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Four concepts for resilience and the implications for the future of resilience engineering

Four concepts for resilience and the implications for the future
of resilience engineering
David D. Woods
Initiative on Complexity in Natural, Social &Engineered Systems, The Ohio State University, United States
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Resilience engineering
Resilient control
Robust control
Complex adaptive systems
Socio-technical systems
The concept of system resilience is important and popularin fact, hyper-popular over the last few years.
Clarifying the technical meanings and foundations of the concept of resilience would appear to be
necessary. Proposals for dening resilience are ourishing as well. This paper organizes the different
technical approaches to the question of what is resilience and how to engineer it in complex adaptive
systems. This paper groups the different uses of the label resiliencearound four basic concepts:
(1) resilience as rebound from trauma and return to equilibrium; (2) resilience as a synonym for
robustness; (3) resilience as the opposite of brittleness, i.e., as graceful extensibility when surprise
challenges boundaries; (4) resilience as network architectures that can sustain the ability to adapt to
future surprises as conditions evolve.
1. Introduction
Today's systems exist in an extensive network of interdepen-
dencies as a result of opportunities afforded by new technology
and by increasing pressures to become faster, better and cheaper
for various stakeholders. But the effects of operating in interde-
pendent networks has also created unanticipated side effects and
sudden dramatic failures [42,1]. These unintended consequences
have led many different people from different areas of inquiry to
note that some systems appear to be more resilient than others.
This idea that systems have a property called resiliencehas
emerged and grown extremely popular in the last decade (for
example, articles in scientic journals on the topic of resilience
increased by an order of magnitude between 2000 and 2013 based
on search of Web of Science, e.g., Longstaff et al. [26]). The idea
arose from multiple sources and has been examined from multiple
disciplinary perspectives including: systems safety (see Hollnagel
et al. (2006)), complexity (see [1]), human organizations (see
[42,40,22,32,31]), ecology (see [41]), and others. However, with
popularity has come confusion as the label continues to be used in
multiple and diverse ways.
As multiple observers from different disciplines began to study
the characteristics that affect the ability to create, manage, and
sustain resilience, four core concepts appear and recur. This paper
organizes the diverse uses of the label resilienceinto groups
based on these four conceptual perspectives. The paper refers to
these four concepts as resilience [1] through [4]. First, people use
the label resilience to refer to how a system rebounds from
disrupting or traumatic events and returns to previous or normal
activities (rebound¼resilience [1]).
Second, people use the label resilience as the equivalent to the
concept of system robustness. These two concepts have recurred
repeatedly in work on resilience, especially in the early stages of
exploring how systems manage complexity as they appear to
provide a path to generate explanations of how some systems
are able to manage increasing complexity, stressors, and chal-
lenges (robustness¼resilience [2]).
As researchers have continued to study the problem of com-
plexity and how systems adapt to manage complexity, two
additional concepts have emerged. Upon further inquiry, the
empirical results begin to reveal how some systems overcome
the risk of brittleness, i.e., the risk of a sudden failure when events
push the system up to and beyond its boundaries for handling
changing disturbances and variations [7,43,44]. From the perspec-
tive of overcoming the risk of brittleness, a third use of the label
resilience becomes the idea of graceful extensibility [47,45] how a
system extends performance, or brings extra adaptive capacity to
bear, when surprise events challenge its boundaries (graceful
extensibility¼resilience [3]).
Another line of inquiry has pursued formal models of systems
that have proved to be evolvable in biology and technology (e.g.,
the internet). A fourth use of the label resilience emerged from this
work that focuses on the question: what are the architectural
properties of layered networks that produce sustained adaptability
the ability to adapt to future surprises as conditions continue to
evolve? [14,32,31]. This line of work centers on how networks
can manage fundamental trade-offs that constrain all systems
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[9,13,5,18]. It seeks to identify governance policies that operate
across layered networks in biological systems, social systems, and
technological systemswhat governance policies sustain the abil-
ity of the network to continue to function well and avoid falling
into traps in the trade spaces as conditions change over long time
scales (sustained adaptability¼resilience [4]).
