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Abstract and Figures

Control and detection of misfire are an essential part of on-board diagnosis (OBD) of modern spark ignition (SI) engines. This study proposes a novel model-based technique for misfire detection for a multicylinder SI engine. The new technique uses a dynamic engine model to determine mean output power, which is then used to calculate a new parameter for misfire detection. The new parameter directly relates to combustion period and is sensitive to engine speed fluctuations caused by misfire. The new technique requires only measured engine speed data and is computationally viable for use in a typical engine control unit (ECU). The new technique is evaluated experimentally on a four-cylinder 1.6-l SI engine. Three types of misfire are studied including single, continuous, and multiple-event. The steady-state and transient experiments were done for a wide range of engine speeds and engine loads, using a vehicle chassis dynamometer and on-road vehicle testing. The validation results show that the new technique is able to detect all three types of misfire with up to 94% accuracy during steady-state conditions. The new technique is augmented with a compensation factor to improve the accuracy of the technique for transient operations. The resulting technique is shown to be capable of detecting misfire during both transient and steady-state engine conditions.
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M. Boudaghi
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
K. N. Toosi University of Technology,
Mollasadra Street,
Tehran 19991-43344, Iran
M. Shahbakhti
Department of Mechanical
Engineering-Engineering Mechanics,
Michigan Technological University,
1400 Townsend Drive,
Houghton, MI 49931
S. A. Jazayeri
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
K. N. Toosi University of Technology,
Mollasadra Street,
Tehran 19991-43344, Iran
Misfire Detection of Spark
Ignition Engines Using a New
Technique Based on Mean
Output Power
Control and detection of misfire are an essential part of on-board diagnosis (OBD) of mod-
ern spark ignition (SI) engines. This study proposes a novel model-based technique for mis-
fire detection for a multicylinder SI engine. The new technique uses a dynamic engine
model to determine mean output power, which is then used to calculate a new parameter
for misfire detection. The new parameter directly relates to combustion period and is sensi-
tive to engine speed fluctuations caused by misfire. The new technique requires only meas-
ured engine speed data and is computationally viable for use in a typical engine control
unit (ECU). The new technique is evaluated experimentally on a four-cylinder 1.6-l SI
engine. Three types of misfire are studied including single, continuous, and multiple-event.
The steady-state and transient experiments were done for a wide range of engine speeds
and engine loads, using a vehicle chassis dynamometer and on-road vehicle testing. The
validation results show that the new technique is able to detect all three types of misfire
with up to 94%accuracy during steady-state conditions. The new technique is augmented
with a compensation factor to improve the accuracy of the technique for transient opera-
tions. The resulting technique is shown to be capable of detecting misfire during both tran-
sient and steady-state engine conditions. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4029914]
Throughout the last three decades, engine control and monitor-
ing strategies have significantly improved to ensure desirable per-
formance of engines in various operating conditions. The OBD
regulations including OBD-II require that the ECU continuously
monitor engine behavior to prevent harmful emissions and iden-
tify defective parts. Among the strategies, misfire detection strat-
egy is an important part of engine OBD.
The word “misfire” is defined as a lack of in-cylinder combus-
tion, which occurs due to lack of ignition, too lean/rich air–fuel-
ratio, and cold-start, to name but a few. The effects of missing com-
bustion include a sudden decrease in output torque and a sudden
increase in unburned hydrocarbon emissions. Ignition of unburned
fuel by hot spots in the exhaust tailpipe can seriously damage the
catalytic convertor. According to the instruction by OBD-II, misfire
as well as faulty cylinders should be identified on-board.
In general, engines normally operate in a certain manner, in
terms of output torque, vibration level, and exhaust gas tempera-
ture variation, which changes by unexpected events such as mis-
fire. Different methods of misfire detection based on the impact
from missing combustion on engine behavior have been investi-
gated since 1980. Engine misfire detection (EMD) methods can be
grouped into two types including in-cylinder combustion diagno-
sis and postcylinder combustion diagnosis as shown in Fig. 1.
Typical in-cylinder combustion has three main phases including
delay period, rapid combustion or flame spread, and direct burning
of mixture [1]. These three phases can be identified by direct
measurements of in-cylinder pressure, ion current and optical sen-
sor, which can be installed for each individual cylinder. The first
primary method, which is common for off-line combustion
diagnosis, is postprocessing the in-cylinder pressure data measure-
ments by conventional piezoelectric sensors [13]. Measuring the
ratio of in-cylinder mixture components and ionization [49] are
other ways to monitor and control misfire in engines. Another
method includes using optical sensor integrated with a spark plug
for misfire diagnosis [10]. Other techniques include high speed
imaging methods [1114]. Misfire measurements by these afore-
mentioned techniques provide accurate results, but they are not
practical for on-board misfire diagnosis mainly due to high cost
and required computational loads.
The second category of EMD methods is based on measure-
ments of postcombustion parameters including exhaust gas prop-
erties, engine block vibration, or engine speed fluctuation.
Analysis of exhaust gas pressure and temperature measurements
before and inside a catalytic converter has been used for misfire
detection [1416]. Wide-band oxygen sensors installed at the
confluence point of the exhaust ports have been used to measure
variation in oxygen concentration for misfire diagnosis [17,18].
