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Proprioceptive Ability of Fencing and Table Tennis Practioners

Termedia Publishing House
Human Movement
  • Wrocław University of Health and Sport Sciences (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu


Purpose The aim of the study was to compare the spatial component of proprioceptive ability by reproducing a upper limb movement typical in table tennis and fencing. Methods The research comprised 41 young males of which 12 were table tennis players, 14 fencers, and 15 not involved in any competitive sports as a control. The experiment was based on assessing the precision of pronation and supination of the forearm at the elbow joint in recreating a set movement range by use of a goniometer. Results and conclusions The results point to a higher level of proprioceptive ability in fencers and table tennis players than the control group but only in respect to the tasks executed with the dominant limb. This is inferred to be the result from the specific character of both sports (i.e. the intensive use of one limb and the consequent laterality of that limb) causing higher sensitivity and proprioception. This may provide a link between swordplay, table tennis, and the level of proprioception. The research methodology used herein may be useful in monitoring fencing training. Although not unequivocally statistically significant, the results indicate the potential for further research in this area.
1 *, PAwEł SZumIELEwICZ2
1 University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
2 Fencing Club “Wrocławianie”, Wrocław, Poland
Purpose. The aim of the study was to compare the spatial component of proprioceptive ability by reproducing a upper limb
movement typical in table tennis and fencing. Methods. The research comprised 41 young males of which 12 were table tennis
players, 14 fencers, and 15 not involved in any competitive sports as a control. The experiment was based on assessing the preci-
sion of pronation and supination of the forearm at the elbow joint in recreating a set movement range by use of a goniometer.
Results and conclusions. The results point to a higher level of proprioceptive ability in fencers and table tennis players than
the control group but only in respect to the tasks executed with the dominant limb. This is inferred to be the result from the
specific character of both sports (i.e. the intensive use of one limb and the consequent laterality of that limb) causing higher
sensitivity and proprioception. This may provide a link between swordplay, table tennis, and the level of proprioception. The
research methodology used herein may be useful in monitoring fencing training. Although not unequivocally statistically
significant, the results indicate the potential for further research in this area.
Key words: proprioception, fencing, table tennis, joint position sense
doi: 10.1515/humo-2015-0001
2014, vol. 15 (3), 128– 133
* Corresponding author.
Achieving success in modern sports requires ever-in-
creasing levels of peak physical and mental conditioning,
hence the search for newer and more efficient training
methods by sports practitioners and researchers [1].
Some researchers have suggested that one way to mobi-
lize fitness potential without increasing strain is through
the use of training methods that focus on developing
motor coordination abilities such as the ability to kines-
thetically differentiate movement and its ranges by way
of proprioception [1]. The literature features research
that stresses the significance of proprioception in sports
yet also notes the complexity and variety of measuring
standards due to various factors including difficulties
in selecting the methods of assessing the motor skill in
question [1, 2]. Nonetheless, the noted dependency be-
tween sporting excellence and proprioceptive ability has
suggested that this factor should be taken into account
during the recruiting process [3]. Lephart et al. [4] com-
pared the accuracy of movement at the knee joint in
gymnasts and a control group concluding that specific
sports training had a positive influence on knee proprio-
ception by creating enhanced neurosensory pathways in
athletes. Similar findings showed that ice hockey players
and ballet dancers presented significantly better results
than a control group in proprioception of the foot and
ankle complex and linked this result with their involve-
ment in athletic activity [5]. When examining figure
skaters, Starosta et al. [3] found a mutual relationship
between the level of proprioceptive sensitivity and ath-
letic achievement, concluding that a higher achieve-
ment level is associated with greater proprioception in
recreating a set range of movement. Other authors have
pointed out the importance of developing sensorimo-
tor perception in beginner swimmers as a base for fur-
ther improvement [6].
The literature demonstrates that proprioceptive ability
is better developed in those parts of the body directly
involved in a given sport. Li and Huang [7] drew similar
conclusions, finding basketball sharpshooters to exhibit
a high level of motion sensitivity in finger and elbow
flexors and a great degree of accuracy in choice reaction
tasks. The results of Starosta [1] and Starosta et al. [3] may
also indicate the particular significance of proprio-
ceptive ability. In these bodies of work, it was found
that the differentiation of movement in canoeists dur-
ing the competitive season is much greater than in the
preceding training season. In addition, a significant
relationship between the level of proprioception, the
results of a motor test, and technique was found [3].
Walaszek and Nosal [8] found that children practicing
acrobatic rock’n’roll were characterized by a higher level
of proprioception than a control group. Analysis of the
relationship between the results of exercise tests and the
precision of applying strength (proprioceptive sensi-
tivity) concluded that research on proprioceptive sen-
sitivity may be useful in monitoring training in nu-
merous sports [2].