This paper briey considers each of the four, in turn, to explore
how each has stimulated lines of inquiry and led to new and
sometimes unexpected results. The intent of the paper is to set a
new baseline for future work. Whatever the historical contribu-
tions of each of these four concepts, the question is how to
advance productive lines of inquiry. Organizing the numerous
and continuing attempts to dene resilience around these four
concepts blocks out a great deal of noise (see the overview in [27]).
The review of the four concepts sets the stage to debate which
concepts have the potential to continue to advance our under-
standing of complex adaptive systems.
2. Four concepts for resilience
2.1. Resilience as rebound (or resilience [1])
The rebound concept begins with the question: why do some
communities, groups, or individuals recover from traumatic dis-
rupting events or repeated stressors better than others to resume
previous normal functioning? A representative example of this
approach is a recent compilation of papers assembled when an
organization asked the Institute of Medicine to help it answer the
above question [6]. We also nd this question asked by business
continuity centers as organizations confront extreme weather
events that can produce surprising cascades of effects [11].
This use of the label resilience as [1] rebound is common,
but pursuing what produces better rebound merely serves to re-
state the question. Where progress has been made, the focus is not
on the period of rebound but on what capabilities and resources
were present before the rebound period. Finkel's analysis of
contrasting cases of recovery from or inability to recover from
surprise provides compelling evidence [16]. First, it is not what
happens after a surprise that affects ability to recover; it is what
capacities are present before the surprise that can be deployed or
mobilized to deal with the surprise. This issue was noted early on
by Lagadec with respect to major external trigger events [20,
p. 54]:the ability to deal with a crisis situation is largely
dependent on the structures that have been developed before
chaos arrives. The event can in some ways be considered a brutal
and abrupt audit: at a moment's notice, everything that was left
unprepared becomes a complex problem, and every weakness
comes rushing to the forefront.
Second, rebound considers responses to specic disruptions,
but much more importantly the disrupting events represent
surprises, that is, the event is a surprise when it falls outside the
scope of variations and disturbances that the system in question is
capable of handling [43,46]. In other words, the key is not simply
the attributes of the event in itself as a disruption or its frequency
of occurrence, but how the event challenges a model instantiated
in the base capabilities of that system. The surprise event chal-
lenges the model and triggers learning and model revisiona kind
of model surprise [48]. There are patterns to surprise, or, as Nemeth
puts it, there are regularities to what on the surface appears to be
irregular variations in terms of how disturbances challenge normal
functioning [30].
These two points highlight a paradox about resilience, that
shifts the focus from resilience [1] to resilience [3] (graceful
extensibility) as research begins to consider resilience as multiple
forms of adaptive capacity. To overcome the risk of brittleness in
the face of surprising disruptions requires a system with the
potential for adaptive action in the future when information
varies, conditions change, or when new kinds of events occur,
any of which challenge the viability of previous adaptations,
models, plans, or assumptions. However, the data to measure
resilience as this potential comes from observing/analyzing how
the system has adapted to disrupting events and changes in the
past [44].
There are other limits to the line of inquiry based on resilience
[1], for example, the concept of recovery to normal or previous
function (return to equilibrium) has not held up to inquiry (see for
example, [41]). The process of adapting to disruptions, challenges
and surprises over time changes the system in question in multi-
ple ways. In adapting to new challenges, systems draw on their
past but become something new. Even when adapting to preserve,
the process of adapting transforms both the system and its
environment. Continuity occurs over a lineage of challenge and
adaptive response, a series of adaptive cycles that compose an
adaptive history.
