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Effects of carotenoid supplementation and oxidative challenges on physiological parameters and carotenoid-based coloration in an urbanization context


Abstract and Figures

Worldwide urbanization continues to present new selection pressures on organisms. Carotenoid pigmentation of animals provides an ideal study system for identifying the source and significance of urban impacts because it is an environmentally derived trait and carotenoid molecules have widespread physiological, phenotypic, and fitness functions. Prior work indicates that in some bird species, urban individuals display less colorful carotenoid ornaments than rural birds. However, few studies have experimentally identified the causal factors that drive such a pattern of reduced “sexiness in the city”. We performed two common-garden experiments with house finches, in which we manipulated carotenoid access and exposure to oxidative stress to understand how urban and desert birds respond to these drivers of carotenoid utilization. Urban finches were less colorful than desert birds at capture, but we found no differences between urban and desert finches in how carotenoid provisioning or oxidative stress affected plumage coloration. The only notable site differences in our experiments were that (a) the oxidative challenge caused a larger mass loss in urban compared to desert birds (experiment 1), (b) urban birds circulated higher levels of carotenoids than desert birds after receiving the same diet for 4 months (experiment 2), suggesting that, compared to desert birds, urban finches can better assimilate carotenoids from food or do not deplete as many carotenoids for use in free-radical scavenging. Overall, our results fail to reveal key carotenoid-specific physiological differences in urban and desert finches, and instead implicate other ecophysiological factors that drive urban/desert differences in carotenoid ornamentation.
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Effects of carotenoid supplementation and oxidative challenges
on physiological parameters and carotenoid-based
coloration in an urbanization context
Mathieu Giraudeau
&Afton Chavez
&Matthew B. Toomey
&Kevin J. McGraw
Received: 23 July 2014 /Revised: 15 March 2015/Accepted: 16 March 2015 / Published online: 15 April 2015
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract Worldwide urbanization continues to present new
selection pressures on organisms. Carotenoid pigmentation of
animals provides an ideal study system for identifying the
source and significance of urban impacts because it is an en-
vironmentally derived trait and carotenoid molecules have
widespread physiological, phenotypic, and fitness functions.
Prior work indicates that in some bird species, urban individ-
uals display less colorful carotenoid ornaments than rural
birds. However, few studies have experimentally identified
the causal factors that drive such a pattern of reduced
Bsexiness in the city^. We performed two common-garden
experiments with house finches, in which we manipulated
carotenoid access and exposure to oxidative stress to under-
stand how urban and desert birds respond to these drivers of
carotenoid utilization. Urban finches were less colorful than
desert birds at capture, but we found no differences between
urban and desert finches in how carotenoid provisioning or
oxidative stress affected plumage coloration. The only notable
site differences in our experiments were that (a) the oxidative
challenge caused a larger mass loss in urban compared to
desert birds (experiment 1), (b) urban birds circulated higher
levels of carotenoids thandesert birds after receiving the same
diet for 4 months (experiment 2), suggesting that, compared to
desert birds, urban finches can better assimilate carotenoids
from food or do not deplete as many carotenoids for use in
free-radical scavenging. Overall, our results fail to reveal key
carotenoid-specific physiological differences in urban and de-
sert finches, and instead implicate other ecophysiological fac-
tors that drive urban/desert differences in carotenoid
Keywords Urbanization .Carotenoids .House finch .
Oxidative stress .Plumage coloration
Recent anthropogenic activity hashad a range of environmen-
tal consequences due to, among other things, rapid urbaniza-
tion. Such consequences include higher temperature, elevated
levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants (Shocat et al.
2006), and reduced habitat availability for wildlife (Marzluff
2001). These effects challenge the ability of organisms to per-
sist in urban environments and have served as selection pres-
sures on animals and plants that have led to changes in mor-
phology, physiology, behavior, and genetics (Shocat et al.
2006). For example, the physiological stress response is lower
and timing of reproduction is advanced in urban blackbirds
(Turdus merula) from Europe compared to rural ones
(Partecke et al. 2004,2006).
One means by which to assess the impact of these human-
induced environmental changes on organisms is to track the
expression of condition-dependent signals like songs or colors
Communicated by E. Fernandez-Juricic
Mathieu Giraudeau and Afton Chavez have participated equally in this
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s00265-015-1908-y) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
*Mathieu Giraudeau
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ 85287-4501, USA
Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University
in St. Louis, School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
Present address: School of Biological Sciences A08, University of
Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970
DOI 10.1007/s00265-015-1908-y
(Hill 1995; rak et al. 2000). Carotenoid-based color is a
classic example of a condition-dependent signal of sexual at-
tractiveness and competitive ability because animals must ac-
quire carotenoid pigments from foods (i.e., a limiting re-
source) and because these pigments are also used to boost
health, as antioxidants and immunomodulators (Blount et al.
Thus, animals displaying the most intense coloration are those
in the best nutritional and health condition or oxidative status
(i.e., imbalance between the levels of reactive oxygen species
and the status of the antioxidant machinery) and hence can
afford to devote substantial amounts of pigment to their plum-
age or integument (Møller et al. 2000;Petersetal.2004;
McGraw 2006).
There is evidence that carotenoid-based plumage color in
great tits (Parus major;Eevaetal.1998; rak et al. 2000,
2001;Isakssonetal.2005) and house finches (Haemorhous
mexicanus,seeBResults^section) is paler in animals living in
cities than in those from natural surroundings, suggesting that
carotenoid-based plumage coloration can be used to monitor
environmental quality. To date, however, most studies on this
subject have been observational, and the abiotic or biotic
mechanism(s) driving urbanrural differences in plumage col-
oration are unclear.
There are several possible proximate explanations for why
carotenoid-based plumage color differs between urban and
rural environments. Differences in the dietary availability of
carotenoids (e.g., types and amounts in insects, seeds, etc.)
between urban and rural environments may explain urban
decreases in plumage coloration (Slagsvold and Lifjeld
1985;Eevaetal.1998,2005; Isaksson et al. 2007).
Alternatively, animals in cities may be exposed to more dis-
ease or oxidative stress (Schilderman et al. 1997; Isaksson
et al. 2005) and, due to their role as immunomodulators and
antioxidants (Edge et al. 1997;vonSchantzetal.1999;Møller
et al. 2000), carotenoids in the body may be drained and thus
comparatively less available to urban birds for use in ornate
coloration. At present, however, there is considerable debate
over the potency of carotenoids as antioxidants in birds
(Alonso-Alvarez et al. 2004; Isaksson et al. 2005,2007;
Tummelehtetal.2006; Costantini et al. 2007; Costantini
and Møller 2008). Thirdly, exposure to urban pollutants may
affect carotenoid-based coloration through an alteration of the
endocrine system and especially on steroid hormones
(Bortolotti et al. 2003). A fourth possibility is that plumage
color differences between urban and rural birds could arise
from a differential ability to physiologically assimilate carot-
enoids from food (e.g., uptake, storage, conversion of precur-
sors to those deposited into feathers; Blount et al. 2003;
Koutsos et al. 2003; McGraw and Parker 2006).
To begin to isolate causal factors behind this geographic
variation in color, we performed two common-garden exper-
iments (experiment 1 in winter and experiment 2 during the
late summer/early fall) in which we exposed urban- and
desert-caught male house finches (H. mexicanus)tovariation
in carotenoid availability [supplementation with zeaxanthin
(experiment 1) and canthaxanthin (experiment 2)] and oxida-
tive stress (paraquat treatment) under controlled captive con-
ditions. Our specific objective was to determine if and/or how
differential carotenoid intake and use abilities (i.e., in oxida-
tive challenges) explains observed urban ecological patterns
of carotenoid color expression. House finches are a model
system for studying sexual selection and condition-
dependent color signaling (Hill 2002), with males showing
striking plumage variation from brilliant red through drab yel-
low, and females preferring to mate with the reddest males
(including in our Arizona population; Toomey and McGraw
2012). House finches inhabit both natural desert and urban
environments in their native range (southwestern United
States), and desert house finches have redder plumage than
those living around humans in our study population in the
Phoenix metropolitan area (Hasegawa et al. 2014; also see
below). We predicted that if natural, local environmental fea-
tures (e.g., diet) drive geographic variation in carotenoid sta-
tus, we would see few differences in carotenoid circulation,
oxidative stress susceptibility, and plumage coloration be-
tween captive urban and desert birds fed standardized diets.