Proprioception of movement can be expressed in the
selection, execution, or sensation of the position of in-
Z. Bańkosz, P. Szumielewicz, Proprioceptive ability of fencing and table tennis practioners
dividual body parts (the spatial component), the muscle
strength involved in the movement (the strength com-
ponent), and the speed of the movement (the temporal
component) [9]. According to Starosta [1], developing
proprioceptive ability by initiating, refreshing, and ac-
quiring kinesthetic awareness in the three above-men-
tioned components may increase training effectiveness.
Some authors have emphasized the importance of specific
exercises improving movement imagery and kinesthet-
ic ability (based on creating kinesthetic experience) in
improving and strengthening proprioception [10].
Table tennis and fencing are sports in which success
depends on many interconnected factors, with motor
coordination abilities indicated as the most important.
Borysiuk [11] found that such abilities have a decisive
effect in fencing, especially in the spheres of movement
precision and motor adaptation. Czajkowski [12] also
highlighted the significance of motor coordination in
this sport, emphasizing the special role of time percep-
tion as a tactical option and the ability to take an oppo-
nent by surprise as an integral part of any bout. Similar
conclusions on the significance of motor coordination
were found in the literature on table tennis [13, 14].
However, little research has assessed the level and
significance of proprioceptive ability in both sports,
where the role of such features as sensing (sensing time,
the table tennis ball, or weapon) are very important
[12, 15]. Those few studies in the literature suggest that
proprioceptive ability significantly affects technical skills
and sporting success in table tennis [9, 13, 16]. These
include skills such as selecting the paddle’s position and
angle, the selection and strength intensity of a stroke,
and discerning the ball’s rotation [9, 14]. In fencing,
notions such as the sense of the weapon, distance, and
pace have been analyzed [17]. Other aspects of par-
ticular significance include ‘sensing the steel’, sensing
the position of the upper limb (forearm, arm, hand)
when thrusting or controlling the weapon, directing
thrusts towards the target area, movement precision
when parrying, the speed at which the arm is straight-
ened, and [17]. Due to the fact that the skills related to
effective proprioceptive ability seem important both
in table tennis and fencing, it would be interesting to
determine whether athletes involved in these sports
display a high level of motor skills (measured by known
and available methods). An answer in the affirmative
would emphasize the significance of kinesthetic diver-
sity in both sports and may prompt its inclusion and
development in the training process. An assessment of
the level of proprioceptive ability could also serve in
monitoring training in fencing and table tennis.
Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare pro-
prioceptive ability by recreating the position (spatial
component) of upper limb movements typical in table
tennis and fencing. This would include a search for all
correlative relationships between the above factors. It
was hypothesized that a higher level of this ability in
table tennis and fencing athletes than in untrained in-
dividuals may signify the importance of this factor in
both sports, determine a link between athletic activity
and the level of proprioceptive ability, and also signify
the influence of specific training on how propriocep-
tive ability is shaped.
Material and methods
Research comprised young males at a similar age
level. The sample included 12 table tennis players, 14
fencers, and 15 of their peers as a control. Measures of
age, body height, and body mass of the examined groups
are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Basic descriptive characteristics of the examined
groups for age, body height, and body mass
Body height
Body mass
Table tennis
(n = 12) 13.17 1.03 163.75 3.96 57.75 6.38
(n = 14) 12.64 0.74 158.57 8.11 49.43 7.35
(n = 15) 12.67 0.49 154.8 7.49 47.8 7.97
The fencers were members of a fencing club with
about 3 years’ competitive experience. Competitive expe-
rience in the case of the table tennis players was slightly
longer at about 5 years. The control group comprised
15 boys from a local primary school not involved in
any competitive sport.
Testing was performed with a goniometer to assess
the precision of recreating a set movement range [3, 9].
The testing apparatus consisted of a specially constructed
goniometric appliance to measure forearm pronation
and supination at the elbow joint (Figure 1). It con-
sisted of a stationary main body with a rotating cylin-
der attached to a handle in which the cylinder/handle
rotated on a Teflon bearing. A revolving linear poten-
tiometer fixed at the end of the cylinder recorded the
angle of rotation. An analog-to-digital converter and Lab-
view software ver. 2009 (National Instruments, USA)
were used to digitally record the angular values when
rotating the cylinder/handle.
Figure1. Goniometer and subject positioning
Z. Bańkosz, P. Szumielewicz, Proprioceptive ability of fencing and table tennis practioners
Participants sat on a chair of adjustable height and
held the handle of the appliance in such a way that
the forearm and the upper arm formed a right angle. The
elbow of the arm executing the movement was posi-
tioned touching the body (Figure 1). During the ex-
amination the forearm’s axis coincided with the axis
of movement, while the capitulum of the third meta-
carpal bone coincided with the rotation axis in accor-
dance with the requirements of the measured move-
ment range.