It is historically interesting that questions about resilience are
often formulated around nding a way to explain variations in how
systems rebound from challenge. But research progress has left this
framing behind to focus on the fundamental properties of networks,
systems and organizations that are able to build, modify and sustain
the right kinds of adaptive capacities [14]. Studies of biological
systems [17] and evolutionary computational modeling of biological
systems [23,24] have shown that properties that will sustain adaptive
capacity in the future can be selected for [4].Theseareexamplesof
results that shift in focus the focus from resilience [1] to resilience [4]
architectures for sustained adaptability.
2.2. Resilience as robustness (or resilience [2])
Resilience [2] increased ability to absorb perturbations
confounds the labels robustness and resilience. Some of the
earliest explorations of resilience confounded these two labels,
and this confound continues to add noise to work on resilience (as
noted in [43,29]).
An increase in robustness expands the set of disturbances the
system can respond to effectively. This simple denition is the
basis for the success in robust control as a subset of control
engineering [15].Robust control is risk-sensitive, optimizing
worst case (rather than average or risk-neutral) performance to a
variety of disturbances and perturbations([14, p. 15624]). Alder-
son and Doyle [1] point out that robustness is always of the form:
system X has property Y that is robust in sense Z to perturbation
W. In other words, robust control works, and only works, for cases
where the disturbances are well-modeled.
If an increase in robustness expands the set of disturbances the
system can respond to effectively, the question remains what
happens if the system is challenged by an event outside of the
current set? If the system cannot continue to respond to demands
and meet some of its goals to some degree, then the system will
experience a sudden failure or collapse that is, the system is
brittle at its boundariesresilience [3]. In other words, resilience
comes to the fore when the set disturbances is not well modeled
and when this set is changing. And ironically, the set of poorly
modeled variations and disturbances changes based on a record of
past success which triggers adaptive responses by other nearby
units in the layered network of interdependent systems. As a
result of this fundamental result, and in a direct analogy to robust
control, a new line of inquiry has emerged to develop resilient
control systems for applications such as cybersecurity and cyber-
physical systems (e.g., [36]).
Confounding resilience and robustness turns out to be erro-
neous in another way. If an increase in robustness expands the set
Please cite this article as: Woods DD. Four concepts for resilience and the implications for the future of resilience engineering.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2015),
of disturbances the system can respond to effectively, the usual
assumption is that this performance envelope only grows larger or
more encompassing. But Doyle and colleagues have shown for-
mally and theoretically (e.g., [9]) and safety research has shown
empirically [43,19] that this simple expansion is not what hap-
pens. Instead, expanding a system's ability to handle some addi-
tional perturbations, increases the systems vulnerability in other
ways to other kinds of events.
This is a fundamental trade-off for complex adaptive systems
where becoming more optimal with respect to some variations,
constraints, and disturbances increases brittleness in the face of
variations, constraints, and disturbances that fall outside this set
[1,18]. The search for good system architectures studies how some
systems are able to continue to solve the trade-off as load increases
[14,25]. A converging line of evidence comes from studies of
human systems that escape from the tragedy of the commons
[12,31,22]. The emerging understanding of heuristic and formal
architectural principles points us to the fourth concept for resi-
lience as some architectures are able to sustain the ability to adapt
to future surprises over multiple cycles of change, or resilience [4].
2.3. Resilience as graceful extensibility (or resilience [3])
The third concept sees resilience as the opposite of brittleness,
or, how to extend adaptive capacity in the face of surprise [46,47,7]
Resilience [3] juxtaposes brittleness versus graceful extensibility.
Rather than asking the question how or why do people, systems,
organizations bounce back, this line of approach asks: how do
systems stretch to handle surprises? Systems with nite resources in
changing environments are always experiencing and stretching to
accommodate events that challenge boundaries. And what sys-
tems escape the constraints of nite resources and changing
Without some capability to continue to stretch in the face of
events that challenge boundaries, systems are more brittle than
stakeholders realize [45]. And all systems, however successful,
have boundaries and experience events that fall outside these
boundariessurprises. Brittleness describes how a system per-
forms near and beyond its boundary, separate from how well it
performs when operating well within its boundaries. Descriptively
and specically, brittleness is how rapidly a system's performance
declines when it nears and reaches its boundary. Brittle systems
experience rapid performance collapses, or failures, when events
challenge boundaries. Of course, one difculty is that the location
of the boundary is normally uncertain and moves as capabilities
and conditions change.
