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The Shapes of Teeth of Circular Saw Blade and Their Influence on its Critical Rotational Speed



The main problems during cutting with circular saw blade are inaccurate cut, low quality of surface, high level of noise. These adverse effects are related to oscillation of circular saw blade. This oscillation cause adverse effects not only on workpiece but also on tool. In some case the circular saw blade reaches the value of critical rotational speed which leads to its instability and cause the oscillation of blade which may leads to destruction of tool. So the reduction of the amplitude of oscillation is essential for removing the adverse effects. This paper deals about influence of shapes of teeth as a type of modification that has positive effect oncritical rotational speed of circular saw blade. The parameters of studied models of circular saw blade were 42 number of teeth and the height of teeth with slice from sintered carbide was 14 mm. The variable parameter was the ratio between surface of teeth and surface of teeth gap. In this study was used computer software Creo Parametric 1.0 for obtaining natural frequencies of studied models. This software uses in analysis finite element method (FEM). There were done some steps to idealize the models. For calculating static and dynamics natural frequencies of modelswere used modal analysis. The critical rotational speed was calculated from obtained results by Creo Parametric 1.0 and compared on 5 models of tool. © 2015, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno. All rights reserved.
Volume 63 46 Number 2, 2015
Adam Droba
, Ján Svoreň
, Ján Marienčík
Department of Manufacturing Technology and Materials, Faculty of Environmental and Manufacturing
Technology, Technical University in Zvolen, T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic
DROBA ADAM, SVOREŇ JÁN, MARIENČÍK JÁN. 2015. The Shapes of Teeth of Circular Saw
Blade and Their Infl uence on its Critical Rotational Speed. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae
Mendelianae Brunensis, 63(2): 399–403.
The main problems during cutting with circular saw blade are inaccurate cut, low quality of surface,
high level of noise. These adverse eff ects are related to oscillation of circular saw blade. This
oscillation cause adverse eff ects not only on workpiece but also on tool. In some case the circular
saw blade reaches the value of critical rotational speed which leads to its instability and cause
the oscillation of blade which may leads to destruction of tool. So the reduction of the amplitude of
oscillation is essential for removing the adverse eff ects. This paper deals about infl uence of shapes
of teeth as a type of modifi cation that has positive eff ect oncritical rotational speed of circular saw
blade. The parameters of studied models of circular saw blade were 42 number of teeth and the height
of teeth with slice from sintered carbide was 14 mm. The variable parameter was the ratio between
surface of teeth and surface of teeth gap. In this study was used computer so ware Creo Parametric
1.0 for obtaining natural frequencies of studied models. This so ware uses in analysis fi nite element
method (FEM). There were done some steps to idealize the models. For calculating static and dynamics
natural frequencies of modelswere used modal analysis. The critical rotational speed was calculated
from obtained results by Creo Parametric 1.0 and compared on 5 models of tool.
Keywords: circular saw blade, modal analysis, natural frequency, critical rotational speed, FEM
The main problems during cutting with circular
saw blade are inaccurate cut, low quality of surface,
high level of noise. These adverse eff ects are related
to oscillation of circular saw blade. This oscillation
cause adverse eff ects not only on workpiece but
also on tool. In some case the circular saw blade
reaches the value of critical rotational speed which
leads to its instability and cause the oscillation of
blade. which may leads to destruction of tool. So
the reduction of the amplitude of oscillation is
essential for removing the adverse eff ects (Svoreň,
2011). In the present circular saw blades are
constructed with variable modifi cations of body
– variable types of slots. These modifi cations are
aimed to reducing or eliminating adverse eff ects. So
this paper deals about infl uence of shapes of teeth
as a type of slot that have positive eff ect on critical
rotational speed of circular saw blade.
The phenomenon of oscillation was subject in
many scientifi c publications and for its reduction
were used any types of modifi cations of tool. It could
be excepted that teeth gap could be considered
as a type of slot and has an infl uence on natural
frequencies either statics or dynamics. In the past
the research based on diff erent types of slots, natural
frequencies and critical rotational speed was subject
in many scientifi c papers (HolØyen, 1987; Mote,
1965; Nishio and Mauri, 1996; Schajer and Mote,
1983; Yu and Mote, 1987; Svoreň, 2011; Stachiev,
1970; Veselý et al., 2012)
In the paper is used the fi nite element method.
Its applicationon oscillation and determination of
the natural frequencies of circular saw blade was
research area of many authors (Gogu, 1988; Leopold
and Münz, 1992; Michna and Svoreň, 2007; Ekevad
et al., 2009; Droba, Paulíny and Svoreň, 2013).