However, if genetic, developmental, or physiological varia-
tion is behind observed site differences in carotenoid status,
then we expected desert birds to show superior carotenoid
circulation and/or resistance to oxidative stress in our experi-
ments. As in our prior study of carotenoids, oxidative stress,
and immunity in house finches (McGraw et al. 2011;
Giraudeau et al. 2013), we ran this experiment two times, in
November/December (outside of the breeding or molt pe-
riods) and August (during molt), to assess whether or not there
are special seasonally restricted differential carotenoid intake
and use abilities between urban and rural birds.
Experimental procedure
Experiment 1winter
We captured 80 male house finches from 2 to 13 November
2009 using basket and Potter traps baited with sunflower
seeds; trapping sessions lasted from 0700 to 1100 h each
morning. Urban birds were trapped on the campus of
Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, AZ (33°25N,
112°55W), which is an area that has had considerable human
presence (current city population size >160,000) for at least
50 years (Fig. 1). Desert (which we use interchangeably with
Brural^throughout) birds were captured at South Mountain
Park/Preserve (SMP, 33°21N, 112°4W), which consists of
958 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970
over 16,000 acres of undisturbed Sonoran desert habitat locat-
ed 11.5 kmsouth of the large urban center of Phoenix, AZ and
21.5 km from our urban capture site (Fig. 1, see Giraudeau
et al. 2014 for a detailed description of the sites). We are
confident that these represent distinct sites and samples of
adult birds because, in a larger project involving the trapping
of approximately 2000 adult house finches during an 18-
month period in the Phoenix metropolitan area along a gradi-
ent of urbanization (with some sites separated by less than
3 km), we never trapped the same bird in two different sites.
Thus, we believe that the adult home range is limited to
<3 km.
At capture, each bird was leg banded with a numbered
United States Fish and Wildlife Service metal tag for individ-
ual identification. We determined body mass with a digital
scale (to the nearest 0.1 g) and tarsus length (to the nearest
0.1 mm) and drew a sample of blood (80 μL) from the alar
vein into heparinized microcapillary tubes. Plasma samples
were stored at 80 °C until laboratory analyses were per-
formed (see below).
Wild-caught finches were randomly divided into four
groups (20 birds for each treatment group, comprised of ten
desert and ten urban finches) that each received a different
carotenoid and/or oxidative stress treatment for a period of
4 weeks (24 November21 December 2009): control (CO;
nothing added to drinking water), carotenoid-supplemented
(CA), paraquat-supplemented (PA), or both carotenoid- and
paraquat-supplemented (BO). To the drinking water of CA
finches, we added 0.756 g L
of Optisharpzeaxanthin
beadlets (DSM Nutritional Products, Belvidere, NJ).
Zeaxanthin is a common and concentrated xanthophyll carot-
enoid found in finch food, plasma, and yellow feathers
and among other body sites (e.g., liver, retina; McGraw et al.
2006; Toomey and McGraw 2009). We chose this carotenoid
dose based on a pilot study (MBT and KJM, unpublished data)
so that we could elevate plasma carotenoid levels over the
course of a month to the high end of the physiological range
of wild birds. To the drinking water of PA finches, we added
methyl viologen dichloride (i.e., paraquat dichloride;
Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, St. Louis, MO). Paraquat is an
herbicide that has been commonly used to induce oxidative
stress in animals (Galvani et al. 2000; Salmon et al. 2001;
Wang et al. 2001; Isaksson and Andersson 2008; Almroth
et al. 2010; Meitern et al. 2013) and may have other physio-
logical side effects (e.g., gastro-intestinal, renalBerny 2007;
on insulinKimura et al. 2010). Isaksson and Andersson
(2008) previously used this chemical at a dose of 0.09 g L
in a study of oxidative stress in great tits. We chose a slightly
higher dosage (0.1 g L
) to account for the fact that, on
average, house finches (1722 g) are slightly larger than great
tits (1620 g). This concentration was tested on three pilot
finches for 8 days, who showed no declines in activity level
Fig. 1 Land Use Land Cover
(LULC) within the 1-km radius
around each of our trapping sites
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970 959
or body mass. Finally, to the water of BO birds, we added both
zeaxanthin and paraquat at the aforementioned concentra-
tions. All of the water treatments were kept refrigerated in
plastic gallon jugs, and any solution was discarded and
renewed no later than 1 week after preparation.
We measured body mass and drew blood from captive
finches as above at the beginning (day 1), middle (day 15),
and end (day 28) of the experiment. We were also interested to
test if the paraquat treatment influenced water intake (since the
paraquat treatment was provided through the drinking water),
food intake, and activity because a potential effect of the para-
quat treatment on these behaviors may influence our results on
body mass and oxidative stress levels. From days 1227 of the
experiment, we videotaped each bird for one randomly select-
ed afternoon hour (range of observation times of day=1500
1800 h). Later we scored these for time spent eating from the
food dish (time spent with seed in beak or chewing) and
drinking water (time spent with the beak in the water cup,
all in seconds), and the number of hops per minute (hops on
the same perch or from the first to the second perch of the cage
were counted). Ideally, we would have gathered continuous
feeding and behavioral data, but because this was not the focus
of the study, we only took a snapshot of individual activities
during the experiment.
Experiment 2fall molt
We again used basket traps to capture 44 adult male house
finches from 28 June to 29 July 2010. Urban birds were again
trapped on the ASU campus in Tempe, AZ, but for this exper-
iment, desert birds were captured at Estrella Mountain
Regional Park (33°25N, 112°25W), which consists of 19,
840 acres of desert habitat located 53 km southwest of ASU
(Fig. 1). We used a different desert site in this experiment
because the trapping rate was really low in July 2010 at
South Mountain; the Estrella Mountain site provided the
added advantage of sampling birds from an even more distant,
rural area than South Mountain. As above, each bird was
banded and weighed at capture. Tarsus length was measured
and a blood sample was collected and stored at 80 °C until
laboratory analyses were performed.
Because of our smaller sample size in this study compared
to experiment 1, we limited the experiment to two treatment
groups: carotenoid-supplemented (CA, 11 desert and 12 urban
birds) and carotenoid- and paraquat-supplemented (BO, nine
desert and 12 urban birds). We avoided using carotenoid-
unsupplemented groups in this study because it was run dur-
ing the molt period and we wanted to provide sufficient carot-
enoids (above those low levels found in seed provided in
captivity; McGraw et al. 2001) for all birds to become color-
ful. Thus, this second experiment allows us to examine the
potential detrimental effects of paraquat treatment in urban
and desert birds that receive carotenoid supplementation.
Treatments were administered for a period of 15 weeks (27
July10 November 2010, spanning the full molt period), and
to better control dosage in this experiment we hand-fed birds
known amounts of each substance, using a plastic syringe and
a feeding needle that was inserted into the bill, twice per week.
Carotenoid-supplemented birds received 0.4 mL of water con-
taining canthaxanthin (70 μg), while carotenoid- and
paraquat-supplemented birds received 0.4 mL of water con-
taining both this carotenoid amount and paraquat (0.5 μg). We
chose a slightly lower dosage of paraquat than in the first
experiment knowing that house finches in this study would
receive the treatment for 3 months, compared to 4 weeks in
experiment 1. In addition, we decided to supplement birds
with canthaxanthin during molt instead of zeaxanthin because
canthaxanthin is a component of the sexually attractive red
coloration of house finch plumage (Inouye et al. 2001;by
comparison, zeaxanthin is a yellow plumage colorant). We
measured body mass and drew blood from captive finches
as above every month, starting on the first day of the experi-
ment. At the end of the experiment, birds were euthanized by
rapid decapitation and liver samples were collected and frozen
at 80 °C for later carotenoid analyses (see more below).
Housing and husbandry
All birds were held in captivity in an animal-approved indoor
room on the ASU campus. Finches were housed individually
in wire cages (35.5 cm tall×27.5 cm wide×20 cm deep) and
received an ad libitum diet of black oil sunflower seeds (which
have low carotenoid content; McGraw et al. 2001) and water.
Room temperature was held constant at 24 °C and lighting
conditions were set to the outdoor day/night cycle.
Throughout the study, food was replenished daily and water
was replaced every other day to ensure freshness.
Plumage coloration
Plumage coloration was quantified at the start and end of the
second experiment using digital photography, following stan-
dard published methods for this species (Oh and Badyaev
2006; Giraudeau et al. 2012) and others (e.g., McGraw et al.
