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Abstract and Figures

The formation of metal soaps is a major problem for oil paintings conservators. The complexes of either lead or zinc and fatty acids are the product of reactions between common pigments and the oil binder, and they are associated with many types of degradation that affect the appearance and stability of oil paint layers. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) reveals that a paint sample from The Woodcutter (after Millet) by Vincent van Gogh contains two distinct zinc carboxylate species, one similar to zinc palmitate and one that is characterized by a broadened asymmetric stretch COO band shifted to 1570-1590 cm−1 . Though this observation has been made in many paintings, it was previously left unexplained. It is shown that neither variations in the composition of zinc soaps (i.e. zinc soaps containing mixtures of fatty acids or metals) nor fatty acids adsorbed on pigment surfaces are responsible for the second zinc carboxylate species. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and FTIR analysis indicate that the broad COO band represents amorphous zinc carboxylates. These species can be interpreted as either non-crystalline zinc soaps or zinc ions bound to carboxylate moieties on the polymerized oil network, a system similar to ionomers. These findings uncover an intermediate stage of metal soap-related degradation of oil paintings, and lead the way to improved methods for the prevention and treatment of oil paint degradation.
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An infrared spectroscopic study of the nature of
zinc carboxylates in oil paintings
Joen J. Hermans,*Katrien Keune, Annelies van Loon and Piet D. Iedema
The formation of metal soaps is a major problem for oil paintings conservators. The complexes of either lead
or zinc and fatty acids are the product of reactions between common pigments and the oil binder, and they
are associated with many types of degradation that aect the appearance and stability of oil paint layers.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) reveals that a paint sample from The Woodcutter (after
Millet) by Vincent van Gogh contains two distinct zinc carboxylate species, one similar to crystalline zinc
palmitate and one that is characterized by a broadened asymmetric stretch COO
band shifted to 1570
1590 cm
. This observation has been made in many paintings. Although several hypotheses exist to
explain the shifted broad carboxylate band, these were not supported by experimental evidence. In this
paper, experiments were carried out to characterize the second zinc carboxylate type. It is shown that
neither variations in the composition of zinc soaps (i.e. zinc soaps containing mixtures of fatty acids or
metals) nor fatty acids adsorbed on pigment surfaces are responsible for the second zinc carboxylate
species. X-Ray diraction (XRD) and FTIR analysis indicate that the broad COO
band represents
amorphous zinc carboxylates. These species can be interpreted as either non-crystalline zinc soaps or
zinc ions bound to carboxylate moieties on the polymerized oil network, a system similar to ionomers.
These ndings uncover an intermediate stage of metal soap-related degradation of oil paintings, and
lead the way to improved methods for the prevention and treatment of oil paint degradation.
1 Introduction
From a chemical point of view, oil paintings are not stable
objects. The drying oil that acts as binding medium in the oil
paint, usually linseed oil, polymerizes in a matter of weeks,
long-term degradation processes take place over the course of
centuries that aect the appearance and structural integrity of
the painting. A prominent issue for paintings conservators is
the formation of metal soaps. The presence of metal soaps has
been reported for numerous paintings ranging from Rembrandt
in the 17th century to Salvador Dal´
ıin the 20th century.
These complexes of either lead or zinc with stearic and/or pal-
mitic acid are the consequence of reactions between the
common pigments lead white (2PbCO
), red lead
), leadtin yellow (Pb
) or zinc white (ZnO) and the
oil binder. Metal soaps defects may appear in the paint system
in many dierent forms: as large aggregates that deform paint
layers, as deposits on the surface of a paint or homogeneously
spread throughout paint layers. Besides causing a loss of
pigment and a change in surface texture, the formation of metal
soaps has been linked to cases of brittleness, loss of strength
and delamination of paint layers.
The variation in metal soap appearance and location within
the paint suggests a complex set of processes by which metal
soaps form and separate from the paint matrix. However, the
chemical reactions that lead to metal soap formation and the
transport mechanisms for the reactants and products in these
reactions are not fully understood. Answering these questions is
a challenging task because of the limited availability of sample
material from real paintings and the diculty of reproducing
all the dierent states of degradation that a painting might be
in. A full understanding of metal soap related phenomena in oil
paintings must start with an accurate analysis of the molecular
structure of metal soaps and all the variations that might be
found in oil paint systems. Ultimately, we need to be able to
describe the composition and structure of an oil paint on a
molecular level in terms of, for instance, concentrations of
functional groups, polymerization degree, cross-link density
and metal content. Only then, it is possible to investigate how
paint composition and environmental factors aect the degree
of metal soap related degradation of a painting and nally to
develop conservation strategies that minimize the chance of
further paint degradation.
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a powerful
technique to identify metal soaps in cross-sections of oil
Van 't HoInstitute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam, PO box 94157,
1090GD Amsterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail:; Tel: +31 (0)20 525
Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Time-dependent
ATR-FTIR spectra and XRD traces of the ZnUFA complex, d-spacing of ZnC
mixtures, and additional FTIR spectra of Zn-pol and ZnO-LO systems. See DOI:
Cite this: J. Anal. At. Spectrom.,2015,
Received 2nd April 2015
Accepted 30th April 2015
DOI: 10.1039/c5ja00120j
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paintings. The position and shape of the asymmetric stretch
vibration band of the carboxylate group in the metal soap (n
) is characteristic for the type of metal ion, e.g. a single
sharp band at 1536 cm
for zinc soaps.
Though it is known
that metal soaps formed in oil paint layers contain mostly
stearic and palmitic acid,
the FTIR spectra of metal soaps
formed in paints oen do not match with the metal stearates or
palmitates synthesized as references. Specically, the n
band is frequently signicantly broadened and shied to higher
wavenumbers (between 1570 and 1590 cm
) in ZnO containing
paint layers.
We discuss Attenuated Total Reection
Fourier Transform infrared microscopy (m-ATR-FTIR) analysis of
a sample from the painting De Houthakker (naar Millet) (The
Woodcutter (aer Millet)) by Vincent van Gogh as a clear
example of this phenomenon.
Several explanations have been suggested to account for the
variation in the n
band in zinc white paints. In crystalline
zinc palmitate (Zn(C
), the zinc atoms are surrounded by four
equivalent carboxylate groups,
giving rise to a single sharp
band in the FTIR spectrum. The broadening of the
carboxylate band suggests that there is increased variation in
the local environment of the carboxylate groups. We have
synthesized a range of zinc soaps that contain various mixtures
of carboxylic acids or mixtures of metals to study the eect of
added complexity in the zinc soap structure on the carboxylate
coordination. Secondly, the adsorption of fatty acids on ZnO
surfaces has been suggested as an explanation for the broad
band in FTIR spectra.
The eect of dierent binding
modes of carboxylic acids on the surface of ZnO particles has
been studied by Lenz et al.
While it is likely that the energies of
vibrations are not identical in Zn(C
and fatty acids
adsorbed on ZnO surfaces, it is not clear whether the concen-
tration of surface-bound fatty acids is large enough to cause the
entire n
band to shiin paint layers that have a high
concentration of zinc carboxylates. We investigated this eect
by following the reaction of ZnO powder in a solution of
palmitate ions. Lastly, we considered the possibility that there is
disorder in the alkyl chains of zinc soap phases that form in
ZnO containing paints, by studying the crystallinity of zinc
carboxylates formed in a model paint system and zinc con-
taining linseed oil polymers. Dreveni et al. found that the
position and shape of the COO
vibration bands are strongly
dependent on the ability of the alkyl chains to interact and pack
into a well-ordered lattice.