There is always some rate and kind of events that occur to
challenge the boundaries of more or less optimal or robust
performance, and thus graceful extensibility, being prepared to
adapt to handle surprise, is a necessary form of adaptive capacity
for all systems [43,45]. Systems with low graceful extensibility risk
collapse at the boundaries. But surprise has regular characteristics
as many classes of challenge re-cur (e.g., [30]) which can be
tracked and used as signals for adaptation. Caporale and Doyle
express the point in the context of biological systems [4, p. 20]:
However, many classes of environmental challenge re-cur.
Hosts combat pathogens (and pathogens avoid host defenses);
predators and prey do battle through biochemical adaptations;
bird's beaks must pick up and crack available seeds (or insects)
a menu that may change rapidly due, for example, to a
Challenges such as cascades of disturbances and friction in
putting plans into time are generic classes of demands that require
the ability to extend performance to avoid collapse due to
brittleness [47].
Attempts to expand the base envelope (the competence envel-
ope or base adaptive capacity) shift the dynamics and kinds of
events that challenge the new boundaries (and how they chal-
lenge the boundaries). This process of change means that graceful
extensibility is a dynamic capability. Graceful extensibility is a play
on the traditional term graceful degradation. However, graceful
degradation only refers to breakdowns. Woods [45] uses graceful
extensibility because adaptation at the boundaries can be very
positive and lead to success, not simply less negative capability.
Systems with high graceful extensibility have capabilities to
anticipate bottlenecks ahead, to learn about the changing shape
of disturbances and possess the readiness-to-respond to adjust
responses to t the challenges [16,46,48].
From the point of view of resilience [3], attempts to understand
rebound, rst, should change direction: search for previous dis-
rupting events and analyze what the system drew on to stretch to
accommodate those kinds of past events. Observing/analyzing
how the system has adapted to disrupting events and changes in
the past provides the data to assess that system's potential for
adaptive action in the future when new variations and types of
challenges occur [44]. Many studies of these kinds of adaptive
cycles have identied basic patterns and empirical generalizations
(recent examples are [8,28,3,3335,37,39]).
Second, the desire to understand rebound should lead to
studies and models of the consequences when a system has to
stretch repeatedly to multiple challenges over time. Calling on
resources to stretch repeatedly can overwork a system's readiness-
to-respond capability, resulting in consequences associated with
stress (e.g., in material science over-stressing a material changes
that material and its ability to respond to challenges in the future).
Studies of how systems extend adaptive capacity to handle
surprise have led to characterization of basic patterns in how
adaptive systems succeed and fail [47]. The starting point is
exhausting the capacity to deploy and mobilize responses as
disturbances grow and cascadethis pattern is called decompensa-
tion. The positive pattern observed in systems with high graceful
extensibility is anticipation of bottlenecks and crunches ahead.
Decompensation as a form of adaptive system breakdown
subsumes a related nding called critical slowing down, where an
increasing delay in recovery following disruption or stressor is an
indicator of an impending collapse or a tipping point [38,10].
When the time to recovery increases and/or the level recovered to
decreases, this pattern indicates that a system is exhausting its
ability to handle growing or repeated challenges, in other words,
the system is nearing saturation of its range of adaptive behavior.
