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The Effect of Mozart’s Music on Child Development in a Jordanian Kindergarten



Young children who listen to music regularly demonstrate better development than those who do not. As children grow, their social, cognitive and physical skills can be enhanced by their relationship with music. The music of Mozart was introduced into the children’s environment as a sensory background for the standard curriculum. The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the effect of "The Mozart Effect: Music for Children" collection on the social, cognitive, and physical development of five and six-year-olds. Forty-two children participated. Twenty-one of them were in an experimental group exposed to music, composed by Mozart, accompanying their daily school programme for eight months. The control group, in the same kindergarten, following an identical curriculum, did not experience any accompanying music. To evaluate the children’s development, a measurement called "The preschool and kindergarten children's performance scale", established and developed by Al-Batsh (2001) in Jordan, having the psychometric properties necessary for the study, was used. The results showed significant statistical differences in social, cognitive, and physical development favouring the children in the experimental group. Music can become an important part of any educational setting. It provides a positive atmosphere, which helps children to experience reduced stress and enhanced development.
The Effect of Mozart’s Music on Child Development in a Jordanian
Dr Jehan Mattar
4th October 2012
The University of Jordan
Department of Education
Young children who listen to music regularly demonstrate better development
than those who do not. As children grow, their social, cognitive and physical skills
can be enhanced by their relationship with music. The music of Mozart was
introduced into the children’s environment as a sensory background for the standard
curriculum. The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the effect of
"The Mozart Effect: Music for Children" collection on the social, cognitive, and
physical development of five and six-year-olds. Forty-two children participated.
Twenty-one of them were in an experimental group exposed to music, composed by
Mozart, accompanying their daily school programme for eight months. The control
group, in the same kindergarten, following an identical curriculum, did not experience
any accompanying music. To evaluate the children’s development, a measurement
called "The preschool and kindergarten children's performance scale", established and
developed by Al-Batsh (2001) in Jordan, having the psychometric properties
necessary for the study, was used. The results showed significant statistical
differences in social, cognitive, and physical development favouring the children in
the experimental group. Music can become an important part of any educational
setting. It provides a positive atmosphere, which helps children to experience reduced
stress and enhanced development.
Young children begin to show a preference for the music of their own culture
by the age of two (Levitin, 2006). The early childhood years are crucial to musical
growth, as, between the ages of four and six, we experience a heightened sensitivity to
sound and pitch (Campbell, Campbell & Dickinson, 2004).
Early exposure to music is especially essential during the critical period for
brain development. This critical period takes place during the preschool and
beginning elementary years (Beaty, 2000).
Music is an excellent tool for teaching the first few simple steps of growing
up. Howard Gardner listed music as one of the seven basic intelligences built into our
genetic system, following Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget who recognized music
as an innate intelligence ready to unfold between the third and fourth year of life
(Campbell, 2002).
There are many reasons for including music in the curriculum. Firstly, music
draws the children into creative activities in the early childhood classroom when the
adult carefully prepares the environment with appropriate materials and encourages
musical experiences (Henniger, 2002). Furthermore, music can become an important
part of any educational setting. It provides a welcoming atmosphere as students enter,
offers a calming effect after periods of physical activity, soothes classroom
transactions, and reduces stress that commonly accompanies examinations or other
academic pressures (Campbell, Campbell & Dickinson, 2004).
Jalongo (1996) notes that children respond to different types of music through
different types of vocalization and body movement. She also points out that early
childhood educators and children who are non-musicians can make and understand
Several ancient philosophers included music as an important part of education.
An extensive compendium of arts education research studies called “Critical Links
was released in 2002 and showed that musical instruction develops spatial reasoning
and the spatial-temporal skills of understanding and using mathematical ideas and
concepts (Campbell, Campbell & Dickinson, 2004).
Likewise, it was proposed that music may serve as a pre-language, with
centres distinct from language centres in the cortex, available at an early age, which
can access the inherent cortical spatial-temporal firing patterns and enhance the ability
to perform spatial-temporal reasoning (Leng & Shaw, 1991).