The participants were not allowed to familiarize
themselves with the appliance prior to testing. For the
purpose of the test, participants were blindfolded and
asked to execute a pronation movement with the
dominant limb three times beginning from the start po-
sition of 0 and rotating the handle to an angle of 45°.
Upon reaching the 45° angle a loud ring was automati-
cally sounded. Immediately after completing the third try,
the participants were asked to repeat the same move-
ment five times but this time from memory (blind-
folded with no audio cue) and to stop at the 45° angle.
The above procedure was then repeated with a supina-
tion movement, and then repeated in full for the non-
dominant hand.
The software recorded the maximum range of move-
ment in each direction (pronation/supination) as the angle
was reproduced by the subject. The subject’s starting
position was confirmed before each attempt and ad-
justed by the researcher conducting the test. The time for
repeating the five movements ‘from memory’ could
not exceed 30 s. The extent of proprioceptive differen-
tiation was determined for both the dominant and
non-dominant limbs in the pronation and supination
movements by calculating the precision rate, or the
standard deviation of the recreated angular values, by
the formula:
PR = ,
i = 1
in which PR precision rate, xi – the value of the recreated
angle of pronation or supination in i
th sample,
arithmetic mean of the recreated angles.
Precision rates were calculated for S-D (pronation of
dominant limb), S-D (supination of dominant limb), P-ND
(pronation of non-dominant limb), and S-ND (supina-
tion of non-dominant limb). A smaller precision rate was
treated as an indicator of better proprioceptive ability
(in more accurately recreating the spatial component of
the movement in question). Statistical analysis of the
acquired results was performed with Statistica software
(Statsoft, USA). After basic descriptive statistics were
calculated, between-group comparisons were made with
the Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance and
multiple comparisons of mean ranks for all groups.
The purpose of the experiment was to assess the
precision of recreating a pronation and supination move-
ment of the forearm at the elbow joint by three groups:
table tennis players, fencers, and a control group not
involved in any competitive sports. The table tennis
players acquired the lowest precision rates in recreat-
ing supination with the dominant limb and pronation
with the dominant limb. These values were slightly
higher in the case of the non-dominant limb (Table 2).
It is interesting to note the high or average mean dis-
persion and variation of the results as evidenced by the
standard deviations and interquartile ranges as well as
the relatively average and high values of the coeffi-
cient of variation.
Table 2. Basic descriptive statistics of the precision rates in recreating pronation with the dominant limb (P-D), supination
with the dominant limb (S-D), pronation with the non-dominant limb (P-ND), and supination with the non-dominant limb
(S-ND) movements
Variable (°) Me (°) Min (°) Max (°) IQR (°) SD (°) CV (%)
Table tennis
(n = 12)
P-D 5.44 4.68 1.59 8.75 4.93 2.55 47.00
S-D 5.28 4.02t1.93 14.58 3.35 3.61 68.33
P-ND 5.55 5.78 2.63 9.32 2.70 1.96 35.41
S-ND 7.46 6.95 2.46 16.99 6.28 4.34 58.15
(n = 14)
P-D 4.84 4.60t1.60 8.28 3.45 2.03 42.00
S-D 5.01 4.43*2.84 7.95 2.33 1.71 34.31
P-ND 7.49 6.73 2.72 16.38 5.60 4.04 53.99
S-ND 6.39 5.81 1.38 10.59 2.64 2.61 40.89
(n = 15)
P-D 7.61 7.71 2.51 17.99 4.74 3.99 52.47
S-D 7.44 7.15 2.44 12.61 4.60 3.10 41.75
P-ND 7.18 6.09 1.24 13.97 5.68 3.84 53.43
S-ND 5.86 5.81 2.37 11.35 2.82 2.56 43.65
– mean, Me – median, Min – minimum, Max – maximum, IQR – interquartile range, SD – standard deviation,
CV – coefficient of variation, * – difference from control at p < 0.05, t – difference from control group at p < 0.10
Z. Bańkosz, P. Szumielewicz, Proprioceptive ability of fencing and table tennis practioners
A similar distribution of the results and their values
may be observed in the group of fencers. The arithmetic
means and medians were slightly lower in the tests per-
formed with the dominant limb than the non-domi-
nant one (Table 2). Of interest is that the difference in
performing the pronation movement was quite con-
siderable. Analysis of the dispersion and variation of the
results indicates smaller differentiation than in the
table tennis group.
Analysis of the results in the control group revealed
larger median and mean values in most of the analyzed
movements compared with both groups of athletes
(Tab. 2). Coefficients of variation and standard deviations
in all four analyzed movements were similar and at an
average level, signifying average intragroup differences.