Risk of saturation signals the risk of the basic decompensation
failure pattern. Risk of saturation turns out to play a key role in
graceful extensibility as a basic form of adaptive capacity
There are many other indicators of the risk of decompensation,
and studies of systems that reduce the risk of decompensation
provide valuable insight about where to invest to reduce brittle-
ness/increase resilience [3]. For example, Finkel [16] identied
characteristics of human systems that produce the ability to
recover from surprise. Interestingly, these characteristics or
sources of resilience represent the potential for adaptive action
in the future. Sources of resilience [3] provide a system with the
capability, in advance, to handle classes of surprises or challenges
such as cascading events. Providing and sustaining these sources
resilience [3] has its own dynamics and difculties that arise from
fundamental trade-offsresilience [4] [43,19,1]. For example, work
has found that organizations can undermine, inadvertently, their
own sources of resilience as they miss how people step into the
breach to make up for adaptive shortfalls [43].
Please cite this article as: Woods DD. Four concepts for resilience and the implications for the future of resilience engineering.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2015),
2.4. Resilience as sustained adaptability (or resilience [4])
Resilience [4] refers to the ability manage/regulate adaptive
capacities of systems that are layered networks, and are also a part
of larger layered networks, so as to produce sustained adaptability
over longer scales [1]. Some layered networks or complex adaptive
systems demonstrate sustained adaptability, but most layered
networks do not, i.e., they get stuck in adaptive shortfalls, unravel
and collapse when confronting new periods of change, regardless
of their past record of successes. Resilience [4] asks three ques-
tions: (1) what governance or architectural characteristics explain
the difference between networks that produce sustained adapt-
ability and those that fail to sustain adaptability? (2) What design
principles and techniques would allow one to engineer a network
that can produce sustained adaptability? (3) How would one know
if one succeeded in their engineering (how can one condently
assess whether a system has the ability to sustain adaptability over
time, like evolvability from a biological perspective and like a new
kind of stability from a control engineering perspective)?
In socio-technical systems, sustained adaptability addresses a
system's dynamics over a life cycle or multiple cycles. The
architecture of the system needs to be equipped at earlier stages
with the wherewithal to adapt or be adaptable when it will face
predictable changes and challenges across its life cycle. Predictable
dynamics of challenge include:
Over the life cycle, assumptions and boundary conditions will
be challengedsurprises will continue to re-cur.
Over the life cycle, conditions and contexts of use will change
therefore boundaries will change, especially if the system
provides valuable capability to stakeholders.
Over the life cycle, adaptive shortfalls will occur and some
responsible people will have to step in to ll the breach.
Over the life cycle, the need for graceful extensibility and the
factors that produce or erode graceful extensibility will change,
more than once.
Over life cycles, classes of changes will occur, and the system in
question will have to adapt to seize opportunities and respond
to challenges by readjusting itself and its relationships in the
layered network.
Central to resilience [4] is identifying what basic architectural
principles are preserved over these changes and provide the
needed exibility to continue to adapt over long scales [14].
Advances on resilience [4] center on the nding that all adaptive
systems are subject to fundamental constraints or trade-offs, that
there are multiple trade-offs, and that there are basic architectural
principles that allow some systems to adjust their position in the
multi-dimensional trade space in ways that tend to move toward
or nd new positions along hard limit lines [14,25]. Prominent in
this line of inquiry are questions about which trade-offs are
fundamental and whether these are different for human systems
as compared to biological or physical systems at various scales
Resilience [4] also leads to the agenda to dene resilient control
mechanisms, i.e., control or management of adaptive capacities
relative to the fundamental trade-offs. Thus, resilience [4] is a
higher level concept in which multiple dimensions are balanced
and traded off, given the laws that constrain how (human)
adaptive systems work. In resilience [4] it makes sense to say a
system is resilient, or not, based on how well it balances all the
tradeoffs, or not. For example, success stories can be found in
biology if we look at glycolysis as modeled by Chandra et al. [5],or
selection for future adaptive capacity (as in [24]), and in human
systems success stories can be found in the work of Finkel [16] on
how successful military systems prepare to adapt to surprise,
Ostrom on how human networks avoid the tragedy of the
commons through polycentric governance principles as in exam-
ples such as managing limited water resources in Bali [32,12,21].