2003). Because house finch plumage does not reflect signifi-
cantly in the UV (McGraw and Hill 2000), techniques that
rely on visible light are sufficient to capture variation in
carotenoid-based coloration. Using a Canon PowerShot
SD1200S (Lake Success, NY), we took two separate pho-
tographs of the head, breast, and rump of each bird against
a gray-board, using identical distance from camera to ob-
ject, shutter, exposure, and flash settings for each photo-
graph and including a color/size standard in each photo to
control for any slight variations in object illumination.
Ambient lighting was kept constant by photographing
finches inside a room with no external light. Digital images
960 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970
(JPEG, 3648×2736 pixels) were imported into Adobe
Photoshop to extract hue values for each of the three body
regions photographed. Values for the two pictures of each
bird were averaged for statistical analyses (repeatability= 0.99,
Lessells and Boag 1987) to obtain an overall plumage hue
score for each bird. Because Photoshop assigns hue values
around a 360° color wheel, with red set at 0, lower hue scores
denote redder birds.
Carotenoids and vitamin E in plasma and tissues
We chose to measure plasma levels of vitamin E, in addition to
carotenoids, because of its similar lipid solubility to caroten-
oids and because of its positive effects on carotenoid colora-
tion in another bird species (yellow-legged gull, Larus
michahellis; Pérez-Rodriguez et al. 2008). For carotenoid
and vitamin E analyses, we vortexed 20 μL thawed plasma
with 200 μL ethanol in a 1.5-mL Eppendorf snap-cap tube and
then added 200 μL 1:1 hexane/tert-butyl methyl ether
(MTBE). The mixture was then vortexed briefly again and
centrifuged for 3 min at 10,000 rpm, at which time we trans-
ferred the supernatant to a 1.5-mL screw-cap Eppendorf tube
and evaporated it to dryness under a stream of nitrogen. We
resuspended the residue in 200 μL HPLC mobile phase (meth-
anol/acetonitrile/dichloromethane, 46:46:8, v/v/v) and injected
50 μL into a Waters Alliance autosampler HPLC (Waters
Corporation, Milford, MA) fitted with a C30, 5 μm Waters
Carotenoid column (250×4.6 mm inner diameter; Waters
Corporation) and a column heater (set at 30 °C). A gradient
solvent system was run as previously described (McGraw
et al. 2006), and carotenoids were identified and quantified
by comparing their retention times and absorbance spectra to
external purified standards. In our field samples, we detected a
more complex and variable mixture of carotenoids (e.g., lu-
tein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, 3-hydroxy-echinenone)
than in our experiments, when birds circulated only lutein
and zeaxanthin in experiment 1 (which were highly positively
intercorrelated within samples; data not shown) as well as the
canthaxanthin we supplemented in experiment 2.
For liver carotenoid analyses in experiment 2, we weighed
a thawed, excised portion of the tissue to the nearest 0.0001 g,
ground the tissue in the presence of 1:1 hexane/MTBE using a
ball grinder (Retsch MM200), and followed the chemical ex-
traction procedures described in Butler and McGraw (2010)
prior to HPLC analyses (as above).
Oxidative stress analysis
Similar to previous studies of songbirds (Pérez-Rodriguez
et al. 2008; Isaksson et al. 2009;Alonso-Alvarezetal.2010;
Giraudeau et al. 2013) and other animals (e.g., Hunnisett et al.
1995;Callawayetal.1998; Oakes and Van Der Kraak 2003;
Almroth et al. 2005), we measured thiobarbituric acid-reactive
substances (TBARS) in plasma as an index of oxidative stress.
We used a miniaturized TBARS assay modified from a com-
mercially available kit (Oxi-Tek TBARS assay kit;
ZeptoMetrix Corp., Buffalo, NY). The TBARS assay quan-
tifies oxidative stress by mainly measuring levels of lipid per-
oxidation (even if other products such as the sialic acid present
in glycoproteins may lead to an overestimation of the lipid
peroxidation Devasagayam et al. 2003), which is a major bio-
marker of oxidative stress in animal tissues. Specifically, this
assay involves the reaction of malondialdehyde (MDA), a
naturally occurring product of lipid peroxidation, with thio-
barbituric acid (TBA) under conditions of high temperature
and acidity to generate an adduct that can be measured by
spectrophotometry. Briefly, 20 μL thawed plasma was mixed
with 20 μL 8.1 % sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 500 μL
TBA buffer reagent. The TBA buffer reagent was prepared by
mixing 50 mg thiobarbituric acid with 10 mL acetic acid and
10 mL NaOH. Samples were then vortexed and incubated at
95 °C in capped tubes for 60 min. Thereafter, the sample was
placed on ice for 10 min and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for
15 min. After centrifugation, the supernatant was removed
and absorbance of the sample was measured in duplicates at
532 nm (Bio-Tek μQuant microplate spectrophotometer).
Sample concentrations from the absorbance averages were
calculated by interpolation from a standard curve of MDA in
concentration from 0 to 100 nmol mL
and are expressed in
nanomoles per milliliter of MDA equivalents.
We used ANOVAs to test or the effects of treatment(s), geo-
graphic location, and their interactions before the start of the
experiment. We used general linear mixed models to test for
the effects of treatment(s), geographic location, time, and their
interactions on all of our variables. We have also included the
individual identity as a random factor in all of these models.
We reduced each full model stepwise by excluding the vari-
able with the highest Pvalue in each step until only P<0.05
predictors remained. Oxidative stress data were log trans-
formed to achieve normality; no transformation could normal-
ize plasma carotenoid, hue, liver carotenoid, and behavioral
data, so we rankerized them (Conover and Iman 1981)before
analyses. Data were analyzed using STATISTICA 6.0 soft-
ware (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK, USA), SYSTAT 12, and R 3.01.
Experiment 1
At capture Urban house finches had significantly higher hue
scores (i.e., were less red; F
=19.60, P<0.0001), higher
body mass (F
=5.40, P= 0.02), and higher concentrations
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970 961
of plasma zeaxanthin (Z=3.49, P=0.0005) and β-
cryptoxanthin (Z=2.91, P=0.004) than desert birds. Desert
males had a higher concentration of plasma 3-hydroxy-
echinenone (the main red plumage carotenoid in house
finches; Inouye et al. 2001) than urban males (Z=3.17, P=
0.02), but similar levels of lutein (P>0.5). Urban birds had
higher levels of oxidative stress (OS) than desert birds (Fig. 2,
=6.36, P=0.01). Urban and desert finches had similar
tarsus lengths (F
=2.71, P=0.104).
Plasmatic levels of carotenoids During the experiment, total
carotenoid levels differed by site (significant site×time inter-
action), with urban birds having higher levels of carotenoids
(Table 1, Fig. 2a). As expected, our carotenoid (CA) treatment
significantly increased total levels of plasma carotenoids dur-
ing the experiment (Table 1,Fig.2a). The carotenoid treat-
ment equally affected birds from the two sites, but the para-
quat treatment differentially impacted desert and urban birds
(Table 1,Fig.2a). Desert birds circulated lower levels of ca-
rotenoids compared to urban birds when they were given para-
quat+carotenoids whereas that was not the case in any other
groups (Table 1,Fig.2a). Finally, we did not find any signif-
icant interaction effects of the two treatments (paraquat and
carotenoid) on total plasma carotenoid concentrations
(Fig. 2a; see online supplementary material and
Supplementary material Fig. 1for the plasma zeaxanthin
Body mass At the start of the experiment, body mass did not
differ between urban and desert birds (F
=0.76, P=0.39)
nor among treatments groups (F
=0.45, P=0.72). Body
mass significantly decreased over time in our experiment
(Table 1, Fig. 2b), though these changes were very small in
magnitude [e.g., CO birds lost only 0.1 g and CA birds lost
0.3 g (CA); on average, this is less than 2 % of total body
mass]. Body mass was not influenced by site or the ca-
rotenoid treatment but was affected by the paraquat treat-
ment (Table 1,Fig.2b). Birds that received paraquat lost
more mass than those from the other treatment groups
(Table 1,Fig.2b); the interactions between site and the
two treatments were not significant. Finally, the time ×
site × treatment carotenoid interaction was significant.
Within the PA group, urban birds lost significantly more
mass than desert birds (F
=7.88, P=0.0016), while in
the BO group, desert birds tended to lose more mass than
urban birds (F
=3.15, P=0.057). Lost more mass than
desert birds when they received Paraquat while the oppo-
site pattern emerged when birds received the Paraquat+
Carotenoid treatment (Table 1).
