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Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 2014, 3, 84-87
Published Online July 2014 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/abcr
How to cite this paper: Hansra, D.M., Silva, O., Mehta, A. and Ahn, E. (2014) Patient with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Achieves Stable Disease for 5 Years on Graviola and Xeloda after Progressing on Multiple Lines of Therapy. Advances in
Breast Cancer Research, 3, 84-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/abcr.2014.33012
Patient with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Achieves Stable Disease for 5 Years on
Graviola and Xeloda after Progressing on
Multiple Lines of Therapy
Damien Mikael Hansra, Orlando Silva, Ashwin Mehta, Eugene Ahn
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami,
Miami, USA
Email: dmhansra@med.miami.edu
Received 8 March 2014; revised 6 April 2014; accepted 5 May 2014
Copyright © 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women and is second to lung cancer in
terms of cancer mortality. Treatment of BC remains a challenge as current therapies are limited by
toxicity and drug resistance. Graviola (Annona muricata) is a tree that grows in the tropics of
North and South America. Traditionally, the leaves and stems from the graviola tree have been
used for a wide range of human diseases including cancer. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate
anticancer activity in BC however clinical studies are lacking. We present the first case demon-
strating clinical benefit without side effects using graviola in a patient with BC whose disease was
refractory to multiple lines of chemotherapy including anthracyclines and taxanes.
Breast Cancer, Graviola, Therapy
1. Introduction
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women and treatment of BC remains challenge as current
therapies are limited secondary to toxicity and drug resistance. New integrative treatment strategies should be
explored. Graviola (Annona muricata) is an Amazon fruit tree that grows in the tropics of North and South
America and has been used for a wide range of human diseases including inflammatory conditions, rheumatism,
neuralgia, diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, cystitis, parasitic infections, and cancer. Despite graviola being used
D. M. Hansra et al.
for centuries, research on its health benefits has been extremely limited. To date there are no published reports
on outcomes using graviola in cancer patients.
2. Methods
A retrospective chart review of one patient diagnosed with BC from 1999-2012. Detailed clinical history was
obtained including age at diagnosis, stage at diagnosis, therapy (chemotherapy, hormone, graviola) and response
to therapy. Review of laboratory data was performed including liver function testing and tumor markers. Finally
imaging with FDG PET CT was reviewed from diagnosis to end of study.
3. Results
A 66-year-old female diagnosed with estrogen and progesterone receptor positive human epidermal growth fac-
tor receptor negative pT2N1M0 stage IIb of the left breast cancer diagnosed in 1998 status post lumpectomy,
adjuvant anthracycline & taxane based chemotherapy followed by breast radiation completed in 1999. She sub-
sequently presented with biopsy proven lung metastasis in 2002. She was started on hormonal therapy and pro-
gressed on Femara, Tamoxifen, and Faslodex. Chemotherapy with Navelbine was initiated from March 2005
until February 2006, Abraxane, Avastin, Gemcitabine (AAG) from Feburary 2006 to May 2007, Doxil from
May 2007 to September 2007. Unfortunately the patient was found to have new liver metastases and she was
started on Xeloda 2500 mg PO daily (2 weeks on 1 week off) at that time. The patient also started using graviola
10 - 12 dry leaves boiled in water for 5 - 7 minutes, 8 oz. PO daily at that time. Tumor markers at time of initia-
tion of graviola and Xeloda were CEA 12.5 ng/ml (0.0 - 3.4 ng/mL), CA 15-3 1249.0 U/ml (0.0 - 25.0 U/mL),
CA 27-29 1295 U/ml (<38 U/mL). Tumor markers in April 2008 were: CEA 5.9 ng/ml, CA 15-3 68.6 U/ml, CA
27-29 113 U/ml. Patient moved to Alaska and continued her regimen, then returned in December 2011 and au-
tonomously discontinued graviola at that time. Labs in March 2012 showed AST 75 U/L (15 - 46 U/L) ALT 84
U/L (9 - 52 U/L), CEA 4.3 ng/ml, CA 15-3 25.7 U/ml, CA 27.29 35 U/ml. Also, PET-CT at that time demon-
strated worsening left upper lung disease. Graviola was re-initiated at this point and labs in November 2012
showed AST 43 U/L, ALT 50 U/L, CEA 2.9, CA 27-29 32 U/ml, CA 15-3 20.7 U/ml. Re-imaging with PET/CT
in November 2012 showed stable disease. So far, patient has had stable disease and experienced no side effects
from therapy for over 5 years.