Progress is being made on mechanisms for resilient control in
infrastructures (e.g., [2]) and in regulating the risk of brittleness (e.
g. by regulating a system's capacity for maneuver to handle
potential upcoming surprises in [47,45]).
3. Implications for resilience engineering
As different people and disciplines pursue their journey of
inquiry about complex systems and reducing risks of sudden
failure in complex systems, a progression of concepts recur that
capture different senses of the label resilience. This paper has
organized the various senses and denitions into four groups:
rebound, robustness, graceful extensibility, and architectures for
sustained adaptability. This partition represents four core concepts
that have recurred since the introduction of resilience as a critical
systems property. This partition allows an assessment of progress
and a projection of what is promising to create the ability to
engineer resilience into diverse systems and networks in the
The rst implication of the partition is that, through overuse,
the label resilience only functions as a general pointer to one or
another of the four concepts. For science and engineering pur-
poses, one needs to be explicit about which of the four senses of
resilience is meant when studying or modeling adaptive capacities
(or to expand on the four anchor concepts as new results emerge).
Second, the value of the differing concepts depends on how
they are productive in steering lines of inquiry toward what will
prove to be fundamental ndings, foundational theories, and
engineering techniques. The yield from rst two concepts about
resilience, rebound and robustness, has been low. Resilience as
rebound misdirects inquiry to reactive phases and restoration or
return to previous states. It begs the question on what is needed in
advance of a challenge event or shift in variations and disturbance,
and how systems continue to change as they adapt, as well as how
systems provoke changes through adaptation.
Confounding resilience and robustness begs the question of
how systems and networks adapt when faced with poorly mod-
eled events, disruptions, and variations. Control engineering
already knows a great deal about how to engineer systems to
handle well-modeled disturbances. The lines of inquiry relevant to
resilience are about how systems and networks can be prepared to
handle the model surprises that occur as change is ongoing. The
empirical progress has come from nding, studying, and modeling
the biological and human systems that are prepared to handle
The value of these two concepts is historical as they were the
rst approaches used to tackle issues related to resilience and
stimulated multiple lines of inquiry. The disappointment is that
both of these concepts continue to be recycled, both in reference
to past work and in current efforts, as if they provide an adequate
conceptual basis to move forward.
Nevertheless, the lines of inquiry have progressed to tackle
questions such as:
how adaptive systems fail in general and across scales;
how systems can be prepared for inevitable surprise while still
meeting pressures to improve on efciency of resource
what mechanisms allow a system to manage the risk of
brittleness at the boundaries of normal function;
what architectures allow systems to sustain adaptability over
long times and multiple cycles of change.
Please cite this article as: Woods DD. Four concepts for resilience and the implications for the future of resilience engineering.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2015),
Studies of resilience in action have revealed a rich set of
patterns and regularities about how some systems provide and
adjust graceful extensibility to overcome brittleness. Models on
what makes the difference between resilience and brittleness have
been successful in specic areas to highlight fundamental pro-
cesses that sustain adaptability over long scales. As a result, we can
characterize different kinds of adaptive capacities, dynamic pat-
terns about how these capacities develop or degrade, and the kind
of architectures that support or sustain the ability to adapt to
future challenges.
However, the multiple lines of inquiry that intersect around the
label resilience are young. The end story remains to be written of
how to engineer in graceful extensibility and how to design
architectures that will sustain adaptive capacities over time.
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... Predictable envelopes of volatility and normative scenarios that assume stable futures will be inimical to the ability to deliver reliable services. Infrastructure managers should adopt perspectives that their systems will fail and when they do will need to extend themselves (Woods 2015, 2018, Kim et al 2019, will need to constantly adapt and transform to new and unforeseen conditions (see Principle 2), and should be capable of enabling governance transitions between stable and unstable conditions (see Principle 3). Novel data streams, software, and artificial intelligence (AI) appear poised to make better sense of this complexity than legacy sensemaking processes, while at the same time adding complexity (as interdependencies, vulnerabilities, and new means of control (see Principle 4)) to the systems themselves. ...
