
Performance optimisation through EPT-WBC in mobile ad hoc networks

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Mobile ad hoc networks are self organized, infrastructure-less networks in which each mobile host works as a router to provide connectivity within the network. Nodes out of reach to each other can communicate with the help of intermediate routers (nodes). Routing protocols are the rules which determine the way in which these routing activities are to be performed. In cluster based architecture some selected nodes (clusterheads) are identified to bear the extra burden of network activities like routing. Selection of clusterheads is a critical issue which significantly affect the performance of the network. This paper proposes an “Enhanced Performance and Trusted Weight Based Clustering (EPT-WBC) approach in which a number of performance factors such as trust, load balancing, energy consumption, mobility and battery power are considered for the selection of clusterheads. Moreover the performance of proposed scheme is compared with other existing approaches to demonstrate the effectiveness of the work.

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... Subsequently, other authors focused on work related to optimal cluster head selection in current years and discussed the issues related to reduce network overhead and improve security within the network after effective selection of cluster head. Agarwal et al. [14] presented trusted weight based clustering approach and used parameters like trust, load balancing, energy consumption, mobility and battery consumption. Bisen and Sharma [15] proposed agent based secure enhanced performance approach for MANET (AB-SEP). ...
... After partially differentiating equation (13) with respect to 1 , leads to equation (14). ...
... This subsection details the parameters that measure the working of both conventional and proposed E-CFSA. Experimental are carried to find packet delivery ratio, throughput, routing or overhead and stability time period of cluster head [14] [15] to draw the comparison of E-CFSA with conventional method.  Packet delivery ratio (PDR) -Packet delivery ratio is defined as the ratio of data packets received by the destinations to those generated by the sources. ...
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Mobile ad-hoc network is a dynamic and self configuring network composed of mobile nodes that are cooperative and intelligent in nature, which forms a temporary network without any base station. Due to dynamic nature, route among source and destination is not fixed and it can change with time, this results in routing overhead, congestion and higher energy consumption in nodes. In this condition, clustering becomes very relevant in highly dense network in which the clusterhead initiates the routing instead of normal nodes. This paper proposes an efficient way for cluster formation and selection of stable cluster heads (E-CFSA) with high energy level. E-CFSA forms node cluster using k-means algorithm where distance with centroids acts as the key parameter. Afterwards, artificial neural network (ANN) is applied in each cluster to select efficient clusterhead. It also updates weight of input parameters such as mobility, packet drop, energy and number of neighbor nodes in order to minimize the errors at target neuron using back propagation algorithm. The overall process identifies and selects the nodes as clusterheads that possess longer stability and higher energy level. This procedure reduces the repetitive selection of cluster heads and re-affiliation of member nodes in a cluster. Thereafter, performance is evaluated in terms of overhead, packet delivery ratio, throughput and cluster head stability time with variation in speed of node or number of nodes in MANET. The experimental results obtained through proposed E-CFSA are compared to other existing mechanisms and a comparison is drawn. These comparative results very clearly revealed that proposed E-CFSA outperformed its peers.
The 18 full and 13 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 255 submissions. There were organized in topical sections named: Image Processing, Pattern Analysis and Machine Vision; Information and Data Convergence; Disruptive Technologies for Future; E-Governance and Smart World
Ad-hoc networks play an important role in situations where fixed wired pre-defined backbone cannot be created. In mobile adhoc network (MANET), discovery of routing path with minimum routing and control overhead are important challenges. In this paper, Distributed multi criteria based clustering approach (DMBCA) is introduced for overcoming routing overhead of network in mobile ad-hoc network. The proposed DBMCA use multiple metric clustering techniques for defining “optimal node factor” that can use in selection of cluster head. DMBCA is then compared with conventional AODV routing protocol in NS-2.35. Experimental results show that the proposed DMBCA achieves much better results in terms of performance parameters such as packet delivery ratio, average throughput and routing overhead than conventional AODV technique.