Due to unburned air–fuel mixture in misfired cylinder, the mixture
outflow has lower temperature, pressure, high oxygen ratio as well
as high unburned hydrocarbon ratio in comparison to a normal
combustion cycle. The EMD methods based on exhaust gas prop-
erties typically have low response time; thus, they are not practi-
cal for on-board misfire diagnosis [19].
EMD techniques based on measurements of vibrational effects
and engine speed fluctuation [2026] are common for OBD of
misfire in engines. EMD based on engine speed measurements is
the most common technique used in production engines and is the
focus of this study. Engine speed based EMD techniques can be
grouped into three categories as shown in Fig. 2. These include
physics-based, signal processing based, and observer/estimator-
based EMD techniques.
Studies in Refs. [27], [28], and [29] include examples of
physics-based EMD techniques, where in Ref. [27] an energy
model of an engine in angular domain is developed for on-line
monitoring of the in-cylinder processes including misfire. Study
in Ref. [22] represents an example of a signal processing based
technique where multivariate statistical analysis is employed to
instantaneously process the engine speed signal to locate multiple
misfire events. Studies in Refs. [23] and [30] are an example of an
estimation-based technique where engine power per cylinder is
Contributed by the Combustion and Fuels Committee of ASME for publication in
8, 2014; final manuscript received February 9, 2015; published online March 24,
2015. Editor: David Wisler.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 091509-1
Copyright V
C2015 by ASME
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estimated using measurements from shaft encoder and acoustic
emission sensors. The estimated power per cylinder is then used
to determine whether a cylinder is operating poorly.
In this study, a new physics-based EMD method is developed
and a new parameter for misfire monitoring is proposed according
to engine speed fluctuations and combustion period measurements
by magnetic pickup sensor facing the flywheel. The proposed
method can be implemented on-board and can identify misfire and
faulty cylinders with low processing time requirements. The ex-
perimental validation tests are performed for a vehicle with a
four-cylinder 1.6-l engine, using a chassis dynamometer as well
as vehicle on-road testing. This study is a refinement of our earlier
preliminary work [31].
The structure of the paper is as follows. The Powertrain Rota-
tional Dynamics Model section explains the theoretical principle
of the proposed EMD method. Then, the experimental setup to
collect misfire data is explained. Then, experimental evaluation of
the EMD method and discussions to improve detection accuracy
will be provided. The results from the proposed EMD method are
then compared with those from a common industrial EMD
method. Finally, conclusions are reached and a summary of results
is provided.
Powertrain Rotational Dynamics Model
Powertrain rotational dynamic based on Newton’s second low is
usys ¼X
where Jsys is the inertia for powertrain rotating parts,
usys is
engine rotational acceleration, and Tkis the engine torque for each
cylinder. System dynamics depend on the values of produced tor-
que and wasted torque. In combustion stroke, each cylinder gener-
ates a definite value of positive torque denoted as T
. Other
torques including reciprocating torque (T
), frictional torque (T
and road load torque (T
) are all negative. Equation (1) can be
written as
usys ¼Tind uðÞTruðÞTLuðÞTfuðÞ (2)
is powertrain integrated momentum of inertia including par-
tial moments of inertias of crankshaft (Jcrankshaft), flywheel
(Jflywheel), clutch-system (Jclutch ), and the remaining powertrain
system’s moment of inertia (Jremainings). Some of these inertias are
constant, while the others vary depending on the driving condi-
tions. As a result, powertrain’s total moment of inertia can be
expressed as
Jsys ¼Jcrankshaft þJflywheel þJclutch þJremainings (3)
Tind in Eq. (2) is determined by Eq. (4) as the summation of
generated and consumed torques from the engine’s cylinders
Tind uðÞ¼AprX
PmuðÞfuðÞ (4)
where A
is piston crown surface area, ris crankshaft radius, and z
is the number of cylinders. PmuðÞis the distribution of pressure
over engine rotational position u, and fuðÞis the sinusoid func-
tion which encompasses the effects of engine rotational position
expressed as follows:
fuðÞ¼sin uðÞþ ksinð2uÞ
where kis the ratio of crank radius to connecting rod length. Other
acting torques have negative values. TruðÞin Eq. (2) demonstrates
the torque consumed by reciprocating mass of inertias. For each
individual cylinder, the reciprocating torque is calculated by [29]
ðÞ¼Meq r2fui
where M
is the reciprocating total equivalent mass. Equation (6)
can be simplified by neglecting the acceleration term in the
bracket, leading to a total of less than 0.2% error [29]. Equation
(6) is simplified to
ðÞ¼Meq r2fui
In normal engine operating conditions, the net value of torque
is positive in acceleration and negative for deceleration
Fig. 1 EMD techniques in literature
Fig. 2 Common approaches in literature for EMD based on
crankshaft speed measurements
091509-2 / Vol. 137, SEPTEMBER 2015 Transactions of the ASME
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conditions. In case of misfire, Tind is negligible; hence, the total
torque is suddenly negative. Moreover, this leads to a sudden
deceleration which reduces engine speed and is used for diagnos-
tic purposes.
The conversion of the torque to power yields
Plugging Eq. (2) into Eq. (8) results in
u¼Tind uðÞ
Trend of engine speed variation during the expansion stroke of a
cylinder is indicative of the combustion situation. Integrating Eq.