... Governance processes should move away from legacy approaches that emphasize optimized outcomes and towards satisficing, where good enough is the goal combined with a commitment to sustained reassessment of what systems are doing and whether adjustments are needed (i.e. sustained adaptation) (Simon 1947, 1957, Woods 2015, Chester and Allenby 2019a. ...
Full-text available
There appears to be a growing decoupling between the conditions that infrastructures were designed for and today’s rapidly changing environments. Infrastructures today are largely predicated on the technologies, goals, and governance structures from a century ago. While infrastructures continue to deliver untold value, there is growing evidence that these critical, basic, and lifeline systems appear ill-equipped to confront the volatility, uncertainty, accelerating conditions, and complexity that define them and their changing environments. Innovative and disruptive first principles are needed to guide infrastructures in the Anthropocene. Drawing from emerging infrastructure research and disciplines that appear better able to confront disruption and change, a novel set of first principles are identified: (1) Plan for complex conditions and surprise; (2) Recouple with agility and flexibility; (3) Govern for exploration and instability; (4) Build consensus as control decentralizes; (5) Restructure to engage with porous boundaries; and, (6) Cyberthreat planning is now mission critical. These principles should guide infrastructure planning recognizing the changing nature and increasingly obsolete boundaries that have defined engineered systems in the modern era.
... The growing need for resilient infrastructure that can withstand, respond to, and adapt to a wide array of hazards, including the impacts of climate change, is increasingly critical for infrastructure owners and operators. Woods (2015) [6] defines resilience as the inherent attributes that enable essential infrastructure systems to sustain or improve their functionality during disruptive events. Despite the broad consistency across research fields, the development of robust quantitative metrics and comprehensive standards for resilience in socio-technical systems continues to evolve, as highlighted by the Lloyd's Register Foundation (2015) [7]. ...
... The growing need for resilient infrastructure that can withstand, respond to, and adapt to a wide array of hazards, including the impacts of climate change, is increasingly critical for infrastructure owners and operators. Woods (2015) [6] defines resilience as the inherent attributes that enable essential infrastructure systems to sustain or improve their functionality during disruptive events. Despite the broad consistency across research fields, the development of robust quantitative metrics and comprehensive standards for resilience in socio-technical systems continues to evolve, as highlighted by the Lloyd's Register Foundation (2015) [7]. ...
Conference Paper
Critical infrastructures are essential in sustaining economic and social stability and ensuring national security, particularly their resilience in delivering services during earthquakes. This study introduces an analytical methodology for quantifying potential earthquake risks to power stations and assessing the cost-effectiveness of enhancing seismic resistance. This work includes fragility curves and probabilistic risk analyses, offering a structured approach to evaluate risks and thoroughly explore economically viable mitigation strategies. The research provides an in-depth evaluation of measures to safeguard critical components of power stations from seismic events, demonstrating that modest investments in earthquake-proofing can significantly reduce the risk of power station failures by 36% while only constituting a minor portion (0.5%) of the overall project budget. The emphasis is on strengthening critical elements such as switching stations, water treatment facilities, and water tanks to maintain their functionality during and after seismic events. By integrating risk assessment with benefit-to-cost-analysis, the research supports strategic investment decisions in critical infrastructure improvements, promising significant risk mitigation at minimal costs and thus safeguarding essential services from the impacts of natural disasters. This work contributes to advancing the field of critical infrastructures resilience.
... Normally, reaching acute goals means putting the chronic goals aside. [12] suggests four concepts to characterize resilience of a system and better monitor these scenario changes. The first concept is called rebound which is the system capacity to return to normal activities against a disrupting or traumatic event. ...