Analyzing the temporal behavior of frequent patterns and decreasing the size of discovered patterns are two major challenges in the area of temporal data mining. Several methods are available in this context, among them, constraint based pattern mining approach contributed a lot in this field. There are several methods have been proposed in this direction. However, while exploring the patterns based on time granularities: cyclic and partial cyclic patterns, the existing methods use the traditional Apriori algorithm or Interleaved algorithm, that takes lots of time while generating candidates. In this paper, a new strategy – Frequent Pattern Growth technique Incorporated with Special Constraints (FPGSC) is proposed. Here, complete cyclic and partial cyclic constraints are imposed on the framework consists of a Frequent pattern growth method for generating frequent patterns. This algorithm is able to discover complete cyclic and partial cyclic patterns in an efficient way. We also analyze the experimental results that show that it is as efficient as other algorithms in this field and it is better to generate more appropriate temporal patterns.
Mobile ad-hoc network is collection of self-organizing nodes where they can communicate with each other using fundamental mutual entrustment and without any fixed infra structure. This paper proposes an energy efficient secure routing approach in which energy aware agent is estimated through performance feature of individual node. In this approach, energy consumption of node is reduced via control avoidable hello messages and calculation of normalized neighbor distance. Agent nodes use malicious identification module in which fuzzy based security approach is executed for identifying malicious behavior of neighbors. Simulation and result analysis show that, the proposed approach achieves better performance in terms of PDR and throughput, network overhead, end-to-end delay, hello message fraction, energy consumption and detection rate.
Wireless MANET is particularly vulnerable due to its fundamental characteristics such as open medium, dynamic topology, distributed cooperation, congestion, energy constrained, variable capacity links and security. Due to security vulnerabilities and dynamic nature of network, wireless mobile ad-hoc networks may be unprotected against packet dropping attacks by any unauthorized node. This paper proposes fuzzy based secure architecture (FBSA) for mobile ad-hoc network in which node classification and detection of malicious activity is done through fuzzy detector. After detection of malicious activity, comparative study is performed on various parameters such as packet delivery ratio, average throughput, total packet forwarding and percentage of detection with variation in node speed.
This paper proposes an agent-based secure enhanced performance approach (AB-SEP) for mobile ad hoc network. In this approach, agent nodes are selected through optimal node reliability as a factor. This factor is calculated on the basis of node performance features such as degree difference, normalised distance value, energy level, mobility and optimal hello interval of node. After selection of agent nodes, a procedure of malicious behaviour detection is performed using fuzzy-based secure architecture (FBSA). To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, comparative analysis is done with conventional schemes using performance parameters such as packet delivery ratio, throughput, total packet forwarding, network overhead, end-to-end delay and percentage of malicious detection.
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Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) is a routing protocol designed for use in mobile ad hoc networks. The protocol divides the nodes of the ad hoc network into a number of overlapping or disjoint 2-hop-diameter clusters in a distributed manner.
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The presence of cluster heads (CHs) in a clustered wireless sensor network (WSN) leads to improved data aggregation and enhanced network lifetime. Thus, the selection of appropriate CHs in WSNs is a challenging task, which needs to be addressed. A multicriterion decision-making approach for the selection of CHs is presented using Pareto-optimal theory and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) methods. CHs are selected using three criteria including energy, cluster density and distance from the sink. The overall network lifetime in this method with 50% data aggregation after simulations is 81% higher than that of distributed hierarchical agglomerative clustering in similar environment and with same set of parameters. Optimum number of clusters is estimated using TOPSIS technique and found to be 9-11 for effective energy usage in WSNs.
