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With over 3000 species, Colombian orchid flora represents one of the richest in the World. The neotropical subtribe Pleurothallidinae is the most diverse, but it is still a poorly recognized Orchidaceae group and numerous new discoveries within national representatives are described every year. An examination of material collected recently in the Colombian department of Putumayo revealed the existence of a new species of Myoxanthus, named M. ortizianus, which is described, illustrated and placed within an identification key for national species of the nominal section of the subgenus Myoxanthus.
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©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
Myoxanthus ortizianus (Orchidaceae), a new species
from southern Colombia
Marta Kolanowska* & Dariusz L. Szlachetko
Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation, The University of Gdańsk, Wita Stwosza 59, 80-308 Gdańsk, Poland
* corresponding author (e-mail:
Abstract: With over 3000 species, Colombian orchid ora represents one of the richest in the World. The neotropical subtribe
Pleurothallidinae is the most diverse, but it is still a poorly recognized Orchidaceae group and numerous new discoveries within
national representatives are described every year. An examination of material collected recently in the Colombian department
of Putumayo revealed the existence of a new species of Myoxanthus, named M. ortizianus, which is described, illustrated and
placed within an identication key for national species of the nominal section of the subgenus Myoxanthus.
Key words: Colombia, Myoxanthus, new species, Pleurothallidinae, Putumayo, taxonomy, Valle de Sibundoy
DOI 10.2478/biorc-2014-0025 Submitted 18.12.2013, Accepted 29.12.2014
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 36: 7-10, 2014
1. Introduction
The genus Myoxanthus was proposed by Poeppig
& Endlicher (1835) to identify a newly collected spe-
cies characterized by a well-developed ramicaul with
a fascicle of single owers arising simultaneously at
its apex and distinguished by basally connate lateral
sepals, an oblong-ligulate lip and an apically irregular
gynostemium with a pair of teeth in the apical part and
a concave column-foot. The new genus was synony-
mized with Pleurothallis by Lindley only a year later
(Lindley 1836) and, in 1859, the same author placed all
known Myoxanthus species in the section Aggregatae
of Pleurothallis (Lindley 1859). At this time, just a few
species of the genus had been recognized and over the
next 120 years it enlarged to almost 40 taxa. In 1982,
Myoxanthus was re-established (Luer 1982), supported
by vegetative anatomy (Pridgeon 1982; Pridgeon & Stern
In 1992, Luer divided the genus into three subgenera
based on an inorescence arrangement and the structu-
re of the sheaths enclosing the ramicaul. The same
author established additional three sections within the
largest subgenus Myoxanthus. The molecular studies
of Pridgeon et al. (2001), together with the results of
detailed studies on the leaf anatomy resulted in the
unication of the subgenera Satyria and Silenia into
a new genus Echinella Pridgeon & M. W. Chase.
As currently recognized, Myoxanthus includes
plants distinguished by the presence of coralloid raph-
ide clusters in the foliar epidermis, scruffy sheaths
and few-owered inorescence arising from near the
ramicaul apex. The sepals are usually pubescent, the
petals are often thickened towards the apex and the thick
lip is hinged on the column-foot. The gynostemium is
variously toothed or winged apically and the anther cap
is cellular-glandular (Luer 1992; Pridgeon et al. 2001).
The geographical range of the genus is restricted
to the Neotropics, from Mexico to southern Brazil. In
Colombian ora, 14 species have been registered thus
far. Most of them occur above 1000 m a.s.l. Only three
species, Myoxanthus afnis (Lindl.) Luer, M. mono-
phyllus Poepp. & Endl and M. trachychlamys (Schltr.)
Luer, were reported from the warm lowland regions of
the country (Ortiz Valdivieso & Uribe Vélez 2007).
During the course of the study on the Colombian
orchids, a distinctive species of the section Myoxanthus
subgenus Myoxanthus was found and it is described here
as new.
2. Material and methods
The comparative research was conducted in the
herbaria COL, HPUJ, K, MEDEL, UGDA and W. Dried
Myoxanthus specimens as well as owers preserved
in liquid were examined according to the standard
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procedures. The photographs provided on the herbarium
sheets were carefully studied. First, the shape and size of
the leaf blade was studied. The oral segments as well
as the form of ovary and oral bracts were examined
after softening owers in boiling water. Comparison of
the studied material with the designated type specimens
and protologues assured the correctness of identica-
tions. The eld studies have been conducted during
expeditions to Colombian department of Putumayo in
2012 and 2013.
3. Description and taxonomic notes
Myoxanthus ortizianus Kolan. & Szlach., sp. nov.