While the fatty acid chains are
neatly packed in an all-trans fashion in crystalline Zn(C
chains might not have sucient mobility to pack in a well-
ordered manner when zinc soaps form in a polymerized oil
This work aims to give a complete overview of the dierent
molecular structures of zinc carboxylates that may be found in
oil paint samples. Applying a combination of Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and X-ray diraction (XRD),
the eect of relatively minor changes to metal soap composition
or physical state can be investigated and detailed structures can
be resolved. Finally, we applied the obtained information on the
likely structures of zinc carboxylates to develop an hypothesis
on the dierent stages of metal soap formation in oil paint and
the transport processes that are involved.
2 Experimental
2.1 Synthesis of zinc soaps
Zinc palmitate (Zn(C
) and zinc palmitate/stearate (ZnC
were synthesized by mixing basic aqueous solutions of the fatty
acids with a solution of zinc nitrate. Mixed-metal soaps were
prepared by using a solution of NaOH to dissolve palmitic acid
), or by melting stochiometric amounts of Zn(C
and KC
under inert atmosphere (ZnK
). All these
procedures are described in detail in ref. 18. All zinc soaps were
thoroughly dried before analysis either by placing samples in an
oven at 110 C or in a desiccator over P
, and their purity was
conrmed by FTIR and XRD. In experiments where the reaction
between ZnO and palmitic acid was followed, ZnO powder was
added to an aqueous solution of palmitic acid containing an
excess of triethylamine. Samples were taken aer 15 seconds
and then every 2 minutes. The solid fractions were immediately
separated by vacuum ltration and dried in an oven at 110 C.
To synthesize zinc soaps of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs),
cold-pressed untreated linseed oil (Kremer Pigmente) was
hydrolyzed using an excess of a concentrated aqueous solution
of KOH. Aer neutralization with concentrated HCl, the fatty
acid mixture was extracted with dichloromethane and dried
with MgSO
. Evaporation of the solvent yielded a clear brown
liquid mixture of 53% linolenic, 19% linoleic, 16% oleic, and
12% stearic and palmitic acid (composition determined by
NMR and
C-NMR). Zinc soaps of this fatty acid mixture
(ZnUFA) were prepared by mixing stoichiometric amounts of
zinc nitrate and UFAs in a 1 : 1 mixture of ethanol and diethyl
ether containing and excess amount of triethylamine. Aer
approximately one hour, the solvent was evaporated to yield an
o-white product with a pasty texture.
2.2 Preparation of model paint lm (ZnO-LO)
The composition of the model paint system was adapted in an
attempt to promote the rapid formation of zinc carboxylates, i.e.
a high oil/pigment ratio and an addition of water to the paint
mixture. Model paint lms were prepared by stirring 3.0 g cold-
pressed untreated linseed oil (Kremer Pigmente) with 0.5 g ZnO
(Sigma-Aldrich) and 1 mL demineralized water in a sealed vial at
room temperature for three days. Aer allowing the mixture to
settle, a few drops of the oil layer were spread on a glass slide
and leto dry in air at room temperature for up to seven weeks.
2.3 Preparation of zinc ionomer (Zn-pol)
Zinc sorbate was prepared by dissolving 550 mg sorbic acid with
1 mL triethylamine in 20 mL demineralized water at 50 C. The
addition of 1.0 g Zn(NO
O dissolved in 5 mL water
resulted in immediate precipitation of the white product. Aer
stirring for 20 minutes, the product was separated by vacuum
ltration and dried over P
A ionomer lm was made by mixing 55 mg zinc sorbate with
200 mg cold-pressed untreated linseed oil, and spreading the
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resulting turbid paste thinly on a glass plate. Aer curing at
150 C in air overnight, a homogeneous yellow transparent
polymer lm was obtained.
2.4 Analysis
A small sample of The Woodcutter (aer Millet) by Vincent van
Gogh (Fig. 1) was embedded in a polyester resin block. The resin
block was sanded down and polished until the cross-section was
situated on the surface of the block.
Optical analysis was carried out using a Zeiss Axioplan 2
equipped with both a polarized light source and a UV light
source (365 nm).
Scanning electron microscopy was performed with a JEOL
JSM 5910 LV microscope. Backscattered-electron images (SEM-
BSE) were mostly taken at 20 kV accelerating voltage at a 10 mm
eucentric working distance. Samples were gold coated to
improve surface conductivity.
Cross-sections were analyzed with m-ATR-FTIR using a Perkin
Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR spectrometer combined with a
Spectrum Spotlight 400 FTIR microscope equipped with a 16
1 pixel linear MCT array detector at 8 cm
resolution. A Perkin
Elmer ATR Ge crystal accessory was used for ATR imaging.
Spectra were collected in a 6004000 cm
range and averaged
over 2 scans.
ATR-FTIR spectra of bulk material were collected on a Varian
660-IR FT-IR spectrometer combined with a Pike Technologies
diamond GladiATR unit with 4 cm
resolution. Spectra were
collected in a 6003500 cm
range and averaged over 16 scans.
XRD was performed on a Rigaku MiniFlex II desktop X-ray
diractometer with Cu Karadiation (l¼1.54180 ˚
A) at 30 kV and
15 mA. The equipment was tted with a Ni Kbsuppression
lter. Diractograms were recorded in a 2q¼140range
scan rate and 0.025step size). Powder samples
were nely ground with mortar and pestle, and manually
pressed into glass sample holders. Model paint lms prepared
on glass slides were lied from their support and measured on
the underside, since a transparent oil layer formed on top of the
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Painting cross-section analysis
The painting The Woodcutter (aer Millet) was painted by Vin-
cent van Gogh in 1889 (Fig. 1). A small sample was taken of the
light green paint near the top of the painting. Images of this
sample obtained with optical microscopy and SEM microscopy
are shown in Fig. 2. A previous study showed that the paints van
Gogh used in this section of the painting contain a large variety
of pigments. In the ground layers, a mixture of lead white,
calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, ochre pigments and a little
carbon black was found. The thick light green paint layer shown
here contains mostly ZnO, and a mixture of emerald green
) and chrome green (Cr
viridian (Cr
Analysis of the paint cross-section with m-ATR-FTIR revealed
that the light green paint layer contains a high concentration of
zinc carboxylates, as indicated by n
bands in the 1500
1600 cm
region. There was considerable variation in the
position and width of the carboxylate bands. Fig. 2c shows a
map of integrated intensity of the sharp band at 1536 cm
representative spectrum made by averaging the spectra in area 2
is shown in Fig. 3. This spectrum closely resembles a reference
Fig. 1 De Houthakker (naar Millet) (The Woodcutter (after Millet))by
Vincent van Gogh, 1889, 44 cm 26.2 cm, van Gogh Museum (Vin-
cent van Gogh Foundation). X marks the spot where the sample shown
in Fig. 2 is taken.
Fig. 2 Paint cross-section from The Woodcutter (after Millet) by
Vincent van Gogh, showing a thick light green pain rich in ZnO on top
of two ground layers. (A) Optical microscopy image, (B) SEM-BSE
image and (C) m-ATR-FTIR map of the sharp band at 1536 cm
(integrated between 14951546 cm
, red color signies high inten-
sity). Numbers 1 and 2 mark the averaged areas of the FTIR spectra in
Fig. 3.
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spectrum of zinc palmitate, with a sharp n
band at 1536
and well-dened dCH
and n
bands at 1450 cm
and 1400 cm
, respectively. Zinc carboxylate material with a
sharp n
band at 1536 cm
seems to be more prominent
in the lower parts of the paint layer, and almost absent in top
2030 mm of the paint layer. Throughout the paint layer
however, a broad n
band was found with a maximum at
1570 cm
, area 1 shown in Fig. 3. These spectra suggest that
the entire ZnO paint layer is lled with a zinc carboxylate
species that causes a broad n
band, while deposits of zinc
soap material comparable to zinc palmitate or stearate refer-
ences are concentrated in the lower section of the paint lm.