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In mobile ad hoc network (MANET) nodes have a tendency to drop others’ packet to conserve its own energy. If most of the nodes in a network start to behave in this way, either a portion of the network would be isolated or total network functionality would be hampered. This behavior is known as selfishness. Therefore, selfishness mitigation and enforcing cooperation between nodes is very important to increase the availability of nodes and overall throughput and to achieve the robustness of the network. Both credit and reputation based mechanisms are used to attract nodes to forward others’ packets. In light of this, we propose a game theoretic routing model, Secure Trusted Auction oriented Clustering based Routing Protocol (STACRP), to provide trusted framework for MANET. Two auction mechanisms procurement and Dutch are used to determine the forwarding cost-per-hop for intermediate nodes. Our model is lightweight in terms of computational and communication requirements, yet powerful in terms of flexibility in managing trust between nodes of heterogeneous deployments. It manages trust locally with minimal overhead in terms of extra messages. STACRP organizes the network into 1-hop disjoint clusters and elects the most qualified and trustworthy nodes as Clusterhead. The trust is quantified with carefully chosen parameters having deep impact on network functionality. The trust model is analyzed using Markov chain and is proven as continuous time Markov chain. The security analysis of the model is analyzed to guarantee that the proposed approach achieves a secure reliable routing solution for MANETs. The proposed model have been evaluated with a set of simulations that show STACRP detects selfish nodes and enforces cooperation between nodes and achieves better throughput and packet delivery ratio with lees routing overhead compare to AODV.
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A research issue in design of ad hoc networks is deployment of dynamic routing protocols that can find routes effectively between communicating nodes. Clustering is a solution to limit the amount of information that propagates inside the network. The idea behind clustering to group the network nodes in to number of overlapping clusters and routes are recorded between clusters instead of nodes. Several algorithms have been proposed by researchers for formation of cluster and election of clusterhead. Most of these algorithms consider a performance factor for election of clusterhead; these performance factors may be identification number, connectivity, mobility, battery power etc. But considering only one performance factor for calculating quality of nodes as a clusterhead may results in degradation of performance of the network. Some work has been done in the area where a number of performance factors are used to find qualification of nodes as clusterheads. This paper presents a review of the clustering algorithms, in which different weights are given to different performance factors and clustering decisions are taken after calculating the combined weights of nodes.
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Routing protocols are the binding force in mobile ad hoc network (MANETs) since they facilitate communication beyond the wireless transmission range of the nodes. However, the infrastructure-less, pervasive, and distributed nature of MANETs renders them vulnerable to security threats. In this paper, we propose a novel cluster-based trust-aware routing protocol (CBTRP) for MANETs to protect forwarded packets from intermediary malicious nodes. The proposed protocol organizes the network into one-hop disjoint clusters then elects the most qualified and trustworthy nodes to play the role of cluster-heads that are responsible for handling all the routing activities. The proposed CBTRP continuously ensures the trustworthiness of cluster-heads by replacing them as soon as they become malicious and can dynamically update the packet path to avoid malicious routes. We have implemented and simulated the proposed protocol then evaluated its performance compared to the clustered based routing protocol (CBRP) as well as the 2ACK approach. Comparisons and analysis have shown the effectiveness of our proposed scheme.
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Mobile ad-hoc networking works properly only if the participating nodes cooperate in routing and forwarding. However,it may be advantageous for individual nodes not to cooperate. We propose a protocol, called CONFIDANT, for making misbehavior unattractive; it is based on selective altruism and utilitarianism. It aims at detecting and isolating misbehaving nodes, thus making it unattractive to deny cooperation. Trust relationships and routing decisions are based on experienced, observed, or reported routing and forwarding behavior of other nodes. The detailed implementation of CONFIDANT in this paper assumes that the network layer is based on the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. We present a performance analysis of DSR fortified by CONFIDANT and compare it to regular defenseless DSR. It shows that a network with CONFIDANT and up to 60% of misbehaving nodes behaves almost as well as a benign network, in sharp contrast to a defenseless network. All simulations have been implemented and performed in GloMoSim.
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Many clustering schemes have been proposed for ad hoc networks. A systematic classification of these clustering schemes enables one to better understand and make improvements. In mobile ad hoc networks, the movement of the network nodes may quickly change the topology resulting in the increase of the overhead message in topology maintenance. Protocols try to keep the number of nodes in a cluster around a pre-defined threshold to facilitate the optimal operation of the medium access control protocol. The clusterhead election is invoked on-demand, and is aimed to reduce the computation and communication costs. A large variety of approaches for ad hoc clustering have been developed by researchers which focus on different performance metrics. This paper presents a survey of different clustering schemes.
