.
[5] Nagy L. Flood protection wall - The new element in flood defense, Mélyépítő Tükörkép
Magazin, April 2006, pp. 12–13.
[6] Berinkei O. Design of a reinforced concrete mobile flood protection wall, B.Sc. Diploma
Thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
[7] Kádár I. Design of a mobile flood wall to the geometry of the Római bank, M.Sc. Diploma
Thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
[8] Bernhart H. Boettcher R., Brauns J., Briechle S., Buchholz O., Buschhüter E., Egli T.,
Geissler T. R., Hackenbroch W., Huber N. P., Kast K., Kossbiel H., Köngeter J., Kraus O.,
Kron A., Langen A., Oberle P., Pasche E., Petracheck A., Schulze H-B., Thürmer K., Vogt
R., von Lieberman N., Wieczorrek N., Wiemer U. Mobile Hochwasserschutzsysteme -
Grundlagen für Planung und Einsatz, Abfallwirtschaft und Kulturbau (BWK)
... With the severe situation of urban flood protection in China [14], mobile flood protection systems can satisfy the different quality of life and safety requirements for the urban residents. e mobile flood protection method has been successfully applied in many American and European countries [15]. For example, in 1984, Cologne City, first installed the mobile flood protection baffle to protect against river flood. ...
... Mobile floodwalls can be installed at river dams, largesize port piers, railway tunnel portals, culvert openings of expressways, openings of civil air defense structures, and urban large-scale communities to prevent flood disasters. Compared with the traditional flood protection method, mobile floodwalls have the advantages of low-labor intensity, high-work efficiency, and small seepage over traditional flood protection methods [15]. Mobile floodwalls improve the standard of urban flood protection and can effectively prevent flood disasters under the requirement of preserving the urban landscape [16]. ...
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Mobile flood protection systems provide a standardized flood protection method with high reliability. A comprehensive test site for mobile flood wall was established with the support of real applications, which provided opportunities to perform various tests. The anchor plate installation, seepage characteristics, and stress behavior of mobile flood protection systems were investigated through a process test, a water impounding test, and a post loading/unloading test. Test results indicated that installing anchor plates either by direct fixing or by preopened slots and eyes satisfy the construction and normal work requirements. However, the former is preferable over the latter. The mobile flood protection wall leaks when filled with water, and the leakage changes exponentially with the level. The leakage accelerates when the water level exceeds 1.5 m, thus registering 300 L/h at the 1.7 m level. In the post loading test (0–100 kN), concrete plastic deformation was first observed. Then, residual displacement was developed in the posts. The stressing process indicated that the failure process in the post, anchor plate, and base concrete system propagates from the concrete on both sides of the anchor plates toward the water side.
... Analysing seepage phenomenon occurred in: earth irrigation system, storages, ponds and other earth structure as dikes or earth dams is very important task to be carry out in order to avoid any threat that may come as result of any possible failure, [22]. Earliest, attention has been given generally on estimation of seepage loose regarding especially to channel system and storage dam, while nowadays is given attention both amount of water loose and impact on environmental degradation, [23]. ...
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World experiences reveal that catastrophic floods are posing a serious threat that comes not only from them as extreme events but also as the result of adaptation measures uncertainty, (i.e. dikes). In particularly old dikes constructed earliest at the north part of Albania, during the last floods demonstrated the high uncertainty and weak spots. In this paper, the significance of the seepage investigation and stability analysis are discussed. As a case study, parts of new dikes constructed last years along the Buna River located in north part of Albania are investigated. Filling materials for these dikes are represented mostly from silt and clay. Finite element method is used to perform seepage analysis while general limit equilibrium method is used to perform slope stability analysis. Both, seepage and slope stability analyses are done for three different scenarios: steady state, rapid filling, and rapid drawdown. Finally, it is concluded that silt-clay material used in these dike structure is posing serious uncertainty during seepage phenomenon by threatening the stability of entire dike structure especially during the transient condition (rapid filling and drawdown).
... These approaches aim to achieve a harmonious blend of structural and non-structural measures while fostering greater public involvement (DID, 2009 Barrier (MFWB). The MFWB is an artificial vertical barrier engineered to temporarily restrain the rising waters of a river or waterway during seasonal or extreme weather events (Kádár, 2015). The MFWB is a flood protection system designed to protect a region from flood risks. ...