Analysis also included comparing the precision rates
obtained in the tested movements by all of the groups.
As normal distributions were not found in some of the
movements, intergroup differences were assessed us-
ing non-parametric tests. Comparison of the arithmetic
means and medians found similar results between the
table tennis players and fencers in virtually all four of
the tested movements, with no statistical differences
revealed by Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of vari-
ance. Precision rates obtained by the athletes were lower
than the control group in movements performed with
the dominant limb in both pronation and supination
(a sign of better ability). Kruskal–Wallis one-way analy-
sis of variance found a statistically significant difference
(H = 6.20, p = 0.0451) only in supination of the domi-
nant limb (S-D). The post–hoc multiple comparisons
of mean ranks for all groups did not confirm a statisti-
cally significant difference, with p values of 1.00 be-
tween fencers and table tennis players, 0.15 between
fencers and controls, and 0.07 between table tennis
players and controls. No statistically significant differ-
ences between the athletes and the control group were
observed in the tests performed with the non-domi-
nant limb.
This study analyzed the spatial component of pro-
prioceptive ability, which involves sensing and differ-
entiating the position of individual body parts, in this
case, the position of the forearm at the elbow joint
during a pronation and supination movement. The lit-
erature claims that the level of proprioceptive, or kin-
esthetic, sensitivity is the highest in parts of the body
involved in a given sport. This was found to be the case
in basketball players, who displayed greater sensitivity
and a higher level of upper limb proprioception [7].
Arman et al. found that professional ballet dancers dem-
onstrated greater accuracy than a control group in posi-
tioning upper and lower limb joints and hypothesized
this to be the effect of improved proprioceptive response
as a result of dance practice [18]. Other researchers have
also pointed out the significance of proprioceptive sensi-
tivity in soccer as well as the connection between the
level of proprioception and improved technique in karate
[19, 20]. Rejman et al. [21] examined monofin swim-
mers and suggested that the high level of kinesthetic
response in this group was the result of an adaptation
prompted by the specificity of the additional sensory
stimulus received in the form of feedback from the large
surface area of the monofin.
Similar conclusions can be inferred by the results of
the present study, although better movement execution
by the two athlete groups was only observed in the dom-
inant limb when compared with the control group. The
table tennis players and fencers displayed lower mean
and median precision rates than the control group for
the dominant limb in the supination movement, albeit
these differences were not unequivocally statistically
significant as determined by post-hoc testing. This may
suggest a relationship between the practice of sword-
play and table tennis and the level of proprioceptive
ability. The differences in executing these movements
with the dominant limb may result from the specific
character of both sports (hitting a ball with a paddle,
holding and wielding a blade) being performed with
the dominant limb. It is possible that practicing a sport
that involves numerous repetitions of precise arm, fore-
arm, hand, or finger movements may increase the pro-
prioceptive sensitivity of the more frequently used limb,
and may ‘solidify’ or ‘refresh’ kinesthetic sensation [1].
This may account for the better results (especially in the
case of the fencers) in the supination movement. In the
case of the non-dominant limb, the two athlete groups
did not differ from the control group.
In table tennis, supination and pronation movements
are performed to change the angle of the paddle [13].
In fencing, supination and pronation movements at the
elbow joint are characteristic during parrying, espe-
cially in the Quarte (parry 4) and Sixte (parry 6) [17].
The results of the present study may corroborate the
extensive use of these types of parries in training and
competition by the examined fencers, while at the same
time, give rise the use of the research methodology
herein to monitor training progression.
Studies on proprioception have indicated that ath-
letes are characterized by greater proprioceptive dif-
ferentiation than individuals not involved any sports
[2–4, 8, 9]. This difference between a trained and un-
trained population was explained by the specificity of
the practiced sport. However, these differences may in
fact result from the development of proprioceptive ability
during the training process typical of a given sport. In
addition, a higher level of this ability may also result
from the general recruitment and selection criteria of
a given sport, as evidenced by the relationship found
between proprioceptive ability and skill level [1, 3, 22].
In regards to the previously cited works, there are also
reports that have indicated a lack of a clear difference
Z. Bańkosz, P. Szumielewicz, Proprioceptive ability of fencing and table tennis practioners
in reproducing movements between athletes and un-
trained individuals. Jerosh et al. [23] compared female
table tennis players with a control group finding no
differences in the accuracy of reproducing movements
at the elbow joint. The differences in the results of studies
on proprioceptive ability may attest to its large variability
and dependence on numerous factors as well as the use
of different measurement methods assessing its level.