400 Adam Droba, Ján Svoreň, Ján Marienčík
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate
the infl uence of shapes of teeth on critical rotational
speed and design the model of circular saw blade
with the highest critical rotational speed with
respect of given parameters.
The subjects of research were models of circular
saw blades with 42 teeth and the height of teeth with
slice from sintered carbide was 14 mm. Additional
static parameters of models are shown in Tab. I.
The variable parameter was the ratio between
surface of teeth and surface of tooth gap that is
shown in Tab. II. There were created 5 models of
blades with these parameters.
The geometry of tooth (angles – , , ) was in all
cases the same, ratio between gap and teeth was
achieved by variable angle as shows Fig. 1.
The models of circular saw blade have unbalanced
pitch, repeating a er 1/6 of circle. In the body of
circular saw blade were created two types of slots for
increasing the natural frequencies (Svoreň, 2011).
In this study was used computer so ware Creo
Parametric 1.0 for obtaining natural frequencies of
studied models. This so ware uses in analysis fi nite
element method (FEM). There were done some
steps to idealize the models.
• Material;
• Mass defi nition;
• Constrain;
Density of mesh;
Type of elements.
For calculating static and dynamics natural
frequencies of models were used modal analysis.
The rotational speed in dynamic modal analyse
was n = 3600 min
.The critical rotational speed
was calculated from results calculated by Creo
Parametric 1.0 on 5 models of tool.
For calculating centrifugal coeffi cient was used
equation (1) and the critical rotational speed was
calculated from equation (2). Both equations were
defi ned by (Mote, 1965; Nishio and Mauri, 1996):
, [Hz] (1)
, [min
] (2)
.....natural frequency of rotating circular saw
blade [Hz],
.....natural frequency of non-rotating circular saw
blade [Hz],
n .......rotational speed [min
k .......number of nodal diameters,
.......centrifugal coeffi cient,
......critical rotational speed [min
I: Static parameters of model
Outer diameter [mm] 350
Inner diameter [mm] 30
Outer diameter of collars [mm] 110
Number of teeth [-] 42
Thickness [mm] 2.4
Height of teeth [mm] 14
Pitch of teeth Unbalanced
II: Variable parameter of shape of teeth
Surface of teeth Surface of teeth gap
50 50
55 45
52.5 47.5
47.5 52.5
45 55
1: Geometry of the tooth
2: Model of CSB5 used in modal analyses
The Shapes of Teeth of Circular Saw Blade and Their Infl uence on its Critical Rotational Speed 401
The critical rotational speed was calculated for
5 models of circular saw blade. As a results from
modal analysis were obtained values of static
and dynamic natural frequencies of 5 models
of circular saw blades for k = 1, 2, 3, 4 which are
shown in Tabs. III and IV and graphical results of
displacement of models (for CSB1 is shown on
Fig. 3).
The obtained values of natural frequencies were
used for calculating centrifugal coeffi cients from
equation (1) and these results are shown in Fig. 4.
There were calculated values of critical rotational
speed for nodes k = 2, 3, 4 for each studied model
from equation (2). As the results show it was
decreasing dependence of critical rotational
speed from model with largest teeth gap to model
with smallest teeth gap. So the model with largest
teeth gap (CSB5) had the highest values of critical
rotational speed for all nodes. The lowest values
of critical rotational speed for all nodes had model
with the smallest surface of teeth gap (CSB2). So
it has been demonstrated that teeth gap could be
considered as a kind of slots and the tool with higher
proportionof teeth gap achieved higher critical
rotational speed than tool with lower(larger surface
of teeth than teeth gap). The infl uence of shapes of
teeth on critical rotational speed is shown in Fig. 5.
In the paper were used special types of slots
because of additional reduction of adverse eff ects
during sawing which was demonstrated by (Svoreň,
III: Values of the static natural frequencies of models for k = 1, 2, 3, 4
135.6 157 219.2 342.5
134.3 155.6 217.3 338.74
134.7 156 218 340
136.4 158 220.7 344.9
137.3 159 222.4 347.44
IV: Values of the dynamic natural frequencies of models for k = 1, 2,
3, 4
156 180 241.45 361.94
154.9 178.6 239.68 358.4
155.32 179.1 240.26 359.4
156.78 180.88 242.8 364.3
157.58 181.84 244.4 366.78
3: The results of deformed model CSB5 from modal analyse for k = 2
4: Calculated centrifugal coefficient of 5 models
402 Adam Droba, Ján Svoreň, Ján Marienčík
The infl uence of shapes of teeth of circular saw blade on critical rotational speed was analysed using
pc so ware and equations defi ned by (Mote, 1965; Nishio and Mauri, 1996; Svoreň, 2011). Five models
of circular saw blades with variable ratio between teeth gap and surface of teeth were analysed on
which was demonstrated this infl uence.It has been shown that for achieving higher values of critical
rotational speed is better design the tool with larger teeth gap than surface of teeth. Using pc so ware
is in present very helpful in research while the properties of real tool are correctly defi ned on model.