Oxidative stress The paraquat treatment significantly in-
creased OS levels from beginning to end of the experi-
ment in finches that received the paraquat+carotenoids,
while these levels stayed constant in the other treatment
groups, including the treatment group that received only
paraquat (PA) (Table 1,Fig.2c). We found no effect of
Fig. 2 Effects of paraquat (PA) and carotenoid (CA) administration on a
plasma carotenoid concentrations, bbody mass, and coxidative damages
levels during the first experiment (BO carotenoid +paraquat-
supplemented group, CA carotenoid-supplemented group, CO control
group, PA paraquat-supplemented group). Results are presented with
means (+SE)
962 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970
Tabl e 1 Results of statistical tests examining the effects of geographic location, carotenoid, and paraquat supplementation on various physiological,
behavioral, and morphological variables in house finches during two experiments (experiment 1= winter experiment; experiment 2= molting experiment)
Dependent variables Factors Initial model Reduced model
df F P F P
Experiment 1
Plasma carotenoid levels
Time 2,209 34.77 <0.0001 36.07 <0.0001
Site 1,209 2.80 0.10 2.91 0.09
Carotenoid treatment 1,209 16.82 <0.0001 17.47 <0.0001
Paraquat treatment 1,209 0.0062 0.94 0.065 0.93
Time × site 2,209 6.18 0.002 6.42 0.002
Time×carotenoid treatment 2,209 221.70 <0.0001 230.48 <0.0001
Time×paraquat treatment 2,209 0.95 0.91
Carotenoi paraquat treatment 1,209 0.51 0.60
Site×paraquat treatment 1,209 4.36 0.04 4.53 0.04
Site×carotenoid treatment 1,209 0.11 0.74
Time×site×paraquat treatment 2,209 1.19 0.31
Time×site×carotenoid treatment 2,209 0.0092 0.99
Time×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 2,209 0.23 0.87
Site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,209 0.17 0.68
Time×site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 2,209 0.75 0.48
Body mass
Time 2,209 38.80 <0.0001 38.80 <0.0001
Site 1,209 1.52 0.22 1.52 0.22
Carotenoid treatment 1,209 0.52 0.47 0.52 0.47
Paraquat treatment 1,209 6.76 0.01 6.76 0.01
Time×site 2,209 1.11 0.33
Time×carotenoid treatment 2,209 1.44 0.24 1.35 0.26
Time×paraquat treatment 2,209 5.90 0.003 6.10 0.003
Carotenoi paraquat treatment 1,209 0.35 0.55
Site×paraquat treatment 1,209 0.26 0.61
Site×carotenoid treatment 1,209 0.09 0.77
Time×site×paraquat treatment 2,209 0.56 0.57
Time×site×carotenoid treatment 2,209 4.66 0.01 2.88 0.02
Time×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 2,209 2.88 0.06 2.94 0.06
Site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,209 5.12 0.03 1.45 0.23
Time×site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 2,209 3.06 0.05 1.78 0.13
Eating behavior
Site 1,66 0.01 0.92
Carotenoid treatment 1,66 0.13 0.71
Paraquat treatment 1,66 1.40 0.24
Carotenoi paraquat treatment 1,66 0.21 0.65
Site×carotenoid treatment 1,66 0.49 0.49
Site×paraquat treatment 1,66 0.73 0.40
Site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,66 0.69 0.41
Drinking behavior
Site 1,66 0.45 0.50
Carotenoid treatment 1,66 2.81 0.10
Paraquat treatment 1,66 0.05 0.81
Carotenoi paraquat treatment 1,66 0.77 0.38
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970 963
Tabl e 1 (continued)
Dependent variables Factors Initial model Reduced model
df F P F P
Site×carotenoid treatment 1,66 0.35 0.56
Site×paraquat treatment 1,66 1.22 0.27
Site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,66 0.41 0.53
Site 1,66 1.86 0.18 1.75 0.19
Carotenoid treatment 1,66 0.23 0.64 0.26 0.61
Paraquat treatment 1,66 3.39 0.07 3.58 0.06
Carotenoi paraquat treatment 1,66 3.92 0.06 3.85 0.052
Site×carotenoid treatment 1,66 0.34 0.56
Site×paraquat treatment 1,66 1.40 0.24
Site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,66 0.19 0.66
Oxidative damage
Time 1,113 0.43 0.52 0.41 0.52
Site 1,113 5.03 0.03 5.14 0.03
Carotenoid treatment 1,113 2.43 0.13
Paraquat treatment 1,113 0.37 0.55 0.37 0.54
Time×site 1,113 0.47 0.23
Time×carotenoid treatment 1,113 1.23 0.27
Time×paraquat treatment 1,113 6.31 0.01 5.36 0.02
Carotenoi paraquat treatment 1,113 1.14 0.71
Site×paraquat treatment 1,113 0.80 0.37
Site×carotenoid treatment 1,113 0.39 0.53
Time×site×paraquat treatment 1,113 1.56 0.22
Time×site×carotenoid treatment 1,113 2.60 0.11
Time×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,113 1.26 0.27
Site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,113 0.005 0.94
Time×site×carotenoid×paraquat treatment 1,113 0.05 0.82
Experiment 2
Body mass
Site 1,297 2.91 0.10 2.94 0.09
Time 7,297 6.42 <0.0001 6.66 <0.0001
Paraquat treatment 1,297 0.77 0.38
Time×site 7,297 0.32 0.94
Time×paraquat treatment 7,297 0.43 0.88
Site×paraquat treatment 1,297 0.01 0.99
Time×site×paraquat treatment 7,297 0.49 0.84
Plasma carotenoid levels
Site 1,178 0.02 0.87 0.03 0.87
Time 4,178 15.39 <0.0001 15.37 <0.0001
Paraquat treatment 1,178 2.88 0.10 2.81 0.10
Time×site 4,178 18.30 <0.0001 17.79 <0.0001
Time×paraquat treatment 4,178 0.78 0.54
Site×paraquat treatment 1,178 1.86 0.18
Time×site×paraquat treatment 4,178 0.83 0.51
Carotenoid titers in liver
Site 1,34 3.39 0.07 3.43 0.07
Paraquat treatment 1,34 0.40 0.53 0.58 0.45
964 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970
time or the carotenoid treatment on OS change during the
experiment (Table 1). We found a significant effect of site
on oxidative stress levels (due to the difference of oxida-
tive stress levels at the start of the experiment), but we did
not find a significant effect of the site on the change of
oxidative stress levels during the experiment (time×site
interaction). All interactions involving site and diet treat-
ments were not significant (Table 1).
Behavior Time spent drinking and eating were not influenced
by site, carotenoid treatment, paraquat treatment, or any inter-
actions (Table 1). These results show that the four groups of
birds that received the paraquat treatment (PA and BO in ur-
ban and desert birds) have drunk comparableamounts of para-
quat during this experiment. In addition, these results show
that potential effects of our treatments on body mass, oxida-
tive stress, or circulating carotenoid levels were not due to an
effect of the paraquat treatment on food/water intake.
However, these results should be considered very cautiously
since a post hoc power analysis (alpha level of 0.05) revealed
that the power of detecting an effect of the paraquat treatment
on the time spent eating and drinking were 0.2 and 0.11,
The number of hops per minute was not influenced
by site, carotenoid treatment, and paraquat treatment.
However, among the birds that received carotenoid, the
number of hops tended to be reduced for those who
also received paraquat compared to the birds that did
not receive paraquat, while no effect of the paraquat
treatment was found in birds that have not received
the carotenoid treatment (Table 1).
Experiment 2
At capture Urban and desert house finches had similar hue
scores (F
=2.66, P= 0.11). Desert birds had a higher body
mass at the time of capture than urban birds (F
=5.66, P=
0.02). Urban and desert finches had similar tarsus lengths (F
=0.65, P=0.42) and plasma vitamin E levels (t=1.6, P=
0.12). At capture, urban finches had lower concentrations of
zeaxanthin (t=4.3, P=0.0001) and lutein (t=2.4, P=0.02)
but similar levels of β-cryptoxanthin (Z=0.61, P=0.54)
and β-carotene (Z=0.93, P=0.35).
Plasmatic levels of carotenoids Total carotenoid concentra-
tions differed by site at the beginning of the experiment
=21.40, P<0.0001), with desert finches having a
higher plasma carotenoid concentration than urban birds.
