
The Boschetto landslide: Monitoring, numerical analysisand interpretation

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This short paper illustrates the studies carried out on a landslide phenomenon occurred during the Spring of 2013 in the Parma Appenines. The activation/reactivation of the landslide caused the interruption of a provincial road and the disruption of few houses. No fatalities occurred. The work presented is aimed to reconstruct the process that caused the landslide activation, describes the monitoring facilities that were set up after the landslide activation and how their data can be used to develop an appropriate numerical model.

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... Moreover, by means of a photogrammetric survey and a geological investigation, a Dig- (Figure 1). The high rainfall during that period caused the activation of a new portion of the debris cover, determining the enlargement of the already known, dormant landslide (Segalini et al., 2015). The event caused the collapse of an important road and the consequent temporary isolation of the whole Parmossa valley upstream. ...
... With RS3 (Rocscience 2014) mechanical parameters are tested through a bi-dimensional analysis. Software gives back the same displacement recorded in site with MUMS (Segalini et al., 2015). ...
... Water table levels were introduced in the model as surface functions, separated from the mesh set. In order to verify the mechanical parameters, a preventive elaboration was done to evaluate how the model would replicate the behavior of the slope (Segalini et al., 2015). Each scenario has been run with the SRM. ...
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This paper illustrates the studies carried out on a landslide phenomenon occurred during the Spring of 2013 in Boschetto, a little town in the Parma Apennines, after some days of heavy rain. The activation/reactivation of the landslide caused the interruption of a provincial road and the disruption of few houses. The work presented aims to reconstruct the process that caused the landslide activation. It describes also an innovative automated monitoring system that collects and remotely sends data. The main advantages of an automated monitoring system are the high acquisition frequency, the simultaneous recording of several physical entities. The large database of collected data and a statistical approach have been used for the analysis, in order to verify if accidental or systematic errors were present and eventually correct them. The results are shown together with the back-analysis simulation, made with 3D numerical model (GTS-NX) based on FEM and Mohr-Coulomb criteria.
... Geotechnical monitoring of the western slope was carried out with the use of slope inclinometers. The inclinometer device is designed to be applied for slope deformation observation as well as dynamic control, assessment and forecasting of landslides [3], [18], [20]. The slope inclinometer device is used to determine the magnitude, rate, direction, depth and type of landslide movement [22]. ...
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The geological structure of the Bełchatów area is very complicated as a result of tectonic and sedimentation processes. The long-term exploitation of the Bełchatów field influenced the development of horizontal displacements. The variety of factors that have impact on the Bełchatów western slope stability conditions, forced the necessity of complex geotechnical monitoring. The geotechnical monitoring of the western slope was carried out with the use of slope inclinometers. From 2005 to 2013 fourteen slope inclinometers were installed, however, currently seven of them are in operation. The present analysis depicts inclinometers situated in the north part of the western slope, for which the largest deformations were registered. The results revealed that the horizontal displacements and formation of slip surfaces are related to complicated geological structure and intensive tectonic deformations in the area. Therefore, the influence of exploitation marked by changes in slope geometry was also noticeable.
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This short paper illustrates some theoretical aspects concerning the accuracy and reliability of continuous measurements of underground slope displacements. The Modular Underground Monitoring System (further referred as MUMS), is an automated monitoring system which collects and remotely sends data, it does not require the presence of a field operator and it was designed to have a lifetime longer than that of traditional inclinometers. We present the results of some early generation MUMS to highlight different problems in the analysis of collected data. Finally, the results obtained by a new installation are shown to highlight the achieved progresses.