Research shows that music should be an essential part of early childhood
experience. “It’s fun, creative, and it’s a proven way to develop areas of the brain for
later academic tasks, said Elizabeth Stilwell, director of the Early Childhood Center
(Lang, 1999). Many, if not most, children and adults enjoy rhythm and melody and
like to listen to and participate in musical activities, and they enjoy learning through
musical methods or appreciate music in the classroom as they work on nonverbal
tasks (Campbell, Campbell & Dickinson, 2004).
Previous Studies
There have been a number of studies investigating the effects of music on
children’s cognitive and social skills. For example, first-graders who participated in
Kodaly music appreciation and movement five days per week, forty minutes per day,
for seven months, scored significantly higher on standard reading tests than a non-
musical group (Campbell, 2002).
Duffy and Fuller (2000) investigated the effectiveness of a music therapy
programme on the enhancement of the social skills of children with moderate
intellectual disability. Thirty-two children, aged five to ten years, from four
intellectual disability centres, participated. At each centre, four children were
randomly selected to participate in the music therapy program. Five social skills were
targeted for intervention: turn-taking, imitation, vocalization, initiation and eye
contact. Measures of effectiveness involved comparison of pre- and post-intervention
scores on five target skills using a brief social skills test specifically designed for this
study. The results reflect significant improvements in the five target social skills
across both conditions following the 8-week intervention.
Furthermore, a study reported that three-year-olds who simply attended twice-
weekly singing lessons for three years performed better than children who did not, in
the arrays of abstract conceptual thinking, play improvisation, originality, verbal
abilities and physical coordination (Campbell, 2002).
Thompson, Schellenberg and Husain (2001) examined whether the Mozart
effect is a consequence of between-condition differences in arousal and mood.
Participants completed a spatial abilities test after listening to music or sitting in
silence. The pieces of music were a Mozart sonata (a pleasant and energetic piece)
for some participants and an Albinoni Adagio (a slow, sad piece) for others. The
researchers also measured enjoyment, arousal, and mood. Performance on the spatial
task was better following the music than the silence condition, but only for
participants who heard Mozart. The two music selections also induced differential
responses on the enjoyment, arousal, and mood measures.
Hallam, Price, and Katsarou (2002) compared arithmetic performance during
silence and calming background music in 31 children, aged 11-12 years, using a
within-subjects design. The results showed that the music condition was associated
with greater completion of arithmetic problems.
Moyeda, Gomez and Flores (2008) designed a program of musical activities to
promote discrimination of rhythmic and melodic elements and the association of
auditory stimuli with visual stimuli and motor activities. The effects of the program
on the vocabulary of preschool children were evaluated and compared with the
vocabulary of children participating in the curricular subject of "Ritmos, Cantos Y
Juegos" (Rhythm, Songs, and Games), and that of children who were not exposed to
either of the two programmes. The results showed significant increases in the
receptive vocabulary only for the group exposed to the programme with musical
activities. The processes that caused the increase are discussed, as well as the
possible use of the program that was implemented as a resource for preschool
language stimulation.
Wolfe and Noguchi (2009) examined the use of music to sustain the attention
of young children during conditions of auditory distraction. Kindergarten students
(N=76) were randomly assigned to one of four conditions/groups: (a) spoken story
with no distraction; (b) spoken story with distraction; (c) musical story with no
distraction; (d) musical story with distraction. A one-way ANOVA was computed to
access the difference in mean scores across the four experimental conditions.
Significant results were found. Further analysis employing a Tukey post hoc/multiple
comparisons test revealed significant differences between the spoken story with
distraction condition and the musical story with distraction condition.
Moreover, Wolff (1979) carried out an experimental study with first-grade
children who engaged in musical activities for one year, to determine whether musical
activities would have a significant effect on children's perceptual-motor development.