However, total carotenoid levels did not differ among
treatment groups prior to the experiment (F
P=0.98; treatment×site: F
<0.0001, P=0.99). In addi-
tion, lutein and zeaxanthin levels did not differ among
treatment groups prior to the experiment (lutein: treatment:
=0.12, P=0.73; treatment×location: F
=0.20, P=
0.66; zeaxanthin: treatment: F
=0.29, P=0.59; treat-
ment×location: F
1, 40
=0.24, P=0.53).
Tabl e 1 (continued)
Dependent variables Factors Initial model Reduced model
df F P F P
Site×paraquat treatment 1,34 0.55 0.47
Oxidative damage
Site 1,143 0.54 0.47 0.54 0.47
Time 5,143 4.91 <0.001 5.04 <0.001
Paraquat treatment 1,143 0.06 0.81 0.06 0.81
Time×site 5,143 0.73 0.60
Time×paraquat treatment 5,143 1.88 0.10 1.83 0.09
Site×paraquat treatment 1,143 5.83 0.02 5.83 0.02
Time×site×paraquat treatment 5,143 0.62 0.68
Plumage hue
Site 1,64 1.66 0.21 1.63 0.21
Time 1,64 223.76 <0.0001 235.81 <0.0001
Paraquat treatment 1,64 1.23 0.28 1.20 0.28
Time× site 1,64 0.52 0.48
Time×paraquat treatment 1,64 0.35 0.56
Site×paraquat treatment 1,64 0.52 0.48
Time×site×paraquat treatment 1,64 0.12 0.73
Values in bold are statistically significant (P<0.05)
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970 965
During the experiment, total carotenoid levels differed by
site (significant site×time interaction) but not treatment
(Table 1, Fig. 3a). Plasma levels of carotenoids decreased in
desert birds during the first month of the experiment, while
these levels increased in urban birds. This difference is ex-
plained by the fact that desert birds started the experiment with
higher levels of carotenoids. Then, at the end of the experi-
ment, carotenoid levels increased for all the birds, but this
increase was higher in urban birds (Table 1, Fig. 3a). The
interaction between site and treatment did not influence total
carotenoids levels during the experiment (Table 1;see
supplementary material and the supplementary material
Fig. 2for the canthaxanthin results).
Carotenoid titers in liver Total liver carotenoid concentra-
tion was not significantly affected by treatment, but urban
birds (in the BO group) tended to have higher liver carotenoid
levels than desert birds (Table 1, Fig. 3b).
Body mass Desert birds had higher body mass at the start of
the experiment than did urban birds (F
=8.65, P=0.005),
but birds from the different treatment groups did not differ in
mass (F
=0.1,P=0.75). Body mass significantly decreased
over time during the experiment, but did not differ by site or
treatment group (Table 1, Fig. 3c).
Oxidative stress Oxidative damage levels did not differ by
site, but tended to be affected by the paraquat treatment during
the experiment (paraquat treatment×time interaction, Table 1,
Fig. 3d). Oxidative stress increased during the first month of
experiment for CA birds and then decreased during the rest of
the experiment, whereas these levels stayed constant during
the entire experiment for BO birds. In addition, desert birds
that received the paraquat treatment had higher levels of oxi-
dative damage than birds that only received carotenoid (in
July and October), which was not the case for urban birds
(Table 1, Fig. 3d).
Carotenoid-based coloration Similar to numerous studies
where house finches molt in captivity on a generally low-
carotenoid base diet (Hill et al. 2004; Giraudeau et al. 2013),
we found that ornamental plumage was less colorful at the end
of the experiment than at the beginning.We found no effectof
site, paraquat treatment, or the interaction between these two
factors on carotenoid coloration developed during our exper-
iment (Table 1, Fig. 3e).
To better isolate possible carotenoid-specific mechanisms and
differences in urban and desert house finches, we conducted
two common-garden experiments in which we provided
supplemental dietary carotenoid access and performed an oxida-
tive challenge to determine if, under standardized environmental
conditions, urban and desert birds exhibit physiological differ-
ences in carotenoid uptake or use abilities. During experiment 2,
we showed that urban birds circulated higher levels of caroten-
oids and tended to have higher levels of carotenoids in the liver
than deserts birds (when exposed to Paraquat) after 4 months on
the same diet, suggesting that urban birds are better able to extract
carotenoids (canthaxanthin) from food or do not use as many
carotenoids as desert birds for pigmentation, antioxidant action,
or immunomodulation. We also showed during our second ex-
periment that when urban and desert birds are supplemented with
carotenoids, they develop similar plumage color. Taken together,
these results suggest that there are no substantial urban/desert
differences in carotenoid assimilation that could translate into
the site-related plumage color differences we observe locally in
the wild (i.e., desert birds are redder).
We also showed that, compared to urban birds at capture,
desert birds had higher body mass during molt but lower mass
during winter. Similarly, desert finches circulated a lower con-
centration of zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin (but a higher
concentration of 3-hydroxy-echinenone and similar concen-
tration of lutein) in winter but had higher levels of zeaxanthin
and lutein during molt compared to urban birds. Thus, it seems
that desert birds are more colorful than urban birds because of
higher body condition and superior ability to either locate
carotenoid-rich foods or assimilate those carotenoids from
the food during the molt period. These results are in accor-
dance with a recent study showing that rural populations have
higher concentrations of vitamin E and carotenoids in their
liver than urban populations in several bird species (Møller
et al. 2010). Our results on body mass and plasma carotenoids
levels in winter were more unexpected. The dietary availabil-
ity of zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin may decrease in desert
environment in winter while the vegetation present in city
parks or private gardens may provide a higher availability of
these two carotenoids in urban environments. Finally, it
should be noted that the differences of body mass between
urban and desert finches at capture disappeared (before the
start of the first experiment and after 2 weeks during the sec-
ond experiment) when the birds were feeding on the same
food in captivity, strongly suggesting that none of our results
were influenced by these differences in mass at capture.
We also used an oxidative challenge to probe the antioxi-
dant value/use of carotenoids in urban and desert house
finches. Here, patterns of body mass loss during the first ex-
periment revealed one of the few experimental differences we
uncovered between sites, namely that PA treatment induced
more of a mass loss in urban than in desert birds. Because we
failed to find a significant increase in oxidative stress in PA
birds during this experiment, it is difficult to identify the
mechanism behind this difference of mass loss in this treat-
ment group. One possibility is that the urban PA birds may
966 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970
Fig. 3 Effects of paraquat (PA) and carotenoid (CA) administration on a
plasma carotenoid concentrations, bliver carotenoid concentrations, c
body mass, doxidative damages levels in plasma, and ebreast plumage
coloration in urban and desert birds during the second experiment (BO
carotenoid+ paraquat-supplemented group, CA carotenoid-supplemented
group). Results are presented with means (+SE)
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970 967
have been more oxidatively stressed in ways not probed by the
TBARS assay. Another hypothesis is that paraquat treatment
may have had physiological effects other than increasing ox-
idative stress, such as on intestinal absorption (Berny 2007).
However, BO birds did not lose more mass than CO birds,
suggesting that carotenoid supplementation potentially helped
birds avoid any deleterious effect of paraquat treatment on
intestinal absorption.
Our experiment also generally speaks to possible relation-
ships between carotenoids and oxidative stress that are cur-
rently debated in the avian literature (Hartley and Kennedy
2004; Alonso-Alvarez et al. 2004; Isaksson et al. 2005,
2007;Tummelehtetal.2006; Costantini et al. 2007;
Costantini and Møller 2008; Alonso-Alvarez and Galvan
2011). First, the fact that carotenoid levels were consistently
higher in CA birds compared to BO birds during the first
experiment suggests that carotenoids may generally be serv-
ing as antioxidants (hence drained in the system) in animals
subjected to oxidative stress. This is one of the few experi-
mental examples of this phenomenon in a wild-caught bird
(von Schantz et al. 1999;Mølleretal.2000; Krinsky 2001;
Surai 2002;Alonso-Alvarezetal.2004). However, we cannot
rule out the idea that paraquat may have reduced carotenoid
absorption efficiency. The fact that we failed to detect a dif-
ference in plasma carotenoid levels between CA and BO birds
during the second experiment when we gave them canthaxan-
thin suggests that the phenomenon observed during the first
experiment may have a seasonal- and/or carotenoid-specific
Juxtaposed with this result, we found that oxidative
stress levels were significantly increased only by the BO
treatment and not by the PA treatment during the first ex-
periment. It is unclear why the BO treatment would in-
crease oxidative stress more than PA and not have a similar
or increased effect as PA treatment on body mass. At first
glance, one might presume that PA birds showed decreased
food or water intake but our video monitoring data revealed
that there were no significant differences in time spent eat-
ing or drinking across treatment groups. In addition, during
the second experiment, we found that oxidative stress in-
creased during the first month of experiment for CA birds
and then decreased during the rest of the experiment,
whereas these levels stayed constant during the entire ex-
periment for BO birds. One possible idea behind these
contrasting results during both experiments is that caroten-
oids concurrently serve as both antioxidants and pro-oxi-
dants, rescuing some oxidative damage but also serving as
degraded by-products that might also exert direct free-
radical damage. The antioxidant and pro-oxidant actions
of carotenoids have been touted elsewhere (Young and
Lowe 2001; El-Agamey et al. 2004; Siems et al. 2005;
Costantini and Møller 2008), and clearly what is now need-
ed in the avian literature is a good index of carotenoid pro-
oxidant activity to better identify its series of oxidant ef-
fects or more importantly its most dominant effect.
