
Impact of Corporate Scams on share prices: A study of Indian Stock market

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This paper studied the impact of the corporate scams on the share prices of the companies. In the pre-fraud period, the typical fraudulent firm has a higher valuation, invests more and exhibits higher sensitivity of investment than industry peers. The fraud period, by contrast, is characterized by sign cant drops in valuation and investment.Corporate scandals around the world in recent years especially Satyam scandal in India created a need contributed to produce quantitative measures on ownership and to estimate their impact on the value and decision-making process of companies. The study of 8 companies has been made which has undergone the scam in the past 8 years& their impact on Indian Stock Market. Event study has been used to examine the impact of corporate scams on stock returns. The AABRs and CAARRs of overall sample are insignificant at 5% level of significance. The study concluded that the market is very efficient they absorb all the information regarding the event.

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... He has studied ROCE, EPS, D/E, P/E, and Corporate Governance Score on impact on share price and found that significant relation between EPS and share price of a firm. (Dawar & Goyal, 2015) has studied the effect of Corporate scams on share prices of Indian stock market and found a significant effect on the share prices of the companies. (Martin Curran & Moran, 2007) has studied positive and negative announcements and changes in day wise returns of equity stocks and found that trend towards positive and negative announcements having the expected effects on daily returns but these results are not significant. ...
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As the global economy in the recent days is more volatile and the bearing trend is continuing the investors can consider this as an opportunity for long run investment as the equity stocks are available at cheaper prices. For this, one has to analyze various fundamental factors of the stock and very the effect of the stock prices to choose better stocks. In this regard the present study aimed to analyze the risk and return analysis of equity stocks in the recent past and the effect of dividend declaration on the returns of equity stocks and concludes that the return and risk in the post dividend declaration period has increased as compared to pre dividend declaration due to minimum number of transactions in the market in the pre dividend declaration period.
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The Hindenburg LLP, USA is renowned for its investment research on various companies. Recently, the firm released a research report on the Adani Group claiming that the Group is involved in the manipulation of stock prices. In this research, the researcher has considered 9 listed companies of the Adani Group to analyze the impact of research reports on stock prices. The researcher also considers the share price of SBI (the largest loan provider to the Group) and LIC (the largest stakeholder of the Group) for the study. To test the framed hypotheses OLS Market Model of Event Study Methodology has been applied. During the study it has been observed that the share price of Adani Total Gas has reduced by 56% followed by Adani Enterprise has reduced by 54%. Among all the Adani Group of Companies, the Share Price of Adani Total Gas has reduced more totaled by approx. 83% by 28th February 2023. Among all 9 listed companies of Adani Group, the research report has less effect on the share price of ACC Ltd. (21.169%) Followed by Adani Power (26.43%) and Adani Wilmar (26.48%). The research also showed that the announcement of the Hindenburg Research Report had a negative impact on the share prices of LIC and SBI, and both companies have failed to create any abnormal returns for their shareholders.
The present study investigates the impact of the Hindenburg Research report on the Adani Group’s stock prices. An event study analysis was conducted over a 21-daywindow period, including 10 days prior to, 10 days after and the day of the event. The results showed that the majority of average abnormal returns and cumulative average abnormal returns were statistically significant during the observation period, particularly in the post-event period. This indicates that the Hindenburg Research report had a significant impact on the stock prices of Adani Group companies. The findings suggest that the Indian stock market may not be efficient in its semi-strong form. Nonetheless, it was also noticed that the stock prices did not immediately respond to the information in the report. This study has significance for investors, firms, policymakers, and regulators as they can utilize it to evaluate such announcement effect on stock prices in the Indian stock market.
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