(9) over the period of expansion stroke (i.e., Du¼180 deg crank
angle degrees for a four-cylinder engine) leads to
½Tind uðÞ
Equation (10) is then converted from rotational displacement (du)
to time domain
u2dt ¼Pind uðÞPruðÞPLuðÞPfuðÞ (11)
In misfiring condition, right-hand side of Eq. (11) becomes neg-
ative because of lack of combustion. Thus, the indicated power-
Pind uðÞis not sufficiently large to overcome waste/resisting
power; hence, the left-hand side (LHS) of Eq. (11) is negative dur-
ing misfire. The LHS of Eq. (11) is expressed as
LHS ¼1
u2dt ¼J
The engine mean rotational speed ð_
uÞduring the combustion
period for the ith cylinder is
where siis the time period for the engine rotation of
Du¼180 deg. Using Eq. (13), Eq. (12) can be expressed as
LHS ¼Du2J=3s3
 (14)
LHS expresses the net power of the rotational parts of engine in
the Dutime period. Term Du2J
=3 is constant for any particular
engine. Therefore, the term inside the bracket expression is
denoted as the mean power (MP) value, which is based on the
expansion stroke time duration (e.g., 180 deg of crankshaft rota-
tion for a four-cylinder engine) for each individual cylinder. The
Dufactor should be adjusted according to the number of cylinders
in an engine in order to cover the main power generation period
without overlap among cylinders. MP is defined as the main
parameter for EMD in this study. The engine’s misfire diagnosis
parameter for ith cylinder is defined as
 (15)
During normal engine operation, MP value is close to zero;
however, during misfire, the MP value suddenly changes, indicat-
ing the occurrence of misfire. A critical threshold (C
) is defined
for MP to distinguish between normal and misfire cycles. MP and
values depend on engine speed and engine load as will be dis-
cussed later in the “Results” section.
Experimental Setup
A vehicle with a 1.6-l four-cylinder bi-fuel SI engine is used to
conduct the required misfire experimental tests. The major specifi-
cations of the engine are listed in Table 1. The experimental setup
is shown in Fig. 3.
A common production magnetic pickup sensor connected to the
flywheel is used for measuring engine speed. Bosch’s ME7 ECU
system, coupled by INCA software (ETAS GmbH, Stuttgart, Ger-
many), is used to collect the required experimental data. The INCA is
an interface software for basic measurements and ECU calibration.
INCA has the capability of generating various tests for calibration
and vehicle testing (Fig. 3). Using INCA, three types of misfire are
generated according to certain sequence and period of occurrence:
Type I: single misfire with sequence of cylinders 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Type II: continues misfire with sequence of cylinders 1, 2, 3,
and 4.
Type III: multiple misfires with sequence of cylinders 1–3, 2–4,
1–2, and 3–4.
Figure 4illustrates the platform of the three types of misfire
studied in this work. The first type (Fig. 4(a)) includes misfires
occurring with a certain period (i.e., every 38 cycles) in different
cylinders. The second type demonstrated by Fig. 4(b)includes
one misfire per cycle in consecutive engine cycles. Figure 4(c)
Table 1 Engine Specification
Displacement 1.65 l
Architecture I-4
Bore 78.6 mm
Stroke 84 mm
Compression ratio 11.2
Fuel types Gasoline and CNG with
CNG as the base fuel
Fuel system MPFI
Maximum power (CNG/petrol) 76/85 kW at 6000 rpm
Maximum torque (CNG/petrol) 137/155 Nm at 3500–4500 rpm
Number of flywheel teeth 59
Fig. 3 Overview of the experimental setup for misfire
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 091509-3
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shows misfire patterns with two consequent cycles including cyl-
inders 1 and 2 (illustrated in part C-1 for ten segments) and cylin-
ders 1 and 3 (illustrated in part C-2 for ten segments).
Misfire experiments include vehicle testing on a chassis dyna-
mometer setup and vehicle testing by driving the vehicle under
urban traffic conditions. This embodies a wide range of load and
engine speeds. Vehicle/engine operating conditions will be pro-
vided in the Results and Discussion section.
Results and Discussion
The misfire tests are done for two different engine conditions
including: (1) 3250 rpm with 50% engine load
and (2) 1250 rpm
with 10% engine load. Measured engine speed and calculated MP
values for 50% load at 3250 rpm conditions are shown in Figs.
58. For the sake of brevity, the plots for 10% load at 1250 rpm
are shown in the Appendix.
By reviewing the engine speed plots, two posteffects of missing
combustion are observed. (1) There is a drop in spontaneous
engine speed. This drop is used in the designed model-based
EMD method to identify faults as it affects MP values. (2) There
is a continuation of engine speed deviation as a result of engine
dynamics stiffness and damping properties. This continued devia-
tion can adversely affect misfire detection accuracy.
Figure 5indicates engine speed deviations for single misfires
and effects on MP detection parameters; moreover, it is clear
that deviations continued to the next misfire with lower MP mag-
nitude. After each single misfire, it takes a short period for the
MP oscillations to disappear and return to normal engine opera-
tion values (Fig. 5). This settling time for MP oscillation is
referredtoasdamping time in this study. Increasing engine load
and engine speed leads to higher amplitude of rotational engine
speed deviations. By reviewing a wide range of the operating
data for the engine, damping time is found to have an inverse
relation with engine load and direct relation with engine speed.