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Flooding remains a persistent and ongoing challenge in Malaysia, posing continuous difficulties and hardships; therefore, combating flood risk has become a main priority for sustainable development in this country. The application of sophisticated engineering in hard structure approaches and flood control systems are often incongruous to the public. Therefore, there is a need to integrate soft engineering approaches and best practices of flood management to mitigate flood risk. There is also a need to integrate the concept of sustainable development into its planning policies towards flood hazard reduction. Mobile flood protection measures are useful as an alternative solution in flood protection and mitigation purposes. Mobile protective systems serve as a temporary solution to enhance the height of permanent flood defence structures during extreme events. They can also be deployed as emergency measures to mitigate flooding in vulnerable low-lying regions. As the available mobile systems differ in the type of material, method of installation and available protection height, a description of their features, and potential application are examined including their respective opportunities and drawbacks. This paper presents a review on different types of lightweight mobile flood wall barrier (MFWB) that were implemented to cope with floods in Malaysia with examples of application in other countries such as United Kingdom, Slovakia, and Netherlands. The MFWB products are reviewed and compared to each other according to the types, characteristics, mechanisms, drawbacks, and how these measures are integrated into spatial planning. Based on the findings, several recommendations are provided regarding enhancing flood risk management in areas prone to flooding and the way forward for Malaysia.
... As a temporary flood control equipment to deal with sudden storms and floods, it is widely used at the entrances and exits of important underground spaces in cities and towns. e first mobile flood wall in the world was installed in the urban area of Cologne, Germany in 1984, and then the same type of flood wall was put into use successively in places such as the Danube River in Austria, Baja, Hungary, and Brado in the Czech Republic [1][2][3]. At the beginning of the 21 st century, China begins to design and produce mobile flood control wall equipment. ...
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The current natural environment is unpredictable with heavy rains and floods happening from time to time. In order to ensure the safety of underground workers, infrastructure, and rail transit, a mobile and expandable underground flood control wall was optimized and designed. The use of mortise-and-tenon structure splicing and modular extension design effectively increases the stability and useable area of the flood wall. The finite element analysis software was used to simulate and study the force of each component under combined loads, such as static water, dynamic water, and impact, to analyze the stability performance of the assembly such as anti-sliding, anti-tilting, and internal stress. The verification results show that when the designed and studied underground flood control wall equipment is fully deployed, the maximum stress is 220.762 MPa, and the maximum offset distance is 32.334 mm, which are all within the safe range. It provides innovative ideas for the optimization of the related flood control wall structure.
... There are usually no flood protection levees in mountainous enclosed valleys. In such cases, mobile dams have been used successfully in many places since the early 2000s (from the USA to Germany) (Kádár, 2015;Pasche, 2005). ...
The extraterrestrial impacts on our planet can be broadly divided into two groups. The first is the activity of the Sun, which is the source of life on Earth. The second is the impact of meteor showers, which cause impacts, or impact phenomena, which form small or large circular symmetrical craters. This compilation describes the physical background of these processes and their effects on the living environment. Extraterrestrial impacts ranging from small disturbances (small earthquakes) to major ones (the extinction of dinosaurs in the Upper Cretaceous in Earth’s history) can significantly impact humanity. The damage from impacts is much less likely to occur than any of the natural hazards analysed earlier, but we outline the options available to mitigate the adverse impacts.
... Removable floodwall systems can be applied to individual buildings, smaller areas, or a large scale of the infrastructure such as dams, largesize port piers, railway tunnel portals, culvert openings of expressways, openings of civil air defense structures, and urban large-scale communities to prevent flood disasters (Chen et al., 2018). Compared with traditional flood protection methods, the removable floodwall takes advantage of the low labor intensity, high work efficiency, and small seepage (Kádár, 2015). Also, a removable floodwall gives protection in case of flooding and open access to the floodplain over the remaining time. ...