She found that the perceptual-motor scores of the experimental group were higher
than the scores of the control group (Campbell, 2002).
High (1987) studied the effect of a music and movement program on the
rhythmic accuracy of preschool children, and found that the experimental group
improved its rhythmic accuracy more than the control group. The same conclusion
was drawn by Moore (1984) and Burnett (1983), who implemented a music and
movement program for preschool children with delayed development, and found that
they improved both their motor skills and their rhythmic ability.
In addition, Zachopoulou, Tsapakidou, and Derri (2004), investigated and
compared the effect of a developmentally appropriate music and movement program
and of a developmentally appropriate physical education program on the development
of jumping and dynamic balance in children ages 4-6 years. Ninety children, 42 girls
and 48 boys, participated. Fifty of them were in an experimental group and followed
the music and movement program, which lasted 2 months. The results showed that
the experimental group improved significantly in both jumping and dynamic balance.
Isenberg and Jalongo (2001) have identified the following benefits of music
for child development:
- Psychomotor skills: exposure to music helps children refine their control
over large and small movements.
- Perceptual skills: music allows children opportunities to develop perceptual
abilities, for example, recognizing a familiar tune and imitating it, or tapping out
rhythmic patterns.
- Affective development: music naturally leads to emotional responses and
provides many children with important and appropriate ways to express their feelings
(Henniger, 2002).
Early musical training, even as early as age three, may enhance a child's
overall mental ability, according to UC Irvine neuroscience researchers. It has long
been known that infants recognize and respond to music, and that appreciation for
works by composers such as Bach and Mozart transcends generations, geography, and
culture (Shaw, 2004).
Snyder (2000) indicated that music evokes emotional response and appears to
open the gate to new cortical activity and higher level thinking. Music stimulates and
motivates thinking.
The questions addressed by the current study are as follows:
1- Is there a statistically significant effect of exposure to music which
accompanies the curriculum on social domain development for the
experimental group?
2- Is there a statistically significant effect of exposure to music which
accompanies the curriculum on cognitive domain development for the
experimental group?
3- Is there a statistically significant effect of exposure to music which
accompanies the curriculum on physical domain development for the
experimental group?
Forty-two children of ages five and six, in two KG2 classes, were selected
purposefully from a special school. The two KG2 classes were assigned randomly,
one class as the experimental group, and the other as the control group.
Procedure and measures
One teacher in the experimental group was trained to use the three CDs of
"The Mozart effect: Music for children", compiled by Don Campbell.
(Campbell,1997) The three CDs were used as follows: Volume 1 Tune up your
mind, was combined with the academic program; Volume 2 Relax, daydream, and
draw was combined with the art program and story time; Volume 3 Mozart in
motion was combined with physical activities.
This collection was used for two continuous semesters, approximately eight
months. Pre-post tests were applied to the two groups.
The main tool used to achieve the objectives of this study was The preschool
and kindergarten children's performance scale which was established and developed
by Al-Batsh (2001) in Jordan. The scale consists of fifty behavioural aspects, which
cover ten sub-areas, within three main domains of growth; cognitive, physical and
social. Each of these domains has been embedded within a number of sub-areas .
The scale has the psychometric properties required in this study. For instance,
in the area of validity, it was noticed that the significance of correlated validity for the
domains of the test were as follows: cognitive (0.79), physical (0.83), social (0.82),
and total mark for the scale (0.84(.
The indicators of reliability were extracted in two ways: test-retest reliability,
and internal consistency reliability. The values of the coefficients of reliability for
test-retest ranged between (0.88-0.92) for the different domains, and (0.91) for the
total mark. The coefficients of reliability for internal consistency, using Cronbach's
Alpha had values ranging between (0.82-0.91) for the different domains, and (0.89)
for the total mark on the scale.
To answer the three research questions Univariate Analysis of Variance was used to
determine the effect of exposure to music on the development of different growth
domains according to the group variable.
Table 1 explains the estimated marginal means of “The preschool and kindergarten
children's performance scale on all social, cognitive and physical domains.