In the next sections, we explore possible variations in zinc
carboxylate structures that could induce a change in carboxylate
coordination and cause a broadened and shied n
3.2 Zinc soaps of varying composition
Pure zinc palmitate and zinc stearate are most oen used as
reference compounds for FTIR analysis. It is known, however,
that both fatty acids occur simultaneously in metal soap
aggregates in paint samples.
Therefore, a series of zinc soaps
containing a mixture of palmitate and stearate in varying ratios
was prepared (ZnC
). A single set of long spacing peaks in
XRD analysis indicated that zinc palmitate and zinc stearate
form a solid solution at all palmitate/stearate ratios (ESI:
Fig. S1). The FTIR spectra of these mixed fatty acid soaps were
highly similar for all the palmitate/stearate ratios; a typical
spectrum is shown in Fig. 4a. The mixing of palmitate and
stearate only aected the number and intensity of alkyl chain
progression bands in the 11001310 cm
The asym-
metric carboxylic stretch vibration at 1536 cm
was unaected
by this mixing.
We have also explored the eect of unsaturations in the fatty
acid chains on the structure of zinc soaps. Linseed oil typically
contains only 913% saturated fatty acids.
In paint samples
however, oen only zinc soaps of saturated fatty acids are
found. It is thought that this occurs because in a fully poly-
merized oil lm, hydrolysis of ester bonds in the triglycerides
leaves only the saturated fatty acids freeto diuse through the
oil network. We have fully hydrolyzed linseed oil to yield a
mixture of mostly unsaturated fatty acids. The zinc complex of
this fatty acid mixture is a crystalline material, as indicated by
the presence of progression bands in the FTIR spectrum in the
11001310 cm
region (Fig. 4b) and a strong series of long
spacing peaks in the XRD trace (ESI: Fig. S2). This mono-
crystallinity is quite surprising, given the low melting point of
unsaturated fatty acids and the heterogeneity of the fatty acid
mixture. With a split n
band at 1545 cm
and 1524
, the FTIR spectrum is very similar to that of zinc oleate
and zinc linoleate.
Possibly, the presence of cis double bonds
in the unsaturated fatty acid chains causes a slight asymmetry
in the tetrahedral coordination of carboxylic oxygens around
the zinc atoms. However, this minor eect is not capable of
explaining the extensive band broadening that was observed in
the van Gogh paint sample.
Additionally, we investigated whether the structure of ZnUFA
soaps changes as the non-conjugated double bonds in the fatty
acid chains undergo auto-oxidation reactions with atmospheric
oxygen to form peroxides, hydroxides and cross-links.
A 0.5
mm layer of ZnUFA was leto cure in air at room temperature
for up to seven months. In that time, the nC]CH band at 3008
decreased and a broad OH band appeared around 3400
. The n
band was not aected by ageing (ESI:
Fig. S3). XRD measurements showed clearer changes to the
structure, with a decreasing order in the carbon chain packing
and a small but signicant decrease in the long spacing of 0.6 ˚
(ESI: Fig. S2 and S4).
The last variation in the composition of zinc soaps we
investigated is the incorporation of multiple metals. It was
found that a dierent type of zinc soaps can form in linseed oil
when a source of sodium or potassium is present such as NaOH
or KCl. The synthesis and structure of these alternative soap
complexes (ZnNa
and ZnK
) is described in detail in
Fig. 3 Averaged m-ATR-FTIR spectra measured at the two areas in the
cross-section of a zinc white paint layer of The Woodcutter (after
Millet) by Vincent van Gogh, as shown in Fig. 2. The grey area marks the
wavenumber range integrated to create the zinc carboxylate map in
Fig. 2. The bottom spectrum of zinc palmitate is included as a
Fig. 4 ATR-FTIR spectra of (a) ZnC
(1 : 1 ratio), (b) ZnUFA and (c)
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ref. 18. Concerning the FTIR spectrum of these mixed-metal
soaps, there is a major shiof the n
band from 1540
to 1595 cm
with two bands of lower intensity appearing
at 1609 cm
and 1620 cm
for both the sodium and the
potassium containing complexes (Fig. 4c). Though the band
maximum is shied it is still sharp, in contrast to the band
broadening observed in the paint sample of van Gogh. In
comparison to Zn(C
, this band shiis caused by a transition
from bidentate to eectively monodentate carboxylic groups.
The split in the n
bands is an eect of the inequivalence
of the carboxylic headgroups in the mixed-metal structure, in
which half the carboxylate groups bind a zinc and a sodium or
potassium atom and half the groups bind two sodium or
potassium atoms. Though the mixed-metal soaps can easily be
synthesized in a reaction mixture of ZnO, palmitic acid and
NaOH/KOH in linseed oil, they have not yet been identied in
oil painting samples.
Concluding, none of the variations in zinc soap composition
we investigated give a satisfying explanation of the n
band shiand broadening that is oen observed in zinc white
paint layers.
3.3 ZnO particles in fatty acids solutions
We performed experiments where ZnO powder was added to an
aqueous palmitate solution, in an attempt to measure IR
absorbance of surface-adsorbed carboxylate molecules.
Samples were taken at regular time intervals from 15 s aer the
start of the reaction and analyzed with ATR-FTIR spectroscopy.
Fig. 5 shows that the characteristic zinc palmitate bands are
indeed rising as the reaction progresses. However, the position
of the n
band is not aected by the extent of zinc soap
formation. Even aer just 15 seconds reaction time, when the
amount of zinc soap formed is very small and the strength of
absorption is very weak, the band has an absorption maximum
at 1536 cm
. This observation has three possible explanations:
the n
band of fatty acids adsorbed on ZnO surfaces
lies at 1536 cm
the fatty acid layer directly on the ZnO surface has shied
bands, but as soon as IR absorption becomes
measurable, the zinc soap phases are already several layers
thick and the signal is dominated by the non-shied bulk zinc
soap signal;
zinc soap formation does not take place on the ZnO
surface, but instead it is a precipitation reaction between dis-
solved Zn
ions and fatty acids in solution.
We did not investigate which of these explanations is valid,
though Taheri et al. did nd that myristic acid molecules
adsorbed on oxidized zinc surfaces consistently showed sharp
bands at 1536 cm
However, the situation might be
dierent for an oil paint system where there is more variation in
the molecules with carboxylate functionalities. While we cannot
conclude that IR absorption of carboxylates directly adsorbed
on a zinc oxide surface is identical to bulk zinc soaps, this
experiment does show that if such surface adsorbed species
exist in paint systems, their concentration is likely to be too
small to account for the entire intensity of the strong n
band that is oen measured. In other words, most carboxylates
will be residing in bulk zinc soap material, where the eect of
the pigment surface does not play a role.
Moreover, we observed the broad shied n
band in
zinc-containing polymerized oil lms in which pigment was
entirely absent. These crucial experiments are discussed below.
3.4 Disorder in zinc soaps
Next, we discuss disorder in zinc soap structures as an expla-
nation of variations in carboxylate coordination. As mentioned
before, in a polymerized oil network fatty acid chains that are to
become part of the zinc soap phases might not have sucient
mobility to pack in a well-ordered manner. To investigate
whether disorder in the alkyl chain packing aects the coordi-
nation of carboxylate groups around the zinc ion, we rst
considered the FTIR spectrum of molten zinc palmitate
(Fig. 6b). In the melt, the alkyl chains are completely disordered,
but each carboxylate group is still bound to zinc. Upon melting,
the single n
band observed in crystalline zinc palmitate at
1536 cm
splits into three bands at 1545, 1593 and 1633 cm
at 160 C, when the complex appears as a clear colorless liquid.