4. Discussion
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women and is second to lung cancer in terms of cancer
mortality. An estimated 234,580 Americans will be diagnosed with BC and 40,030 will die of the disease in the
United States in 2013 [1]. Treatment of BC remains a challenge as current therapies are limited secondary to
toxicity and drug resistance and alternative treatment strategies should be explored. Furthermore the incidence
of breast cancer has been steadily increasing over the past few decades [2] necessitating development of greater
preventative strategies. It is well established that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated
with a reduced risk of most cancers [3]. The beneficial effect is partly due to the fact that fruits and vegetables
contain antioxidants, fiber, and other potentially antineoplastic compounds. For this reason, natural products
have been investigated as potential anticancer agents with the most attractive feature of these agents being li-
mited side effect profiles as compared to conventional chemotherapeutic drugs. Specific bioactive compounds in
foods, notably sulfur-containing gluconsinolates and green tea polyphenols are associated with reduced risk of
BC risk [4] [5]. Graviola (Annonaceous muricata L.) is an Amazon fruit tree that grows in the tropics of North
and South America and is also known as soursop and guanabana. Traditionally, the leaves and stems from the
graviola tree have been used for a wide range of human diseases including inflammatory conditions, rheumatism,
neuralgia, diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, cystitis, parasitic infections, and cancer [6] [7]. Graviola has been
widely consumed by indigenous people for centuries however research on its health benefits are extremely li-
mited. To date there are no published reports on outcomes using graviola in cancer patients. We present the first
case demonstrating clinical benefit using graviola in a patient with BC. Arguably, the patient was taking single
agent chemotherapy however the median progression free survival on single agent Xeloda in the metastatic set-
ting is only a few months [8]. Also, the patient’s liver function tests were elevated off graviola in the absence of
other non-metastatic causes of hepatic injury and then normalized once graviola was resumed. This further sup-
D. M. Hansra et al.
ports the notion that graviola stabilized our patient’s disease. The exact mechanism of graviola in cancer cells is
under investigation. Annonaceous acetogenins, the major bioactive components in graviola, are derivatives of
long chain fatty acids that are selectively toxic to cancer cells, including multidrug resistant cancer cell lines
[9]-[13] [14]. One study found that graviola inhibited tumorgenicity and metastasis in pancreatic cancer cells in
vitro and in vivo by inhibiting multiple signaling pathways that regulate metabolism, cell cycle, survival, and
metastatic properties in pancreatic cells [15]. Another study demonstrated that graviola induced growth inhibi-
tion of human breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo through a mechanism involving the EGFR/ERK signaling
pathway [16]. In terms of toxicity, graviola may cause movement disorders and myeloneuropathy with symp-
toms mimicking Parkinson’s disease [17]. Our patient did not suffer any significant side effects. Further clinical
research is required to determine the efficacy, effective dose, potential drug interactions and toxicity so this
plant-derived extract could potentially gain approval for usage in breast cancer patients.
[1] American Cancer Society (2012) Cancer Facts and Figures 2012. Atlanta GACS.
[2] Siegel, R., Ward, E., Brawley, O. and Jemal, A. (2011) Cancer Statistics 2011: The Impact of Eliminating Socioeco-
nomic and Racial Disparities on Premature Cancer Deaths. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 61, 212-236.
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tection of Sporadic Pancreatic Cancer. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), 1815, 44-64
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[9] Oberlies, N.H., Jones, J.L., Corbett, T.H., Fotopoulos, S.S. and McLaughlin, J.L. (1995) Tumor Cell Growth Inhibition
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[15] Torres, M.P., et al. (2012) Graviola: A Novel Promising Natural Derived Drug That Inhibits Tumorgenicity and Me-
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sion. Nutrition and Cancer, 63, 795-801. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01635581.2011.563027
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