Table 1
Estimated Marginal Means
Control Group
Exp Group
The results in Table 1 show that there is an evident difference in the marginal means
between the experimental and the control groups on the social domain of 22.075 in
favour of the experimental group.
The results also demonstrate an evident difference in the marginal means between the
experimental and the control groups on the cognitive domain of 36.685 in favour of
the experimental group.
Moreover, the results indicate an evident difference in the marginal means between
the experimental and the control groups of 12.058 in favour of the experimental
To ascertain the statistical significance of the differences on the development of
social, cognitive, and physical domains, the Univariate Analysis of Variance was
conducted to determine whether there was any statistically significant effect of
exposure to Mozart's music on the different domains. Table 2 shows these results.
Table 2
Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Mean Square
Type III Sum
of Squares
group * sex
Corrected Total
group * sex
Corrected Total
group * sex
Corrected Total
It is clear in Table 2 that there are statistically significant effects of exposure to music
on social development, as the value of F has reached 43.217, and this value is
statistically significant at level (α ≤.05).
Furthermore, it is evident that there are statistically significant effects of exposure to
music on cognitive development, as the value of F has reached 66.202, and this value
is statistically significant at level (α ≤.05).
There are also statistically significant effects of exposure to music on cognitive
development, as the value of F has reached 29.487, and this value is statistically
significant at level (α ≤.05). Returning to Table 1, it is clear that these differences are
in favour of the experimental group.
In the present study, it was found that the music of Mozart accompanying the
curriculum significantly affected development in social, cognitive and physical
domains for the kindergarten children in the experimental group compared to those in
the control group.
In general, because of strong links to emotion, music in the classroom can
promote a positive environment that enhances children’s development. Music
integrates the emotional, cognitive and physical dimensions of the learner, and
accelerates the quantity of information learned and retained, according to Dr. George
Lozanov (as cited in Campbell, Campbell & Dickinson, 2004). In addition to creating
a pleasant classroom ambience, music can be used for specific purposes. Many
teachers have intentionally used music in four ways: to relax; to invigorate; to focus
student attention; or to ease transitions (Campbell, Campbell & Dickinson, 2004).
Music enhances the social development of kindergarten children as it
engenders calmness and relaxation, thus reducing impulsiveness. Music also helps
them to listen to others and communicate more effectively, leading to an improvement
in empathy, and the development of enhanced social skills. This corresponds with
Campbell’s (2002) statement describing music as, a friend to support and guide
children, from their first day at school, deepening their experience and enhancing their
daily life, thus improving their social interaction.
Music is an indirect, non-verbal form of communication. It can stimulate
right-brain functioning, associated with feelings. Moreover, it increases children’s
ability to understand their emotions and express their feelings, leading to improved
emotional regulation. Consequently, this will lead to better social interaction with
peers (Montello, 1999).
Additionally, music develops the cognitive domain for children. It has
physiological effects on the body; listening to music has been shown to slow the
listener's heart rate, activate higher-order thinking, and create a positive, relaxed,
receptive state of mind that is ideal for learning (Campbell, 2002). Music provides
children with the ability to become better listeners; it alerts all their senses, especially
hearing. It also helps children to maintain attention during different tasks, which
improves their concentration skills. All of these benefits of music are important in the
development of cognitive abilities. Music is considered the most direct route to
thinking, because it requires neither words nor symbols to be perceived. (Snyder,
Frank Wilson, a neuroscientist, having observed brain scans of children as
they perform certain tasks, reports that when children read words, the language centre
of the brain lights up on his scanner, but when they hear music, the entire brain lights
up like a Christmas tree (Snyder, 1997).
Furthermore, researchers have found that early exposure to music may be
necessary, or, at least, may greatly enhance the development of cognitive processes.
It can promote creativity in children when teachers use it themselves, in a relaxed and
enjoyable manner, to encourage music production in the preschool classroom.
Teachers must lead the way by chanting, singing and providing music (Beaty, 2000).