Ishioka and co-workers have studied the structural changes
associated with this phase transition with EXAFS and concluded
that the coordination number and ZnO bond lengths are the
same in both phases.
Therefore, the striking changes in the
FTIR spectrum of molten zinc palmitate must be due to a
geometrical distortion of the tetrahedral coordination structure
of the carboxylate groups around the zinc ion, caused by the
increased mobility of the molten alkyl chains. The eect of
complete disorder in the alkyl chains on the n
vibration is
signicant. Though the shape of the bands is still dierent, the
chain disorder produces a shito higher wavenumbers
comparable to the spectrum in area 1 from the van Gogh paint
sample (compare Fig. 6b and c).
In an attempt to produce disordered zinc soaps in a way
more closely related to actual oil paint, we prepared a ZnO
paintlm designed to promote the fast formation of zinc
Fig. 5 ATR-FTIR spectra of ZnO immersed in an aqueous palmitate
solution for 15 seconds to 10 minutes.
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soaps by using an excess of linseed oil and stirring the paint
with water before application. Already aer one week, a broad
band was observed. Fig. 6a shows the ATR-FTIR spec-
trum of the bottom of such a lm aer 80 days of drying on a
glass support (ZnO-LO). The broad n
band centered at
1575 cm
is similar to the band from the van Gogh paint in
Fig. 3 (area 1), though a weak shoulder can be observed around
1540 cm
. The intensity of the n
band relative to the
ester carbonyl band of the cured oil network at 1739 cm
indicates that the concentration of zinc carboxylates in this
system is quite high.
It should be remarked that the similarity between the broad
bands in the van Gogh paint and in ZnO-LO is a crucial
nding (Fig. 6a and c). It implies that this experiment is one of
the few successful attempts to produce a lm containing zinc
carboxylates with a coordination structure very similar to those
found in old paintings on a very short timescale.
We pro-
ceeded with X-ray diraction analysis to study the crystalline
order in this system.
Fig. 7 shows the XRD trace measured on the bottom of the
model ZnO paint lm ZnO-LO, compared to a linseed oil lm
cured with no additives (LO) and a mixture of zinc palmitate
and ZnO. The three characteristic peaks of at 31.8, 34.5and
36.3in ZnO-LO show that there is still ZnO present. The broad
peak with a maximum around 20(d¼4.4 ˚
A) appears in both
the pure linseed oil lm and in the model paint. Such a broad
peak is oen seen in amorphous polymer material and can be
associated with the average distance between the carbon chains
in the cross-linked oil network.
In Fig. 7b at small angles we see the typical series of sharp
peaks associated with the long spacing in bulk crystalline zinc
palmitate. In the trace of ZnO-LO, similar peaks appear in the
same region at 1.5, 3.3and around 5, though they are
signicantly broader and much weaker (see inset in Fig. 7).
These three evenly spaced peaks correspond to the rst three
diraction orders of the long spacing in zinc soaps. The width
of the peaks shows that the crystalline domains are much
smaller than in bulk zinc palmitate. The absence of a well-
resolved series of long spacing peaks prevents an accurate
calculation of the long spacing, but based on this data the value
can be estimated to be around 50 ˚
A. This spacing is signicantly
larger than the long spacing of a zinc soap that contains both
palmitate and stearate (ZnC
, 41.4 ˚
A for a 1 : 1 mixture) or
zinc soaps containing a mixture of unsaturated fatty acids
(ZnUFA, 41.8 ˚
This XRD analysis shows that the ZnO-LO sample contains a
very low concentration of small (semi)-crystalline zinc soap
particles. This small amount cannot, however, account for the
strong n
band in the FTIR spectrum of ZnO-LO (Fig. 6).
The lack of strong long spacing peaks leads to the conclusion
that the zinc carboxylate species associated with the broad n
band around 1570 cm
must be amorphous.
Based on the FTIR spectrum and XRD analysis of ZnO-LO, we
will now discuss explanations of the observed n
broadening and shi. Possibly, the zinc carboxylate species are
zinc soaps of saturated fatty acids being delayed or hindered in
their crystallization process. In a polymerized oil network,
thermal movement of fatty acid chains might be constrained by
the surrounding oil network, making alignment and proper
crystallization of the chains a much slower process than the
coordination of zinc ions by fatty acid carboxylate groups. In
this scenario, the amorphous state of the fatty acid chains
distorts the ideal tetrahedral coordination of the carboxylic
groups around the zinc atom in a fashion similar to molten zinc
palmitate (Fig. 6). If this hypothesis is correct, on a longer
timescale it is expected that the degree of crystallization will
increase and that a sharp n
band at 1536 cm
appear in the FTIR spectrum of ZnO paint layers. This
Fig. 6 ATR-FTIR spectra of (a) zinc soaps formed in a cured lm of
ZnO in linseed oil (ZnO-LO), (b) molten zinc palmitate at 160 C, (c)
area 1 in the sample from van Gogh's The Woodcutter (after Millet) and
(d) zinc palmitate at room temperature.
Fig. 7 XRD traces of (a) ZnO-LO, (b) crystalline Zn(C
from ZnO and (c) a pure linseed oil lm. Intensities of the three traces
are not to scale. The insert shows the three peaks (marked with C)in
the low angle section of the XRD trace measured at higher resolution
and slower scanning speed.
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explanation implies that the observed system is not in ther-
modynamic equilibrium and is bound to move to a nal state
of, probably, large well-ordered metal soap crystals.
A second interpretation is that the zinc carboxylate species is
not an isolated molecular species present in the paint lm, but
in fact integral part of the oil network structure. Network
carboxylic acid groups may form by hydrolysis of triacyl glycerol
ester bonds aer polymerization of the fatty acid chains has
occurred, or through b-scission reactions and subsequent
oxidation in the unsaturated fatty acid chains.
The view of the
oil network as a polymer chain with carboxylic acid side-chains
would make it a complicated type of ionomer. The term ion-
omerrefers to ion-containing polymers, typically consisting of
a hydrocarbon backbone with a small number of pendant acid
groups. In commercial ionomers, these acid group are oen
partially or completely neutralized by Na
or other metal
ions. The structure of ionomers has been extensively studied. It
was found that the ionic groups have a well-dened local
structure and cluster to form ion-rich domains within the
polymer matrix.
Interestingly, an ethylenemethacrylic acid
copolymer completely neutralized by Zn
ions shows a rela-
tively broad n
band at 1585 cm
, which is similar to the
band we observed for the ZnO-LO system.