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The deployment of wireless applications or protocols in the context of Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET), often requires to step through a simulation phase. For the results of the simulation to be meaningful, it is important that the model on which is based the simulator matches as closely as possible the reality. In this paper we present the results of the simulation of an algorithm using several popular simulators (OPNET Modeler, NS-2, GloMoSim). The results tend to show that significant divergences exist between the simulators. This can be explained partly by the mismatching of the modelisation of each simulator and also by the different levels of detail provided to implement and configure the simulated scenarios.
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This paper proposed a new Distributed Score Based Clustering Algorithm (DSBCA) for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs).In MANETs, select suitable nodes in clusters as cluster heads are so important. The proposed Clustering Algorithm considers the Battery Remaining, Number of Neighbors, Number of Members, and Stability in order to calculate the node’s score with a linear algorithm. After each node calculates its score independently, the neighbors of the node must benotified about it. Also each node selects one of its neighbors with the highest score to be its cluster head and, therefore the selection of cluster heads is performed in a distributed manner with most recentinformation about current status of neighbor nodes. The proposed algorithm was compared with Weighted Clustering Algorithm and Distributed Weighted Clustering Algorithm in terms of number ofclusters, number of re-affiliations, lifespan of nodes in the system, end-to-end throughput and overhead. The simulation results proved that the proposed algorithm has achieved the goals.
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We study routing misbehavior in MANETs (mobile ad hoc networks) in this paper. In general, routing protocols for MANETs are designed based on the assumption that all participating nodes are fully cooperative. However, due to the open structure and scarcely available battery-based energy, node misbehaviors may exist. One such routing misbehavior is that some selfish nodes will participate in the route discovery and maintenance processes but refuse to forward data packets. In this paper, we propose the 2ACK scheme that serves as an add-on technique for routing schemes to detect routing misbehavior and to mitigate their adverse effect. The main idea of the 2ACK scheme is to send two-hop acknowledgment packets in the opposite direction of the routing path. In order to reduce additional routing overhead, only a fraction of the received data packets are acknowledged in the 2ACK scheme. Analytical and simulation results are presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme
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Ad hoc networks, due to their improvised nature, are frequently established in insecure environments and hence become susceptible to attacks. These attacks are launched by participating malicious nodes against different network services. Routing protocols, which act as the binding force in these networks, are a common target of these nodes. A number of secure routing protocols have recently been proposed, which make use of cryptographic algorithms to secure the routes. However, in doing so, these protocols entail a number of prerequisites during both the network establishment and operation phases. In contrast, trust-based routing protocols locate trusted rather than secure routes in the network by observing the sincerity in participation by other nodes. These protocols thus permit rapid deployment along with a dynamically adaptive operation, which conforms with the current network situation. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of three trust-based reactive routing protocols in a network with varying number of malicious nodes. With the help of exhaustive simulations, we demonstrate that the performance of the three protocols varies significantly even under similar attack, traffic, and mobility conditions. However, each trust-based routing protocol has its own peculiar advantage making it suitable for application in a particular extemporized environment.
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An ad-hoc network of wireless nodes is a temporarily formed network, created, operated and managed by the nodes themselves. It is also often termed an infrastructure-less, self-organized, or spontaneous network. Nodes assist each other by passing data and control packets from one node to another, often beyond the wireless range of the original sender. The execution and survival of an ad-hoc network is solely dependent upon the cooperative and trusting nature of its nodes.