Some researchers have suggested that the components
(strength, spatial, and temporal) of proprioceptive ability
are relatively independent of each other, that no inherent
relationship exists with the age of an athlete, and that
data collected on this ability is highly variable. Instead,
it is believed that the level of each individual component
depends on physical and mental health as well as the
level of motivation [24, 25].
1. The results point to a higher level of propriocep-
tive differentiation in fencers and table tennis players
than in the control group although only for movements
executed by the dominant limb. This may be the result
of the specific character of both sports, i.e. the intensive
use of one limb, and may therefore provide a link be-
tween swordplay, table tennis and proprioceptive ability.
Although not unequivocally statistically significant, the
results indicate the potential for further research in this
2. The fencers and the table tennis players executed
the task of forearm supination (by the dominant limb)
better than the control group and is believed to origi-
nate from the use of this movement in both sports. It
can be considered that the research methodology used
herein may serve in monitoring training progress in
these sports.
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Paper recived by the Editiors: April 3, 2014
Paper accepted for publication: June 23, 2014
Correspondence address
Ziemowit Bańkosz
Katedra Dydaktyki sportu
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego
al. I.J. Paderewskiego 35
51-612 Wrocław, Poland
... (Weineck, 2005;León, Calero, & Chávez, 2016;Cañizares & Carbonero, 2016;Loffing, Hagemann, Strauss, & MacMahon, 2016;Porac, 2015) La Lateralidad desempeña un papel importante en el Tenis de Mesa para lo cual se establecen controles del rendimiento que incluyen dicho indicador (Pradas, Floría, González-Jurado, Carrasco, & Bataller, 2012;Hernández, Vaíllo, Luis, Arroyo, & Solana, 2003;Hung, Spalding, Maria, & Hatfield, 2004) ya que incide de manera determinante en la motricidad y en el rendimiento de los atletas, mediante la adecuada coordinación óculo-manual (ojo dominante-mano dominante) y la óculo-podal (ojo dominante-pie dominante), así como también las lateralidades en relación al hombro o cintura (importantes por la preferencia para el lado del giro), y las que se refieren a la pierna dinámica (hábil) y la pierna de fuerza (de apoyo en la mayoría de los casos). (Carrasco, y otros, 2010;Loffing, Sölter, & Hagemann, 2014;Bańkosz & Szumielewicz, 2014;Domínguez, 2010) Aunque se han realizado investigaciones de lateralidad en el ámbito deportivo que permiten determinar el lado de la mano dominante para distinguir diestros y zurdos y hasta para la selección de talentos (Madrigal & Córdova, 2017;Loffing, Sölter, & Hagemann, 2014;Grouios, 2004;Puterman, Baker, & Schorer, 2010;Tirp, Baker, Weigelt, & Schorer, 2014) son escasos los estudios de lateralidad que relacionan la mano predominante, con los ojos, los hombros, la cadera y los pies, los que logran brindar una información relevante para entrenar atletas de alto rendimiento particularmente en el Tenis de Mesa. ...
... Los autores coinciden con numerosas obras de la importancia que reviste la lateralidad en la selección de talentos en diversas modalidades deportivas (Carrasco, y otros, 2010;Loffing, Sölter, & Hagemann, 2014;Bańkosz & Szumielewicz, 2014;Domínguez, 2010;Madrigal & Córdova, 2017;Loffing, Sölter, & Hagemann, 2014;Grouios, 2004;Puterman, Baker, & Schorer, 2010;Tirp, Baker, Weigelt, & Schorer, 2014) incluyendo el tenis de mesa que incluye diversas pruebas de valoración del rendimiento deportivo que incluye directa e indirectamente los indicadores de lateralidad (Pradas, Floría, González-Jurado, Carrasco, & Bataller, 2012;Hernández, Vaíllo, Luis, Arroyo, & Solana, 2003;Hung, Spalding, Maria, & Hatfield, 2004), dado que las preferencia motrices pueden generar algunas ventajas en los condicionantes técnico-tácticos que influyen el éxito deportivo. ...
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Introduction: Laterality in table tennis plays a decisive role in motor skills and sports performance. Objective: To determine the predominant type of laterality in the athletes of the national team of Table Tennis of Cuba. Methods: 8 athletes of the National Table Tennis Team of Cuba were studied, to which a total of 6 tests were applied, which were selected from the exhaustive analysis of the article Importance of laterality in sports, written by Dr. Paul Dorochenco and polls were also applied to the coaches and an interview to the National Commissioner of this Sport. Results: The predominant type of lateralities in the athletes of the National Table Tennis Team of Cuba was six Homogeneous athletes and two Crusaders, with their respective technical corrections. Conclusions: The laterality test can contribute as an indicator of talent selection.