Thompson, Schellenberg and Husain (2001) and Hallam, Price, and Katsarou
(2002) concurred with Beaty’s statement in their studies.
The results of the experimental group in the physical domain were better than
those of the control group, since the rhythm and flow of music, in an enjoyable
manner, can result in increased coordination, regularity, and speed of activity, as well
as movement skills’ development. For young children, skipping, marching, running,
or dancing to music develops rhythm and grace (Campbell, Campbell & Dickinson,
The use of music in the classroom with the experimental group ensured that
the children moved their bodies. They worked through new knowledge in whole-
body ways, expressing themselves physically. Yet, in the control group, the lack of
music only reinforced the expectation of young children to "sit down, be quiet, and
learn" instead of actively learning, performing reading exercises and drills (Campbell,
2002). Wolff (1979), Zachopoulou, Tsapakidou, and Derri (2004) also found this in
their studies.
Mozart’s music was selected to help to set the mood in the classroom to
correspond to the activity taking place. The teacher planned this carefully, in an
organized manner, over a long period of time, to ensure maximum immediate effect
on different domains.
In conclusion, it is clear that music certainly plays a very distinct role in child
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... Düzenli olarak müzik dinleyen küçük çocuklar, dinlemeyenlere göre daha iyi gelişim gösterirler. Çocuklar büyüdükçe müzikle olan ilişkileri sayesinde sosyal, bilişsel ve fiziksel becerileri geliştirilebilir (Mattar, 2013). Müzik, çocuğa kendini ifade etme aracı ve duyguları için bir çıkış olanağı sağladığı için çocuğun eğitim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamada önemli bir rol oynayabilir (Dumont, Syurina, Feron ve van Hooren, 2017). ...
... Müzik, herhangi bir eğitim ortamının önemli bir parçası olabilir. Müzik, sakinlik ve rahatlama sağladığı için anaokulundaki çocukların sosyal gelişimini artırır, dürtüselliği azaltır (Mattar, 2013). Bir sinirbilimci olan Frank Wilson, çocukların belirli görevleri yerine getirirken beyin taramalarını gözlemlemiş; çocuklar kelimeleri okuduğunda, tarayıcısında beynin dil merkezinin aydınlandığını, ancak müzik duyduklarında tüm beynin aydınlandığını ifade etmiştir (Snyder, 1997). ...
Araştırmanın amacı, Türk Müziği Destekli Psikolojik Sağlamlık Programı’nın okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerine etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmada ön test-son test kontrol gruplu deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Tokat il merkezinde Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı ilkokulların anasınıflarına devam eden tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiş 48-72 aylık 21 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Program öncesinde çocukların psikolojik sağlamlık düzeyleri ölçülmüş, yapılan analizler sonucunda aralarında anlamlı farklılık olmayan ve puanları birbirine yakın olan biri kontrol iki deney olmak üzere üç grup belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak çocukların psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerini ölçmek amacıyla “’Okul Öncesi Çocuklar İçin Sosyal Duygusal İyi Oluş ve Psikolojik Sağlamlık Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada araştırmacı tarafından uzman görüşleri alınarak son hali verilen bütünleştirilmiş 30 etkinlikten oluşan, ‘’Psikolojik Sağlamlık Programı’’ uygulanmıştır. Bununla birlikte Türk müziği ve okul öncesi eğitimi alanındaki uzmanların görüşleri doğrultusunda 32 Türk müziği eseri belirlenmiştir. Psikolojik sağlamlık programı iki deney grubuna da uygulanmıştır. 2. deney grubunda psikolojik sağlamlık programına Türk müziği eserleri de entegre edilmiştir. Kontrol grubunda ise sadece Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Müfredatı uygulanmış başka bir uygulama yapılmamıştır. Türk Müziği Destekli Psikolojik Sağlamlık Programı haftada 5 gün ve 4 hafta süreyle uygulanmıştır. Uygulanan program sonrasında yapılan analizler sonucunda, kontrol grubuna göre ön test ve son test puanlarının her iki deney grubunun lehine anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Bununla birlikte Müzikli Deney Grubu ile Müziksiz Deney Grubu’nun son test puanları arasındaki farkın Müzikli Deney Grubu lehine olduğu saptanmıştır. Başka bir ifadeyle çocuklara uygulanan Psikolojik Sağlamlık Programı’nın çocukların psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerine anlamlı katkı sağladığı; Türk müziğinin kullanılmasının ise programın etkisini anlamlı düzeyde artırdığı ifade edilebilir.