... The standard THA process only asks to list mitigations to the hazard causes on the management phase but does not clearly define the process to implement and control the mitigation efficiency. [12] states that an activity needs to be seen as a system. The disagreement opinion about #4a indicates that the SMEs do not clearly understand this systemic view. ...
Conference Paper
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Test Hazard Analysis (THA) is a safety management process widely used in flight testing. Its basis is supported by the bowtie technique where the risk management focuses on interrupting the cause-effect line of action using mitigations and/or barriers. Technology and complexity have increased, requiring flight test organizations to attach subprocesses over the standard THA to absorb and account for uncertainties in all levels of the activity. In-flight testing is an activity that constantly requires aircraft systems experimentation in conditions never tested before. For this reason, an adapted THA was used to connect risk management to all organizational levels and to proactively control the performance variability of flight test systems aiming at the prevention of undesirable outcomes. Therefore, this work intended to verify to what extent the adapted THA process controls System Performance Variability (SPV) in flight test systems when compared to the standard one. The method walked through the characterization of mechanisms and tools used on an envelope expansion flight test project that were attached to the standard process, followed by the construction of a questionnaire fitted to the flight test community and intended to collect subject matter expert data regarding how the THA process accounts for SPV in complex scenarios. Results indicated that the adapted THA was able to connect communication feedback loops to other organizational levels, to proactively control safety margins and thus variabilities of system performance, and to actively learn from indicators measurements that triggered system modifications. According to the subject matter experts, the adapted THA is 44% more capable of accounting for SPV and constraints in flight test systems.
... Harnessing LLMs and multimodal vision-language models to enable human interactions with autonomous robots [17] 2023 A hierarchical LLM-supported planner to design and assign multiple high-level subtasks to be executed by mobile robots in a temporal and logical order UAV systems to evolve and adapt to changing requirements and environments over time. Adaption to changing conditions is one of the primary methods of resilience integration in dynamic engineered systems [6]. LLMs and their integration with robotics have surged in the past three years. ...
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The intersection of LLMs (Large Language Models) and UAV (Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles) technology represents a promising field of research with the potential to enhance UAV capabilities significantly. This study explores the application of LLMs in UAV control, focusing on the opportunities for integrating advanced natural language processing into autonomous aerial systems. By enabling UAVs to interpret and respond to natural language commands, LLMs simplify the UAV control and usage, making them accessible to a broader user base and facilitating more intuitive human-machine interactions. The paper discusses several key areas where LLMs can impact UAV technology, including autonomous decision-making, dynamic mission planning, enhanced situational awareness, and improved safety protocols. Through a comprehensive review of current developments and potential future directions, this study aims to highlight how LLMs can transform UAV operations, making them more adaptable, responsive, and efficient in complex environments. A template development framework for integrating LLMs in UAV control is also described. Proof of Concept results that integrate existing LLM models and popular robotic simulation platforms are demonstrated. The findings suggest that while there are substantial technical and ethical challenges to address, integrating LLMs into UAV control holds promising implications for advancing autonomous aerial systems.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the latest results on the Stress-­‐Strain model of resilience and shows how the model provides a means to operaJonalize the four cornerstones of Resilience Engineering as proposed by Hollnagel and uJlized in the Resilience Analysis Grid. The Stress-­‐Strain model of resilience, originally proposed by Woods and Wreathall in 2006, addresses one of the original goals for Resilience Engineering-­‐-­‐ how to assess briPleness of an organizaJon or system. The model is based on a representaJon, in the tradiJon of plots of adapJve landscapes, that captures the relaJonship of demands or challenge events (what variaJons and events place stress on the system) and the ability of the system to draw on sources of adapJve capacity to respond to challenge events. The Stress-­‐Strain model provides a framework for analysis to answer the key quesJon-­‐-­‐ how does a system stretch to handle surprises?