It is necessary to do some idealizations on models. It has been shown that is better to created circular
saw blades with larger teeth gap than surface of teeth for obtaining higher critical rotational speed of
5: Comparison of calculated values of critical rotational speed of all models
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The Shapes of Teeth of Circular Saw Blade and Their Infl uence on its Critical Rotational Speed 403
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Contact information
Adam Droba:
Ján Svoreň:
Ján Marienčík:
... Study [17] was conducted to determine the effect of the shape of the saw teeth on the cutting speed with the tool; it showed that by changing the shape of the teeth, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the vibrations of the saw during its operation, as well as greater dynamic stability. However, the study considered only those saws in which the teeth were of the same shape and size. ...
... Our review of works [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] has shown that the existing procedures for determining the thickness of the cut apply only to those tools that operate according to a single cutting scheme; in addition, some of them are approximate. Work [20] is the only one that shows determining the thickness of the cut layer by using CAD systems, for tools whose teeth are assembled in groups. ...
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To predict the workability of a tool structure at the design stage, it is necessary to calculate the parameters of the cut layer when this tool is used because the cut layer’s size determines the strength and dynamic characteristics of the cutting process. It is known that the size and shape of the cut layer are affected by the allowance cutting scheme embedded in the tool design. Therefore, the parameters of the cut layer with the tool must be investigated taking into consideration the actual shapes and location of the cutting edges of the tool teeth and the cutting scheme with individual teeth. Existing analytical dependences on determining the thickness of the cut layer do not take into consideration the group arrangement of the teeth, which have a different shape and location of their cutting edges. Therefore, a procedure for determining the thickness of the cut layer analytically has been proposed, using the example of circular saws with multidirectional teeth while taking into consideration the patterns in the arrangement of the cutting edges of individual teeth and the real movements of the tool during its operation. The proposed procedure makes it possible to determine the parameters of the layer cut with the tool at both constant and progressive allowance cutting schemes. One can also specify the parameters of the cut layer at any time of the tool’s operation and analyze the change in the shape of the slice in time. Based on the analysis of the parameters of the cut layer, it has been established that saws with multidirectional teeth do not work with the entire width of the cutting edge but only in its part, whose share does not exceed 55 % of the width of the tool. The procedure reported here could be used to determine the loading of the cutting tool part with a more complex cutting scheme, which also includes tools that are operated by the form-generating method
... Each brand of tool material, as well as methods that improve their properties, are accompanied by the recommended scope of application. In addition, cutting modes and the geometric parameters of cutting edges are recommended for each brand of tool material [18][19][20][21]. ...
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This paper reports a study aiming at devising a common procedure for determining the geometric parameters of tools’ cutting part in the technological systems that involve machining by cutting. Underlying the development of this procedure is the generalized theory of determining geometric parameters on tools’ cutting blades. The analysis of determining the geometry of tool cutting edges in different coordinate systems has shown that the procedure used by a given theory depends on the type and design of tool cutting edges. In the process of cutting, the geometric parameters of tools change along the cutting edges while existing ones do not fully take into account this phenomenon. This is because geometric parameters are determined in the kinematic system of coordinates. Particularly important to meet these requirements is for the cutting process whose effectiveness depends significantly on the accuracy in selecting methods for determining tool operational parameters. In this regard, the current work has devised and proposed a general procedure for determining the geometry of tool cutting edges, directly during its application in the kinematic system. The procedure is based on the consideration of the resulting speed, in the form of the vector amount of the main movement and the amount of movement of feeds, which can consider feeds specified by the system’s equipment. This approach to the development of a general procedure ensures that the geometry of the cutting part of a tool of any design is determined along its cutting edges during operation. The devised procedure has significantly reduced the time of calculations and ensured the required geometric parameters of the cutting part of a groove cutter
... Ako je z neho zrejmé, bola by tu možnosť použiť niektorý z povlakov, kde teplota povlakovania je 450-500 °C, bez toho aby došlo k zníženiu požadovanej tvrdosti nástroja. V procese rezania dreva môže byť v zóne mikrovrstvy pod povrchom zuba teplota ohrevu 800-1 000 °C. (DROBA, et al., 2015) Preto je nevyhnutné uvažovať s povlakmi, ktorých tepelná odolnosť je vyššia ako táto hodnota. ...