For diagnostic purposes, damping time plays a significant role.
Smaller damping time decreases the possibility of false misfire
Increasing engine speed at partial load conditions is found to
lead to higher measurement noise. Conversely, increasing load at
a fixed engine speed decreases the noise. Accordingly, damping
of postmisfire deviation is faster at high load and this causes the
MP to be more accurate in high-load operations.
At normal operation, the MP must have a mean value close to
zero. A misfire event is detected when MP exceeds the C
old which depends on engine speed and load. Table 2lists the C
values used for different engine speeds and loads. It is clear that
larger threshold values are required at higher loads and higher
engine speeds.
Figure 9illustrates the misfire generation signal (MGS) which
is generated systematically by the engine control unit to cause
misfire by lack of in-cylinder spark, followed by peak values of
MP misfire detection signal. To quantize the accuracy of misfire
detection, a metric for misfire detection capability (dc) is defined
100 (16)
Fig. 4 Patterns of misfire generation including: (a) single mis-
fire, (b) continuous misfires, and (c) multiple periodic misfires
Fig. 5 Engine speed deviations and MP values for single mis-
fires (type I) at 3520 rpm and 50% load
Fig. 6 Engine speed deviations and MP values for continues
misfires (type II) at 3520 rpm and 50% load
Fig. 7 Engine speed deviations and MP values for multi-
misfires (type III—pattern 1, 4 cylinders) at 3520 rpm and 50%
Fig. 8 Engine speed deviations and MP values for multi-
misfires (type III—pattern 1, 3 cylinders) at 3520 rpm and 50%
Load is estimated by ECU based on throttle opening angle.
091509-4 / Vol. 137, SEPTEMBER 2015 Transactions of the ASME
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where t
is the total number of misfires, m
and f
represent num-
ber of missed detections and false detections, respectively. Tables
3and 4show the performance of the proposed EMD technique for
detecting different types of misfire at two different engine speeds.
The results show that dcby the EMD technique ranges from 71%
to 91% depending on misfire types. Single misfires are harder to
detect with 25% possibility of false detections (Table 3). As
expected dcis lower at a smaller engine load, but dcremains
almost constant for both engine loads for type II (i.e., continues)
The results in Figs. 58represent steady-state operation. One
major challenge is to ensure that an EMD method works both in
steady-state and transient operations. Here, the proposed EMD
method is also tested in highly transient engine operation in vehi-
cle urban driving conditions. A vehicle equipped with the pro-
posed misfire detection technique is used to carry out vehicle tests
in city driving conditions. Figure 10 shows the engine operating
conditions. Engine speed varies from 1500 rpm to 4000 rpm, and
engine load varies from 0% to 40% during a 60 s test period. This
represents a highly transient engine operation. Three sets of mis-
fire events in two types of continuous (type II) and multiple mis-
fire (type III) are applied as shown in Fig. 11.
A close-up of MP values versus MGS is shown in Fig. 12. Sev-
eral false misfire detections can be noticed. Inadequate MP devia-
tions decrease the overall reliability of the proposed technique; in
this case, using the MP value for detection purposes requires elim-
ination of postmisfiring oscillations in normal operation condition.
The MP value based on calculation of consequent power segments
and cylinder-by-cylinder deviations is infinitesimal; thus, the
mean value of consequent segments value is close to zero. To
increase detection accuracy, the factor Cvis derived; so MP is
compensated as follows:
MPc¼MP Cv(17)
where Cvis the compensation factor defined as
Cvis the mean value of MP for seven segments (i.e., two engine
cycles). Cvis used to eliminate the MP deviations for improving
misfire detection accuracy. Using the compensated MPc, the mis-
fire detection results will be smoothed by removing misleading
MP deviations.
Compensated MP values based on Eq. (17) are shown in Fig.
values are smoother than original MP values in Fig. 11.
By applying C
, all these primary oscillations are eliminated. This
results in improving dc(detection capability) from 80% to 90%
for the misfires in Fig. 11. Thus, the new EMD technique can be
used for both steady-state and transient operating conditions.
Applying C
to the steady-state test conditions also results in
the elimination of postmisfiring deviations. Figure 14 shows the
compensated MP values for the steady-state test conditions previ-
ously presented in Figs 57. By comparing the MP and MP
ues in these figures, a significant reduction in the number of false
and missed detections is observed. For the case of misfire type I
(i.e., single-misfire), no false misfire detection and no missed
detection are observed in the new results. In addition, both false
detection and missed detection are reduced by 10% in misfire type
III (i.e., multiple misfires).
Comparison With LU Method. There are other EMD meth-
ods which use concepts which are comparable to the MP
method. Among these methods, the LU method in Ref. [32]is
the most related to the proposed method in this work; thus, the
results from this work are compared to those from the LU
method. The LU method was developed by evaluating crank-
shaft speed loss as a result of misfire (see Ref. [29] for details).