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In this paper, we propose an on-demand distributed clustering algorithm for multi-hop packet radio networks. These types of networks, also known as ad hoc networks, are dynamic in nature due to the mobility of nodes. The association and dissociation of nodes to and from clusters perturb the stability of the network topology, and hence a reconfiguration of the system is often unavoidable. However, it is vital to keep the topology stable as long as possible. The clusterheads,formadominant set in the network, determine the topology and its stability. The proposed weight-based distributed clustering algorithm takes into consideration the ideal degree, transmission power, mobility, and battery power of mobile nodes. The time required to identify the clusterheads depends on the diameter of the underlying graph. We try to keep the number of nodes in a cluster around a pre-defined threshold to facilitate the optimal operation of the medium access control (MAC) protocol. The non-periodic procedure for clusterhead election is invoked on-demand, and is aimed to reduce the computation and communication costs. The clusterheads, operating in "dual" power mode, connects the clusters which help in routing messages from a node to any other node. We observe a trade-off between the uniformity of the load handled by the clusterheads and the connectivity of the network. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of our algorithm in terms of the number of clusterheads, reaffiliation frequency, and dominant set updates. Results show that our algorithm performs better than existing ones and is also tunable to different kinds of network conditions.
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This paper describes two techniques that improve throughput in an ad hoc network in the presence of nodes that agree to forward packets but fail to do so. To mitigate this problem, we propose categorizing nodes based upon their dynamically measured behavior. We use a watchdog that identies misbehaving nodes and a pathrater that helps routing protocols avoid these nodes. Through simulation we evaluate watchdog and pathrater using packet throughput, percentage of overhead (routing) transmissions, and the accuracy of misbehaving node detection. When used together in a network with moderate mobility, the two techniques increase throughput by 17% in the presence of 40% misbehaving nodes, while increasing the percentage of overhead transmissions from the standard routing protocol's 9% to 17%. During extreme mobility, watchdog and pathrater can increase network throughput by 27%, while increasing the overhead transmissions from the standard routing protocol's 12% to 24%. 1. INTRODUCTION T...
A Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) is a collection of two or more mobile devices (e.g. PDAs, laptop, cell phones, etc.), with multi-hop wireless communication. These nodes or devices can communicate with other nodes directly within or outside their transmission range. In previous research on mobile ad-hoc network indicated to use of clustering algorithm because it simplifies routing and can improve the performance of flexibility and scalability in the network. In this paper, we propose that the enhancement on weighted clustering algorithm (EWCA), leads to a high degree of stability in the network and improves the load balancing. In this simulation study, a comparison was conducted to measure the performance of our algorithm with original WCA in terms of numbers of clusters formed with satisfy load balancing , topology stability, and number of clusterhead change.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have limited resources, thus extending the lifetime has always been an issue of great interest. Recent developments in WSNs have led to various new fuzzy systems, specifically designed for WSNs where energy awareness is an essential consideration. In several applications, the clustered WSN are known to perform better than flat WSN, if the energy consumption in clustering operation itself could be minimised. Routing in clustered WSN is very efficient, especially when the challenge of finding the optimum number of intermediate cluster heads can be resolved. Fortunately, several fuzzy logic based solutions have been proposed for these jobs. Both single- and two-level fuzzy logic approaches are being used for cluster head election in which several distinguished features of WSN have been considered in making a decision. This article surveys the recent fuzzy applications for cluster head selection in WSNs and presents a comparative study for the various approaches pursued.
Minimising energy consumption has always been an issue of crucial importance in sensor networks. Most of the energy is consumed in data transmission from sensor nodes to the base station due to the long distance of nodes from the base station. In the recent past, a number of researchers have proposed that clustering is an efficient way of reducing the energy consumption during data transmission and enhancing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. Many algorithms have been already proposed for cluster head selection. In this work, we analyse and compare the lifetime of the network with three different fuzzy-based approaches of cluster head selection. The three strong parameters which play an important role in lifetime enhancement – energy, centrality and node density – are considered for cluster head selection in our proposed fuzzy approaches. In the first approach, energy and centrality are considered simultaneously in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the second approach, energy and node density have been taken in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the third approach, node density and centrality are considered simultaneously by a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. Simulation results of these fuzzy logic-based approaches show that all the three approaches are superior to the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Simulation results also show that the energy-centrality-based fuzzy clustering scheme gives best performance among all the three fuzzy-based algorithms and it enhances the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by a significant amount.