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Clearing an energetic willow plantation requires high energy input, which results from the need to shred about 15,000-20,000 stumps and their root systems on the area of 1 ha. The methods employed so far generally consist in using horizontal rotation tillers with a working width of 2 to 2.5 m and a working depth up to 0.3-0.45 m, operated with tractors of a power output of 200 kW. It appears possible to reduce the energy inputs for the recultivation of plantation fields after cultivation of willow through the use of machines with a smaller working width, which will grind and mix with the soil only such strips of the field whose width corresponds to the main part of the willow root system. Use of the new machine according to the invention contribute to greater use of agrarian resources after many years of plantations of willow for the purpose of reclaimed plantations for other agricultural purposes.
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The paper deals with the evaluation of the static stiffness and strength, which are critical parameters affecting the stability of the machining process but also the safety and durability of the wood cutting tools. Circular saw blade models for the purpose of computer numerical simulation were proposed using finite element methods, and verified in earlier research. Deformation response was observed, depending on the input parameters correlating to the saw blade woodworking conditions. The strength of the saw blade was compared with the different clamping methods and different thickness of the circular saw blade. An article gives a disturbing finding how minor change in the quality of the circular saw blade clamping, specifically one degree of misalignment, leads to critical states and probable cause of damage.
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For many years a dynamic development of timber structures has been observed. This fact can be explained by many factors, among others, by the development of green building, the search for optimal material solutions or the growing market demand for innovation. Both the development of timber construction, as well as new appearing attempts to combine wood with other building materials undoubtedly constitute a challenge - also for modern surveying engineering - particularly in the field of deformation measurements. This article presents the concept of using an automatic structural monitoring system for measuring timber-concrete composite constructions. Geodetic methods used in structural monitoring were used to examine the behaviour of so-called hybrid structures – especially ash plates and beams. The author presents both measurement methodology as well as the preliminary results of surveying works conducted during the construction phase of a hybrid (composite) building.
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Understanding the dynamical properties of the circular saw blade is necessary, since, there is a really need for a stable work at working rotational speeds, which are determined by frequencies at which the circular saw blade tends to vibrate. It was observed that the resonant frequency depend on the circular saw blade shape, a collar diameter and on saw's teeth shape. In the presented work an attention was paid to the effect of indirect teeth in the saw blade gullets on resonant frequencies. This article presents the results of the FEM modeling carried out on examples the circular saw equipped with indirect teeth, which are used to eject the chips, and the circular saw without those teeth. Modeling was done with the use of the commercial software, due to a desire of testing capabilities of such programs.
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The paper deals with problems of the circular sawblade vibration. In the introductory part, theoretical bases are summarized to determine the form of vibrations and critical and resonant rotational frequency. A diagnostic method is proposed for the direct measurement of amplitudes of a circular sawblade by displacement sensors with the subsequent Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis. This method with the spectral analysis of a signal in the time area makes possible to determine the size and shape of vibration of a circular sawblade with respect to usability/ applicability under operational conditions. Unlike standard methods, when the sawblade is excited by external sources, natural vibrations are used such as disk deformations and the dynamic unbalance of a circular sawblade, effects of chucking/gripping and machine vibration and, last but not least, the disk and sawn wood interaction.
The approximate free vibration characteristics of centrally clamped, variable thickness disks are analyzed by the Rayleigh-Ritz technique. Natural frequencies of transverse vibration are computed, taking into consideration rotational and thermal in-plane stresses as well as purposely induced initial stresses. Initial stresses can significantly raise the minimum disk natural frequency throughout a prescribed rotational and thermal environment. The fundamental mode of disk vibration is one of zero nodal circles and either zero, one, or two nodal diameters, depending upon the disk geometry and the rotational-thermal environment.
In the majority of cases, wood is cut at a high feed rate and high rotational speed by circular saw blades with tungsten carbide tips brazed on the periphery of metal circular plates. Slots are made at several places from the periphery towards the center of a saw blade to prevent lateral vibration, both in idling and cutting, and to prevent a drop in critical rotational speed caused by heat expansion on the blade periphery during the cutting operation. In this paper, variations of lateral vibration mode, natural frequency and critical rotational speed of a slotted circular saw blade are investigated experimentally and by numerical calculations. The lateral deflection of a circular saw blade at the critical rotational speed and at the rotational speed near it is examined by a timber-cutting experiment.