(Figs. 1-2)
Species similar in ower morphology to Myoxanthus
priapus Luer, distinguished by the presence of the
scruffy sheaths of the ramicaul, the long pedicels and
ovaries, the simultaneously produced flowers with
oblong-ovate lip and the obliquely ovate lateral sepals.
Type: COLOMBIA, Putumayo. Valle del Sibundoy.
Vereda San José del Chunga. Alt. ca 2200 m. 19 Jan
2007. Flowered in cultivation Mar 2007. ex cult. R.
Medina T. 466 (holotype: HPUJ!, MEDEL photos,
UGDA! – drawing).
Etymology. Dedicated to Pedro Ortiz Valdivieso
(1926-2012), an eminent Colombian orchidologist.
Description: Epiphytic, caespitose plants. Roots
liform. Ramicaul stout, erect, up to 45 cm long, en-
closed by a few tubular sheaths 4.5-5 cm long, basal
Fig. 1. Myoxanthus ortizianus – habitat and dissected ower
Explanations: A – habit, ramicaul and leaf apex details, scale bar = 10 cm; B – dorsal sepal; C – petal; D – lateral sepals; E – lip; F – lip, gynostemium and
petal, scale bars = 5 mm. Drawn from the holotype
Myoxanthus ortizianus (Orchidaceae), a new species from southern Colombia
Marta Kolanowska & Dariusz L. Szlachetko
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part sparsely covered with black hairs. Leaf erect, co-
riaceous, blade 15-20 cm long, about 2 cm wide, linear-
lanceolate, acute, base subpetiolate. Inorescence a
fascicle of 2-5 owers; enclosed by thin sheaths 15 mm
long. Flowers produced simultaneously, brownish-red,
petals yellow with reddish veins, lip maroon, all sepals
densely pubescent externally, lateral sepals pubescent
also on the inner margins. Floral bracts 7-9 mm long.
Ovary ca 6 mm long, arched, pubescent, pedicel up to
1.5 cm long, glabrous. Dorsal sepal 11 mm long, 5 mm
wide, concave, narrowly ovate, subobtuse, 5-veined.
Lateral sepals 8 mm long, 5 mm wide, obliquely ovate,
acute, connate for 3 mm, 3-veined. Petals 6 mm long,
4.4 mm wide, ovate, abruptly contracted into an ob-
tuse tails 5 mm long, 3-veined. Lip 3.2 mm long, 1.8
mm wide, minutely clawed, oblong-ovate, thick, base
subtruncate, hinged on the column-foot; basal part with
rounded sides, the apical part oblong, obtuse; almost
the whole disc covered with a thick, verrucose callus.
Gynostemium about 3.5 mm long, alate, with a concave
column-foot 3 mm long.
Distribution, habitat and ecology: Thus far, it is
known only from the Colombian Andes, the Sibundoy
valley in the Department of Putumayo, where it was
found growing epiphytically in the very humid montane
forest, at about 2200 m of elevation. In its natural habitat
it owers in January.
Taxon o m i c note s : Based on the caespitose habit
of the new species, the scruffy sheaths of the ramicaul
and owers produced laterally, simultaneously from
near the apex of the ramicaul, this species belongs to
the nominal section of the subgenus Myoxanthus. The
owers of M. ortizianus slightly resemble those of M.
ceratothallis (Rchb. f.) Luer, which is widely distributed
through South America, as well as M. priapus Luer,
which is known from Ecuador and Peru. Both of these
species belong to the section Antenella. M. ortizianus is
easily separable from these species by the oblong-ovate
lip, with its lower part characterized by the presence of
erect, rounded sides, and with an oblong, obtuse apical
part. The new species also differs from M. ceratothal-
lis in terms of the absence of a pair of teeth near the
middle of the petals and on the gynostemium, as well
as by virtue of the obliquely ovate lateral sepals (vs
lateral semi-orbicular sepals). The new species may be
easily distinguished from M. priapus by its much longer
pedicels (up to 15 vs 2 mm) and ovaries (6 vs 1.5 mm
long) as well as by its short connate sepals.
Conservation status: According to the IUCN red
list criteria (IUCN 2011), this new species should be
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 36: 7-10, 2014
Fig. 2. Myoxanthus ortizianus – inorescence and ower details
Explanations: A – inorescence, B – ower closeup, C – ower (side view), D – lip closeup. Photos by R. Medina
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classied as critically endangered (CR B2ab (III)),
based on the low number of known populations and its
restricted area of distribution.
Key to the species of Myoxanthus subgen. Myoxan-
thus, sect. Myoxanthus in Colombia (Luer 1992,
1. Floral bracts inated, enclosing the base of the sepals
.................................. M. monophyllus Poepp. & Endl.