Conference Paper
Countermeasures for node misbehavior and selfishness are mandatory requirements in MANET. Selfishness that causes lack of node activity cannot be solved by classical security means that aim at verifying the correctness and integrity of an operation. We suggest a generic mechanism based on reputation to enforce cooperation among the nodes of a MANET to prevent selfish behavior. Each network entity keeps track of other entities' collaboration using a technique called reputation. The reputation is calculated based on various types of information on each entity's rate of collaboration. Since there is no incentive for a node to maliciously spread negative information about other nodes, simple denial of service attacks using the collaboration technique itself are prevented. The generic mechanism can be smoothly extended to basic network functions with little impact on existing protocols.
Conference Paper
A mobile ad-hoc network is a kind of autonomic network composed only of mobile nodes. The range of its availability is being expanded because of development of communication technology and terminal devices. However, since the nodes participating in network have mobility by themselves, the network topology has dynamic characteristics, compared with the existing fixed network, giving lots of influences on network performances. Therefore, this paper proposes a combined weight-based distribution clustering algorithm with hierarchical structure that can maintain topology of MANET as stable as possible, thereby optimizing network performance and making efficient resource allocation for mobile nodes. The proposed algorithm can optimize network performances in dynamic MANET environment and minimize energy consumption by improving the problems of efficiency and stability the existing clustering algorithms are facing with.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we state a method of incorporating the distributed PKI (public key infrastructure) mechanisms to the MANET (mobile ad hoc networks) routing protocol. For doing this, we assume that MANET regards the CBRP (cluster based routing protocol) as base routing protocol. By using the basic operations of CBRP and the distributed PKI mechanisms, our scheme efficiently finds a certificate chain and performs the secure routing. This means that by incorporating the distributed PKI mechanisms to the CBRP, our scheme can provide the procedure of certificate chain discovery for packet routing. Also, by signing the HELLO message, our scheme can provide the reliable exchange of authentic routing/topology information.
Conference Paper
Most recent ad hoc network research has focused on providing routing services without considering security. We detail security threats against ad hoc routing protocols, specifically examining AODV and DSR. In light of these threats, we identify three different environments with distinct security requirements. We propose a solution to one, the managed-open scenario where no network infrastructure is pre-deployed, but a small amount of prior security coordination is expected. Our protocol, authenticated routing for ad hoc networks (ARAN), is based on certificates and successfully defeats all identified attacks.
In this paper we describe the current state of the DARPA packet radio network. Fully automated algorithms and protocols to organize, control, maintain, and move traffic through the packet radio network have been designed, implemented, and tested. By means of protocols, networks of about 50 packet radios with some degree of nodal mobility can be organized and maintained under a fully distributed mode of control. We have described the algorithms and illustrated how the PRNET provides highly reliable network transport and datagram service, by dynamically determining optimal routes, effectively controlling congestion, and fairly allocating the channel in the face of changing link conditions, mobility, and varying traffic loads.
Simulation is useful for evaluating protocol performance and operation. However, the lack of rigor with which it's applied threatens the credibility of the published research within the manet research community. Mobile ad hoc networks (manets) allow rapid deployment because they don't depend on a fixed infrastructure. Manet nodes can participate as the source, the destination, or an intermediate router. This flexibility is attractive for military applications, disaster-response situations, and academic environments where fixed net working infrastructures might not be available
In mobile ad hoc networks, it is usually assumed that all the nodes belong to the same authority; therefore, they are expected to cooperate in order to support the basic functions of the network such as routing. In this paper, we consider the case in which each node is its own authority and tries to maximize the benefits it gets from the network. In order to stimulate cooperation, we introduce a virtual currency and detail the way it can be protected against theft and forgery. We show that this mechanism fulfills our expectations without significantly decreasing the performance of the network.
Survey of clustering algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks
  • R Agarwal
  • M Motwani