In order to test the ionomer interpretation, we attempted to
produce a zinc ionomer from linseed oil. Commonly, ionomers
are prepared by letting a polymer that contains ionic groups
react with a metal salt in the melt or in solution. Since poly-
merized linseed oil decomposes before it melts and has a poor
solubility in organic solvents, we chose to introduce zinc ions in
the polymer matrix by copolymerization. The zinc complex of
sorbic acid (2,4-hexadienoic acid, or C6:2) was mixed with
linseed oil and cured as a lm at 150 C in air to induce cross-
linking between the double bonds of unsaturated triglycerides
and the sorbate chains. While zinc sorbate did not dissolve in
linseed oil, upon curing the mixture of zinc sorbate and linseed
oil formed a completely transparent polymer lm (Zn-pol), as
shown in Fig. 8b. Fig. 8a compares the FTIR spectra of zinc
sorbate and Zn-pol. Upon curing, the three sharp bands of zinc
sorbate at 1515, 1620 and 1645 cm
disappear and a broad
band appears with a maximum at 1585 cm
. The
absence of a C]CH band at 3008 cm
indicated that all double
bonds in the system were either cross-linked or oxidized (ESI:
Fig. S5). The XRD trace in Fig. 8c conrms that Zn-pol is
amorphous and contains no remaining traces of unreacted zinc
sorbate, showing only the broad peak around 20that was also
found in pure linseed oil lms. The weak maximum around 6
(dz15 ˚
A) proved poorly reproducible and remains to be
The FTIR spectrum of the Zn-pol ionomer is strikingly
similar to the spectra of both the ZnO-LO system and the van
Gogh paint sample, showing that an amorphous polymer
system containing network-bound zinc carboxylate groups is a
valid explanation for the shied broad n
band in oil
paints. Moreover, the complete absence of ZnO pigment in this
system emphasizes that the zinc carboxylate species corre-
sponding to the broad n
band is not associated with
pigment surfaces. This conclusion is further supported by the
observation that the broad n
band in the ZnO-LO system
also appeared in transparent sections of the paint lm that
contained no ZnO pigment (ESI: Fig. S6).
Applying our ndings to the sample from The Woodcutter
(aer Millet) shown in Fig. 2c, it means that amorphous zinc
carboxylate species are homogeneously spread throughout the
light green paint layer. Crystallization of zinc soaps, as indi-
cated by the sharp 1536 cm
band, has occurred mostly in the
lower section of the paint layer, and is concentrated in domains
rich in zinc soaps. A similar distribution of zinc carboxylate
species was also found by Osmond et al. in 40 year old ZnO tube
paint lms and home-made reconstructions,
and could be due
to an uneven degree of polymerization in the paint layer or an
inhomogeneous concentration of freefatty acids.
Based on the results shown here, a clear distinction between
disordered zinc soaps or a zinc-neutralized ionomer cannot be
made. However, it may be most likely that both types of zinc
carboxylate contribute to the broad n
band around 1570
1590 cm
that we nd in ZnO-LO and in historical zinc white
paints. It is oen observed that zinc soaps containing mostly
saturated fatty acids form spontaneously in oil paint lms
containing ZnO, and since our system is so similar to paint
formulations, there is no reason why they should not be form-
ing at least to some extent in ZnO-LO. In fact, the shoulder in
the FTIR spectrum of ZnO-LO at 1536 cm
and the weak set of
long spacing peaks in the XRD results suggest that there is a low
concentration of crystalline zinc soaps present already.
Furthermore, if (semi-)crystalline zinc soap material is
nucleating somewhere in the paint system and subsequently
increasing in size, there must be transport of Zn
ions from the
ZnO pigment particles to the growing zinc soap aggregate. Since
isolated ions are unlikely to exist in a relatively apolar medium
like a polymerized oil lm, as Zn
moves through the paint
system it needs to be accompanied by a suitable negative
countercharge. The most obvious candidates for these coun-
tercharges are the carboxylic groups that are part of the polymer
network. Diusion of metal ions in ionomer systems has been
Fig. 8 (a) FTIR spectra of zinc sorbate (Zn(C6:2), bottom) and a cured
mixture of zinc sorbate and linseed oil (Zn-pol, top), showing a broad
band with a maximum at 1585 cm
. (b) Photograph of a
completely transparent thin yellow lm of Zn-pol. (c) XRD trace of Zn-
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studied both experimentally and through molecular simula-
and was shown to occur through an ion hopping
mechanism in which metal ions are transferred between ionic
groups on dierent polymer chains. Crucially, this diusion
process only occurs at an appreciable rate when the polymer is
heated above its glass transition temperature, when the polymer
chains are mobile enough to bring together their ionic groups to
a distance where the transfer of ion from one carboxylic group
to the other is feasible.
We conrmed to capability of Zn
ions to exchange between
carboxylate groups in linseed oil experimentally. Two days aer
mixing of two clear linseed oil solutions, one containing ZnUFA
and the other palmitic acid, crystalline zinc palmitate could be
isolated from the resulting turbid reaction mixture and identi-
ed with FTIR spectroscopy. This simple pilot experiment
shows that even in an oil environment, the zinc-carboxylate
bond may be broken and the precipitation of zinc palmitate
drives the exchange of Zn
ions from dissolved unsaturated
fatty acids to saturated fatty acid chains.
If ionomers can indeed be considered valid model systems
for aged oil paint, the glass transition temperature of oil paint
and any factor that inuences this physical property (e.g. rela-
tive humidity, solvent absorption, pigmentation) could become
a crucial parameter for the rate of metal ion diusion and
therefore metal soap growth. Further investigations into the
preparation of ionomeric systems closely resembling a poly-
merized oil network and the analysis of these systems to study
the relation between diusion processes in ionomers and oil
paint lms are the topic of a forthcoming publication.
4 Conclusions
In samples of zinc white paint layers, dierent types of zinc
carboxylates are found. A species characterized by a sharp n
band at 1536 cm
corresponds to crystalline zinc soaps
of saturated fatty acids, but the nature of a second type char-
acterized by a broad n
band with a maximum between
1570 and 1590 cm
has never been experimentally demon-
strated. We have shown that neither variations in the compo-
sition of zinc soaps (e.g. mixtures of fatty acids of dierent chain
length or number of double bonds, or mixtures of metal ions)
nor fatty acids adsorbed on pigment particles can account for
the broad vibration band. FTIR and XRD analysis on model
paint lms, however, showed that the zinc carboxylate species
must be amorphous, and initial experiments suggest that zinc
ionomers prepared from linseed oil may be accurate models for
mature binding media.
The exact nature of the carboxylate speciesdisordered
metal soaps or metal carboxylate functionalities covalently
linked to the polymerized oil network, or bothis at present
unclear. However, it is important to make the distinction
between zinc soaps and the broader class of zinc carboxylates in
the discussion of chemical processes in paint lms. These
ndings represent a breakthrough in the interpretation of FTIR
spectra of oil paint samples. A broadening and shiof the n
band of the metal carboxylate signies an oil paint system
where pigments have partially degraded but metal soaps have not
been able to crystallize (yet), i.e. an intermediate stage between an
intact and a strongly deteriorated paint lm. As such, FTIR
analysis provides important information on the internal condi-
tions of oil paint layers and the degree of degradation, aiding
conservation treatments of invaluable works of art.
The authors thank Ella Hendriks (van Gogh Museum) and
Muriel Gelddof (Cultural Heritage Agency, the Netherlands) for
making the sample of the van Gogh painting available. This
work is part of the PAinT project, supported by the Science4Arts
program of the Dutch Organization for Scientic Research
(NWO), and the leadART project, part of the Joint Program
Initiative for Joint Research Projects on Cultural Heritage (JPI-
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... , and V-O-JJ exhibited a broad band with evident peaks that allowed the attribution to specific carboxylates species ( Fig. 6 ). Most contained a band centered between 1580-1595 cm −1 , which may be ascribed to amorphous Zn carboxylates [ 24 ]. Additionally, in the region 1530-1535 cm −1 , a relatively sharper peak may be attributed to crystalline Zn carboxylates [ 24 ]. Figure S6.4b,c). ...
... Most contained a band centered between 1580-1595 cm −1 , which may be ascribed to amorphous Zn carboxylates [ 24 ]. Additionally, in the region 1530-1535 cm −1 , a relatively sharper peak may be attributed to crystalline Zn carboxylates [ 24 ]. Figure S6.4b,c). ...