To the best of our knowledge, the idea that carotenoid-
based color reflects individual antioxidant status (von
Schantz et al. 1999) has been experimentally tested only two
times in animals (Isaksson et al. 2007;Alonso-Alvarezand
Galvan 2011). Isaksson et al. (2007) failed to detect any effect
of an oxidative challenge induced by the administration of
paraquat in the drinking water on carotenoid-based color of
great tits. However, Alonso-Alvarez and Galvan (2011)found
that red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) exposed to diquat
during development developed paler carotenoid-based orna-
ments. In our molt experiment, we did not find any effect of
paraquat administration on carotenoid-based coloration, con-
sistent with the results of Isaksson et al. (2007). As proposed
by Alonso-Alvarez and Galvan (2011), these contrasting re-
sults on the effect of an oxidative challenge on carotenoid-
based coloration may be explained by the use of different
methodology (adult vs. growing animals, diquat vs. paraquat)
or by species- or tissue-specific (plumage vs. bare parts) re-
sponses to oxidative challenges. We now need to repeat sim-
ilar experiments in free-ranging animals in order to assess how
an oxidative challenge would affect animal coloration in the
field (i.e., with natural molt conditions and carotenoid intake).
In summary, we uncovered little evidence that urban and
desert birds differ in key carotenoid-accumulation or
oxidative-stress physiological parameters that could explain
geographic variation in carotenoid-based coloration observed
in the wild. Thus, our results strongly suggest that local envi-
ronmental factors (e.g., food availability, plant diversity and
abundance) drive urban/desert differences in carotenoid orna-
mentation in house finches. Finally, we see this complex ca-
rotenoid system in house finches as one that is ideal for exam-
ining the spectrum of antioxidant and prooxidant actions and
benefits in wild animalssomething that has largely been
addressed under artificial/lab settings or in domesticated ani-
mals to date.
Ethical Standards The study was approved by the Arizona State
UniversityInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and it complies
with the current laws of the USA.
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970 Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2015) 69:957970
... To date, research comparing carotenoid-based signals between rural and urban populations has found reduced ornamentation in urban populations of House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus; Hasegawa et al. 2014;Giraudeau et al. 2015Giraudeau et al. , 2018 and Great Tits (Parus major; Grunst et al. 2020). However, urban birds could have more heavily pigmented, enhanced carotenoid-based color if, for example, they have access to carotenoid-rich invasive plants that thrive in disturbed landscapes (Hobbs 2000, Vilà andIbáñez 2011). ...
... Urban habitats may be less stressful for cardinals and/or they may modulate their stress response such that they can more efficiently metabolize and deposit carotenoids in their tissues regardless of availability (Giraudeau et al. 2015). Related to this idea, in a suite of Western Palearctic species, Møller (2009) found that urban birds had a stronger immune response than rural birds, which might free up carotenoids to be deposited in tissue. ...
... To date, research comparing carotenoid-based signals between rural and urban populations has found reduced ornamentation in urban populations of House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus; Hasegawa et al. 2014;Giraudeau et al. 2015Giraudeau et al. , 2018 and Great Tits (Parus major; Grunst et al. 2020). However, urban birds could have more heavily pigmented, enhanced carotenoid-based color if, for example, they have access to carotenoid-rich invasive plants that thrive in disturbed landscapes (Hobbs 2000, Vilà andIbáñez 2011). ...
... Urban habitats may be less stressful for cardinals and/or they may modulate their stress response such that they can more efficiently metabolize and deposit carotenoids in their tissues regardless of availability (Giraudeau et al. 2015). Related to this idea, in a suite of Western Palearctic species, Møller (2009) found that urban birds had a stronger immune response than rural birds, which might free up carotenoids to be deposited in tissue. ...
If humans aim to sustainably coexist with wildlife, we must understand how our activity impacts the communication systems of urban animal populations. We know much about the effects of anthropogenic noise on bird song, but relatively little about how avian visual signals are affected by urbanization. One way such an effect may occur if urbanization alters the food available to species with color based on carotenoids, which they must obtain from their diet. Over three years, we compared a comprehensive suite of visual signals in male and female Northern Cardinals ( Cardinalis cardinals ) in a rural and an urban population. We predicted that urban birds would have enhanced carotenoid-based signals as they likely have access to more carotenoids from invasive plants, especially honeysuckle ( Lonicera spp.), that thrive in cities. We used reflectance spectrometry, digital image analyses, and avian visual models to quantify hue, saturation, and brightness of chest (male), underwing (female), and bill (male and female) signals. Compared to rural males, urban males had redder chest feathers in one year and redder bills in every year. Urban females had more saturated underwing color than rural females in every year. These color differences were sufficient to be distinguished by the avian visual system. Urbanization did not affect female bill color. Interestingly, urban birds had significantly reduced mass-related body condition compared to rural birds. These results show that both male and female urban birds can display enhanced carotenoid-based signals despite being in relatively poor condition. The consequences of this color enhancement are unknown, but it could affect the information content of the signals and the dynamics of the social and mating systems. These results stand in stark contrast to the predominant trend in birds of decreased color in urban areas and highlight the complex and varied potential effects of urbanization on animal communication.
... For example, a study on adult great tits (Parus major) found longer telomeres in urban birds than in rural ones (Salmón et al., 2017), whereas another study on adult blackbirds (Turdus merula) showed the opposite pattern, with shorter telomeres for urban birds (Ibáñez-Álamo et al., 2018). Similarly, many studies in birds have found neutral or low effects of urbanization on oxidative status (Giraudeau and McGraw, 2014;Salmón, Stroh, et al. 2018;Isaksson, 2010) or body condition (Meillère et al., 2015;Bókony et al., 2012) compared to rural habitats, whereas some other studies have shown oxidative stress (Giraudeau et al., 2015;Herrera-Dueñas et al., 2014) or nutritional stress (Liker et al., 2008) associated with urban environments. Some of these physiological differences found between studies are associated with divergences in reaction norm and adaptation of species to environmental conditions (Salmón, Stroh, et al. 2018), but also to differences in the intensity of stressors to which individuals are exposed (Biard et al., 2017;Meillère et al., 2015;Herrera-Dueñas et al., 2014), particularly in the cases of chemical pollution or low vegetation cover surface. ...
Urbanization is characterized by rapid environmental changes such as an increase in building surface, in pollution, or a decrease in invertebrate abundance. For many bird species, morphological and physiological differences have been observed between urban and rural individuals that seem to reflect a negative impact of urban life on the health and fitness of individuals. Studies on passerine birds also showed important differences between populations and species in their responses to the urban environment. We propose to test physiological differences between urban and forest individuals over 3 years to understand whether the observed patterns are constant or subject to variations across years. For this purpose, we assessed the health parameters of adults and fledgling of great tits, Parus major, living in an urban and in a forest site in the Eurometropole of Strasbourg, for three years. Bird health was estimated with morphological parameters (body condition and size) and also with physiological parameters (oxidative status and telomere length). Our results showed lower body condition of urban fledglings regardless of the year, but no site effects on telomere length. On the contrary, for adult breeders, urban individuals had longer telomeres than forest ones except for one year which coincide with bad weather conditions during reproduction where no difference was detected. Urban birds also had higher antioxidant capacity whatever the years. These results suggest that cities act as a filter in which only good quality individuals survive and achieve successful reproduction regardless of year, whereas in the forest the selection occurs only during harsh weather years.