... Испитивање спацијалне компоненте проприоцептивне способности код стонотенисера и мачеваоца је указало на предности ових спортиста у односу на контролну групу, коју су чинили вршњаци који не партиципирају у такмичарском спорту (Bańkosz & Szumielewicz, 2014) . Ове предности су биле значајне, али само код испитивања доминантне руке, што указује на деловање тренажног фактора, па се препоручује коришћење примењене методологије у праћењу тренажних ефеката у овим спортовима . ...
The study, aiming to determine the dominant hand influence on technical and tactical activity and efficiency of top table tennis players, analyzed the 846 sets played by 77 players, participants in the final of the Olympic tournament, during the 77 duels. Each observation has been described trough a 28 variables set. The results were submitted to descriptive, inferential and multivariate statistical analysis. In the basic player sample 28 57% were left-handed players, which was an essential aberration from the representation of left-handed people in the general population. By the Mann-Whitney test was determined significant difference between left-handed and right-handed players in 10 variables. Binary logistic regression analysis extracted a set of 9 variables that were significantly differ the left-handed from right-handed players. The obtained regression model was highly significant (Hosmer-Lemeshaw p =.8451; AUROC p <.00001; sensitivity of 62.18%, specificity 89.25%) and correctly classified 69.03% of the analyzed observations. Discriminant analysis (Mahalanobis distance to centroid p <.00001) pointed to 8 variables with significant contribution to the canonical dimension that maximized the distance between the observed groups. It was concluded that the influence of the dominant hand in a top table tennis players game is significant and in favor of left-handed players, what one should pay attention to in the selection and training process.
... Испитивање спацијалне компоненте проприоцептивне способности код стонотенисера и мачеваоца је указало на предности ових спортиста у односу на контролну групу, коју су чинили вршњаци који не партиципирају у такмичарском спорту (Bańkosz & Szumielewicz, 2014) . Ове предности су биле значајне, али само код испитивања доминантне руке, што указује на деловање тренажног фактора, па се препоручује коришћење примењене методологије у праћењу тренажних ефеката у овим спортовима . ...
... The level of proprioceptive (or kinesthetic) sensitivity is highest in the body parts involved in a given sport and higher in athletes compared with untrained people. For example, table tennis players can more accurately reproduce range of movement and pressure force (1,2). Furthermore, Han et al. (15) argue that ankle proprioception scores (an active movement extent discrimination test) have a positive relationship with competition level in soccer. ...
Jumping and proprioception are important abilities in many sports. The efficiency of the proprioceptive system is indirectly related to jumps performed at specified heights. Therefore, this study recorded the ability of young athletes who play team sports to jump to a specific height compared with their maximum ability. A total of 154 male (age: 14.8 ± 0.9 years, body height: 181.8 ± 8.9 cm, body weight: 69.8 ± 11.8 kg, training experience: 3.8 ± 1.7 years) and 151 female (age: 14.1 ± 0.8 years, body height: 170.5 ± 6.5 cm, body weight: 60.3 ± 9.4 kg, training experience: 3.7 ± 1.4 years) team games players were recruited for this study. Each participant performed 2 countermovement jumps with arm swing to 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the maximum height. Measurements were performed using a force plate. Jump height and its accuracy with respect to a specified height were calculated. The results revealed no significant differences in jump height and its accuracy to the specified heights between the groups (stratified by age, sex, and sport). Individuals with a higher jumping accuracy also exhibited greater maximum jump heights. Jumps to 25% of the maximum height were approximately 2 times higher than the target height. The decreased jump accuracy to a specific height when attempting to jump to lower heights should be reduced with training, particularly among athletes who play team sports. These findings provide useful information regarding the proprioceptive system for team sport coaches and may shape guidelines for training routines by working with submaximal loads.
... Research on kinesthetic differentiation conducted on table tennis players and fencers showed a large diversification of the results in those two groups. The difference was, however, smaller than one observed in non-training individuals [17]. Kinesthetic differentiation and sensibility are both significant in such sports as table tennis [18,19]. ...
Kinesthetic differentiation is frequently reflected in table tennis skills such as making an appropriate racket angle, adjustment of force and speed of arm movement upon hitting the ball, quick assessment of the arm position in reference to the ball, and making decisions about appropriate adjustments or changes. The level of kinesthetic differentiation of table tennis players should be fairly high. Aim of Study: The aim of this research was to assess and compare the accuracy of hand pressure force and range of supination - pronation reproduction in female table tennis players representing different sports levels, and in girls who did not practice table tennis. Material and Methods: The research was conducted on 32 female subjects: a group of table tennis players (n = 20) and a control group (n = 12). The subjects took part in six tasks aiming to demonstrate their levels of kinesthetic differentiation. Four of the tests enabled the assessment of accuracy of recreating pronation and supination of the forearm at the elbow joint. Two other tasks evaluated the force components and assessed the precision of recreating hand pressure force. Results: The precision indices for pronation performed with the dominant limb attained by the table tennis players were the lowest (i.e. the best) for those representing the highest sport level. The results of tasks designed to evaluate the ability of kinesthetic differentiation were slightly better for the table tennis players than for the control group. Conclusions: A statistically significant difference was observed only in supination of the dominant limb. This task may be specific to table tennis since the greater precision in the range of the dominant limb results from the use of the dominant arm in the game. The best results in supination of the dominant limb were obtained by the most advanced group of players with the longest training experience, which may indicate a correlation between kinesthetic differentiation and sports level in table tennis.