Fig. 9 MGS (filled bar lines) and MP values for 3250 rpm test data
Table 2 C
threshold values (1/s
Engine load
Engine speed 10% 50% 70%
1250 rpm 150 400 600
3500 rpm 1000 3500 4000
Table 3 Misfire detection capability for the tests at 3250 rpm
and 50% engine load
Single (type I) Continuous (type II) Multiple (type III)
Generated, t
20 280 280
False detected, f
Missed, m
210 20
(%) 70 91 90
Table 4 Misfire detection capability for the tests at 1250 rpm
and 10% engine load
Single (type I) Continuous (type II) Multiple (type III)
Generated, t
20 280 280
False detected, f
Missed, m
210 5
(%) 55 90 75
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 091509-5
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The LU method is based on the engine roughness detection pa-
rameter which is augmented by other additional factors. LU
defined as
where siis the combustion duration time period related to ith
cylinder. LU method is applied to the both steady-state and tran-
sient data collected in this work. Figure 15 shows a comparison
between calculated LU and MP
values for the third set of mis-
fires in transient driving conditions from Figs. 10 and 11.The
general pattern in LU and MP
is similar since both methods use
a similar principle based on engine power-train dynamic model.
However, MP
offers some advantages. In steady-state opera-
tion, the value of [(Max cylinder to cylinder deviation)/(fault
signal)] ratio is 0.16 and 0.08 for LU and MP
, respectively. In
transient driving conditions, this ratio varies for different condi-
tions, yet the mean ratio is, respectively, 0.16 and 0.04 for LU
and MP
. This advantage causes the MP
to be less sensitive to
noise; thus, more resistant to false detections. In addition, MP
offers better misfire detection capability (dc) as shown in Table
5for transient driving data from Fig. 10. The results indicate
3–8% improvement in dcby using MP
method compared to the
LU method. dcis anticipated to improve if the signal to noise ra-
tio is increased by using the methods of signal processing
Fig. 10 Vehicle transient test conditions: (a) engine speed and
(b) engine load
Fig. 13 Compensated MP (MPc) values for transient test data
of Fig. 10
Fig. 11 MP value overlapped by MGS in transient urban driv-
ing conditions
Fig. 14 Compensated MP (MPc) values for misfire types (type
I-a) and (type III-b) at 3520 rpm and 50% load
Fig. 12 Close-up of calculated MP values (continues stair lines) overlapped by MGS (filled bar lines) for the third misfire gener-
ation set in Fig. 11
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Summary and Conclusions
A new physics-based EMD technique was developed for detect-
ing misfires in SI engines. The new technique is based on MP
value which is calculated using engine speed measurements. The
proposed technique was tested for a four-cylinder SI engine in
steady-state and transient operating conditions. Steady-state mis-
fire experiments were carried out on a vehicle chassis dynamome-
ter, while transient experiments were done by on-road vehicle
testing. Three different types of misfire were investigated. These
include single, continuous, and multiple misfires. While accurate
in detecting misfires for steady-state conditions, the EMD tech-
nique could not successfully identify transient misfires, which are
shadowed by engine postmisfire oscillations.
A smoothed version of the EMD technique was proposed and
tested. The results indicated that the modified EMD technique
could remove posteffects of misfires, thus could successfully
detect misfire for transient conditions too. Overall, the new EMD
technique exhibited misfire detection capabilities up to 94% for a
range of engine speeds and loads for tested four-cylinder engine.
Finally, the new technique was compared with a common indus-
trial EMD method known as LU. The comparison results con-
firmed that the new method outperforms the LU method by
providing better detection accuracy and lower ratio of max cylinder-
to-cylinder/fault signal.
Although the results were presented for a four-cylinder engine,
similar misfire detection capability is anticipated for six-cylinder
engines. But the extension of the proposed EMD technique for 8
Fig. 15 LU and MP
patterns for the third set of misfire genera-
tion in transient operation
Fig. 18 Engine speed variation and MP values for multiple mis-
fires (type III-pattern 1,4 cylinders) at 1250 rpm and 10% engine
Fig. 17 Engine speed variation and MP values for continuous
misfires (type II) at 1250 rpm and 10% engine load
Fig. 19 Engine speed variation and MP values for multiple mis-
fires (type III-pattern 1,3 cylinders) at 1250 rpm and 10% engine
Table 5 Percentage of total misfire detection capability for LU
and MP
in transient driving conditions from Fig. 10
Total generated, t
False detected, f
(%) MP
LU 4.8
Missed, m
(%) MP
LU 7
(%) MP
LU 88
Fig. 16 Engine speed variation and MP values for single mis-
fires (type I) at 1250 rpm and 10% engine load
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 091509-7
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and 12-cylinder engines is expected to require extensive calibra-
tion phase before implementation due to smooth power generation
from 8 and 12-cylinder engines.
The authors gratefully thank Mr. Mohammad Ghafuri and
Dr. Rasoul Salehi from IPCO for their help in collecting the
misfire data which were used to evaluate the proposed EMD
Ap¼piston surface (m
¼threshold value (1/s
¼compensation factor
CNG ¼compressed natural gas
¼detection capability (%)
fuðÞ¼crank–slide mechanism function
Jsys ¼general rotational inertia (kg m
L¼connecting-rod length (m)
Meq ¼equivalent mass of the sliding parts of crank slide mech-
anism (kg)
MP ¼misfire detection parameter (1/s
¼compensated misfire detection parameter (1/s
MPFI¼multipoint fuel injection
P¼power (W)
PmuðÞ¼in-cylinder pressure of mth cylinder (Pa)
R¼crank–slide mechanism radius (m)
¼frictional torque (Nm)
¼indicated torque (Nm)
¼load torque (Nm)
¼reciprocating torque (Nm)
Du¼expansion stroke angular interval (rad)
k¼ratio of crank radius to connecting rod length
si¼ith combustion period (s)
u¼crankshaft angular position (rad)
u¼crankshaft angular speed (rad/s)
usys ¼rotational acceleration (rad/s
Eq ¼equal
i¼related to ith cylinder
ind ¼indicated
sys ¼related to integrated powertrain system
The following figures show the experimental data and calculated
MP values for the test results at 1250 rpm with 10% engine load.