... Rezultati brojnih istraživanja potvrđuju kako bavljenje glazbom poboljšava socijalni, kognitivni i fizički razvoj djeteta (Steele et al., 2013;Rauscher i Hinton, 2011). Mattar (2013) je proveo eksperiment s paralelnim skupinama s djecom u dobi od pet do šest godina. U eksperimentalnoj skupini djeca su osam mjeseci svakodnevno slušala Mozartovu glazbu tijekom dnevnih aktivnosti, dok su djeca u kontrolnoj skupini obavljala dnevne aktivnosti bez glazbene pratnje. ...
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Glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću pripada značajna uloga, s obzirom da bavljenje takvim aktivnostima pridonosi razvoju glazbenih sposobnosti, ali i intelektualnom, socijalnom, emocionalnom i tjelesnom razvoju djeteta. U radu su istraženi stavovi odgojitelja predškolske djece prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću te samoprocjena kompetentnosti za njihovu realizaciju. Rezultati potvrđuju da slušanje glazbe predstavlja značajnu aktivnost slobodnog vremena odgojitelja predškolske djece. Potvrđeno je da odgojitelji kojima se sviđa klasična glazba imaju pozitivnije stavove prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću. Nije uočena povezanost odlazaka na koncerte klasične glazbe, pohađanja dodatne glazbene poduke, pjevanja u zboru ili klapi te godina radnoga staža sa stavovima prema glazbenim aktivnostima. Rezultati istraživanja ne potvrđuju ni povezanost godina radnoga staža sa samoprocjenom kompetencije za realizaciju glazbenih aktivnosti. I, konačno, većina odgojitelja zadovoljna je opremljenošću vrtića instrumentima za djecu te računalima i projektorima, ali ne i instrumentima za odgojitelje.
... In this context, background music refers to music played at a soft volume (under 60 dB) during other activities (Godeli, Santana, Souza, & Marquetti, 1996;Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993a). Several researchers have reported an interest in the use of background music for free-play time in early childhood institutions (e.g., Gruhn & Rauscher, 2002;Hallam, Price & Katasrou, 2002;Love & Burns, 2007;Mattar, 2013;Riber, 1965). Background music is reported to facilitate socially constructive and sociodramatic play (Love & Burns, 2007), positive child-to-child interactions (Godeli et al.1996) and to have a positive influence on aspects of children's cognition, including mathematics test scores (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993b). ...
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The allocation of free-play time in an early childhood curriculum provides opportunities for child-centred learning and gives children a chance to explore safely the world around them. However, previous literature suggests that the beneficial use background music during free-play time is contested and that further research would be useful. A specially designed survey was sent to teachers in Seoul, Kyoung-gi, and Choong-chung provinces in South Korea by e-mail and supplemented post-survey by n=12 in-depth interviews. Data from n=127 surveys were gathered for final analyses. The responses were divided into two main categories: the case for the use of background music during free-play time and the case against. The numbers of teachers in each category were similar. 54% of teachers reported using background music for children’s free-play time and transitions, both in accordance with children’s preferences and also to facilitate a musical sound environment for children’s play; however, 46% of teachers did not use background music because of a perception that it would create noise problems in the classroom. Selected background music tended to be of medium tempi, with or without lyrics, often calm and quiet, with medium or soft dynamics. Music choices related to the perceived mood of the music, children’s perceived preferences, and the music’s relationships to a chosen educational theme. The majority of teachers who used background music during free-play time reported that this was also helpful in the learning of songs or to support content-related curricular themes.