... Two types of carboxylate compounds were distinguished (FT-IR): crystal metal soaps presented sharp peaks at lower wavenumber with respect to the amorphous carboxylates which showed broader bands shifted towards high wavenumber in the same region [ 36 ]. The detection of Pb and Zn by SEM-EDX accompanied by the characteristic FT-IR peaks at 1545 cm −1 [ 37 ] and 1530 cm −1 [ 24 ] suggested the presence of Pb and Zn car-boxylates in sample V-O-JJ ( Supplementary Fig. S6.4c1). The position and the shape of the FT-IR band of Zn carboxylates may suggest a crystal form. ...
... However, in other spectra, a broad, rounded ν(− COO − ) peak centered ca. 1580-1590 cm −1 was observed, which pointed to an oil matrix with amorphous zinc carboxylate species (Fig. 17) [66]. The broadening observed for ν(−COO − ) could indicate ongoing soap formation that manifested in the upper layers of a paint matrix and from where samples are usually taken; deposits of crystalline zinc soaps could remain concentrated deeper within paint layers [66]. ...
... 1580-1590 cm −1 was observed, which pointed to an oil matrix with amorphous zinc carboxylate species (Fig. 17) [66]. The broadening observed for ν(−COO − ) could indicate ongoing soap formation that manifested in the upper layers of a paint matrix and from where samples are usually taken; deposits of crystalline zinc soaps could remain concentrated deeper within paint layers [66]. ...
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The richly decorative and imaginative works by French artist Séraphine Louis (1864-1942) have long elicited fascination , and her working methods have often eluded art historians and conservators alike. Working in secret and outside established art circles, Séraphine employed materials such as natural resin varnishes and was said to have used household paints in addition to traditional artists' oil paints. In this study of six works in the collections of the Musée d' Art et d' Archéologie, Senlis (MAA), The Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA), and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (MMA), attention was given to Séraphine's choice of colors and paints, in addition to identifying possible additions to or manipulations of painting media by the artist. Technical imaging was carried out using UVF to visualize the extent of Séraphine's use of natural resins. Analysis of the palette relied on XRF techniques and limited sampling for analysis by Raman and µ-FTIR spectroscopies. Overall, the following pigments were identified: lead white, zinc white, carbon-based black, red and brown ochres, umber, vermilion, alizarin lake, rhodamine B lake, Prussian blue, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue, chrome green, emerald green, viridian, cadmium yellow, and lead chromates, including chrome yellow deep and light, zinc yellow, and chrome orange. THM-Py-GCMS analysis of selected samples supported the documentary evidence of Séraphine's use of household oil paints; a single instance of a cellulose nitrate enamel paint was additionally determined by µ-FTIR. The chromatographic analysis also indicated a natural plant resin in her varnishes, probably dammar in combination with pine resin. Overall, this material investigation, accompanied by the art historical record, better reveals the techniques of an experimental painter whose works have come to epitomize French outsider artists of the early twentieth century.
... In contrast, the fatty acids are contained in the binder both in its original composition and as the result of its degradation. For this reason, metal soap occurrence has been reported not only in oil paintings, where they are widely identified and studied [13,[46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55], but also in a proteinaceous binder (egg yolk-based tempera paintings), where lead soaps were found in correspondence with pale yellow paint layer consisting mainly of lead-tin yellow type I [56]. As the name suggests, oil paintings rely on the use of oils, particularly drying oils such as linseed, poppyseed, and walnut oil, as a medium in which the pigment is dispersed. ...
... Since then, much work has been done towards understanding their mechanism of formation within paint layers. Such studies mostly related to the formation of lead and zinc soaps, since these have been reported as the most frequent soaps forming in oil painting [13,[46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55]. A relevant evolution of those studies was the observation that metal soaps form very early in the life of the oil paint, even when they were not initially present as driers, like in the case of modern formulations. ...
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Metal soaps, the organic salts resulting from the interaction of fatty acids and metal cations, arouse interest in the scientific field because of their versatility in a great range of chemical applications as well as because of the mechanism of their formation during degradation processes. This article presents a review of the synthetic pathways used to produce metal soaps, their relevant physico-chemical properties, and how these reflect in their applications. Common industrial uses of metal soaps are reported, with a particular focus on those applications, such as cosmetics, paints, and coatings, that have an impact on the cultural heritage field. In addition, the occurrence of metal soaps in cultural heritage studies is presented, ranging from archaeological and ethnographic artefacts to fine art objects, and discussed per class of materials. An overview of the presence or absence of metal soaps in historical artefacts due to the interaction of metal parts or mineral pigments with fatty acids is given herein. This collection shows a variety of situations in which metal soaps—particularly lead, zinc and copper soaps—can form on composite objects made of different materials such as wood, leather and fatty-acid-containing materials (e.g., waxes), in the presence of metal, metal alloys or pigments.
... The use of soap, however, is mostly dependent on empirical information, and the choice of soap for a given purpose is influenced by economic considerations. These metal soaps can be synthesized through processes like double decomposition (metathesis), direct reaction of carboxylic acid with metal oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates, or direct reaction of metals with molten fatty acid (Smith, 2019;Arend, et al., 2011;Baij, et al., 2018;Otero, et al., 2014;Hermans, et al., 2015;Meilunas, Bentsen, & Steinberg, 1990;Neonufa, et al., 2018;Margaret, et al., 2016;Dwivedi, Gangwar, & Sharma, 2014;Gupta, et al., 2012;Gabrieli, et al., 2017;Nelson, & Taylor, 2014;Singh, Poonia, & Shukla, 2024;Bhutra, Sharma, & Sharma, 2018). ...
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The physicochemical properties of cobalt and praseodymium (Caprate) soaps in their solid forms using infrared (IR) spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and X-ray diffraction provide intricate insights into their molecular organization, thermal characteristics, and crystalline structures. IR analysis reveals the presence of fatty acids in a dimeric state due to hydrogen bonding, contributing to the partial ionic nature observed in the soaps. X-ray diffraction measurements confirm the double-layer structure in both cobalt and praseodymium soaps by calculating long spacings. Thermal analysis demonstrates that the decomposition reaction follows zero-order kinetics, with activation energies of 0.00 kJ/mol in both cobalt and praseodymium (Caprate). Thus, exploring the solid-state physicochemical attributes of these soaps offers valuable insights into their structural, thermal, and crystalline properties.
... The soaps are homogeneously present and no aggregates were detected in the investigated protrusions. The analyses imply that the formation of metal soaps resulted from the chemical reaction between metal ions and fatty acid network within the paint but cannot account for the creation of protrusions [36]. ...
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This paper investigates the oil on canvas painting Boat scene (1974) by Liu Kang (1911-2004), belonging to the National Gallery Singapore (NGS). The focus is on disfiguring paint protru-sions in a specific area and colour in the composition. Moreover, in search of the possible factors responsible for the creation of the protrusions, the structure and composition of the paint layers were determined. Three possible reasons were put forward to explain this phenomenon: deliberate textural effects, the expansion of metal soaps and unintentional paint contamination during the artistic process. Investigative techniques such as technical photography, digital microscopy, optical microscopy (OM), polarised light microscopy (PLM), field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM-EDS) and attenuated total reflectance micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR µ-FTIR) were employed to analyse paint layers, including protrusion samples. The analyses revealed that the protrusions resulted from an unintentional contamination of the oil paint during the artistic process by dry fragments of different pigment mixtures bound in drying oil. Zinc soaps were found in significant concentrations within the protrusions and other parts of the painted scene. Nevertheless, the metal soaps do not pose a direct risk to the integrity of the paint layers at the time of this research. The analyses highlight the potential challenges caused by the protrusions that con-servators may face while caring for the painting. The research contributes to our ongoing comprehension of the artist's working process.