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Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 091509-9
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... Over the years, many techniques have been developed to detect engine misfire. The current widely used techniques measure one or more of the following physical quantity to detect misfire: a) instantaneous crankshaft angular velocity (engine speed) [3][4][5][6][7][8], b) incylinder (combustion chamber) pressure [8], c) exhaust gas pressure [8], d) engine vibrations [8][9], and e) ignition signal [10][11]. These methods use in-cylinder sensors or engine block attached sensors that are costly as they have to withstand very high temperatures and pressures. ...
... Hacohen et al. [17] defined misfire or partial burn as a cycle that fails to generate a propagating flame due to a greater rate of heat loss than the rate of heat generation from combustion. Misfire can occur due to a cold start, absence of ignition, too lean, or rich air-fuel ratio [18]. Nohira et al. [19] and Douaud et al. [20] found that the possibility of misfire increases gradually with increased spark advance following an exponential trend. ...
This study investigates the effect of misfire and postfire on backfire in a hydrogen-fuelled automotive spark ignition engine. Backfire is a preignition phenomenon and the flame propagates toward the engine's intake manifold during the suction stroke. Postfire is a post-ignition phenomenon occurring in the exhaust manifold during the exhaust stroke and the flame propagates towards the exhaust manifold or backflow to the combustion chamber or combined both. Misfire occurs when cranking the engine (starting), fouled spark plug, and unoptimized spark timing. Several misfire cycles lead to an increase in the accumulation of unburnt hydrogen-air charge inside the cylinder and 13% hydrogen leaves the exhaust manifold resulting in postfire occurrence in a subsequent cycle. The postfire in the current cycle acting as an external ignition source for the preignition of the accumulated hydrogen-air charge results in backfire in the immediate next cycle. The misfire, postfire and backfire stall the engine operation due to a drop in indicated mean effective pressure. The experimental data indicates the backfire limiting equivalence ratio (BLER) should decrease with an increase in the engine speed as the equivalence ratio varies from 0.91 at 2000 rpm to 0.4 at 4900 rpm. As too advancement of spark timing increases the probability of misfire leading to postfire and backfire, the engine must be operated at backfire limiting spark timing to avoid misfire, postfire, and backfire occurrence. An important point emerged from this study that misfire without postfire does not lead to backfire occurrence. Physical mechanisms and mitigative measures for misfire, postfire and backfire are discussed in detail.
... A. Overview of VEHMS Risk Management Framework issues, accelerometer sensors with the continuous wavelet transform analysis for signal's peak value over time, RMS, mean, Kurtosis, and Skewness are preferred [11]. Magnetic pickup and voltage sensors are used to detect engine misfires and starting failures simultaneously using engine output power [12] and voltage variation [13]. Furthermore, it is proposed to use an online sensor to continuously monitor the physiochemical parameters of engine lubricating oil in real-time [14]. ...
The unwanted vehicular engine irregularities diminish vehicular competence, hinder productivity, waste time, and sluggish personal/national economic growth. Transportation sectors are essential infrastructures that require practical vulnerability assessment to avoid unexpected consequences through risk severity assessment. Artificial intelligence would be vital in the Industry 4.0 era to eliminate these issues for seamless activity and ultimate productivity. This article presents a risk management framework that includes an efficient decision model for monitoring and diagnosing vehicular engine health and condition in real-time using vulnerable components information and advanced techniques. To do this, we used the vulnerability identification frame to identify the vulnerable objects. We created a decision model that used an infrastructure vulnerability assessment model and sensor-actuator data to diagnose and categorise engine conditions as good, minor, moderate, or critical. We used machine learning and deep learning algorithms to assess the effectiveness of the risk management system’s decision model. The stacked ensemble of the deep learning algorithm outperformed other standard machine learning and deep learning algorithms in providing 80.3% decision accuracy for the 80% training data and efficiently managing large amounts of data. Anticipating the proposed framework might assist the automotive sector in advancing with cutting-edge facilities that are up to date.