1* Floral bracts not enclosing the base of the sepals ... 2
2. Sepals more than 3.5 mm wide .............................. 3
2* Sepals less than 3.5 mm wide ............................... 4
3. Petals ovate in the lower half, apically narrowed and
thickened .............................. M. speciosus (Luer) Luer
3* Petals ovate, abruptly contracted into an obtuse tails
..................................... M. ortizianus Kolan. & Szlach.
4. Lip apex narrowly rounded, gynostemium with a pair
of apical teeth .......................... M. afnis (Lindl.) Luer
4* Lip apex dilated, gynostemium without a pair of
apical teeth ..................... M. exasperatus (Lindl.) Luer
Acknowledgements. We would like to express our gratitude
to Ramiro Medina T. for his cooperation in the eld studies on
orchids of Putumayo and providing photos of the new species.
Myoxanthus ortizianus (Orchidaceae), a new species from southern Colombia
Marta Kolanowska & Dariusz L. Szlachetko
iucN. 2011. IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee.
Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories
and Criteria. Version 9.0. Prepared by the Standards
and Petitions Subcommittee.
LiNdLey j. 1836. Notes upon some genera and species of
American Orchidaceae. Companion Bot. Mag. 2:
LiNdLey j. 1859. Folia Orchidacea, an enumeration of the
known species of Orchids, Pleurothallis, part 2. J.
Matthews, London.
Luer c. a. 1982. A reconsideration of the genus Myoxanthus.
Selbyana 7(1): 34-54.
Luer c. a. 1992. Icones Pleurothallidinarum IX. Systematic
of Myoxanthus. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Mo. Bot. Gard.
44: 1-111.
ortiZ VaLdiVieso P. & uriBe VéLeZ c. 2007. Galería de
Orquídeas de Colombia (CD edition). Asociación
Bogotana de Orquideología, Bogotá.
PoePPig e. F. & eNdLicher s. L. 1835. Nova Genera ac Spe-Nova Genera ac Spe-
cies Plantarum quas in Regno Chilensi Peruviano et
in Terra Amazonica, Annis 1827 ad 1832. Hofmeister,
PridgeoN a. M. 1982. Diagnostic anatomical characters in the
Pleurothallidinae. Am. J. Bot. 69: 921-938.
PridgeoN a. M. & sterN w. L. 1982. Vegetative anatomy of
Myoxanthus. Selbyana 7(1): 55-63.
PridgeoN a. M. & chase M. w. 2001. A phylogenetic
reclassi cation of Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae).
Lindleyana 16(4): 235-271.
Download Date | 1/16/16 7:03 AM
... En 1992 (Luer, 1992) (Pridgeon & Chase, 2001). El género Myoxanthus se distribuye en los Neotrópicos, desde México hasta el sur de Brasil (Kolanowska & Szlachetko, 2014). Las especies del género Myoxanthus se distinguen por ser epífitas, raramente litófitas o terrestres, con presencia de racimos de rafidios coraloides en la epidermis foliar, inflorescencias unifloras que nacen cerca del ápice del ramicaule, vainas del ramicaule híspidas, flores carnosas, sépalos generalmente pubescentes, pétalos a menudo engrosados hacia el ápice y labelo articulado al pie de la columna, gynostemio dentado o apicalmente alado, capa de antera celularglandular, estigma ventral y dos polinias (Luer, 1986;1992;Pridgeon et al., 2001). ...
... & Szlach. (Kolanowska & Szlachetko, 2014) que no están allí registradas, para totalizar 17 especies. Con el presente registro se extiende a 18 el número de especies del género registradas en Colombia. ...
Full-text available
Registramos Myoxanthus xiphion por primera vez en Colombia mediante una población encontrada en el Piedemonte Andino-Amazónico del departamento del Caquetá, a 1075 m s.m., 260 km al norte de las poblaciones conocidas en Ecuador. Con esta adición el género Myoxanthus llega a 18 especies en Colombia, la mayoría de ellas creciendo en la cordillera de los Andes. Para el Piedemonte Andino-Amazónico colombiano hay registradas cinco especies de Myoxanthus, incluyendo M. xiphion, distribuidas en los departamentos de Caquetá, Cauca, Nariño y Putumayo. Myoxanthus xiphion era conocida solo en Bolivia y Ecuador, pero su distribución puede extenderse por todo el Piedemonte Andino-Amazónico desde Bolivia hasta Colombia. Presentamos una descripción de M. xiphion, fotografías, un mapa con las poblaciones registradas hasta hoy y una clave para identificar las especies de Myoxanthus del Piedemonte Andino-Amazónico de Colombia.
