Practical skills are important for the employability of biosciences graduates; however, first year science undergraduates often struggle to adapt to university practical classes, affecting skills development and decreasing their enthusiasm for laboratory work. This study describes the effects of introducing online multimedia practical support resources on biochemistry and biological sciences on first year student performance, and investigates student usage and student opinion of the value of these resources. In total, 391 students used these resources over a three-period. Information was collated on their completion of preparation tasks and module performance. Student opinion was sought using questionnaires with opportunity for free comment. Engagement with preparation tasks affected student performance in practical modules. Student’s t-tests showed a significant difference between the performances of highly engaged, engaged and poorly engaged students, with higher engagement leading to improved performance. Student opinion was sought twice, in 2010–11 and 2012–13. Resources were well used, and students found the resources helpful in understanding the theoretical basis of practical work and how to undertake experiments; they enjoyed practical classes and felt that the preparation resources increased their confidence. Multimedia practical preparation resources are valuable in helping students to manage the transition from school to university practical work in biosciences.