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In some animals, males use colorful ornaments or badges to visually communicate with conspecifics. These traits can be condition‐dependent, suggesting that environmental changes could impact the intensity of male sexual signals. Drastic habitat changes caused by urbanization can act as physiological stressors, potentially affecting male signaling traits through changes to condition or immune function. Here, we quantified the effects of urbanization on ventral patch size and correlates of patch expression, namely body size, body condition, corticosterone concentrations, and ectoparasites in male Western Fence Lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis). We compared three aspects of male ventral color patches between urban and natural populations: area of the throat patch, total area of the paired belly patches, and total area of the black borders of the belly patches. All three area measurements across both habitat types were positively related to body size, and total belly patch area was positively related to body condition, indicating that these traits may signal male competitive ability and/or quality. Males from urban populations had larger throat patches than those from natural populations after controlling for body size. This difference in patch size was associated with a difference in probability of ectoparasite infection, but not with differences in corticosterone concentrations or body condition between urban and natural populations. Our results may indicate an effect of urbanization on immune function affecting male patch expression, although this idea remains untested. Overall, we show that urbanization can impact male sexual traits, which may have repercussions for visual communication in urban environments.
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Brilliant, diverse colour ornaments of birds were one of the crucial cues that led Darwin to the idea of sexual selection. Although avian colouration plays many functions, including concealment, thermoregulation, or advertisement as a distasteful prey, a quality-signalling role in sexual selection has attracted most research attention. Sexually selected ornaments are thought to be more susceptible to external stressors than naturally selected traits, and as such, they might be used as a test for environmental quality. For this reason, the last two decades have seen numerous studies on the impact of anthropogenic pollution on the expression of various avian colour traits. Herein, we provide the first meta-analytical summary of these results and examine whether there is an interaction between the mechanism of colour production (carotenoid-based, melanin-based and structural) and the type of anthropogenic factor (categorised as heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, urbanisation, or other). Following the assumption of heightened condition dependence of ornaments under sexual selection, we also expected the magnitude of effect sizes to be higher in males. The overall effect size was close to significance and negative, supporting a general detrimental impact of anthropogenic pollutants on avian colouration. In contrast to expectations, there was no interaction between pollution types and colour-producing mechanisms. Yet there were significant differences in sensitivity between colour-producing mechanisms, with carotenoid-based colouration being the most affected by anthropogenic environmental disturbances. Moreover, we observed no significant tendency towards heightened sensitivity in males. We identified a publication gap on structural colouration, which, compared to pigment-based colouration, remains markedly understudied and should thus be prioritised in future research. Finally, we call for the unification of methods used in colour quantification in ecological research to ensure comparability of results among studies.
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Urbanization now exposes large portions of the earth to sources of anthropogenic disturbance, driving rapid environmental change and producing novel environments. Changes in selective pressures as a result of urbanization are often associated with phenotypic divergence; however, the generality of phenotypic change remains unclear. In this study, we examined whether morphological phenotypes in two residential species (Carolina Wren [ Thryothorus ludovicianus ] and Northern Cardinal [ Cardinalis cardinalis ]) and two migratory species (Painted Bunting [ Passerina ciris ], and White‐eyed Vireo [ Vireo griseus ]), differed between urban core and edge habitats in San Antonio, Texas, USA. More specifically, we examined whether urbanization, associated sensory pollution (light and noise) and brightness (open, bright areas cause by anthropogenic land use) influenced measures of avian body (mass and frame size) and lateral eye size. We found no differences in body size between urban core and edge habitats for all species except the Painted Bunting, in which core‐urban individuals were smaller. Rather than a direct effect of urbanization, this was due to differences in age structure between habitats, with urban‐core areas consisting of higher proportions of younger buntings which are, on average, smaller than older birds. Residential birds inhabiting urban‐core areas had smaller eyes compared to their urban‐edge counterparts, resulting from a negative association between eye size and light pollution and brightness across study sites; notably, we found no such association in the two migratory species. Our findings demonstrate how urbanization may indirectly influence phenotypes by altering population demographics and highlight the importance of accounting for age when assessing factors driving phenotypic change. We also provide some of the first evidence that birds may adapt to urban environments through changes in their eye morphology, demonstrating the need for future research into relationships among eye size, ambient light microenvironment use, and disassembly of avian communities as a result of urbanization.
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Climate change and urbanisation are among the most pervasive and rapidly growing threats to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and interactions are rarely examined. Predicting species' responses to the combined effects of climate change and urbanisation, therefore, represents a pressing challenge in global change biology. Birds are important model taxa for exploring the impacts of both climate change and urbanisation, and their behaviour and physiology have been well studied in urban and non-urban systems. This understanding should allow interactive effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation to be inferred, yet considerations of these interactions are almost entirely lacking from empirical research. Here, we synthesise our current understanding of the potential mechanisms that could affect how species respond to the combined effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation, with a focus on avian taxa. We discuss potential interactive effects to motivate future in-depth research on this critically important, yet overlooked, aspect of global change biology. Increased temperatures are a pronounced consequence of both urbanisation (through the urban heat island effect) and climate change. The biological impact of this warming in urban and non-urban systems will likely differ in magnitude and direction when interacting with other factors that typically vary between these habitats, such as resource availability (e.g. water, food and microsites) and pollution levels. Furthermore, the nature of such interactions may differ for cities situated in different climate types, for example, tropical, arid, temperate, continental and polar. Within this article, we highlight the potential for interactive effects of climate and urban drivers on the mechanistic responses of birds, identify knowledge gaps and propose promising future research avenues. A deeper understanding of the behavioural and physiological mechanisms mediating species' responses to urbanisation and rising temperatures will provide novel insights into ecology and evolution under global change and may help better predict future population responses.
Le milieu urbain est un milieu artificiel pouvant être contraignant pour la faune sauvage. Chez les espèces qui persistent en ville, des divergences de traits d’histoire de vie, physiologiques et morphologiques sont observées avec les populations non urbaines. Ce travail explore l’impact de l’urbanisation sur la faune sauvage en combinant des approches corrélatives in situ chez la mésange charbonnière (Parus major), et des approches expérimentales ex situ sur le diamant mandarin (Taenopygia guttata), pour comprendre les mécanismes impactant les divergences phénotypiques entre ville et forêt. Les approches in situ un faible succès reproducteur et une meilleure maintenance somatique chez les oiseaux urbains suggérant en partie un rythme de vie plus lent ou l’existence d’un filtre urbain basé sur la qualité des individus. Chez le diamant mandarin les effets de l’exposition à des cocktails de métaux urbain sur la physiologie ont été testés. Des effets toxiques ont été observé sur les télomères, un indicateur de longévité et de survie. Ce travail souligne l’importance d’utiliser les approches in situ et expérimentales de manière conjointe pour appréhender l’ensemble des mécanismes aboutissants aux divergences phénotypiques liées à l’urbanisation
Animals use diverse signal types (e.g. visual, auditory) to honestly advertise their genotypic and/or phenotypic quality to prospective mates or rivals. Behavioural displays and other dynamically updateable signals (e.g. songs, vibrations) can reliably reveal an individual’s quality in real-time, but it is unclear whether more fixed traits like feather colouration, which is often developed months before breeding, still reveal an individual’s quality at the time of signal use. To address this gap, we investigated if various indices of health and condition—including body condition (residual body mass), poxvirus infection, degree of habitat urbanization, and circulating levels of ketones, glucose, vitamins, and carotenoids—were related to the expression of male plumage colouration at the start of the spring breeding season in wild male House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus), a species in which many studies have demonstrated a link between plumage redness and the health and condition of individuals at the time the feathers are grown in late summer and autumn. We found that, at the time of pair formation, plumage hue was correlated with body condition, such that redder males were in better condition (i.e. higher residual mass). Also, as in previous studies, we found that rural males had redder plumage; however, urban males had more saturated plumage. In sum, these results reveal that feather colouration developed long before breeding still can be indicative to choosy mates of a male’s current condition and suggest that females who prefer to mate with redder males may also gain proximate material benefits (e.g. better incubation provisioning) by mating with these individuals in good current condition.
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Natural habitats are increasingly affected by anthropogenically driven environmental changes resulting from habitat destruction, chemical and light pollution, and climate change. Organisms inhabiting such habitats are faced with novel disturbances that can alter their modes of signaling. Coloration is one such sensory modality whose production, perception and function is being affected by human-induced disturbances. Animals that acquire pigment derivatives through diet are adversely impacted by the introduction of chemical pollutants into their environments as well as by general loss of natural habitat due to urbanization or logging leading to declines in pigment sources. Those species that do manage to produce color-based signals and displays may face disruptions to their signaling medium in the form of light pollution and turbidity. Furthermore, forest fragmentation and the resulting breaks in canopy cover can expose animals to predation due to the influx of light into previously dark environments. Global climate warming has been decreasing snow cover in arctic regions, causing birds and mammals that undergo seasonal molts to appear conspicuous against a snowless background. Ectotherms that rely on color for thermoregulation are under pressure to change their appearances. Rapid changes in habitat type through severe fire events or coral bleaching also challenge animals to match their backgrounds. Through this review, we aim to describe the wide-ranging impacts of anthropogenic environmental changes on visual ecology and suggest directions for the use of coloration both as an indicator of ecological change and as a tool for conservation.