... The column is arched, with the stigma in ventral position. The anther cap is generally cellular-glandular, sometimes papillose apically and the pollinarium is composed of two pollinia with caudicles (Luer 1992, Kolanowska & Szlachetko 2014, Kolanowska & Szlachetko 2019, Rojas-Alvarado et al. 2021. Luer (1992) initially divided the genus into three subgenera: Myoxanthus subgen. ...
We report a new species of Myoxanthus from Huancavelica, Peru. Myoxanthus anancusiensis is described, illustrated, and compared with its similar species M. serripetalus and M. oliviae. We carried out a systematic review of the herbarium information of Myoxanthus species reported for Peru and compared the morphological characteristics of similar species, to rule out overlooking already described taxa. The new species is characterized by being a medium-sized plant with a terrestrial habit that grows at an elevation of 2800 m. The flower is cherry-red in color with slightly yellow striations. The sepals present a smooth adaxial surface, and the petals are oblong-caudate with entire margin. The labellum is oblong-elliptic and fimbriate with lateral lobes erect. The new species represents an important record for the flora of the inter-Andean valleys of central Peru in the department of Huancavelica and suggests that carrying out more expeditions in this type of ecosystem is desirable.
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The taxonomic history, general description and distribution are provided for Myoxanthus. Morphological characterization of the vegetative and reproductive organs is illustrated with photographs. A list of the 52 accepted species includes synonyms and distribution; most are illustrated with a flower photograph. Lectotypes for M. frutex, M. lonchophyllus, M. neillii, M. pulvinatus, M. punctatus, and M. serripetalus are designated, and a neotype is selected for M. melittanthus. Myoxanthus parvilabius is reported for the first time for Colombia. The circumscription of M. lonchophyllus is reevaluated, Pleurothallis pennellia is recognized as a distinct taxon and transferred to Myoxanthus, and Myoxanthus panamense, a new species related to M. scandens, is described from Pamana.
Cranichis crenatifolia Kolan. & Szlach. sp. nova (Orchidaceae) from the Colombian department of Putumayo is described and illustrated. It can be easily distinguished from all other members of the Pleioneura group in Cranichis by crenate and undulate leaf margins and hairy petals. It also differs from the somewhat similar C. atrata by having an obovate vs. an elliptic-ovate lip. An updated identification key is provided to the Colombian species in the Pleioneura group of Cranichis.
IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 9.0. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee
  • References Iucn
References iucN. 2011. IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 9.0. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee.
Notes upon some genera and species of American Orchidaceae
  • Lindley J
LiNdLey j. 1836. Notes upon some genera and species of American Orchidaceae. Companion Bot. Mag. 2: 353-357.
Folia Orchidacea, an enumeration of the known species of Orchids, Pleurothallis, part 2
  • Lindley J
LiNdLey j. 1859. Folia Orchidacea, an enumeration of the known species of Orchids, Pleurothallis, part 2. J. Matthews, London.
Nova Genera ac SpeNova Genera ac Species Plantarum quas in Regno Chilensi Peruviano et in Terra Amazonica, Annis 1827 ad 1832. Hofmeister, Leipzig PridgeoN a. M. 1982. Diagnostic anatomical characters in the Pleurothallidinae
  • . F Poeppig E
PoePPig e. F. & eNdLicher s. L. 1835. Nova Genera ac SpeNova Genera ac Species Plantarum quas in Regno Chilensi Peruviano et in Terra Amazonica, Annis 1827 ad 1832. Hofmeister, Leipzig PridgeoN a. M. 1982. Diagnostic anatomical characters in the Pleurothallidinae. Am. J. Bot. 69: 921-938.
Nova Genera ac Species Plantarum quas in Regno Chilensi Peruviano et in Terra Amazonica, Annis 1827 ad 1832
  • E F Poeppig
  • S L Endlicher
A reconsideration of the genus Myoxanthus
Luer c. a. 1982. A reconsideration of the genus Myoxanthus. Selbyana 7(1): 34-54.
Vegetative anatomy of Myoxanthus
  • . M Pridgeon A
  • L Stern W
PridgeoN a. M. & sterN w. L. 1982. Vegetative anatomy of Myoxanthus. Selbyana 7(1): 55-63.
Galería de Orquídeas de Colombia (CD edition). Asociación Bogotana de Orquideología
  • P Ortiz Valdivieso
  • Uribe Vélez C
ortiZ VaLdiVieso P. & uriBe VéLeZ c. 2007. Galería de Orquídeas de Colombia (CD edition). Asociación Bogotana de Orquideología, Bogotá.