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Kinesthetic differentiation ability in table tennis is probably most reflected by abilities connected with playing precision such as control of ball rotation, modulation of force, speed and direction of shots, and choosing the optimal racquet angle. The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in the level of kinesthetic differentiation ability in table tennis players. The study sample consisted of 19 young table tennis players. Kinesthetic differentiation ability was evaluated with the use of goniometric tests (measurement of task movement range), performed twice during the year. The performance of the majority of tasks showed that the precision of reproduction improved in young male table tennis players, which may point to the significance of this ability in this sport. Progress in some tasks is probably attributed to those task movement tests which are more specific to table tennis (movement range and direction).
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Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between two groups of table tennis players (differing by their level of play) in terms of the kinesthetic differentiation ability of their so-called spatial component. Methods The study was conducted using a goniometer which assessed the accuracy of performing an arm movement, specifically, the pronation and supination of the forearm at the elbow. The study analyzed the accuracy rate of performing this movement, where a smaller value indicated a higher level of kinesthetic differentiation ability. Results In all four tasks, the more advanced (skill-wise) group of players obtained lower arithmetic mean and median values of accuracy than the group that played at a lower skill set. This may suggest the importance of the tested variable as an important component of table tennis. However, the tested groups did not significantly differ from each other in the accuracy of performing the studied movement. Nonetheless, the variability of the accuracy rate of the lower skill level group was considerably larger than the more advanced and skilled group. Conclusions It can be assumed that the more advanced group is more homogeneous in terms of accuracy production. This could be the result of specific training exercises.
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Purpose The aim of this study was to compare the ability of monofin swimmers in reproducing the bending forces that act on a monofin's surface through the specific leg movement present in swimming as well as the forces that the swimmers generated on a kinesthesiometer as part of a dry-land simulation trial. Methods Six men, members of the National Monofin Swimming Team, took part in the study. The level of the swimmers' kinesthetic response was defined by examining their repeatability in producing the bend forces that act on a monofin's surface as a reaction to water resistance and by investigation on the pressure force generated by a swimmer's lower limbs during dry-land tests on a kinesthesiometer. Results and conclusions It was established that a high level of kinesthetic response, estimated in the group of monofin swimmers, was the result of an adaptation evoked from the specificity of their sensory stimulus perception, received in the form of feedback from the monofin's large surface area.
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We examined whether participants’ imagery ability may contribute to lower limb position sense improvement during a kinesthetic motor imagery practice. Participants were divided into three groups (VI+KI+, VI-KI-, VI+KI-) as a function of their visual (V) and kinesthetic (K) Movement Imagery Questionnaire scores. The sign “+” indicated good imagery ability, while the sign “-” indicated poor imagery ability for each modality. Position sense accuracy was evaluated by means of a knee joint position reproduction task performed without vision before (pre-test) and after (post-tests after 10 min and 48 h) kinesthetic motor imagery practice. The results showed that high kinesthetic motor imagery abilities (VI+KI+) promoted better and more long-term performance improvement than poor kinesthetic motor imagery abilities (VI-KI-, VI+KI-). Discussion focuses on the necessity to take into account the participants’ visual and kinesthetic imagery abilities to favor the development of sensory-specific movement representation following motor imagery.
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Purpose. In most circumstances it is possible to provide the precise estimation of force and weight by means of kinesthetic differentiation. In some conditions, like physical effort or fatigue, kinesthetic differentiation can become reduced. The kinesthetic differentiation capacity can be expressed as repeatability of muscular contraction force or movement. The present study investigates the direction of changes in kinesthetic differentiation of used force by both arms during elbow flexion and extension before and after exercise. Basic procedures. The study sample consisted of 23 cyclists (mean ± SD) aged 18.1 ± 1.8 years, 17 rowers aged 18.1 ± 1.8 years, and a control group consisting of 32 subjects aged 21.3 ± 1.3 years. All subjects performed a progressive exercise test. Kinesthetic differentiation was measured as the repeatability of used force during elbow flexion and extension. Main findings. The obtained results confirm that kinesthetic differentiation in both arms after exercise improved by means of elbow extension. Further research can contribute to the development of ways of control of adaptation changes in the central nervous system and the locomotor system on a general level, since the studies so far have described either local changes, e.g. EMG, or provided specific data related to typical patterns of activity in a given sport. Conclusions. The proposed method allows identification of effects of intense exercise on the kinesthetic differentiation capacity on a more general level.