Conference Paper
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Integrating and storing digital data through Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D Laser Scanning is of most importance in terms of visualizing project information. In this respect, this study presents a systematic and practical approach for detecting the assembly quality of anchor plates for a removable floodwall through the integration of BIM and 3D laser scanning. The current methods for analyzing the assembly quality of anchor plates heavily rely on manual inspection and contact-type measurements, which are time-consuming and costly. Therefore, this paper examines a semi-automated method integrating the use of BIM and 3D laser scanning technology for rapid analysis of the assembly quality of anchor plates. In this context, the paper introduces the framework of an automatic dimensional and surface quality assessment method. The following sections describe the project flowchart, data collection, and quality inspection methodology. The study employs the data of a real project located in Heihe, China, to validate the level of technical feasibility and accuracy of the presented methods. The results indicated that the proposed integration of BIM and 3D laser scanning has the potential to produce a semiautomated and reliable method to control the assembly quality of anchor plates.
Climate change have led to extreme weather events such as higher rainfall frequency that can cause severe flooding. In Malaysia, there is an increasing trend on extreme rainfall events and short temporal rainfall, particularly during the inter-monsoon season. In order to protect private properties and public premises from flooding, Mobile Flood Wall Barrier (MFWB) has been found to be more suitable as it is less costly, easier to deploy and does not require large space. Buildings such as factories and commercial shops that have larger entrances, they would require heavy-duty type of MFWB as compared to those for residential buildings. Heavy-duty MFWB has a better ability to withstand higher hydrostatic pressure from floodwater, hence suitable for public premises and buildings in industrial and commercial areas. In this paper, various types of heavy-duty MFWB and their application will be presented and discussed. The standards for testing MFWB products presented in this paper are summarised. Some existing testing requirements are also presented. Based on the review, the mobility characteristic indicated that the heavy MFWB can be installed temporarily to prevent flooding and be removed easily to ensure no interruption to the daily activities after flood events. There are many potential advantages for flood protection, in particular, it serves as the way forward for Malaysia.
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Kuching city and its surrounding urban areas frequently experience extreme high annual maximum daily rainfall (AMDR), resulting in flash floods. This study aims to carry out statistical and trend analysis of extreme AMDR events for Kuching Airport rainfall station from 1975 to 2017. From the analysis, the AMDR records a high variability with a value of 36.9% while January has the highest occurrence of AMDR with 53.5% of the total data. Findings from the linear regression plot have shown that the AMDR has a slight decreasing trend over the past four decades though the trend was insignificant. Based on the drainage design capacity of Kuching city, AMDR of magnitude 180 mm was identified as a threshold. The frequency analysis results showed that the return period of flooding events with daily rainfall exceeding 180 mm was 2.69 years. The occurrence probability of the flood event at least once in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years was 0.37, 0.60, 0.75, 0.84 and 0.90, respectively. This study contributed to understanding the magnitude and frequency of extreme high AMDR which could lead to flooding events in Kuching city.
The chapter deals with the issues of water abundance and water scarcity. In general, too much water means the dangers of increased water runoff and discharge. In the first part, the different types of floods and inland excess water are summarised, along with their causes and the human and financial consequences of this natural hazard. It also deals with flash floods, a specific type of flood, which are becoming more frequent and destructive due to climate change. It details the drought due to water scarcity, which is the most serious natural hazard in many regions of the world. This hazard is regionally differed due to climate change, but its increasing size and intensity sometimes causes damage at least as severe as earthquakes. However, the spread of information about this hazard is slow by nature and therefore does not appear to be a serious problem. The risk of soil and wind erosion is also analysed in this chapter. This process is often not considered a natural hazard in the strict sense of the term, because it is generally not a natural hazard from a human point of view but can cause significant damage from an economic point of view. This chapter also looks at ways of reducing this effect.