The study focuses on the potentiality of the low-enthalpy open-loop GroundWater Heat Pumps (GWHP) diffusion in the alluvial plain aquifers of the Piemonte region (NW Italy). The use of low-enthalpy open-loop GroundWater Heat Pumps (GWHP) could in fact contribute to the reduction of regional greenhouse gas emissions. GWHP could be used only with shallow groundwater, to avoid potential alteration of the deeper aquifer so the hydrogeological plain setting and the spatial distribution and temporal variability of the shallow groundwater temperature have been analyzed. Low annual and seasonal variability of the shallow groundwater temperature confirmed the potentiality of the low-enthalpy open-loop GroundWater Heat Pumps (GWHP) diffusion. The distribution of mean groundwater temperatures have been considered and differences among different areas were slight according with the modest variations in the general climatic condition in different areas. Higher temperature values recorded were typical of summer months and on the opposite lower values were measured in January and February. Besides air-temperature influence (seasonal variability) seemed strictly connected to the depth to groundwater in the measure point and it was negligible when the value was over 9.5 m. For the application of the open-loop systems, extensive examinations of the hydrogeological local conditions should be conducted at site scale and groundwater heat transport modeling should be developed. Geographical distribution analysis showed that technical and economic efforts should be made by public authority to implement the monitoring network and reduce the lack of information about groundwater temperature at a regional scale.
The paper illustrates the efficiency of a novel inclinometer device by comparing results obtained from some prototypes installed in three landslides and those derived from classic inclinometers. The new device, called Modular Underground Monitoring System (MUMS) is intended to be applied for natural and artificial slope deformation monitoring and landslides dynamics control, assessment and forecasting. The MUMS instrumentation was developed from the idea of replacing the standard measurement procedure by locating nodes at known distances along a connecting cable placed within a vertical borehole. Each node measures its local orientation (related to the National Elevation Dataset (NED)) by means of a micro electro-mechanical system (MEMS) formed by a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D magnetic sensor. This allows us to determine the direction cosines of the borehole axis in each node and calculate its 3D shape and deformation along the whole borehole. This paper compares the classic instruments and the new MUMS device, with evidence of the advantages of measurement automation and economy in the use of the proposed device, which could also be equipped with other electronic instruments that would allow the measurement of other interesting physical quantities (i.e. pore pressure, temperature, stresses etc.) together with displacement components. The comparison is carried out through the examination of few installation in various types of landslides, with particular attention to the accuracy and repeatability of the measurements that are automatically made.
This work was aimed to highlight the spatial relationships between large-scale gravitational phenomena and tectonic uplifted structures in the area between Enza river valley and Taro river valley in the Northern Apennines. The structural-tectonic map of the investigated area and the inventory map of the large landslides and DSGSDs were made. The analysis of the structural map highlighted the existence of antiforms with axes roughly SE-NW. The comparison between the large landslides and the antiforms has shown that a spatial relationship between large complex landslides (earth/rock slides - earth flows) and positive geological structures exists.
The survey of the Alta Val Parma is presented, along with a detailed geomorphologic map, scale 1:15 000. The prevailing morphology is glacial; in Val Parma, during Upper Pleistocene (Wurm), there was the largest and most complex glacier so far known in the northern Apennines. The valley also contained a glacier during the Riss period, the only one from the northern Apennines. -from English summary
Note illustrative della carta Geologica d'Italia Foglio 217- Neviano degli Arduini
  • Cerrina Feroni
  • A Ottria
  • G Vescovi
Cerrina Feroni A., Ottria G., Vescovi P. (eds) (2002) -Note illustrative della carta Geologica d'Italia Foglio 217- Neviano degli Arduini. Regione Emilia Romagna-Servizio Geologico d'Italia, 112 pp.
Automated Inclinometer Monitoring Based on Micro Electro-Mechanical System Technology: Application and Verification
  • A Segalini
  • L Chiapponi
  • B Pastarini
  • C Carini
Segalini A., Chiapponi L., Pastarini B., Carini C. (2014) -Automated Inclinometer Monitoring Based on Micro Electro-Mechanical System Technology: Application and Verification. In: Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment. vol. 2, p. 595-600, LONDON:Springer Verlag, ISBN: 9783319050492, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05050-8
  • A Chelli
  • A Ruffini
  • P Vescovi
  • C Tellini
Chelli A., Ruffini A., Vescovi P. & Tellini C. (2013) -Tectonics and Large Landslides in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Margottini C., Canuti P. & Sassa K. (Eds.). Elsevier Science, The Netherlands, Landslide Science and Practice, 1, 273-279.