Vibration modal analysis is performed on seven angular slot saws for vibration description and identification. Laboratory tests of saw speed response vibration are carried out with the same saws while variating saw speed, and also while increasing saw temperature gradient at constant saw speed. Tests results are compared with finite element programme calculations. The results reveal a striking correspondence with the classical vibration theory of circular plates even though the phenomenon of stationary vibration in a saw body with discrete asymmetry has to be emphasized. Significant results are presented in diagrams and a table. Eine Analyse der Schwingungsmodi an sieben Kreissägeblättern mit Ringschlitzen wurde durchgeführt, um Schwingungen beschreiben und identifizieren zu können. In Laborversuchen arbeitete man mit Drehzahl-induzierten Schwingungen, mit den stets gleichen Sägeblättern bei Änderung der Drehgeschwindigkeit und bei Änderung des Temperaturgradienten unter konstanter Drehgeschwindigkeit. Die Versuchsergebnisse wurden in einem Finite-Element-Rechen-programm verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine überraschend deutliche Übereinstimmung mit der klassischen Theorie für schwingende Kreisscheiben, wenngleich auch hier das Phänomen der stationären Schwingung in einem Sägeblattkörper mit diskreter Assymmetrie stets zu berücksichtigen ist. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse werden in Diagrammen und in einer Tabelle wiedergegeben.
In a typical sawmill, about 12% of the wood which is cut is reduced to sawdust. Further material is lost during subsequent planing. A substantial part of this large loss of a costly natural resource can be saved by the use of thin, stable sawblades, but only if proper saw tensioning conditions are developed. The thickness of a stable sawblade can be minimized through optimal tensioning, an increasingly urgent objective because of sharply rising raw material costs. A theoretical model is presented which accurately describes the development of residual stresses in a roll tensioned circular sawblade and the resulting changes in saw critical speed. This model is essential for the reliable prediction of optimal tensioning conditions for any given saw operating state, and for the development of automated control of the tensioning process. An example is presented of an optimally tensioned circular sawblade for which a 40% thickness reduction is achieved compared with an equivalent untensioned sawblade with the same critical speed.
Die Arbeit vermittelt ein neu entwickeltes Verfahren zur Berechnung der Eigenfrequenzen von Kreissägeblättern mit der Finite-Element-Methode (FEM). Es wird ein halbanalytisches finites Element verwendet, das die Sägeblattgeometrie (Abmessungen, Einspannverhältnis, Zahnung am äußeren Umfang) berücksichtigt, ebenso wie die Effekte zweiter Ordnung, die durch die Membranspannungen im Sägeblattkörper hervorgerufen werden. Anhand des vorgeschlagenen Rechenmodells wird der Einfluß der von Trägheitskräften und Wärmegradienten erzeugten Spannungen analysiert und ebenso deren Einfluß beim Vorspannen auf die Eigenfrequenzen von Kreissägeblättern. Die Optimierung des Walzspurverhältnisses nach dem Kriterium der Eigenfrequenz-Maximierung wird ebenfalls erörtert. The paper presents a newly developed method of calculating circular saw natural frequencies, based on the finite element method (FEM). A special semi-analytical finite element is used for calculating the eigenvalues. The new method allows to take into consideration geometrical particularities of the saw blade (dimensions, clamping ratio, presence of teeth at the rim), as well as second-order-effects due to membrane stresses. The influence of stresses generated by forces of inertia, thermal gradients and by tensioning on natural frequencies of circular sawblades is analysed. The optimization of the rolling radius is presented, based on the maximization of natural frequencies as a criterion.
Porovnanie teoretických a experimentálnych hodnô tvlastných frekvencií pílového kotúča
  • A Droba
  • D Paulíny
  • J Svoreň
DROBA, A., PAULÍNY, D., SVOREŇ, J., 2013. Porovnanie teoretických a experimentálnych hodnô tvlastných frekvencií pílového kotúča. Acta facultatis technicae, 18(1): 39-46.
Application of CAD, CAE with FEM for estimation ranges of values of critical rotational speed of circular saw blades
MICHNA, S., SVOREŇ, J. 2007. Application of CAD, CAE with FEM for estimation ranges of values of critical rotational speed of circular saw blades. Acta Facultatis Technicae, 9(1): 201-206.
Rezonansnyje kolebanija diskovych pil
  • J M Stachiev
STACHIEV, J. M. 1970. Rezonansnyje kolebanija diskovych pil. Izv.VUZ. Lesnoj žurnal, 13(5): 78-84.