Conference Paper
div class="section abstract"> The global push to minimize carbon emissions and the imposition of more rigorous regulations on emissions are driving an increased exploration of cleaner powertrains for transportation. Hydrogen fuel applications in internal combustion engines are gaining prominence due to their zero carbon emissions and favorable combustion characteristics, particularly in terms of thermal efficiency. However, conventional Spark-Ignition (SI) engines are facing challenges in meeting performance expectations while complying with strict pollutant-emission regulations. These challenges arise from the engine's difficulty in handling advanced combustion strategies, such as lean mixtures, attributed to factors like low ignition energy and abnormal combustion events. To address these issues, the Barrier Discharge Igniter (BDI) stands out for its capability to generate non-equilibrium Low-Temperature Plasma (LTP), a strong promoter of ignition through kinetic, thermal, and transport effects. Its surface discharge also facilitates combustion promotion across a wide area, overcoming the limitations of conventional spark systems. The research outlined in this study involves conducting experiments that integrate hydrogen (H2) with LTP discharge. Tests were carried out using a single-cylinder research engine by varying the air-fuel mixture and maintaining the same load condition and the same engine speed. Results from the application of BDI, revealed an acceleration in the evolution of the flame front when compared to conventional spark methods. This effect extended the lean stable limit of the engine, leading to reduction in the fuel consumption and emissions and improvements in the delivered power close to the engine lean stable limit. Additionally, adjustment of BDI control parameters played a crucial role in enhancing igniter performance, contributing significantly to a more comprehensive understanding of the innovative approach presented in this study. </div
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This paper presents the development and implementation of a novel robust sensing and measurement system that achieves fine granularity and permits new insights into operation of rotational machinery. Instant angle speed measurements offer a wealth of useful information for complex machines in which the motion is the result of multidimensional, internal, and external interactions. The implementation of the proposed system was conducted on an internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine crankshaft’s angular velocity is the result of the integration of all variables of motor and resisting forces. The crankshaft angular velocity variation also reflects the interaction between the internal thermodynamic cycle of the engine and the plant it powers. To minimise the number of variables, we used for our experiments an aero piston engine for small air-vehicles—a well-made and reliable powerplant—connected to a propeller. This paper presents the need for a better sensing and measurement system. Then, we show the development of the system, the measurement protocol and process, recording and analysis of the data, and results of some experiments. We then demonstrate the possibilities this sensing suite can achieve—a deeper insight into the operation of the machine—by performing high-quality analyses of engine cycles, well beyond capabilities in the state of the art. This system can be generalised for other rotational machines and equipment.
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In this work, a new approach was developed for the detection of engine misfire based on the long short-term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM RNN) using crank speed signal. The datasets are acquired from a six-cylinder-inline, turbo-charged diesel engine. Previous works investigated misfire detection in a limited range of engine running speed, running load or misfire types. In this work, the misfire patterns consist of normal condition, six types of one-cylinder misfire faults and fifteen types of two-cylinder misfire faults. All the misfire patterns are tested under wide range of running conditions of the tested engine. The traditional misfire detection method is tested on the datasets first, and the result show its limitation on high-speed low-load conditions. The LSTM RNN is a type of artificial neural network which has the ability of considering both the current input in-formation and the previous input information; hence it is helpful in extracting features of crank speed in which the misfire-induced speed fluctuation will last one or a few cycles. In order to select the engine operating conditions for network training properly, five data division strategies are attempted. For the sake of acquiring high performance of designed network, four types of network structure are tested. The results show that, utilizing the datasets in this work, the LSTM RNN based algorithm can overcome the limitation at high-speed low-load conditions of traditional misfire detection method. Moreover, the network which takes fixed segment of raw speed signal as input and takes misfire or fault-free labels as output achieves the best performance with the misfire diagnosis accuracy not less than 99.90%.
In this paper, we propose a real-time diagnostic method using a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect cylinder misfires and engine load conditions in multi-cylinder internal combustion (IC) diesel engines. To enhance engine efficiency and reliability, it is necessary to detect and classify multiple irregularities in engine operation, such as misfires and changes in load conditions. Optimized combustion parameter setting increases engine efficiency, which depends on the engine load conditions. Similarly, misfire detection prevents engine damage and increases fuel efficiency and reliability of the engine. Previous works investigated misfire detection while ignored the change in engine operating conditions that affects the engine efficiency. This work presents a real-time CNN-based method to detect misfires and load changes together in engine operations by analyzing the IC process. First, the sensor signal is pre-processed to extract a primary signal and translate it into a crank angle degree (CAD) signal, which represents a complete cycle of the IC process in the engine. After that, a CNN is designed for multi-class classification and trained using one-dimensional CAD vectors, which combines a feature extraction capability and pattern recognition in a single learner. The proposed CNN-based method detects and classifies multiple abnormalities in engine operations with an accuracy of more than 99% and low generalization error. The designed CNN uses a single convolutional layer for feature extraction resulting in more efficient systems in terms of performance and speed.
Advanced gasoline engines in hybrid powertrains are currently regarded as the most widespread solution for passenger cars in the upcoming years, due to the strong commitment of many countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the limitations of pure electric vehicles at present. At the same time, it is widely proven that exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) through the low pressure (LP) configuration allows reducing fuel consumption and, consequently, CO 2 emissions in gasoline engines. However, it is challenging to extract the full EGR potential, since it means operating close to the EGR tolerance, and this can compromise the engine transient response because of the long transport delays associated with LP EGR systems. Hence the paper presents an analysis on the capability of three strategies to accelerate the transient response of a gasoline engine operating with high LP EGR levels during tip-out maneuvers, while guaranteeing the combustion stability. Such strategies are the optimization of valve synchronization (based on applying different delays between the throttle actuation and pedal demand), the integration of a secondary air-path which bypasses the compressor, and the use of a pressurized air tank directly connected to the intake manifold. Both experimental and modeling data were utilized to assess the advantages and drawbacks of these strategies: engine tests for the validation of 1D model transient performance and the evaluation of combustion stability and torque evolution, while the fluid-dynamics and transport phenomena were analyzed by simulation.