... A considerable amount of studies have already been performed on the interaction of zinc white with oils and the formation of metal soaps [3,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35], its photoluminescence [20,[36][37][38][39][40], composition [18], rheological [41] and mechanical properties [42], as well as its use and degradation in watercolors [9], oil paint [27,43,44] and grounds [10,11]. Moreover, the pigment has been used for restoration since the 19th century [45]. ...
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This study is the first systematic survey of a large corpus of zinc white (ZnO) artists’ materials. Zinc white is a white pigment developed within the wave of 19th-century technological developments in the paint industry. The composition, particle morphology and size, and luminescence of 49 zinc white samples from artists’ materials were characterized, including three references of known synthesis methods (indirect and direct) and synthesized by the authors (ZnO nanosmoke). The corpus included historical and modern zinc white pigment powders and paint materials from the leading European and American color manufacturers. The study aims to characterize and evaluate the variability of the properties of zinc white and its paint formulations. The reference materials presented properties in agreement with the literature: indirect ZnO exhibited submicron prismoidal blue-luminescent particles of higher purity than direct ZnO, which had larger acicular green-luminescent particles. ZnO nanosmoke presented acicular (tetrapod-like) blue/green-luminescent nanoparticles. Composition, particle morphology, size, and documentary sources suggested a production via the indirect method for the analyzed corpus. However, the luminescence behavior was more complex to interpret. The fundamental emission of ZnO was not always detected, even in pure ZnO powders. Three trends were identified: smaller ZnO particles for the most recent samples; green luminescence connected to larger particle size; fewer trace elements, and of the same type (i.e., lead, sulfur) for historical materials. Another interesting finding was the detection of hydrozincite in some powders, likely a degradation product of ZnO. In terms of methodology, cathodoluminescence proved a valuable tool for pigment identification. The study provides a database of zinc white references for pigment and artwork analysis.
... Generally, well-crystallized metal soaps show sharp Table S1) which has been assigned to a bridged bidentate dimer with a geometry resembling that of a paddle-wheel [54,55], shown in Scheme 1a. Besides, the line shape of the carboxylate bands depends on the crystallinity of the soap, which may variably depend on the surrounding medium [23,24,73]. At this point, based on the fact that excellent crystals are formed during the processes studied in this work, it should be noted that future work involving X-Ray diffraction data to straightforwardly compare with infrared results and particularly, with symmetry considerations and the Δ value is needed. ...
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The reactivities of various fatty monoacids and diacids on copper metal-containing surfaces were investigated through reflection–absorption infrared spectroscopy. The formation of copper carboxylates is detected on pure copper surfaces, while copper and zinc carboxylates are simultaneously formed on brass surfaces. Following the decrease of acid carbonyl and the formation of carboxylate infrared bands, it is shown that fatty monoacids C8 and C10 react with clean/polished copper and its zinc alloy within 2–4 h, while those with chains > C12 react within days. At the end of the processes, only the corresponding metal carboxylates are detected in all cases. An explanation for the above is offered on a molecular mobility and acidity basis, where the lower monoacids (liquids in room temperature), also having lower pKa values, favor higher reaction rates. Furthermore, it is argued that longer-chain fatty monoacids, when deposited from their solutions, allow for favorable orientation resulting in self-assembled monolayer-type molecular packing on the copper surface, which may additionally rationalize the slower reaction. Interestingly, fatty diacids do not form any carboxylate products under the same conditions, as it is argued that their molecules may efficiently pack as self-assembled multilayers on copper and ultimately protect it. The possible implications of the fatty monoacid and diacid behavior on the archaeological organic residues level and regarding the stability of copper alloys are discussed.
... FTIR spectra from the paint fragments and cross-sections (Additional file 1: Fig. S6) show the typical peaks associated with fatty acids at ca. 2920, 2850 [v(CH)], and 1710-1730 [ν(CO)] cm −1 , suggesting a lipid-containing binding medium [39]. In most of the samples, IR bands at 1560-1530 cm −1 were also detected, ascribed to the presence of metal carboxylates (Cd and Zn ones [40,41]), formed as a consequence of the reaction of free fatty acids with metal cations or intentionally added to the paint tube formulation as additives [42,43]. Magnesium carbonate (ca 1450, 1415, 875, 820 cm −1 ) was also detected in Mir paint tubes (samples A3 and A6). ...
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The deterioration of cadmium yellow paints in artworks by Joan Miró (1893–1983) and in painting materials from his studios in Mallorca (Spain) was investigated. Analysis of samples from Miró’s paintings and from paint tubes and palettes showed that degraded paints are composed of poorly crystalline cadmium sulfide/zinc cadmium sulfide (CdS/Cd1−xZnxS) with a low percentage of zinc, in an oil binding medium. Cadmium sulfates were identified as the main deterioration products, forming superficial white crusts detected using SR µXANES and µXRD techniques. Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements demonstrated that highly degraded samples display a pink/orange emission from the paint surface with a microsecond lifetime, a phenomenon observed in other degraded cadmium yellow paints. In agreement with recent studies on altered cadmium paints, these results suggest that the stability of the paint is related to its manufacturing method, which affects the degree of crystallinity of the resulting pigment. This, together with the environmental conditions in which artworks have been exposed, have induced the degradation of yellow paints in Miró’s artworks. It was finally noted that the paints exhibiting alteration in the analysed Miró artworks have a chemical composition that is very similar to the tube paint ‘Cadmium Yellow Lemon No. 1’ produced by Lucien Lefebvre-Foinet. Indeed, paint tubes from this brand were found in the studio, linking the use of this product with Miro’s degraded artworks.
P‐type chemical doping (p‐doping) is a key technique to modulate the optical, electrical, and electronic properties of organic semiconductors. However, typical functional groups in organic p‐dopants have insufficient electron‐withdrawing strength, and the inevitable diffusion of dopants in host matrices degrades doping stabilities. Herein, we utilize extremely electron‐withdrawing Lewis‐paired CN groups as a new class of building blocks for designing unprecedentedly strong organic p‐dopants with excellent doping stability. Various Lewis acids are paired with CN‐functionalized conjugated molecules in the solution state, which strengthens the electron‐withdrawing properties of CN groups almost twofold. The large dopants afford outstanding doping stability against continuous heating and long‐term atmospheric exposure, which is promising for practical applications in devices. Given the broad applicability of this simple combinatorial approach, it may impact many fields of (opto)electronics.
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The interaction of pigments and binding media may result in the production of metal soaps on the surface of paintings which modifies their visible appearance and state of conservation. To characterise more fully the metal soaps found on paintings, several historically accurate oil and egg yolk tempera paint reconstructions made with different pigments and naturally aged for 10 years were submitted to attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR FTIR) microspectroscopic analyses. Standard metal palmitates were synthesised and their ATR spectra recorded in order to help the identification of metal soaps. Among the different lead-based pigments, red lead and litharge seemed to produce a larger amount of carboxylates compared with lead white, Naples yellow and lead tin yellow paints. Oil and egg tempera litharge and red lead paints appeared to be degraded into lead carbonate, a phenomenon which has been observed for the first time. The formation of metal soaps was confirmed on both oil and egg tempera paints based on zinc, manganese and copper and in particular on azurite paints. ATR mapping analyses showed how the areas where copper carboxylates were present coincided with those in which azurite was converted into malachite. Furthermore, the key role played by manganese in the production of metals soaps on burnt and raw sienna and burnt and raw umber paints has been observed for the first time. The formation of copper, lead, manganese, cadmium and zinc metal soaps was also identified on egg tempera paint reconstructions even though, in this case, the overlapping of the spectral region of the amide II band with that of metal carboxylates made their identification difficult.