... In this context, background music refers to music played at a soft volume (under 60 dB) during other activities (Godeli, Santana, Souza, & Marquetti, 1996;Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993a). Several researchers have reported an interest in the use of background music for free-play time in early childhood institutions (e.g., Gruhn & Rauscher, 2002;Hallam, Price & Katasrou, 2002;Love & Burns, 2007;Mattar, 2013;Riber, 1965). Background music is reported to facilitate socially constructive and sociodramatic play (Love & Burns, 2007), positive child-to-child interactions (Godeli et al.1996) and to have a positive influence on aspects of children's cognition, including mathematics test scores (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993b). ...
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The allocation of free-play time in an early childhood curriculum provides opportunities for child-centred learning and gives children a chance to explore safely the world around them. However, previous literature suggests that the beneficial use background music during free-play time is contested and that further research would be useful. A specially designed survey was sent to teachers in Seoul, Kyoung-gi, and Choong-chung provinces in South Korea by e-mail and supplemented post-survey by n=12 in-depth interviews. Data from n=127 surveys were gathered for final analyses. The responses were divided into two main categories: the case for the use of background music during free-play time and the case against. The numbers of teachers in each category were similar. 54% of teachers reported using background music for children's free-play time and transitions, both in accordance with children's preferences and also to facilitate a musical sound environment for children's play; however, 46% of teachers did not use background music because of a perception that it would create noise problems in the classroom. Selected background music tended to be of medium tempi, with or without lyrics, often calm and quiet, with medium or soft dynamics. Music choices related to the perceived mood of the music, children's perceived preferences, and the music's relationships to a chosen educational theme. The majority of teachers who used background music during free-play time reported that this was also helpful in the learning of songs or to support content-related curricular themes.
Araştırmanın amacı, arka plan Türk müziğinin okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların sosyal becerileri ve davranış problemleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Bu araştırmada, nicel araştırma modellerinden “Ön Test-Son Test, Kalıcılık Testli ve Kontrol Gruplu Yarı Deneysel Desen” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2021-2022 eğitim-öğretim yılı bahar döneminde, Tokat il merkezinde amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı ilkokulların anasınıflarına devam eden 48-72 aylık deney grubunda 8 kontrol grubunda 13 olmak üzere toplam 21 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada, veri toplama aracı olarak “Anaokulu ve Anasınıfı Davranış Ölçeği (Preschool and Kindergarden Behaviour Scala (PKBS–2)” kullanılmıştır. Ölçek, “Sosyal Beceri Ölçeği” ve “Problem Davranış Ölçeği” olmak üzere iki bağımsız alt ölçekten oluşmaktadır. Deney grubunda, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı müfredatı uygulanırken ek olarak arka planda çocuklara Türk müziği eserleri dinletilmiştir. Kontrol grubunda ise sadece Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı müfredatını uygulanmış olup müzik kullanılmamıştır. Deney grubuna dört hafta süreyle haftada beş gün, etkinlik geçişlerine uygun olarak günlük ortalama 30 dk arka planda Türk müziği dinletilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda deney ve kontrol grubunun son testleri arasında deney grubu lehine anlamlı farklılık saptanmıştır. Araştırma okul öncesi eğitim ortamlarında, eğitim etkinlikleri sırasında arka planda dinletilen Türk müziğinin çocukların sosyal beceri düzeylerine ve davranış problemlerine anlamlı katkı sunmasını ortaya koyan ilk çalışma olarak alan yazına katkı sunmuştur.