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A misfire detection and re-ignition control device based on an ion current signal is designed, and a method for calculating the threshold level of an ion current integral signal is proposed to judge a misfire event. Based on the combustion cycle control strategy, start-up combustion cycle misfire detection and re-ignition control are investigated in a TSDI-Two Stage Direct Injection gasoline engine using ion current signal feedback. The results show that it is feasible for the ion current integral signal to be used for misfire detection and re-ignition control. In the experiment, when the ion current integral signal is larger than the misfire threshold level (U-misfire>0.5V), the ion current exists in the combustion chamber, the in-cylinder fuel-air mixture combusts, and the re-ignition event cannot occur. When the ion current integral signal is smaller than the misfire threshold level (U-misfire<0.5V), the ion current is close to zero, the misfire event occurs, and re-ignition takes place. As far as hydrocarbon emissions are concerned, the level of unburnt hydrocarbons under successful ignition is lowest, the level of unburnt hydrocarbons under successful re-ignition is higher, and the level of unburnt hydrocarbons under unsuccessful ignition and re-ignition is the highest. Hence, the start-up combustion cycle misfire detection and re-ignition control based ion current signal feedback strategy is favorable for reducing unburnt hydrocarbon emissions.
Conference Paper
Currently, the cars fuel consumption and resulting pollution from this consumption are reasons which encourage endeavors for optimizing fuel usage. One of the main aerodynamic characteristics that heavily affect fuel consumption is the drag force on vehicles. By reducing drag forces, the effective loads on cars are reduced and thus the fuel consumption is diminished. One of the interesting problems associated with drag calculations is the inter-vehicle spacing of vehicles on highways that directly affect the applied forces on car bodies. In this paper, a numerical simulation of three dimensional turbulent flow around a series of vehicles moving in the same lane with varying distances was developed using the commercial fluid dynamic CFD software FLUENT. The study focuses on CFD based drag predictions on two and three dimensional computer models and the results related to the corresponding fuel consumptions. The spacing effects in front and behind the vehicles are studied in steady conditions with different speeds and distances. The RNG k-ε turbulence model was adopted for the calculations and consistent results were found.
In this paper a method of misfiring control in current cycle at engine start is presented. With this novel method, the high HC emissions of gasoline engine employed in traditional or hybrid electrical vehicles will be avoided. By the feedback of ion current signal, misfire phenomenon is identified within 30 degrees crank angle after spark plug ignited. Then, the ignition coil will be recharged and the plug sparked again to promote air fuel mixture oxidation and deplete the unburned hydrocarbon produces in exhaust gas. On the other hand, too late ignition will not always result in normal combustion, a kind of reaction similar with slow oxidation also occurs in such case. Hence, the oxidation process occurred in current cycle caused by reigniting of the spark plug will affect the combustion initial conditions of next cycle through the trapped residual gas Therefore, fuel injection amount of next combustion cycle will be adjusted according to the combustion status of current cycle which detected through ion current waveform. Accordingly, a set of pattern recognition algorithm and control strategy are designed to minimize the occurrence of misfire and to decrease the HC emissions during engine start process.
The adoption of each new level of automotive emissions legislation often requires the introduction of additional emissions reduction techniques or the development of existing emissions control systems. This, in turn, usually requires the implementation of new sensors and hardware which must subsequently be monitored by the on-board fault detection systems. The reliable detection and diagnosis of faults in these systems or sensors, which result in the tailpipe emissions rising above the progressively lower failure thresholds, provides enormous challenges for OBD engineers. This paper gives a review of the field of fault detection and diagnostics as used in the automotive industry. Previous work is discussed and particular emphasis is placed on the various strategies and techniques employed. Methodologies such as state estimation, parity equations and parameter estimation are explained with their application within a physical model diagnostic structure. The utilization of symptoms and residuals in the diagnostic process is also discussed. These traditional physical model based diagnostics are investigated in terms of their limitations. The requirements from the OBD legislation are also addressed. Additionally, novel diagnostic techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA) are also presented as a potential method of achieving the monitoring requirements of current and future OBD legislation.
This overview presents examples of applications of high frame rate imaging diagnostics in fundamental and applied combustion research. Progress in the performance of high frame rate digital cameras and high repetition rate lasers enabled the development of a range of new imaging diagnostics for measurements of velocities, concentrations and temperatures. Camera frame rates and storage capacities are now adequate to resolve and follow time scales spanning six orders of magnitude while camera chip size limitations restrict the spatial dynamic range to about three orders of magnitude. High-speed imaging studies of mixing processes, flame stabilization, ignition and extinction and the coupling of acoustic and chemical processes in turbulent flames and internal combustion engines have produced a wealth of new understanding, contributing also to the development of predictive models. Future progress in designing and operating cleaner and more efficient combustion device hinges on our ability to push operating conditions to leaner mixtures and often to higher pressures. There, small variations in boundary conditions, e.g. flow patterns or the formation of a fuel spray, might lead to combustion failures that can range from acoustic noise in a jet flame, a misfire in an automobile engine, to lean-blow-out of an aircraft gas turbine engine; from nuisance to catastrophe. High-speed imaging in turbulent flames and internal combustion engines allowed capturing and identifying detrimental conditions that might be rare in occurrence and defining in leading to failure. The examples presented in this review illustrate the status of diagnostic capabilities, show sample results, and examine some future directions.