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Lead soap aggregateshave been-found in lead-containing oil paint layers in paintings from the thirteenth to the twentieth century. They severely affect the stability of the paint layers and disturb the surface of the paintings. Paint cross-sectionsfrom five paintings affected by lead soaps were selected to illustrate and investigate this degradation phenomenon with the analytical imaging techniques of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy combined with X-ray analysis. Examples aregiven of lead soapsforming in a mature paint system or, alternatively, in the early drying stage of the oil; lead soapsforming from various types of lead-containing pigments or driers; lead soapsforming in multiple paint layers; and lead-containing crystallization products inside aggregates. The phenomenon of lead soap aggregatesis multifaceted, and one general scenario describing theformation of lead soap aggregatescannot explain all aspects. However, the integration of the chemical information and its distribution among the paint layers leads to the proposal that reactivefree monocarboxylicfatty acids playa key role in lead soap aggregateformation. The availability and release of thesefatty acids depends on the original paint composition, the build-up of the layers, and the conservation/environmental exposure history of the painting.
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Poly(ethylene oxide) [PEO] ionomers are candidate materials for electrolytes in energy storage devices due to the ability of ether oxygen atoms to solvate cations. Copolyester ionomers are synthesized via condensation of sulfonated phthalates with glycol mixtures of PEO and poly(tetramethylene oxide) [PTMO] to create random copolymer ionomers with nearly identical ion content and systematically varying solvation ability. Variation of the PEO/PTMO composition leads to changes in Tg, dielectric constant and ionic aggregation; each with consequences for ion transport. Dielectric spectroscopy is used to determine number density of conducting ions, their mobility, and extent of aggregation. Conductivity and mobility display Vogel temperature dependence and increase with PEO content; despite the lower Tg of PTMO. Conducting ion densities show Arrhenius temperature dependence and are nearly identical for all copolymer ionomers that contain PEO. SAXS confirms the extent of aggregation, corroborates the temperature response from dielectric measurements, and reveals microphase separation into a PTMO-rich microphase and a PEO-rich microphase that contains the majority of the ions. The trade-off between ion-solvation and low Tg in this study provides fundamental understanding of ionic aggregation and ion transport in polymer single-ion conductors.
To characterize more fully the metal soaps found in paint films or on metal surfaces, several metal soaps were synthesized and their X-ray diffraction pattern and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectra measured. Metal soaps were obtained from four different fatty acids found in drying oils - two saturated (palmitic and stearic acids) and two unsaturated (oleic and linoleic acids) - and from copper, zinc and lead, three metals that are typically found in metal alloys and paint systems. Data are reported for the following compounds: palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, zinc palmitate, zinc stearate, zinc oleate, zinc linoleate, copper palmitate, copper stearate, copper oleate, lead palmitate, lead stearate and lead oleate. Features that are characteristics of specific compounds were observed. Soaps obtained from different fatty acids with the same metal ion show differences, as do soaps obtained with the same fatty acid but with different metal ions. Identification is key to understanding how and why metal soaps form on actual objects, and this may lead to preventive measures.
This work introduces the complementary use of μ-Raman and μ-Fourier transform infrared (IR) spectroscopy for the detection of specific carbon chains and cations for the identification of metal carboxylates within oil paint microsamples. Metal carboxylates (metal soaps) form naturally when free fatty acids react with metal cations and may also be found as additives or degradation products. Twenty-two metal carboxylates were synthesised, and their spectra assembled in a reference database. Metal salts of cations commonly present in oil paintings were used, including lead, zinc, calcium, cadmium, copper and manganese. The fatty acids selected were the saturated acids palmitic (C16 : 0) and stearic (C18 : 0) and the polyunsaturated oleic acid (C18 : 1). Azelaic acid (C9 diacid), a product resulting from autoxidation of polyunsaturated acids, was also included. Metal carboxylates were characterised by Raman and IR spectroscopy, and their structures were confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Raman and IR spectroscopy proved to be complementary techniques for a full identification of the metal carboxylates in complex aged paint. Raman enables the differentiation of the carbon chain length in the C–C stretching region (1120–1040 cm�-1), and IR distinguishes the metal cation in the COO-� stretching absorption region (1650–1380 cm�-1). Principal component analysis was applied to the spectra in order to facilitate a fast and accurate method to discriminate between the different metal carboxylates and to aide in their identification. Finally, spectra from case studies were successfully projected in the principal component analysis models built, enabling a higher confidence level for the identification of copper palmitate and copper azelate in two 19th-century Portuguese oil paintings.
We study a poly(ethylene oxide)-based Na single ion conductor using molecular dynamics simulation (MD). The simulations are carried out with a nonpolarizable united-atom force field with scaled partial charges. This is the first time a force field is assembled for such system, and the model is consistent with experimental observables. The simulations show a wide range of cation states, with more than 75% of cations associated with the counterions. Ion aggregates become more prevalent and longer as temperature increases at the expense of the number of solvated cations. The larger ion clusters form chain-likes structure, consequently the Na ions at the edge of the cluster have a higher chance to encounter flexible PEO chains than those in the middle. PEO mobility increases with distance from the bound anion, resulting in dynamic segregation. Slow Na and EO are spatially correlated and most of the slow Na ions belong to ion aggregates. Because of the chain-like structure, the edge/end Na ions have a higher chance to escape. This allows the chain-like aggregate to serve as a charge conduction pathway. We observe a mechanism that utilizes the chain-like aggregates to transfer positive charge without cations moving equivalent distances, thus providing a conduction method that is decoupled from polymer motion.
A series of paint cross sections from an oil painting are studied by attenuated total reflection in conjunction with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). The imaging modes of both methods were employed to show their potential in the detection of various painting materials and their distribution in the paint cross sections. The goal of this work is to evaluate FTIR and SEM-EDX spectroscopy in order to understand the limitations and strengths of both approaches. It has been revealed that both techniques are complementary in the identification of pigments, extenders and binding media used by an artist. FTIR spectroscopy is also a powerful tool in the studies on degradation products that are formed due to ageing or deterioration of works of art. We attempted to identify such secondary products present in the paint cross section. Cadmium oxalate and a high concentration of zinc palmitate/stearate were detected for the first time with the use of ATR-FTIR imaging technique. These results can complement studies on the conservation issue and provide an insight into understanding the mechanisms of chemical processes that appear in art works.
This article is an overview of the chemistry and driers used in autoxidatively cured coatings and in particular alkyds. The drying process for alkyds and other unsaturated fatty acid materials is based on a series of chemical reactions known as autoxidation. The autoxidative process is usually catalyzed by metal salts known as driers. Numerous of investigations have elucidated the catalytic activity and reaction mechanism of the drying process. Spectroscopic techniques, especially mass spectrometry, have been used to study the autoxidation process and its products. Recent investigations on the oxidative drying of alkyd coating films are presented with a focus on both metal based and more environmental friendly means of catalysis.
Lead(II) carboxylate soaps of two fatty acids, palmitic (C15H31COOH) and stearic acids (C17H35COOH), and a dicarboxylic acid, azelaic acid (HOOCC7H14COOH), have been synthesised and characterised by FTIR spectroscopy. These acids are all encountered in aged traditional oil paint, the azelaic acid resulting from the oxidative degradation of unsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Lead(II) azelate synthesised by hydrothermal methods was characterised by single crystal structure determination. This has a 3D polymeric structure with lead(II) ions linked by carboxylate bridges to form an infinite stack of (PbO4)n units. These layers are connected to adjacent layers by an infinite number of parallel C(CH2)7C chains arranged perpendicularly to the stacks. The lead(II) ions display an unusual 7-fold coordination. The first direct evidence that the ‘protrusions’ encountered in aged traditional lead-containing oil paints contain lead soaps is reported. Their mechanism of formation is discussed.