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Rapid urbanization has become an area of crucial concern in conservation owing to the radical changes in habitat structure and loss of species engendered by urban and suburban development. Here, we draw on recent mechanistic ecological studies to argue that, in addition to altered habitat structure, three major processes contribute to the patterns of reduced species diversity and elevated abundance of many species in urban environments. These activities, in turn, lead to changes in animal behavior, morphology and genetics, as well as in selection pressures on animals and plants. Thus, the key to understanding urban patterns is to balance studying processes at the individual level with an integrated examination of environmental forces at the ecosystem scale.
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A variety of observations indicate that the carotenoid-based coloration of male House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) is an honest signal of quality. Plumage redness in this species positively reveals male nutritional condition, over-winter survival, and nest attentiveness. As a result, in the breeding season, male House Finches with brighter ornamental plumage are preferred by females as social mates over males with drabber plumage. In the nonbreeding season, however, bright red plumage does not seem to confer an advantage in aggressive interactions, as males with drabber plumage tend to dominate males with brighter plumage. We investigated this apparent paradox by conducting a breeding-season dominance experiment using captive males. We paired unfamiliar males of contrasting plumage brightness in a series of dominance trials during the breeding season and found that drabber males were dominant to brighter males in competition for access to food. Furthermore, in two captive flocks of males, plumage brightness was significantly negatively associated with social dominance. Although we have no conclusive evidence to explain why drab male House Finches are dominant to bright males throughout the year, we believe that motivational asymmetry may contribute to the observed negative correlation between signal intensity and signaler quality ('negatively correlated handicap'). Drab males may be more willing to compete for access to food or to females than are bright males because of the nutritional and/or mating disadvantages from which they suffer.
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Parasites are widely assumed to cause reduced expression of ornamental plumage coloration, but few experimental studies have tested this hypothesis. We captured young male house finches Carpodacus mexicanus in Alabama before fall molt and randomly divided them into two groups. One group was infected with the bacterial pathogen Mycoplasma gallicepticum (MG) and the other group was maintained free of MG infection. All birds were maintained through molt on a diet of seeds with tangerine juice added to their water as a source of β-cryptoxanthin, the natural precursor to the primary red carotenoid pigment in house finch plumage. All males grew drab plumage, but males with MG infection grew feathers that were significantly less red (more yellow), less saturated, and less bright than males that were not infected. MG targets upper respiratory and ocular tissue. Our observations show that a pathogen that does not directly disrupt carotenoid absorption or transportation can still have a significant effect on carotenoid utilization.
Like males of many bird species, male House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) have patches of feathers with ornamental coloration that are due to carotenoid pigments. Within populations, male House Finches vary in expression of ornamental coloration from pale yellow to bright red, which previous research suggested was the result of variation in types and amounts of carotenoid pigments deposited in feathers. Here we used improved analytical techniques to describe types and amounts of carotenoid pigments present in that plumage. We then used those data to make comparisons of carotenoid composition of feathers of male House Finches at three levels: among individual males with different plumage hue and saturation, between age groups of males from the same population, and between males from two subspecies that differ in extent of ventral carotenoid pigmentation (patch size): large-patched C. m. frontalis from coastal California and small-patched C. m. griscomi from Guerrero, Mexico. In all age groups and populations, the ornamental plumage coloration of male House Finches resulted from the same 13 carotenoid pigments, with 3-hydroxy echinenone and lutein being the most abundant carotenoid pigments. The composition of carotenoids in feathers suggested that House Finches are capable of metabolic transformation of dietary forms of carotenoids. The hue of male plumage depended on component carotenoids, their relative concentrations, and total concentration of all carotenoids. Most 4-keto (red) carotenoids were positively correlated with plumage redness, and most yellow carotenoid pigments were negatively associated with plumage redness, although the strength of the relationship for specific carotenoid pigments varied among age groups and subspecies. Using age and subspecies as factors and concentration of each component carotenoid as dependent variables in a MANOVA, we found a distinctive pigment profile for each age group within each subspecies. Among frontalis males, hatch-year birds did not differ from adults in mean plumage hue, but they had a significantly lower proportion of red pigments in their plumage, and significantly lower levels of the red piments adonirubin and astaxanthin, but significantly higher levels of the yellow pigment zeaxanthin, than adult males. Among griscomi males, hatch-year birds differed from adults in plumage hue but not significantly in pigment composition, though in general their feathers had lower concentrations of red pigments and higher concentrations of yellow pigments than adult males. Both adult and hatch-year frontalis males differed from griscomi males in having significantly higher levels of most yellow carotenoid pigments and significantly lower levels of most red carotenoid pigments. Variation in pigment profiles of subspecies and age classes may reflect differences among the groups in carotenoid metabolism, in dietary access to carotenoids, or in exposure to environmental factors, such as parasites, that may affect pigmentation.
A variety of observations indicate that the carotenoid-based coloration of male House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) is an honest signal of quality. Plumage redness in this species positively reveals male nutritional condition, over-winter survival, and nest attentiveness. As a result, in the breeding season, male House Finches with brighter ornamental plumage are preferred by females as social mates over males with drabber plumage. In the nonbreeding season, however, bright red plumage does not seem to confer an advantage in aggressive interactions, as males with drabber plumage tend to dominate males with brighter plumage. We investigated this apparent paradox by conducting a breeding-season dominance experiment using captive males. We paired unfamiliar males of contrasting plumage brightness in a series of dominance trials during the breeding season and found that drabber males were dominant to brighter males in competition for access to food. Furthermore, in two captive flocks of males, plumage brightness was significantly negatively associated with social dominance. Although we have no conclusive evidence to explain why drab male House Finches are dominant to bright males throughout the year, we believe that motivational asymmetry may contribute to the observed negative correlation between signal intensity and signaler quality (“negatively correlated handicap”). Drab males may be more willing to compete for access to food or to females than are bright males because of the nutritional and/or mating disadvantages from which they suffer.
The House Finch is among the most mundane birds, so ubiquitous and familiar across the U.S. and Canada that it does not rate a glance from most bird enthusiasts. But males have carotenoid-based plumage coloration that varies markedly among individuals, making the House Finch a model species for studies of the function and evolution of colorful plumage. In more depth and detail than has been attempted for any species of bird, this book takes a tour of the hows and whys of ornamental plumage coloration. The book begins by reviewing the history of the study of colorful plumage, which began in earnest with the debates of Darwin and Wallace but which was largely forgotten by the middle of the 20th century. Documenting the extensive plumage variation among males both within and between populations of House Finches, the book explores the mechanisms behind plumage variation and looks at the fitness consequences of condition-dependent ornament display for both males and females. The book concludes by examining the processes by which carotenoid-based ornamental coloration may have evolved.
Human populations are increasing and becoming predominantly urban. Resulting land cover changes reduce, perforate, isolate, and degrade bird habitat on local and global scales. I review: 1) urbanization of the Earth, and 2) published studies of bird responses to human settlement, and then: 3) suggest how and why birds respond to settlement. In a slight majority of studies, bird density increased, but richness and evenness decreased in response to urbanization. The most consistent effects of increasing settlement were increases in non-native species of birds, increases in birds able to nest on buildings (esp. swifts and swallows), increases in nest predation, and decreases in interior- and ground-nesting species. Effects of urbanization on hawks, owls, and cavity nesters were less consistent, in part being dependent on the surrounding habitat. The factors favoring species in urbanizing areas appear simpler than those reducing species. Increased availability of food was primary among factors benefiting species; predator reduction, reduced human persecution, and habitat enhancement were less important. Decreased habitat availability, reduced patch size, increased edge, increased non-native vegetation, decreased vegetative complexity, and increased nest predation were commonly associated with bird declines in response to human settlement. Urban planners and policy makers can profoundly affect how and where cities grow. Avian ecologists can help inform these important decisions by: 1) quantifying how the pattern of settlement affects birds and 2) understanding how bird populations and resulting communities change along entire gradients of urbanization.