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Significant climate change has been, leading to heavy rainfall and flood flow rate increasing the last twenty years. At the same time, natural factors, such as sediment accumulation and bottom elevations, channel clogging, and anthropogenic factors: intensive floodplain construction leads to floodplain narrowing and increased flood levels. European cities have been increasingly used mobile flood protection systems as one of the elements of flood protection. The peculiarity of the mountain rivers flood in Ukraine is their short duration: 3-5 days and a significant rate of water uplift, which requires a rapid and simple installation of temporary barriers. The aim of the review is to determine the optimal mobile structures for flood protection of urban areas in conditions of intense mountain floods. The existing mobile systems and the experience of their use in the EU countries were analyzed. The cost of mobile systems significantly exceeds the cost of embankment and has no economic benefits if there is enough area for embankment construction. But in dense urban conditions, the use of mobile flood protection systems become an economically viable alternative to permanent protective structures, because they do not require additional permanent space and do not block access to the river. Flood area mapping with precise identification of the protected area should be developed and automated information and measurement system for early forecasting and notification of the relevant authorities about the floods threat should be implemented, because barriers erection is required time of average 1 hour per 100m, excluding delivery time from the storage area. The installation of mobile systems requires the involvement of human resources, which must have periodically train. The equipment must be delivered quickly to the destination, which requires the involvement of transportation equipment and additional storage area for materials. So, the main requirements for mobile flood systems: light weight, simplicity and speed of installation, its reliability, storage areas and periodic training. The systems with a pre-installed foundation of segment-type, flip walls, segment walls with high foundation and mobile tubes were analyzed. The segment walls with pre-installed foundation (underground or in the form of a parapet) satisfy all above-stated requirements in dense urban condition.
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This paper is a brief introduction on the determination of separate flood plain basins, the selection and determination of characteristic flood stages inducing typical economic impacts, and the principles of taking the safety factor or the probability of failure of the flood defences into consideration in flood risk mapping. The failure probability is the origin from the vari- ability of the soil physical parameters and from the constantly changing water level.
Exposition to natural hazards has been a permanent feature for many cities, since they appeared, and in some case in the past cities have suffered total destruction. During last decade the phenomenon seems to have taken a global dimension. Occurrences of natural hazards have increased in frequency, and costs are heavier. Many efforts are now produced - at international and local level - to mitigate the consequences of extreme natural events. They aim to promote a change in city management, that should include risk management, with the support of the new methods of risk assessment and analysis presently developed in urban cindynics - the science of urban risks. -English summary
Design of a reinforced concrete mobile flood protection wall
  • O Berinkei
Berinkei O. Design of a reinforced concrete mobile flood protection wall, B.Sc. Diploma Thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2013.
Design of a mobile flood wall to the geometry of the Római bank
  • I Kádár
Kádár I. Design of a mobile flood wall to the geometry of the Római bank, M.Sc. Diploma Thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2012.
Risk assessment in flood protection — the recommendation of EU
  • Nagy L.
Nagy L. Risk assessment in flood protection -the recommendation of EU, Hidrológiai Közlöny, Vol. 85, No. 2, 2005, pp. 17-20.
Flood protection wall -The new element in flood defense, Mélyépítő Tükörkép Magazin
  • L Nagy
Nagy L. Flood protection wall -The new element in flood defense, Mélyépítő Tükörkép Magazin, April 2006, pp. 12–13.
Flood protection in settlements
  • L Nagy
Nagy L. Flood protection in settlements, (in Hungarian) Innova Print, Budapest, 2010. I. KÁDÁR Pollack Periodica 10, 2015, 1
Natural hazards and risk
  • Nagy L.
Nagy L. Natural hazards and risk, (in Hungarian) Vízügyi Közlemények, Vol. LXXXIII, No. 3, 2001, pp. 565-580.
Flood protection wall -The new element in flood defense
  • L Nagy
Nagy L. Flood protection wall -The new element in flood defense, Mélyépítő Tükörkép Magazin, April 2006, pp. 12-13.
Mobile Hochwasserschutzsysteme - Grundlagen für Planung und Einsatz
  • H Bernhart
  • R Boettcher
  • J Brauns
  • S Briechle
  • O Buchholz
  • E Buschhüter
  • T Egli
  • T R Geissler
  • W Hackenbroch
  • N P Huber
  • K Kast
  • H Kossbiel
  • J Köngeter
  • O Kraus
  • A Kron
  • A Langen
  • P Oberle
  • E Pasche
  • A Petracheck
  • H-B Schulze
  • K Thürmer
  • R Vogt
  • N Von Lieberman
  • N Wieczorrek
  • U Wiemer