I had grown up surrounded by music, and reflecting on how children in my practicum class were prone to distraction, I wondered if background music might help quiet their busy young minds and help them focus on the task at hand. By introducing music during periods of silent work, I intended to observe students, compare behaviours before and after its implementation, and discuss the students’ feelings about it, as well as discuss this with other teachers. When I tried it in one period, the noise level dropped immediately and the children worked in silence for a while. With more planning I tried this in another class, producing a definite feeling of calm over the classroom as students seemed to engage better with their tasks, with some complimenting me on the music afterwards. The feedback from my students was that 100 % enjoyed the music and 87 % stated that the music helped them work better. Thus the benefits of playing ambient background music during silent lesson time clearly outweighed any negative effects. Most other teachers also stated that they find music helpful in creating a calm atmosphere in their classroom.
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The “Mozart effect” refers to claims that people perform better on tests of spatial abilities after listening to music composed by Mozart. We examined whether the Mozart effect is a consequence of between-condition differences in arousal and mood. Participants completed a test of spatial abilities after listening to music or sitting in silence. The music was a Mozart sonata (a pleasant and energetic piece) for some participants and an Albinoni adagio (a slow, sad piece) for others. We also measured enjoyment, arousal, and mood. Performance on the spatial task was better following the music than the silence condition, but only for participants who heard Mozart. The two music selections also induced differential responding on the enjoyment, arousal, and mood measures. Moreover, when such differences were held constant by statistical means, the Mozart effect disappeared. These findings provide compelling evidence that the Mozart effect is an artifact of arousal and mood.
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The present study investigated the effectiveness of a music therapy programme in the enhancement of the social skills of children with moderate intellectual disability. Thirty-two children (age range = 5–10 years) from four intellectual disability centres participated. At each centre, four children were randomly selected to participate in the music therapy programme, while four children were assigned to a non-music control group programme. One staff member was trained in each group procedure at each centre, and requested to run 30-min group sessions twice weekly over an 8-week intervention period. Five social skills were targeted for intervention: turn-taking, imitation, vocalization, initiation and eye contact. Measures of effectiveness involved comparison of pre- and post-intervention scores on five target skills using a brief social skills test specifically designed for the study. Evaluation forms completed by teachers also provided feedback on the effectiveness of the intervention. The results reflect significant improvements in the five target social skills across both conditions following the 8-week intervention. However, this difference was found to be independent of the music/non-music intervention.
Research on the effects of background music has a long history. Early work was not embedded within a theoretical framework, was often poorly conceptualised and produced equivocal findings. This paper reports two studies exploring the effects of music, perceived to be calming and relaxing, on performance in arithmetic and on a memory task in children aged 10-12. The calming music led to better performance on both tasks when compared with a no-music condition. Music perceived as arousing, aggressive and unpleasant disrupted performance on the memory task and led to a lower level of reported altruistic behaviour by the children. This suggests that the effects of music on task performance are mediated by arousal and mood rather than affecting cognition directly. The findings are discussed in relation to possible practical applications in the primary school and the home.
Without Abstract
[⇓][1] ![Figure][2] Music is integral to our lives and, from Elgar to Elvis, provides familiarity and pleasure. The healing properties of music, particularly for mental illness, have been recognised for centuries and music therapy is now established as a psychotherapeutic method to aid
Encourages the appreciation of music through listening, responding with body movement, and sharing with children. Points out that early childhood educators and children who are nonmusicians can make and understand music. Identifies basic problems with preschool teachers' current practices in using music with young children and provides a list of recorded music suitable for use in preschool settings. (MOK)
Discusses the technical aspects of how music can help one to understand how the brain works and how music can enhance how one thinks, reasons, and creates. Shaw presents the detail of his original research on the "Mozart effect" and presents the latest series of findings about the effect of music on intelligence and learning. Part I discusses how music can enhance ability to think and reason and how that derives from the basic structure of the brain. Part II contains symmetry and technical aspects of the book. The chapters in Part III contain all the details of the behavioral experiments the author has done with humans involving music. Part IV presents the results and proposed studies for a better understanding of higher brain function. Part V contains some results from experiments. The chapters of Part V also summarize some ideas and the author shares his dreams and cautions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)