In elite female table tennis players the proprioceptive capabilities of the elbow joint were evaluated by an angle reproduction test. The results were compared to a control group. There were no differences between the dominant versus the nondominant extremity in the control group nor in the table tennis players. Without visual control the angle reproduction capability was significant worse compared to the test situation with visual control. The 30° and 60° flexion position was generally overestimated. This was not the case for the 90° position. Neither the absolute angle deviation values nor the real angle deviation values showed significant differences between the two groups.
Background: The purpose of the research was to assess the level of overall motor coordination in children practising sport dance - namely, acrobatic rock'n'roll - against the background of their peers who did not dance. The evaluation also included the lateral differentiation of overall motor coordination and skills of kinaesthetic movement differentiation.
The work presents detailed analysis of somatic, psychomotor, special and psychologic parameters of fencers during initial, directed and master stage of the training. Using specific statistical methods (factor and regressive analyses -Hellwig's model) agents determinig the sport fitness were identified (n=65). Averages of height and body mass as well the slender index according to Roeher were calculated basing on age and registered somatic features. Following tests were performed as considering the special fitness predisposition: fencing endurance, precision of weapon movement, speed and special coordination, motorial adaptation and motions frequency capacity (Zuchory's test). As regards the psychomotor abilities the visual-motion coordination test (cross apparatus) and simple and complex computer speed trials with mistakes recording were done. The whole procedure was enriched with the psychological examination through temperamental features measurement -Strelau Temperament Inventory (STI) and personality dimensions -Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). The factors analysis was conducted as considering the specific fencing ability. It allowed the evaluation of the fencing abilities factors internal structure. As the most predictive and statistically significant following variables were found: fencing endurance, movements precision and motorial adaptation. Research confirmed the special preparation importance and the role of psychomotor indices, especially the visual-motion coordination and concentration in tests examining the variety of reactions. Contemporary fencers turned to be athletes with strong nervous system what was proved by the temperament and personality tests. Final conclusions of this research focus on the application thoughts, mostly in a sphere of diagnostics and training methods which would take into account the whole exploratory procedure. Comparative analyses of 3 examined groups showed that during the initial stage of training the physical fitness of fencers plays an important role while during the directed and master phase of practice the technical abilities development and psychomotor parameters grow more important.
This study examined the proprioception of the foot and ankle complex in regular ice hockey practitioners, runners, and ballet dancers. A total of 45 young people with different exercise habits formed four groups: the ice hockey, ballet dancing, running, and sedentary groups. Kinesthesia of the foot and ankle complex was measured in plantarflexion (PF), dorsiflexion (DF), inversion (IV), and eversion (EV) at 0.4 degrees /s using a custom-made device. The results showed the following: (1) significantly better perceived passive motion sense in PF/DF was found as compared with the measurements in IV/EV within each group (P < .01); (2) ice hockey and ballet groups perceived significantly better passive motion sense in IV/EV than the running (P < .05) and the sedentary (P < .01) groups; and (3) no significant difference in the all measurements was found between running and sedentary groups. The benefits of ice hockey and ballet dancing on proprioception may be associated with their movement characteristics.
The role of proprioception as a protective mechanism has gained interest in recent years. From the clinical standpoint, several studies have dealt with ways to enhance proprioception following surgery and during rehabilitation. If kinesthesia (ability to detect passive motion) can be enhanced as a consequence of long-term athletic training, such training must be included as a part of the rehabilitation process to protect the patient from reinjury. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to compare the kinesthetic knee pattern between trained gymnasts and healthy nongymnasts. The proprioception testing device (PTD) was used to evaluate knee kinesthesia. From 45° of flexion, the knee was passively extended with the PTD. The device was stopped by the subject when this passive motion was detected. Fifteen healthy college-age female gymnasts (mean age 19.3 years) and 30 normal volunteers (mean age 20.7 years) comprised our study sample. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the mean values of the dominant gymnastic knee to the dominant knee in the control group. Results revealed statistically significant mean differences between the trained gymnastic group and the untrained control group (F 1.34 (.95)=7.17.P=0.011). The results of this study suggest that extensive training has a positive influence on knee kinesthesia in addition to increasing muscle tone. According to the findings of this and other studies, highly trained athletes possess enhanced neurosensory pathways which are speculated to develop as a result of long-term athletic training. Although definite conclusions cannot be made from our investigation, prospective studies can determine the true role of athletic training in proprioceptive patterns.